Glastor Gilderhoff III |
”Am I late?” cries out a brightly dressed gnome with a large butterfly symbol and tiny dragonfly wings on his neck. ”Please tell me I am not late, I have been running as fast as my little legs can carry me!
“I am Glastor Glitterhoff III, priest of DESna!” he proclaims, puff8ng out his chest. ”While I am on a mission, nobody dies!”
Zarzuket 2 |
Zarzuket walks over to Glastor and holds out his hands. "Nice to meet you dear sir. I'm Zarzuket scholar of the arcane and librarian. I do believe you are not late. We're waiting for the Venture Captain. Would you perhaps like some blackberry tea?" He points to Pip "Pip serving tea now."
GM Batpony |
You once again find yourselves back in the Absalom, heart of the Pathfinder Society, Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin paces in front of a small table in this meeting room in the Grand Lodge. In front of him on the table is a packet of parchments. His facial expression gives that off a very worried look. Rumours from the corridor has it that a rather important Pathfinder has gone missing, one that was tied up in the studies of Thassilonian ruins.
He takes a couple of moments to gather his thoughts before he begins the briefing.
Gleam |
Gleam grins, seemingly unnoticing or at least uncaring of the sweat the pouring off his brow and leaking from the edges of his full plate.
A bit self consciously he introduces himself, half looking at the floor. "Name's Gleam, yes I used to be once of Torch's bodyguards, but then Torch leave and Gleam sad. Gleam not really understood why Bossman leave and he owe Gleam a couple weeks of back pay. At least Society take care of Gleam."
Gleam is a big tough melee fighter with several ways to enlarge himself. He hits hard with a Falcata and has the somewhat rare feat cleaving finish.
Petronicus Krupt III |
A tall, gangling Chelaxian man with a guisarme strapped to his back ambles in and immediately heads for the man serving tea.
"Pardon me, sir," he addresses the man in the bowler hat, "but what kind of tea is this? I prefer Sargavan tea if at all possible, but all they serve around here seems to be that swill from Jalmeray. Tastes as if a Vudrani who has taken a bath in it."
Ingrge |
Another tall dude enters the room in a dark grey cloak. He appears to scout out the area, sizing up both the room and those present, before nodding and pulling his hood back, revealing amber eyes and wavy blonde hair to go with some soft Elven facial features. He bows as he states, "Ingrge, at your service..."
Glastor Gilderhoff III |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Glastor chuckles when Ingrge pronounces his name. "Soundslikeyoumissedavowelortwothere!" flies out of his mouth. "Canyoupleasesayyournameagain?"
Ingrge |
Ingrge eyes the gnome curiously. "'s an Elvish name," he says simply before changing to a deadpan voice with a straight face. "Translated into the common tongue, it means 'Smarter than gnomes'..."
GM Batpony |
And we begin...
Without a moments warning, Valsin loudly clears his throat and begins a speech once he has your attention. “Pathfinders, a rather concerning development has come to light. I have received a summons requesting Pathfinder presence at a meeting of the Shoanti quahs. The impetus for this request is troubling, to say the least."
“About one year ago, a Pathfinder named Lumketul Simset returned to the Grand Lodge with notes on a rather exciting discovery: a Thassilonian ruin, tucked in a remote area in the Iron Peaks in Varisia. He also returned with several artifacts, which we took in for further study. Lumketul’s notes were the basis of a tale published in the Pathfinder Chronicles shortly thereafter, which has become rather popular among those endeavoring to uncover new Thassilonian discoveries. "
“However, I recently received a message from Cousin to All, an ally from the Shriikirri-Quah. Shadde-Quah traders came across a copy of the Pathfinder Chronicles. Upon reading Lumketul’s entry, they realized that he was speaking not of a Thassilonian ruin, but of a sacred Shoanti burial site known as the Muschkal Sepulcher. Shadde-Quah leadership contacted the Skoan-Quah, which sent out their boneslayers to confirm the reports. Turns out—unfortunately for all parties—Lumketul did in fact damage and plunder the sepulcher.”
