Wrath of the morally flexible

Game Master Mightypion

Kenabres Map


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CN female rakshasa-spawn tiefling unchained barbarian 6/champion 1 | AC 22(-2 raging) , T 16, FF 16 (uncanny dodge) | F +8/R+7/W+3(+2 raging)| HP 74/74 (+x/x raging) | CMB +11, CMD 21 | Init +6 | Perception +10 | Condition: Shield of Faith, wisdom -2 : rage 11/17 | mythic 3/5 | her image

Adi's moral compass has absolutely no steady course at all, her needle is constantly going round and round and round. So neither the sudden captivating eyes and words, or the offer to teach her to dance by a demon disturbs her at all.

"I can dance, not well, mind you, at least that is what others say... well, Scream, when I do it. So..." she finally pulls her gaze away from the elfen lady, looking to Alithera and says "Lessons would be, um, welcomed."

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 20 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 11, Reflex + 8, Will + 10 (-1) Init + 2 | Perception 0 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (7 / 7) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50
Liliyashanina wrote:

You are Chelish yes, but so was Queen Galfrey when she launched the first crusade. And while I do believe her flawed, as all living and undead things are, she is without prejudice, other then being racist against tieflings or those otherwise related by blood to the Abyss. Adigale may get a pass as while she is tiefling, her ancestry is obviously Raksasha, Amanusya, if I had to guess based on the movement patterns.

She gives you an intense look

I will not part with Sir Ciar without establishing the bargain, but I can be tempted into revealing what Xanthir Vang is doing, and how I undid it in Sir Ciars case, as well as why just hitting him with a heal spell would not have worked.

"I wouldn't refer to Queen Galfrey as Chelish for all the grace in Heaven. I don't think she'd appreciate it and may express her displeasure rather violently. If information about Xanthir Vang's plans and the treatment of Sir Cobelen is the best you can offer us we will pray it is enough to gain an audience, the Queen's attention, and her willingness to consider your proposal. It's the best we can offer you."

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage


I am multiversally considered to be fairly capable at deception, and you, Sir Arrius are falling prey to the foundational lie of house Thrunes rule over Cheliax. The lie that Thrune is Cheliax, or that Cheliax is Thrune. Cheliax is far older, and far greater, then the caricature of itself which it currently is.

It was the nation of Aroden, before both his and its fall. Iomedae herself is Chelish. While your knowledge of the actual history may have been impacted by House Thrunes efforts of revisionism... Queen Galfrey herself hailed from pre Thrune Cheliax, as did many of her closest cohorts. If there wasnt a worldwound and thus a more pressing threat, I would half expect her to rather violently seek to settle accounts with Thrune.

Alithera speaks with a soft, almost kindness.

While I have strong disagreements with Lady Latex-High-Heels-Mimic-Bait

As Alithera says this the Angel Illassa smiles for a moment, as the plate armored demoness looks at the angel with a smug expression that almost radiates "Yes I f!%+ing did that and I regret nothing".

known as Doloras by those less knowledgeable, I am on reasonable enough terms with lady Eiseth and not neccessarily a foe of hell, not that I would mind rolling back infernal influence over Golarion.
Alithera continues, voice formal and polite, but also teasing.


It will be done, Lady Cyndane, I hope I can avail myself of your services in furtherance of this? The demoness asks a quick questions to the blue dressed Elfen lady

Oh, gladly, do you want me to dance as well or provide the music? The elfen lady steps a step ahead, her long white blond hair casually brushing on Adigales shoulder

Yes Alithera answers, which causes a bit of a chuckle from the elfen lady


You hear the mental voice of the android E.L.I.Z.A. in your head
Interesting, Alithera seeks to openly increase competition about who can claim you, by specifically inviting a high level Callistrian agent. If you play your cards right, you may be able to benefit from playing off the Fae, Lady Callistria, Lady Alithera, and perhaps others against each other, if you misstep, you may be torn apart. Enjoy thy dance.


I heard her, why is that albeit shapely pile of metal so loud in her telepathy? the far livelier voice of the Elfen lady is in your head as well
She dislikes choice and free will, but yes, you are about to dance with a nascent demonlord and one of Lady Callistrias assassins, although I also do escort services, seduction and abduction... I do not however strike against or enforce my will upon those who cannot realistically oppose me. Alithera also... dislikes kicking down, mostly out of pride in her case. Until you progress enough to be a plausible threat, she will do you no harm, even if there wasnt a parley, unless you trigger the f@!! around and find out clause.

Android Investigator LN Init +3 | AC 22/23*, T 14,19/*, FF 14/18* | F +1/R+9/W+5| HP 35/35 / THP* 10 | CMB +3, CMD 16 | Perception +16| NR 6/6 | MP 6/6 | Surge 5/5 | Condition: None

Took out her backpack and took out a few Items.

