Mightypion's page

Organized Play Member. 886 posts (7,906 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 70 aliases.


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Quick how to for AoOs at 30 feet reach:

--Its kind of a bloodrager special. Have a reach weapon (10 feet), cast long arm (15 feet) cast enlarge person (20 feet), have abberant or black blood bloodline (25 feet) some items increase reach by 5 more, although they typically penalize attack, or have lunge tree.

Bard is a fine thing for gestalt on one side. It has great skill ranks, several boosts and a pretty neat spell list.

Keep progressing in bard on one side.

On the other side, since things seem to be freely open, there are multiple avenues:

--Mutagenic mauler gets you a dex mutagen

--Vivisectionist gives you mutagen, sneak attack, and access to longarm extracts

--A single level in fractured mind/exciter gets you a quasi bloodrager that has a dex version, and a strong willsave boon

--Dipping in urban bloodrager gets you a +4 dex, although it will be a long time before you get to access the spell casting etc.

--there is a whip oriented swashbuckler that may be valid for you

--A single level dip in mysterious stranger gets you firearms, by a dragoon musket, suddenly be good at shooting.

--Featwise, arcane strike is a fairly easy +2 damage, although it consumes your swift action

--You could dip into lunar or nature oracle, and get an animal companion, and then take boon companion to have it only be one level behind

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On Family reunions, economical warfare and bad ear puns.

Teleporting into Matharyn, our intrepid villains set up shop, and the now Vampire Oracle set around doing scoutings.

We figured out some thing of interest to lucratively hit, the national mint, a golem factory, a archmage seeking to hire mercenaries to regain HIS HOME TOWN AND SAVE HIS LIEGE, a cathedral or 2 and some assorted noble mansions.

The Bloodragers girlfriend-ex-nun was also present and the 2 had a long discussion about possible children, with the Bloodrager being quite pragmatic and trying to figure out how to ensure said childrens security. Which pleased the ex-nun greatly.

Shortly thereafter, 2 strange people showed up, a very attractive pair, and the more powerful seeming male of the two hugged the Antipaladin for about 30ish damage, addressing him with the name of the Bloodrager and telling him how proud he was as a father. The misunderstanding then got cleared up. To everyones surprise, the lady, who was totally the bloodragers Marilith mother, and the ex-nun did not try to kill each other, although none of the party were quite daft enough to interfere in the talk... between mother in law and wife so to speak.

As a family reunion, the motley assembly opted (after dominate-joinking the wizards) the hit the golem factory, where the Mithrans had also transported much of their money to. A massive battle with a Mithral Golem, and Adamantine Golem, a Gold Golem and a brass golem ensued, but the assistance of a half balor Brawler and a Marilith made this a lot easier.
It was rather comicall that the presence of his mother something resulted the Bloodrager in rolling like, 6 1s out of 20ish dicerolls, and a fair bit of fun was had.
The demonic pair joinked one of the golems for the "own use" but paid the party a rather supple 64K gold for it. They then both summoned a Hezrou each and told the summons to "have some fun its a lawfull good city" before disappearing to parts unknown.

Our party meanwhile adopted completely different shapes, with the Bloodrager turning into a Pannoti, dressing up in Noble outfits, and proclaiming himself Earl de Aubri, ambassador of the Pannotti Island.
In order to gain access to the castle. To the surprise of nobody, most certainly not the Antipaladin, the plan was so stupid it went out without a hitch.
We were now in the Adarium, the fortress of the king, and waiting for Chargi boy to show up so we could do our assassination.

The Paladin was somewhat perturbed at the Bloodrager apparently have a relatively.... wholesome family live.
The Bloodrager was surprised about this as well.

I have a fairly effective Steelblood (Bloodrager) X, Siegerbreaker (fighter)2, mutagenic mauler (brawler)1 lady (refers to herself as the Juggernaught-b~$%# and makes use of bullette style for massive overrun shenanigians).

She will take a level in fractured mind spiritualist should she receive a sufficiently soul crushing will save loss.

So that would be 4.

She could dip into some swashbuckler type for parry and riposte, but it doesnt really fit the "I AM THE JUGGERNAUGHT-B*@&&!" thing she has going for her.

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Continued misadventures:

In pursuit of the most convoluted assassination plot ever (T.M.), we villainously saved one of the big black dragons (who is named Chargamon the black) spawn named Jeratheon knightsbane.

Who got agitated when our half marilith bloodrager remarked that he is pretty sure "knight" as in the Alyushinyrran fast food (a soft sausage surrounded by fried bread), not Knight as in credible melee combatatant. Alas, we bravely slew the "Storm king" a mighty thunderbird, after informing him that Korramzadeh, the mighty Balor of Baphomet also known as the stormlord, was annoyed by the copyright violation (our group habitually led trails leading to Baphomet rather then Asmodeus for nearly everything they do, its a bit of an inside running joke).

After our rescue of him, we flew over to Chargamons island, headbutted some smol drakes, regulated some errant plant life and did some negotiation with him. Turns out he wants the head of one of his rivals, a copper dragon named Eiramanthas with perhaps the largest porn collection in the multiverse, and an interesting collection of interplanar waifus.

Our Bloodrager, recognising the name, flew back to his tribal village and asked his "totally not a Succubus" boss about him, and it turned out that said "totally not a Succubus" indeed had a fling with said dragon, and has a long running rivalry with one of his consorts.
With some additional information gained, we traveled to the island of the copper dragon, engaged in a bit of a beach episode with the aquatic consort and came to a rather fun and creative agreement with the copper wyrm.

