Update me on the status of your PF1 campaign!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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I ran The Sarkorian Prophecy yesterday with the other system I'm using (Outgunned Adventure) and it was freaking amazing!!
The system has a "Run!" mechanic that lasts a few turns for when the PCs have to avoid something dangerous (like a giant rolling boulder) so I made the Worldwound environmental effects pretty dangerous. When the group made it to the cave and met the enemy pretending to be an ally it became pretty tense. They realized before they slept that she wasn't what she claimed to be, didn't know what she was, but if any of them got hit there was a chance they'd end up dead so they pretended to play along until they could get their health back.
IT WAS FANTASTIC!!! Exactly what I had been hoping for!

I also changed up the attitude of the NPCs in the main building of the scenario. I left them as Shadow Lodge, kept their backstories, but had them be much more moderate. They wanted to help Pathfinders that had been left for dead and DID NOT trust the Decemvirate for the reasons listed in the scenario. (Embla was the leader, the other 2 mostly just followed her lead). They occasionally worked with Caggrigar, didn't really know who their Venture-Captain was (had only met him a couple of times; it was Caggrigar using threefold aspect to appear much older). This allowed me to show some of the nuances within the Shadow Lodge that way there's some foreshadowing involved but kept Caggrigar as an obvious bad guy.

Wonderful session that will have some great pay-off later!

Oh, and you should've seen the look on the two players faces that had played through my Wardstone Patrol / The Traitor's Lodge / Weapon in the Rift / Vengeance at Sundered Crag quadrilogy a couple of years ago when they recognized who the Venture-Captain was that gave them their mission at the beginning!

Looking forward to next week, even though I will be a bit rough, 5 Gamesessions in a row ^^

Wednesday - boardgame night
Casual round with some friends

Thursday - Rise of the Runelords
New group dm'ed by me.
All of them have already played some games but mostly D&D 5e and are all pretty new to Pathfinder. We did a OneShot once, but they were pretty stingy considering their magic items (like Wands, Potions and scrolls), as they are not used to use many of them from their playing experience with D&D 5e.
We'll play every Thursday if possible, but only in 2-3 hour sessions, so I'll see how that will be going.

Friday - boardgame night
A new shop opened in my area, which hosts different games, tabletops and painting sessions. I hope it will last, as many game shops closed the in last years.

Saturday - Dragon's Demand
The group will probably wrap up the upper floor of the monastery and maybe the dungeon floor as well.
Then they will hopefully tackle the BBEG in the next session and we'll do a wrap up.
They have many "what-if-questions" and we'll talk about how to continue afterwards.

Sunday - Homebrew Game
I'll hope to finish the current plot arc with the remaining three players (the gone player's character running along as npc). After that we'll discuss how to go on, and who to ask if they wanna join the game so I can find a way to include their new character.

It will be a little bit stressful, but I'm looking forward to it nonetheless.

In my group's round-robin Torch/Shadow Lodge game, we've reached 10th level, and will be playing Shadows Fall on Absalom tonight. After that, we have 7 more scenarios before the finale of Passing the Torch Parts 1 & 2 at 12th level.


In the "sparks" home game, we are 6th level. We are currently investigating the manor of a wizard known as "the Creator," a powerful crafter who invented the first magical slave collars that were used throughout the empire. We now know that he was the target of one of many simultaneous attacks by the Resistance on what became known as the Day of Chaos, but something went wrong and his home is now the epicenter of a zone of frozen time. Even the air is in stasis, until someone moves through an area, leaving a pocket or tunnel that normal air can enter from outside.

Several people are trapped in this field, some with collars frozen in the act of disintegrating, and clearly affected by the confusion effect that followed the collars' destruction in the rest of the world a couple of months ago. The Creator was not present, but we found signs that he had been caught by the phenomenon but later retrieved by the imperial secret police. We've discovered a hidden magical device that seems to be responsible for the effect, but removing lead panels to study it has apparently degraded the field so that time is passing again, just extremely slowly; the effect will likely fail entirely in a few weeks or months.

We now have two new goals that we're trying to figure out how to accomplish:

1. Restore the people frozen in time--and keep them from killing each other (and us!) until the "paused" confusion effect wears off.

