Desperate Hunger Cultist

ograx's page

Organized Play Member. 329 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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I have a summoner player with an Eidolon that has failed a few saving throws for a disease and is about to die.

Do effects from diseases or death or being unconscious effect the summoner if it is afflicting the Eidolon?

If it doesn't effect the summoner what happens to the eidolon when it dies from a disease? Does it just disappear like regular damage then reappear when summoned?

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I'd love to see some Paizo children's books.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I love these little kind of addition you guys do. Adds so much to the world and game.

Returning to bi-monthly?

Is Starfinder not doing well sales wise?

Well I've officially made myself a table tv for my home group but am finding the .pdf maps to be of such a low quality due to the resolution that they I can't even really use them. I experienced the same problem using them in a VTT but the problem is way worse for the table tv.

My old method was to print the .pdf maps and sticky tack them to table but that was taking forever and I thought this would help the maps look better. Other maps I have from 3rd party companies look fine but the Paizo ones even though the art looks great in the book once it gets put on table and gridded for 1" is just not pleasing to the eye.

Is there any way to get these maps in a higher resolution? Do the artists post somewhere in an art source?? I can't imagine they are actually drawn at this resolution.

The interactive maps are just as bad.

I would be willing to pay more for .pdfs if they had a higher quality map if cost is the issue why they don't have higher res version.

I hope these products are popular because I love them, however we need new sets.

The 3 base sets keep getting expansions and Starfinder is getting a base set but still no new sets on the horizon.

I’d love to see the gamut of these. Tundra,Jungle,First World,etc.

Whatever Paizo makes for these I will buy.

Do you guys buy these?


I forgot to add the 10% off code to this order when I ordered a week ago. Emailed customer service about it. Not a huge deal but just wondering why order hasn’t shipped yet?

Was placed on 15th.

Thank you!

Does everything with the "Magic" keyword need to be identified now?

Even potions have the tag so I'm just wondering what exactly needs to be identified or is it just everything with the magic keyword?

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Using the avoid notice exploration activity allows character/s to roll stealth for initiative but without there being a surprise round sneaking up on an enemy can actually be a worse tactic in that characters can't really get a free action or round and are forced to roll stealth which for most characters isn't the better option.

Is there something in the rules I am missing as to why sneaking up on an enemy as a party successfully doesn't really do anything good for most of them and can even be a negative for some party members?

Would the sneak action through the stealth skill give a free attack?

As title says does any XP carry over??

Its not anywhere in the rules I can find other than when you reach 1000 to go back to zero.

What are you guys playing as?

I can see being at 940 XP and gaining 80 XP just going back to zero as the carry over with new APL and stuff making it less XP but what about something like 980 XP then 160 XP gain??

We are going to do the Age of Ashes XP and I'm planning on allowing no carry over whatsoever but wanted to hear some thoughts.

Resolve at level 17 is showing as something on my Sorcerer specific character sheet that a Sorcerer should receive but isn't showing up in the CRB.

This gives Sorcerers Master level will saves and critical successes for will saves instead of successes.

Which is correct? ( Was it left out of CRB and forgotten to be removed from Char Sheet or the other way around)

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So reading over the book a few times I'm a little confused about searching and finding hazards and secret doors and the likes.

It says every character gets a free secret check to find hazards that do not require a certain proficiency.

If the characters are using exploration tactics other than search can they still get free check?

I really like these rules because they make traps RAW actually work nicely for the first time in history just want to make sure I am getting it right.

My thinking is that players using exploration tactics other than search do not qualify for the free check because they are busy with other stuff.

Is the Advanced screen going to be portrait or landscape or both?

Personally I'd love to see both and I do love my 2E landscape screen as I'm not as hidden behind the screen and can better engage my players.

Are we going to be seeing more of the modules and have them revitalized or is Plaguestone a one-off kind of deal and modules going back to being few and far between?

Finished watching all the Paizocon videos and the one group of products that didn't seem to be touched on at all are the support products.

Are we getting more Flip-tiles?



Any changes in these product lines?

Flip Tiles have to be my biggest want for support products and would love to see caverns,deserts,tundra etc. for the line.