The copper wyrm agreed to getting decapciated and instantly raised from the dead, and we agreed to trolling Chargamon the black.
The was also a bit of a sparring session between our Bloodrager and one of his consorts, a former Rakshasa war godess. Who crit our Bloodrager for a bit over 200 damage, which resulted in him yielding. The dragon was impressed by him remaining standing however.

Apparently our angry snake boi was the third mortal to take her punch from her and survive, and the Rakshasa told him she recogniced his essence from a previous fight, and that his father was one of the other 2 who took a punch from her and remained standing.

Bloodrager boi got a sending from his parents that they would wish to meet for some family bonding, and bloodrager boi promptly suggested the Mithran captial of Matharyn for some "fun and wholesome family reunion". Although he was secretly anxious about introducing his ex-Mithran-nun girlfriend to his Marilith mother.

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Way of the wicked 1:

The misadventures of our party continue, as we:

--Goad the Vampire lord Gaius Vestromo out of hiding, by having our oracle dress up the Bloodrager in the most ridiculous over the top Vampire outfit, get into an underground fighting ring, and use "Gnaeus Eastromo" as a ring name.
After accepting his cease and desist demand, the party made a reasonable deed.

--After some sacrificing some angels to his dark mistress, our Bloodrager became a half Marilith. The perhaps only male one. He also found out that his real mother is, as a matter of fact, a Marilith.

--We then assembled a mini army of minions, and assaulted the main cleric training facilities in the vale of Valtierna. Between vicious bugbears, Vampire spawns, Iraeni (barbarians) scouts and our main party, the outlying areas fell rather quickly. An all female Iraeni squad of Nocticula worshippers made more prisoners then everyone else combined, which resulted in some need for adjuciation, but we figured it out.

--The Mithrans sought to improve their innate cleric training with an annoying amount of Trumpe De Loils, so we killed the head priest like, 4 or 5 times.

--As we broke into the main cathedral, it was protected by the fires of creation, whose very dangerous effects we could observe from bullrushing some legion archon into it. After more shenagians and despoiling of relic sites, the fire was gone and we had our smack down with Ara Mathra.

--Who got sufficiently pissed at the Bloodrager the Antipaladin was able to murder smite him. Victory for Evil, Bwhahahahahahahahhahah!

--Our next mission was uneventfull, the already ruined city of Daveryn had little left to oppose us, although the Bloodrager kept being really good at getting people to surrender. His former Mithran nun girlfriend misunderstood his lack of violence against people who werent a threat to him at all as "Yay, he actually isnt evil!".

--We then proceeded to receive new missives, including a super convoluted plot to kill the king by recruiting a big dragon to goad the king into teleporting from his army into his fortress, where our villains were supposed to ambush them. After hearing the plan, the Antipaladin facepalmed hard enough to damage his skull helmet. "Clearly Cardinal Thorn is f@+#ing losing it."

Can we use archetypes on the fighter side?

Possible ideas:

Snorri "Steroid" stronkarm"

Fighter alchemist.
Accidently confused the steroid tub with the booze tub, resulting in amusing consequences. Tries to sell booze everywhere he goes.
Chaotic good follower of Cayden.

Pär "Did you hear that" thundervoice

Fighter Wardrummer-skald
He has drums. He has clubs, he liked clubbing! He is agnostic on hitting drums or enemies, but the music will play! NG and worships Shelyn. Rumor has it he survived an encounter with a Marilith by impressing her with his drumming skills, cleverly using his mighty beard to operate 4 additional drum sticks, but most people just think he was s~#*faced drunk.

Bill "Your momma" Burntounge

Fighter Cleric of Feronia true neutal like his deity.
Is very attached to fire, while other dwarfs thinks he is weird for worshipping a fire elemental, he is very much taken by her... large tracts of land.
Is a true master of the art of trashtalking. And has a strange compulsion to trashtalk things stronger then him, unless they are also very female and attractive, in which case he tries to woo them but typically fails in a fairly comical fashion.

Sevanna "barberian" Stridsdottir
Fighter White haired witch
Experimented with other uses for alcohol, and made a shampoo, while very very drunk, that turned her into a white haired witch with Cayden Caylean as her kind of accidental patron. Has since tried to recreate the shampoo but failed, apart from one case which resulted in a weird vigilante calling himself the "Mighty mustache", who unfortunately exploded after eating a Brimorak.
Hates Barbers.

I recently had a hell rebels campaign sadly die after the end of book one, but my character was pretty fun to play.


Eliza is... attractive. Extremely so. And looks like you would expect a tiefling with more then a bit of Succubus heritage to look. Growing up in Mialari Dolors boarding school, with her tuition paid in full by an unknown benefactor, Eliza was just having her first major performance! A sizeable role in the Huntress of heroes opera! And she got to play no other then Nocticula, who has a role! (altough not as major as Desna and Aolar).

The custome was pretty hard to research and made, as was the rigging for the wings, the three tails also actually normal cow tails, but are animated by 3 overworked helpers constantly casting magehand!

And just before the big performance, BARZILLAI F@+#ING THRUNE JOINKED THE OPERA HOUSE!!!
This demands vengeance, blood, fire, cease and desist letters!

Funnily enough, she is an angelkin aasimar, its just that she, and everyone who sees her, thinks she is a Succubus-spawn-tiefling.
Her abilites, alter self once per day, innate ability with languages via truespeaker alternative racial trait? And being really good at lying and b!@#~&*%ting? She absolutely thinks she is a tiefling as well, its a bit weird that her resistances are different, but tieflings are quite varied arent they?