2. Find a safe way to siphon off energy from the Creator's device. The thing contains a vast amount of the divine power that we're calling "sparks," with two opposed types of energy held in a careful balance. Opposed sparks normally explode on contact, neutralizing each other and producing half as much neutral energy. We want to prevent such an explosion, and also want to prevent any of this "spark" energy from falling into the hands of anyone less altruistic than we are--but we don't know what this much "spark" energy would do to us, either.

Tim Emrick wrote:
In my group's round-robin Torch/Shadow Lodge game, we've reached 10th level, and will be playing Shadows Fall on Absalom tonight. After that, we have 7 more scenarios before the finale of Passing the Torch Parts 1 & 2 at 12th level.

So close to the end!!

Do most / any of the others know how it ends?

Scarab Sages

Finished off the rituals rededicate Westcrown to Asmodeus in the Saturday Hell's Vengeance AP campaign. We all advanced to level 16.

My Antipaladin (Tyrant) Hellknight is still trying to decide what he wants to do if we're successful in defeating the Glorious Reclamation.

Either he creates his own Hellknight order (which would tie him down to a specific area in which he decides to build a citadel), or to form a group of "troubleshooters" that Queen Abrogail II could use to "take care" of a few things, like finally destroying the Grave Knights from the old Order of the Crux, and "convincing" Isger to become an official province of Cheliax. Corrupting Heart's Edge would be one of the first things they'd want to do.

The new Hellknight order would be called the "Order of the Sword" and the I'd call the group of troubleshooters "Regulators," "Hammer and Shield," or possibly "Hand of Cheliax."

Anyway, the next time we play, we'll begin sewing dissent and generally creating problems in Westcrown before we finally go after Lord Marshal Cansellarion.

Rise of the Runelords
Session Zero went by and we finished the character creation and the basic rules.
We'll start coming Thursday and will explain the more complex rules on demand.

Dragon's Demand
One of the players was struck down by a heavy flu, so we had to reschedule[/b]

Homebrew Game
The group wrapped up the corrupted temple and went back to the save spot, which is still protected by a magic ward against the corruption, but noticed it's protection getting weaker.
They headed out after resting to tackle the ritual site, where the drow were committing some atrocities and killed them.
However one of them managed to fire of a signal to alert everyone in Celwynvian, so the final part of claiming/destroying the artifact causing the corruption will be harder. They healed, regrupuped and will tackle this last stage of their quest next session.

Just over a year since my last post and I'm still running through the penultimate adventure for the last-but-one'th PC's Path to Immortality. This adventure kind of grew in scope and got a bit out of hand, turning into its own little campaign instead of just another adventure.

This PC's final adventure will be a lot shorter, little more than a single encounter.

Then there are the last four or five mini adventures for the last PC.

I'm determined to wrap things up this year.

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Hells Rebels:

Some outtakes from the red masquerade:

Allied Succubus swashbuckler:
Greetings, my name is Iniga Aldori, you, the six tentacled Gylou, killed the one mortal I cared about! Prepare to die!

Gylou devil
First, do you have any idea how little this narrows it down? And second, I got way more then 6 tentacles!

Hasted raging song accepting Swashbuckler crits a bunch of times (one of the rage powers is celestial blood)

And now you have 6 tentacles, and soon you shall have none!
Our inquisitor gets off a boneshaker on a bone devil on a dancefloor

Succubus:Yes, get them to swing those bones around! Its so rare to have proper humor from mortals!

Inquisitor:Unfortunately, I am not in range of Barzilai!

Succubus:I can fix that! Grabs inquisitor and gets him to position

Inquisitor:Can I fix her? She is fun, hates devils, being held by her feels really good and I am pretty sure she is not draining my soul right now.

Succubus telepathically into the inquisitors mind You can certainly try!

Inquisitor:I think I shall!

Succubus:One profane gift incoming!

Inquisitor:I dont feel any more evil? And my Lady of Luck doesnt seem to mind

Succubus:I feel odd. Ahhh, nooo, Am I getting Arueshalaed?

Skald as the massacre starts:

Ok you devil asshats, I casted flexible fury, and the first of you shitty thrunies who kills a civilian shall find out which Linnorm Death curses I just grabbed! The answer is YES

Same Skald several bone devils and Erinye archers later


Skald: Looking back, I should have actually swapped in a Linnorm Death curse and not spirit totem, the civilians being protected by silvery ravens is great PR, but it doesnt actually do that much.

