Mightypion's page

Organized Play Member. 890 posts (8,243 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 73 aliases.

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Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Indeed, any information would be most useful in our epic quest to... deal with problems without straining your resources!

diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8


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From various campaigns:

Hell rebels:

--Our intrepid groups Aasimar Skald (although she and everyone else thinks she is a Succubus spawn tiefling) shenanigians with using her alter self SLA (which is totally what a Succubus spawn tiefling would have right?) resulted in the Chelish thinking that the "Silver Ravens" are a group of "beastsoul vigilantes" named "Powerwolf" "Steppenwolf" "Guano Ape" and "Lizard Wizard". Lizard wizard in particular is becoming notorious.

We have recently visited Vyre, where our socially anxious drow alchemist managed to not pick up a single "Oh, white hair and a youthfull soul" *invitation* from the queen of delights, who very much wanted to do some *experimentation*.
Our groups Swashbuckler and Skald would have eagerly jumped at that.

Also present was the Succubus grandmother of the Skald (as to why she is an aasimar, well, grandma got around), who completely ignored her, but opened up a bit when a side conversation of killing Aboleths came up. Apparently Granny dislikes them for ruining the single interesting and cool mortal civilization of Eurythnia.

The group, having made alliance in Vyre, is now seeking to infiltrate and exploderate Menador Gap. We have boldly pretended to be Asmodean churn envoy (the Skalds disguise skill is pretty good), and managed to take out Lucian under a silence spell, and then kill his Host devil pet. We are now fighting an Erinye, and have sold the mortal guards the idea that the devils were stealing their wages.

Lucians fate is a bit sad, as this is the first time we did not accept surrender. We have so far went out of our way to not kill people who surrender, or people who have no chance.

Carrion crown: Recently finished. Vera *Juggernaught B!+*%" Ulyanova, Irriseni Steelblood/Siegebreaker/Mutagenic Mauler ran up to the big bad, who was mouthing up on how he was immune to overrun, and simply grappled the nerd while the rest of the party stomped the unliving daylights out of him.

A new run of WOTR: We are about to boink the grey garrison! Vermlecks at the gate went down without too much trouble

Reign of winter:
Having forced the surrender of most Russian soldiers, partly due to the supreme diplomacy of "Sarge" our Lunar Oracles Grizzly bear companion (he has plate barding, and a large plate armored bear who is intelligent enough to draw painting in the snow is pretty good for diplomacy and intimidation in Civil War era Russia). Alas, one party member got a solo encounter with the "secret boss" and got geased to betray the party. We await the arrival of his identical twin brother.

Rasputin is about to be encountered for real

Way of the wicked:


The forces of good tried to strike as the party was split! Surely, villains individually could not hope to prevail against a Solar?
Laughs in Half Marilith with 4 orc butchering axes. BRRRRRR.

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The patient file is really cool, I added one as well.

And added that Mr. Barnellus has a markedly different alignment to some others here to quote:
I am even more concerned for their referred tendency to utilize deeply unethical methods such as the Lohengrimm fear scale or the Krueger soul strength scale. USING A CACODAEMONS ATTRACTION TO AN INDIVIDUAL TO REVERSE ENGINEER THE STRENGTH OF THE INDIVIDUALS SOUL IS UNETHICAL TO THE EXTREME!

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

I shall restart recruitment over the weekend.

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Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Sorry for radio silence, I am getting back onto it.

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage


--Has improved critical

--Has a Laser. Which is a spell like ability for scorching ray, three times per day, and it does force damage. DC scales of dexterity. Level are your hitdice +1. You can sneak attack with it if you get the drop on someone.


--Has the cunning feat

--Gets two more class skills

--Gets an interesting twist to his detect evil, which is also a swift action. Which will totally not result in contest will saves resulting in the loser getting staggered. Fear the debuffing Paladin!


--As a swift action, she can annoint the stinger she got with her blood
--Very funny things will happen to whomever she stabs with it
--Uses Dex instead of CHA for perform dance bonus, uses her BAB instead of skill ranks for perform dance ranks, perform dance is a class skill


--Is now a budget fractured mind exciter. No, she totally didnt get knocked up by her boss Alithera and now has a not actually imaginary daughter in her head. Clearly, Alithera is made of wholesomeness and sunshine, and would never do expiremental neurosurgery on someone because normal profane gifts are boring, and neurosurgery is absolutly not something she is good at, and she totally didnt use neurosurgery as a "yes lets try this!" on Ciar. These are all... lets say Dolaran-Baphometan lies!
Her anasthesy equivalent is pretty pleseant though, although not for anyone who could even tangentially get a heart attack from too much pleasure.
Also, Sahala pings quite heavily on detect fiendish presence (but not on detect evil), which will have zero reprecussions whatsorever. YesYes :).


--Will soon find out that he can actually assume his half dragon form by his own will
--Which will give him a slightly debuffed half dragon template
--Yay, you be a dwagon now!
--Your current "Dragon form!" is makes you medium sized, gets you +4 to str, +2 to con, +2 to cha. You also have wings, 2 bites and a claw attack.
--You can use it for minutes per day, but it is a full round action to activate it.
--I need to track down what you get from your omni tool, which is also a thing.