"E.L.I.Z.A, it seems we have entered the play of gods. So I ask, I need an upgrade do you know of anyone or anything that can help me with this? Do you have blade wings, that kind of thing? Or a fire arm or true force weapon. "

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

The Android moves her head at Saphirre
Processing request. Performing Scan. Partial compatibility exists. Accessing... Killbot autorepair is functionally intact, but requires energy sources to provide for restoration of additional functions. Forwarding power source request to Defiance industry headquarters.

Lady Alithera, your firewalls are blocking my outbound communications, requesting permision to communicate The android turns her head towards the regal demoness

Permission denied, there are between 4 and 6 ongoing attempts of scrying at this position, one being Baphometan, no partial shutdown of any defensive field is currently permissable. I suggest you report to axis following talks, and reapproach Lady Saphirre once a reply is at hand.
The Demoness somehow talks quite like the android when speaking to her.


Saphirre I posted, a very long time ago a list of upgrades, you can choose a second one, improved critical style upgrade you already have active.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 20 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 11, Reflex + 8, Will + 10 (-1) Init + 2 | Perception 0 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (7 / 7) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50
Liliyashanina wrote:


I am multiversally considered to be fairly capable at deception, and you, Sir Arrius are falling prey to the foundational lie of house Thrunes rule over Cheliax. The lie that Thrune is Cheliax, or that Cheliax is Thrune. Cheliax is far older, and far greater, then the caricature of itself which it currently is.

It was the nation of Aroden, before both his and its fall. Iomedae herself is Chelish. While your knowledge of the actual history may have been impacted by House Thrunes efforts of revisionism... Queen Galfrey herself hailed from pre Thrune Cheliax, as did many of her closest cohorts. If there wasnt a worldwound and thus a more pressing threat, I would half expect her to rather violently seek to settle accounts with Thrune.

Alithera speaks with a soft, almost kindness.

While I have strong disagreements with Lady Latex-High-Heels-Mimic-Bait

As Alithera says this the Angel Illassa smiles for a moment, as the plate armored demoness looks at the angel with a smug expression that almost radiates "Yes I f%+%ing did that and I regret nothing".

known as Doloras by those less knowledgeable, I am on reasonable enough terms with lady Eiseth and not neccessarily a foe of hell, not that I would mind rolling back infernal influence over Golarion.
Alithera continues, voice formal and polite, but also teasing.

"Thank you for the history lesson of my country. I know what happened since my House was on the losing side of the Civil War - a fact House Narikopolus never lets us forget. We will have to agree to disagree what Queen Galfrey would call herself in terms of nationality. I also wouldn't brag about how talented you are at deception, that you're above morality, or anything along those lines. They aren't going to build trust with the Queen. If you can provide us with the information, we will do our best."

Android Investigator LN Init +3 | AC 22/23*, T 14,19/*, FF 14/18* | F +1/R+9/W+5| HP 35/35 / THP* 10 | CMB +3, CMD 16 | Perception +16| NR 6/6 | MP 6/6 | Surge 5/5 | Condition: None

Saphirre nods, Holder out her hand her nineties quickly formed an odd lump of a two-handed weapon.


"As i said I have the capacity to use energy weapons just not the enabled power circuity to power them. nineties patton form Laser Rifle Mk1"

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

Narikopolus I heard that before? Something like a translucent record appears before her left eye, then disappears

Oh, interesting, they actually had the gall to summon and planar bind one of Lady Shamiras agents without establishing terms first. Rather risque of such paragons of devotion to Asmodeus to dabble in demonology, is it not?
She pauses

The ardent dream may have a bit of a grudge on them, as forcing her employee to hand out profane gifts, then turn her to stone in order to minimize her influence and effectively neutralize her is rather rude.
Alas, the ardent dream cares much less for hers then I do for mine.
I wonder what would happen if someone were to cast stone to flesh, or put some basilisk blood on that statue. It is rather prominently displayed in that audience chamber of theirs.

An illusion appears, which is the audience chamber of house Narikopolus, which Arrius had to visit once due to certain noble affairs. It is a pompous display of many statues, displaying many triumphs of this house. And yes, there was one of a kneeling Succubus with a shocked expression.

Would this not be a rather lovely scandal that would lower their house quite a bit? It could be arranged Alithera speaks to you, as a manifestation of temptation itself

CN female rakshasa-spawn tiefling unchained barbarian 6/champion 1 | AC 22(-2 raging) , T 16, FF 16 (uncanny dodge) | F +8/R+7/W+3(+2 raging)| HP 74/74 (+x/x raging) | CMB +11, CMD 21 | Init +6 | Perception +10 | Condition: Shield of Faith, wisdom -2 : rage 11/17 | mythic 3/5 | her image

Adigale isn't dumb, or lacking particular heaps of common sense, but she also realizes these are godkin, demons, and angles, so her playing one against the other is slim to none. Especially when she tends toward brutal honesty. Attempting to 'learn' social subterfuge at this time, with these mythical badasses would both be dumb and lacking ALL common sense.

