Enchanter Tim |

I've been playing PF2e a lot lately, but it would be fun to come back to 1e for a game. I'm considering an elf whip kensai magus.
He's a failed academic from a minor magical school. Enough training for a few spells, but nothing serious. He signed on to be a caravan driver for Gribb, his need for a job outweighing any concerns about the man's integrity. He actually found himself good at caravan driving, getting the knack of the whip as well as caring for the horses.
I see him initially as the reluctant adventurer, but feels like he's now back to square one with Gribb and his job gone. He'll start to rediscover his old talents and blend them with his more recent ones.
His progression would follow the whip/frostbite/control magus route.

Indrana |

This is Drogeney's submission. Everything should be done and in the profile, though I can put it all here as well if requested.
As for a writing sample this is the introductory post from an NWOD game I am in over on RPOL playing a changeling who looks like a ninetailed kitsune beneath her Mask.
Despite it not serving the kind of foods she vaguely recalled from her childhood Kimiko enjoyed eating at Rose's and had learned a lot about American Cuisine there. When she walked into the café Kimiko was wearing a dark blue dress that had straps over her shoulders and left her arms bare while hugged the curve of her body before flaring out over her hips into a loose knee length skirt. She wore a pair of soft souled black shoes, black hose, and carried a small purse over her shoulder.
Once she was inside Kimiko saw that the seating was open so, as she waved at the waitress as she went to take a seat at one of the tables on the second floor. This was a departure from the usual as Kimiko generally sat on one of the stools on the first floor to eat when she came there, and the waitress' eyes widened in surprise a little at this sight. As she passed the waitress Kimiko said, "I'm meeting a friend today, would you send him up when he gets here please Sara-san?"
When she reached the upstairs Kimiko took a seat at one of the tables towards the back, lining up carefully before sitting in the chair, which had an opening down low in the back, with her back to the corner and took out a menu left on the table. Kimiko didn't really need to look at it to know what she would order, she did tend to be a creature of habit with all of her routines, but she never could be sure something else would sound better. Kimiko was trying to convince herself to break out of her comfort zone a bit more this morning and try something new as she waited for her companion to arrive while there was the occasional odd sound of something softly swishing against the floor where nothing was there to swish.

Dragoncat |

I would also like to provide a writing sample. This comes from a Final Fantasy d20 game I'm part of on RPoL--specifically, it's my introductory post for that game.
Following the Ashbound River to the Forest Kingdom's northern border was easy enough as it wound its way through hill and bough--the ruling class of Ylthane had a habit of treating bodies of water as being borders of their own, separating provinces and countries alike. They never really considered how easily they could become roads of their own.
So it was for the young mithra, following a road the rulers of Ylthane never thought to watch. And it was along this river that he finally met the world beyond.
And almost immediately, he met someone in need of help.
Oh... oh my.
He had only heard stories of them from his mother and Xiko--of the snake women of Sssvashta, all clad in jewels and shining scales and all too inclined to prey on menfolk. Cehsa loved to joke about them coming to snatch him away--or about the family selling him off to them for a few gil.
Cehsa was always a bratty little s$%@.
But that was neither here nor there as he stopped in surprise. The sight before him was a pitiable one--a lamia, blue in scales and hair but fair of skin, whimpering in pain and curled up on the river's shore. A shaft of wood was buried in her side--one that she was clawing at, trying in vain to pull it out.
Cassi'to winced. If even half the stories his mother told him were true, he should take the opportunity to escape. Someone else was bound to come along and help... surely?
No. No, I think I'm the only one here who can help. His rational mind said in response. He gritted his teeth and unslung his backpack before moving towards the injured young woman.
"Ma'am?" He called out, his tone shaking a bit. The lamia's eyes sprung open, blue and frightened and full of tears as they stared at him.
Cassi'to swallowed. "Hold still, I'm on my way!" He continued, running over to her side and setting his pack down.
The young snake-woman let out a pained hiss and blinked as Cassi'to dug out his bandages. A quick examination told the young mithra that the javelin stuck in the lamia hadn't pierced too deeply, but it definitely nicked something vital. He'd have to work quickly.
And so he did, carefully extracting the javelin before flying into a flurry of practiced motion. In the span of half a minute, the wound was cleansed (if Ylthane's wealth was good for anything, it was acquiring strong enough whiskey to serve as disinfectant) and thoroughly bound in bandages. The young lamia watched in a mix of pain and awe as Cassi'to worked.
The mithra let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "There. That should be enough to keep it from getting worse." He nodded and smiled.
...his ears suddenly twitched. Why did it sound like water was rushing up behind him?
He barely had time to put his gear back in his pack when the wave came down the river and struck him. His lamia patient let out a cry of surprise that was abruptly drowned out by the crashing water.
Cassi'to panicked and flailed about as the current dragged him down.
Down into a howling, crushing void.