I don't know if I'm completely ready to come out of DM retirement, but for the first time in two years I'm feeling the creative spark. I've begun sketching out ideas and notes for two campaigns, one with Eastern and Central European and central Asian influences and the other a concept I've tried twice before but think I can actually make work this time by combining it with another campaign idea I once tried to make work. It feels good to be able to do this again.

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Burnout sucks but it's nice to know it doesn't have to be permanent.

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Warped Savant wrote:
Tim Emrick wrote:
In my group's round-robin Torch/Shadow Lodge game, we've reached 10th level, and will be playing Shadows Fall on Absalom tonight. After that, we have 7 more scenarios before the finale of Passing the Torch Parts 1 & 2 at 12th level.

So close to the end!!

Do most / any of the others know how it ends?

More or less.

This is mostly the same group that played through two APs (Giantslayer and Shattered Star, alternating books and GMs) in PFS-mode a few years ago. We filled in some gaps in level advancement with parts of Emerald Spire, PFS scenarios, and a high-level module or two, and ended up reaching 19th level at the end. (A subset of us reached 20th later after one last PFS special that had no upper limit.)

Part of the PFS content we used was Passing the Torch, because it was Seeker tier, and still relatively new at the time. However, those PCs had never met Torch before, so most of the relevant backstory was lost on them. (I believe that all of the players had had experiences with Torch, with other PCs, so out of character, we all had our own thoughts about him.)

We're all very curious how PTT will turn out this time around. At least a couple of the players despise Torch out of character, while another (my wife) generally dislikes him but has been much more sympathetic since playing the scenario where you finally learn about his early history. (That one is coming up next level, shortly before PTT.)

So.... Scenario season 02-20 ("Wrath of the Accursed") went really well today and the players thoroughly hate the leadership of the Shadow Lodge.
BUT! The best part was them finding the note at the end which starts as "Grand Leader," followed later by referring to the leader as "Great Master," and flowery language which includes "rippling through the filthy Pathfinder Society like a lit torch in an oil refinery."
So my paranoid player read it and went "wait, is it just me or does it not directly say "Grand Master Torch" in the letter?!?" and now they're trying to figure out if Torch is in charge of the Shadow Lodge.

So they asked the victims that were still alive in the scenario to see if they were at all connected and the PC with the library of Pathfinder Chronicles books from 01-52 ("The City of Strangers, part II: The Twofold Demise") is going to scour his collection trying to find anything that could point towards who was described in the letter. (If anyone of note was burned in an oil refinery or anything similar). Now I'm debating if I have the PC find the blurb from page 44 of "Osirion, Legacy of the Pharaohs" written by Ven Lorovox briefly describing his companions dying and himself being cursed.... which I feel like I should give them. (Since Osirion didn't allow Pathfinders within their borders for the longest time, and the PCs have a rough idea when the leader was cursed, it shouldn't be hard to find the passage... right?)

Finished a chapter and leveled up in the two PF1 games I am playing in (Savage Tide and Curse of the Crimson Throne), which means this week I rotate back to GMing the Sunless Citadel AP and Abomination Vaults (although only the former is in-scope for this thread).

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Skull & Shackles + Treasure of Chimera Cove:

While Isabella "Inkskin" Locke invaded Tidewater Rock from the top of the tower, her crew docked their jolly-boat to break down the door from below.

Captain Aselia, Marina and Marcus focused their attention on taking out the pirates trying to break in from the ground, while Aubrey, Flynn and Roger each found their own way to the top of the tower to give chase.

Between Aselia's swift trident and Marina's explosive blasts, the dockside pirates were made short work of, with the final remaining member of the pirates claiminng parley.

Inside the tower Aubrey was the first to catch up and try to talk to Isabella, and used hold person on the guard she managed to charm on her way in. Flynn and Roger tried to also fast talk to get closer to mixed success. Before Isabella blasted her way into the main tower where Master-at-Arms McCleigh warned her to stay back or she'd face quite a drubbing.

Marcus made it up to the top of the tower in time to toss a flaming sphere at the ink-covered Captain Inkskin, and Flynnn tackled the woman long enough for Aubrey to slip some magic cuffs on her.

With little choice Inkskin Locke surrendered.

After some interrogation, the party came to realise the tattoo on Locke's back was the 2nd part of the map they had inherited from Captain Morgan. Though Isabella refused to hold still so they could get an accurate copy. The party agreed to show her their part if they could copy what was on her body, and she agreed as long as it was done at the same time.

