Ollie-Twist |

I'm coming a bit late to the party, but if I can get a concept/sheet finalized by the time submissions close, I'd like to give that a shot.
I'm unsure on what I'd want to submit, though, currently torn between going ranged dps with either kineticist/slayer(or fighter) or cavalier/inquisitor, or full healing/support with an oracle/witch.
How feasible would cavalier be for this ap? If a mount is more trouble than it's worth, that helps make that choice.

GM of the Crown |

Answering a bunch of questions I missed!
if so, would a savage technologist / bolt ace be okay?
I think I'd like to stay away from any firearms archtypes just to be safe. Don't fit the gothic horror vibe of the adventure. Bolt Ace is fine though!
It's crafting allowed? Will there be time for crafting?
Crafting is allowed! I haven't read too far past book 2, but I'm sure there will be at least a bit of time for crafting.
A few questions, can we take a drawback for a third trait?
Rajuna answered this earlier but I just wanted to say that he was right, you can take a drawback for a third trait.
When do you hope to close submissions by?
I thought I had mentioned this but I originally planned to close them today. I see now that I didn't, so it'd be unfair to end today. With that said, I will close applications at the end of Monday, May 13th, and make my decision on Tuesday.
How feasible would cavalier be for this ap?
You'd likely not get to use your mount the majority of the time, unfortunately. I won't stop you, but instead gently suggest you not go with the cavalier.
I think that's all the direct questions towards me, let me know if I missed any!

Sariel Patrick Cornelius |

If Sariel was selected, would you be willing to play the intelligent black blade, or would I need to do that?
Thank you for verifying the question about drawbacks, I'd also asked about playing a 'black blade.' The answer wouldn't change my applicant, but I was hoping the 'blade' would be as much of a mystery to me as it is to Sariel.

GM of the Crown |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sariel Patrick Cornelius wrote:If Sariel was selected, would you be willing to play the intelligent black blade, or would I need to do that?Thank you for verifying the question about drawbacks, I'd also asked about playing a 'black blade.' The answer wouldn't change my applicant, but I was hoping the 'blade' would be as much of a mystery to me as it is to Sariel.
I think a bit of both is probably the better option, honestly. With you doing small characterizing interactions during the day to day stuff and me picking up for more important moments to act as the blade.
I'm sure we could figure something out, for sure!

Lucretia de Artois |

While I am quite happy with my current curse (possessed, its fun to rp, the gm can use it as a plot insertion device, and in contrast no normal angsty possession tropes, Lucretias alter ego is basically a gym rat who talks the entire night about proper workouts, nutrition, and has a thick cockney accent, which can definitly be very irritating for her because Lucretia hears her(Lucy) 24/7. A secondary drawback in a way is that her alter ego talks, a lot, knows what Lucretia does and has an opportunistic, at best, attachment to concepts such as reality or operational security ), there is a potentially very fun to rp 3rd party curse:
Sanguine [3PP]
Source Oracle’s Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.
You are slow to recognize adversity or danger, although your optimism can be contagious.
You take a -5 penalty to Perception checks to notice opponents or traps and to Sense Motive checks. You cannot be demoralized, and during surprise rounds and against traps, you gain a +1 luck bonus to AC and saving throws. Your luck bonus increases by+ 1 every five curse levels.
At 5th level, you gain aura of courage, as a paladin.
At 10th level, when your wounds would normally make you unconscious, you become staggered and remain conscious for one round.
At 15 level, you gain immunity to compulsion spells and spell-like abilities. Each ally within 10 feet of you gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects. This ability functions only while you are conscious, not if you are unconscious or dead.
The gm can absolutely feel free to use the "alter ego". Lucy thinks/hopes its just another aspect of her personality, and the 2 get along for the most part, but it could also be a demon who went a bit native, or a more direct manifestation of her abyssal heritage.
RPing her as being infectiously optimistic would also be fun, and its a bit more synergistic with the party as aura of courage for a second line melee is pretty cool. .
Mechanically, lame would be the by far strongest curse for her (free rage cycling, I am not a primalist but its still usefull), but its really boring and doesnt offer much rp wise.

