GM Batpony |
For dotting purposes! We begin officially during gameday, I will put more flavour text for early roleplaying as we approach the date! Let PF2 begin!
GM Batpony |
Today, your travels brings you to Quantium, the cosmopolitan capital of the nation of Nex. A diverse city in thought, trade, influence, and composition, Quantium hosts vaunted arcane universities, bustling markets, millennia-old architectural marvels, and the long-empty palace of the legendary archmage who founded the nation that bears his name. You frantically search your back pockets for the missive that was sent to you days ago in trying to remember why you're here. You recall something about a Pathfinder Lodge, and making relationships.
Officially we begin at the end of the week! But feel free to start of character introductions so that we can immediately get into the heart of the game when the time comes. Also, I have started putting together the Slides for the game under my header 'OR' and top of this page, go ahead and get familiar with it and set your marching orders.
Kyra 2E |
"What a beautiful city, is it not? Like a jewel in middle of the greatest folly of man." Kyra remarks, genuinely impressed both by the old architecture of the city, and the diverseness of its inhabitants.
Standing here, feeling the gentle breeze blow from the sea, it is very easy to forget that just outside the city's walls begins a barren wasteland.
Roxxie's 2EPreGen |
Merisiel is frantically searching her many pockets to find her missive. "Funny, having all these pockets is usually a good thing," she grumbles. She sighs and takes a moment to focus on something else. "Yes, this is a lovely place. One of the many I could call home at some point. I'm Merisiel." The elf offers a small smile.
Enchanter's Pregen |
"Not home, but still a wonderful place. Full of secrets of power and ancient formulas!" Fumbus walks in and the clink of glassware is heard as his coat sways. "Thousands of years of study in making things explode!" He giggles.
He pulls out several pieces of parchment, then frowns as the first one doesn't seem to be what he's looking for. He pages through them, quickly. "Which one is it? Dirty poem, reagent list, summer reading, things that taste bad, people I owe money, formula for sticky fire, how to make dog food, green things...ah, here it is! Message to come to Pathfinder Lodge!" He holds it up like a trophy.
Tusk’s Ezren |
The grey-bearded man makes his way slowly down the gangplank and steps onto the pier with a sigh of relief. Rubbing his hip, he mutters something about being "too old to travel in steerage," then limps over to his traveling companions already gathering their luggage on the dock.
"Gods and demons, it's about time we made it. If I had to spend one more night on that bed of nails the steward called a cot, I would have jumped over the side and swum for shore." He looks around at the bustling port with a grimace of distaste. "I suppose I've seen worse. Let's hope wherever it is we're going is at least a little more civilized. Speaking of which... "
The wizard reaches into one pocket, then - with a surprised expression - another. He rests his backside precariously on the wide grip of his cane and starts rummaging through his pack, muttering to himself.
"No, not there. Now where did I put those directions? If that little rat-faced cabin boy stole my papers when he was allegedly cleaning my cabin, I'm going to march back onto the ship and turn him into a newt!"
"...ah, here it is! Message to come to Pathfinder Lodge!" He holds it up like a trophy.
"What's that? No, no, lad, that isn't right. Just give me a moment and I'll find it." The old man waves a hand at the goblin absently and continues going through his pack.
GM Batpony |
It's 9/9 in many parts of the world now, so we shall begin!
Eventually Ezren pulls out the missive and reads it aloud. Refer to Maps & Handouts! And don't forget to fill in relevant information in the first page if you have not!
Following the directions that came with it, you gather yourselves at a very luxurious estate. The building in front of you, presumably the society lodge known as the Nexus House, definitely represents Quantium in her glory. A beautiful opulent manor that seems to spare no expenses in it's construction. Golden roofs, gold window frames of intricate design, stained windows, life-like statues on beast, are some of the few objects to immediately catch your eye of this magnificent place.
“There are my honored guests!” cries a bronze-skinned gnome with bright streaks of gold in her dark hair, a vibrant red tunic, and enough glittering earrings, bangles, and necklaces to supply a modestly sized jewelry store. “I was concluding some urgent business here, or I would have met you at the dock. Sebnet Sanserkoht, at your service.” The gnome gives you a gracious bow and a large grin. “Alas, my last-minute business didn’t permit me to review Kreighton Shaine’s letters to me. If you don’t mind, please remind me how I can help you!”