--Actually knows who Cyndane and Alithera are and what they do when pissed off, and is mostly super happy to be alive.
--the red headed skald totally didnt enter any agreements, no no no not at all.

Is this neccessarily balanced? Actually imho yes. The more powerful gifts have... more strings attached.

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

I have not forgotten you, currently travelling.

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

Shenanigians which result in you getting form of the dragon as a spell are (once you could actually cast this spell levelwise) are possible.

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

Uncertain, there would be proof in the body of those accused, in addition, his plans are not ready yet. Lady Belana managed to use half a necklace of fireballs on his lab on her way out. As such his plans suffered a bit of a setback. There are even rumors that he plans to move his entire operation, on account of the security breach.
Oh, Lady Illassa I hope you dont mind Lady Belana opted to look exactly like you.

The Demoness replies

How, Succubi cant normally turn into outsiders?
The Angel does not seem that displeased

I have some spare Erinye wings because reasons, also, makeup and a good hairstylist.
The plate armored Succubus interjects.

Are you abducting good aligned hair stylists now Thanais?
The Angel chides

Good as in competent, not good as in like you
The plate armored Demoness flares up

As for the more wholesome activity, Lady Sahala and Lady Adigale wished to join me and Lady Cyndane in an artistic performance, does anyone else wish to dance with an incarnation of desire and sensuality, as well as an assassin of the savored sting, while protected by the rules of a parley?
Alithera rises and in a slow, graceful and mesmerizing fashion glides towards Sahala and Adigale. At the same time, Lady Cyndane, the woman in blue, casts an incantation and several shadowy doubles of her appear.

spellcraft DC 27:

Shadow bard but... mythic?ä

The doubles in turn conjure different instruments and get ready to play.

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On Family reunions, economical warfare and bad ear puns.

Teleporting into Matharyn, our intrepid villains set up shop, and the now Vampire Oracle set around doing scoutings.

We figured out some thing of interest to lucratively hit, the national mint, a golem factory, a archmage seeking to hire mercenaries to regain HIS HOME TOWN AND SAVE HIS LIEGE, a cathedral or 2 and some assorted noble mansions.

The Bloodragers girlfriend-ex-nun was also present and the 2 had a long discussion about possible children, with the Bloodrager being quite pragmatic and trying to figure out how to ensure said childrens security. Which pleased the ex-nun greatly.

Shortly thereafter, 2 strange people showed up, a very attractive pair, and the more powerful seeming male of the two hugged the Antipaladin for about 30ish damage, addressing him with the name of the Bloodrager and telling him how proud he was as a father. The misunderstanding then got cleared up. To everyones surprise, the lady, who was totally the bloodragers Marilith mother, and the ex-nun did not try to kill each other, although none of the party were quite daft enough to interfere in the talk... between mother in law and wife so to speak.

As a family reunion, the motley assembly opted (after dominate-joinking the wizards) the hit the golem factory, where the Mithrans had also transported much of their money to. A massive battle with a Mithral Golem, and Adamantine Golem, a Gold Golem and a brass golem ensued, but the assistance of a half balor Brawler and a Marilith made this a lot easier.
It was rather comicall that the presence of his mother something resulted the Bloodrager in rolling like, 6 1s out of 20ish dicerolls, and a fair bit of fun was had.
The demonic pair joinked one of the golems for the "own use" but paid the party a rather supple 64K gold for it. They then both summoned a Hezrou each and told the summons to "have some fun its a lawfull good city" before disappearing to parts unknown.

Our party meanwhile adopted completely different shapes, with the Bloodrager turning into a Pannoti, dressing up in Noble outfits, and proclaiming himself Earl de Aubri, ambassador of the Pannotti Island.
In order to gain access to the castle. To the surprise of nobody, most certainly not the Antipaladin, the plan was so stupid it went out without a hitch.
We were now in the Adarium, the fortress of the king, and waiting for Chargi boy to show up so we could do our assassination.

The Paladin was somewhat perturbed at the Bloodrager apparently have a relatively.... wholesome family live.
The Bloodrager was surprised about this as well.

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Continued misadventures:

In pursuit of the most convoluted assassination plot ever (T.M.), we villainously saved one of the big black dragons (who is named Chargamon the black) spawn named Jeratheon knightsbane.

Who got agitated when our half marilith bloodrager remarked that he is pretty sure "knight" as in the Alyushinyrran fast food (a soft sausage surrounded by fried bread), not Knight as in credible melee combatatant. Alas, we bravely slew the "Storm king" a mighty thunderbird, after informing him that Korramzadeh, the mighty Balor of Baphomet also known as the stormlord, was annoyed by the copyright violation (our group habitually led trails leading to Baphomet rather then Asmodeus for nearly everything they do, its a bit of an inside running joke).