So she answers truthfully. "Um... as well." there is a bit of awed hesitancy at the request to dance with godkin and succubus. Hesitancy coming from a girl how threw herself at demons with nothing but her head to smash against them repeatedly.

Male Kobold Oracle (Divine Herbalist) 4

Aurical is tempted to interject between Arrius and the demon, but as his house is brought up he decides he did not want to broach such a sensitive subject with the paladin. Instead he turns his attention to the angel in the room. He plucks a small glass dropper from his pack and leans his head back, maw open. A few drops are dribbled out onto his tongue and he swallows and slips his tongue about out a few times to get any leftover.

He then steps over to the angel and removes his hat. Staring up at her, his eyes wonder at her majestic form.

"Good day milady Illassa." he says with a formal bow, "My name is Aurical. I would like to give you my own assurance, that no matter the terms we decide here, I promise I will do my utmost to beseech the queen for Sir Ciar's sake. I do not believe a goodly man should be kept in bondage, no matter how comfortable."

Using one of my crystal sweet concoctions to give a +2 alchemical bonus to diplomacy and a -4 to sense motive for... an hour? Hmmm. Good aligned, but not technically humanoid.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 20 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 11, Reflex + 8, Will + 10 (-1) Init + 2 | Perception 0 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (7 / 7) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50
Liliyashanina wrote:

Narikopolus I heard that before? Something like a translucent record appears before her left eye, then disappears

Oh, interesting, they actually had the gall to summon and planar bind one of Lady Shamiras agents without establishing terms first. Rather risque of such paragons of devotion to Asmodeus to dabble in demonology, is it not?
She pauses

The ardent dream may have a bit of a grudge on them, as forcing her employee to hand out profane gifts, then turn her to stone in order to minimize her influence and effectively neutralize her is rather rude.
Alas, the ardent dream cares much less for hers then I do for mine.
I wonder what would happen if someone were to cast stone to flesh, or put some basilisk blood on that statue. It is rather prominently displayed in that audience chamber of theirs.

An illusion appears, which is the audience chamber of house Narikopolus, which Arrius had to visit once due to certain noble affairs. It is a pompous display of many statues, displaying many triumphs of this house. And yes, there was one of a kneeling Succubus with a shocked expression.

Would this not be a rather lovely scandal that would lower their house quite a bit? It could be arranged Alithera speaks to you, as a manifestation of temptation itself

"The only things Narikopolus could do to surprise me would be to act with honor and decency. What happens to them is not a priority; the Worldwound must be dealt with immediately."

Android Investigator LN Init +3 | AC 22/23*, T 14,19/*, FF 14/18* | F +1/R+9/W+5| HP 35/35 / THP* 10 | CMB +3, CMD 16 | Perception +16| NR 6/6 | MP 6/6 | Surge 5/5 | Condition: None

The weapon dissolves back into Sapphire, as she turns to her fellows and asks.

"I take it we have almost completed this Parilly?"

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

Kind of waiting on Sahala

CN tiefling Witch 5 / Archmage 1 | HP 23/31 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 13 | F+3 R+4 W+6 | Init +6 | Perc +1 | Whispering Shadows + | Share Will +
Magic & Mythic:
Mythic Power 4/5 x Spells: I - 8/8 II - 6/6

Sahala stands stunned by this place. Everything that seemed to her just her fantasies or dreams turned out to be true. Succubi can renounce the original evil... Can all demons?

Lady Alithera... Your story, which you have just told Ser Arrius... Your story should spread widely among people... This is a direct proof to all non-believers that Nocticula can be redeemed too...

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

Few would believe it. Lady Illassa holy smited me like... 16 times? Before figuring it that it indeed didnt work. And activated true sight, and made inquires that I was not actually a Lilitu.

Alithera gives you a very broad smile

I shall offer what Vang was doing, and how I undid it on Sir Ciar

An illusion is created of tubes with bugs and... worms?

Xanthir Vang is seeking to hybridize Vevascor drones, Oliodroo larvae and... himself. In an effort to create a replaceable type of brainbug that can be used to infect and mind control others. Sir Ciar was his first project, as Sir Ciar was durable enough to... survive implantation. The worm that walks was very happy about this, which made him inform his superiors, and then used his mind control of Sir Ciar to try and make him kill another prisoner, specifically one of his squires, something that Sir Ciar managed to resist, from which it is known that this control is not absolute.
A disgruntled Vang then butchered Sir Ciars squire in front of his eyes, because Deskarites are gonna Deskari.