"Ambrus rubs his temples with one hand, then continues. “Our relations with the quahs have already been somewhat strained, although friendlier than their other connections with outsiders. Fortunately for us, we have some history of goodwill with the Shoanti, so Cousin to All was able to convince the other quahs to send representatives to hear our side of the story. Unfortunately for us, our side of the story is still bad. Lumketul showed no regard or respect in his blind pursuit of discovery, and frankly, the Society doesn’t have much grounds to deserve forgiveness. The Muschkal Sepulcher is an important location for all the quahs, and Lumketul’s disregard has cast the Society as a whole in a bad light. We’ve tried contacting Lumketul, but he has cut contact with the Society, and no one in the Society has heard from him in over a year. This is where you come in. I would like for all of you to travel to the meeting of the councilmembers and represent the Society. I believe excuses will not be received well; rather, please petition the council with utmost earnestness and sincerity.”
Ambrus pushes the packet of parchments across the table. “I’ve had Lumketul’s notes on his expedition dug up in the hopes they’d be of some use. I’ve also included a copy of his Chronicle publication, although his embellishments and obfuscation of truth may have rendered it useless; nevertheless, maybe you’ll glean some helpful information from it.” Ambrus then reaches down beside him and pulls up a large satchel and an egg-shaped rock that emits a warm, red glow. [b]“The bag contains the items Lumketul plundered from the burial site. At the very least, we must return the items to the Shoanti, and I request you try to convince the council to allow you to restore the sepulcher to its proper state. As for the stone, if you touch it to a broken object, it will gradually repair it. It won’t last forever, but it should have enough magic left in it for this mission.” The venture-captain pauses for emphasis. “It’s important to the Society to develop further relations with the quahs, so this could be an opportunity to show that we can be trusted.”
Maps & handouts are linked below and on top of the page, (seemed to run out of space on my GM header). Everything provided to you by Ambrus Valsin is uploaded into there (2 handouts & a map), and while you're in there, please fill up information on slide 1!
The simple brown bag is familiar to you as a magical bag of holding (type II), and it contains four carved wooden weapons mounted on simple bases: a bolas, a bow, an earth breaker, and a klar. It also contains a small stone statue of a wolf cub and a ring stylized as a scarab beetle.
As your peruse the papers, Ambrus waits awhile in the event you require further clarification or concerns.
Maps & Handouts
GM Batpony |
Your research or knowledge of the Shoanti might be useful in this adventure...
Glastor Gilderhoff III |
"Oh..." says Glastor, obviously heartbroken by the despoiling of the Shoanti sacred ground. "I am glad, VentureCaptainAmbrusValsin, thatwearehelpingthemtorestoretheirsacredgrounds."
diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
"Friends... I know a few things about the Shoanti. They mostly live on the Storval Plateau. hey used to live all over Varisia, but had many bloody conflicts with Chelaxian colonists... which has made them mistrustful of outsiders. Thatissosad." says Glastor, letting his teammates what he knows.
"However, they are not completely closed off. May outsiders have been known to join their ranks, but it takes a long history of demonstrating loyalty to clan and dedication to their principles.
"I hope we can restore their trust. Itwouldbehorribleifonebadeggweretoruinitforallofus!"
Ingrge |
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Ingrge nods. "If any one of you has ties to Cheliax, best you keep it to yourselves for the extent of this mission. Negotiations are likely to be tense enough as it is..."
Looking at Lumketel's notes, Ingrge shakes his head. "Looks like undead and magical creatures await us, if the Shoanti let us enter the sepulcher. The map should prove very helpful though...providing it is accurate..."
Morrighan Jennings |
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
"Shocking lack of professionalism on this Lumketul’s part. Frankly, if he can't differentiate between Thassolonian runes and Shoanti carvings, he has no business on an expedition in Varisia." Morrighan shakes her head, ruefully. "All it does is make it harder for the rest of us. I hope he trips down the Storval Stairs."