Kalig |

This is DQ with my submission, Kalig the Tireless, a half-orc druid. I'd move her into the World Walker archetype as she levels (the archetype does not affect a druid's 1st level).
I fully admit Kalig is a recycled character; I pulled her out of a campaign several years ago when I needed a break (after many years, I will note) and she was not serving the party's needs well--she was one of two druids and the overlap was getting unwieldy. And on the note of overlap, I do note some folks have also applied with clerics. I am hoping that even though she is also a divine caster, she might be considered as an additional option as her spell set and skill set is quite different. (But if she doesn't work out, that's okay.)
We were just in a game together (I played Dare in the RotRL game), so you've seen plenty of writing samples from me and likely have seen me already at my best and worst... but you can also look a Kalig's posts in her profile (the earlier posts are probably more interesting ones than the later posts) to get a feel for her. Kalig can be blunt, but she is much less of an impetuous jerk than Dare :) . (And no, I don't play half-orcs all the time, but Kalig just felt right for this since she's character I built essentially for traveling with caravans.) :)

Enchanter Tim |

Here is my elf whip magus, Jaradel.

GM Heat |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@Enchanter Tim: Ooh, whip magus. Never played with one of those before. Magus actually seems a quite popular class here. In addition to Gwahiir777's Oren, I know of at least one application in the making that's at least considering magus.
@DeathQuaker: No worries on the recycled character, especially when she fits in so well here. And I wouldn't be too worried about the clerics either. To my eye all three serve pretty wildly different functions in a party. PF might be overly complex, but at least its many options can lead to diverse PCs!
Thanks for the interest to you and the others who have submitted yet more applications, enough that I think it best I summarize them once again.
Ironperenti - Alistair Fox, human Inspired Blade swashbuckler.
Mightypion - Askold Sörenson, human Abyssal bloodrager.
Luke Parry - Jethryk Devarre, human Zen Archer monk.
Violant - Korom Ragemaven, human Savage Technologist barbarian.
Enchanter Tim - Jaradel, elf Kensai magus.
AGM Lemming - Niccan Tol, ratfolk Monster Tactician inquisitor of Magdh.
Gwahiir777 - Oren Telemachus, dwarf magus
Dragoncat - Star of the Freeland, tiefling skald
Full casters:
Hubaris - Danton Trallius, human cleric of Abadar.
DeathQuaker - Kalig the Tireless, half-orc World Walker druid.
GM Labyrinth - Khavel Ironknuckle, dwarf cleric of Torag.
Drogeney - Indrana, human psychic.
Appreciate the effort you put into these, people. Some lovely stuff here. Oh, and because someone asked in PMs, you can (crossing fingers) expect the game to reach lv.7 in terms of progression. I know some plan characters around particular builds, so I hope this helps.
EDIT: Whoops, Enchanter Tim posted while I was writing! His Jaradel is added to the list.

Supreveio |

I'm new to PbP, but I have several years of RP experience from playing IRL, so I'd like to throw in Seoli for this campaign.
She carries no weapons, as she was trained in the ways of various martial arts, though she lacks the patience to be a monk.
She is always read to lend a helping hand to someone and rarely hesitates to do so, but she also tends to recklessly charge in without thinking first.
Despite her active and excitable nature, she has a bad habit of sleeping in. If she falls asleep, it takes quite some effort to wake her.
Chaotic Good Female Kitsune, Brawler 1
HP: 12/12 (d10 + 1 CON + 1 Favored Class)
Fortitude +3 / Reflex +6 / Will +1
Initiative +4; Senses: Low-light Vision
AC 14 (10 + 4 DEX, no armor) / Touch 14 / Flat-Footed 10
Ability Scores:
STR 10 (+0) / DEX 16 (+4) / CON 12 (+1) / INT 8 (-1) / WIS 13 (+1) / CHA 16 (+3)
Melee Attacks:
Unarmed Strike: +5 attack bonus, 1d6 damage, x2 crit modifier
Reckless: +1 trait bonus on Acrobatics checks. Acrobatics is always a class skill.
Affable: +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, can gather information in half the time. Diplomacy is always a class skill.
Ability Bonuses: +2 DEX, +2 CHA, -2 STR
Speed: 30 ft.
Agile (Ex) Seoli receives a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks.
Change Shape (Su): Seoli can take on the appearance of a human, giving her a +10 bonus to Disguise checks to appear human. Change between forms as a standard action
Kitsune Magic (Ex/Sp): Seoli adds +1 to the DC of Enchantment spells she casts. She can also cast Dancing Lights 3/day.
Natural Weapon (Ex): In natural form, Seoli can use a bite attack for 1d4 damage.
Favored Class Bonus: +1 HP per level
Adventuring Rank/Level: 4 - 1 (INT) = 3 / Level
Background Rank/Level: 2 / Level
Adventuring Skills: (3 Ranks Total)
+11 Acrobatics (1 Rank, +4 DEX, +2 Racial, +1 Trait, +3 Class Skill)
+0 Climb
+7 Diplomacy (1 Rank, +3 CHA, +3 Class Skill) (+2 when gathering information)
+4 Escape Artist
+3 Intimidate
-1 Knowledge (dungeoneering)
-1 Knowledge (local)
+1 Perception
+4 Ride
+5 Sense Motive (1 Rank, +1 WIS, +3 Class Skill)
+0 Swim
Background Skills: (2 Ranks Total)
-1 Craft
+3 Handle Animal
+5 Profession [Waitress] (1 Rank, +1 WIS, +3 Class Skill)
+5 Sleight of Hand (1 Rank, +4 DEX)
Languages: Common, Sylvan
Deft Maneuvers: Seoli doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity when performing Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Feint, Reposition, or Steal combat maneuvers.
Class Features
Brawler's Cunning (Ex): Seoli's Intelligence score is 13 for the purposes of qualifying for combat feats.
Martial Flexibility (Ex): Seoli can take a move action to gain the benefit of a combat feat she otherwise doesn't have for 1 minute. Usable 4 times per day (3 + half Brawler level)
Martial Training (Ex): Seoli's Brawler levels count as both a Fighter and Monk levels for the purposes of qualifying for combat feats.
Unarmed Strike: Seoli gets Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. Her unarmed damage is 1d6 + STR.
Equipment (105 GP starting funds)
Fighter's Kit (9 GP, 29 lbs.): Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, soap, 10 torches, 5 days worth of trail rations, and a waterskin
Traveler's Outfit (Freebie, 5 lbs.)
Courtier's Outfit [Hanbok] (30 GP, 6 lbs.)
5-inch Ball (2 SP, 0 lbs.)
Her first foray into the world of adventuring didn't pan out so well. Nobody was looking to hire some brash upstart with no experience, and she grew more and more desperate for money and excitement. Using the last of her funds, she secured passage to Taldor, hoping another country would have more adventuring opportunity for her.
Unfortunately, it did not. At least, not until she ran into that Gribb guy. He was hiring, and at the time, she didn't think too hard about why he didn't ask too many questions. All that mattered is that he was paying AND willing to hire her, so how could she say no?
Initially, the job wasn't too bad at all. Surprisingly uneventful. Almost boring, even. It wasn't really what she had in mind when she listened to her mother's stories, and she quietly wished for something to happen already.
Well, be careful what you wish for.
Curse her luck. Her first real adventuring job and she was almost labeled a criminal for it. And since the bastard got himself arrested, she wasn't getting paid for this either. Maybe these other poor souls who got suckered in will know what to do next.