After our rescue of him, we flew over to Chargamons island, headbutted some smol drakes, regulated some errant plant life and did some negotiation with him. Turns out he wants the head of one of his rivals, a copper dragon named Eiramanthas with perhaps the largest porn collection in the multiverse, and an interesting collection of interplanar waifus.

Our Bloodrager, recognising the name, flew back to his tribal village and asked his "totally not a Succubus" boss about him, and it turned out that said "totally not a Succubus" indeed had a fling with said dragon, and has a long running rivalry with one of his consorts.
With some additional information gained, we traveled to the island of the copper dragon, engaged in a bit of a beach episode with the aquatic consort and came to a rather fun and creative agreement with the copper wyrm.

The copper wyrm agreed to getting decapciated and instantly raised from the dead, and we agreed to trolling Chargamon the black.
The was also a bit of a sparring session between our Bloodrager and one of his consorts, a former Rakshasa war godess. Who crit our Bloodrager for a bit over 200 damage, which resulted in him yielding. The dragon was impressed by him remaining standing however.

Apparently our angry snake boi was the third mortal to take her punch from her and survive, and the Rakshasa told him she recogniced his essence from a previous fight, and that his father was one of the other 2 who took a punch from her and remained standing.

Bloodrager boi got a sending from his parents that they would wish to meet for some family bonding, and bloodrager boi promptly suggested the Mithran captial of Matharyn for some "fun and wholesome family reunion". Although he was secretly anxious about introducing his ex-Mithran-nun girlfriend to his Marilith mother.

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

I think we fouled up somewhere else,

the order is:


Mystery person

However.... I think we are loosing momentum because people dont know when they are up (including me on occassion). I am thus invoking GM mandates and put us on group initiative.

All heroes are up, then the mystery person, then all villains.

Dont worry, I will keep you challenged :).

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Way of the wicked 1:

The misadventures of our party continue, as we:

--Goad the Vampire lord Gaius Vestromo out of hiding, by having our oracle dress up the Bloodrager in the most ridiculous over the top Vampire outfit, get into an underground fighting ring, and use "Gnaeus Eastromo" as a ring name.
After accepting his cease and desist demand, the party made a reasonable deed.

--After some sacrificing some angels to his dark mistress, our Bloodrager became a half Marilith. The perhaps only male one. He also found out that his real mother is, as a matter of fact, a Marilith.

--We then assembled a mini army of minions, and assaulted the main cleric training facilities in the vale of Valtierna. Between vicious bugbears, Vampire spawns, Iraeni (barbarians) scouts and our main party, the outlying areas fell rather quickly. An all female Iraeni squad of Nocticula worshippers made more prisoners then everyone else combined, which resulted in some need for adjuciation, but we figured it out.

--The Mithrans sought to improve their innate cleric training with an annoying amount of Trumpe De Loils, so we killed the head priest like, 4 or 5 times.

--As we broke into the main cathedral, it was protected by the fires of creation, whose very dangerous effects we could observe from bullrushing some legion archon into it. After more shenagians and despoiling of relic sites, the fire was gone and we had our smack down with Ara Mathra.

--Who got sufficiently pissed at the Bloodrager the Antipaladin was able to murder smite him. Victory for Evil, Bwhahahahahahahahhahah!

--Our next mission was uneventfull, the already ruined city of Daveryn had little left to oppose us, although the Bloodrager kept being really good at getting people to surrender. His former Mithran nun girlfriend misunderstood his lack of violence against people who werent a threat to him at all as "Yay, he actually isnt evil!".

--We then proceeded to receive new missives, including a super convoluted plot to kill the king by recruiting a big dragon to goad the king into teleporting from his army into his fortress, where our villains were supposed to ambush them. After hearing the plan, the Antipaladin facepalmed hard enough to damage his skull helmet. "Clearly Cardinal Thorn is f@&+ing losing it."

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On an evening at the caravan, Askold writes

Dear Diary

There is a fox person in the caravan.
According to my badly damaged book of weird Tian-Xia stuff, their power rests within their fluffy tails, whatever that is supposed to mean. Also, they supposedly reproduce by cocooning their victim/partner in silk and injecting him with eggs, which hatch after a while, killing the partner. Pretty sure the translation got garbled with another type of weird Tian-Xia thing. Like, Foxes are mammals, and the whole cocooning stuff sounds more like some spidery thing. Given the quality of the information in the few books I have, I occassionally wonder of becoming literate was a mistake, but then I remember how much more insane I would be if I wouldnt write a diary.

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

--We needed about 1.5 years for the first book.
--We are at 4 out of 6 in player retention, which isnt too bad I think.
--roughly 1.1K Gameplay posts, so on average a bit over 2 a day

--Lesson learned for me:
----Many small gm posts frequently are better then huge posts, they also help with procastination
----I have learned to not stress over enemy stats
----the party kept my precious NPCs alive! Even the not physically attractive ones! Weeeeeeee!
----I am not sure if I am not "humanizing" enemies too much, or having too many comic elements

For future GMing it would help me if you can tell what the coolest/funniest parts were.

