Kobold Scalecaster

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Dark Archive

Howdy, it's been a while.

Looking back at this, My last posts where nearly 2-3 years ago, and alot has happened in my life since then.

But I'm back, and I am sick of playing 5e-
so here I am, looking to see if anyone would be interested in playing one of the following:

1) A PF1e game- any game, I will post a list of Modules or Adventure paths and see what folks would like to do

2) A Final Fantasy D20 game- Based in a Homebrew FF world- I will explain more about it

3) A Starfinder Game in a Homebrew setting- also will explain more about it

based on what folks want out of that I may or may not run a game

I would Prefer to play games over Discord/Roll20 using voice- it is just a personal preference I have gained over the last 5 months.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello everyone, I'm running a game which some of my players have unfortunately disappeared from

Because of this I'm looking to replace them.
Now the current party consists of 2 players: 2 Humans- one a Fiend Keeper the other a druid.
here is the original recruitment

None of the players have encountered enemies yet(although you will soon) and each of them has received a Holy symbol.

I'm looking for 2-3 replacement characters. All the rules and questions I awnsered are in the link above.

You will use the same rules as the last recruitment only you get a free holy symbol (a silver or wooden one)

Dark Archive

Primortal Evil Dungeon Master

Date: 1403 CT, 3rd month, 10th day.

Its been a few days on the sea, A trek that only a few captians would take. However the Vilerdianan tasked with takimg you over clearly knew nothing of the black Reach... Clouds hung in the sky for the whole second half of the journey, although the sea was hardly rough.

You had been Tasked By Lord Viris Canewood to assess the local situation. You are to assess the condition of the oil fields, Contact the Local Lord, and determine the reason the Embassy has not been reporting back.

It seemed like a simple job, However the tales of the Black Reach where nothing to be scoffed at. Tales of Vampire lords and dark Curses filled stories from folks coming from the reach... Some of it must have had at least a little truth.

Near sunset on the second day you spotted it, The White Tower: a lighthouse on the Isle White. The Captain comes to your Quarters and Shouts down at you all. "On Deck, Yellow bellies, we've come to your stop!" says the Frilly man, His beard and Hair quite overdone for a sailor. "Remember, I'll be in Port for three days, If you finish your report by then, I'll take it back to Lord Viris." he says, Heading back up to deck.

The smell of the sea turns dark, and the scent of Rotting fish comes clear for a moment before vanishing as you pass the Isle White . The boat comes into port, a monster among all the small fishing boats.
As gangplank is sent out, A few people approach, One man Dressed In a suit of Full plate, His armor shining brightly. The other was a Woman, Dressed in more practical attire, She appears to be carrying a Bundle of notes, and by the look on her face she seems to have been waiting for your arrival.

Dark Archive

Primortal Evil Dungeon Master

This shall be a respite from the waiting horrors

Dark Archive

It is the Year 1403 CT. You are an Adventurer, Come to the Country of Vilerdan In the hopes to find work. Luckily you happen across A flier posted by The Lord of Vilerdan's Northern provenance, Asking for the aid of skilled Warriors, Sages, and Adventures.

Across the sea, In a land wracked with a dark curse, Undead and hideous beasts Roam across the land. Very recently The lord has stopped receiving communication from the local embassy of the Black Reach. However he doesn't want to alert anyone something is wrong, and beleves if he sends a group of strangers with little to no attachment to the kingdom that (if this was an insurrection) his agents would have a much easier time learning what has happened.

He has called apon a small group of Adventurers to help him. He has weeded you out from a large pool, as those best to suit is needs.

This is the basis of a campaign I've been working on for a while now, I have a full detailed history of the area and even a pretty good story.
However no knowledge is needed. I fully intend players to gather information as they go, Learning of the Black Reach as they go.
Currently I'll give a short overview of the basic History of the area, and the common knowledge of anyone you'd typically ask on the sode of the street.

The technology level of the world is simular to the Early 1800's, Therefore guns have come around, are fairly common, and folks arent running around in full plate armor, however such armor is still around and available.
I have some special rules for firearm proficiency, and will explain those later, But for now the rules for guns follow the Commonplace gun rules.
Other than that The Black Reach is on the Frindges of Civilization, and although the City of Reach once was a great place, It has fallen into disrepair and misuse under a dark curse lain many centuries before.

