Demon Slayer

"Ragnar Stridson"'s page

17 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Ragnar "" Stridson


Aasimar (Angelkin)


Bloody-Knuckled Rowdy 1







Special Abilities



I fought demons


I do not... remember... Blood? Blood for Gorrum! Yes!


Where by Gorrums brass balls am I?


Common, Celestial, Abyssal.


Something... violent?

Strength 20
Dexterity 15
Constitution 11
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 8
Charisma 17

About "Ragnar Stridson"

Male native outsider (Angelkin) Bloody knuckled rowdy 1
NE Medium
Init 2; Senses Perception +3
AC 13(17 vs. AoOs), touch 13, flat-footed 10;
hp 10(1d10+2)
Fort 2 (+2 while rage), Ref 2, Will -1 (+2 while rage, +3 vs charm and compulsion)

Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
While Bloodraging:
+8/+7 Claws for d6+7/d6+9 damage
+8/+7 Bite for d6+7/d4+9 damage

Str 20 (18+2), Dex 15, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 17 (15+2)
Base Atk +1; CMB 6; CMD 16

Alternative racial traits:
Lost promise:
While many view aasimars’ beauty and celestial powers as a gift, in some communities an aasimar might be persecuted for being different and fall into darkness. The forces of evil delight in such a perversion of their celestial counterparts’ gifts. As long as the aasimar retains an evil alignment, she gains the maw or claw tiefling alternate racial trait. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait.

Particularly strong-willed aasimars possess celestial spirits capable of resisting the powers of death. They gain resistance 5 against negative energy damage. They do not lose hit points when they gain a negative level, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school. This racial trait replaces celestial resistance.

Truespeaker There are some aasimars whose language transcends all boundaries. They gain a +2 bonus on Linguistics and Sense Motive checks, and they learn two languages each time they gain a rank in Linguistics. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Traits Irrepressible (use CHA instead of will vs. charm and compulsion effects)
extremely fashionable (diplomacy as class skill)
Magical knack spiritualist



From bloody knuckled rowdy: Improved unarmed strike (which is also improved grapple in elephant in the room)
From Level 1: Dodge + Mobility (one feat in elephant in the room)
Power attack is free (Elephant in the room)

Special Abilities
Indomitable stance
Bloodrage 6/6 (+4 str and con, +2 willsaves, -2 AC)
Bloodline Abyssal (grow 2 d6 claws as a free action)

Pugnacious: Increase reach by 5 feet or increase weapon dice by one category, once a day


Equipment: cost/weight
Bardiche 13/14
Greataxe 20/12
Scale armor 50/30
2 throwing axes 16/4
Battleaxe 10/6
Heavy wooden shield 7/10

Barbarian kit 9/26

Bloodline: Abyssal


Pmed to the GM

Progression plan:

Level 2, bloody knuckled rowdy 2, obtaining crane style as an extra style feat

Level 3, insinuator antipaladin Picking up toughness feat for HP
Level 4, insinuator Antipaladin increase Con
Level 5, Spiritualist (fractured mind), phantom ally feat
Levels 6 to 20, keep increasing spiritualist
Level 7: Mabye spring attack, transitioning to a spring attack while the phantom does frontal stuff

personality file:

The individual admitted as "Ragnar Stridson" exhibits several unusual characteristics.

--Subject fight or flight responses seem to be immensely and strongly wired to the "fight" side of the equation

--Subjects occassionally talks in rapid fire Abyssal, expert assessment on the accent, and thus an indication of the specific demonlords plane, is not yet present

--Ragnar is among the most common kellid names in existence, Stridson is a patronymic denoting a war orphan. There are thousands of Ragnar Stridsons in existence, matching his file with anyone is an exercise in futility.

--Subject is a capable lier.

--Subject scored a zero on the lohengrim fear scale. No limnic response observed to any commonly fear inducing stimuli.

--Subject is far more talkative to female then to male staff

--In an unusually cooperative moment, the subject described his most harrowing encounter, apparently combat with a demontype he called "Nipplehands", he inferred that tearing the "Nipplehands" off is an effective approach, but suggests caution regarding their "mirror image b&&&~!~$" and "anti gravity obnoxiousness". None of this makes any sense, but it sounded very convincing when he spoke of this.

A note in different handwriting under it says: Possible Nipplehands=Glabrezu influence? A wish made via one of these demons? Would explain why the subject speaks Abyssal. May have received a false memory of defeating one, and then magically induced memory loss

A different note reads
Subject is a mere 1 on the Krueger Soul strength scale. Interface with Glabrezu demons makes no sense. Above note is purely speculative.

--Subject reacted strongly to another subject singing warsongs, above average musical singing qualities. Strong negative instintual reaction to seeing a visiting scholar from Cheliax.

--Said Chelaxian scholar openly displayed Asmodean heraldry, which the patient may instinctively see as baphometan heraldry. Need to check reactions to other demonlords insignia!

--Subject nearly broke out when presented with Deskarite imagery, 5 hospital stuff injured in under 12 seconds from claw and bite marks, no fatalities thankfully, violence was directed at destroying the Deskarite symbol. I was present to sedate him magically. No hostile reaction to Nocticulan and Nurgalite imagery presented before that. Also a hostile reaction to Iomedean imagery afterwards. When lucid, patient explained hostility by one short quips, "Foe" for Baphomet/Deskari, "Hypocrite" for Iomedae "dont care" for other symbols

--Subject has traces of scarring on his back, and frontal torso which appears to have been regenerated over. Inconsistent with being a 1 on the Krueger soul strength scale and a war orphan, regenerative magiks are pricy, something does not add up.