While the party was copying the map on her skin, Isabella was memorizing their paper map and once she memorized it her Ink Familiar delivered an Ignition spell to the map. Flynn was quick enough to snatch it from her fingers and put it out before more than a quarter of the map was burned away by the spark.

Frustrated, the Captain further restrained Inkskin to spend as much time as they wanted copying the map.

The next day the party would head to Chimera Cove, to finish the business about the mysterious note by Poltur the Accursed found at Piren's Bluff. While sailing back to the Serpent Coast, the party avoided a chelish merchant convoy, escorted by a Man-o-War. Wisely keeping their distance, the party approached Chimera Cove, a storm-blasted place with choppy waters and treacherous reefs, the party took a jolly boat down the shore a ways and walked the rest of the way.

They were stopped by a wereboar named Targas, and after a quick exchange learned Poltur had taken hostages and were keeping them in a boat house, and had used a ritual to enter the complex beneath the Chimera Isles.

Scouting the boat-house the party quickly came up with a plan. Flynn and Marina would attack from the water, while the rest of the party and Targas would bust through the front.

The hobgoblin guards were easily outmatched by our pirates and after discussing the "terrible treasure" of Chimera Cove being some kind of weapon called the Terraken, they suspected Poldur planned to sell the weapon to the highest bidder. A grave danger to the status quo of the Shackles.

The pirates figured out the details of the ritual, lowering the water in the cove, angering a Hand of the Deep which pulled the wyrwood Early into the water. The party made short work of the Octopus, and entered the Lion's mouth. Sailing their little catboat to the ramps, the party tricked the hobgoblins within that they were the reinforcements Poltur had promised. The pirates were escorted to the ship hidden within the island.

Poltur introduced himself to the pirates, and was pleased they had arrived, to get deeper into the caverns he would need a key, and that was in the ship moored here in the cave. He asked the PCs to retrieve the key as a show of good faith.
Marina, annoyed with Poltur's arrogance and attitude started blasting.

Poltur, realising the B-Team of the Defiant had tricked their way past his guards, lured Flynn and Marina into chasing him while Early, Marcus and Sandara kept the guards away.

Inside the ship, Flynn was close behind Poltur, but unaware of the invisible Hellcat within the hold, and unable to warn Marina as Poltur made his escape through another hatch, and down a tunnel. Marcus gave chase in cheetah form, Early and Sandara mopped up the last of the hobgoblins, and also joined the merry chase with Flynn and Marina following behind after their bloody encounter with the Hellcat.

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Tim Emrick wrote:
Warped Savant wrote:
Do most / any of the others know how it ends?

More or less.

This is mostly the same group that played through two APs (Giantslayer and Shattered Star, alternating books and GMs) in PFS-mode a few years ago. We filled in some gaps in level advancement with parts of Emerald Spire, PFS scenarios, and a high-level module or two, and ended up reaching 19th level at the end. (A subset of us reached 20th later after one last PFS special that had no upper limit.)

Part of the PFS content we used was Passing the Torch, because it was Seeker tier, and still relatively new at the time. However, those PCs had never met Torch before, so most of the relevant backstory was lost on them. (I believe that all of the players had had experiences with Torch, with other PCs, so out of character, we all had our own thoughts about him.)

We're all very curious how PTT will turn out this time around. At least a couple of the players despise Torch out of character, while another (my wife) generally dislikes him but has been much more sympathetic since playing the scenario where you finally learn about his early history. (That one is coming up next level, shortly before PTT.)

I meant to reply the other day...

That's awesome, Tim!

It would've been weird to play through PTT without having much context as to who Torch was.
Similarly, I think my group will have a very different opinion of Torch due to me taking out some of the later scenarios (EG: Assault on Absalom) and adding in the Sage Jewel scenarios as he's involved in them in a non-antagonistic way. Plus, playing up the enemies from the Shadow Lodge as a splinter-cell of extremists because, right now, the players realize that the Shadow Lodge has good beliefs but the WORST leaders and are going about things completely wrong.

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We played this Sunday, the first fight was a Carnivorous Crystal, not too bad. But the second fight with 2 advanced broken soul Frost Worms was another story.

Grand Lodge

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Man I love carnivorous crystals.