![]() |

Apologies, I had spotty internet over the weekend and finally was able to get around to posting a short roleplay I wrote up this weekend. It is a brief moment in the trip up the road with the Caravan.
The sky was blue overhead as the caravan rumbled on down the road. Oren was whistling a tune his father had taught him during one of his brief moments they had spent together when he was a child. Well, he was trying to, but his teeth jutted in odd angles and made whistling hard. Finally he gave up and looked around, before giving out a yelp of glee. Up ahead he could see the ruins of a tower jutting up out of the forest like the broken tooth of some long forgotten giant.
Oren sat on the cart looking over at the ruins. He pulled out his notebook and began taking notes. “Fascinating. That structure is truly fascinating. It must date back to at least shortly after the founding of the empire. Incredible. I absolutely must get a closer look.”
As Oren was beginning to climb down from the cart, the caravan master Gribb rode up and yelled at him. “Get back in the cart! I’m not paying you to daydream or go exploring.”
Oren sighed and halted his climb. He sat back down on continued to keep watch on the road ahead of them. Thick bushes lined the edges of the road as the wagons and carts rattled along.
He gripped the hilt of the massive dwarven war axe and grumbled to himself. “Would have only taken a few moments. Could have easily caught up.”
Oren glowered at the back of Gribb's head as they rode on. He couldn't wait to move on to new and better things once they arrived near the border of Taldor.