Since would either be a fated champion skald, or an oracle, depending on party needs. By various antics and shenanigians, she would be a decent enough secondary fighter, primary face and buffer. Just dont expect her to duke it out with hellknights mano a tieflingo.

background plots:

Her role as Nocticula in the opera may have... gotten her some unwise, or perhaps just overly optimistic, assumptions on the redeemer queen being a thing.
She would likely have a polytheistic approach, and also give plenty of credence to Callistria, Desna and Shelyn.

dont make an aspiring diva with a 18 str score unemployed:

Eliza will plot to:
--Make a fake over the top pro Thrune newspaper, that is so over the top it makes them a laughing stock
--Insert steamy fanfiction by one "Tharzillai Brune" regarding the empress, the empresses Erinye advisor and Queen Galfrey of Mendev, in order to get Barzilai into as much trouble as possible
--Use a heavy wooden shield with a scantily clad empress lounging on a divan as a weapon, and be like "YOU DARE POUND OUR EMPRESS! VILLAIN!" whenever a thrunie hits the shield.

So, healing is 5x 2d6 (channel) and a bunch of cure light/cure mod spells, lesser restoration via life mystery, some degree of access to wizard and sorceror spells via arcane enlightenment hex.

Reasonable AC because Dex based and semi swashbuckler, reach, will stand behind the melees or protect the backline.

Can hit reasonably accurately with a longbow, but wont be doing much damage with it, typically prefering to cast spells instead.

Access to CMW likely means that the Bard friend may want to grab heroism or mirror image instead of CMW :).

Spirit guide is a nice GM plot insertion device too.

The setup of the party is druid+Barb multiclass, a Bard, an Arcanist, a Bloodrager, a witch and medium yes?

Further question: The Druid+Barb seems to be level 6, other characters are level 5?

Spirit guide Life Oracle with a single level dip in swashbuckler.
Revelation Channel
Feats: Weapon finesse (swashbuckler), Weapon focus glaive (level 1 feat human), Bladed brush (level 1 Feat normal), Slashing grace (level 3 feat), combat reflexes (level 5 feat).
Has a glaive with reach and dex to damage, channels about 5 times per day for 2d6, has the positive energy affinities.
Gets some extra tricks from her possible spirit selections.

will PM you some background ideas

Quick draft,

are we at starting wealth or wealth by level for level 2?

Solveig Svartdottir:

Female Human Skald (Spell warrior) 2
Cn Medium humanoid (human)

Init +2; Darkvision 60', Perception +3
AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+6 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 17 (2d8+4)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2 (+3 vs charm and compulsion, +1 vs mind effecting)

Speed 20 ft.
Melee Bardiche +4 d10+4

Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14

Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16

Feats Lingering performance; Combat reflexes

Skills Linguistics +4, Diplomacy +6, Bluff +6, UMD +6, Perception +3, kn planes +5 spellcraft +4, several kn skill the party is lacking +5

Traits: Eagle knight recruit,
extremely fashionable (Solveig wears a curious mix of Kellid and Fae fashion styles),

Languages: Common, Abyssal, Sylvan

FC Bonus:+2 spells known (2 cantrips)

Combat Gear:
Breastplate (eagle knight recruit trait)
Bardiche (eagle knight recruit trait)
Rest is pending a question

Other Gear:

Dimdweller (replaces skilled)
Dimdweller (2 RP): Whenever characters with this trait benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth checks. Humans can take this trait in place of the skilled trait, also gaining darkvision to a range of 60 feet. Source PZO9466

Darkvision is surprisingly common close to the worldwound. A strong selections exists to not be suspectible to demon night attack tactics.

Improved Counterspell

Weapon Song

personal ethics reasonable CN edition:

My pack is me, I am my pack. I will deal with fairly with those close to me, and divide resources justly. I am not obliged to offer my life for them, but I will strive to save them, even if it imperils my own survival.

To do violence is to please the both the serpent who guards the world and the lord in iron. To do violence for no reason is to insult both.

The laws of others I follow if I deem it appropriate.

All Fae eldest value creativity, I will seek unusual solutions, but not insane ones.

I shall accept surrender if it is offered

20 questions:

1. What is your character’s name?
Solveig Svartdottir

2. How old is your character?
biologically speaking 28

3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
Human female.
Pale skin, blond, almost white hair, several polearms and heavy looking weapons.

4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
Kellid accent mixed with the singsong of the Fae.
Swears in Abyssal during battle. Uses Sylvan for songs.

5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
Solveig was born close to the lakes lost to the sun in Sarkoris. She was raised communally, as her father died from complications of biting a Ghibrileth demon. She was offered as a ward to Ragadan, as part of a tribute giving ritual.

6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
Svarte Stridson, her father was a powerful Kellid warrior and a champion of her village. Her mother, Aesilde Skuggadottir was orphaned during the war, but taken in by Svarte, who was a fairly loving father.

Both of them are presumed dead, as Solveig, while only a few weeks passed for her, spent several decades in the fae realm.

7. Do you have any other family or friends?
Currently not, although this may be changed

8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?

9. What is your character’s alignment?
Chaotic neutral

10. What is your character’s moral code?
Written above

11. Does your character have goals?
To found a refugee for exiles, far away from either demons and hard hearted inquisitors.

12. Is your character religious?
Polytheistic, she mostly pledges to Gorrum, especially before battle, but still holds Ragadan in a degree of regard. While chaotic evil, the world serpent has done much for her tribe, and her treatment was not bad or cruel.
She strongly dislikes Iomedae.