I haven’t really seen any reviews on this product and I know there have been quite a few who have now tried the finished product. ( I did listen to the knowdirection review)

What are your guys final thoughts now on this?

Major improvements since playtest?

What did you like?

What didn’t you like?

Is it going on the right direction?

Developers please feel free to throw your thoughts in as well.

I’m already down for every product on release and 3x of limited core rulebooks so I’m confident to say the least.

( Only looking for opinions on this from everyone involved, please leave debates and conflicts to other threads. Thanks.)

Had an issue with a player using greater invisibility last night.

He is under the impression he can cast spells or shoot a gun while he is under this effect and that the enemies must beat a Perception vs Stealth check to detect him.

Since he is invisible but is not immobile he gets +20 plus his stealth bonus + a roll to determine his check that the enemy needs to meet to locate him.

I chose to treat it as a set DC that the enemy needed to meet since he was either casting spells from a square or shooting his gun and not moving.

How do you guys handle this???

What kind of check or roll do you do??

The rules are little bit contradicting or not worded the greatest and I see where he is coming from because it says in the stealth skill to play it like he said but it also says perception checks vs actions made in other parts.


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How do you guys feel about these modes?

Personally as someone who likes to have rules for everything I love them.

Do you think they will be incorporated into the AP's and Modules or end up just being a rules system that is used in homebrews?

I really hope they put them into the AP's and use them in unique and diffrerent ways to show off the system.

Just announced that Starfinder will be added to WizKids line of preprinted miniatures in blind packaging.

Is the players guide going to come out before the release or day of or after 2E releases?

I tried searching a little bit but couldn't find anything on it.

If a trick attack is successful on the trick but the attack misses is the effect from the trick still applied to the enemy?

IE if I use trick attack and apply flat footed on a successful trick but miss the attack roll and my operative has the ability to have the flat footed condition last for one round does it actually last the round or is it negated because of the missed attack?

We’ve always played it that the condition continues but I see other people playing it differently now.

This is a question for the development team as I know they read these boards.

Is there any plan in 2E for adventures and modules to use the flip mats and tiles for maps in the products instead of using custom maps in the APs only?

I've been using alot of Undead in my current story arc and I'm finding the Mystic is really hampered by the Undead Immunities. I know there is a feat for using the healing channel to damage them but not being able to Mind Thrust or use a majority of the spells he has I feel is starting to be a little annoying for him. I know there is quite a bit of others monsters,robots,etc. that have the same hindrance for him but since the Undead are going to be a fairly common enemy for quite awhile I'd like to know what you guys think would be best for him to maybe take for spells or feats?

He is a level 9 Mindbreaker Mystic. I'm not 100% on which spells exactly he has but I know the only one he has been able to use so far on the Undead is Slow.

In the core rulebook there is a bit of conflicting information whether armour protects the use from heat,cold etc.

Does armour that isn't out of charges for its proper functioning completely protect the wearer from enviromental effects?

Is it worth having the 3 softcover books of the damned or is all the info contained in the larger hardback?

Debating whether to purchase these and I already have the hardcover.

Is it worth having the 3 softcover books of the damned or is all the info contained in the larger hardback?

Debating whether to purchase these and I already have the hardcover.

Was looking at placing an order as the only place I can get the Emerald Spire map pack is directly from Paizo but I live in Canada and have a few questions.

1. Will I have to pay duties and taxes on top of Paizo cost and shipping?
2. Why does shipping to Canada for the cheapest option cost almost 30$? With exchange rate that’s like 40$ for the least expensive option. ( I haven’t ordered from USA from awhile but last time I ordered a map pack it was like 8$.
3. Is Paizo ever going to have a Canadian priced shipping hub or the likes? ( A lot of companies had separate Canadian websites nowadays with the .ca web address and I love that they do that now)

I see they have these available for pre-order now and I am wondering if the pawns and map in this product are unique to it or if they are just stuff from previous products. Either way I'm buying it but if it's reused stuff its just going on display on top of a bookshelf.