Dark Archive

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Jenner2057 wrote:

Wrath of the Righteous

After 43 sessions, we finished running my non-mythic Wrath game.
If I get time, I'll make a "lessons learned" thread about changes I made. But first I've got to finish the players' guide for my next game: Age of Worms, PF1 version.

Hey all!

Just as an FYI, for anyone interested, I did get around to (finally) posting the changes and Lessons Learned for our non-mythic Wrath of the Righteous game. Dropped it as a new thread in the WotR area. Take a look and fire any questions if interested!

Scarab Sages

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Jenner2057 wrote:
Jenner2057 wrote:

Wrath of the Righteous

After 43 sessions, we finished running my non-mythic Wrath game.
If I get time, I'll make a "lessons learned" thread about changes I made. But first I've got to finish the players' guide for my next game: Age of Worms, PF1 version.

Hey all!

Just as an FYI, for anyone interested, I did get around to (finally) posting the changes and Lessons Learned for our non-mythic Wrath of the Righteous game. Dropped it as a new thread in the WotR area. Take a look and fire any questions if interested!

Oh, neat!

:heads over to the WotR threads:

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Skull & Shackles + Treasure of Chimera Cove Cont'd:

Our heroes chased Poltur the Accursed through dry subterranean channel from the Lion Isle to the Dragon.

While Poltur had the head-start and a belly full of expeditious retreat he fired back at the party with his hand crossbow. His distraction slowing him down long enough for Early and Marcus to catch up.

With Flynn close behind, and Marina and Sandara riding rearguard.

Halted by an angry Hand of the Deep and Marcus in the form of a cheetah, Poltur asked for the octopus to eat the Cheetah, and Marcus annoyed by that finally took down the accursed opponent. As the pilfering pirate bled out on the floor, a sudden apparition appeared:
"The bloodline binds the beast! You mustn't let the blood of Pelastour die!" Pulling Marcus up by the scruff.

Catching up and thinking quickly, Flynn ran to Poltur to try and stabilize him, but made the bleeding worse somehow (natural 1). The spirit grew enraged at this tossing Marcus to the Hand of the Deep, and letting out a supernatural howl. Triggering Early's readied attack for hostile action from the ghost, and his magical blade only barely damaging the ghost.

Flynn called out: "Marina help Marcus with the Octopus, Sandara, Early and I can handle the situation with the ghost."

Sandara took this to mean help fight the ghost, she channelled energy to harm the undead. Further enraging the ghost. Flynn called out: "I meant we should heal the.. never mind!" As he rifled through Poltur's pockets for a healing potion, he found a potion of Cure Serious Wounds, but deeming it too valuable to waste on Poltur he pocketed it and keept searching.

In a few short seconds the ghost was killed, sent to rejuvenate somewhere else in the Chimera Isles, and the Hand of the Deep followed.

The party squabbled over what to do next. If Poltur's bloodline was tied to keeping this legendary locked away, it might be good just to leave with him in tow, and let the villagers lock him up. Briefly the idea was floated of getting Poltur some dates: "Passing off a curse to a baby is always a good play."

However, conjecture and assumptions would only get the crew so far. Digging out Poltur's last potion of Cure Light Wounds and with a little healing from Sandara they awoke the now bound Poltur the Accursed.

Seeing his position he offered to cut the characters in on the profits of selling the Terraken to the Baron of Piren's Bluff. The party promptly informed Poltur that they had foiled the Baron's defection. He quickly switched tac: "Surely Cheliax, the Aspis Consortium, Sargava or the Hurricane King would pay handsomely for a weapon such as this! Think of the gold and the glory!"

From what the party could remember of the Lore of the Shackles, the Terraken was barely controlled by the Chelish necromantic corps at the time of its use, and sailors everywhere were relieved when Captain Pelastour disappeared along with it at the end of the Sargavan Independence war.

Poltur then said fine, at the very least they should take him to the spirit his family was bound to as the time of replenishing the pact was coming, and if he wasn't there to do so the Terraken could escape uncontrolled into the Shackles and surely nobody wanted that?

Asking why Poltur was trying such a crazy scheme, the pirate told the party that the curse that bound the Terraken also bound his bloodline to Chimera Cove. While he could leave, all his fortunes came to ruin in terrible and ironic ways. Winning a fortune at a casino only to lose it to the owner. Following a surefire treasure map only to arrive after Captain Harrigan had already stolen the treasure. Finding a chest of 10,000 spoons when trying to track down a legendary golden knife. Meeting the man of his dreams and finding out he already had a beautiful wife.

