Turk Thundershield CR 9 PFS# 43025-8
Male Dwarf Gunslinger (Guntank) 10
N Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Faction: The Exchange
XP: 27
Fame: 40 Prestige: 32
FCB: -2 misfire (double-barrel musket), -1/2 misfire (buckler gun)
Init +8; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +17
AC 31, touch 16, flat-footed 26
hp 84 (10d10+20)
Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +7; (+2 vs poison, +4 vs spells)
Spd 20 ft.
mw cold iron maulaxe +12 (1d6+1, x3)
mw dwarven waraxe +12 (1d10+1, x3)
+1 lucky double barrel musket +17 (1d12+7, 40',19-20, x4, misfire 1)
+1 buckler gun +17 (1d6+7, 10', x4, misfire 1)
mw musket +17 (1d12, 40', x4, misfire 1)
Str 12, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 6
Base Atk +10; CMB +11; CMD 26 (30 vs trip/bull rush)
Feats: Gunsmithing, Rapid Reload (double-barrel musket), Point Blank Shot, Deadly Aim, Vital Strike, Improved Critical (double-barrel musket)
Traits: Armor Expert, Bad Reputation
Skills: Acrobatics +19 (8R), Craft Alchemy +6 (1R), Heal +8 (1R), Intimidate +10 (7R), Knowledge: Eng +5 (1R), Knowledge: Loc +5 (1R), Perception +17 (10R), Profession: Sailor (+8), Sleight of Hand +19 (10R), Stealth +10 (4R), Survival +8 (1R), Swim +5 (1R)
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Varisian
SQ: Deeds (Deadeye, Gun Tank's Resolve (50%) Target Shot, Startling Shot, Quick Clear, Deadshot, Pistol Whip, Utility Shot), Armor Training 2, Bullet Deflection +6, Gun Training (Double-barrel musket, buckler gun)
Grit 4/4
Deadeye: Use grit to resolve an attack beyond first range increment as touch.
Guntank's Resolve: Spend 1 grit as immediate action to negate critical hit or sneak attack (50% chance)
Quick Clear: standard action to undo broken condition from misfire. 1 Grit to do so as a move action
Gunsliger's Initiative
Pistol Whip: 1 grit to use firearm for melee attack
Utility Shot
Deadshot: 1 grit to spend a full round action to vital strike; crits confirm at BAB -5
Startling shot: Standard action to purposely miss a creature and make it flat footed until its next turn
Targeting: 1 grit to spend full round action to deal damage and cause secondary effects
+1 noqual fullplate
+1 dwarven maulaxe
+1 lucky double-barreled musket
+1 buckler gun (+1 AC)
mw musket