GM Batpony |
This discussion is for invited persons only at this time.
Talking points:
What's everyone's expected level?
When's everyone's expected date (Range) that you will be free to commit into PBP?
Preferred PBP game?
If we've got a small window, I'm sure with our previous pace we can get a PFS scenario down pretty easily! But if everyone's got the appetite, After August I should be relatively free to run for us a Module, or even a sanctioned part of an Adventure Path.
Kiboko |
Kiboko is currently level 6.2
He's scheduled for 2 missions during PaizoCon UK, which I will be attending July 20-22.
After that Kiboko (and Flyn) is down for a game during session 2 of Gameday on 1 October. However the GM hasn't finalised the party yet.
(Also on Gameday session 2 I am running Torrent's Last Will with Batpony's Kelumur and Kramac in the party. I can start that early if everyone is ready to go, but I know that one of the other players may be using his character in session 1).
So, Kiboko is definitely free between July 23 and 1 October.
Kramac is currently in my Salvation of the Sages game. Should he survive he'll be level 8 ;-)
I think that means we'll be looking for something in the 5-9 level range, or maybe 7-11 if we're starting after July 22. If we think we can get in a game between now and July 20 I am up for it, but Kramac will be in my game for another week or two I reckon. They've just reached the finale.
GM Batpony |
We're fast, but not that fast I think! After Kramac is done, meeting July 20 may be a stretch!
Kiboko |
7-13 captive in crystal (5-9)
8-24 Raid on the cloudborne keep (5-9)
9-17 oath of the overwatched (5-9)
6-07 valley of veiled flame (5-9)
5-05 the elven entanglement (7-11) I hear this one is dangerous
5-10 where mammoths dare not tread (7-11) could be good if both Kramac and Kiboko have large companions
4-04 King of the storval stairs (7-11) season 4 deadliness
4-06 the green market (5-9) ditto
4-17 tower of the ironwood watch (5-9)
3-03 ghennett manor gauntlet (5-9) highly rated
3-10 the immortal conundrum (5-9) also highly rated
3-15 the haunting of hinojai (5-9)
3-17 red harvest (5-9)
3-24 the golden serpent (5-9)
2-03 rebel's ransom (5-9) very highly rated
2-12 below the silver tarn (7-11) very highly rated
2-25 you only die twice (5-9) play as undead!
1-34 encounter at the drowning stones (7-11) back to the mwangi expanse for Kiboko and Kramac!
1-40 hall of drunken heroes (7-11)
0-16 to scale the dragon (5-9)
Seasons 0-3 tend to be a bit easier if you have a full party, being written assuming 4 players (though I haven't read the reviews of all these, and there are exceptions).
I've omitted any series, and some metaplot scenarios.
Flyndyngylyn |
Flyn is currently in a module (City of Golden Death) and I'm not sure how long that will run; he's currently 6.2 but will be 7.2 after that, providing he survives (I hear it can be brutal)...
As Kiboko mentioned, he and I might be in a second Gameday session together but we won't know till the GM finalizes the party. I was happy to see when his name showed up on the gamesheet; Flyn has really missed the wise and beautiful Mvumbu...
If it's more convenient to start before Flyn is free, I do have a couple other 5th level characters (a Sniper and an Urban Ranger) that should be available...
All of the scenarios Kiboko listed look good to me and I haven't played any of 'em...
Looking forward to playing with y'all again, I've missed our sessions...I GM'ed an evergreen trilogy for newcomers earlier this year, and when one of the NPC bards performed Inspire Courage, I had him sing of the exploits of our old gang...
And Batpony, I really enjoyed playing "In Wrath's Shadow" with you...Flyn and Kelumur made a good team! Hope we can do that again some time as well...
Kramac |
Kramac will indeed hit 8, assuming he doesn't die a horrible death. It sounds like waiting until Session 1 of the Gameday will be best. I'll be going to Gen Con this year and have Kramac scheduled to play in a scenario or two there (first week of August).
Of the scenarios Kiboko listed, I can play in any of them except Cloudborne keep (played that one in meatspace, with funnily enough, a group of four dwarves...). Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread could be fun.
Kiboko |
City of Golden Death will run as long as your table and GM prefer Flyn. I played it in a day (probably 12 -14 hours including breaks) but our GM used quite a lot of random encounters. That gave a greater depth to the module, as well as challenge.
I've also got 5th and 6th level characters available if we can't manage the original crew.
GM Batpony |
Looks like gameday part 1 seems to be the best time to get all the characters free. I prefer to wait for those characters just to see how they've evolved and grow over time.