Frustrated at the lack of easy solutions, and unwilling to risk killing Poltur, they knocked him out again and decided it was time to consult with the Captain. Flynn and Sandara would stay under the island to guard Poltur, while Marina, Marcus and Early would return to the ship.

Unbeknownst to them, the Defiant had troubles of its own...

Up at in the Crow's Nest Cephia's eye widened behind her spyglass, she quickly dropped from the rigging. To alert the Captain in her quarters.
"Captain! Sails over yonder, a big ship! Man-O-War I reckon!"

"Quietly crew! There's plenty of places for us to hide the ship while we wait for the away party to return. Pull up anchor, and away! Leave a buoy with a coded message for the others should they return while we hide."

Nestling themselves behind some rocky islands and setting a camouflaged watch, the crew of the Defiant determined the Man-O-War was none other than The Dominator a notorious pirate hunting vessel known to stalk the coasts of the Shackles, and the very ship that sank the Misty Mourning.

Outgunned and outmatched, the crew of the Defiant would need a clever plan indeed.

Marina, Marcus and Early noticed the high masts of the Man-O-War over the hook of land they would navigate around. Stowing the catboat they kept a wide berth and found the buoy left behind.
It was young Jack Scrimshaw on a plank of wood: "'Ello Sirs and Ma'am! Imay upposedsay otay owshay ouyay ethay away otay ethay ipshay! At least I think that's what I was supposed to say. I'm not great at codes and this plank is very uncomfortable. Would you mind towing me with you?"
(Ah puns).

Somewhat reunited the disparate party members traded stories to catch themselves up. Fishguts recounted a tale of a time he and Harrigan were foxed in an old Pirate lair unable to outrun a Thuvian pirate hunter back in the day, but by night and by fog a Harrigan and a small party were able to slip aboard and scupper the rudders, setting their ropes and gears all a-tangle long enough that undoing the work allowed them to slip away untouched. Sally Morgan, knowing her father was killed by the Dominator wanted vengeance but knew enough to know the Defiant was not yet ready to take on a ship without a fleet to back it suggested that the party free the Terraken, it might very well perform the vengeance sought on their behalf.

Aubrey was intrigued by the talk of necromancy and controlling a weapon that could very well give her some more power in the Shackles.

A plan was hatched, Captain Aselia, Aubrey, Stephan Seaborne, Marina and Sally would sneak aboard the Dominator and scupper the rudder. From there Stephan and Sally would return to the Defiant, while Aubrey, Aselia and Marina would go to the Chimera Islands and find out if they could control or free the Terraken to use against the Man-O-War. A plan that would need to wait for the dead of night.

Within the dry channel between the Lion and Dragon islands, Sandara and Flynn "played cards" as the kids call it while they waited for their crewmates to return. Growing bored, they headed deeper through the dry channel towards the Dragon. Discovering some juju wards, Flynn ascertained a little of the origin of the curse magic that bound the Terraken to Chimera Cove. Eventually faced with a set of iron double doors standing as entry to The Dragon, and the dry channel blocked off from further exploration by a cave in. They took a long time examining the massive iron doors, the nearby levers and noted a small entrance above the door that would be unreachable unless one set a trap off deliberately. Utilising rope, and tackle and enginuity Flynn set off the trap, rode the falling blocks back to the ceiling and ducked into the hole, leaving Sandara to wait for the others on her own. Finding a slippery slide, Flynn used their Windcraft to create a rod to keep him from sliding further, and a rope of climbing to carefully navigate his way down to an area he did not realise was the Fluxhold. Observing the area he saw distant places illuminated in the pool below, observed by a massive glowing dew drop, with some serpentine shape inhabiting it.

Not wanting to explore further, he began the arduous return, up the slippery slide, but half way up his damp hands lost grip on the Pick he had windcrafted, and he slid faster and faster and splashed into the pool below. Rippling the surface and destroying the scried vision within.

The Serpentine creature within the droplet attacked!