--Subjects enraged states combat prowress was not something that a 1 on the krueger soul strength scale should be capable of doing. Given the intense hostility of the subjects enraged state, it would likely proof difficult to conduct the Krueger scale measurement on him while he is in this state.

Character art when normal

Character art when bloodraging

Art of his phantom once she happens

evil code of conduct:

My pack is my strength, the abilities of my allies strengthen my own, and aid in my ambitions. I shall in turn nurture their strength, so that they may strengthen me further.

My violence is a sought after and pricy good. I do not conduct it for free, neither out of misplaced charity, nor by random savage displays of it. Why would I give away anything?

Power is but the quality times the quantity of your available options. Having a reputation that is competent, affable and reasonable serves my designs. Even heroic reputations can be quite desireable for many reasons.

If I find a compatriot worthy of conversion, I shall make such an attempt in a sane and reasonable way that allows continued cooperation should conversion prove unfeasible.

expanded patient file:

Patient name: Ragnar Stridson.

Age: Estimated early 30s.

Height: 6’4’’

Sex: male.

Race: Angelkin Aasimar. Abyssal influenced.

Physician: M. Barnellus, M.D.

Having taken over his file, a more thorough and neutral observation is warranted. I express concerns about reckless actions by previous administrators concerning him.

Physical description: A highly muscular and physically capable individual. Remembers a name, knowing how to fight, ingrained hostility to certain unholy symbols and a distaste for Iomedae. Remarked that he had already survived "demon pox" and "ghoul fever" when being temporarily acquainted with patient "Voichita". No fearfull response to her medical condition.
Subject has strongly developed incisors, while not looking bestial, previous records of an incident imply strongly that the subject uses them as effective and deadly offensive weapons.
Subject is phyisically attractive as many angelkin are.
Accent in common implies Gundrunite or Raliscradian Kellids, accent in Abyssal is over the place, harsh words seem to be Deskarite based but altered for mortal vocal chords, as is the case for many studying Abyssal from an adversarial point of view. Complex sentences seemingly are more akin to linguistic constructions based on the midnight isles. Perhaps subject learned Abyssal at 2 different occassions?

Past medical history: Patient off handedly remarked being a survivor of demonpox and ghoul fever, but could not provide details. Maybe subconcious memory still intact?

Family history: Unknown.

Social history: Unknown. Definitly a former warrior

Obstetric history: N/A.

Diagnoses: Patient presents classic retrograde amnesia. Consistent with other such cases, while long-term memory is impacted, the subject’s ability to form new memories remains. Patient suffered complete retrograde memory loss, although learned things, such as violence or command of several planar languages are intact. Patient also speaks celestial, which he was unaware of prior to a stimuli being prestented. Patient can sing along to gorrumite kellid warsongs if presented with the melody, without being presented the lyrics, but struggles to recall the specific martial history that these warsongs refer to.
Patient is curiously optimistic, and propose that his amnesia is quote "some demons messing with him, which they will regret".

A magically induced amnesia could indeed be a compelling reason, yet it is hard to assess by which means this has been done.

Postscript: Upon first being admitted, the patient was placed in high security following a rash experiment with demonlord imagery and several wounded hospital staff, including a near fatality. I am deeply concerned by the lack of professionalism other Dr. Struber and Ehrlichmann. I am even more concerned for their referred tendency to utilize deeply unethical methods such as the Lohengrimm fear scale or the Krueger soul strength scale. USING A CACODAEMONS ATTRACTION TO AN INDIVIDUAL TO REVERSE ENGINEER THE STRENGTH OF THE INDIVIDUALS SOUL IS UNETHICAL TO THE EXTREME!

Psychiatric evaluation: Patient presents as composed and detrmined. His powerfull build, charisma, and display of aggression results in a mixture of fear and acceptance by nurses or other patients. Body posture and attitude convey an predatorial impulses.
Associations and judgement are intact and logical. Patient is keenly aware of her loss of identity, and seeks to "repay those responsible by blood and steel".

Initial contact proved difficult. First meeting took place after his removal from high security holding, a period in which the patient saw no one and assumed inherently that the facility was Deskarite.
Patient understood this was not the case and refered to me as "too soft for a bug buggerer". Patient was unable to recount anything specific about his demonic adversaries. According to some research, the part of the brain responsible for insults and swearing is differently located from the brain parts for memory and language use, as such, it is not unreasonable to assume he knows harsh words without neccessarily knowing their context. Other epithets used were "Goat-Groomer" referring to Baphometans and "Self-cock-suckers" to those pledged to the Silken Sin. Patient did not fly into a massive rage when told about plans to trigger his memory by displaying the imagery of evil entities to him, and was enthusiastically cooperative. To quote Great idea, the sooner I can find out which of these f~$~s did this to me, the earlier I can start tearing their faces off!.

Postscript: Have examined belongings patient was found with. Armor, several weapons, and a hidden diary written in likely coded Abyssal. Handwriting consistent with his, but attempts of decyphering have not been successfull.