GM Batpony's Glass River Rescue (Low Tier) (Inactive)

Game Master Batpony

Maps & Handouts

Liberty's Edge

This is a game for those brand new to PBP and/or PFS in general. (Experienced players can apply.)

Selection will handpicked to ensure best experience for the newbies, and 3 spots for now have been reserved for new players.

If you're interested in the game, please post below with your character you wish to bring to the table, and your Pathfinder player and/or GM experience. (If there's not much newbies, i'm looking for a good range of players to give an all rounded experience)

Please take some time to click into my GM profile so you can have a decent idea of how I run my games.

Game will start 4th of May. It's tier 1-5 and it should go without saying it would be a low tier game 1-2.

The Concordance

"I'm looking for an adventure iffin yer askin'." Aulurius says stoically.

I'm Jacob, and my experience with Pathfinder is limited to creating two characters and playing two in-person PFS sessions. I have no PbP experience, but I've used message boards like these before. I intend to try my hand at GMing in person in a couple weeks.

Aulurius is building towards a caster druid with a companion that can take damage for him. He was exiled from a small snowy mountain cavern for his strange views on nature and magic, and thus he is wary of anyone he meets.

Grand Lodge

Will this be core? Or Standard?

I have lots of PbP experience, I GM 2 games on these boards as well.

The Concordance

"R-Razmiran? I've never traveled so far off!"-Salvius says as he is unable to hide his excitement. His big green eyes dart around nervously, but he's willing.

Name's Bruno. I've been trying my hand at PbP for a while now (about to reach a year). I've played in around 5 scenarios and GMed one. Salvius here is a Wood Wizard that idolizes druids and clerics of nature, as he was a student in the Magaambyan Academy.

Liberty's Edge

Raltus wrote:

Will this be core? Or Standard?

I have lots of PbP experience, I GM 2 games on these boards as well.

The game will run in standard mode.

I'm Matt. I've played role playing games for more than 20 years now. Mostly D&D 2nd, 3rd, 3.5, and Pathfinder. This is my first dip into PFS and PBP however. I'll be playing Bahram Al-Urgug. He may have some tweaking to go yet, but he is as follows:

Bahram Al-Urgug, or Jack as the non-Osirian Hummies call him
Half-orc Bard(Archaeologist) 1
HP 9
AC 14/11/13
Fort +1 Ref +3 Will +1
CMD 13, Init +1
Perception -1
Darkvision 60'
17 Years old
Alighment: CN
Diety: Iori
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 14
Greataxe +2 (1d12+3) x3
Shortsword +2 (1d6+2) 19/20 x2

Short bow +1 (1d6) x3

---Special attacks---
Arcane strike +1 dmg
Archaeologists luck +2 6rds/day

Arcane Strike

---Special Abilities---
Archaeologists luck +2 6rds/day
Orc ferocity
Rock Climber +1 acrobatics and climb

Fate's Favored +1 to all luck bonuses
Trapfinder +1 disable device and it is a class skill
Orc, Common, Draconic

Acrobatics +5 (1 dex, 1 rank, +1 rock climber, +3 cs, -1 ACP)
Appraise +6 (2 int, 1 rank, 3 cs)
Climb +6 (2 str, 1 rank, +1 rock climber, +3 cs, -1 ACP)
Dipomacy +6 (2 cha, 1 rank, 3 cs)
Disable Device +5 (1 dex, 1 rank, +1 trapfinder, 3 cs, -1 ACP)
Knowledge +3 (2 int, 0 ranks, +1 bardic knowledge)
Perception -1 (-1 wis, 0 rank)
Spellcraft +6 (2 int, 1 rank, 3 cs)
Stealth +4 (1 dex, 1 rank, 3 cs, -1 ACP)
Use Magic Device +6 (2 cha, 1 rank, 3 cs)

Spells known: 4 0th, 2 1st
Spells per day: 1st: 1 +1 Bonus Spell
Spell List:
0th: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand
1st: Comprehend Languages, Silent Image

Greataxe, Shortbow, Quiver w/ 20 arrows, Shortsword, leather armor, buckler
pack, chalk, thieve's tools, 1 Alchemist's fire, Trail rations.
137 gp 9 sp 9 cp
Carrying Capacity: Light Load-58 lbs, Medium Load-116 lbs

Bahram was born of a Keleshite mother and orc father.
Bahram's life started while his mother was working as part of an archaeologist team, digging up an old ruin when an orc war party fell upon them. Some time later, His mother, having given birth to such a painful reminder of the harm done to her people and an affront to the Garundi heritage, had to fight hard in order to protect Bahram. Things were especially difficult for Bahram since his mother insisted on him knowing of his orcish lineage as well as her own. He was raised under her skirts and worked hard in helping her on her archaeology digs.

As Bahram became older, and stronger, the humans surrounding him became less tolerant of his presence. In a final attempt to shelter her ill begotten son, his mother declared Bahram a full fledged archaeologist in his own right and assigned him his new life's quest. He was to go forth into the world and search for the ancient artifacts once belonging to the Osirion people.

Bahram was not long into his journey before he began to wonder if his mother's "glorious mission" was nothing more than attempt to free him of his human counterpart's reprisal. Or perhaps he truly his meant for greatness in restoring Osirion to it's former glory.

