
In_digo's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 305 posts (345 including aliases). 3 reviews. 5 lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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Best Scupts yet, Just fix the Packaging!


These are probably the most impressive miniatures Paizo has put out yet. If you keep improving your miniatures, you're going to make your older sets look drab! ;)
The elementals were by far my favourites in this set. I love the poses, I love the paint job. I also love that they released one of each core medium sized elemental and one of each core large sized elemental, instead of spreading them over multiple releases.
Another comment I'd like to make is the dramatic difference between rares and Uncommon/Commons in this set. Paizo definitely got their count right with this set!

Out of 2 Cases, I got 4 breakages in total. 2 Medium Air elementals that pooped of their bases, a wyvern that popped off its base, and a Koriah Azmeren who lost an arm (Boyfriend glued it back on for me. What a nice guy).

I'm just going to repeat suggestions I've heard that I think are great for preventing breakages in the future:

1. Twist tie ALL the larges into place.
2. Consider putting a 'barrier' between the large and medium/small miniatures in the package

One last thing I'd like to mention: I'm not sure how so many people are getting breakages AFTER they get their miniatures. In the time I've used Pathfinder Battles miniatures (Since the release of The 4 piece Iconic pack) I have had a total of one breakage (Seoni lost an arm after I decided to bring her to a PFS game for another player. Had it coming). Granted, I am also more careful with the fragile pieces (succubus with wings, skeletons, etc). I also make a point not to play in concrete floored areas or places where dropping them could break them.
So personally, I DON'T want Paizo to sacrifice detail for more durability. I don't need my miniatures to be DDM bendy.

I can't wait to see the releases for the next set. I'm sure they're just going to blow us away :)

Here's the breakdown of my 2 cases combined:
(7) Caedimus
(6) Portioque
(7) Mite
(8) Grub Swarm
(9) Boggard
(9) Clockwork Soldier
(9) Tower Girl
(8) Shadow Hound
(8) Xulgath
(6) Medium Air Elemental
(7) Medium Earth Elemental
(6) Medium Fire Elemental
(6) Hell Hound
(6) Pallid Path Cultist
(6) Medium Water Elemental
(6) Mummy Cleric
(5) Caulborn
(5) Catfolk Rogue
(5) Cleric of Zon-Kuthon
(5) Caryatid Column
(5) Gray Maiden
(5) Ravenous Ooze
(5) Hound of Tindalos
(5) Mite on Spider
(5) Nightgaunt
(4) Shriezyx
(5) Skeletal Champion
(4) Night Hag
(6) Guiltspur Naga
(5) Gug
(6) Hill Giant
(6) Fire Giant
(5) Glass Golem
(6) Iron Golem
(5) Wyvern
(5) Troll Champion
(6) Wrath Demon
(2) Lem, Halfling Bard
(2) Amiri, Human Barbarian
(2) Ardathanatus
(2) Koriah Azmeren
(2) Natalya Vankaskerkin
(2) Xin
(2) Gray Maiden Commander
(2) Runelord Sorshen
(2) Shiela Heidmarch
(2) Mesmalatu
(2) Alchemical Golem
(2) Clockwork Reliquary
(2) Dullahan
(2) Large Air Elemental
(2) Large Earth Elemental
(2) Large Fire Elemental
(2) Large Water Elemental

I also Ordered 2 Gargantuan Blue Dragons, Which showed up completely fine.

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Templates we've been missing


I bought this specifically to get my hands on the Blighted Fey and Mana Wastes Mutant templates, and I love them. I've been frustrated at the lack of "fey gone evil" options I had, and now I've got them!
I love that the monsters in this bestiary are versatile enough to use them with the Golarion flavour or as monsters in a homebrew setting. You can bet my players are going to be running into some monkey goblins or water wraiths soon ;)

Our Price: $4.50


Necessary to the Collection


My boyfriend and I practically drooled over these elemental miniatures. Not only do they all look amazing, they also filled up a huge gap in our collection.
I see a LOT of elemental encounters in the future!

Necessary to the Collection


My boyfriend and I practically drooled over these elemental miniatures. Not only do they all look amazing, they also filled up a huge gap in our collection.
I see a LOT of elemental encounters in the future!

Necessary to the Collection


My boyfriend and I practically drooled over these elemental miniatures. Not only do they all look amazing, they also filled up a huge gap in our collection.
I see a LOT of elemental encounters in the future!

Necessary to the Collection


My boyfriend and I practically drooled over these elemental miniatures. Not only do they all look amazing, they also filled up a huge gap in our collection.
I see a LOT of elemental encounters in the future!

Necessary to the Collection


My boyfriend and I practically drooled over these elemental miniatures. Not only do they all look amazing, they also filled up a huge gap in our collection.
I see a LOT of elemental encounters in the future!

Necessary to the Collection


My boyfriend and I practically drooled over these elemental miniatures. Not only do they all look amazing, they also filled up a huge gap in our collection.
I see a LOT of elemental encounters in the future!

Necessary to the Collection


My boyfriend and I practically drooled over these elemental miniatures. Not only do they all look amazing, they also filled up a huge gap in our collection.
I see a LOT of elemental encounters in the future!

Necessary to the Collection


My boyfriend and I practically drooled over these elemental miniatures. Not only do they all look amazing, they also filled up a huge gap in our collection.
I see a LOT of elemental encounters in the future!


I was incredibly happy with the case we received!

My favourite miniature was the Venomous Snake - and I noticed someone complained about the vibrance of the colour. What I don't think people realise is that there are actually snakes with this exact same pattern and colour (google South Amierican Red Pipesnake, or Eastern Tigersnake), which is why I enjoy the mini so much.
The Heroes were awesome for us. We play with a group of over 50% females (4 females to 3 males), and it's nice to have female miniatures to play with that aren't scantily clad Wood Elf Skirmishers :) Also props to Paizo for deciding to create female characters that are coloured! We actually have an ethnic group, and I'm sure our players will really appreciate having more of a selection :D

We were lucky and received a lot of skeletons, goblins and zombies (unfortunately at the price of fewer wolves and Lizardfolk, but at least my boyfriend was happy with the result) and we used these to beef up our collection.
I actually ended up replacing all our D&D Goblins with the PF ones. I like the "Aww, so cute- %^@#$^@# ITS EATING MY FACE" feel they give.
I was at first a bit impartial to the lizardfolk miniature, only because I find it hard to take a monster seriously when it's choice weapon is a Trident (personal preference). But after closer examination, I was really impressed with the monster itself. I love the narrow snout and beady eyes, it really makes the miniature more unsettling.

The only miniatures I wasn't a fan of - and trust me, I tried to be- were the orcs. They just felt too cartoony for me. I'm not sure if it's the mold or the colours or a combination of both, but they just don't seem to resonate the same dark and savage feeling that the D&D minis do IMO. Oh well, maybe they will grow on me.
Last issue I had with the pack, one of the Lizardfolk came with a slightly detached arm. Luckily it wasn't a break (looked more like it was just not fully glued properly), so it should be an easy fix.

Pose works well


This mini is great, I really like the pose. It gives the weasel a bit of a 'snake' feel (which works great for a fiendish weasel).

Not the Best Orc Mini...


I find this version of an Orc a little dopey and cartoony... not to mention he looks too civilized compared to the other miniatures.