She pauses

I have agents embedded which intercepted the communication of Vang to one possible patron for such attempts, one high priestess Anemora, a fiendish drider pledged to Deskari, and have sent one of my best agents to sabotage Vangs research and to extract Sir Ciar, and possibly other high value prisoners. Alas, Lady Belana only succeeded with Sir Ciar.

She pauses again, showing a picture of Belana The reasonably friendly Succubus you encountered in the nyserian manor, but in a far more formal and pretty dress Belana

Due to the mind control by those bugs, he violently resisted exfiltration, which resulted in the alarm being raised, so she only got him out after wrapping him up and stuffing him in a bag of holding.
The dress that the Belana illusion is wearing seductively moves, as if the ensnare someone, as she says this.

I ran a deep scan of these bugs... they are under standing orders to in essence deliver as much irreversible damage as they can if they sense or detect any attempt of healing the victim, and they can use all of the victims senses.
What I did to kill them was... well, a firstborn Succubus like me can.. drain by proxy. If for example Sir Arrius was touching Lady Adigale, and I was touching Sir Arrius, I could drain Lady Adigale, even without direct bodily contact. I can only manage 1 layer of seperation, Lady Nocticula can do more then that, but well, I could use my lifedrain upon the brainbugs by just touching Sir Ciar, disabling the bug and killing it, without it recognicing this as a healing attempt. Since Sir Ciar is a pretty tough old bone, he survived the drain, and the bug did not.

Advanced Succubi can drain by one proxy, the proxy does get drained, but Ciar got 10 hd, the brain bugs a lot less, so that was a pretty effective way of killing it, Xanthir Vang can force disgusting brain bugs into people, if they survive they are essentially under dominate person, with a kill switch if plausibly healed, and the source of the domination is phyical/biological.

Some creative utilization of ethereal techniques then allowed me to actually get the thing physically out of his brain, a chirugic procedure would have not been within my skill range, but I would be unsurprised if more heaven aligned factions can get this done

There is one more thing, Sir Ciars Aura of good was partially reduced by the demonic bugs aura of evil, normally, an aura of good is reduced if I drain such a target, in this case, because I was draining the bug at the same time, no reduction to the aura happened. Perhaps this can be used to aid in their detection. Furthermore, if used on someone without strong moral leanings, the demonic bugs aura will be quite visible, as such I believe Xanthir Vang will will target good spellcasters of the divine schools with this.

An illusion is created that shows how the aura of a good spellcaster looks from her perspective, glowing in a pale white.

Do you have question, or shall we proceed to something more... wholesome than that disgusting worms experiments?
She asks.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 20 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 11, Reflex + 8, Will + 10 (-1) Init + 2 | Perception 0 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (7 / 7) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50

Constantine sighs, "This will result in a repeat of the Third Mendavian Crusade - the ferreting out of spies and double agents. It's the last thing we need right now. This bodes ill for not just Mendev but the entire world. What 'wholesome' thing would you care to discuss?"

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F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

Uncertain, there would be proof in the body of those accused, in addition, his plans are not ready yet. Lady Belana managed to use half a necklace of fireballs on his lab on her way out. As such his plans suffered a bit of a setback. There are even rumors that he plans to move his entire operation, on account of the security breach.
Oh, Lady Illassa I hope you dont mind Lady Belana opted to look exactly like you.

The Demoness replies

How, Succubi cant normally turn into outsiders?
The Angel does not seem that displeased

I have some spare Erinye wings because reasons, also, makeup and a good hairstylist.
The plate armored Succubus interjects.

Are you abducting good aligned hair stylists now Thanais?
The Angel chides

Good as in competent, not good as in like you
The plate armored Demoness flares up

As for the more wholesome activity, Lady Sahala and Lady Adigale wished to join me and Lady Cyndane in an artistic performance, does anyone else wish to dance with an incarnation of desire and sensuality, as well as an assassin of the savored sting, while protected by the rules of a parley?
Alithera rises and in a slow, graceful and mesmerizing fashion glides towards Sahala and Adigale. At the same time, Lady Cyndane, the woman in blue, casts an incantation and several shadowy doubles of her appear.

spellcraft DC 27:

Shadow bard but... mythic?ä

The doubles in turn conjure different instruments and get ready to play.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CN female rakshasa-spawn tiefling unchained barbarian 6/champion 1 | AC 22(-2 raging) , T 16, FF 16 (uncanny dodge) | F +8/R+7/W+3(+2 raging)| HP 74/74 (+x/x raging) | CMB +11, CMD 21 | Init +6 | Perception +10 | Condition: Shield of Faith, wisdom -2 : rage 11/17 | mythic 3/5 | her image

Adi looks nervous as Alithera moves toward her. An emotion she never displayed in any of the now many battles she's thrown herself into with your group. Killing she was good at. Dancing she was not.

