Silas 'Havoc' Nareth CR 4
Male Human (Andoran) Lore Warden 2/ Card Caster Staff Magus 3
CN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +1
PFS #: 43025-18
Faction: Exchange
Fame: 18 Prestige: 8/18
FCB: + 3/4 arcane pool
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +4 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 36 (2d10+3d8+5)
Fort +8 Ref +5, Will +3
Spd 30 ft.
mw/mw darkwood staff +7 (1d6+2 or 1d6+3, x2)
cold iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20, x2)
playing deck (52 cards) +9 (1d4+2, 20', x2)
harrow deck (54 cards) +10 (1d4+2, 20', x2)
dagger +8 (1d4+2, 10', 19-20, x2)
dart +10 (1d4+2, 20', x2)
Str 14, Dex 16+2, Con 12, Int 16+2, Wis 7, Cha 12
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 20
Feats: Quick Draw, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quarterstaff Master, Deadly Dealer, Weapon Focus (dart), Dodge, Close-Quarters Thrower, Combat Expertise
Traits: Carefully Hidden, Magical Knack
Skills: Climb +6 (1R), Intimidate +6 (2R), Kn: Arcana +10 (3R), Kn: Engineering +8 (1R), Kn: History +8 (1R), Kn: Local +8 (1R), Kn: Nature +8 (1R), Linguistics +8 (1R), Perception +1 (3R), Prof: Gambler +7 (4R), Sleight of Hand +12 (4R), Spellcraft +12 (5R), Swim +6 (1R), Use Magic Device +8 (4R)
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Varisian
SQ: Arcane Pool, Spellstrike, Harrowed Spellstrike
Arcane Pool (5/5, +1)
Spell Combat
Spellstrike (ranged)
mw/mw darkwood staff (2PP)
+1 mithral shirt (1100gp)
3 darts
4x deck of playing cards (1sp each)
1x deck of 46 playing cards (1sp)
2x harrow deck (100gp each)
Pathfinder's Kit (includes dagger, masterwork backpack)
50' Silk Rope
2 vial alchemist's fire (20gp each)
2 vial acid (10gp each)
2 vial holy water (25gp each)
2 vial liquid cold (40gp each)
5 pints of oil
Grappling Hook
Coins: 3215gp
belt of dexterity +2
wand of infernal healing: 50 charges (2PP)
scroll of dispel magic x2 (2PP)
scroll of glitterdust x2 (2PP)
cloak of resistance +1 (1000gp)