Rajuna |

Orc Ranger/Cleric...
I can't speak officially for the GM but I can take my best guess.
Ranger/Cleric is totally fine. Orc is likely to draw a 'no'. The GM specified 'normal' races with Aasimar and Tiefling being the two exceptions that appear on the Featured races list. Orc is a featured race so my guess is it will not be allowed.

Rajuna |

GM, how would you feel about a Tyrant Antipaladin? Thinking about making a Hellknight, Fighter (Armiger)/Antipaladin(Tyrant), going into the Hellknight PrC on the fighter side.
Again, I can only guess... but this campaign is geared toward 'heroes' (sometimes flawed and imperfect ones) trying to 'do good' and stop evil. I believe the GM will see an Antipaladin as antithetical to this overarching theme.

Dorian 'Grey' |

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:Orc Ranger/Cleric...I can't speak officially for the GM but I can take my best guess.
Ranger/Cleric is totally fine. Orc is likely to draw a 'no'. The GM specified 'normal' races with Aasimar and Tiefling being the two exceptions that appear on the Featured races list. Orc is a featured race so my guess is it will not be allowed.
Appreciate the response, SR. Surprisingly (not surprisingly) the Orc is actually a recommended Race in the PG. With the Hold being literally next door, I could see it..(Subject of Study Campaign Trait).
I am actually not 100% on Ranger/Cleric only because there are plenty of like-minded submissions here already (and always feels weird creating the same as what the game loss), so still brainstorming....lol.
After reading some recent Game Play, it looks as if Monk is Melee, Magus is Ranged (mostly) and Bard is the Bard.
Probably could use some AoE stuff, along with a Healer sort (which again plenty of solid submissions there)....
I may get something done tonight but probably not being Mother's day....

Dorian 'Grey' |

@ eriktd would an Alchemist/Brawler concept be too close to your Magus? Mine would be Strength based, but also have Bombs shananagins.
Still would like to go Orc, if GM/Player approved?
Busy day today, but will be researching that concept unless told not to....
Name Audi ibn Jad
Race Orc
Str 18(5pts+4 Orc) Dex 14(5) Con 12(2) Int 16(13+4th,-2 orc) Wis 8 (-2 Orc) Cha 8 (-2 orc)
Campaign Trait
Subject of Study
Alchemist (Grenadier) / Brawler ( Shield Champion ) 4

Park Song |

No comment, just adding the text from the Player's Guide about Orc player characters:
Orc: While half-orcs are a standard option for PCs, Ustalav’s proximity to Belkzen opens up full-blooded orcs as legitimate possibilities for player characters. Of the non-standard races presented in this section, orcs face perhaps the largest and most widespread social stigma in Ustalav and will present serious obstacles for a player of this race, in both rural and urban environments.

GM of the Crown |

Still would like to go Orc, if GM/Player approved?
I'd much prefer half-orc. This just isn't the game for racial tensions like the ones between Ustalav and the Hold.
Is there something you specifically want from being a full orc?
GM, how would you feel about a Tyrant Antipaladin? Thinking about making a Hellknight, Fighter (Armiger)/Antipaladin(Tyrant), going into the Hellknight PrC on the fighter side.
Yeah this one is a hard no. Not the AP for this build idea at all, sorry.

Dorian 'Grey' |

Only the full flavor of being an Orc, although 1/2 Orc will be fine too...lol.
With his Mutagen, his Strength 16 will get to 20 for those 40 minutes of adrenaline!
Discovery will be Infusion and Tanglefoot bomb for buffs, heals and Debuffs from Ranged, along with his Shield.
He will also have roughly AC 21 or 25 (Shield extract) for those fun Tanking moments.
I wanted to build something that fits your already solid group, so this may do it.
Melee will also be an option of course...lol.
His story is developing...

eriktd |

@ eriktd would an Alchemist/Brawler concept be too close to your Magus? Mine would be Strength based, but also have Bombs shananagins.
The choice is up to the GM, not me, but I would think that an alchemist that throws stuff and makes infusions would overlap quite a bit with Zhandar. But maybe that doesn’t matter.