Liara Dragonsbane |

Hi, I would like to aply with Liara, an aspiring dragon hunter travelling the country to hone her skills, as she knows she is nowhere near ready to hunt her intended targets. She joined up with the caravan as an hired guard, as a means of moving around more easily looking for more work or other opportunities to put her skills to the test, and gather any rumours she can about dragons roaming around the country.
I've never played this module before, so if there's anything that doesn't fit well and should be changed, or details you would like added, feel free to tell me and I'll work them in.
Liara Dragonsbane
Half-elf Slayer (Sniper) 1;
Chaotic Good Medium humanoid (human, elf)
Init: +4 Senses: Low-light vision Perception +7
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13
hp 11 (10 +1 Con)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1 (+2 vs enchantment, +2 vs charms and compulsions)
Speed 30 ft.
Cestus +5 (1d4+2 19-20)
Cold Iron Dagger +5 (1d4+2 19-20)
Masterwork Hornbow, orc (Str +2) +6 (2d6+2, x3)
Str 14, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 19
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hornbow, orc); Precise Shot
Spell-Like Ability: Alter Self 1/day
Skills (6 + 2 background per level - 6 ranks, 2 background ranks)
Acrobatics +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 4 dex, -1 acp);
Craft (Traps) +4 (1 background rank, 3 class)
Disable Device + 6 (1 rank, 4 dex, 2 circumstance, -1 acp);
Perception +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 wis, 2 race);
Profession(Hunter) +5 (1 background rank, 3 class, 1 wis);
Sense Motive +5 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 wis));
Stealth +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 4 dex, -1 acp));
Survival +5 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 wis));
Traits Child of Two Peoples, Signature Moves (Masterwork Hornbow (Str +2)
SQ Accuracy; Studied Target +1;
Languages:Common, Elven
Money: 1 gp 5 sp
Armor: Hide Shirt
Items: Acid Flask; Alchemist Fire; 20x Arrows, blunt; 5x Rations, trail; 60x Arrows, common; Backpack, common; Thieves' tools, masterwork; Waterskin; Outfit, Explorer's; Holy symbol, wooden (Erastil); Holy symbol, wooden (Kethepys)
Racial Options:
Ancestral Arms: Some half-elves receive training in an unusual weapon. Half-elves with this racial trait receive Exotic Weapon Proficiency or Martial Weapon Proficiency with one weapon as a bonus feat at 1st level. This racial trait replaces the adaptability racial trait.
Flexible Half-Breed: Once per day, half-elves with this trait can use alter self as a spell-like ability to appear as humans, drow, or elves. The half-elf can change the race of this form each time she uses this ability, but the specific form for each race is static. She gains a +10 bonus to Disguise checks to appear as a member of the chosen race. The caster level for this ability is equal to the character’s Hit Dice. This racial trait replaces multitalented.
Born to hunter parents, it was no surprise that Liara would follow in their footsteps, especially when her father and grandfather would usually tell her stories of their family's feats, dating all the way back to Eric Dragonsbane, an accomplished dragonslayer during the Dragon Plague, and the origin of their family's name.
Having inherited her mother's elven reflexes and skill with a bow, she quickly proved herself an excellent marksman and started accompanying her parents on most hunts when she was old enough.
They never stayed in one place too long, moving around to where they were needed, typically to bring down some manner of dangerous beast that threatened a village, although the occasional job as an armed escort to some noble or merchant, or hunting down some bandits would also show up.
The one she remembers most, though, that was quite literally burned into her mind, was when her father was sought out to hunt a dragon that had been terrorising the region. But rather than the confident and proud expression she had come to expect from him, especially since he'd finally be able to add his own dragonslaying tale to the family's history, his expression was grim. Determined, and yet with just a hint lf fear behind it.
The reason became evident when they arrived and her parents told her ahe was to stay back, help with evacuating the villagers and make sure they were safe. She realised her father and mother were focused not on hunting the beast, but in making sure they bought enough time for everyone to escape. She agreed, reluctantly and holding back tears, as she prayed that they'd be able to bring the beast down and be back safely.
As she saw the dragon descend upon the village, though, she realised how foolish that hope was. They managed to distract it enough to get some of the villagers to safety, but it wasn't enough to save everyone. And it wasn't enough for them to get away, either. As she lay in.the midst of the dragon's destruction, weeping over their bodies, she took her father's family bow, an impressive bow made from the horns of a blue dragon, and vowed on it to become a better hunter - better than they were, even, so she could prevent similar tragedies in the future. And when her skills were good enough, she'd hunt down this particular dragon, to avenge their deaths.
In the following years, Liara kept travelling the country, honing her skills and keeping her ears open for tales of dragon activity, hoping to learn all she can about her prey so she can hunt it down when she's ready.
After a job serving as part of a noble woman's escort to Cassomir, she signed on as a guard with a caravan heading out to Yanmass. The caravan master seemed shifty, true, but she knew better than to ask too many questions.
When she was eventually stranded in Belhaim, with no idea of when another caravan might be passing by, she decided to make the best of her time here to listen to rumours and see if there is anything she can do to put her skills to use.
Liara inherited her mother's beauty, with light red hair that goes down to her waist, emerald green eyes, and a grace to her movements typical of her mother's kin. She wears an armor made of animal hide and giant lizard scales, with a hooded green cloak that lets her more easily blend in with her surroundings. But her most prominent detail is probably the large bow on her back, an intricate weapon made from blue horns, which some might recognise as the bow wielded by generations of the Dragonsbane family, made from the horns of a dragon brought down by one of their ancestors.
She tends to keep quiet in most situations, preferring to listen and study what others are saying (both verbally and non-verbally), intervening only when needed. She's used to working alone, but is perfectly willing to join a group on a job. And she's not one to turn down someone in need, or to not use her skills to protect people when required - on the contrary, she feels that's her ultimate goal as a hunter, as a way to honour her parents sacrifice those years ago.
I will try to get a RP Sample of her in before the deadline, but in case I can't, here's a few particular ones from other characters I've played.
Skulls and Shackles
Becoming Captain - Post 1
Becoming Captain - Post 2
Deciding to invest in Diplomacy
Wrath of the Righteous
Escaping in the midst of a battle between tieflings and paladins - Post 1
Escaping in the midst of a battle between tieflings and paladins - Post 2
Talk with the party's tiefling paladin, post 1
Talk with the party's tiefling paladin, post 2

Supreveio |

Extended background and personality stuff since I can't go back and edit my original post.
Plus some visual references for her: "Fighting" outfit, Hanbok
Seoli and her elder sister Iseul had a bitter sibling rivalry. Iseul often mocked and belittled her for her adventurous aspirations, which only fueled her desire to leave home. Meanwhile, Seoli retaliated with subtle and physical pranks, feigning innocence all the while.
Despite the relative peace of the town, her mother nevertheless mentored her in martial arts for self-defense. Though eager to learn, Seoli lacked the patience and discipline to follow her mother's footsteps down the path of the monk. This wouldn't deter her, as she practiced the more physical and fighting-oriented aspects of martial arts, using her wits and unpredictability in multiple fighting styles to give her an advantage over any opponent she may come across.
The moment she became of age, she began to save up money to fund her future endeavors, eventually gathering enough gold to finally set out on her own. With a teary goodbye to her parents, Seoli set off into the world in search of adventure.
But her first foray into the world of adventuring didn't pan out so well. Nobody was looking to hire some brash upstart with no experience, and she grew more and more desperate for money and excitement. Using the last of her funds, she secured passage to Taldor, hoping another country would have more adventuring opportunity for her.
Unfortunately, it did not. At least, not until she ran into that Gribb guy. He was hiring, and at the time, she didn't think too hard about why he didn't ask too many questions. All that mattered is that he was paying AND willing to hire her, so how could she say no?
Initially, the job wasn't too bad at all. Surprisingly uneventful. Almost boring, even. It wasn't really what she had in mind when she listened to her mother's stories, and she quietly wished for something to happen already.
Well, be careful what you wish for.
Curse her luck. Her first real adventuring job and she was almost labeled a criminal for it. And since the bastard got himself arrested, she wasn't getting paid for this either. Maybe these other poor souls who got suckered in will know what to do next.
She is always read to lend a helping hand to someone and rarely hesitates to do so, but she also tends to recklessly charge in without thinking first.
In reality, her bravado is a facade to mask her insecurities of not being good enough, her sister's jabs having affected her more than she likes to admit. Thus, she feels she needs to prove herself as a hero.