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Male non rage hp 80/82 AC 24/21/14 Fort: 11 Reflex 7 Will complicated CMD 25 level 1 spells 1/3 Half Orc Blood conduit 6/Fractured mind 1 Rage hp 94/96 AC 21/18/12 Fort: 13 Reflex 6Will complicated CMD 24

reflex: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Markus somehow matrix dodges the fireball while bloodraging and singing a song, only taking 18 damage.

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

Remember, you can "take 20" once per turn. Although you need to use it before you roll.

@Arrius, you know little of them other then that they are assassins, and you probably should not get flanked.

Arrius strikes a hefty blow, as Adigale outright butchers a Babau, who sends acid flying in her directions, once per blow!

arrius reflex saving throw against the slimy skin: 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 2 + 1 = 17
acid damage on radiance: 1d8 ⇒ 2

4 reflex saving throws DC 18 adigale: 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 6 + 2 + 1 = 22 acid damage: 1d8 ⇒ 1
4 reflex saving throws DC 18 adigale: 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 2 + 1 = 27

4 reflex saving throws DC 18 adigale: 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 2 + 1 = 27

4 reflex saving throws DC 18 adigale: 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 6 + 2 + 1 = 12

Arrius blade is a bit acidified, but mighty radiance would laugh at it, if it were more gorrum rather iomedean inclined.
Adigale barely notices the 1 point of damage she takes from the Babaus blood, which incidently heals as her wounds close.

Regeneration? What is this lunacy? No crusader withing 100 miles has the ability to cast this! Arelu Vorlesh says annoyedly.

Seeking to protect the flank of Arrius, Sevanna casts a grease spell south of Arrius, affecting two of the Babaus and making it difficult for them to 5 foot step into a flank!

reflex Babau: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
reflex Babau: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

The Babau further away keeps standing, while the Babau next to Arrius falls prone.

You got a Paladin-trample-fetish or something? The Skaldess remarks at the demons misfortune

Aurical, Sahala and Saphirre are still up!

@Saphirre red area is mud, but the northwestern most Babau (one north of Adigale) has been adigaled and is like, everywhere, as such you have a nice space to step into should you wish to do so!

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Male non rage hp 80/82 AC 24/21/14 Fort: 11 Reflex 7 Will complicated CMD 25 level 1 spells 1/3 Half Orc Blood conduit 6/Fractured mind 1 Rage hp 94/96 AC 21/18/12 Fort: 13 Reflex 6Will complicated CMD 24


Advancing into yellows square, Markus does the multitrip once more!

TRIP Whirlwind vs green: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 20 = 21

TRIP Whirlwind vs blue: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (3) + 20 = 23


But he epically fails.

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

Ellena, you can totally full round it rather then just attacking once!

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

perception Ellena: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5

Ellena notices a perfectly average room, without any enemies inside of it, and that the ground shifts a bit is just a feature of the worldwound. Right? Right?

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage


My vasall Alithera will soon contact you about a deepening of your bond so to speak. She may have apprehension about me... taking you from her. You may chose to hint at such things, to gain a better bargain, or you may assauge her fears. That choice is yours. I only rarely steal from mostly loyal vasalls, and she has only somewhat recently gained such a lofty position.
the voice of your goddess pauses

Iomedae is rather... unusually circumspect and cooperative, has she actually matured somewhat?
You hear a chuckle

Maybe I will call her "Lady Iomedae", at least for a bit.

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Female Skinwalker (Fanglord) HP 32/32AC 18/15/13 For=2 Ref=3 Will 4/7 (vs charm compulsion) CMD 16 Init 2 Perc 4/-1 (to spot enemies) Level 1 spells 7/7 Level 2 4/4gore 6/6 Oracle 4 Jump 0/1

Fine She says with a grin

By our axes, claws, fangs, swords, arrows, hair, and other assortive elements of violence they shall perish.

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

Sapphirre advances past the bull and the cultist, narrowly avoiding their blades, and expertly inserts the cancelation rod into the wardstone!

As she begins her epic monolouge, time seems to slow down, as various deities and demigods, fair and foul, insane and wise, pretty and ugly, watch and listen.

And you can kind of see them, as your conciousness expands as mythic energies swirl around!

psychic damage Deskari because he thinks you mean it: 10d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 2, 5, 4, 4, 2) = 33

In the rasping rifts, Deskari rages as his plans are waylaid!

psychic damage Baphoment because he did his research, but is nevertheless struck by the
impressively scary gaslightning performance that he thinks is going on:
15d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 1, 6, 5, 6, 5, 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 6, 3, 3) = 54
In the Ivory Labyrinth, Baphomet ponders. Such righteousness from a killbot? He has personally make sure that they dont have an editable morale variable, which means, so she is gaslightning, but if not is that b$@&! Sorshen back?
And the influence at play here, yes, Callistria, clearly, oblivious to the bug of course, but his eyes saw more... but there, the shadow of a bat hiding behind the wasp? A conspiracy!