13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
Fates weaves as it wills, but its will is not known. Only by standing up for yourself you can known and find your true faith.

14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
She has a chip or two over her shoulder, she is quite charismatic, but also quick to anger. Hypocrisy drives her nuts

15. Why does your character adventure? Why did your character accept the job?
To build and protect a new home

16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
Frontline support, with a sidetrack in lore and knowledge.

17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
She has serpentine tatoos around several of her bodyparts, including her arms.

18. How does your character get along with others?
Teamplayer, unless with inquisitors.

19. Is there anything that your character hates?

20. Is there anything that your character fears?
She fears stakes and fire.


Human Spell warrior going down the totem line with the water totem, eventually makes the party able to have freedom of movement, as long as she keeps performing.

Hands out some enchantment boni before that, can fight ok in melee.


Solveig Svartdottir Kellid refugee from the worldwound, specifically the lakes lost to the sun.
When the demons invaded Sarkoris, her clan fought bravely, but was beaten back.
In their desperation, they offered fealty to Ragadan the world serpent, knowing that he was unlikely to be friendly to the demons, and knowing that there was a portal to the first world under the lake. Ragadan accepted, and, to his credit, his fae fought alongside the kellids and gave the demon invaders a run for their money.
She was send as a "tribute" to the first world, from which she returned after some days in which she performed for the fae, only to find that decades have passed in Golarion, that the demons have overrun more of Sarkoris, and that the 3rd crusade (not demons, crusaders) have burned her family at the stake for worshipping a chaotic evil entity (which Ragadahn is). Being completely alone, she fled. Andoran was far kinder to her, and the thought of starting a completely new life, on a different continent from both the Mendevian inquisition and the worldwound demons, has much appeal.

I need to come up with a way to perform underwater, dance would work, but its not available for skalds versatile performance wise. Probably percussion, as underwater drums should work. Props if she ever gets to perform with a whale. That would be awesome.

She may or may not also be intended as a long term prank by Ragadan on the main enemies of this adventure path.


As a defensive mechanism.

As a power play

To reduce the power of Bikini wearing Succubi, because Baba Yaga knows Nocticula is up to something.

There could be a fair bit reactivity with Gorrumites (since it was the main war god of Sarkoris), Desna and Sarenrae also should have specific reactivity degrees.

Stuff I plan to do:

1: Andoran, Galt, Taldor and (in my game Sarkoris is independent and reborn after the worldwound wars, although allied with the midnight isles) Sarkoris-in-shadow all have a vested interest in making things for Cheliax annoying.
There is an element of maintaining sovereignity of the Silver ravens to not become puppets, and to balance Andoran, Nocticula-Sarkorian, Galtese-Callistrian and Taldane influence.
The alliance between Norgober and Asmodeus then suddenly makes some sense, as Asmodeus in this context would be opposed by the Lady in Shadow (who is a rival of Norgober as they compete over the areas of murder and assassination) and Callistria (who also dislikes Norgober).

The backing of relatively major powers makes rebellion also be less suicidal.

2: Swap a lot of Dotarii for Rack Armigers.

3: Natsiel is not Mestaman but Norgoberian, and specifically hostile to Nocticulas cult (both versions), taking her out gets brownie points, which she knows, which is why she responds positively when approached by Barzillai agents.

4: In the Ruby mascerade, I plan to use fake demons instead of Azatas, if the party has been backed by Nocticula (far more damning and thus usefully politically for Thrune then Azatas)

Quickdraft: Aenir "Pretty" Stridson
Fruuzki (Ice tribe, Frostclan) Steelblood Bloodrager

Until recently member of a mostly ice clan mercenary company, however, he was a camp follower/warrior in training for most of the treck they made, being pretty young.

Mercenary, relatively junior, seeks to make a name for himself as a Free agent. Isnt that enthused with going back to the frost lands to fight for some savior Jarl, may simply have a girlfriend in the area, or think that the local area is simply nicer then the far north.
Also think that hej, civilization has something going for it!

monies: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 2) = 9 90 gold

Traits: Extremely fashionable (takes a lot of care of his personal grooming, and has a somewhat eclectic fashion sense, combining furs of his native lands with steel and more civilized clothing, jobbed a bit as a model, but while charismatic, wasnt quite hot enough for this.

Irrepressible: A boisterous and quite fun loving man, he can sometimes use his force of personality rather then his wisdom against attempts to charm and command him.

Faith: Views such things as strictly transactional. No God has so far blessed him, so why butter them up? Make your name, and the gods will make offers. Has no strong religious opinions.

Combat: Uses axes. All the axes. While spears are frankly pretty common amongst his people, Frostfang mercenaries with axes conform to employer expectations and can often bargain for greater rewards.

Throwing axe, Bardiche, Greataxe, battleaxe, humorously thinks that, if he ever runs his own merc company, "Axe effect" is a fun name.
Got scammed by someone who told him he was making a crossbow that fires axes.

Personality quirk:
Tends to play the barbarian while having a fairly reasonable intelligence score. Still gets scammed easily.

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I am in 2 minds about encumberance.

I like that is gives some aid to STR builds (str is kind of a weaker stat then dex for many reason), but it can also penalize str builds since like...

Even with 18 STR, and medium armor, you often end up overloaded, assuming you want a) a ranged option, b) be able to deal all 3 basic damage types and c) a polearm.

Like, my prefered fix to the STR being weaker then dex disparity is well... you add half your str mod to your con mod for reflex saves and hp.

