Desperate Hunger Cultist

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Organized Play Member. 329 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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3 people marked this as a favorite.

I’m in Canada where the special edition hardcovers are already 99.99.

At what price does an RPG book become unaffordable for the majority of the people using?

If I’m buying RPG special editions from Paizo now for 149.99 instead of 99.99 I have to ask myself the big question.

Is it worth it?

Not at that price no and I’m in a position where I can afford it.

It’s just too much money for what it is.

Is the product worth that much money when you consider inflation and wages and everything else?


Tough situation here Paizo.

I love your games and I can afford it so I will buy your books but I think if you end up shooting yourself in the foot with this pricing you should look at options that reflect your customer base and what their demographics can afford and will pay.

RPG books have stayed relatively flat price wise and I think this might just be the push most people need to either jump on the PDF or Piracy train.

Good luck.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I’m sure James Jacobs has plenty of good plans to replace OGL things like Drow with something else. The darklands could use a total revamp anyways. I’m glad for it.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

I am very much against this for more than one reason.

We use technology in all aspects of our work life and home life so why should this technology be outlawed from publication by Paizo?

Say I am a great writer but I'm not a very good artist and I do not have the money for art. Should my adventure I wrote either not contain art or not be able to be published on Infinite because I choose to use AI to make art for it??

Say I am a great thinker and I can come up with great ideas but I can't actually write well and grammar and syntax skills elude me. Should my creation be outlawed because I used AI to help me formulate my writing correctly so it looked professional?

I get where Paizo is coming from as they are writers and artists.

I work in construction where technology leaps have caused millions of jobs to be lost but that technology is what has made us more efficient and capable to do more.

AI can be used in the same way and I hope Paizo sees that a blanket banning of projects that use AI is not the way to go.

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I'm not furious but definitely little disappointed I didn't receive the PDFS today as the email sent out said I'd have them "by" August 31. I guess they could just be sent out at 11:59 and be here tommorow I guess.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

They won’t be able to stop losing employees just like the rest of the USA right now. The grass is greener on the other side across all industries. I know it sucks for us as gamers to see these people leave Paizo but they are leaving for what I would imagine is a very valid and supportable reason. Money.

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I understand the writers not wanting to write about dark subjects and I'm ok with that. I just change out anything in any AP I want to make darker or grittier or just different and that's that.

When Paizo starting being more aware and woke I was taken aback by it at first then I came to the conclusion that if it appeals to more people and makes more people feel included that is nothing but a good thing.

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Is this available through my LGS or anyplace in Canada?

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I'm going to echo some of the sentiments here as a physical product purchaser that I would love to use this at my table but having to buy everything again is a hard no for me.

The products looks like it will be top notch and I'm excited to see what demiplane does but the added cost is just too much to make it feasible to use.

I would love Paizo to include a QR code system or something for those of us who purchase physical product to be included in this new digitalization they are shooting for with the Paizo connect.

I am long time GM who buys every Starfinder/Pathfinder product but I also use a table tv and other digital things at my table which means I need to sometimes purchase an AP twice so I can use the maps at my table and have easier access to the AP while playing the game.

Please Paizo integrate physical with digital somehow!

I am in Canada so subscribing from you isn't really an option due to the exorbitant shipping cost and I love to support my LGS.

If you truly want to join the digital age I think you are taking the right steps and this product looks amazing but we need some love for the purchases of the actual physical product as well.

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Freehold DM wrote:
ograx wrote:

Well hopefully their union works out.

In my experience in unions however the results are very mixed and very biased to show favoritism to senior members with more years with a company.

Wages go up and people deemed not as necessary get laid off to pay for wage increases.

More positions are created and I imagine with Paizo hiring a fulltime HR person one or more people might get laid off to make room in budget.

I truly hope I'm wrong but after 25+ years in a heavily unionized industry I know full well the pitfalls and benefits of unionizing.

