GM Batpony |
Welcome named players! I'll be your GM for this game!
As usual, for reporting purposes please provide the relevant information.
player name:
Character name:
Class & levels:
PFS id:
Day job:
Other info I need to know?
If you've not played with me before, do take some time to read heigh my profile to get an idea about me and expectations during the game. But most importantly, let's have fun (within the boundary of the rules)! :)
Sir Ibb |
Player name: Doug Hahn
Character name: Sir Ibb and Irp
Class & levels: Fighter (Eldritch Guardian/Mutation Warrior) 8
PFS id: 232159-7
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day job: None
Other info I need to know? Irp is Ibb's familiar, and is usually rolling skills rather than participating in physical combat (Sage and Figment archetypes). Only notable because most Eldritch Guardians run with the more optimal mauler pet instead.
Ibb and Irp use separate aliases, if that's okay with you.
I will get Ibb's profile 100% updated beforehand; he has some gold to spend.
Rallas Linnderil |
player name:Paul McCrory aka grimdog73
Character name:Rallas Linnderil
Class & levels:Slayer/urogue/brawler 2/4/1
PFS id: 125048-01
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day job: none
Other info I need to know? skill monkey that hits like a truck...power attack with his ECB is good, no charisma skills....more of a doer, not a talker
Daniel Thrace |
Player: Pete H.
Character Name: Daniel Thrace
Class & Levels: Ranger 7
PFS #: 123584-1
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day Job: Adventure is my career!
Other Info: Pretty much a Core Ranged Ranger with the archetype that lets him chose any druid companion (raptor). However, his raptor companion will be staying at home until he gets a bit older & tougher. Unloads lots of arrows. Well rounded skill set though not much on the social skill side of things. Tries to scout ahead when possible and can track well. Favored Enemies elves/humans. Favored Terrain forest. He has run Solstice Scar twice before (A & C iirc).
Umbrato Shawart |
Player name: RePete
Character name: Umbrato Shawart
Class & levels: Wizard (Scrollmaster) 3/UnRogue 3/Arcane Trickster 1
PFS id: 126566-16
Faction: Scarab Sage
Day job: Craft Origami Sculptures: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 (If I still have it available may use a reroll for this at the end)
Other info I need to know? Uh...probably a couple things...
- I'm Awesome! :-P
- At will as an immediate action I can activate Feather Fall on myself
- I can attempt a disable device or sleight of hand check from 30ft away by increasing the DC by 5
- As an immediate action once per day I can treat negative and positive energy as if I were undead for 1 minute
- Once per day I can change my appearance to look as if I were a 4foot tall area of shadow - functions as invisibility for up to 5 rounds
- I can use a scroll as a shortsword or a shield by spending a free action to "fold" the scroll
- Scarab Sage Faction Card Link Both my allies within 30ft of myself and I treat our Con score as 4 higher when determining if we are dead dead
- I am a skill monkey as well - but don't do massive damage. I do have the 'bleed' rogue talent
I think that's all. I need to add a couple boons recently acquired to my profile and possibly spend some money, but I think I should be up to date for the rest.
Any questions, feel free to ask.
Xuan Fung |
Oops! Sorry I forgot to check in!
Player name: kuey
Character name: Xuan Fung (goes by Fung, as Xuan is the family name)
Class & levels: Aerokineticist 7 (he just levelled up and I haven't updated his profile page yet)
PFS id: 215076-4
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day job: profession(herbalist): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13 Will use my reroll at the end of the game if I hadn't use it by then)
Other info I need to know?
Fung has permanent flight. That was the sole reason why I built him! Yeah!
Other than being a combat blaster, his only use out of combat is stealth and disable device but looks like Umbrato has that covered.
He's got an air wysp as a familiar. Will use in combat to aid Fung's attacks, providing +4 instead of the usual +2 bonus.
GM Batpony |
Sorry for the radio silence earlier! Been busy trying to wrap up the specials as player and GM, as well as my locally run giantslayer AP before I make a move to the States for work!
Everyone's check in, so that's great! We're still a bit away before start date so feel free to make any discussion if you feel like it. I will be travelling 6-7th March for my relocation so will be a little quiet around that time but will make sure that all goes smoothly for the table.
I don't see any concerns on the PCs so far! But I'll try to go through the character sheets to familiarize myself with your characters.
Irp |
ahem. mi mi mi mi mi. mi me ma mo mu.
I usually drop Manifest Dreams into two common knowledges on Irp. If it helps with party coordination, I am more than happy to switch those up to fill out any party knowledge gaps, or to avoid stepping on anyone's toes if they enjoy their character's specialization in a particular subject.
Umbrato Shawart |
I have....
K Arcana +10, K Dungeoneering +8, K Local +8, K Nature +8, K Planes +8, K Religion +8
However, I'm fine with doubling up on any of those. So you won't get any issue from me. Someone can always roll a 1 or a 20.