DM_Delmoth wrote:

For pf1 adventures the design teams writing the adventures have generally designed difficulty to the lowest common denominator. That is to a player who isn't invested in their build and will choose suboptimal options because it sounds cool.

When you get that with at least one player who heavily invests in their build optimization it will skew the difficulty. This is true in non-mythic but is sharply apparent in mythic.

Very true. Something I did as a player is pitch my GM occassionally antagonistic NPCs. He had a lot of fun with these.

All "mythic" enemies in wotr as written are a nerfed mythic, which can surge but doesnt get half the benefits real mythic character has.

A non mythic party can seriously hurt a mythic party if they are specced for "non contact warfare". In an open fight they get clobbered.

It also depends on mythic tiers, at high enough tiers, all mythic characters get like, super evasion vs everything non mythic etc.

I gmed wotr a bit, the only non mythic enemies which managed to cause damage to reasonably optimized tier 4+ mythics were:

--Seriously buffed shadows

--Nocticulas "Succubus Speznaz", also known as a number of Succubi with mysterious stranger dips and Mosin Nagants.
Their tactics were if the "Kobold Kommandoes" were world war 1 vets and reasonably powerful demons with smart class levels.

--I did try to run grapple specialists, but while it was possible to get a mythic character grappled as a non mythic (handwaving freedom of movement away), the mythic character has like, a ridounculously easy time breaking the grapple on his turn.

--When I made a grappling specialist mythic, she was able to tie up mythic character in one turn from relative range, and ended up being a fairly unfair encounter. Like, if as the GM you try to threaten mythic characters, their is a high probablility that you overshoot, since in a lot of ways you are in unchartered waters.

I evnetually went for all the plausible non "kill of the Xes" combat goals, which made things far far better, but you cant do this for every fight.

The only demonlord as written who is truely dangerous (to mythics) is Nocticula, because she may beat the players in init, and has 2 dominates per turn at a DC that a mythic can fail.

Koschtschie is reasonably hard in a "mano a mano duel" because of his stunning stuff, but Baphomet and Deskari are kind of weaker.

Gestalt is reasonably strong since it often results in better safes, skillpoints or babs, character have more options, and a bit less weaknesses.

It is a lot less imbalanced then mythic.

It is much weaker then mythic in combat. Mythic has basically autopounce for anyone, a free standard action (costing a mythic) per turn, you can get like, with haste, 4 attacks at your full bab + whatever iteratives.

I think just full gestalting with prestige classes at mythic tier level is also quite cool.

I am trying to gm it and get into slight issues as well.

I did the following thing:

--As an immidiate action, expend X points of mythic power, you heal for X*10% of your max hp.

--Mythic vital strike is banned

--All bad guys start with some defensive spells

--There is a certain scammy cambion mythic alchemist who makes mythic b&+*@*%$ to make contigency heal potions, although the party can also buy from him.
Just make sure you dont get scammed. One of my parties ended up actually liking Mustafen enough that they assisted him against Haagenti.

--And underappreciated problem is that wotr has really good loot, and a massive amount of it especially in act 3, and legendary item upgradeable allows for downtime less additions of new things, transforming gold directly into typically firepower.

--Legendary item is generally speaking super strong. Taking the spellcasting ability together with a 4th level spell list, such as Bloodrager or Paladin is potent, or you go for the incredibly good alchemist spell list. Whats more, casting via a legendary item is an SLA, so you can do this as an amazing initiative action.

Wall of surpression is typically subvertible by moving around it

So, mythic:

If you play it straight, with the excpetion of mirror dodge and, to a different degree beyond morality, mythic stuff has way more offensive then defensive applications.

Core only actually doesnt do that much to reduce the offense, vital strike is very potent in mythic because you can burn a mythic to have an extra standard, and mythic vital strike ups vital strike to a near full attack level, mythic power attack is also very strong, and you thus keep the mythic offense by being just core, without really having as many defensive options (for example swashbucklers. Succubus swashbucklers dont die instantly for example).

Generalized idea:

Aria Ulfdottir

A Sarkorian refugee, Aria seeks to free her people from demonic opression.
Her main class is an interesting combination of Spell Warrior Skald and Red tounge skald, which allows her to hand out both rage powers and rouge talents.
She intends to get even more rouge talents by using the rose warden prestige class.

This combination should make her a reasonable face, and greatly increase the flexibility of her party by being able to hand out basically martial flexibility (by using the rouge talent combat trick and picking up barroom brawler with it), and well, handing out celestial blood in wrath of the righteous is just great.

She may have some numerian tie ins.

Yeah, also, if I am intelligent I will seek to prioritize spellcasters, which this specific Paladin could use however, by pretending to be a sorceror.

I can rarely resist rolling so ere we go

4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 5) = 20 ^16
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 1) = 8 7 drop
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 5, 4) = 17 13
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 5, 5) = 16 13
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 2) = 11 10
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 2, 4) = 14 12

4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 5) = 13 12


Not complaining!

We are level 4 and templates are allowed? Oh boy!

hitdice: 2d10 ⇒ (7, 8) = 15 18 hp at level 2


"Ragnar Skuggason".

Half fiend Aasimar Abyssal Steelblood Bloodrager.


Kellid who was captured by demons in the worldwound and experimented upon. Managed to get away them moment his wings burst out of his back in a rather painfull way. Viewed with great suspicion because he is a half fiend, but the professor was able to legalize him in Ustalav so to speak. Spend some time in lastwall as both an aerial transport and a front line fighter.
Still has a chip on his shoulder concerning Iomedeans.