Enchanter's Pregen |
Fumbus bows to the gnome, before speaking excitedly. "Vash-Vatom, we is very honored to meet you! Master of Spells sends this shiny token for you. Knowledge is inside!" The small goblin rushes forward to deliver the gem to her.
"We ask for access to archives on, um, very firstest Pathfinders. Like way way back machine. Maybe you have books?" He looks to the others for help in explaining the task.
Roxxie's 2EPreGen |
Merisiel smirks at the goblin's fumbling, unaccustomed to the goblin charm. "Vash-Vatom Sanserkoht, I am Merisiel. The specific records Fumbus is referring to are: expedition records of Durvin Gest, a cargo manifest of spices penned by Selmius Foster, City permits drafter by Adolphus, and any written records of Kerinha Napsunar." While not unfriendly, the elf's voice is a little flat.
Amiri Slayer of Kin |
Before getting to the Quantium Lodge
"Bah... it's a city, seen one, seen them all. Something weaklings built because they were not strong enough to withstand the wilderness on their own. Our business might bring us in places such as this from time to time but we've better not get used to them. To do so would make us soft and soft people are easy prey in the wild!" a tall, scarred woman sporting leather armor and a ginormous sword exclaims before announcing:"Name's Amiri by the way. I'll be your sword for this mission's duration, try not to get in my way while I cut down whatever tries to kill us!"
As the party reaches the lodge and meets with Sebnet Sanserkoht
"Well met" Amiri growls noncommittally "Yes. We were sent to collect those books... but something tells me it won't be that easy... am I right? These things never are after all!"
GM Batpony |
Upon her possession of the sapphire, Sebnet's eyes widens and glimmer while her facial expression changes to one of excitement. Immediately she asks one of the unseen servants to carry the item up into her personal chambers.
Sebnet taps her chin with a ringed finger as she thinks about request. “Well, those records all sound quite old, which would put them in our Orrery Archive. Please come this way.” The venture-captain strides through one of the archways off the great hall, gesturing for you to follow and chatting as she goes. “There was something of an astronomy craze around here about three hundred years ago, but the apparatus at the center of the rooms that became the Orrery Archive has been gathering dust for quite a while. That is, it would, if we didn’t have enchantments to repel dust.” Sebnet runs a finger along a decorative table as she passes, then holds up her clean digit to showcase her point. “I’ll take you to the archive entrance and leave you to perform your research in peace. Gather any records you need, and we’ll have scribes transcribe copies of whatever you find. The records might be something of a jumble, I’m afraid. As I said, the Orrery Archive is where we store older records, and they might not have been accessed in quite some time. While we’re walking, do you have any questions?”
Tusk’s Ezren |
Mollified by the comforts of Nexus House and relieved at the idea that the Society has finally given him a mission that seems both interesting and relatively safe, Ezren leaves off his complaining for the time being.
"So, er, Vash-Vatom, I assume this device in the archive is an orrery, but what does it model? And what is its origin?"
GM Batpony |
Sebnet takes a long good look at the magnificent contraption "Oh, well, I believe it was what ancient astronomers made out to be the model of the universe but we found out it was extremely off after we had a better idea of what the planets looked like! At least the stars should be accurate....I think."
It still works, and you'll see that shortly in the next part
Kyra 2E |
"Pleased to meet you, Vash-Vatom Sanserkoht. I am Kyra, a devotee of Saranrae," Kyra says, greeting the Venture-Captain.
As they walk, the cleric has plenty of time to think about their mission. And she is a bit nervous.
"I know..." she whispers to Amiri. "... even a simple sounding mission such as this has dangers lurking around the corners."
Amiri Slayer of Kin |
"Yeah yeah!" Amiri aknowledges Kyra's whispers in her usual boisterous way:"That's why working for the Pathfinder's Society is so much fun after all!"
Aegon Deepstone |
A large human man wearing bronze half-plate armor, a red metallic shield with a yellow interrupted diamond painted on it strapped across his back, and the hilts of several weapons sticking out from his sword belts strides forth into the room.