willsave Nocticula to avoid overeating on Popcorn: 1d20 + 35 ⇒ (13) + 35 = 48 passes
In a comfortable room, several near perfect looking females watch a large screen.I want that killbot for one of my Paladin cafees! Says one dressed in some type of business clothing
That would be clearly a waste says another one formally dressed with a long cape
the most beautifull, a 3 tailed lady with hooves seeping molten iron simply watches, and offers a subtle smile

willsave Callistria to avoid vs overeating on popcorn: 1d20 + 42 ⇒ (18) + 42 = 60
In a lush greenhouse, a similar scene is playing out, although the ladies seem... mildly less likely to kill people for no reason. And the popcorn probably isnt made from human souls. A wasplike princess looks and... smiles.

willsave Iomedae to not be suddenly teary eyed: 1d20 + 44 ⇒ (16) + 44 = 60
In mount Celestia, Iomedae sees that hers have not faltered.
A killbot tried to kill me when I still was a mortal, perhaps they can be worthy enemies. She regards Saphirre with a stern yet appreciative gaze

willsave erlking because some b!*$$ whose name rhymes with remote-control-stealistia borrowed his sensor on Adigale, and he only saw the tail end of the monologue but not anything else: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (13) + 28 = 41
fails DC was 42
OI YOU TWITS WHY THE F*%@ IS MY TEEVEE NOT WOERKING? YOU THERE HIT IT!A massive horned presence hits some type of scrying device, as he seeks to see, but only gets a grainy blurry picture. As one of his servants fiddles around he hears
transformed into a fortress against darkness! Saphirres voice shout out of the scyring device, only about 8 times louder then she actually said it.
OUCH MY EARS DAMNIT! the horned figure shouts in pain
erlking sonic damage: 10d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 6, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4) = 29


Celestial energies wash into you, as the wardstone shatters, the same celestial energies also utterly destroy the remaining enemies.
And not just that...

You see a battle raging at the Mendevian capital of Nerosyan, also home to a wardstone. The defenders are hard pressed, yet the wardstone suddenly explodes, healing the defenders and wiping out the demonic invaders.

All accross the wardstone line, such explosions happen, wreaking great havoc amongst the demons, and leaving their mortal servants badly scarred.


The celestial energy crushes into you, it hurts and burns, but suddenly you feel as if to black wings shield you from the holy light.
Or else You think you hear, from behind you, directed at the light not at you. The raging light ebbs, and embraces you instead, filling you with power, but you can sense its dissatisfaction.
Yet your faith has never been stronger. You just felt your redeemer queen, right behind you.


As the light crushes into you... You have a vision.
You see yourself, taking aim at a black haired Paladin wielding Arodenite imagery. A contract for one Tar Baphon. You strike, but the Paladin is quick on her feet. Not only that but she... acutally kills you. You perspective changes, to that of the Paladin, and then again. You recognise you are before Iomdae. Impressive, I considered Killbots foes, perhaps worthy ones, but you... mayhap you are just worthy? She extends an arm in a warriors clasp, do you take it?

Big revelations for Adigale, Aurical and Constantine are incoming, but I better hit submit before the board gremlins eat this

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Female Temp HP 0/0 hp=43/43 AC=15 Spell slots 2/2 curse 0/1 SLA invis 1/1 SLA Silent image 0/1 passive perc=9 Advantadge 0/1 Madness 1 Hexblade 5 Resources hexblade curse 1/1 spellslots 2/2 Exhaustion: 0

Very well captain How would Yza speak and act! I got this!

Alexandra becomes eerily calm

Known: Droki was awaited by a Duergar in a stained lab coat. I can create an accurate silent image of him, but require rest before I can do so innately, as I utilized the majority of my magiks . Lab-coat-duergar presumed dead on account of eldritch blast to the face, but we did not verify his death.
She starts with the truth as she knows it, offering to utilize her resources and giving a good reason for rest.

Known: Droki revelaed that the name of his contact as Narak, who is supposedly "waiting with scrolls". Narak has at least one more associate. I do not know if Narak is a Derro, Duergar or other name.
She adds more information, perhaps unkown to the Duergar

Known: Droki utilizes mushrooms to alter his size depending on his needs.
And even more, which she assumes the Duergar know

Implied: Narak and or his associate have access to a degree of fear inducing magic or spell like abilities which does not require line of sight. I felt a strong urge to run, the fear felt ... spidery? I apologize for the lack of clarity in this.
Here she gets creative. Yes, she felt an urge to run, after all, Stool was freaking out, several were running, and facing whatever was inside alone was clearly a bad idea. And she spent a fair bit of time running from spidery things too. She does not dare to outright lie, and this is as far as she thinks she can go in terms of implying cooperation between Droki and possibly drow.

Implied: Narak "waiting with scrolls" could mean preperation for a perhaps partially disrupted ritual.
She then adds words which are true as she knowsn them.

Option: My allies are far better skilled then me in drawing maps, and could do so while I rest for purposes of recovering my silent image abilitiy.
And then offers more utility

Questions stone captain? She finishes her report.