Rallas Linnderil |
acrobatics +14
bluff +6
climb +5
craft traps +5
disable device +14(+16 traps) -
escape artist +12
know. dungeoneering +6
know. local +6
perception +14(+16 traps) -
sleight of hand +9
stealth +14
survival +10
use magic device +10
intimidate +5
my applicable skills
Umbrato Shawart |
My disable device is the same as yours Rallas, but you are much better at finding said traps.
The only real benefit I've got over you is the ability to try 30ft away.
If youd like, you can take lead on them while I stand safely back and aid you. :-P
Daniel Thrace |
The best Knowledge skill Daniel has is Nature at +7. He has a few he can roll at +2, but those pretty much require quite a high roll to even be close to relevant. He certainly is not specialized in any of them.
Irp |
Thanks all! Looks like I'll keep Irp's Manifest Dreams ability set to on Skilled in Religion & Planes for now :)
GM Batpony |
Sorry If I've been a little quiet during this time, I have been trying to manage my life with my permanent relocation to the United States. With that said, In an hour I'll be making my start to a very long commute to my relocation to the United States! I will likely have difficulty in posting but will try to get connected to the Airport Wifi during my long transits! I expect to be fully back to normal in 30 hours or so.
Sir Ibb |
Congrats on the relocation; I hope it goes smoothly!
GM Dennis |
You've been randomly selected to begin the special with one of the Aid Tokens.
Passing Aid Token to: GM Batpony
Current Boosts: None
Sir Ibb |
I'll post Ibb's intro tonight. Busy weekend; apologies!
GM Batpony |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Rules for Aid Tokens!
Once per encounter, any character at a table can use an Aid Token to assist the group in one of the ways described below. Once a table uses an Aid Token, one of the players then passes the Aid Token to a neighboring table for them to use. A table can only benefit from one token per encounter.
If a table receives an Aid Token and doesn’t need its benefits, they’re encouraged to boost its potency by expending some of their own resources or attempting a skill check. Boosting an Aid Token, including attempting a skill check, is part of passing that Aid Token to another table. A table can neither retry such a skill check nor boost an Aid Token more than once before passing it to another table.
Allied Offensive:A Pathfinder agent strikes a creature at the same time as the PC, increasing the damage dealt by one attack by 2d8 points. In addition, after the attack, anyone attacking the target is considered to be flanking it until the beginning of the attacker’s next turn. To Boost: Succeed at an attack roll against an AC equal to an Average skill check. Boosted Effect: +1d8 points of damage.
Burst of Healing: A Pathfinder agent heals all of the PCs of 3d6 points of damage. To Boost: Expend one use of channel positive energy or cast one spell with the healing descriptor with a spell level greater than or equal to 3. A PC must cast this spell, not simply activate a wand or scroll. Boosted Effect: +2d6 points of damage healed.
Timely Inspiration: A Pathfinder agent provides the effects of a bard’s inspire courage (+2) bardic performance for 3 rounds. To Boost: Expend 3 rounds of bardic performance or similar ability. Boosted Effect: Increase the competence bonus by 1.
Provide Knowledge (Must Be Boosted): Gain the benefits of a Knowledge skill check or Spellcraft skill check used to identify a magical item; the type and difficulty (Easy, Average or Hard) depend on the table granting the benefit. To Boost: Succeed at a Knowledge check of your choice, the result of the check (Easy, Average or Hard) should be noted on the Aid Token.
Provide Spellcasting (Must Be Boosted): Gain the benefits of a beneficial spell cast by an ally as listed on the Aid Token. To Boost: Cast one of the following spells and note your PC’s name and caster level on the Aid Token: lesser restoration, neutralize poison, remove curse, or remove disease. Only these spells may be granted. Expending resources that produce the effects of these spells, such as a paladin’s mercy class feature, may also grant these benefits.
Xuan Fung |
Just want to point out that Fung's stats will change at some point once he gets into elemental overflow, raising his Dex and Con by 2 each. This would raise his initiative later on. I'll point it out when it happens.
Sir Ibb |
We're so bad at this part lol. I'm glad a couple of us at least managed decent rolls!
Sir Ibb |
I'm fine doing speed! As i said I've played and GM'd this part. Let's do it!
Xuan Fung |
Sorry I'll be away this weekend for a hiking trip and will have little to no internet access. Please bot as necessary. If combat, his bot me instructions on his profile page would help. Kineticists can be complicated so probably easiest to use the last set of instructions to attack from range. If skill checks, it's all on his profile page.
Daniel Thrace |
I say someone with good knowledge skills tries to boost it and then we send it on since we have a bit until it might be needed and others might be in a fight.
Irp |
Great idea.