The agent addresses Ambrus, "Any tips on dealing with the quahs? I have a feeling we're going to have our work cut out for us here."
Glastor Gilderhoff III |
Glastor immediately grabs the repairing egg... "This is sooooooo cool! It will fix anything? If Ingurglie breaks his bow, it will fix that?
"I'll hold on to it for now. I am our healer, and I will now be able to heal our gear! THATISSOCOOL!" The tiny dragonfly wings on Glastor's neck are beating frantically in his excitement.
Gleam |
Gleam pulls out a journal large enough to be a spell book and furrows his brow causing sweat to build up above his eyebrows as he struggles to follow things fast enough to take notes. A struggle he seems to mostly succeed on at least.
Some highliights include 'Don't kill the Quah' 'Use eggrock to fix ruin' 'Last pathfinders make mess, we clean up mess'
Gleam does ask the Venture captain "Quah is name of tribe, or leader type title?"
Petronicus Krupt III |
Petronicus clears his throat, glancing briefly at Ingrgre before speaking. "Pardon me, Venture-Captain, but what is the Decemvirate thinking of sending me on this particular mission? Although I no longer support the government of Cheliax in the matter that I used to, I am a Chelishman born and bred. In fact, an ancestor of mine, Reginald the Corpulent, died defending the settlers of Fort Korvosa from the Horsers. I will happily go on this mission, but I will not hold my tongue if I feel that the honor of my motherland is being besmirched."
GM Batpony |
Quahs are both leader and tribe, It's... difficult to explain, they are neither their own tribe, leaders of a tribe, but even among them, there are leaders among the quah. It is a term unique to the this part of Varisia. With regards to your approach, many of the councilmembers will be suspicious of your intentions, but Cousin to All did convince the rest of the quahs to at least entertain this meeting, so I believe they’ll approach this meeting with somewhat open minds. I believe that your best bet is to approach them with honesty and respect, owning our mistake and presenting a clear solution to the problem. However, don’t try to play the relics off as a bargaining chip; we are obligated to return the items, not simply doing so as a nicety.” Responds the venture captain.
"In theory, yes, the egg would be able to do that, but I would practice caution as it functionality is limited."
This jagged, egg-shaped stone emits a faint red glow when not in direct sunlight. By rubbing a scavenger’s stone against a damaged (but not destroyed) construct or object as a full-round action, you repair 1d6 points of damage to the object or construct. If this brings a broken object’s hit points above half its maximum hit points, it loses the broken condition. As a standard action, you can smash a scavenger’s stone against a destroyed object or damaged construct. Doing so immediately repairs the object to full functionality or heals a damaged construct of 10d6 points of damage. Destroyed magic items can be repaired in this manner if their caster level is no higher than 3rd—more powerful destroyed magical items cannot be repaired by a scavenger’s stone. A newly-created scavenger’s stone has 50 charges—smashing a stone against an object uses up 10 charges
The information of the stone has been uploaded into the slides for reference and tracking purposes.
Turning to Petronicus, Valsin raises a single brow, "Well, I can't say for sure I know what the Decemvirate was thinking, but clearly he must have his reasons. Perhaps he knows of something we don't.."
Ambrus waits around a little while longer.
If there are no further questions in the next 24 hours, we will move on!
Morrighan Jennings |
"I suppose there are worse things to do than damage control. We might even learn something about the Shoanti, if we play our cards right. How are we traveling to the meeting?"
Glastor Gilderhoff III |
"Petronicus, I am sure that if you were selected for this mission, you are trusted enough to not spoil our mission with petty squabbling." says Glastor. "Do not worry, I can do the talking for you and I am sure that I can make these Shoanti realize that the Society made a mistake and are returning what was taken and will fix what was broken."