GM Heat |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

@Gwahir777: Nothing to apologize for, deadline is still a ways away. The effort is noted and appreciated.
@Supreveio: And a much obliged to you too!
@RHMG Animator: Looking forward to see what you come up with.
The 15th is now (assuming you are privileged a sensible schedule) a workweek away. Will have to work out whether these jitters are eagerness or anxiety by then.

Ace the Squox |

As someone currently playing a Kitsune Rogue, Supreveio... does anyone in the caravan know she's a kitsune? They come with two (or three) forms, and you can go without ever shifting, so for all we know she's just human.
Good luck to everyone! I'll try to get a roleplaying sample of Korom when he was still with his tribe. If not, I'll probably pick some from my other characters

Supreveio |

As someone currently playing a Kitsune Rogue, Supreveio... does anyone in the caravan know she's a kitsune? They come with two (or three) forms, and you can go without ever shifting, so for all we know she's just human.
She is definitely staying in kitsune form specifically to stand out.

Askold Sörenson |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

On an evening at the caravan, Askold writes
Dear Diary
There is a fox person in the caravan.
According to my badly damaged book of weird Tian-Xia stuff, their power rests within their fluffy tails, whatever that is supposed to mean. Also, they supposedly reproduce by cocooning their victim/partner in silk and injecting him with eggs, which hatch after a while, killing the partner. Pretty sure the translation got garbled with another type of weird Tian-Xia thing. Like, Foxes are mammals, and the whole cocooning stuff sounds more like some spidery thing. Given the quality of the information in the few books I have, I occassionally wonder of becoming literate was a mistake, but then I remember how much more insane I would be if I wouldnt write a diary.

GM Heat |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

@Rhona Copperhair: You mentioned wanting to make some changes to the PC. Are you still working on that, or are you happy with her as is?
@Gwahir777: I've been writing with just about every applicant in PMs, but I can't seem to reach you. Privacy settings on your end I think. You don't have to answer this here if you'd rather not, but Oren's backstory has me curious; you mentioned him ultimately wanting to reach Kelesh. Did you have any particular idea what he's hoping for there?
Oh, and because we've just about reached the final stretch of the recruitment... Dawn of the First Day - 72 hours remain, more or less. Thanks again for your interest!

![]() |

@Rhona Copperhair: You mentioned wanting to make some changes to the PC. Are you still working on that, or are you happy with her as is?
@Gwahir777: I've been writing with just about every applicant in PMs, but I can't seem to reach you. Privacy settings on your end I think. You don't have to answer this here if you'd rather not, but Oren's backstory has me curious; you mentioned him ultimately wanting to reach Kelesh. Did you have any particular idea what he's hoping for there?
Oh, and because we've just about reached the final stretch of the recruitment... Dawn of the First Day - 72 hours remain, more or less. Thanks again for your interest!
I will try to do some editing but mostly background and a trait will be changed

GM Heat |

That deadline is looming and expectations are ballooning. We've hit Dawn of the Second Day - 48 hours remain, or thereabout-ish. I will have to pick a party pretty soon, and so for order's sake and the benefit of late arrivals wanting to know what has already been submitted, here's the list of applicants.
Ironperenti - Alistair Fox, human Inspired Blade swashbuckler.
RHMG Animator - Aurora Yuuki Leona Aiba, human unchained barbarian.
Mightypion - Askold Sörenson, human Abyssal bloodrager.
Luke Parry - Jethryk Devarre, human Zen Archer monk.
Violant - Korom Ragemaven, human Savage Technologist barbarian.
Pancakes - Liara Dragonsbane, half-elf Sniper slayer.
Critzible - Rhona Copperhair, dwarf Trapper ranger.
Supreveio - Seoli, kitsune brawler.
Enchanter Tim - Jaradel, elf Kensai magus.
AGM Lemming - Niccan Tol, ratfolk Monster Tactician inquisitor of Magdh.
Gwahiir777 - Oren Telemachus, dwarf magus
Dragoncat - Star of the Freeland, tiefling skald
Full casters:
Hubaris - Danton Trallius, human cleric of Abadar.
GM Labyrinth - Khavel Ironknuckle, dwarf cleric of Torag.
DeathQuaker - Kalig the Tireless, half-orc World Walker druid.
Drogeney - Indrana, human psychic.
SphinxTreecat - Tarka, half-orc oni-blooded sorcerer.
Once again, I'm happy for your interest. Please let me know if I missed anyone!