"Hail and well met, my friends and fellow Pathfinders! Sorry to be late, but I was delayed a bit by my new friend, Sheila. She, uh, needed to conduct some business with me...yeah, that's the ticket. She had to discuss some business with me!"
He grins broadly, relieved to have come up with some simple excuse in the hopes that no one will notice the tankard of ale in his left hand.
"Anyway, I'm here now. What's this talk of a broken machine? Do you need me to haul it off to the scrap yard?"
Roxxie's 2EPreGen |
If they aren't accessed much, you'd think they would stay rather in order.
Merisiel puts her snark attitude to the side for the moment. "I don't have any questions coming to mind, but I want you to know how much Master Shaine appreciates the aid of the Nexus House, and we appreciate your kind reception."
GM Batpony |
She looks a little confused at Jaoquin's arrival but nonetheless leaves you to go about your business. "Well, happy hunting!" She muses as she turns around to leave you in the vast troves of journals, chronicles, and papers, that is the Orrery Archive.
Last chance for questions! Otherwise, go on to the next part.
With incredible amounts of volumes to forage, the Pathfinders needs to decide on a method to uncover the archive's secrets.
At this time, each of you may choose an area, as describe below, and spend 1 hour of searching represented by a skill check. You may spend as much time as you want, but as a start I would ask you to roll at least 2 hours worth of searching to help with the flow of PBP. . I will be revealing your results once everyone has made their checks. You may choose to do more if you wish to help speed up this part, but you may be overspending time here. These are one of the things that work better IRL, but we'll make it work.
Acrobatics: The steps to the highest shelves are so worn smooth with age as to be dangerously slippery. Reaching these texts requires a successful Acrobatics check to Maintain Balance.
Arcana: One of the tables is enchanted to aid in research, magically flipping pages in any book placed upon it to relevant passages. A successful Arcana check is required to activate it.
Athletics: Some of the bookshelves in this area have collapsed and must be hefted upright with a successful Athletics check to peruse their contents.
Lore: These shelves have several relevant works that are poorly organized. Any successful check with a Lore skill relevant to research, such as Scribing Lore or Pathfinder Society Lore, uncovers useful information.
Nature: The orrery is magically enchanted to aid in research; manipulating its arms into appropriate celestial configurations causes the other arms to swing toward shelves containing related knowledge. Operating the orrery in this way requires a successful Nature check.
Occultism: Piecing together unexpected correlations between relevant works on this balcony requires a successful Occultism check.
Society: This section of the archives has been filed and re-filed by different caretakers many times. Navigating the idiosyncratic filing systems of each successive caretaker (each, of course, thinking their own system to be superior) requires a successful Society check.
Survival: The tidying enchantments in Nexus House make tracks or other evidence of past use difficult to find.In this particular spot, the enchantments are disrupted and clues are more evident. Uncovering traces left here by previous library users (notably, but not only, the Ohrlavis) requires a successful Survival check.
Thievery: Books in this section are protected by glassfronted shelves secured with complicated latches; a successful Thievery check to Disable a Device is required to access them
General layout of the archive is uploaded into maps.
Tusk’s Ezren |
"She wasn't exaggerating about the state of disorder in here," Ezren grumbles. "I saw sections of our archives raided by the Aspis a few years back that were more organized."
Still muttering to himself, the aging wizard sits down at the table with the enchanted volumes and begins his research.
Arcana: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Arcana: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
GM Batpony |
Sorry, missed this out, but each check can only be made once. So, it might be worthwhile to talk it out about who makes what checks? if you guys want to aid.. and what no before making the rolls. Again, this works way better in real life...
Enchanter's Pregen |
Ok, so now I'm more confused. Do we make the checks as a group or individually? If we cannot repeat a check once it's done, could we choose to all make the same one (most of us aiding, of course) and just march down the line? It doesn't seem like we have any time limit, so it would just take us 9 hours.
GM Batpony |
You can make them as a group or individually. You could all make the same check and aid and just march down the line if you believe it's a good way to spend your time. Do make it clear if you check is an aid.
Enchanter's Pregen |
Ok, I think I understand now. Since I sense that there will be a reason we can't spend 9 hours here, I propose, for these first two, two groups: One doing Arcana and one Athletics. Then for hour 2, another two groups: one doing Society and one doing Survival. Groups need not be equal or the same each hour.