Just finished a session and used the Syrinscape program in it for the first time. It was quite the addition and I really hope they continue to make Starfinder based soundsets for it. I bought the complete subscription which gives you access to all fantasy and sci-fi soundsets for 10$ a month.

I had 4 high end speakers sitting around and decided to add them to my game room this weekend as well as purchase a new stereo receiver for the purpose of adding sound to my games.

It has everything from environmental sounds to starship sounds and my players loved it. I definitely recommend everyone at least give it a shot if you are set up to use it in your games somehow with the ability to play off some kinf of sound set-up. Its a free trial anyways.

I'm holding back on a full review of the system til we have a few more sessions under our belt but I'm liking what I see so far.


Is there a synopsis for the scoured stars multi-table event? I run a 6-7 player group and purchase the society missions for us to play but am at an impasse due to not meeting the requirements for running the scoured stars. We are about to start the missions directly after the scoured stars but have a huge hole in the story where the scoured star even happens. How do I go about handling this? I do not live in an area that has any organized play within a 200 KM radius.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Can you trick attack a swarm? I know they are immune to the effects like flat footed,bleeding etc. but am wondering about the extra damage?

For a NPC successful trick attack do you add the full CR to the the damage roll or just half of it like a player would for the specialization from weapon?

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Are drugs legal in the pact worlds?

I can't really find any information on the actual legality in any of the books of drugs.

The aasimar for his stat boost only has +2 to charisma listed. Is this supposed to be +4 maybe?

I’m liking the alien archive but I’m finding quite a bit of stuff I think should’ve been caught by quality assurance testing.

You guys have posted most of this so I’m not going to repeat but the aasimar issue hasn’t been posted.

Is there any word on new books after Alien Archive 2?

Also, why is it such a long wait after the book is out that the pawns get released if anyone knows? (It has usually been month after)


Where are the rules for weaknesses and immunities locates? Or are these listings in the stat blocks for future reference? I haven’t been able to locate this info in any of the books.


I am running across quite a few enemies/NPC's that have RP but no ability to use RP. Is this meant to give them the ability to stabilize/recover like PC's or is there another reason behind it?

7 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

If I have level 1 mystic who took 10 damage who uses share pain as a reaction and the creature fails will save how much damage does the creature take back as damage from share pain? The wording makes it ifffy in my eyes how rhte damage works. It’s either 1 or 9 which is a huge difference!

Is it possible for the maps the maps that the AP's use to be made available without the DM markings and available as a download? Like how the SF society modules at the end have a blank map that can be resized and printed.

I can do the resizing myself but I have no clue how to take the markings out or if its even possible.

I have the Bestiary boxes plus the monster codex but am looking to buy the rest of the pawns which I do not own which is about 15 sets.

Is there alot of repeats throughtout the products or are they fairly unique products?

AC = 10 + the pilot’s ranks in the Piloting skill + the ship’s
armor bonus + modifier based on the ship’s size + bonuses
and penalties from successful or failed stunts and actions

For the pilot ranks portion of this equation is this just the actual ranks put in piloting skill or ranks plus trained bonus plus the dex bonus of the full amount of actual piloting skill?


I am finding that the difficulty with 4 players and not using the scale downs in the adventures is still way too easy for the most part combat wise. The skill challenges and other parts seem right on par and are challenging for my players but the actual combat encounters seem to be a breeze and my players are starting to sense that. I am going to start upping HP and some other things myself but I think it would be nice just like there is scaledowns if there was some kind of increased difficulty options for combat encounters.

Organized Play Characters

Sovereign Court Koraq Dragonclaw

Male Half-orc Urban Barbarian 1/Blood Conduit 1/ Martial Artist 11 HP: 112/112 AC:26 (29)* Touch: 25 FF: 22 (25)* F/R/W: +16/+13/+13 CMD: 41 Percep: +19 Init: +5 Controlled Rage: 10/10 Bloodrage 7/7 Stunnning Fist 18/18 Elemental Fist 11/11 (235 posts)
Shadowcount Sial
Silver Crusade Cadaeacus

