Jamus Hainard

Terenz's page

126 posts. Organized Play character for Batpony.

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Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

The din of ringing steel and the simmering heat of the forge makes Smine’s Weaponworks easy to find, beyond even its sterling reputation and its well painted sign. An open sliding door leads into a work area filled with apprentices, each toiling to fuel the ceaseless demands for weapons to feed the city’s famed Arena of Aroden. One of the workers, a grim-faced halfling woman barely taller than her own anvil, flashes a smile and points to a narrow staircase at the back of the smithy. Climbing the stairs provides a small respite from the din and the heat, with hanging bowls of cloves and aromatic bark making a heroic, if futile, effort to cover the smell of coal and sweat.

The Pathfinder Lodge above the smithy resembles an adventurer’s boarding house, providing an excellent cover for the comings and goings of the Society’s agents.

Let's begin! Please post your character introductions and we'll start with gameplay immediately. In the meantime I'll also start updating the visuals for the gameplay!

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Opening the thread for discussion.

Going back in the day, I'm guessing the below information is still relevant for reporting purposes! Feel free to make any other discussions as necessary for party preparations.

Character name:

Liberty's Edge

Hello all! By means of introduction, I'm GM Batpony. Once upon a time a venture agent GM, but had stopped playing due to some mental health challenges. After 5 years, I'm attempting to pick the game up again and thought to go back to GMing PBP to re-learn the game.

My playstyle tends to be quick with 1 post/update every 12 hour intervals, if that sounds up your alley and you can bear with me picking the rules back up, please join me!

I target to kick off the game this weekend, i.e. tomorrow Saturday 6th of April if there's enough players.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

As usual, please post the relevant information pertaining to your character for reporting purposes!

Character name:
Day Job:
Any other info?:

As previously mentioned on the recruitment thread, 6 pregens released for the tier 5 special. Valeros, Ezren, Fumbus, Kyra, Seelah, Merisiel. So first come first serve! The pregens are available here.

Chronicles can be applied at any level, but you must inform me so that i can properly documented it on the chronicle sheet.

I trust most of you had a good amount of PBP experience, but if I'm wrong let me know and I'll try and help make this a smooth process for you.

I had intended to start on Gameday, but if the party wishes we can start earlier but you will miss out on gameday boon rolls. Either way is fine with me, and I can get the game going by the weekend.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

For dotting.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

As usual, please post the relevant information pertaining to your character for reporting purposes!

Character name:
Day Job:
Any other info?:

P/S if you're at gen con, I'll be running the PF2e academy sessions in the mornings (except Sunday). Come say hi!

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

As usual, please post the relevant information pertaining to your character for reporting purposes!

Character name:
Day Job:
Any other info?:

P/S if you're at gen con, I'll be running the PF2e academy sessions in the mornings (except Sunday). Come say hi!

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

For dotting purposes! We begin officially during gameday, I will put more flavour text for early roleplaying as we approach the date! Let PF2 begin!

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

For dotting purposes! We begin officially during gameday, I will put more flavour text for early roleplaying as we approach the date!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mosquito Witch Handouts

Alright Pathfinders, before we begin our journey, let's get some administrative and basics out of the way. First of all, I'll need your Pathfinder Information

Name: (You'd like on your chronicle sheet)
Character Name:
PFS ID and character number:
Day job Roll:
Any unusual information about your character:

Ensure your character sheet is linked or documented in your player profile for reference.

Ensure your character has a header that includes basic information like race, class, levels, HP, ACs, Saves, Perception Mod, and (optional but ideal) resource like spells and ability trackers.

I'm going off the basis that you've read some form of PBP and understand how it works, but if any of this has confused you and if you are clueless about it, please let me know and i'll gladly guide you through it.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

For dotting

Liberty's Edge

This is a game for those brand new to PBP and/or PFS in general. (Experienced players can apply.)

Selection will handpicked to ensure best experience for the newbies, and 3 spots for now have been reserved for new players.

If you're interested in the game, please post below with your character you wish to bring to the table, and your Pathfinder player and/or GM experience. (If there's not much newbies, i'm looking for a good range of players to give an all rounded experience)

Please take some time to click into my GM profile so you can have a decent idea of how I run my games.