Aleksander Albus |

Alright, this is Ouachitonian's submission. I ended up going with Fighter/Inquisitor of Pharasma. Aleksander is a Dhampir who was raised in a Pharasmin monastery to hate undead. He knows that he is cursed, and hopes to stop vampires from ever spreading that curse to others, from creating more like him. Eventually he'd like to break away from the Hellknight Order of the Pike and found his own order of devout Pharasmins who hunt Undead specifically. Mortals are born, live, and die. That's the Law. He intends to make sure undead start following it. Don't ask him to take his armor off, you won't like the result and neither will he.
Mechanically, he's a two-handed reach fighter with a strong specialization in fighting undead, who can also cast some spells (including Cure spells as necessary) and has a pretty good range of skills, especially Knowledges. A jack of many trades, master of re-killing undead, if you will. I intend to take the Hellknight prestige class as soon as I'm eligible (at 6) on the Fighter side, while continuing to progress the Inquisitor side straight through until we've finished book 6.

Kestrel ♫ |

Just in under the wire. Malthraxx is a thiefling, investigator (empiricist)/Fighter (mutagen warrior). He is pretty flexible has good skills (knowledge, face skills, and roguish stuff). In combat he will be able to help on the frontlines with tanking & dps. Also, will be able to buff, heal, and status removal by handing out elixirs.
Good luck with your recruitment.
Malthraxx is tall and massive, standing a head over 6 feet tall, broad shouldered and deep of chest, with a massive corded neck and heavily muscled limbs. The tiefling has long and ropey limbs, of corded muscle, that appear too long for his body. His skin is a light olive and is covered in coarse hair that cannot conceal the hard, dangerous lines of his body.
The large tiefling has a face that always looks as if it is full of mischief with a cunning smile that conceals a sharp toothy maw. There is a set of curling ram horns extending from his temples and dark eyes that are as black as the pits of hell, with the predatory gaze of a wolf. His face is framed by bristly, slicked-back, dark, moss colored, hair and a beard the same color with a clean shaven, smirking, upper lip.
The well-muscled, hirsute, long-limbed tiefling has goat like feet and legs with a barbed tail that seems to have a mind of its own. He has a loud grating voice and smells of sulfur as well as other pungent alchemical odors. Malthraxx is usually dressed in black armor with bandoliers crossing his chest and various pouches, containers, and other paraphernalia hanging from his belt and pack.
The weak morning sun peaked through through the east facing windows of the suite Malthraxx perpetually rented at The Ebony Pixie, one of the best inns in Kaer Maga’s Bis District. The hazy light illuminated two shelved walls, which were lined with books, charts, memorabilia, and nefarious looking alchemical equipment. While the north wall was taken up by a tapestry depicting a map of Varisia with strange markings in an ancient script denoting important locations. All of that was overshadowed by an oversized mahogany desk. The massive desk is covered with neat little stacks of parchment, an ink well, and a stack of leather bound books.