Elsewhere, the infiltration party approached The Dominator sub-aquatically, avoiding the gaze of the Chelish Marines aboard the ship. Aubrey's practiced climbing skill and invisibility potion was enough to send her up first, and drop a rope behind for the others. She sneaked forward into the rudder control, and found a Chelish marine whistling as he performed a final maintenance task on the rudder controls. In his thick Chelish accent he said: "Ah! Commander Kaine will certainly be happy with this work! I'ma certain this time young Smythee will receive-a the commendation."

Just as he was about to leave the room, the Commander and two more Chelish Marines entered. "Sailor Smythee, this repair work should have been completed by the dinner bell."
"Aye Commander, but I wanted-a her to be juuust right! I know how you demanda the perfection."
"We'll see if you avoid the post today Smythee, we'll perform a full inspection."

The inspection was taking a looong time, and the invisiblity potion only had so much time. Sneaking out a window, and hanging onto the edge of the ship, Aubrey hoped to wait out the inspection, but the Captain could see Sally was growing impatient. Making an executive decision the Captain cast silence on her shield and charged into the room.

Though the plan was to avoid bloodshed where possible, Stephan's bloodrage got the better of him, as did Sally's thirst for vengeance. Thinking quickly Marina utilized her hydrokinesis to block the exit into the ship. Aubrey utilized the strange power she channelled to open the wounds up on a marine and the Captain and Commander duelled, but the Captain won the exchange.

With the resistance in the room defeated, Sam and Marina focused on getting rid of bodies and cleaning up evidence. Aubrey focused on disabling the rudder with Sally's help and Captain Aselia arranged the area to look like the marines had made a mess of the rudder mechanisms and had abandoned ship rather than face punishment.

With their work done, they slipped away as quietly as they entered, a little richer and very proud of their work.

In the belly of the Dragon, Flynn raced up a narrow corridor chased by the Amphisbaena, hoping that the large creature would be unable to attack with both heads if squeezed into a tight space. Fighting as defensively as possible, he duelled the beast with a wave blade, keeping to tight thrusting strikes, as the corridor didn't allow for sweeping slashes. Slowly he drove the beast back into the flux hold where it retreated back into the water elemental drop.

The Elemental, enraged caused the entirety of Chimera Bay to churn and ripple. Realising the grave danger he was in, and having the knowing of Aquan beseeched the elemental show some mercy, and offered the Cure Serious Wounds potion he pilfered from Poltur earlier. A tense negotiation followed, as Flynn came to realise this elemental was the spirit bound to the Pelastour line. The Wendo of Chimera Bay, the water spirit was what kept the Terraken bound by compact so long as the line of Pelastour lived and the village provided offerings to the Wendo. But its long confinement had made the spirit bored, and its only companion was the amphisbaena pet (a pet the spirit named HissKiss).

The elemental showed Flynn via the scrying pool the Oubliette trapping the Terraken, how it was held in a solid sphere of water, under which was the broken control amulet. Broken long-years past by Pelastour, it was what allowed him to trap the Terraken and defeat its necromancer master. However the Seasworn necromancer was bound to the Terraken and also haunted the island.

Sensing the creatures loneliness and desire for freedom, Flynn offered to solve the problem of the Terraken. With the help of an Earth Elemental summoned by the Captain they might be able to retrieve the broken amulet and potentially repair it allowing them to control the Terraken long enough to destroy it.

With his offering of a healing potion, an apology and a plan the spirit allowed Flynn to go free. Returning to iron gates, just in time for Captain Aselia, Marina, Aubrey to catch up. The party exchanged information and took the time to rest and recover, because when it was time to awaken they would Release The Terraken

Silver Crusade

So we went over to my new BFF's house and boy her dogs have funny wings and POWERFUL breath, but they were so cute we had to stop and play. It didn't seem like she was home, or the sounds of her puppies exploding didn't seem to be worth her time, but we decided to go in anyways and say hello.

She kept a weird weird dancing bear that also went EXPLODE! but we kind of suspected that by now, so we cleaned house for a little while on the first floor wings, but thought it was rude to bust in through to doors to her throne room, so we decided to drop in from above!

There was a really nice and shiny man who didn't seem like he would want to harm us, so we harmed the mean old man hiding nearby but he went POOF! and our shiny friend went POOF! and we went on through the house.

It was probably rude not to keep knocking, but every other room it seemed like something was lurking in wait for us, so we snuck first and when we could, we lurked on them instead. In one room we did find a friend with a low will save who started to talk to us but his head went BOOM! the second he mentioned our friend's name, so we stopped talking to him. And using her name.