Game will start 4th of May. It's tier 1-5 and it should go without saying it would be a low tier game 1-2.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts


Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Welcome named players to the Outpost game! I've yet to receive the material but expect that it'll be in my inbox tomorrow.

As usual, for reporting purposes please provide the relevant information.

player name:
Character name:
Class & levels:
PFS id:
Day job:
Other info I need to know?

If you've not played with me before, do take some time to read up my profile to get an idea about me and expectations during the game. Though, I believe most of you have either played with me in some way or another!

Heads up, I will likely be on a little quiet next week as I'm making a long commute from Asia to the USA, but expect to be fully back on the ball before next weekend.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Dot in here

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Welcome named players! I'll be your GM for this game!

As usual, for reporting purposes please provide the relevant information.

player name:
Character name:
Class & levels:
PFS id:
Day job:
Other info I need to know?

If you've not played with me before, do take some time to read heigh my profile to get an idea about me and expectations during the game. But most importantly, let's have fun (within the boundary of the rules)! :)

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Welcome named players! I'll be your replacement GM for this scenario.

As usual, for reporting purposes please provide the relevant information.

player name:
Character name:
Class & levels:
PFS id:
Day job:
Other info I need to know?

If you've not played with me before, do take some time to read heigh my profile to get an idea about me and expectations during the game.

I'm caught by surprise but should get a handouts slide up relatively soon.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Dot in here!

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

The plan is to run Raiders of Shrieking Peak with the Resonance Test rules.t would be best if you downloaded the "resonance test" document to access the Pre-gens and read up a little bit on how it works. The Resonance Test Link.

In summary, the changes to resonance and how it works is below:

Resonance points: 10 per character, items with the invested trait require investment of 1 resonance point.
Spell points: No spell points
Focus Points: 1+Cha mod; Used for casting powers from class and altering activation of some magic items.
Item activation: Don't usually require focus points, but is stated on the specific item what action is require to activate. (Items are all listed in the Resonance test document)

I'll give everyone till next weekend for prep, or if everyone has selected their pregens and is ready, we can kick off immediately. If folks prefer to play at 1.6 rules without resonance test, let me know and we'll play it by ear.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Open for dotting.

Liberty's Edge

The plan is to run Raiders of Shrieking Peak with the Resonance Test rules.
This is a level 5 campaign and you should bring characters built using the latest update 1.6.
Do go through my profile if you've not played with me to know what to expect during my games. As a warning, I run my games at a relative pace quicker than most PBPs.

If you're interest, please post below.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Dot in here.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

The plan is to run Raiders of Shrieking Peak with the Resonance Test rules.
This is a level 5 campaign and you should bring characters built using the latest update 1.6. I plan to start this off by next weekend or once majority of folk are ready. As usual, please post your PFS ID and your alias below.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Welcome, named players, into the game! For those who have yet to play with me as a GM, do take time to read through my profile to give yourselves an idea of how I run games and my expectation (or at least how I run it for PF1).

For reporting purposes and prep, do post a link to your character profile/sheet and do let me know your PFS id.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

For dotting.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Open for dotting

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Welcome, named players, into the game! For those who have yet to play with me as a GM, do take time to read through my profile to give yourselves an idea of how I run games and my expectation (or at least how I run it for PF1).

For reporting purposes and prep, do post a link to your character profile/sheet and do let me know your PFS id.

Liberty's Edge

This is PFS Playtest for the Rose Street Revenge as part of PBP gameday!

If there's enough interest, I'm looking to run two tables, but may consider 3 tables. We will start on about Oct 1st or as early as Mid-Sept.

If you're interested, post below! If you have not played with me before, do read my profile to understand my GM & PBP expectations! Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

For dotting

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Welcome, named players, into the game! For those who have yet to play with me as a GM, do take time to read through my profile to give yourselves an idea of how I run games and my expectation.

As usual, do fill out the below for reporting purposes:

Character Name and levels:
PFS id:
Day job:
(If you roll now, I assume you forgo the opportunity for faction goals that requires you to skip day job)

You are free to have any early discussions!