The DC for aiding is now 20 and you can critically fail and hurt the group. And we don't know the DC of each check.
Fumbus would do Athletics (+8) and Society (+11), though he could aid in Survival (+7) instead.
Kyra 2E |
I wonder how many checks we need to make to succeed. Would 3 groups be better, then we would have tried all the checks in 3 hours? So one character making the skill check, and one aiding.
Kyra would do best in Athletics (+10), Lore (scribing) (+7) and aid in survival (+4)
Roxxie's 2EPreGen |
My opinion is that this is one of those things that would be best split up to cover the most ground. As Kyra and Amiri pointed out, something always happens in these situations, and I'd rather spend only 2 hours here if possible.
Merisiel would be best suited for Acrobatics (+14 and cat fall in case of a fall) and Thievery (+13), and it'd be in her character to go off and go for the harder-to-reach things.
Tusk’s Ezren |
Ezren is best at Arcana and Society (+13 each). GM, I'm not sure what you want to do with my rolls from last evening, but whatever you decide is fine with me. It might make sense for me to reroll them, so we don't know what the totals are before any decisions about aid rolls.
Amiri Slayer of Kin |
Amiri is good with Acrobatics (+11), Athletics (+13), and decent with survival (+7). She can roll Athletics and help with Acrobatics. She could also roll Survival if no-one else has it
GM Batpony |
Difficulty Class should give you an idea of what kind of DC's you are probably needing to meet at your level. The "typical" DC is 20 for level 5
Let's see if i can help us move...
Rd 1
Arcana: Ezren +13 (rolled)
Athletics: Amiri +13, aid Valeros +13, aid Kyra +10
Thievery: Merisiel + 13, aid Fumbus +11
Rd 2
Soceity: Ezren +13 (assume rolled) , aid Fumbus +11
Acrobatics: Merisiel +14, aid Amiri +13, aid Valeros +9
Lore (Scribbing): Kyra +7
Lore and Arcana seems to be things that not many people will be able to be good in aiding.
Roxxie's 2EPreGen |
Seconded, and I'll go ahead and provide rolls
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18
Thievery: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29
Merisiel takes some time digging through her tools to undo the latches on a very complicated shelf.
She then begins climbing the steps upwards to the top shelves, feeling that those just out-of-reach shelves may contain the knowledge they seek.
Amiri Slayer of Kin |
Ok then, let's get this moving!
Athletics check: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
Acrobatics aid: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Enchanter's Pregen |
Fumbus holds tools for Merisiel as she works the lock. Then he shares with Ezren how a goblin might organize the books.
Thievery, aid: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Society, aid: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
Tusk’s Ezren |
Ezren starts to wave away the enthusiastic alchemist, then notices something about one of the tomes and rotates it 180 degrees as Fumbus suggested.
"Abadar's brass ... scales. Hmmm. You may have something there, Fumbus. Well done, lad."
GM Batpony |
The Pathfinder's two hours in the library seems to be rather fruitful as go through volume by volume of chronicles in the archive. Amidst the chaos of the Orerry Archive, there seems to be no rhyme or reason where certain documents are placed, and it becomes more of an act of luck that you were able to find what you did.
Up in the high shelves are a few documents with the location of the material related to Durvin Gest’s Mwangi expeditions. Oddly they also include references to the Open Road Pact: some sort of agreement between Durvin Gest, Selmius Foster, Gregaro Voth, and Kerinha Napsunar when they were all in the Mwangi Expanse together. This Open Road Pact is completely unknown in the Grand Lodge as far as you are aware.
In an obscure bottom shelf are some old catalogs of records kept at the archives that refer to a Pathfinder named “Kerinha Napsunar”. Although at this time the records themselves are nowhere to be found and were said to be next to the locked glass of Durvin's Gest maps.
Understanding a little of the archiving index, if would seem that the Open Road Pact document is missing among several other sections of works regarding Nexian ooze-crafting that are supposedly shelved next to it.
As pages magically flip through arcane arts, Ezren randomly picks out a 2-year-old bill of sale for a treatise called “Living at the Shore of the Sentient Sea,” regarding the sentient lake of ooze at the center of the Nexian city of Oenopion. The treatise was sold to someone named Bijan Ohrlavi. Affixed to the bill is a note. Attached to page 4 of handouts.