But one gets better by trying. So she steals her spine, stands up straight, and looks to see if any of the others are joining in. There might be a plea of Please in her cat like eyes.

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage


Dont fret too much Lady Adigale, I shall telekinetically guide you at first, you will soon understand that the difference between fighting and dancing is just an irrelevant social convention. You hear the demonesses voice in your head.

You remind me of myself when Lady Nocticula said she was going to teach me a dancing lesson. I was afraid of having unknowingly messed up a plot of hers with mine, which made the situation somewhat terrifying, but it was just a dancing lesson with benefits.
As you hear that, one of the red ribbons floating across the room gently caresses the back of your neck, which somehow feels far better then it has any right to feel.

Her telepathic voice to you at least sounds less regal and imperious, and more like a fun older sister.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 20 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 11, Reflex + 8, Will + 10 (-1) Init + 2 | Perception 0 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (7 / 7) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50

Constantine, glad once more for the helmet of his plate armor hiding his face, opts to read his prayer book for inspiration, understanding, and a search for answers to their current dilemma.

CN tiefling Witch 5 / Archmage 1 | HP 23/31 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 13 | F+3 R+4 W+6 | Init +6 | Perc +1 | Whispering Shadows + | Share Will +
Magic & Mythic:
Mythic Power 4/5 x Spells: I - 8/8 II - 6/6

Sahala heads forward, moving slowly and beautifully to the center of the hall. Again, she feels that she is not used to the luxurious beauty of this place, to ballroom dancing in the company of beautiful, perfect demigods and everything else like that, but... After all, her path leading up was bound to lead to something like this sooner or later. So there's nothing to be afraid of!

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage


I shall telekinetically guide you for the initial steps, you shall soon see that there is no difference between the magic of sensuality and dancing.

Alithera glides towards Sahala, as Adigale finds herself face to face with Cyndane, the music begins as the various shadow doubles play quite expertly.

Cyndanes inspire competence bonus is at a +5 to perform dance

Would you mind if I join in? Sevanna pipes up as she adds her vocal abilities to the ensemble

Song of marching, you will not tire from dancing

Both Cyndane and Alithera regard her with a smile

sense motive on Sevanna the chelish bard DC 25:

Sevanna prefers to not dance, but to make herself useful


Your body moves without you moving it, in almost perfect union with Alithera, you cannot dance like that, but you do.
Think, what is your magic, if not seducing reality into conforming to your desires? What is dancing? Is it not the same but on a different scale? Put your magic into the dance, and put your magic into the pathway I am guiding you on. Her words are in your head as she telekinetically controls you.

See it, focus on it, feel it. Her voice is mesmerizing, as you hear it in your head at the same time she whipsers it in you ear

As Alithera embraces Sahala, their dance begins

perform dance Alithera inspire competence display of charisma: 1d20 + 18 + 5 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 18 + 5 + 20 = 44
Alithera uses a point of mythic power to reroll that
perform dance Alithera inspire competence display of charisma: 1d20 + 18 + 5 + 20 ⇒ (17) + 18 + 5 + 20 = 60
For a moment, it seems as if the almost impossible happens as she nearly stumbles, but then catches herself in an graceful move, beginning to whirl and move around your, her red silken winglike capes caresses, embracing and also leading Sahalas body. Interestingly though, it looks as if Sahala is leading the dance, just as expertly. The demoness performs motions that look as if there is no gravity at all, as at one point she balances, flawlessly, using only her index fingers to stand upside down on top of Sahalas shoulders.

Cyndane at the same moment embraces Adigale, and the two seem to dance the same dance, although at a more lively, hectic, but still shockingly beautifull rythm


Did you see that? She slipped almost! Hah, lets get em!
Cyndanes voice is inside your head
You are also telekinetically controlled, but the... whatever an Empusa is, its more like that she is directing you, pushing you, pulling you, but not pupetting you, you have plenty of room for your own expression
Now, as for the dancing lesson. Fighting is touching points on someones body, very quickly, to damage him and cause him pain. Pretty simple right? You do that every day right? she pauses as you do a wilder, incredibly erotic dance
Seducation is you touching points on someones body, sometimes also very quickly but sometimes more slowly, to make him or her feel great. Its basically just like fighting, but slower, and instead of piercing the skin you caress it, like this. She demonstates this as well

Now dancing? Its like when you so drastically kill a foe so that all of his friends run away, but instead of killing, you touch someone in such a way that not just that person feels great, which would be the thing for seduction, but that everyone who sees that feels great, which is what dancing is all about. Its just a matter of dexterity and anatomy and some psychology. And I have see you fight, you intuitively know anatomy, you are dextrous as a wasp, and anatomy is honestly overrated. Try it!
The Lady in blue is almost frantic, and you just see where you should touch her. Yes, it is very very natural, is it not?