GM Batpony |
Ambrus grins widely, "You need not worry about your travels, they shall be accounted for, just indicate to me when you are ready to move. " He merely responds.
Ingrge |
Ingrge shrugs. "Seems straightforward, sir," he says while also realizing no Pathfinder mission ever is. "I'm ready to leave now...that is, if everyone else is..."
Morrighan Jennings |
"Yes, let's move out."
Glastor Gilderhoff III |
"Venture-Captain, what were the items that were taken?" asks Glastor, realizing no one else has asked.
Petronicus Krupt III |
Petronicus nods in agreement with the venture-captain. "I'm sure you are right, sir. I'll try my best not to distract from our mission, but if the Horsers start in about the injustices done to their people," and here tall man uses his hands to make the largest air quotes, "I might have to give them a bit of my mind. In private, of course."
After going over the papers, Petronicus hands them off to Glastor. "The items are mentioned here in these documents, Mr. Gilderhoff. (See the link under the GM's name.) By the by, I hope your mother and father are doing well. Please give them my regards the next time you speak with them."
GM Batpony |
"... It's in the bag as well." Valsin eyes warily, and perhaps worriedly towards Glastor.
"Venture-Captain, what were the items that were taken?" asks Glastor, realizing no one else has asked.
The simple brown bag is familiar to you as a magical bag of holding (type II), and it contains four carved wooden weapons mounted on simple bases: a bolas, a bow, an earth breaker, and a klar. It also contains a small stone statue of a wolf cub and a ring stylized as a scarab beetle.
Glastor Gilderhoff III |
”I guess I can carry the bag of holding, too... with all of the stuff. ” says Glastor. lIt won’t slow down more than my armor does, and I am not much of a fighter. Which is ok, because when Glastor Glitterhoff III is on a mission, nobody dies!”
Gleam |
Gleam takes note of the Venture captain's answer, not entirely unconfused. Gleam carefully closes up his notebook. "Gleam is ready."
GM Batpony |
Ambrus knocks three times on the door, and immediately an elderly looking human wizard walks in silently.“I have hired Jia, a local wizard, to teleport you to the Storval Stairs, whenever you are ready to depart. He’ll wait for you to complete your mission so you can return back.” The venture captain notes.
You hold hands as the spell is being incanted and immediately, your surroundings dissipate and spin around as you being are teleported through space.
Awaiting for you on the other end are two of Cousin to All's assistants who would then lead you directly into the cavern. The path leading into the earth beneath the Storval Stairs opens into an expansive cavern, chatter echoing off the striated rock walls. Smaller passages branch from the main chamber, winding deeper underground. The space is filled with people grouped in small clusters engaged in quiet discussion. Waiting near the entrance to the cavern are two Shoanti. One of them, a half-elf with a prominent facial tattoo resembling a styled hawk, approaches. “Be welcome, my cousins. I am Cousin to All. Good to see you well. It seems the others are open to hearing your case, considering that they showed up, so I believe it’s possible for a good outcome today.” The other Shoanti, a shorter human man, approaches the group. “I am Rollicks in Waves of the Shadde-Quah. Many thanks to the Society for their past help.”
He continues, “I see this situation as the actions of a rogue agent. I’ve seen what good the Society can do, so this seems like one individual’s mistake to me. You’ve got a ‘yes’ vote from me. With mine and Cousin to All’s votes, you’ll need to convince two of the others to vote for you as well—majority wins.”
Cousin to All nods. “I think it would be best to get as many of the other councilors on board as possible. Having the quahs unified is in the best interest of not only each individual clan, but to the Shoanti as a whole. Opening them up to further alliances with the Society would benefit both sides, and hopefully lead to the other Shoanti becoming more receptive to interacting with the outside world, which I believe would be a massive boon for our people. The meeting begins immediately."