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage


The Fae claim you yes? A claim does not equal possession, and always know that you have options, follow the wasps savored sting a feminine
as you charge in, you see an even better way to hit the zombie, scoring a critical threat, as some polite force subtly atlers proability to increase your to hit dice by 1, turning it into a 20!

Adigale crit confirm: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
crit damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

I do bet everyone else, other then maybe the big boned bat b*@~! will intervene more openly the voice speaks
What the f$!+ does the f+@!ing buggy boi think about being that blatant anyway

Adigale absolutely eviscerates a Zombie, impaling it on her horn and, out of reflex, throwin it at another foe!

Adigale do a ranged attack please on a target of your choice,this will not provoke AoOs.

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Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

stabilize: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

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The party has an excellent allotment of skills, with swim and climb being the only relatively low ones.

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Female Skinwalker (Fanglord) HP 32/32AC 18/15/13 For=2 Ref=3 Will 4/7 (vs charm compulsion) CMD 16 Init 2 Perc 4/-1 (to spot enemies) Level 1 spells 7/7 Level 2 4/4gore 6/6 Oracle 4 Jump 0/1

Yes, into the smoke, we will get him, and I will svetlana the non existent daylight of whatever touched him. Just like I did with these s$+!ty ghouls.

Suddenly concious about linguistics and reputation, Svetlana seeks to establish the phrase "to svetlana someone" as "conduct brutal and disproportionate, but very much justified violence on someone who really deserves it."

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Seconding we be goblins.

Stay away from Wrath of the righteous, Strange aeons, carrion crown.

Tyrants grasp 1rst part could be rewritten into something kid appropriate, by making the dead roads more whimsical, but it requires a fair bit of rewriting.

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Female Skinwalker (Fanglord) HP 32/32AC 18/15/13 For=2 Ref=3 Will 4/7 (vs charm compulsion) CMD 16 Init 2 Perc 4/-1 (to spot enemies) Level 1 spells 7/7 Level 2 4/4gore 6/6 Oracle 4 Jump 0/1

Huh? Means they hear us so

intimidate: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20


In an eerie yet deadly voice, Svetlana shouts a quite intimidating challenge as she progresses, her right claw scratching along the wall making a pretty unpleseant noise to accompany it.

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the scene:

The queen of midnight eternal looks you straight in the eyes

You wish to know? But do you? Very well you will, you will know why you must yield to me

There is darkness, not unlike the one in Alyushinyrra.

You look up at your crossed legs, it would seem your are setting, and you can seen the molten iron from your hooves. It is clear that you are Nocticula, this is one of her memories.

Then, you see Aroden. In the flesh, with a weary expression.

You wish to talk, god of mankind You hear yourself speaks, your own inflection filling every single word with double or even triple meanings.

Lady in Shadow Aroden answers

I have need of... Dying. And it must be a secret.
The god of mankind answers.

The dark tapestry? Prophecies that bind not just you, but all of mankind to a fate not of your choosing? You speak, each word calculated, calibrated.

Aroden looks you in the eye as you met his gaze.

I am glad I dont need to explain too much.
He says

If I wanted to kill you, lord of mankind, I would have made you think that only your self sacrifice can save mankind from destruction. I do vow that I have not set such plans in motion. You hear yourself say, for a moment, Aroden looks surprised

It appears I have chosen well. Have you divined why I need to die, at the hand of neither man nor god, and in secret?
The god of mankind asks

I have not, for... I am quite aware of... bidirectional knowledge, and make use of this myself. I seek to limit my interface with the dark tapestry to a... tastefull minimum. But I get the gist. How long must your secret be kept?
You hear yourself speak, in her voice

One hundred years and one hundred days
The god of mankind answers

You say with a finality that is not yours

A request though, Lady in Shadows. If I disappear, Deskari will come. He himself will not be an issue, but he may bring... allies of a sort, more clever demons who seek to exploit him. Deal with these in my... permanent absence.

You do not yet know who Deskaris partner in invading Golarion will be. Perhaps, if you are lucky, your old foe Socothbenoth. If you are unlikely, something ugly like Mazzmezz. But on balance, some third tier demonlord like Baphomet. Yes, he is quite likely.

When? You hear yourself ask

Whenever you are ready Aroden answers

Let us begin then. You wish that something of you remains, do you not? You rise, and approach him. The short flare of hope betrays the god of mankinds answer

Done You say
Done and Done and Done You intone as you take his hand and draw him towards you, your wings closing around him.

The vision ends

You know too much, what you know could... invalidate his end. Simply yield to me, I will keep you sequestered until the alloted time has run off, you will not age, not be concious, and free to go once this secret... is no longer required to be secret.

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I am in 2 minds about encumberance.

I like that is gives some aid to STR builds (str is kind of a weaker stat then dex for many reason), but it can also penalize str builds since like...

Even with 18 STR, and medium armor, you often end up overloaded, assuming you want a) a ranged option, b) be able to deal all 3 basic damage types and c) a polearm.