Male Aasimar Cleric (Separatist) of Pharamsa 5/ Envoy of Balance 4 | HP 56/56 | AC 18 | T 11 | FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +8 | Init +1 | Perc +10 | Sense Motive +7 Channel 7/8, Recall 4/6, Defense Aura 1/1 (70 posts)
Lizardfolk Sorcerer
Dark Archive Tsutanaga of the Thunder Tribes

HP: 14/14 AC: 19 Touch: 13 FF: 16 F/R/W: +1/+7/+3 CMD: 16 Percep: +5, darkvision Init: +3
Nagaji Unchained Summoner/2 HP: 20/20 AC:19 Touch: 12 FF: 17 F/R/W: +2/+2/+3 CMD: 16 Percep: +7 Init: +2 (27 posts)
Sovereign Court Oriandor Coronalis

Male Tiefling Magus 4/ Rogue (Unchained) 3 HP: 45/45 AC:21 Touch: 14 FF: 17 F/R/W: +6/+9/+5 CMD: 19 Percep: +9 Init: +4 Arcane Pool: 8/8 (296 posts)
Baron Galdur Vendikon
Dark Archive Mathias Kelythis

Human (Chelish) Wizard (Transmuter-Enhancement) 5 / Hellknight Signifier 2 HP: 58/58 AC: 22 F/R/W: +5/+5/+5 CMB: +4 CMD: 17 Perception: -1 Augment: 7/7 (231 posts)
Scarab Sages Ash Crane

M Tengu Elemental Ascetic (Kineticist) 7 HP: 66/66 AC:22 Touch: 22 FF: 16 F/R/W: +8/+11/+7 CMD: 27 Percep: +13 Init: +5 Burn: 0 (50 posts)
The Exchange Turk Thundershield

M Dwarf Guntank 10 HP: 84/84 AC:27 Touch: 15 FF: 20 F/R/W: +9/+12/+7 (+2 on saves vs poison, +4 on saves vs spells) CMD: 26 Percep: +15 Init: +7 Grit: 4/4 (0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Theodore Cornwallis

Halfling Huntmaster (0 posts)
Jamus Hainard
Silver Crusade Cornelius Bunbury

M Halfling Hospitalier with Oath of Charity 8 HP: 48/60 AC:25 Touch: 17 FF: 21 F/R/W: +12/+11/+13 CMD: 24 Percep: +10 Init: +4 Charitable Hands 7/9 Smite Evil 2/2 Channel 7/8 Adaptable Luck 2/3 (76 posts)
Liberty's Edge Telemachus of the Dawn Eagle

M Aasimar (Garuda-blood) Divine Hunter (Hunter) / 5 (0 posts)
Grand Lodge Saitama

M Human Iroran Paladin 4 HP: 36/36 AC:18 Touch: 14 FF: 14 F/R/W: +8/+5/+6 CMD: 22 Percep: +1 Init: +2 Personal Challenge 2/2 Lay on Hands 4/4 (311 posts)
The Exchange Sritaro of the Thunder Tribes

HP: 27/27 AC: 22 Touch: 13 FF: 19 F/R/W: +3/+6/+4 CMD: 18 Percep: +7, scent Init: +3
Nagaji Barbarian (Elemental Kin/Mad Dog) 5 HP: 50/50 AC:19 Touch: 12 FF: 17 F/R/W: +7/+3/+3 CMD: 19 Percep: +10 Init: +2 Rage 11/11 (306 posts)
Scarab Sages Vassago Ilsidore

M Ifrit Overwhelming Soul (Kineticist) 7 | HP 52/52 | AC 23 T 14 FF 21 | F +7 R +10 W +4 | Init +8 | Perc +10 | Diplomacy +14 (661 posts)
Liberty's Edge The Dandy Hobo

M Human? (Kitsune) Mysterious Avenger 2/ Lore Warden 1 HP: 25/25 AC 18 Touch 13 FF 15 F/R/W +3/+6/+1 CMD 16 Init +4 Perception +6 Panache 3/3 (150 posts)
Grand Lodge The Scratcher

M Human Snakebite Striker 2/Warpriest 4 HP 54/54 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 F/R/W: +10/+8/+7 Init: +3 Perception: +11 Blessings 5/5 (282 posts)