Looking out of place, behind the desk, sat Malthraxx, the tiefling, who, if anything, made the desk look smaller. The hulking tiefling drank from a snifter full of Taldan Fire-Brandy while he fingered through the papers in front of him. His broad shoulders slumped in resignation as he realized he would be spending his day sitting behind this desk.
Reluctantly, he moved on to his correspondence reading through the various letters. He frowned and reread the paper in his hand. He placed the parchment down and rifled through another stack of papers on his desk. He found what he was looking for and compared it with the original document. He placed both papers on top of a pile and removed a clean sheet of paper and began writing. After a while he completed his letter and sealed it with wax.
[i]Greetings, my Lady, the most esteemed Kendra Lorrimor,
I hope this missive finds you as well as might be expected under such trying circumstances. My condolences on the passing of your father Petros. The dark news was unexpected and unwelcome, it has shaken me to the core, I fear evil times lie ahead.
Foremost, I must express my sincere apologies for not being able to attend my good friend’s funeral as your missive was delayed and the date already passed. It is my hope that you were surrounded by companions that could comfort you in your time of mourning. Rest assured, I am on my way, leaving on the morrow.
When I arrive I hope to converse with you privately about rumors regarding your father’s passing. I dare not put more to pen and paper as there is no telling whose eyes might spy upon this page. Currently, I am re-examining the information and will apprise you of my findings upon my arrival.
Your loyal servant, Malthraxx
Malthraxx placed the sealed letter aside and finished his snifter of brandy. He sat back, as his thoughts turned to the past and Professor Petros Lorrimor
I’ll format this info if selected and purchase equipment.
Race: Tiefling
Alignment ng
Class: Investigator (empiricist)/ fighter (mutagen warrior) 4/4
S: 18 (17+1) D: 15 (13+2) C: 14 I: 16 (14+2) W: 10 Ch: 7 (9-2)
Saves F: +6 R: +6 W: +4
HP 40 (28 class, 8con, 4fcb, 4 feat)
FCB +4hp
staff +9 1d6+6
staff [power attack] +8 1d6+10
staff [twf] +7/+7 1d6+6
SkillsPerception +10, bluff +10, diplomacy +10, sense motive +10, disable device +10, use magic device +10, stealth +8, sleight of hand +9 knowledge all +7
Feats (1st)two weapon fighting (1st)weapon focus [double weapons group](2nd)toughness(3rd) extra investigator talent (4th) weapon specialization [double weapons group]
traits teachers pet, student of philosophy
Investigator talents Infusion, effortless aid
special abilities Mutagen, Ceaseless observation, unfailing logic, bravery, studied target, studied strike, keen recollection, trapfinding, alchemy, bonus feats, investigator talents, Fiendish Resistance, maw or claw, prehensile tail, darkvision, fiendish sprinter
elixirs known 1st- shield, long arm, true strike, cure light wounds, enlarge person, endure elements, expedius retreat
2nd - lessor restoration