John Gs |

Hello, sorry for being a late arrival, but I would like to apply with Pabelle, a young Varisian tatterdemalion witch travelling in her (now confiscated) house wagon as a tailor. Oh, and she has a scary pigeon with her.
The young woman in light black flowing layers smiles up at you when you approach the wagon. "Hello there, fellow wagoner" next to a steaming cauldron, she's stitching a silver design into a cloak of an rich sable, which she holds up for inspection "I know, probably too rich for the smallest of small towns we're passing through tomorrow, but who knows, fate might be calling to a young lad or lass to be Something, and all they need is a push in the right direction."
Her own statement makes her pause as memory creeps. The dark underbridge, her hollowed out home, digging for scraps of cloth, until a deep sudden need broken into her, forcing her to make of massive web of all the strings and scraps, all centered on a knot in the center. In the dark.
Then the knot... opened.
Now it was in her mind.
"Coo" the pigeon that nestled in her high pointed hat interrupted that was about to become an Itching, as the young woman called it. The bird feathered down to next to her, drawing her eyes to it, making her blanch. Those soulless glassy eyes had seen the knot too, changing it as much as her.
But she pushes the thoughts away and plasters a smile to make the moment pass. "This is Priscilla, my helper' the sewing kit next to her opens as if by magic for the pretty dove, letting it root in it for the end of a spoil of crimson thread in its beak, a color that would go perfect weaving around the silver on the field of brown.
"Oh very good.' she hesitantly pats the bird, then says to you "Well, I hope the break in travel is prosperous for both of us, and it does not delay our trip to Yanmass too much" ignoring the odd feeling of foreshadowing.
Born somewhere in the underbrigde of Magnimar, always good at stitching, keeping others in semblance of clothed, til the day she saw the knot open and her mind was altered by the briefest possible touch of the tiniest crack in the dark. Then she knew cloth so well she was able to get out of the dark, started travelling, inching into a better and better life, then made the mistake of taking a discount on the payment to join this caravan, all just to store a box in her wagon... now no wagon.
Pabelle, Tailor of the Twisted Knot
Female human (Varisian) witch (tatterdemalion) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Familiar Folio 17, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 65, Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures 73, Ultimate Wilderness 213)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 (+7 in dim light, +7 while benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light)
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 6 (1d6)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3; -2 vs. confusion and emotion effects
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d4-1/19-20) or
. . whip +2 (1d3-1 nonlethal) or
. . Dancing Strings +4 (1d3+6)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (15 ft. with whip)
Special Attacks dancing stings, hex (cauldron[APG])
Witch (Tatterdemalion) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st—command (DC 15), sleep (DC 15)
. . 0 (at will)—mage hand, open/close (DC 14), prestidigitation
. . Patron Transformation (touched by the outer gods)
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +0.5; CMB +2 (+4 dirty trick, +4 disarm, +4 reposition, +4 steal, +4 trip); CMD 11 (13 vs. dirty trick, 13 vs. disarm, 13 vs. reposition, 13 vs. steal, 13 vs. trip)
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Brew Potion, Deft Maneuvers, Extra Hex[APG]
Traits clever wordplay, underbridge dweller (magnimar)
Skills Craft (alchemy) +12, Craft (clothing) +8, Diplomacy +8, Heal +7, Intimidate +6 (+8 while benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light), Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Perception +5 (+7 in dim light, +7 while benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light), Spellcraft +8, Stealth +2 (+4 while benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light)
Languages Aklo, Common, Infernal, Tien, Undercommon, Varisian
SQ able assistant, cantrips, dimdweller, finesse weapon attack attribute, shapechanging familiar, witch's familiar (thrush (valet) named Arcane Familiar)
Combat Gear candlerod[UE] (2), healer's kit; Other Gear dagger, whip, backpack, blanket[APG], cauldron[APG], string or twine[APG] (4), tailoring tools, traveler's outfit
Special Abilities
Able Assistant (Ex) Treat valet as it possesed Cooperative Crafting and all Craft skills and item creation feats you have.
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Cantrips mage hand, open/ close, and prestidigitation must incorporate cloth, string or rope
Dancing Stings (1 minutes/day) (Su) Control clothing, rope or fabric as a limb that has 10' reach
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deft Maneuvers You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when tripping.
Dimdweller +2 to Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth when in conceal due to darkness.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Familiar Bonus: +3 bonus on Diplomacy You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Dexterity on attack rolls.
Shapechanging Familiar (1 minutes/day) (Su) Familiar can appear as any creature of its type and size.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Transformation (Touched by the Outer Gods) –2 save vs confusion & emotion effects, always affected by such effects for at least 1 round.
Unnerve Beasts (DC 14) (Su) The target becomes offensive to animals (Will negates). Animals become distraught and aggressive in the victim's presence - horses buck, dogs snap and bark, bulls charge, and so on. The hex lasts a number of hours equal to the witch's Intelligence mo
Witch's Familiar (Ex) Gain the services of a special familiar that stores spells.
I think I have everything right, but as always I've probably missed something.