I may be out for a week during the first half of gameday 1, but even so we've got ample time to end before the second half in my opinion for 1 scenario. That way, I can use the chronicle and comfortably get Kelumur to level 7 by the second half too.
And Kelumur has had a good time joining each of you at different tables! Might be fun to play alongside all of you at the same time one day!
Flyndyngylyn |
City of Golden Death will run as long as your table and GM prefer Flyn. I played it in a day (probably 12 -14 hours including breaks) but our GM used quite a lot of random encounters. That gave a greater depth to the module, as well as challenge.
Thanks, Kiboko...without giving anything away, can you tell me if it's as rough as it's reputation? We have a party of 5: a 6th level Ranger/Zen Archer (Flyn), a 5th level bard, a 4th level Skald, a 4th level Fighter, and a 4th level Sorcerer...the GM warned us it could be brutal...
The closest run-ins Flyn has had with death are still the two encounters in your Blakros Matrimony session...Kelumur and I had a pretty tough challenge with the boss during In Wrath's Shadow as well...
And Kelumur has had a good time joining each of you at different tables! Might be fun to play alongside all of you at the same time one day!
Agreed, that'd be awesome...
GM Batpony |
My selfish scenario choice is tapestry toil 6-21, as Kelumur would benefit from the chronicle, interlinks with another scenario he played.
Flyndyngylyn |
That sounds good to me, Batpony...I haven't played that one...if the Kiboko and Kramac haven't played, I'd vote we go for it...
Kiboko |
There are a few dangerous parts Flyn, mainly the climax though, I'd say.
I have played Tapestry's Toil I'm afraid.
GM Batpony |
No worries, any other scenario is good for me. Perhaps where Mammoths dare thread not?
Flyndyngylyn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Thanks, Kiboko...if only I had my manticore bearded cloak with me...
Sounds good to me Batpony...Flyn will be 7th level if he survives the module so he'd be good to go. My only issue might be if the module takes too long and Flyn isn't available. My next highest PCs are 5th level; there's a slight possibility one might be 6th but that would still be out of tier...
GM Batpony |
We've got a good month or so.. So let's hope Flyn is free! Else, we can do something at a later date with Flyn.. Also i'm going to try to get this group some consistent gameplay next year. It would be nice to see you guys all the way through seeker! Since I kinda was there when it started, be great to see it end!
I'm gonna go ahead and put this up on Gameday and open recruitment to fill up the potential last 3 spots.
Kiboko |
Should we go for a tier 5-9 then? In case Flyn isn't ready by 13 August?
Kiboko |
I've looked in on the thread, I think they're just starting. I doubt they'll be finished by 13 August.
GM Batpony |
Eeks. That's unfortunate, looks like the big reunion will have to wait till after game day. So tier 5-9 then for gameday?
Flyndyngylyn |
Yeah, Kiboko is right...I was coming to post the same has started off pretty slow...we started about a week and a half ago and are barely beyond the intro stage...and the GM mentioned an upcoming vacation...I highly doubt we'll be anywhere close to being finished by the 13th...sorry, guys...
Kiboko |
Not to worry Flyn. Enjoy the module!
Kramac |
I'm down for whatever- I still haven't played that many of the modules, so I should mostly be available. That said, BP mentioned maybe running a section of an AP - I've never done that, and would be interested in giving it a shot after the game day, if he's up for it. I think after two game day modules and Gencon, Kramac should be at 9.1.
Kiboko |
I'm good for Rebel's Ransom.
Assuming survival, Kiboko should be level 7.1 after PaizoCon UK (finishes 22 July). If I also play Rebel's Ransom with him, and play in the Gameday session 2 game of Down the Halflight Path, that would bring him to 8.0 by end of Gameday.
Thinking of modules and APs:
I have played up to around half way through book 3 of Rise of the Runelords (not for PFS credit though). I have recently started book 1 of Mummy's Mask. Looking at modules of around levels 7-9, I have played The Harrowing.
ETA: next year sometime I plan to run The Ruby Phoenix Tournament module. This is a level 10-12 module. It's relatively short I think - could easily be played in 10-12 hours at a convention, or I could run it via pbp.
GM Batpony |
Sorry for responding so late... Fell ill over the week.
Looks like I'll run Rebel's Ransom for Gameday 1st Session with the following participants with a hard deadline of Oct 1st due to 2nd session participants:
Ohta -
Supervillan - Kiboko 7
Yogadragon - Kramac 7
Superdodo -
Paladin of Baha-who? -
Andreww -
There is some interest for where mammoths dare not tread still, but unfortunately timing wise Gameday 2nd session does not fare well, so I plan to run it immediately after the second session of gameday and everyone is invited!