A towering man in full plate, massive muscles and a potent constitution.
Wolf like eyes and clear fangs. He partly uses the full plate to better hide his fiendish appearance.
Actual looks

bringing to the table:

Mechanically: Flight, very high charisma, reach, is a potent brawler and face.
Otherwise, all the "I am not locked in with you, you are locked in with me" takes you would expect of someone who maybe has seen worse.
Anti-hero vibes, at heart he is a good guy.


His aura is of the destructive Abyss, but kept in check by his will.


Ragnar seeks to control himself by being a cool and calm professional, planning fights carefully and then quickly overwhelming foes by sudden charges. He seeks to fight in unconventional ways, making use of all 3 dimensions.
Ragnar is slow to trust anyone, but his word is steel if he gives it freely, and he will treat any party member fairly. While not religious per se, he follows the tenets of a Gorrumite champion, although he has some idiosyncracies, and for example does not mind striking from ambush, but only against foes he considers himself at war with.

Major flaw:

He can be identified as a half fiend with relative ease, especially once he spreads his batlike wings, as such, he often has to keep parts of his powers hidden.
He is highly distrustfull of nearly anything including himself.

You may want to liberally sprinkle wands of dispell magic, lesser restoration etc.

A relatively rare Phoenix bloodrager can also dispell a bit.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I had the Nocticulan be active earlier, offering fast efficient and pragmatic solutions, at the cost of a degree of corruption.

Any bloodrager can trip someone, incluing via felling smash, and then AoO that person with a spell using a ring of vengeful bloodmagic.

While feat intensive, you could vital strike, use felling smash feat to do a trip as a swift action, have greater trip, get an AoO from the succesfull trip, use this AoO to cast a spell, and then maybe stomp the bugger with vicious stomp.

Bardiches are great weapons, Orc butchering axe is potent too.

Not so much because it is an extra D6, but because enlarge person and lead blades, both are level 1 things, can get it to 6d6.

If you have weapon groups as a feature, axes have a reach weapon, several good one handed and two handed no reach option, and a good throwing options, as well as light sidearms. Heavy blades/Light blades dont quite match that.


(Note: All casters gain 2 bonus talents and a casting tradition the first time they gain the casting class feature.)

Is there something similar for that for combat spheres?

And how exactly does one get a combat sphere?

Seems we got a pretty good mix of stuff!

So many cool options! Lets try to narrow it down for me in terms of my sphere of power:

I get one sphere and 2 talents.

spergposting on war:

Totem: Basically, while I could maintain them without spell point usage, that would take concentration, and be my standard, its thus typically a swift action and a spell point (I get 3 per day at level 1 but it goes up quickly as I level, I could alter my build to get 4 by having more cha).
In its base form, its +2 to weapon damage for everyone, pretty good!

The totem powers I am looking at make it work kind of like inspire courage, but with some twists.

There is a way to get around the spell point usage, by using
Lingering Resentment

When you cease concentrating on a totem or mandate effect, you may choose to have it remain for two rounds before dissipating.

The standout rally power is probably replenish, rerolling saving throws as an intermediate action is super great.

Lingering resentment and replenish would certainly be a party saver.
Combining lingering resentment with Call to arms means I can make a totem as a move action, cease concentrating on it but have the effect persist for 2 turns, without investing any spellpoints.

I dont think my spellpoint pool allows for much expenditure in terms of mandates or momentum, so I havent looked too indepth.
I also think that these ways have a fair bit of extra book keeping. With the totem, everyone gets the same buff, its either off or on, and I occassionally allow people to reroll saves.

Rating: 5/5

warp sphere:

Wow, level 1 teleport for 30 feet within line of sight, up to heavy load, and I can teleport others! Close range doesnt even need spell point! Awesome!

It also has an inbuilt pounce like ability, which is also great, although typically less impactfull at lower levels, really cool though!

It has more utility then the war sphere, because movement abilities are great and I can teleport the entire party over f.e. a chasm as long as it isnt too wide.

Rating 5/5

protection sphere:

Wards seem quite similar to totems in several ways.
I think I prefer the war sphere


life sphere:

Actually couples really well with being a barb since I can unfatigue me innately!
The issue is I have is the vitality things, which are really cool, lasting until the target takes damages or fails a saving throw. Not because its too weak, but because I think it will be a pain to book keep in play by post.


enchancement sphere:

Mostly minute per caster level buffs, but quite flexible with a fair bit of out of combat utility, as I can enchance the ability of a party member, concentrate on it, and thus not actually use spell points!


I am currently looking at war, warp or enchantment, and can be convinced to grab life if we lack healing or condition removal.

Barbarians have STR to AC while unarmored (up to their class level), this is fine right?

I think the Tatoo based martial tradtion

Tattooed Warrior

Tattooed warriors turn their bodies into weapons through the use of magic symbols engraved onto their very flesh.

Bonus Talents:

Equipment: Unarmed Training, Unarmored Training
Bonus Feats: Dragon’s Tattoos, Zodiac Tattoos
Special: Tattooed warriors gain 1 bonus skill point that must be spent on Craft (tattoos) each time they gain a level in any class.

What confuses me a bit is that you get a martial tradition at level 1, but these tatoos basically have a level 5 requirement. I guess I get them level 1, but they only become active level 5?

Its the second time playing spheres for me too.

My current idea (I already crunched a bit, just to get a feel for the system), is an Aasimar rage prophet specializing in the open hand and berskerer spheres, fighting with an unsettling combination of open handed grace interspersed by reckless and brutal savagery.

Which is complemented by the shattered psyche curse she gets for being a rage prophet.