Scarab Sages Elgin Yelwyn

M Elf Unlettered School Savant Arcanist 1 (0 posts)
The Exchange 'Havoc' Nareth

M Human Lore Warden 2/ Card Caster Staff Magus 3 HP: 36/36 AC:20 Touch: 15 FF: 15 F/R/W: +8/+5/+3 CMD: 20 Percep: +1 Init: +4 Arcane Pool 5/5 (33 posts)
Local Celebrity
Liberty's Edge Carson Williams

M Tengu Invulnerable Rager (Barb-Unch) 1/Unbreakable (Fighter) 1 HP: 23/23 AC:18 Touch: 13 FF: 15 F/R/W: +6/+2/+1 CMD: 17 Percep: +8 Init: +2 Rage: 9/9 (109 posts)
Larur Feldin
Grand Lodge Bargus Highbrew

M LM Dwarf Drunken Qinggong Ouat Sensei 5 HP: 43/43 Init: +2 AC: 18 (22 w/ Mage Armor) Touch: 18 FF: 16 (20 w/ Mage Armor) F/R/W: +7/+6/+8 CMD: 21 Percep: +9 Sense Motive: +9 Advice: 8/8 Awaken Divinity: 4/4 Drunken Ki: 1 Ki Pool: 7/7 (72 posts)
Dwarven Rager
Grand Lodge Arkath of Mwangi

HP: 20/20 AC: 21 Touch: 15 FF: 17 F/R/W: +5/+7/+2 CMD: 16 Percep: +5, scent Init: +4
Dwarf Druid/3 HP: 27/27 AC:20 Touch: 12 FF: 20 F/R/W: +5/+2/+6 CMD: 16 Percep: +8 Init: +4 (58 posts)

The Exchange Corwin Hyronius

Half-orc Fighter 1 (0 posts)

Dark Archive Jackson Shadow
(0 posts)
Dark Archive Dravna Helmsbane

F Dwarf Magus (Deep Marshall) 1 (0 posts)

Dark Archive Mocking Sparrow

M Tengu Urban Barbarian/Rogue (unchained) 1 (0 posts)
Local Celebrity
Liberty's Edge Marcus Xanadu

F Halfling Eldritch Scoundrel (Un-Rogue) 3 (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Mob

M Human Telekineticist/1 (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Rokkar Lionsbane

Half-orc Bard 1 (0 posts)
Lizardfolk Sorcerer
The Exchange Placeholder PC 29

HP: 27/27 AC: 22 Touch: 13 FF: 19 F/R/W: +3/+6/+4 CMD: 18 Percep: +7, scent Init: +3
Nagaji Unchained Summoner/1 HP: 50/50 AC:19 Touch: 12 FF: 17 F/R/W: +7/+3/+3 CMD: 19 Percep: +10 Init: +2 Rage 11/11 (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Dirk Skiffander

M Human Mesmerist 5 | HP 33/33 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Will +10 | Init +4 | Perc +6 | Sense Motive +7 Tricks 6/6 (1 post)

Acquisitives Arakai
(0 posts)

Monk Monk Deck - Sajan

Paladin Paladin Deck - Raz

Cleric Cleric Deck - Zarlova

Cleric Cleric Deck - Kyra

Monk Monk Deck - Athnul

Alchemist Alchemist Deck - Damiel

Goblins Burn! Goblins Burn! Deck - Poog

Goblins Fight! Goblins Fight! Deck - Chuffy

Gunslinger Gunslinger Deck - Angban

Unlocked Oracle Unlocked Oracle Deck - Shardra

Goblins Fight! Goblins Fight! Deck - Ekkie
Radiant Oath Gobfinger

M Goblin Elemental Sorceror 5 HP: 50/50 AC: 19 F/R/W: +12/+10/+10 Perception: +7 (t) Senses: Darkvision (0 posts)
Nighttail the Glib
Vigilant Seal Krank Brasstalon

M Kobold Inventor 2 HP: 22/22 AC:19 F/R/W: +6/+6/+6 Percep: +4 (0 posts)