For those just joining, I am considering a longer term game for the fine folks here, and if you are keen and can keep up with them you are by all means welcome to join.
Kramac |
For what it's worth, I'll be 8 by the time this game runs. Assuming kimono doesn't kill me in the game he is currently running.
Martha von Lucius |
Martha will be finishing a game before this session starts, but she will still be level 7. By longer term game, do you mean something like a Module? That could be interesting.
Ingrge |
Hey Bat, I'll be running Ingrge for this one...he's 5th level half-Elf (Urban Ranger 3/Zen Archer 2)...he's kinda like Flyn, but use him a bit more like a rogue as he has trap finding, and I've buffed his Perception skills...
For Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread, I'll go back to Flyn as he'll be at level 8 after the Gameday session 2, provided he survives...
Kramac |
So the party for this is looking like:
Kramac - Level 8 Melee w/ Animal Companion and face skills
Kiboko - Level 7 Melee w/ animal companion
Martha von Lucious - Level 7 Melee
Juhnavi - Level 7 Occultist (not sure what they do as far as party role, honestly)
Ingregre - Level 5 Archer
Andrewwww - ???
One observation, it looks like we might get pushed into the higher tier if we have a full party. Flynn could play a level 7 pre-gen if he wanted. Might not be necessary, but something to consider. If Andrewww plays his level 7, we are at APL 6.83. If he plays his level 9, we are at APL 7. I know with 6 people, we are forced to play up. I think with 6.83, we'd be down? I'm not sure about that one.
Kiboko |
If the APL is between subtiers, we'll be playing high tier.
So APL would need to be 6.5 or lower for low tier (total party levels 39, and choosing to round down to 6; if total party levels is 38 or lower it's low tier, 40 or higher is high tier).
Any of Andreww's options listed above will put us in high tier, but since the older scenarios were written for 4PCs we should be ok. Ingrge will probably want to keep away from front line combat.
GM Batpony |
We're close to start date. Will start posting more details in gameplay and put up a handouts page as we get closer to the date!
Kramac |
I'm happy to report that Kramac survived Gencon and is ready to go next week!
Karsa Ibn Jad |
I will play this character
Kiboko |
I will be moving house on Saturday. This will leave me without home broadband for about 2 weeks. I should be able to get by using a phone, and visiting nearby relatives, but it may affect my posting rate.
Karsa Ibn Jad |
I'm alive!
Juhnavi Ahliwylia |
Hey, hey, we're back! Sorry for not posting earlier today. My step-daughter just started college and I spent the day driving up to Flagstaff, AZ and helping her get moved into her dorm.
Martha von Lucius |
Hello everyone! Posting to inform you that, just in time for the boards' return from the dead, I'll be traveling abroad until September 5th. I will try to check in when possible, but expect to hear less from me.
Ingrge |
Hey, hey, we're back! Sorry for not posting earlier today. My step-daughter just started college and I spent the day driving up to Flagstaff, AZ and helping her get moved into her dorm.
Flagstaff is awesome...we hike and camp in the Grand Canyon every other year or so and we usually stay in Flagstaff, before and after. My favorite burger place in the world is there...that's the first place we head to eat after hiking out. It's called Bun Huggers and, if you like burgers, you might want to give it a shot some time when you visit her...
Kiboko |
I visited the Grand Canyon about twenty years ago. Photos don't do it justice. The place is absolutely stunning.
Kramac |
Just a reminder, Martha said she'd be out of regular posting range until the 5th. This feels like an important turn, so if you want to wait until tomorrow for her to get back, I'm ok with that.
GM Batpony |
Just a reminder, Martha said she'd be out of regular posting range until the 5th. This feels like an important turn, so if you want to wait until tomorrow for her to get back, I'm ok with that.
Yeah, let's do that. If no reply by another 24 hours or so, perhaps someone wants to decide her actions(?) and I'll play it out.
Juhnavi Ahliwylia |
The woman is clearly the biggest threat, so getting up in her face to keep her from causing trouble would be the best option.
GM Batpony |
I so badly want to run this in real life! It’s quite interesting the puzzle and dungeon crawl elements of the game.
Kramac |
Kramac does have a scroll of remove paralysis on him. If enough people fail the saves and you want to get some of us back in the fight, feel free to dig through my pack and use them Karsa. You should know about it because of your interrogation about my preparedness earlier in the mod :D
Kiboko |
Sometimes you've got to pull out the big guns - thanks for the rescue there Karsa!
In a recent face to face game Kiboko had to effectively solo a certain troll barbarian that had dropped the rest of the party (Kiboko and Mvumbu kited it). Sometimes it takes a particular type of character or piece of equipment to succeed. Kiboko will now be acquiring a talisman or three :)