Character Creation Rules:

All Characters will be starting at LvL 1, With Average Starting gold, And a free set of either Thieves tools(normal ones), Spell component pouch, Silver Holy Symbol, or 1 Skill based Kit of yiur choice (ie. disguise kit)

I don't require you to get too in depth with your background, however I encourage you to create your own background. The Land of Vilerdan is simular to France in culture, and you can come from anywhere you wish, naming it yourself, and even establishing your own lore for it.

Class and alighnment: I am not limitimg class selection, however use unchained if you can, and Evil is Discouraged. Unfortunately the local Faith of the reach is dedicated to the erratication of Evil, and are the types to punish offenders harshly.

Equipment: Due to the Text level, almost everything is allowed, although guns are around too, With the Commonplace guns rule with this exception:
1-handed guns are simple weapons, 2-handed guns are Martial, And all pepperbox varients are Exotic, as well as the Double Hackbut. Please note that although guns are common, It isn't likely that your enemies will drop that much ammo...

Skills and Background Skills: Yes, I love this rule set, as for alot of those classes that don't get too many skill points, it allows you to round out your character pretty nicely

Languages: I will be usimg the basic Paizo languages, and all racial languages as appropriate.

Races: Here's where things get complex: I'm this world all the common races are out and widespread, However several of the less common ones are as well. Ratfolk are quite common in the Black Reach, Infact they make up a good portion of the slums.
The planetouched however are alot more rare than Usual: Teiflings are the most common, Typically Devil spawn, Followed up by the Elemental ones, Aasimar are extremely rare as Celestials of this world are quite... Chast. Typically Aasimar are not decent of angels, but rather just extremely blessed individuals, Folks who where human before, but exposure to a very powerful Celestial changed them, for the most part.
Drow do not live under the Reach, As the land is cursed, and is also a large island.the sea between prevents them from migrating and establishing nearby cities, However drow do inhabit other reigons.
Dhampir do exist, alot more than the local Faith would wish, However due to their nature many folks fear or scorn them, alot more than Teiflings.
Other than that most other races follow basic Paizo lore

Please ask if confused or if you require any further details

Basic Common Knowledge of the Black Reach:

The Black Reach once was a kingdom by the name of Breek. Unfortunately about 50 years ago, it's government fell, and Vilerdan's king took advantage of their disorders to pull them under his control. Unfortunately it seems the Reach is cursed, as the lands around the City of Reach are commonly known to house undead and Lycanthropes.

The last Lord's name was Killian Goodvale, He was Driven mad, and drowned himself in the green sea(the sea between Vilerdan and the reach).

Reach's primary Export is Pitch and Oil, As I the Nearby Southern Reach large oil deposits where found. The king of Vilerdan wanted control of this resource, under the advice of his Artificers.

The Reach Worships their own minor Deities, The common Two are known as the Lady White and The Lord Black, gods of Life and Death respectively.

A nearby Forest known as The Black Forest has Grown exponentially after a group of Adventurers slayed a Lich deep in the forest. Local druids claim responsibility, however more monsters keep emerging from the forest despite their efforts.

If there are any questions, or anything I missed, Please ask away, or let me know.

Sovereign Court

Okay, I'm gonna begin this with a disclaimer:
I am not exactly known for keeping to my games, often times I get overloaded or life gets in my way. This does not mean I don't care for my games, infact I very much love doing this, even if it doesn't last long.
And in the hope that fun may be had despite that, I have some ideas.

I'm making this thread in order to toss some ideas out there, trying to find some interest out there as well as Garner some interest myself.

Idea 1: An Elder scrolls game! This idea has bounced around in my head for a while, now the most obvious issues would be coverting this to the Pathfinder system, or finding an easy to learn system to use it in. I obviously want to keep this in Pathfinder, as it helps greatly to keep things familiar. However I'll likely use the spheres of power system for magic, as it mist closely resembles the schools tamriel uses.
The settings will actually be during the oblivion crisis, as it not on is the time I'm most familiar with, but it's before s&~& got complcated with the nations.

Idea 2: honestly I'd just like tk do Mummy's mask, The AP is one I haven't DM'ed and one i very much like the idea for.

Idea 3: A starfinder game. With this one the system is newer, and I can't seem to wrap myself around ship combat, but the idea behind this one would be something Homebrew, as I don't have access to any modules yet..

Idea 4: Something evoking Classic Horror. Vampires, werewolves, Juju zombies, you know something like that ;P

Idea 5: Midevil Zombie Apocalypse. This one is interesting, a game based entirely around killing zombies. Obviously classes that are better against undead would make this game pretty well, but I want to do something where it isn't a magical undead, and the normally effective powers of cleric are not working as they should against the unliving swarm.