Zirul Huntinghawk |

Crunch is in the character sheet itself, posing, background, appearance and roleplay sample here for ease.
Background: Growing up in Varisia, Zirul had an easy life. A couple of times his parents took him hunting and taught him how to use a gun. With a handgun it is hard to get to big game, but small animals he practiced on. He aimed for the vital spots. He was then taught to cook and clean the animal afterwards. Zirul found out about the Pathfinder Society as he grew up and decided his gun skills should be put to the test. They need him. He knows the piercing power of what that gun can do even when the animal is inside a hollow wooden log, as the armor provided by the wood does not protect the animal much, imagine if he shot and Orc, goblin, kobold or other dangerous game that can fight back right through the metal armor they are wearing.
Appearance: Human Varisian male 25 years old, clean shaven. Light clothing, white colored to reflect instead of absorb the sunlight.
Roleplay sample: Knowing full well That the Bugbear has on metal armor, he pulls out his gun and walks towards the creature. He could aim for the head, but his bullet will go right through that armor, so why sacrifice his accuracy for that. So he aims at the chest, and if he don't hit the heart, he'll probably at least hit the creature if he lines it up right. He shoots and fires. (Rolls dice). Zirul sees the table with the ingredients on top. He walks over to the table to take a minute to examine what those ingredients are. (Rolls dice). Up ahead, there is a couple of kobolds that don't see us yet. He looks around for the best hiding spot and spots some tall grass to the right or bushes off to the left. He takes the tall grass, crouches down and moves forward. (Rolls Stealth, as many rolls as needed). He stops just short of where the tall grass ends so the kobolds don't see him.

GM Heat |

@Ridge: The vote of confidence is appreciated, my dude (even if raising people's expectations plays hell on my anxiety...).
@Fralk ibn Sabbah: Although I love PF's goblins, it's the morbid humor of their early characterization as chittering, baby-eating maniacs I adore. That's the depiction I'd go with in a game of my own, and as such I'm afraid a goblin PC wouldn't fit in too well here, no.

Fralk ibn Sabbah |

@Fralk ibn Sabbah: Although I love PF's goblins, it's the morbid humor of their early characterization as chittering, baby-eating maniacs I adore. That's the depiction I'd go with in a game of my own, and as such I'm afraid a goblin PC wouldn't fit in too well here, no.
I was going with a rare good natured goblin that was always marching to the beat of a different drummer.
As a child narrowly escaping or being rescued and avoiding his demise at the hands of his own kind, he now cautiously travels to discover the ways of others, especially bigguns.
Thus he comes on with the unsavory caravan. Who better as an additional night guard, literally working for food, mostly.
Self preservation had led him to being observant and self reliant.
But, I totally understand if it's not something you wish to have in the campaign.

GM Heat |

@Ridge: I kid, I kid. Well, mostly. Thanks for the well wishes and hope to play alongside you again some day.
@Fralk ibn Sabbah: It's a good concept and I'm only too happy to read any application of yours. As I said in the recruitment, any sufficiently strong character will be seriously considered, my own misgivings aside. I can only give you fair warning and admit to said biases.
In particular, the early game for a goblin PC would be rough. Guards and townsfolk wanting to run off, or even kill, what they consider a monster could be disruptive.

Askold Sörenson |

Dear Diary
There is a witch. With a Pigeon. And an actually pointy hat. I never got why them spellcasters wear such clothing, if I was a spellcaster, I would wear... I heard they cant cast in full armor, so I would make my shirt look like... chainmail from a distance? Attach an axe-blade to my wizard or whatever staff? Not that I could probably use it, but I would seek to look like Bob the guardsmen, save to be ignored as he holds his reach weapon in his moderately noodly arms, and then I would be like "BWHAHAHAHA I AM A WIZARD YOU FOOLS! I CAST FIREBALL!". Seems much more practical then being an open spellcaster. But thats just my opinion.
Conversely, if I wear a hat with "SORCERROR!" written in Abyssal runes, on it, could this be used to divert attention of enemies towards me and away from the squishies? Or maybe it should red "MUSCLE WIZARD!" Need to check with the witch though, she seems fairly approachable.

Fralk ibn Sabbah |

In particular, the early game for a goblin PC would be rough. Guards and townsfolk wanting to run off, or even kill, what they consider a monster could be disruptive.
I can see you're selling it! :)
I present Twig Dappleboots <<< Link to Profile
The strange gnome looked right as Twig and the goblin youth seemed compelled to come to the bars and listen.
I'm gonna die, kid... he smiled. Lips not moving, but the words made it into the young goblin's head.
I've been poisoned, bad string of luck. Anyone who eats me will most likely die, too. It's my gift to you. You have a chance to be free.
All you gotta do is... not partake. Can you do it kid?
When the dust settles, my stuff is over there by that twisted tree in a hollow. There's food there, I promise. Again, the smile.
Dappleboots is the name. What's yours? The adults were closing in fast.
The goblin didn't have a fancy name. Twig, just... Twig.
Name's yours if you want it, Twig. Twig Dappleboots! If ya take it, you gotta do me a favor though. Remember to do the right thing. You'll know it...
The gnome tapped his fist to his chest as the goblins dragged him away. But, his smile remained. It was like, he'd won.

GM Heat |

Liking how the final list is shaping up.
It is a nice list, isn't it? All thanks to you lot and I appreciate it, especially as it is... Dawn of the Final Day - 24 hours remain.
That deadline is finally upon us and I think I'm gonna call it some 24 hours from now, at... I dunno, 3 pm for you Eastern Standard yanks? Time zones are confusing. If that's an awkward cutoff point, blame time zones; they're confusing. Here's a confusing map. Thanks again for your interest!
And I admire your gumption, Fralk!