We saw lots of strange friends including our Witch friend we spied on while she was spying on us months before, but she didn't want to talk, so she died. But I hope she comes back so we can talk some more. It's odd but a lot of friends I meet die and don't want to come back to life even when by the laws of magic they should.

Then we went upstairs and met a lot of things that we couldn't look at, so I stopped using my eyes and started using my ears, but my companions didn't know how to do this yet, so I killed A LOT of things that kept attacking us. And a dragon, and more monsters, and more things that wanted to play die tag. Then we found the room with all of the books that made our friend crazy, or she went crazy making.

Turns out you can make a world of your own imagination and hide there, which I find strange, cause you can always invite more friends over to play imagination, or go to their place and play imagination together, so that's what we did. I hope I can out imagine her, and I bet I can, but there's a chance her head could explode and that would be silly since she is the one we came to visit!

Meanwhile, our control of the magic land surrounding her house/castle of horrors became complete, we sent word to our Friend Killing fleet to arrive at the new coordinates and wait in case we don't ever come out, then facilitated the liquidation of our kingdom's assets since she probably wants to play with our things, but that's not fair, so our toys are being sold to pay for an ever-war in case the Friend Killer fleet gets killed too.

I really don't understand why people come up with these games, but like so many things in this Second World, they just go over my head. Maybe I should do the mail-in order for those Enlarge Person pills I keep getting told about. Oh well, just another day Gnome Anne could believe!

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After two weeks of staring blankly at the screen and waiting for the game prep to to happen without me actually having to do any work, I decided to take wee break from GMing.
Another player will run a bit of Rogue Trader using WanG.

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I've now got three PF1 campaigns.

I'm DMing Legendary Planet. Players are at 16th level. This one goes to 20.

I'm playing Tyrant's Grasp. We're 11th level.

I'm playing Wrath of the Righteous. Just started. This is a new, small group. One player is also in Tyrant's Grasp, as is the DM.

Total unique human count: 14.

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Anguish wrote:
I'm DMing Legendary Planet. Players are at 16th level. This one goes to 20.

How is it?

I've been considering giving it a read-through but haven't had time yet.

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Warped Savant wrote:
Anguish wrote:
I'm DMing Legendary Planet. Players are at 16th level. This one goes to 20.

How is it?

I've been considering giving it a read-through but haven't had time yet.

It's fun.

That said, it's slightly less polished than a Paizo AP. For instance there's no actual documentation for the timeline that the historic events took place in. Thousand years ago? Ten thousand? A million? Dunno.

The second-last book just... starts, without really any transition from the previous. It's up to the DM to go "um, you hear about this thing you can do, somehow, and here are the details I figure you need."

But overall it's very, very playable. I don't mean to turn you off of it, just let you know that where Paizo tends to include large blocks of text the PCs will never know about, this doesn't.

Scarab Sages

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My Saturday group is playing again this weekend.

We're planning on finishing up the Hell's Vengeance AP, but I think it's actually going to last two more sessions.

We have the last few remaining missions to destabilize Westcrown to do before we move on to confront the Lord Marshal in Westcrown's fortress where she has her headquarters.

My character has come up with a narrative that will surely cause the Lord Marshal some "uncomfortableness" and will cause her to fall from her paladinhood.

I've outlined my narrative for the GM and she doesn't even think I'll have to make all those dice rolls to convince Cansellarion of anything. Well, I think an initial Diplomacy roll to get her to at least listen to what my character has to say will be warranted, but none of the subsequent dice rolls as described in the last book will be needed.

Anguish wrote:

It's fun.

That said, it's slightly less polished than a Paizo AP. For instance there's no actual documentation for the timeline that the historic events took place in. Thousand years ago? Ten thousand? A million? Dunno.

The second-last book just... starts, without really any transition from the previous. It's up to the DM to go "um, you hear about this thing you can do, somehow, and here are the details I figure you need."

But overall it's very, very playable. I don't mean to turn you off of it, just let you know that where Paizo tends to include large blocks of text the PCs will never know about, this doesn't.

That's all great to see, thank you!

Presumably, I'm not going to run it*, it's just something I've been considering reading.

*I think, after I finish running the Grandmaster Torch series of PFS Scenarios, I'm going to be done GMing for my group with the exception of maybe short stories that are 8 sessions or less.

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