Verdant Wheel Elmond Juridge

Skeleton Kineticist 2 (0 posts)



- Android Dark Elementalist (Kineticist) 1 HP 11/11 AC: 18 T: 14 FF: 18 F/R/W: +2/+4/+3 Init: +4 Perception: +10 Burn 0/3 (0 posts)
Athrax the Almighty Alchemist

”Athrax” | Male LE Small Kobold alchemist (alchemical trapper) 4 | HP 29/29 | AC 15, T 14, FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +6 R +8 W +2; +2 vs. paralysis, poison, and sleep | Init +3 | Perc +9, Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Bombs 9/9 | Extracts 1st 4/4 2nd 2/2 | Mutagen 1/1 Active Conditions: Light sensitivity. (20 posts)
Marcos Farabellus
Axe 'Axe' Axe

M Half-Giant Trailblazer (Aegis) 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 21 T 11 FF 21 | F +10 R +5 W +9 | CMD 24 | Init +1 | Perc +12 (285 posts)
Lantern Lodge David H
(239 posts)

David Higaki 143
(0 posts)

David Higaki 961
(0 posts)
Father Burdock

M Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric 7 | AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | HP 66/66 | F +8 R +3 W +8 | Init +1 | Perc +9 | Diplomacy +9 | Runeforge 7/7 (808 posts)
GM Black Powder Chocobo
(27 posts)

Deepmarket handouts Deepmarket maps (1,241 posts)
GM BPChocobo

Sanctum Map (192 posts)
GM BPChocobo TK1

Niswan map Ebon Destroyers handouts Combat map (1,641 posts)
GM BPChocobo TK2

Fort Inevitable Map map Gardens map (2,288 posts)
Grand Lodge GM Higaki

Belhaim map combat map (605 posts)
Liberty's Edge Iron Feathers

M Tengu Invulnerable Rager (Barb-Unch) 3/Unbreakable (Fighter) 1 HP: 43/43 AC:19 Touch: 13 FF: 16 F/R/W: +8/+4/+4 CMD: 19 Percep: +10 Init: +2 Rage: 13/13 (82 posts)
Kharax Fireshield

M Half-orc Hex Channeler Scarred Witch Doctor/7 | HP 72/72 | AC 15* T 12 FF 11 | F +10 R +6 W +8* | CMD 15| Init +2 | Perc +1 | Sense Motive +1 | Diplomacy +3 | Channel Energy 6/6 (439 posts)
Koraq Silverclaw

Male Half-orc Martial Artist 1 | AC 17 T 17 FF 13 | HP 10/10 | F +4 R +5 X +5 | Init +3 | Perc +7 | (260 posts)
Silver Crusade Miana, Champion of Irori

Female Suli Paladin 3/ Monk-Un 4/ CoI 10 | HP 181/181 | AC 28 (39)* T 28 (30) FF 24 (35)* | F +22 R +20 W +21* (22) | CMD 48 | Init +4 | Perc +20 | Smite 3/3 Lay on Hands 12/12 Stunning Fist 14/14 Elemental Assault 17/17 Ki Points 13/14 Inevitable Fist 17/17 (857 posts)

Male Nagaji Hospitalier (Paladin) 2 HP: 22, AC: 20, Tch: 12, FF: 17, F: +9, R: +6, W: +8, Init: +2, Per: +7 (126 posts)
Temp Kyra

F Human Cleric of Sarenrae 1 HP: 13/13 AC:14 Touch: 10 FF: 14 F/R/W: +3/+1/+5 CMD: 12 Percep: +3 Init: +0 Channel: 5/5 Rebuke Death 6/6 (13 posts)
Master Basaalee Minvandu
Thunder of Bastet

Male Human Brawler (Snakebiter) 2/ Warpriest 6 (1 post)
Your GM, Black Powder Chocobo

Missing maps Missing handouts (441 posts)
Zurnzal, The Ambitious

Male Half-orc Brawler 6/Assassin 1 | AC 18 T 14 FF 15 | HP 35 /65 | F +8 R +10 W +5 | Init +2 | Perc +11 | Knockout 1/1 | Martial Flexibility 1/6 (60 posts)