Fralk ibn Sabbah |

And I admire your gumption, Fralk!
Don't worry about the Yanks, they got bigger problems. I'm one of them (Yanks, not problems) :)
I appreciate the compliment! If accepted... it'll sorta be like a hazing.
I just thought to offer a proper rogue. And, I'm on a goblin exploration kick... RP-wise and game mechanics, too.
Always good for some comedy relief, too.
Good luck, all!

Ace the Squox |

Oh, dang, Gunslinger got submitted. Good luck to everyone, and have a roleplaying sample of a Savage Technologist without a gun. I'd like to imagine the tribe he came from is more amenable to civilization than your standard tribe, but not exactly integrated either.
12 Years ago
A small 8 year old Kellid boy sits, watching his tribe hunt game mercilessly, dodging each and every strike and each and every shot. Much unlike a typical Kellid tribe, the tribe here has a wide variety of ranged weapons. The vast majority of them are using composite longbows, one particulary older gentleman is using a literal pistol, while the younger members are using crossbows of all varieties. There's only so many crossbows to go around for practice, and the tribe warned him not to go into melee for hunts.
"Why," the kid asks, "do we never hunt up-close like all the other Kellids?" The older gentleman, the one with a blackpowder pistol in hand, sighs as he turns to the child. "Do you know the story, child? Of how our tribe was created like a Phoenix from ashes of destruction?"
The child then shakes their head, for they knew the Ragemavens were different, but he never knew how. The pistolero then replied, sitting down to tell a story: "Long ago, before you were even born, stars rained down from the sky in our ancestral homeland of Numeria. These stars contained much more than simple rock, mind you," the elder Kellid says with a cough. "They contained strange metal creatures, some of which can talk, almost all of which were hostile. Afterwards, a group of greedy, no-good magicians decided to use this, non-magical mind you, technologies from the sky, and used them to oppress our people." One of the younger members, wielding a composite longbow, decides to speak up to add to the story at the time. "At the time as well, a conquering force by the name of Kevoth-Kul went around fracturing tribes, left and right. There were remnants left and right, and those that were left behind, and survived both the wizards and Kevoth-Kul, had a rather... unique trait in common."
The oldest one speaks up again, "you see, most Kellids wear scars across their bodies like badges of honour. Have you seen more than a single scar across a single Ragemaven? No. We are not able to keep standing past when we would die, like most other Kellids."
The young boy, knowing the rest of the story, begins to fill it in, with a bit of eager enthusiasm, "it's because we don't get hit, right," to which everyone laughs in agreement.
"Scars for a true Ragemaven are only ever skin-deep!" they all say in unison, the one thing uniting the tribe composed of fractured remnants was their skill with ranged weaponry.
Miss, the now 20-year old Kellid thinks to himself, pointing a crossbow at an elk. "YOU KNOW WHAT, ELK," he says as he flies into a rage, muscles both having more force and more control in them as he does so. "YOU DIE TODAY!," he says as he quickly loads and fire his old ancestral crossbow right at the Elk's eyes, causing a massive bleed as the creature keels over from one shot. The adrenaline finally fading from the man's body, he pants in exhaustion. "There, the caravan wanted to see what makes a Ragemaven different," he says as he examines his oft-used crossbow and his holstered warhammer. "To put it simply, scars for us are only ever skin-deep! Getting hit is for the weak in our tribe, scars are not a badge of honor, and those fools tried to take their homeland from conquerer and mage a bit too early. So, here I am, avoiding getting killed by constructed menace."

GM Heat |

Don't worry about the Yanks, they got bigger problems. I'm one of them (Yanks, not problems) :)
Hey now, don't sell yourself short; no reason you can't be both.
Speaking of problems, I'm gonna have to make a decision pretty soon. Recruitment closes in less than two hours. Thank you to those late applicants who slipped in yesterday, and thank you, Violant, for that lovely little vignette!

GM Heat |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Aaand that is that. 21 applications later and the recruitment is closed. Thank you for all the submissions, people. The interest really is appreciated and just a bit humbling.
Now comes the part I've been dreading: whittling those 21 down to 6. I've been going over the characters as they've come in, so this shouldn't take too long (he said, naively), no more than a day at most. Thanks again and I look forward to getting the game started!

Askold Sörenson |

Dear Diary
I have an omnious feeling, as if some unknowable entity from beyond the void of reality is currently... determining... which of the many interesting characters in this caravan actually... will have a character? I feel the inner parts of my self, my past, perhaps even my future probed by something. Maybe that Erinye? No, it seems something more powerful. At this point, I have little intution on what this shall entail. I wish good luck to everyone.

GM Heat |

WELL, that was torturous! This being my first open recruitment, I didn't anticipate culling applications to be quite so painful. Like chucking out bright-eyed, orphaned kittens from the cradle, I swear... Shame on you for not warning me.
But decisions had to be made, difficult as they were, so...
Hubaris's Danton Trallius, human Cardinal cleric of Abadar.
DeathQuaker's Kalig the Tireless, half-orc World Walker druid.
GM Labyrinth's Khavel Ironknuckle, dwarf cleric of Torag.
AGM Lemming's Niccan Tol, ratfolk Monster Tactician inquisitor of Magdh.
Shadow Dragon's Quintus Galerius Trachalus, human Bladebound/Hexcrafter Magus.
Dragoncat's Star of the Freeland, tiefling skald.
I'd be very happy if you could join me over in the discussion. For everyone else, a genuine thank you for your efforts. This really wasn't an easy choice and I appreciate your time.