At Cousin to All’s summons, the councilmembers walk up a sloping stone ramp to a rise featuring a row of wooden benches. Cousin to All and Rollicks in Waves take their seats toward the left side of the platform. A councilor with a rune pattern on her face formed with tattoo and scar takes a wide-stance seat, idly spinning a greatsword. A slight figure with hood drawn sits cross-legged and hunched, eyes downward. Another councilor sits forward on her bench, a vulture perched next to her. A long-haired man clad in a robe takes his place, waiting attentively. The last councilor stands near his bench, arms crossed and with a cold glare, auroch hood around his shoulders.
Cousin to All begins. “Thank you, all, for honoring my request and being here today. I understand that this is a situation of the utmost sensitivity, so I appreciate everyone’s continued civility as we discuss this matter. "
“As you all know, a Pathfinder Society agent has desecrated the Muschkal Sepulcher—a severe offense. However, the Society would like to right their wrongs. They have sent these representatives to present their case to you, esteemed representatives, on how they would like to repair our bonds and fix this problem.”
The man in the auroch cloak hardens his glare. “What bonds do we have to repair? These tshameks deserve no such opportunity and no forgiveness. This is a Shoanti problem that only the Shoanti can fix, as we always have.”
“At least hear them out, Kemchet Flame Stoker,” Cousin to All bristles. “I understand your frustrations with this situation— believe me, I have some of my own—but the Pathfinder Society wants to make things right. I feel it only fair to allow them that chance.”Flame Stoker scoffs but speaks no further.
The hooded figure looks around the room as everyone speaks. They look almost as if they will speak, but they remain silent, instead studying each person.
The vulture and its owner stare at each Pathfinder in turn before the latter speaks. “The boneslayers reported extensive damage and missing relics from the sepulcher. This site is of the utmost importance to our history, built up over hundreds of years. That legacy can’t be repaired in a day.”
The woman with the greatsword sneers. “They certainly don’t look like much. How could we trust their ability to fix things?” She clangs her sword off the rock platform for emphasis. Rollicks in Waves shoots a look at her and retorts, “The Society is more capable than you think, Payah Against the Wind. Do at least give them a chance to prove that.”
The long-haired man speaks up. “This has been a most troubling development. I want to hear what these Pathfinders have to say. My only request is that the quahs reach a mutual understanding and maintain a mutual respect on this matter, even if our opinions on the best course of action differ. We must remain unified, even in our disagreements.”
“Certainly a worthy goal, Lake at Dawn. I trust everyone to strive toward that,” Cousin to All remarks. “So, Pathfinders, please approach and state your case. How are you going to undo your misdeeds? How will you settle the Society’s debt?”
Instructions to follow. Portraits will be uploaded to the handouts as well.
GM Batpony |
I'm going to give some breathing room for clarifications or in (or out of) character discussions and what not before we go into the next challenge: social encounter.
Those playing society for a while now will be familiar with the social encounter directives. You will have a number of social rounds (3) to attempt to influence as many individuals as possible. During your turn, you choose an individual and may either attempt a discovery check (to realize what best skill checks would attempt to sway them to your favour) OR attempt an influence check. I will tell you if you have succeed or not in those checks through roleplay. While you do not know how many influence points is exactly needed to sway a person, I will tell you how you may feel about that individual post your check.
Morrighan Jennings |
I'm inclined to use Knowledge (history) on the vulture owner. (If I use Lore Master I can do well.) I wonder if we should do discovery checks? I'm also pretty good at Diplomacy, Sense Motive, and Perform (oratory)
GM Batpony |
I will give detailed physical descriptions of each of the 7 quah councilmembers for you to make an informed decision. I'll try to get in up right after working hours.
Glastor Gilderhoff III |
It is always worth doing discovery checks, IMHO. Though, once we know more about the folks, we might be guided to certain types of checks.
GM Batpony |
Before you the seven councilmembers stand, waiting to hear your proposals. At this time, one of the assistant to Cousin to All whispers in your ears a brief introduction to each individual. His voice surprisingly sounds exactly like Ambrus Valsin...