I've been kept on in jobs because of years served when they didn't need me as an additional supervisor because of a union. I would've rather them kept some of the young guys who needed the job more than me because I have very in-demand job skills and getting a new job isn't hard and usually ends up with pay increase or at the very least ends up being the same.

what benefits? You're only discussing pitfalls.

That's fair of you to mention, the benefits I had being in a union were wage increases that were usually yearly and pretty good job security. I'm in Canada so health benefits work differently here but I actually have better health benefits now being in a non-union job. My wages are higher as well but I'm an outlier in that I have a supervisory position in a large construction company.

My experience with unions is in a totally different country and industry.

From what I've read on USA unions though the picture isn't great.

Please don't take any of this as me being negative on Paizo employees fighting for themselves I just think people might be counting on a union being some miraculous cure when it's very possible it ends up being far from it.

I've heard some of the numbers over the years what Paizo employees make and its horrendous when compared to what the living costs of the state are but only the Paizo owners and executives know if Paizo can actually afford to pay them more.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well hopefully their union works out.

In my experience in unions however the results are very mixed and very biased to show favoritism to senior members with more years with a company.

Wages go up and people deemed not as necessary get laid off to pay for wage increases.

More positions are created and I imagine with Paizo hiring a fulltime HR person one or more people might get laid off to make room in budget.

I truly hope I'm wrong but after 25+ years in a heavily unionized industry I know full well the pitfalls and benefits of unionizing.

I've been kept on in jobs because of years served when they didn't need me as an additional supervisor because of a union. I would've rather them kept some of the young guys who needed the job more than me because I have very in-demand job skills and getting a new job isn't hard and usually ends up with pay increase or at the very least ends up being the same.

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Mark Stratton wrote:
ograx wrote:

Sure but you deleted my post earlier today which was neither baiting or offensive, you can't just delete someone because they don't agree with your views.

I'll say it again though.

Hiring a diversity consultant full-time for a company of 75 is ludicrous.

Hiring a HR person for a company of 75 is great.

Hiring either position will probably entail a salary more than most Paizo employees make.

I support a few Paizo employees on Patreon and have bought kickstarters from some that I will probably never use but I like to support the people who make the games I love.

People boycotting and bandwagoning on allegations goes pretty hard against something the USA dearly loves. Innocent until proven guilty.

Stopping subscriptions and purchasing of product might hurt the company or even kill it but the only people who will really lose the most with those actions are the people you say you are trying to support.

Why is hiring a diversity person for 80 or so people ludicrous?

And innocent until proven guilty is a legal issue - it’s not a customer based one - our society allows people to choose what to buy and from whom, or to not buy.

An average HR person makes 60K a year in washington.

I would imagine any kind of fulltime consultant would be about the same or more.

I would imagine based on what I have seen that most Paizo employees would be thrilled if they had a 60K a year salaried position.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Raychael wrote:
Removed the obviously baiting comments and replies. Reminder to look over the community guidelines before you post something just to get a rise out of someone else.

Sure but you deleted my post earlier today which was neither baiting or offensive, you can't just delete someone because they don't agree with your views.

I'll say it again though.

Hiring a diversity consultant full-time for a company of 75 is ludicrous.

Hiring a HR person for a company of 75 is great.

Hiring either position will probably entail a salary more than most Paizo employees make.

I support a few Paizo employees on Patreon and have bought kickstarters from some that I will probably never use but I like to support the people who make the games I love.

People boycotting and bandwagoning on allegations goes pretty hard against something the USA dearly loves. Innocent until proven guilty.

Stopping subscriptions and purchasing of product might hurt the company or even kill it but the only people who will really lose the most with those actions are the people you say you are trying to support.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

In order for a union to work and a company to be able to successfully unionize and raise wages the company would need to be profitable and not just barely scraping by.

I don't know if Paizo can afford the wages people are wanting.

I think profit margins are shrinking and Paizo is mostly just paying the wages with very little top end profit as of now.

