Female Suli Paladin 3/ Monk (Unchained) 4/ Champion of Irori 10
LG Medium Outsider(Native)
Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60'; Perception +20
FCB(Monk): +4SP
Aura of Courage (+4 to saves vs fear to allies within 10')
AC 28, touch 28, flat-footed 24 (+4 Dex, +10 monk, +1 dodge, +3 deflection)
HP 181/181 (7d10+10d8+68+76)
Fort +21, Ref +19, Will +20
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Immune disease, fear
Base Atk +17; CMB +22; CMD 47
Speed 40 ft.
mw cold iron temple sword +23 (1d8+7, 19-20)
+1 adamantine warhammer +23 (1d8+8, x3)
unarmed strike +23 (2d8+7/x2)
PA Vital Strike +18 (4d8+7+10/x2)
PA Vital Strike IF +18 (6d8+7+10/x2)
Flurry of Blows (unarmed) +23/+23/+23/+18/+13 (2d8+7/x2)
PA Flurry +18/+18/+18/+13/+8 (2d8+7+10/x2)
PA Flurry IF +18/+18/+18/+13/+8 (3d8+7+10/x2)
chakram +21 (1d8+5/x2/30')
Special Attacks
Smite Evil/Chaos (3/day)
Elemental Assault (17 rounds/day)
Lay on Hands (12/day, 8d6, 9d6 if mercy does not need to be applied)
Mercy (fatigue)
Stunning Fist (DC 24, 14/day; stunned 1 round, fatigue, sickened 1 minute)
Ki Pool (14/14)
Ki Strike (magic, cold iron, silver, lawful)
Sweeping Smite (standard action to hit smote target, if successful, then make another attack to adjacent target that could also be smote with the smite benefits, attacking like Greater Cleave but with no AC penalty)
Shield the Weak: automatically fail saving throw versus a Reflex effect to give all adjacent allies +4 to Reflex save and Improved Evasion
Perfect Opening: When a critical hit is dealt to Miana or an ally by an opponent within Miana's reach, Miana may make an attack of opportunity. If it hits, then the attack is automatically a critical threat.
One Finger: Standard action to make a single unarmed strike as a melee touch attack.
Perfect Strike: 1 ki point as swift action to roll twice on attack and damage for the next unarmed strike
Inevitable Fist: Free action to make unarmed strike attacks deal damage as Large and gain axiomatic property for 1 round 16/16
Whirlwind Smite: Full-round action to attack every foe within reach at highest BAB, can also use a smite evil and have it last against all of the targets for 6 rounds.
Aura of Good
Divine Health
Ki Powers (Furious Defense, Qinggong-Barkskin CL 13)
Maneuver Training
Mercy (fatigue)
Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Climb, Perception, Use Magic Device
Still Mind (+2 on saving throws vs enchantments)
Valiant Stand (sacred bonus = 1/2 CoI levels to AC and attack rolls when adjacent to multiple enemies)
Perfect Strike (1 ki point to roll twice on attack and damage the next unarmed strike that turn)
ring of protection +2 monk's robes amulet of mighty fists +1 belt of physical perfection +4 headband of mental superiority +2 ring of ki perfection cloak of resistance +2 winged boots bracers of the merciful knight
Read tome of understanding +1 with Lucian
mw temple sword
cold iron dagger
chakram x2
Paladin Kit( backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a cheap holy text, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), a waterskin, and a wooden holy symbol)
50' silk rope
grappling hook
potion of cure light wounds
alchemist fire x2
holy water x3
50 gp
9 sp
Suli of Tien origin, Miana is a woman of fair features stemming from her mixed ancestry. She keeps herself lean and capable, standing at 5'7" with light brown hair in a simple braid. Unlike her Kelesh breathren, her skin is only lightly tanned: a consequence of repeated monastic studies. This is accented by a voice that speaks with the forceful undertones of her jann bloodline. Both in conversation and in battle, Miana's words are filled with purpose. Similar to many aasimar from Tianjing, she bears the almond eyes (in shape and color), causing an interesting acceptance for the area despite her unusual background.
Being the progeny of unusual heritage, Miana found peace in the teachings of Irori, whose words of balancing mind and body have convinced her to balance and control her genie bloodline. She is dedicated in whatever task she undertakes, whether it is studying a tome or practicing with one of the varied weapons in her faith. To find purpose with her training and abilities, she joined a rare order of holy Irorans, championing the positive benefits to the world of seeking enlightenment in their varied works.
Miana often contemplates actions before making a decision; a side-effect of controlling the impulsive and often slow-witted nature of other suli-jann. She is wise enough to not let this turn into indecision or sloth.
Likewise, she understands that her goals and desires are personal. While she wishes to spread the virtues of Irori, Miana does not evangelize those who are not receptive; to bend their will by forceful means only weakens the resolve to seek enlightenment, and at its worst turns into resentment on the listener's part or tyranny from the speaker's.
PC Goals:
1. Vanquish evil monsters
2. Continue to improve self
3. Spread Irori's teachings
4. Defend allies of justice