Irp will try a hard knowledge religion check. religion: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33
We mostly needed nature a lot for this part, but Eshimka likes using undead too… maybe religion will be useful later.
Umbrato Shawart |
That fort save bonus...HOLY CRAP! lol
Sir Ibb |
Yeah :(
Sir Ibb |
Ibb is probably going to focus on the crypt flower, (he has a talisman of freedom, so would hopefully be OK) now that someone is grappled and about to get swallowed whole. That thing almost killed Ibb last time, after he ate a fireball, pod explosion, and some attacks.
I agree interrupting any full-round casting is a great idea.
Sir Ibb |
I'm glad you had a talisman @cernan! wooohoo!
Ibb will likely charge the troll now, and try to interrupt that casting.
Sir Ibb |
Just a note — Can we make sure our profiles are all up to date and our character's byline stats match that profile?
I tend to glance over profiles in PbP when a fellow character is dealing with trouble like getting grabbed and swallowed whole; things like Talismans go off right away at a live table, but can take hours to get resolved in play-by-post, effecting how other teammates take their actions.
So, it's helpful to know a character has equipment or wondrous items that can alter the outcome of an enemy's turn, or bypass something like grab. That way, we can take the most well-informed course of action to help each other out.
Thank you!
GM Cwethan |
Okay guys, got an aid token coming in hot!
***Token #2***
Passing Aid Token to: GM Batpony
Current Boost(s):
- Allied Offensive, courtesy of Chou Wei
- Provide Knowledge: Spellcraft (Hard), courtesy of Thadeaus Grimm
- Timely Inspiration, courtesy of Aurus Goldson
Sir Ibb |
I agree — let's use it and pass it!
Sir Ibb |
The monsters growls in pain! But immediately retaliates by attempting to burn the half-orc
Ibb is human, believe it or not! Not a big deal but just in case it's important at any point in the scenario.
Sir Ibb |
Are we allowed to make purchases between parts? I’d like to buy a cracked magenta prism ioun stone for a +2 competence bonus to fly skill.
GM Batpony |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I would say you are allowed to make purchases between the current transition. But it would have to have to be something easily accessibly. Eg. a +2 or +3 weapon is likely not going to make sense.
A cracked magenta prism ioun stone is alright with me for the record.
GM Batpony |
I forgot this.
As Ivvora did so long ago, the PCs have the blessing of Vildeis, the empyreal lord of devotion, sacrifice, and scars. Each PC begins Part 6 with one blessing that she can expend in order to perform one of the feats below:
Burning Radiance: As an immediate action when dealing damage to an evil creature, the PC can cause her attack to ignore that target’s damage reduction and deal an additional amount of damage equal to 1d6 plus twice the character’s level.
Healing Sacrifice: As a standard action, a PC can touch another creature to heal it. This functions either as breath of life or as restoration (CL 15th). The temporary negative level from this blessing’s breath of life effect lasts only until the end of the next encounter and is ignored for the purpose of determining whether a PC would die from having too many negative levels. This ability can be used offensively against creatures vulnerable to positive energy, but its damage does not exceed 4 × the character’s level.
Unstoppable Wrath: As a swift action, the PC can choose one of the following undead immunities: bleed, death effects, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, or stunning. For the duration of that encounter, the PC’s abilities, equipment, and spells ignore that immunity for undead creatures. Additionally, the PC ignores the impeded magic property of the Negative Energy Plane during that encounter.
Sir Ibb |
Umbrato / Batpony,
Ibb would have delayed if he knew someone was willing to cast haste. Maybe with all the flying Ibb did it would have been a double move on his turn anyway. I’d really like the extra iterative and the extra AC but would also prefer no one else enters the planar leakage unless they need to.
(I wish Ibb had his boots by now, but have prioritized saves in the last couple levels :)
GM Batpony |
I'm alright to retcon that if you want! They downsides of PBP so it makes sense to me.
Sir Ibb |
Thanks. I'm happy to count it as a double move and have Ibb hasted. Thank you!
Umbrato Shawart |
CL: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
In that case, Umbrato would have drawn scroll and activated it instead of moving.
Active on everyone except Umbrato.
Xuan Fung |
Ah ditto re the haste. Fung would delay until the casting.
Sir Ibb |
I removed the one Ibb killed from the map; hope that's OK.
I'm worried Rallas is going to die in this negative energy AOE… can we assume the portal (and this effect) will end when these undead are slain? Luckily we have these breath of life standard actions to use.
GM Batpony |
Should be fine, I typically leave them on to denote difficult terrain but the Gucubu's make all 30ft difficult terrain so no issues there.
The portal brings about undead, but the portal is independent. So Irp will be certain the portal and the effect will not close. That's what Medda is attempting to do as you are fighting off the undead.
Sir Ibb |
Burst if healing might be nice if we can ensure this undead doesn’t murderize Rallas once he’s awake.