In terms of party roles, she would have surprisingly high AC (for a barbarian that is, I anticipate starting with 17ish, reaching 21ish by level 4 and the platueing in the low 20s) and be a damage dealer/face.
She would be surprisingly independent of equipment.

Rage power Totem wise, I am looking at the world serpent totem, which I expect to be pretty valuable.

I have not yet decided on what casting sphere to use. War seems the obvious choice, but enchantment, protection, life, time and warp seem rather interesting, and would add out of combat utility. Particularly warp does a lot for movement.

I like learning new systems, having stats give me the ability to get in the caracters head better, and then come up with backstories, headspaces etc.

Lets actually make a character

(I will get a bunch of things wrong)

Darya Flamekissed:

Starting stats 10/10/10/10/10/10

I am an Aasimar

I pick the alternative trait goodly aura

I have apparently been a Bounty Hunter, capturing things comes naturally to me. STR boost from the fixed one, and a con boost as well


I assume I have 2 traits, I pick:
Alluring Combatant: You spent time as an erotic dancer, prostitute, or other entertainer who relied on body movements to attract attention or customers. You prefer tight or revealing clothing, and you know how to move to best advantage while wearing it. When wearing light armor or no armor and clothing designed to be provocative, you gain a +1 trait bonus to AC. From combat and

Innocent: No one can believe someone as pure as you could be deceptive in any way. You have an air of innocence about you, and people have a hard time believing you could ever do anyone harm. When you make an Influence check to tell a lie, your target always wants to believe you, granting you the standard +5 bonus on your check. This bonus only applies if the lie you tell is either believable or unlikely. As a racial trait.

Now I pick my Class. I am a Rage prophet, I think selecting a class boosts a relevant ability score, lets pick str!

I also get 4 additional ability boosts, and boost everything I have already boosted, as well as Dex, resulting in the following statline.

This hopefully deals with ability scores, and they certainly look pretty serviceable!

Onto the actual spheres stuff:
From my bounty hunter background I gain Alertness or street smarts as a feat, being more alert is always great.

Feats: Alertness.
Traits: Innocent (racial); Alluring combatant (Combat)
Alternative racial trait goodly aura
Onto what I get from being a Barb oh my!
10 hp (not 12, because rage prophet is D10) resulting in 12/12 HP
I gain the berserker sphere, a +1 AC bonus while unarmored (putting my unarmed AC bonus to total of 2 for now, resulting in an AC of 13).
I choose the battle meditation rage form for my rage, meaning that, in a rage my AC is now 14!

I also think I get a martial tradition. I pick the Iron breaker martial tradition, giving me unarmored training (which increase my unarmed AC by 3, for a raging AC of 17 pretty good, and it will scale to a fairly nice 21 at level 4!
I claim access to the open hand sphere, resulting in me having the open hand sphere, the berserker sphere and the equipment sphere?
Currently, I have one talent in the equipment sphere locked in (unarmored training). I am uncertain if I can select any more though.

I think I have 1 feat at level 1 I can pick, which can likely be a talent, and any open hand sphere talent would actually get me an improved unarmed strike equivalent.

From being a rage prophet, I gain 2 talents and one sphere, I shall opt for war for now.

To be continued, but I think I am looking at this:
12/12 hp AC 16/17 while raging
Fort+3 Ref=+1 Wis=0

Feats: Alertness.
Talents: Unarmored combatant (from martial tradition)
Axe kick (trained)

Offense: Unarmed strike: +5 d4+6 +8 d4+6 of ragomg

Traits: Innocent (racial); Alluring combatant (Combat)
Alternative racial trait goodly aura

So, concept slowly forming:

--Archetype is rage prophet
--Curse is shattered mind
--will be unarmed using barbarian abilities and unarmed combatant, should actually result in a fairly reasonable ac, rage form is the +3AB +1AC one.
--Need to find out if there is trait that allows feinting while raging, in normal pathfinder there is.

Violant wrote:
Mightypion wrote:

Strange Aeons is great!

Current ideas: Bard/Barb hybrid, A massive and quite charismatic hulk who sings about battles he probably shoud not know of.

I think I made such a character before, although he skulls and shackles, and may reuse her, and then alter her a bit,

You must be suffering in lack of Skald right now, right?

Guilty as charged, but I think I can make a Barb-Skald thing with spheres of power, and using the rage prophet archetype which is a low caster.

Strange Aeons is great!

Current ideas: Bard/Barb hybrid, A massive and quite charismatic hulk who sings about battles he probably shoud not know of.

I think I made such a character before, although he skulls and shackles, and may reuse her, and then alter her a bit,

In my fairly extensive way of the wicked experience:

--It goes better if the villains all have one redeeming or quirky feature, for example being good with kids, and dont take themselfs, at least as player, 100% seriously.
In the furthest wotw I am in, we are about to fight Ara Mathra, we sold the Emo-Antipaladins love poetry to Succubi, founded a Daily-Mail/Fox news style newspaper called "The Sun" in Farholde to spread overthetop Mithran propaganda (designed to alientate people with more then 2 braincells from the Mithran faith), dabbled in the interplanar drug trade and one of our cohorts adopted an Alex Jones like persona so spread conspiracy theories about the Forsaken, about 10% of them even being true. The party also plans to put Timeon, who is perhaps the most gaslit individual on the multiverse, on the throne as a puppet.

