Father Burdock Kilnborn CR 6
Male Dwarf Cleric (Forgemaster) 7
LG Medium Humanoid (dwarf)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
FCB: +7 SP
AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 24 (+10 armor, +1 Dex, +3 shield, +1 natural)
hp 66 (7d8+21+7)
Fort +8 Ref +3, Will +8
Spd 30 ft.
battleaxe +7 (1d8+2/20/x3)
heavy pick +7 (1d6+2/20/x4)
+1 warhammer +8 (1d8+3/20/x3)
light crossbow +6 (1d8/19-20/x2,80', 20 bolts)
sling 20 bullets
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 18 (22 vs bull rush, trip)
Feats: Heavy Armor Proficiency, Craft Weapons and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Extra Runeforge, Toughness
Traits: Spark of Creation (+1 to Craft rolls, -5% cost on magic item creation), Tactician
Skills: Appraise +6 (1R), Craft: weapons +12 (+14 for metal, 3R), Craft: armor +12 (+14 for metal, 4R), Diplomacy +9 (7R), Knowledge: Religion +11 (6R), Linguistics +6 (1R), Perception +9 (5R) Sense Motive +8 (2R), Spellcraft +11 (6R)
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Terran, Undercommon, Celestial
SQ: Hardy (+2 to saves vs spells/poison), Slow and Steady (full movement speed regardless of armor/encumbrance), Defensive Training (+4 AC vs Giants), Hatred (+1 to hit vs goblins/orcs), Craftsman (+2 to Craft checks with metal/stone), Master Smith
Spell-like abilities (CL 7):
At will - Mending
Artificer's Touch (7/day, 1d6+3 damage to objects/constructs, bypass 7 hardness/DR)
Runeforge (7/day, 1 use for 7 rounds, 2 for 7 min, 3 for 70 min, 4 for 7 hours) - Ancient Splendor, Forgemaster's Blessing, Ghostglyph, Powerstrike
masterwork warhammer
heavy pick
+1 heavy steel shield (-2 ACP)
+1 full plate (-6 ACP)
sling w/ 20 bullets
light crossbow w/ 18 bolts
50' Silk Rope
2 vial alchemist's fire
2 vial acid
2 vial holy water
5 pints of oil
grappling hook
mw artisan tools (craft weapons/armor)
smoke goggles
flint and steel
cleric kit
silver holy symbol of Torag (acts as pearl of power level I)
potion of cure light wounds
wand of cure light wounds used
wand of cure light wounds 50 charges
pearl of power level I
amulet of natural armor +1
headband of wisdom +2
boots of springing and striding
scroll of 2x lesser restoration
scroll of dispel magic
pearl of power level II
1120 gp