Cyndane perform dance inspire competence gallant inspiration mythic surge: 1d20 + 18 + 5 + 2d4 + 1d8 ⇒ (20) + 18 + 5 + (4, 4) + (8) = 59
Which comes extremely close to matching the dance of Alithera and Sahala.

Compete a bit, who can get a higher number on an assist attempt? Perform dance, acrobatics, charisma, dexterity, caster level checks or other things you can justify would all work!


If you ask for a dance, I shall not refuse you You hear the angels voice in your head
The partners will shift, and it would give me leave to perhaps... steady thy charges against this seduction.

CN female rakshasa-spawn tiefling unchained barbarian 6/champion 1 | AC 22(-2 raging) , T 16, FF 16 (uncanny dodge) | F +8/R+7/W+3(+2 raging)| HP 74/74 (+x/x raging) | CMB +11, CMD 21 | Init +6 | Perception +10 | Condition: Shield of Faith, wisdom -2 : rage 11/17 | mythic 3/5 | her image

Adi follows the movements, trying to temper her instincts to lung, relenting to the pressure to shift her hips. All while listening the caressing thoughts weaving through her own.

'It's freedom, just... controlled?' The thought confuses the ginger, so she ignores it. Then as Cyndane pulls her into a slow spin, her horns curl out of her forehead, her teeth elongate into sharp points, becoming feral grace as she ends up in the other woman's arms.

For Adigale, Rage is not anger, it is release. So pushing those pesky thoughts aside allows her to stop thinking about how to move and just moves.

Dancer in the Dark with surge: 1d20 + 14 + 1d6 ⇒ (17) + 14 + (1) = 32

The result is a wild sensual delight accompanying simmering carnal bliss... in dance form.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 20 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 11, Reflex + 8, Will + 10 (-1) Init + 2 | Perception 0 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (7 / 7) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50

Reply to GM:
"Only if you wish ma'am. I must admit I'm not much of a dancer under the best of circumstances and now I must deal with the pressures of this mission plus the possible revelations of Alithera about my parents. Do you know if what she claims is true? As for resisting seduction we must all face our struggles to prove our worth to Iomedae and the Light."

Android Investigator LN Init +3 | AC 22/23*, T 14,19/*, FF 14/18* | F +1/R+9/W+5| HP 35/35 / THP* 10 | CMB +3, CMD 16 | Perception +16| NR 6/6 | MP 6/6 | Surge 5/5 | Condition: None

Sapphires sees Adigale and oddly feels the need to dance with her,

Acrobatics 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

not as good as Adigale, Saphy feels funny, following Adigale moves Sapphire waves to the others

"Come join the dance its....fun..."

A word she was not used to using yet there was joy in it.

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage


Alithera does not tend to directly and knowingly lie during parleys with weaker mortals, but that she is likely not lieing does not mean it is true.
Her organization is remarkly efficient for that of a demoness, and her leadership style does foster talent and a fair degree of meritocracy. But if whatever agent she used to scout your house thinks that you are feyborn, then that is what she will believe. I do not know the truth of it myself, but having the wild hunt as protectors? This is not something that the Fae realms grant frequently.
the angel pauses
My recommendation is to ask thy parents directly, rather then trying to figure out if a near nascent demonlord was lying, Alithera is... probably the third best lier in the midnight isles, and way well be within the top 10 liers of known demonkind, specifically because she typically speaks the truth.

As you release, so does the "elfen" lady dancing with you. Her eyes become facetted, and her hip even more wasp shaped as quite beautiful insect like wings erupt from her back. She is still oddly beautifull.

kn planes DC 28:

Cyndane is indeed an Empusa, a typically chaotic neutral outsider pledged to a deity of vengeance, most commonly Callistria. She also seems to be mythic, and a bard, and an assassin, so she is likely far more capable then the average one.

Are you inviting any of the NPCs specifically?

CN tiefling Witch 5 / Archmage 1 | HP 23/31 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 13 | F+3 R+4 W+6 | Init +6 | Perc +1 | Whispering Shadows + | Share Will +
Magic & Mythic:
Mythic Power 4/5 x Spells: I - 8/8 II - 6/6

Oh, it's like having sex with a rather domineering partner... I like that kind of thing... Sometimes... But I can also take the initiative when I'm in the mood.

The tiefling gives a mental request to Lady Alithera to let her go and give her body free rein...

Inspired Guided Mythic Perform Dance: 1d20 + 1d6 + 11 ⇒ (16) + (6) + 11 = 33

And now Sahala's body bends independently to the beat of the music. Her hands, legs and torso make complex movements and every muscle, from the fingers and toes to the facial muscles of the face, everything participates in the dance.