Liberty's Edge

Recruitment for the Standard PFS named session above! I'm looking for potentially 2-3 more players to make a full party.

This is tier 7-11, but I'm hoping to play it at low tier (7-8). Be warned, we have a hard deadline of 1st Oct, so this will be a relatively fast paced game where players are expected to post twice a day.

Also do read through my profile to understand my PBP expectations. If you are interested and believe you can meet these expectations, please post below your character that will be interested to join.

Selection will likely be by lottery, but I may pick players if they have GMed for me in the past.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

This discussion is for invited persons only at this time.

Talking points:

What's everyone's expected level?
When's everyone's expected date (Range) that you will be free to commit into PBP?
Preferred PBP game?
If we've got a small window, I'm sure with our previous pace we can get a PFS scenario down pretty easily! But if everyone's got the appetite, After August I should be relatively free to run for us a Module, or even a sanctioned part of an Adventure Path.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

For dotting purposes for now.. Scenario/Module/AP? to be decided.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Welcome, named players, into the game! For those who have yet to play with me as a GM, do take time to read through my profile to give yourselves an idea of how I run games and my expectation.

As usual, do fill out the below for reporting purposes:

Character Name and levels:
PFS id:
Day job:
(If you roll now, I assume you forgo the opportunity for faction goals that requires you to skip day job)

You are free to have any early discussions! We will start on 15th June.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Open for dotting.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Welcome, named players, into the game! For those who have yet to play with me as a GM, do take time to read through my profile to give yourselves an idea of how I run games and my expectation.

As usual, do fill out the below for reporting purposes:

Character Name and levels:
PFS id:
Day job:
(If you roll now, I assume you forgo the opportunity for faction goals that requires you to skip day job)

You are free to have any early discussions! We will start per the schedule!

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Open for dot!

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Called once more to the duty of "Explore, Report, and Cooperate", your
adventure begins in the Twisting Garden Lodge in Merab, an expansive garden maze surrounded by a few small buildings that house caretakers, residents, and visitors. The maze build of tall green hedges looks impressive, and may cause folks to be nervous at the incredible size of it! Fortunately for you, a guide has been waiting to walk you through this elaborate maze. After a minute or two, you perhaps feel a little worried that you are lost... even with the guide.

Please make your character introductions to each other, once everyone has checked in, we'll officially start off the game!

Liberty's Edge

Recruitment for standard PFS scenario of said title. This game will be catered to pbp and pfs newbies, I.e. tier 1-2. And selection shall be prioritized to said players while a lottery to determine the remaining. If you are new to pbp and or pfs do include it your post below.

Also include the character you'd like to bring. I'll keep recruitment open for around 24 hours as I'm hoping to start this soonest!

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Please do not post on this page unless you have been chosen, I will be running a recruitment through flaxseed, alternatively you may look out for the recruitment tab. This game will be catering to folks new to PFS and PBP! Thus it will be a tier 1-2 game.

Welcome to PFS and PBP!

This is the discussion thread where you can chat about matters related to the game. The actual game will happen on the gameplay thread that you can find in one of the tabs above this.

If you haven't yet, do take time to read my profile by clicking on my name, as it gives you a good expectation of what to expect and what I expect in a game.

Before we start, I'll need some information pertaining to your character for reporting purposes, so please post the relevant information below in this thread.

PFS ID and #: eg. 123456-7
Character name and level:
Day job roll:

Some things that you should have for PBP:

You should upload a character sheet for your character in it's profile. This is for GM's to do any verifications, plus since we've a lot of new folks, I'd like to do a quick run through as well to ensure it's all in order. :)

Here is a link to my character to illustrate an example. It need not be in the same format as mine, but ensure the relevant details are there or at least linked!
Batpony's Character.

Another item that you should have on your character is a quick reference header, you'll notice that in a lot of PBP characters. It should include at minimum your race classes, levels, HP, ACs and CMD, Saves, Perception, Initiative. Do include other things you think might be useful for GMs to note. I'll post an example shortly!

If any of that already confuses you! Do ask question. I'm here to help!