Waiting for Kyra's post.. please do not make any other rolls in the meantime.
Kyra 2E |
Athletics aid: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Lore: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Kyra joins the others in going through the archives. Intimidating as the high shelves are, they cannot keep the fit cleric away. On the lower shelves she tries to make some sense about the way the books are organized.
GM Batpony |
Kyra has some trouble in understanding the organizational structure of the previous librarians.
Several statues from around the archive begin to animate with what seems to be glowing runes on their faces. What do you do?!
Kn. Arcana to identify the statues.. Remember it is an action to identify now in 2e.
Amiri,Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Ezren,Perc: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Kyra,Perc: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
Merisiel,Perc: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
Valeros, Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Fumbus,Perc: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Statues: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Combat? Round 1
All Pathfinders may take action, actions will be resolved in post order
Map is updated!
Amiri Slayer of Kin |
Amiri draws her ginormous sword and moves down the stairs
"Good. Things were getting booooooring! Crushing those chunks of stone is waht we need to feel like REAL pathfinders!"
Move - move and readied attack
Enchanter's Pregen |
Amiri, you may want to check out the map.
"Uh, Ezren...what's that?" Fumbus points to the stone statue moving from the wall. Before the wizard can answer, the goblin has darted over to the stairwell and hurls a flask of acid at the statue.
Attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Moderate Acid Flask: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (5, 1) + 4 = 10
6 persistent damage
GM Batpony |
Amiri, you were at the topmost level, you'd have to get around all those stairs.
Tusk’s Ezren |
Ezren looks up at Fumbus's shout. "What's what? Oh, those!"
Action 1: Arcana, Recall Knowledge: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29
I'll post actions 2 and 3 once I know the result. Rather than ask questions after I know how many I get, please provide the information asked for in the spoiler below in descending order for as many questions as I'm entitled to. Thanks.
(Adapted from the PFS1E PbP GM Kit)
1. Special Defenses e.g., fast healing, regeneration, evasion
2. Resistances Spell, Damage and Energy
3. Immunities Immunities
4. Special Attacks All special attacks
5. Saves Ranked in order, but no numbers
6. Weaknesses Weakness and Vulnerabilities
7. Spell-Like Abilities (Innate Spells in 2E?) All SLA's including caster level
8. Special Abilities Anything not covered under special attacks or defenses
9. Senses low-light vision, darkvision(range), etc
10. AC Total AC, and which is worse (Touch/Flat-Footed)
11. Hit Dice Number and Size of Die, but no added modifier
12. Skills What skills are trained or higher proficiency. What skills have a racial modifier.
13. Speed All relevant movement rates and quantities
14. Statistics In order, no numbers.
15. Feats All feats
16. One Specific Save (Reflex) Exact number, no info on the other two
Amiri Slayer of Kin |
@GM Batpony: I thought I did? Amiri's speed is 25 ft so she moved 10 squares qith a double move and readied an attack. Isn't that how things work in PF2?
GM Batpony |
Amiri - I think you've misinterpreted the map, to get where you currently are from where you were, that's 28 squares. i.e. 6 move actions. I've marked out the path on the map so it's a bit clearer. Also a readied attack in 2e is a double action now.
Ezren realizes these statues be normal statues but animated statues using magical runes, the runic writings on their faces seem old in nature. These construct creatures seem to be protected by a thick magical outer shell (provides hardness and AC bonus) but you likely think it can wear it down (through damage) since the magic is old. Because these creatures are not living creatures in itself they do not heal, feel, think, grow tired...etc.
Kyra 2E |
"I knew it..."
Kyra rubs her temples, taking a break from the fruitless attempt to re-catalogue the books on the shelf, when she spots a couple of statues start moving behind her. Not wanting to encounter them alone she sprints away from them, only to see a green-tinted statue behind the corner ahead of her. She stops there, and prays Saranrae's help in destroying the object.
A translucent scimitar appears next to the cleric and flies to attack the statue.
Spell attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
force damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
crit extra damage?: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
One action: Move 25ft, two actions to cast Spiritual weapon on green statue
Is crit just double damage? I have difficulties finding it in the CRB