All the glory to Lady Nocticula! All the glory of Our Lady is in Shadow! All the glory to Redeemer Queen!

Witch shouts these words exactly to the rhythm of the music and her movements, not often but very well choosing the moment.

Sahala's dance is full of fervor and involuntarily evokes thoughts of passionate intercourse, or rather those feelings, pleasures and emotions that can be lived at this moment...

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage


She does let you dance freely, and appreciates it a fair bit

The only one who gets to dominate me in carnal affairs is Lady Nocticula herself. Lord Angothane was rather... tied up when my daughter Thanais was conceived, but I assure you he enjoyed every moment of it. It was consensual, but the risk of being helpless certainly invigorated the mighty Balor and runelord a fair bit.
For a moment, the image of a Balor, although one who wears stylish armor, projecting an image of strength, pride, wroth, but also refinement.
Dont fret though, being with me will not result in my mutual most favored consort being jealous of you, we have an open relationship.

I do recommend being more circumspect about your faith in Mendevian company, there is no disgrace in tactfullness, for our Lady is also the sovereign of secrets and shadows.
She chides you, although gently

But about the dancing, would you not agree it is much easier to redirect then to block? Use your magics to redirect your own movements, thus makeing yourself a tool of yourself. Sometimes, the nerves that guide your body are not as developed as your control of your magics, come, try to supplant it.
You can probably do this, supplant, at least for dancing, your skill at dancing with your ability to cast spells!

CN tiefling Witch 5 / Archmage 1 | HP 23/31 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 13 | F+3 R+4 W+6 | Init +6 | Perc +1 | Whispering Shadows + | Share Will +
Magic & Mythic:
Mythic Power 4/5 x Spells: I - 8/8 II - 6/6

She answers with a sly smile, Your wisdom knows no bounds, lady Alithera.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 20 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 11, Reflex + 8, Will + 10 (-1) Init + 2 | Perception 0 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (7 / 7) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50

Reply to GM:
"I don't know much about the Wild Hunt but Kantaria does border the Barrowood and there are a large number of fey who inhabit the forest. Perhaps House Voralius was friendly or even aligned with the fey during the time Aroden was ascendant in Cheliax? I don't think my parents would lie to me..."

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage


There is exceedingly little love lost between the Fey and Hell, although certain things do not quite add up. The fey eldest Magdh is the one who does, at least as far as I know, have ties with several pre Thrune chelish houses. Magdh is of lawful and neutral alignment, I know some servants of her who could be Paladins, in terms of what they believe in. The Wild hunt meanwhile... They fight Gorrumites for fun, occassionally participate in Arena duels in Alyushinyrra or in other places of the Abyss. While not outright evil, they are extremely chaotic and aggressive.
Magdh is strongly preoccupied with prophecy, an aspect she shared with Aroden, and well... there are times where Fey asked human parents to raise one of them as they would their own son.
It is rare, and seen as a badge of honor for the parents so chosen, and is also seen as a mark of alliance between the Fey and that human house.
She pauses

Perhaps Magdh called in a favor with the wild hunt to protect your house? Or perhaps simply told them that skilled assassins would attack it, likely repeatedly and with escalating skill? The promise of a good fight and a good hunt and draw the wild hunt in, if it is skillfully made and bargained for.

I can sense both the blood of heaven and the touch of the fey upon you. With your humanity given to you by your righteous upbringing. I would council you to embrace all parts of your heritage, upbringing and destiny, for it is certainly a noble one, especially if you could perhaps bring some parts of the Fae into the war against the worldwound. As you have seen, the wild hunt is formidable.

The angel takes several steps towards Arrius and extends her hand

Shall we dance Sir Arrius?

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

------Aurical earlier------------
He is not truely in comfortable bondage, as I am not rude enough to bind, seduce and convert him, as this would greatly reduce the value he holds for Mendev, and thus the value he holds as a hostage Alithera says, perhaps misunderstanding Aurical on purpose

He is in solitary confinement, and has expressed his desire to limit his interface with me or my agents to a quote "tastefull minimum", and I do need to keep him in solitary confinement as he refused to offer parole, and is thus a flight or fight risk.
She continues without skipping a beat

Mother, you should put him out of solitary, catching him when he runs is fun. The plate armored demoness interjects

And risky, the last time he tried to flee he severly injured one of my employees using a spoon. Divine weapon bonds can turn even cutlery into formidable weapons. The white haired demoness answers

Android Investigator LN Init +3 | AC 22/23*, T 14,19/*, FF 14/18* | F +1/R+9/W+5| HP 35/35 / THP* 10 | CMB +3, CMD 16 | Perception +16| NR 6/6 | MP 6/6 | Surge 5/5 | Condition: None

Yes her fellow Andriod, and the nune is it?