Rajuna |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Swimming in the Applicant Pool...
Healer-ish Combos
Lucretia | CG Tiefling | Bloodrager (Rageshaper) 4 / Oracle of Life (Spirit Guide) 4 | Mightypion
Xoti | N Tiefling | Cleric 4 / Wizard (Admixture) 4 | Violant
Milovica | LG Half-Elf | Cleric (Blossoming Light) 4 / Monk (Zen Archer) 4 | dien
Heldar | LG Tiefling | Oracle of Battle 4 / Paladin (Hospitaler) 4 | Albion, the Eye
Sariel | ?? Dhampir | Magus (Blade Bound Kensai) 4? / Wizard (Hallowed Necromancer) 4? | Robert Henry
Maia Blackwing | NG Tiefling | Slayer (Sniper) 4 / Magus (Eldritch Archer, Hexcrafter) | Giant Halfling
Aleksander | LN Dhampir | Fighter (Armiger/Mutation Warrior) 4 / Inquisitor (Kinslayer/Sanctified Slayer) 4 | Ouachitonian
Malthraxx | ?? Tiefling | Investigator (Empiricist) 4? / Fighter (Mutagen Warrior) 4? | G-Unit

Jethryk Devarre |

I can't resist submitting a PC for this :-)
LG Male Human Alchemist(Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) / Paladin(Tortured Crusader) 4
He has the aura of a man who has seen too much, and despite being immune to fear, that knowledge haunts him.
Clad in well-worn full plate, with an enormous, wicked-looking axe strapped to his back, he looks perfectly capable to taking apart any foe that he stumbles across.
Although Jethryk was an only child, he had plenty of 'uncles', 'aunts', and 'cousins' who looked out for him within the troupe. Jethryk was not himself skilled at performance arts, but he had a great deal of respect for them, sufficient that when he came of age, he dedicated himself to the faith of Shelyn, eventually becoming a paladin.
Inspired by the example of his parents, he joined up with a group of other teens from the troupe, forming a party, and they went off to have some adventures!
At first, they had some moderate successes, and even started to make a name for themselves... but that is when things went horribly, tragically wrong.
Whilst investigating the depths of Carrion Hill, they came across the remnants of a cult that was attempting to call up an avatar of a nameless power... and they managed to stop them, albeit at a ruinous cost. None of them died... at least at first.
All of them were infected with something from beyond our three dimensional reality, that slowly twisted them, both in mind and body, turning them into something else entirely.
Jethryk, with his immunity to disease, was the only one not to fall into a downward spiral of corruption and madness... at least superficially. Seeing what happened to his friends and companions, hearing them beg for death... and then having to put down the things that they had become... all of that broke Jethryk on a fundamental level.
If it had not been for the intervention of the Professor, Jethryk would have likely slipped into a downward spiral of despair, that ended with his death. As it was, Jethryk experienced a crisis of faith, falling into a deep depression, completely losing his faith in Shelyn. Instead a different power answered the prayers that he threw out into the abyss of the planes... The Waiting Void. Listening to whispers from the Voice of Stillness, Jethryk learned to harness the mutagenic power of the preternatural force that he had been infected with, delving into alchemy, and using his own blood as a catalyst for wonderful things.
After all, the world is doomed to decay into unending darkness, as the overwhelming evil contained within it overwhelms the few points of light that remain... However, whilst fighting against it is ultimately doomed to failure, that does not mean that the struggle is worthless.
Those who struggle, no matter how futilely it is from the perspective of the universe, are still alive, after all, and Jethryk does not wish to die... since as long as he remains alive, the memories of his lost friends remain alive as well.

Maia Blackwing |

I didn't see a response regarding hit points or wealth (and, unfortunately, the weekend was too busy to go hunting for them) but Maia should be pretty well finished aside from those things (and I can completely finish her pretty quickly once I know what to do with those). Also, I know there's already another magus in the party- I think we'd feel pretty different but I am willing to adjust my skills and/or spells some if there's too much overlap.
Good luck, all!

Lucretia de Artois |

@GM would the Sanguine curse (which is third party) be ok? Its absolutely not a big deal if it isnt, possessed is also fun to RP, but another party had a lot of fun with an Oracle whose sanguiness (spelling?) I played up in another game.
Mechanically, it gives her some Paladin-like abilities (aura of courage), at the cost of really bad perception (-5 to notice traps and opponents, her perception already isnt great with wisdom as a dump stat).
Sanguine [3PP]
Source Oracle’s Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.
You are slow to recognize adversity or danger, although your optimism can be contagious.
You take a -5 penalty to Perception checks to notice opponents or traps and to Sense Motive checks. You cannot be demoralized, and during surprise rounds and against traps, you gain a +1 luck bonus to AC and saving throws. Your luck bonus increases by+ 1 every five curse levels.
At 5th level, you gain aura of courage, as a paladin.
At 10th level, when your wounds would normally make you unconscious, you become staggered and remain conscious for one round.
At 15 level, you gain immunity to compulsion spells and spell-like abilities. Each ally within 10 feet of you gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects. This ability functions only while you are conscious, not if you are unconscious or dead.

Sariel Patrick Cornelius |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sariel would like to live in a world where everyone cared for their fellow man. But that is not the world that he lives in. He would love to know peace and lay the black sword down, but it will never happen. He sleeps well at night and because of that, he knows he is not good. Good men do not see the things he has seen and sleep well at night.
I've gotten Sariel's background, personality and appearance on his page. I kept the background related to the professor, but there are other folks influential in his life that can be put in if needed. As for the black blade, I've got a couple ideas, but would want to work with GMotC on that if selected.
Anyway, it looks like we're down to it, with several really good applicants. GM of the Crown, I do not envy you. I do want to say 'thank you' for running the game, we players really appreciate it.
Good luck to all and good gaming.