The Concordance

Hi BP!

Please give preference to new players, but if there are still spots left after doing so I have this fun little 1XP leshy barbarian available and I've never played Glass River Rescue.

I've been playing PFS for about 5 years now, and am quite used to pbp too.

Grand Lodge

Hey BP,

I have been playing since 3.5 and have GMed a handful of pbp on the boards.

This is my hippogriff-training junior Sable Company Marine.

Sovereign Court

lvl 1 Human Fighter looking to give it a shot at Glass River Rescue, I'm not new to PbP or PFS (infact been in a few of your games) but I have a couple others within this level range as well depending of course what the party needs

The Exchange

Hi. This is my first opportunity at doing a play-by-post, I've been playing Pathfinder for two years now. I currently have a lvl 1 Knife Master Rogue Archetype.

Grand Lodge

Well, I must put in an attempt at Glass River Rescue. I had an aborted selection for this scenario at high tier that never made it out of discussion thread when the GM just "disappeared". I have signed up for this very scenario twice in FTF but each time the table didn't make. I even offered a FTF table at a convention that didn't make. But enough about the unfortunate history surrounding this scenario.

I have two halfling brothers that are both 3rd level. One is used to post, the other is a unchained monk. They are originally both GM babies that I never really got a call to use. I have 9 active characters and play FTF a half dozen times a year. Most of my games for the last two years are now on PBP. I enjoy it greatly.

Anyway, Tanbu is at your service should you choose him.

He is standing by the door leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

He states in a deeper than expected voice, "A river trip, I could do some fishing. I'm available, boss."

Grand Lodge

I'd like to submit Sulana for consideration. I'm pretty new to both Pathfinder and PBP, and have never created a Pathfinder Society character before. I think I followed all the guidelines in the Pathfinder Society Guide, but if anyone notices something wrong please let me know.

Sulana Romanesco
Female Human Ranger (Divine Marksman) 1
NG Medium Size
Init +4; Perception +5


AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
HP 12 (1d10)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged Composite Longbow +5 (1d8+0, x3)
Melee Spiked Gauntlet +3 (1d4+2, x2)
Melee Dagger +3 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Other Statistics
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB 3; CMD 17


Precise Shot: No penalty for shooting into melee
Point-Blank Shot: +1 attack and damage on targets within 30 feet
Bullseye Shot: You can spend a move action to steady your shot. When you do, you gain a +4 bonus on your next ranged attack roll before the end of your turn.


Magical Knack (Magic): Your Ranger caster level gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn’t raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice.
Indomitable Faith (Faith): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves.


Climb [1]:+5
Handle Animal [1]: +3
Knowledge Nature [1]: +4
Perception [1]: +5
Ride [1]: +7
Stealth [1]: +7
Survival [1]: +5
Swim [1]: +5

Class Features:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A ranger is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Favored Enemy (Human):
At 1st level, a ranger selects a creature type from the ranger favored enemies table. He gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.

Bullseye Shot:
At 1st level, a divine marksman gains the Bullseye Shot feat as a bonus feat. He need not meet its prerequisites. This ability replaces track and wild empathy.


Combat Gear:

Composite Longbow: 100gp
Common Arrows (40): 2gp
Spiked Gauntlet: 5gp
Dagger: 2gp
Studded Leather Armor: 25gp

Other Gear:
Explorer’s Outfit: [free]
Pathfinder’s Kit: 12gp
Mess Kit: 2sp
Hemp Rope: 1gp
Gold: 2gp, 8sp

Character Background:

Sulana was born to a family of peasants near Sevenarches, in the River Kingdoms. Together with her parents Sulana worked the fields, performed household chores, and played (or sometimes fought) with her siblings. It was a simple life, but a good one. However her greatest joys came from the all-too-rare moments where she could slip away to the edges of the Elderwoods. She made friends with the fey creatures there and felt more at home than she ever did at the farm.

As she reached adulthood, she realized she wanted more out of life than that of a farmer’s wife. Talking with the pilgrims and traders passing through the town, she learned of the Pathfinder Society. This organization was dedicated to exploring the many mysteries of Golarion, and Sulana resolved to become a Pathfinder herself. She kissed her parents goodbye and set off on a grand new adventure.

Liberty's Edge

(Reserved), Aulurius, Mahuffma, Gariath, Sulana, Tanbu

Are be the selected players just based off the fact most are either new to PBP or PFS and Tanbu's misfortune with this scenario. Instructions/ discussion thread will be up in a day or so, so look out for that.

I apologies to the rest! But I will say that I'll be happy to run a game (i would be even happy to repeat this scenario since i'll have the slides set up for it) for you lot once this one is completed. I may even run it earlier should I find myself with enough free time and i'll keep you guys updated by posting on flaxseed.

****Recruitment is closed****

Oh! I'm so excited! Along the lines of Sulana, let me know if anything looks fishy when looking over my character. I have had to change one thing. I miss copied a racial trait. He should have had sacred Tattoo instead of ferocity. I fixed it on my pfs page, but I don't know how to do a proper link yet.

Liberty's Edge

Named players, hope on to the Discussion Thread!

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