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage


Fun is irrelevant, but showing the superiority of properly structured dancing over random chaotic stuff is not. E.L.I.Z.A. states mechanically as she enters the dance floor.

Her dance style is... something else

perform robot dance: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

I will not be the one person not dancing THe plate armored demoness says as her her burning eyes look at Aurical.

But the size difference would be annoying She suddenly appears straight in front of him

Lets take the different clothes up a level shall we? Dont fret, I am bound by my mothers parley

Magic circles at her hand as she reaches out to touch.

touch of shapechanging: 1d20 + 8 + 6 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 8 + 6 + 7 + 2 = 29

You can try to roll a fortsave to resist, although you can feel the spell is harmless in nature

result Aurical:

Aurical grows in size, where there was once a small kobold, there is now a majestic silver scaled winged dragonborn, his mighty stature enchanced by a billowing red cape, held together in front by a heavy golden chain bedecked with saphirres and rubies. Smoke raises faintly from its royal visage, in which the well informed can see more then an echo of Lady Terendelevs nobleness.
His shining golden armor seems ornamental, yet it is also practical and most tastefully ornamented in a stylsh mixture of vivid heraldry, Abadarian symbology being particularly well represented.
He is tall now, easily above 6 feet, and no longer has to physically look up to any party member.
Auricals current looks

Aurical telepathy:

This is who you want to be, is it not? Give it a try, spread your wings, they should be quite functional, although the transformation will only last for about 15 minutes.
The voice of the plate armored demoness is in your head, she sounds far less standoffish when communicating telepathically

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 20 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 11, Reflex + 8, Will + 10 (-1) Init + 2 | Perception 0 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (7 / 7) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50
Liliyashanina wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

The angel takes several steps towards Arrius and extends her hand

Shall we dance Sir Arrius?

First Aurical and the GM now the system has eaten one of my posts!

Reply to GM:
"If you wish Lady Ilassa but I must warn you I am no dancer. Particularly not now. I am Aasimar so I always thought that meant I was a descendant from a celestial that walked Cheliax when Aroden still lived. Could it be the Aasimar blood came from the fey? Are either of my parents my birth parents? My father told me cold iron tingled in my hands to due its innate divine power to fight demons. Now I learn that's not why..."

Perform (Dance) Untrained and in Full Plate: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Constantine takes Lady Ilassa's extended hand and dances very poorly with her.

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

As Arrius begins to dance he feels a certain telekinetic push and pull, quite gentle but firm.


I mean you no malice knight, dance with that angel as you wish to. This is Alitheras voice

You mortals fuss too much about things you deem different, but which are not. Grace is strength, and strength is grace. Move proudly and defiantly as you do in battle. Skill is skill, a dance is nothing but a Kata with a partner, one that is cooperative, and that is to show your skill to those who witness. I do not mean to pry into your secrets, but bring the thought of the dance you admire the most to the forefront of your heart, and I shall do the rest.
The demonesses voice is surprisingly kind

The angel begins to speaks
I can make inquiries, but I strongly recommend that you speak to your parents. I can provide transport to and from Cheliax once other matters are settled. she pauses

As for Alithera, she spoke to you in a way she knows I hear. Her dancing instruction puts no mark on your soul. But having accepting such a gift, can make you less wary of later attempts. The choice is of course yours. And I do not begrudge you for not being an able dancer, you have chosen to study war and combat, so that those who come after you may one day study art and beauty in peace.

If you accept Alitheras instruction, please roll again making use of the following feature

dancer in the dark:

Accepting Alitheras dance lessons results in the following:
--You can substitute your BAB or your caster level for your skillranks in perform dance
--You can substitute your STR or DEX bonus for your CHA bonus
--Perform dance is a class skill for you

The shadowy bard doubles of Cyndane switch to a pre Thrune Chelaxian melody, inspring Arrius further
gallant inspiration bonus to your dancing check: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 20 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 11, Reflex + 8, Will + 10 (-1) Init + 2 | Perception 0 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (7 / 7) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50
Liliyashanina wrote:

As Arrius begins to dance he feels a certain telekinetic push and pull, quite gentle but firm.

** spoiler omitted **

If you accept Alitheras instruction, please roll again making use of the following feature
** spoiler omitted **

The shadowy bard doubles of Cyndane switch to a pre Thrune Chelaxian melody, inspring Arrius further
[dice=gallant inspiration bonus to your dancing check]2d4

For GM:
Hey with that +4 he has over a 10 so he can aid the attempt lol. To Alithera, "Thank you for the generous offer but my lack of skill shall have to suffice." To Ilassa, "Thank you for the offer but my issues cannot interfere with the mission. Cheliax and my parents will have to wait. As for Alithera's offer I declined; let my own lack of skill stand on its unsteady feet."
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