Rajuna |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Swimming in the Applicant Pool...
Healer Combos
Lucretia | CG Tiefling | Bloodrager (Rageshaper) 4 / Oracle of Life (Spirit Guide) 4 | Mightypion
Xoti | N Tiefling | Cleric 4 / Wizard (Admixture) 4 | Violant
Milovica | LG Half-Elf | Cleric (Blossoming Light) 4 / Monk (Zen Archer) 4 | dien
Heldar | LG Tiefling | Oracle of Battle 4 / Paladin (Hospitaler) 4 | Albion, the Eye
Sariel | N Dhampir | Magus (Blade Bound Kensai) 4 / Wizard (Hallowed Necromancer) 4 | Robert Henry
Maia Blackwing | NG Tiefling | Slayer (Sniper) 4 / Magus (Eldritch Archer, Hexcrafter) | Giant Halfling
Aleksander | LN Dhampir | Fighter (Armiger/Mutation Warrior) 4 / Inquisitor (Kinslayer/Sanctified Slayer) 4 | Ouachitonian
Malthraxx | ?? Tiefling | Investigator (Empiricist) 4? / Fighter (Mutagen Warrior) 4? | G-Unit
Jethryk | LG Human | Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 4 / Paladin (Tortured Crusader) 4 | Luke_Parry

Maia Blackwing |

Thanks, GM! I got my hit point taken care of and I’ll be gear later this evening. Also, I definitely am a ranged damage dealer (not a divine caster), but if the party needs a little more healing after adding the new character(s) I could shift a couple things around and pick up the healing hex (which would basically let me cast cure light wounds on each party member 1/day).

Maia Blackwing |

Hmmm... I just took a much closer look at Zhandar and, while I still think we're significantly different, I do have to admit there's a little bit more similarity than I expected. Would it be completely insane to switch concepts right now and try to build something else from scratch in the next couple hours?
@GM- do you have a specific cut-off time in mind tonight?

Rajuna |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sorry, Maia, I cannot answer that question.
Swimming in the Applicant Pool...
Healer Combos
Lucretia | CG Tiefling | Bloodrager (Rageshaper) 4 / Oracle of Life (Spirit Guide) 4 | Mightypion
Xoti | N Tiefling | Cleric 4 / Wizard (Admixture) 4 | Violant
Milovica | LG Half-Elf | Cleric (Blossoming Light) 4 / Monk (Zen Archer) 4 | dien
Heldar | LG Tiefling | Oracle of Battle 4 / Paladin (Hospitaler) 4 | Albion, the Eye
Audi Ibn Jad | LG Half-Orc | Arcanist (White Mage) 4 / Paladin 4 | Dorian Grey
Sariel | N Dhampir | Magus (Blade Bound Kensai) 4 / Wizard (Hallowed Necromancer) 4 | Robert Henry
Maia Blackwing | NG Tiefling | Slayer (Sniper) 4 / Magus (Eldritch Archer, Hexcrafter) 4 | Giant Halfling
Aleksander | LN Dhampir | Fighter (Armiger/Mutation Warrior) 4 / Inquisitor (Kinslayer/Sanctified Slayer) 4 | Ouachitonian
Malthraxx | ?? Tiefling | Investigator (Empiricist) 4? / Fighter (Mutagen Warrior) 4? | G-Unit
Jethryk | LG Human | Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 4 / Paladin (Tortured Crusader) 4 | Luke_Parry

Lucretia de Artois |

Going by the backstory of the current characters, it could make some sense for Lucretia to be fairly acquainted with Rajuna (both worked for the professor, and have pretty different skillsets, Lucy probably being the distraction and Rajuna getting things done) and Park (Lucretia did do some *studies* at the academy, although she would have been mostly notorious for partying pretty hard. Rumors of her antics may have led to an upsurge in foreign student enrollment though.).