--In play by post, the big roadblock is the infiltration like sequence. Nobody wants to be the idiot who blows cover without asking the rest of the party. Generally speaking, infiltration style sandboxes, where misstep blows everyones cover, are probably the hardest things in play by post, as there are sooo many incentives to be very cautious, and then eventually noone posts.
Come to think of it, the other evil AP, hells vengeance, has similar issues with its infiltration sequence in act 2 as well.

What are my next rolls?

stat: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 3) = 12
stat: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 1) = 5
stat: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 6) = 12
stat: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5) = 14
stat: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3) = 13
stat: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1) = 7

Ok I have an idea:

Beerfiend the CN Dhampir Echo knight

STR 13
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 7
Wis 5
Cha 12

Most echo knights acquire their abilities to long and hard training... for beerfiend, named for his ability to make beer disappear in his presence it was different. He drank. Then he drank. Then he drank some more. Even in combat, he drank because Dhampir bite attack. At some point, reality itself began to see him double. While rather tough, the reckless booze consumption did a number on his mental faculties.

He is hoever reasonably charismatic.

Mummies mask would be a "Violence provider for hire" from Sarkoris, who basically fled as far south as possible.

Human of tiefling, beatstick, reasonably stealthy, and good at conning people.

Dotting, seems like a melee beatsteak is good?

Instant ideas:

Bloodrager mercenary who moonlights as an Assassin. Has a contract to kill the big bad of book 3 (I dont know who that is ooc).
Technically works for Baba Yaga as she set a number of assasination contracts as a contingency if deposed. Chaotic Neutral alignment, highly professional mercenary attitude. would, to progress plot, would willingly accept the rider boon.
Likes Golarion, has purchased some real estate in Andoran and is against it being covered by snow and ice forever.

Could be an Urban Bloodrager who is more on the charismatic and less bestial side.

My wrath of the morally pragmatic (a group of never do wells trying to do wrath of the righteous, with one token good paladin) is being pretty funny so far, said token Paladin being Shadow Dragon, but yeah, I get you.

That is by the way an impressive list of homebrew options!

Damn, sooo many ideas!

I currently play in a reign of winter and a strange aeons, so I would find mummies mask preferable. However, the early parts of strange aeons are awesome, and imho book one of strange aeons is one of the best that Paizo did.

Like, stuff I steal from 4e/5e are skill challenges, lair actions, and legendary resistances, but with a twist

twisted resistance:

A big boss can chose to suceed on a failed saving throw, but it costs him something serious, f.e. he only loses an arm not his head, one of his dangerous special attacks becomes disabled etc.
This way, the PC doesnt feel that their action was wasted, but bosses also dont get one shot.

Concerning playstyle, I powergamed a lot, coming from a wargame background (as well as a very crunchy german system called the dark eye, with a very frequently consulted random disease table while camping), I think I got better. One piece of advise I can give to powergames is to play support characters, and use ones mythic powers of munchkinism to gigabuff the party. It worked for me!

would the group benefit more from weapon enchantment boni (stack with intrinsic enchantment boni of the weapon) applied to their weapons (such as f.e. shocking, flaming etc. chosen at the start of a fight) or from convential bardic things?

Debating between spell warrior skald (whose weapon song does not preclude spell casting) and some type of bard.

Also, is anyone in the group using combat maneuvers, or planning to use combat maneuvers? If yes, this makes spell warrior very good as I can give an untyped +my class level to a CMB check.

way of the wicked can be fun, I am in a couple, and have a bunch of fluff to make the Iraeni/Caer Bryr more interesting.

I have played a Iraeni resistance fighter against the Mithrans, who sees himself as a valiant fighter for religious liberty and Iraeni customs, while the mithrans see him as a chaotic evil demon aligned terrorist, his specific Iraeni tribe as well.

Probably best discussed via pm :).

Question 1: starting funds?
Question 2: I assume elephant in the room feat taxes are not on?

Sneaky and utility? Why not both?
--NN Galtese emigre Urban Skald, is sneaky via trait, will get a lot of utility via spell kenning one level in.

--NG Archeologist bard with a swash dip, female indiana jones kind of, although the whip would be mostly for show, just takes too many damn feats.

--CN Cult leader warpriest of totally Desna yesyes, dont mind the hand crossbows, the frequent references to the specifically midnight sky, or why I seem really knowledgable about assassinations, speaking Abyssal almost as a native, and frequently name dropping demonlords while swearing creatively. Eventually dual wields hand crossbows, will take a bit before actually getting that build together. Sneaky buffbot in the meantime.

On the rails wrath of the righteous:
I am about to shoot Deskari in the face, my cohort learned coin shot just to shoot 30 pieces of Platinum into Arelus face.

An interesting thing is that the cohort, despite being 2 character levels and 5 mythic tiers behind, is absolutely doing stuff like Mano a Manoing Korramzadeh or Diurez Broodlord. He is kind of doing tanking duties, and is an interesting perspective on things as a pro-Nocticulan Kellid (his backstory is that he was part of a Sarkorian counterattack into the Abyss, seeking to close the worldwound from the other side, it went horribly wrong, he ended up an Arena fighting in Alyushinyrra).

Particulate form really trivializes Balors btw.

Of the rails:

We have fed Baphomets domain to Buckies, the american "you can buy everything here" chain. Nocticula and Asmodeus werent particularly amused.
My skalds antagonist married Arelu vorlesh, they probably plan to killsteal Deskari. Nocticula says she is working on an art project and doesnt answer requests for assistance. I think Galfrey and Iomedae are planning to smite "New Sarkoris", because I paid some debts and legalized worshipping Nocticula. Oh, Socothbenoth thinks my Skald is Nocticulas boyfriend, and is well... not amused.

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