Like, my prefered fix to the STR being weaker then dex disparity is well... you add half your str mod to your con mod for reflex saves and hp.

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Male Sense motive 1/nA Half fiend Aasimar (Angelkin) Steelblood 2 HP: 24/24 Rage HP 28/28 AC: 23/22/11 RageAC 21/19/9 Frt: 6+2(rage) Ref: 2 Wil: 4+2(rage) CMD 20 Perc.5/nA

Oh, Ragnar thinks the professor being dead is mabye his fault, as he is aware of some Wrath of the righteous plot points, which the professor figured out regarding ragnars background.

This is most likely a massive yet plausible red herring (unless the GM wants to add some antagonistic Demons or their cultists for variety), but the overall idea (the professor figured out how Ragnar was made by Deskari/Baphomet cultists, which included stealing certain crystals, which are the crystallized blood of demonlord slain by Nocticula, from Nocticulas abyssal realm, as such these cultists would have a strong interest in seeking the professor silenced) is plausible.

Semimechanically, he survived the transformation (which did not made him mythic but a half fiend) because as a CN Gorrumite, who strongly believed in duels, violence, aggression and courage he was ideologically compatible with the dead demonlord Tharvool, one who kind of had similar values or areas of concern. He is somewhat aware of this, but chooses to not know it as he finds this troubling.

Ragnar may or may not have a degree of mental connection with that dead demonlord, so the GM can use this is a mental plot dump device.

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Male Mildy oversized fun having kitten Animal Companion 3

Sir Pounce therapy benging to 2 legs superior 4 legs being: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 technically an animal trick from Svetlana

Pounce starts gentle tapping the butchers son with his tail. The world does look brigther with a friendly tiger to protect you.

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Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Our GM ran all the Demonlord, as intelligent adversaries.

Baphomet infiltrated the Pathfinder guild and convinced it we were imposters working for Baphomet, so we were constantly attacked by "Pathfinders" that wanted our loots, and had some "vile eldritch resource" named "society favors" to disappear with their loots if defeated.

Shamira decided to troll our Phoenix blooded Urban Bloodrager with a telepathic Like, we are supposed to be enemies, but odds are 80% or so that I am your grandmother because of course thats how the f@*!ing multiverse works, which makes things rather awkward, how about we have a truce? I pretend to be really mad at you, because there are 3 spies for Baphomet in this halls, and you bugger off and kill that annoying twit Herpderpmire or whatever her effing name is. I will reward you, and your merry little group of murderhobos will have the abilitiy to balance depending on Nocticula with depending on me, resulting in you likely getting a better deal in the end?

Followed by a

Do you know what the worst thing about being a nascent demon lord is? You cant get drunk. Although I heard Cayden has some special booze... like, tell him I am willing to free mortal slaves and have them repatriated to the prime material in return for it.

Which worked to get the Caydenite Bloodrager into "hej, she is personable and fairly reasonable".

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Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Aletha deposits a ration in the offering box, before continueing.

Right hand right wall? She offers, being ready to go in front. And prefering to go right for now.

perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

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Female Resources Channel 4/4 Human Cleric HP: 36/36; Nonlethal 0; AC:16/15/11 ; Fort: 6 Ref:2 will:8 ; Init +1 ; CMD:15 ; Perception +4;

Vikla collects rumors about possible special crewmates or anticipated troubles, may as well build some fame while waiting for the squibbing to complete.

gather information in terms of general rumors: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

However, all she finds is some weird person going on about something called non fungoid tokens, some assassination backed currency that is apparently all the rage in the Abyss.

She would do masterwork transformations for those wanting them, working this magic quite publically and eagerly answering questions about this.

Between that, she sets up 1on1 interviews with crews young and old, in a pretty relaxed atmosphere, trying to find out if anyone has any special skills. You never know when f.e. carving skills, a reasonable singing voice or proficiency in an unusual language would come in handy.
sense motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Alas, her efforts while reasonable amount to little, as the crew seems to be uniquly homogenous. Almost as if some dire eldritch power is at play here?

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

I lost a fair bit of my data due to a crash but lets goooo!

You see a horribly site. A stench of body odor and perhaps goat assails your nostrils as you enter the room the cultists use as a bedding area.

Haphazardly setup matresses litter the floor, and the one thing you do notice is a hastily added poster like picture with the pinup of a Succubus in a maid costume. But if this was a summoning ritual to summon a caretake in terms of orderliness and cleanliness it didnt work.

Do you wish to search their belongings?


You could swear the Succubus Maid on the poster rolls her eyes at you

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage


The Glabrezu you killed was indeed Jerribeth, aka the Green Lady, aka naughty Nipplehands which is how Belana refers to her, you would know this in character. Ellena as well as this was her background boogie, who is about to be replaced by a bigger and badder background boogie.