Payah Against the Wind is toned and athletic. She is blind in one eye, with a scar crossing over it from her forehead down her cheek. She has incorporated the scar into her facial tattoo design, which is the rune of the Wind Soul, Cilvat. She is wearing a hide vest with a skin-tight, long-sleeved hemp shirt beneath and cloth shorts. Against the Wind fights using a greatsword, which she nearly always carries and often idly plays with.
“Against the Wind is renowned for her might. No doubt she is intimidating, but don’t let that deter you from trying to convince her of your intentions. She values strength, so show that strength in your conviction.”
Kemchet Flame Stoker is towering and muscled. He wears an auroch hide cape, with the hood still sporting the animal’s signature horns, and cloth pants. He carries his battletested earth breaker on his back. His head is covered in stylized flame tattoos. He has a large burn scar wrapping from his solar plexus around to his back. His cold glare and hard features intimidate those he interacts with.
“Flame Stoker definitely has a reputation as a tough leader, equal emphasis on ‘tough’ and ‘leader.’ As he is strong willed and protective of his people, I seriously doubt you’ll be able to convince him that your intentions are true.”
Togimal In Shadow is of slim build and wears a simple cloth hood and cloak, a tight-fitting leather vest, and loose pants. They carry a longbow on their back, with a quiver containing myriad types of arrows. In Shadow has a tattoo depicting a stylized version of the Owl constellation, although it is rarely visible due to their cloak. They generally avert their eyes when they notice they catch someone’s gaze.
“I don’t know much about Togimal in Shadow other than what rumor holds. Skilled hunter, vigilant tracker. I’m not sure what their attitude will be heading into this meeting, but I know the Lyrune-Quah wouldn’t send In Shadow if there was any doubt regarding their wisdom and judgment.”
Lake at Dawn is portly and of medium height. He is clad in a cloth tunic and cloth shorts, and he is wearing handwraps. Unlike most Shoanti, he wears his hair long, tied up in a bun when needed. He normally has a calm and neutral expression, and his brows furrow when he is deep in thought.
“Many say Lake at Dawn is one of the foremost reasons the Shoanti haven’t broken out in civil war. While that’s certainly hyperbole, there is no doubt as to his ability to broker peace between the quahs. Although he is protective of his people, I think you will be able to convince him that your actions will be for his people’s good.”
Memory Tender is stout and strong. She wears a sleeveless cloth shirt and a long animal-hide skirt, and she has a satchel worn with a strap over her shoulder. One of her arms is heavily tattooed from her shoulder to her elbow, featuring scenes of skeletal animals. She tends to speak somewhat enigmatically and can seem as if her mind is elsewhere at times. Her spirit animal is a vulture with black feathers. The vulture perches on a ledge nearby during the council meeting, watching for trouble.
“The Skoan-Quah is known for their amazing recall of history, and Memory Tender is known for being one of the best, preserving Shoanti history through tales passed down through the generations.”
Rollicks in Waves is a short, boyish Shoanti wearing a brightly colored, patterned headband, a simple leather jerkin, and cropped cloth pants. His shoulders and arms are tattooed with images of fish darting in and out of ocean waves. He often smiles and projects loudly as he speaks.
“I’ve heard rumor that Rollicks in Waves is the greatest fishing prodigy the Shoanti have ever seen, not that you’d guess that from being around him. He tends to be loud and brash, from my experience, but kind. He’s friendlier to nonShoanti than most, so his quah tends to have him deal with outsiders when necessary.”
You may choose your round 1 actions, also, although this is social checks for one particular individual, remember that you are in general attempting to influence the whole council, so make sure your opening remarks is address to everyone. “So, Pathfinders, please approach and state your case. How are you going to undo your misdeeds? How will you settle the Society’s debt?”
Gleam |
Gleam furrows his brow causing sweat to build up on his forehead against as he speaks, clearly used to apologizing.