Also do visit GM Lithrac's profile page for some useful links for PBP!

Quick and Dirty rules about formatting for PBP:

General black text is to describe what is happening in game.

"Bolded text, typically depict speech"

Italics are for internal monologues or thoughts your character might have

Blue text is for "Out of Character" stuff. Maybe you need a clarification, or a question...etc. But is not directly part of the game/character interaction

First of all, don't worry so much about getting it right the first time! I will guide you as much as I can through the game, and the most important thing of all is to have fun!

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Dot for profit!

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Welcome, named players, into the game! For those who have yet to play with me as a GM, do take time to read through my profile to give yourselves an idea of how I run games and my expectation.

As usual, do fill out the below for reporting purposes:

Character Name and levels:
PFS id:
Day job:
(If you roll now, I assume you forgo the opportunity for faction goals that requires you to skip day job)

You are free to have any early discussions! Game will be starting March 5th as the rest of the Outpost games.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Welcome, named players, into the game! For those who have yet to play with me as a GM, do take time to read through my profile to give yourselves an idea of how I run games and my expectation.

As usual, do fill out the below for reporting purposes:

Character Name and levels:
PFS id:
Day job:
(If you roll now, I assume you forgo the opportunity for faction goals that requires you to skip day job)

You are free to have any early discussions! Game will be starting March 5th as the rest of the Outpost games.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

To dot dot dot

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Welcome, named players, into the game! For those who have yet to play with me as a GM, do take time to read through my profile to give yourselves an idea of how I run games and my expectation.

As usual, do fill out the below for reporting purposes:

Character Name and levels:
PFS id:
Day job:
(If you roll now, I assume you forgo the opportunity for faction goals that requires you to skip day job)

You are free to have any early discussions! Game will be starting March 5th as the rest of the Outpost games.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Open for dotting purposing..

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Open for dot.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Welcome, named players, into the game! For those who have yet to play with me as a GM, do take time to read through my profile to give yourselves an idea of how I run games and my expectation.

As advertised in the recruitment, we plan to go all the way till the faction retires.

Scenarios for consideration:

#5-12: Destiny of the Sands, Part 1: A Bitter Bargain (Tier 1-5)
#5-15: Destiny of the Sands, Part 2: Race to Seeker's Folly (Tier 1-5)
#5-16: Destiny of the Sands, Part 3: Sanctum of the Sages (Tier 3-7)
#9-04: The Unseen Inclusion (Tier 1-5)
#6-19: Test of Tar Kuata (Tier 3-7)

As usual, do fill out the below for reporting purposes:

Character Name and levels:
PFS id:
Day job:
(If you roll now, I assume you forgo the opportunity for faction goals that requires you to skip day job)

You are free to have any early discussions! Plan is to start on 15th January or a little later.

Since we are 5 players strong, Robyn, feel free to jump in after the PbP special has ended.

Liberty's Edge

Following the announcement of the Scarab Sages retirement, I shall be looking to give a one last push for the members of the faction! We shall be looking to complete Destiny of the Sands at a minimum but may extend beyond should circumstance allow for it.

Scenarios for consideration:

#5-12: Destiny of the Sands, Part 1: A Bitter Bargain (Tier 1-5)
#5-15: Destiny of the Sands, Part 2: Race to Seeker's Folly (Tier 1-5)
#5-16: Destiny of the Sands, Part 3: Sanctum of the Sages (Tier 3-7)
#9-04: The Unseen Inclusion (Tier 1-5)
#6-19: Test of Tar Kuata (Tier 3-7)

I am looking for 6 characters within level range 3-5, and will remain within that range for the totality of the scenarios.

As this is quite long term and somewhat against the clock, I shall not be doing a random lottery but will be looking for Scarab Sage characters/players who will be able to be committed and will be able to post timely (and even hoping for those who can post twice a day) without sacrificing the quality of the game. Those who are not Scarab Sages may apply but priority will be given to the faction.

My selection choice will also be biased towards GM's who have hosted for me and players who I am familiar and have confidence with.

We will look to begin around mid-January, but may start earlier if I'm able to accommodate it.

Lastly, do read my GM profile for my in game expectations.

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