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Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

My former fixer, Cyndane "Juggernaught B+$&*" cusswell kind of got disappeared because she was swearing in Abyssal while losing at cards.
Like, she said a very creative slur about a type of demon whom one should not call "Nipplehands" to their faces, and one was in hearing range disguised as a human. One very angry... I am good with IDing Demons normally, I like, innately get what they are sometimes, but I had no idea which type has 2 claws and 2 hands... Cyndane shouted Glabrezu and ran away, which I took as an occasion to run away in another direction, and yeah, I never saw her again.

Like, she could double in size when she was angry, and grow claws and fangs, and moved way to quick for someone wearing plate armor. Pretty impressive, but seriously, when she f*&*ing runs so do I.

She raises her glass

To old friends!

Cyndane I am the juggernaught b%*%~! cusswell:

Human Steelblood Bloodrager 6 Bullette style enthusiast.
Now in a better world, maybe, being a stuntwoman for the juggernaught in Xmen movies.

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I had the Nocticulan be active earlier, offering fast efficient and pragmatic solutions, at the cost of a degree of corruption.

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The funniest bluff to win a fight I ever pulled was, interestingly enough, in wrath of the righteous.

--I identified a rescuee as a Succubus in disguise (she screwed up a bit)
--I told her, wink wink nudge nudge wise, that I know what she is, and that we work for the same boss, implying the Nocticula is backing the Mendevian crusade behind the scenes (and has one of her agents as the crusades nominal leader)
--She bought the bluff, and switched sides for real, assuming that the whole crusade thing is a long con by Nocticula to murder one or 2 of her abyssal rivals and take their things.
--in the bossfight, she performed a fake betrayal of the party and then actually betrayed the Deskari worshipping Antipaladin (who had a very nasty murder glaive)
--The Succubus happened to be a swashbuckler, and opportune parry and riposte is pretty good on them so she parried the antipaladin like a boss
--I then used Ventriloquism to make it sound as if my voice is coming from a nearby statue of Deskari, and spoke "she cant parry you if you grapple her"
--The Antipaladin rolled a nat 1 on sense motive and grappled the Succubus.

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

I had a loved one just die in my arms, posting will be reduced in terms of pace.

Although I am plotting to have that loved have a cameo.

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

I had a loved one just die in my arms, posting will be reduced in terms of pace.

Although I am the GM here, and can totally add cameos of my very awesome grandma.

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Overview of submissions:

King and Ace: Utility; Skill monkey, glass cannon

Tessaviri: Ranged martial; has a pet that can tank a bit

Malinor: Melee martial, glass cannon

Sorak: Melee martial, not a glass cannon

Xoti: Cleric Channel specialist, a bit hard to make the background work

Kevin: Frontline Paladin. Issue is we already got one.

Shealtiels: Sneaky front liner, hits reasonably hard, has a useful suite of defensive abilities

Ilo: Martial frontliner, hits reasonable hard, not as glass cannony

Wyniess: Ranged DPR, background is pretty good.

So: Sorak and Wynies, please report to discussion, everyone else, thanks for the submissions

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Absolutely, I am picturing her copilot as a mix between a high school bully, a very evil HR supervisor, the worst aunt ever but occassionally she gives good life advice as in "STAB THIS THING RIGHT NOW". Or "I dated 43 different Incubi, but that creep awkwardly pretending to be human? No, dont take his invitation for dinner or you become dinner!"

Absolutely use her to plot dump things.

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Televised erotic content does as a matter of fact exist. Several of my employees are engaged in certain activities in front of large mirrors, which can be readily observed using the mirror sight spell!

A stunning Succubus begins a presentation, using a wand of silent image to present all manner of flow charts and graphs.

We offer several different plans, the cheapest one merely being the contact data of said large mirrors, to be targetable via your own mirror sight spell.

She continues

More expensive payment plans also offer either a large scrying mirror, and/or a wand of mirror sight, with the premium one even including an employee manipulating the wand of mirror sight for you!

More charts with technical details appear

Inspite of the political disturbance resulting from Lady Nocticulas change of residence, we have reached our growth goal, and the total usage of mirror sight spells for purposes for... lets say sexual education, of now exceeds the total usage of mirror sight for Irriseni espionage and repression!

Even more charts!

Note, there is sadly a vetting process, as near peer competitors such as Socothbenoth or Ardad Lili constantly try to attack my studios on various material planes (we cannot stream directly from the midnight isles on account of mirror sights same plane stipulation)! There is also the risk of assault be religious fanatics, fortunately we are about to enter a partnership with the Pathfinder society to counteract such incidents!

Roll a DC25 willsave, this is a mind effecting compulsion effect, or be afflicted with the powerpoint curse.

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Have your things finalized this sunday

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Standart wealth for level 10

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Female Skinwalker (Fanglord) HP 32/32AC 18/15/13 For=2 Ref=3 Will 4/7 (vs charm compulsion) CMD 16 Init 2 Perc 4/-1 (to spot enemies) Level 1 spells 7/7 Level 2 4/4gore 6/6 Oracle 4 Jump 0/1

I am roleplaying my wisdom of 8 and intelligence of 10 :).

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