"Gleam has lots of experience breaking things, but Gleam also understands that some things are important and shouldn't get broken and if they do they need to get fixed. We made mistake here, and would like the chance to make them right and brought a powerful magic item to fix things."
Gleam pauses, concentrating even harder as he addresses the memory Tender "Just as your tribe survived the Runelords and the Chelixians to share your stories, let us help restore the Sepulcher so that it's tale does not end here."
Using Knowledge History to help get the historical allegory right. Gleam is not too bright but he does spend a lot of time studying and reading the history books.
Know: History, Memory Tender: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Leaving the relics to somebody else to present.
GM Batpony |
I'm a little tired to give a proper write up, but in case anyone was wondering, Kn. History has provided 1 success point for Memory Tender.
Ingrge |
Ingrge follows Gleam. He rises, approaches the council, and bows respectfully. "On behalf of the Pathfinder Society, we apologize for the disgraceful action of one of our members. There was no excuse for this and we take full responsibility and hope to make amends, if you will allow us, as one of my colleagues will explain in more detail."
He nods towards Togimal in Shadow. "I will track down the one who did this and, if possible, bring him back to face to this council for judgment. Like you, Togimal in Shadow, I am a skilled hunter and archer; although I fall short in that comparison, I'd like to talk with you about tracking techniques as well as the variety of arrows you carry..."
Ingrge will talk secrets of the trade with Togimal and give an example of his survival skills if asked...
Based on his description, I feel reasonably sure that one of Togimal's influences is Survival so I'll roll with that...will also add my faction pin mod to the roll...
Survival (Togimal in Shadow): 1d20 + 8 + 1d4 ⇒ (16) + 8 + (4) = 28
Glastor Gilderhoff III |
Honored elders and hopefully future friends,” begins Glastor, looking directly at Lake at Dawn, ”The Pathfinder Society is here to do something that is rarely done in this world. We are admitting our wrongs against your people, and the harm that has been done in our name.
“With us, we have the treasured belongings that were stolen from your sacred burial site, and powerful magic to help repair the damage. We know that this does not right the wrong done, that there is no way to truly undo what was done.
“While we can only hope to regain the trust of the Quahs that was lost, we do not expect it. We do this because it is right, and will help the Shoanti to regain a little of what was lost to them. Trust. Community, Belonging. Those things that bind us, person to person, heart to heart. ” A tear falls from Glastor’s eye, as he thinks of the pain that these people must have gone through losing their sacred things, having their dead violated.
”If Desna were to grant me the way to turn back time, I would make it so this never happened. But the Song of the Spheres is a goddess of dreams, and I will forever dream of a day when the Quahs work together in peace and harmony, their love unsullied by the foul deed that was done to them and theirs. ”
Now crying outright, he walks up to Lake at Dawn, ”Can we ever truly be forgiven?”
good idea, I will use my silver crusade pin for this!
diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 + 1d4 ⇒ (10) + 12 + (3) = 25
Petronicus Krupt III |
Petronicus tries to remember anything he has heard about the Shoanti leader Payah Against the Wind. (Knowledge (local) to analyze what Payah might be impressed by: 1d20 + 7 + 1d6 ⇒ (11) + 7 + (3) = 21)
Pip Hero |
"Mr lake at dawn, as Mr glastor said we help to repair the damage that the gnomes...OH excuse ME...the PATHFINDERS..yes have caused. Pardon me"
Diplomacy aid: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Morrighan Jennings |
Morrighan keeps an eye on Kemchet Flamestoker while addressing the leaders, trying to gauge his reaction.
"We know that apologies without actions are words in the wind, so we are here to do more than merely return the articles. We will do what we can to restore the site. Of course, as outsiders we would not presume to be familiar enough with your customs to do a complete job. We will follow your lead and lend our considerable talents to repairing the structure. What can we do to help make amends?"
Take 10 on Sense Motive for 23.