Could I be wrong? Yes.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

This is huge for Paizo and pathfinder. Reviews are coming in great and the player count is fantastic. Very good exposure to the brand.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I still am not getting these sent to my email and I did make sure I have the right privacy settings to receive these emails. Any ideas why

Would love to receive these stories.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Would love for them to do a DM set.

Edit: Nevermind too expensive for my blood.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Awesome hazard. I hope Archives of Nethys is adding in these things that you guys are posting.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Good for Paizo. I don’t play this system or have any interest in it but love to see the setting get the love.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'd love to see some Paizo children's books.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I’m looking more forward to the possibility of these classes being part of items book than anything.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I love these little kind of addition you guys do. Adds so much to the world and game.

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Tanessa Fleer has some very low stats for a level 9 NPC and shares AC and saves with the mooks she is in encounter with, is this a typo for her stats?

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I feel like as long as a GM is trying to do his best and putting effort forth the onus really falls on the players to make known what they don't like or what they feel would be better for them.

Good GMs will listen and bad ones won't.

Being a GM is a very time consuming task and I spend about 5-8 hours weekly prepping maps and pawns and reading to make sure I am ready to GM.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Way too much to sift through and give a response.

20 people marked this as a favorite.

I spent 500$+ on this product and I’d rather wait a year extra than get something rushed or lacklustre. Thanks for the update. Knowing James Jacobs is fathering this project gives me complete confidence in it being worth the wait. Best of luck James!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I like the non-human approach and am all for having different types of adventures than the usual.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you Paizo!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For PF2 why would you use anything but foundry?

Hands down the best.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Paizo seems to be having a hard time holding on to employees especially in the lead positions and I hope the company is realizing their might be a problem.

Good luck Amanda I really enjoyed your work and contributions at Paizo.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any date for when High Res maps for APs are coming?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Those maps are still terrible quality. I know James Jacobs has said they are looking at releasing higher res images which is I hope is now a bigger priority with all the VTT gaming.

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I'm looking forward to getting their paints and I hope they do some PF2 stuff with the new art style.

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I agree that these not fitting are somewhat of an issue as it is stupid to have to sort things out into their own boxes afterwards instead of combining in the big box which has dividers but isnt big enough. Thinking ahead if we are getting this many sets for a a core make the core box bigger please so we can fit in. That said I did buy these and they look good. I agree with others and am glad you guys are coming out with new core sets.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

In my group with a Bomber Alchemist the players were starting to get annoyed with how much the Alchemist seemed to be behind the power curve and I knew were secretly wishing for him demise.

He did end up dieing trying to save one of the other PC's in a failed resurrection ritual. ( PC's rolled a 1 on primary check )

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Leon Aquilla wrote:

Currently Paizo has taken about 135$ of my money but only "shipped" 55$. You have no idea how upsetting it is to be at home and have Paizo holding money I could be currently using to buy masks or other essential supplies and they won't even give me access to the PDF's that I have legitimately paid for at this stage.

I really hope that CS can resolve this soon because otherwise I'll have no choice but to issue a chargeback.

They are doing there best. They are probably just overwhelmed.That said what you are saying about buying masks and essential supplies is just aggravating and we will leave it at that.

10 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't have time to read through 20 pages of you guys discussing a game I'm loving playing because I'm either too busy playing or reading my fancy new GMG.

Pathfinder 2E is awesome.

5E is a good stepping stone into RPGS but way too simple for my taste.

Therefore for me 2E is superior.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just finished the GMG.

Great book, money well spent.

Thanks Paizo!

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Would love to see James Jacobs GM a live game even if it’s just a one-off.

I’m sure the rest of the community feels the same way.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

These testaments are superb writing, really Paizo thanks for these!

10 people marked this as a favorite.

I actually read some of the reviews just now and quite a bit of the negatives are for books being received with dings and dents. There was quite a bit of hate for the few pages on table rules for dealing with inclusiveness and levels of violence which I don't quite understand as it is easily just ignored.

My personal opinion on 2E is that everyone in my group loves it. That works for me.

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