And those are my ideas, obviously I have bias twards the Elder scrolls one, and i have put a TON of thought into it. Bur I'd like to see first which of these have the most intrest.

If I do garner some interest, I'll do my very best to keep on track. I'm Limiting myself this time, and not taking on too many games at once. My life right now shouldn't spontaneously explode, so I should last at minimum a month or two ;P

Sovereign Court

So, This is Just going to be an interest thread at the moment, I do have quite a bit going on at the moment, and opening another campaign right now is gonna not be very good for me.

However, It's possible I could do something in the future (at least in the next 2 weeks)

So, I have the feeling to play a campaign either with your PC as Lycanthrope, or hunting said creatures and possibly becoming one.

It's rare that a campaign has Lycanthrope within them then have that be an integral part, or allow being a lycan without the whole alignment change.
What I'd want from this is either a short to mid length game where your characters have to adapt to the changes within them, or if they are hunters kill Lycanthrope only to discover some hidden third party (possibly something controlling or making more lycans.)

Now if I do something like this it will be very classic Transylvanian. Spooky forests and dark castles. Infact I might just set this within the ravenloft world(one of my favorite worlds) To add to the atmosphere. After all since ravenloft isn't a whole world I could add pretty much anything I wanted to it. Who says a villian in Gallorian hasn't done something worthy of Ravenloft?

So, for now it's just an interest check to see if many people would want to do something like this, as well as any suggestions on systems, Alternative rules, Character ideas(but not aliases quite yet), or possibly offers to do something like this and offer me a spot as a player (gods know I'd rather play this game than DM it.)

Also this game will likely have guns, after all silver bullets are a staple of the genre.

Sovereign Court

game master

Dot, I'll be awnsering any questions here for now.

Sovereign Court

game master

Dot for now...

Sovereign Court

Hello! This is a reopening for a recruitment. The last thread didn't get much traction and frankly had some negative comments posted on it, which I'm sure caused it to stagnate and not gain any interest,

So I'm reopening recruitment in a new thread to try and bring it back into focus!(plus people are more likely to click on a fresh thread.

The Idea of this game is that you will be playing Curse of the Crimson Throne in a Victorian Steampunk setting, (Think Sherlock Holmes) And will be progressing through a Tweaked and Altetrd COTCT game. Obviously some of the themes will be different, and several of the enemies will be completely redone or altered to fit :P

Character Creation and Rules:

Important Changes: Guns everywhere- Characters with martial proficiency are proficient with all guns except those I will label as "Exotic Firearms" which are none of the standard Paizo guns.
Character with simple weapon proficiency (except wizards and Sorcerer) are proficient with pistols and revolvers, or otherwise "one handed firearms"
Wizards, Sorcerer, Monks and any class that has proficiency with only a few select simple weapons are not proficient with any fire arms

Classes: Any Paizo, however Summoner are Unchained only, otherwise it's up to you if you want to play rogue Unchained or not... Bonus points to Investigator and Vigilante.

Races:Any Paizo, however Core races are obviously more common, a Bonus to Ratfolk, Skinwalker, Changeling, and Dhampir, as they will be more common in the setting I have in mind.

Stats:25 point buy- Guns mean you need more power or your gonna get shot.

Traits: You can use any trait from the CotCT players manual, however if you give me a good reason/reflavor of any other Champaign trait I may allow it.
Also, two traits(one Champaign), +1 one for a Drawbac

Starting wealth: any ×10 in basic money is now ×100, in wealth. For example, a wizard who has 2d6×10 in wealth will instead have 2d6x100. This helps you pay for those pesky bullets.

Special feats: Everyone will be using the Feat Taxes Rules, meaning no more having to take power attack or weapon Finnese! However this also means Melee combat won't go out the window

rules:• Advanced firearms will only hit touch AC at 2×Range increment, rather than 10× an increment.

•Use Background Skills ans All skill unlocks

•we will be using piecemail rules, however any suits of armor will only be purchased as wholes.

•Special materials: metals have become easier to produce, Mythral and Adamantine items now const half their normal price, as well as several other materials, such as Cold Iron and Elysian Bronze costing only 1/4th their normal cost.

Background: I would like at least 1 paragraph explaining your background, a and this must include your reason for wanting to take down Geadren Lamm

Now, this Game is Based On Gallorian, But as if none of the Champains had happened until This period. So there is no need to research Gods or such if you are familiar with the setting ^-^ also no need for me to change names ^o^

But anyways, I am only gonna leave recruitment open until I have at least 10 players. If there are less within the next month than I'm just gonna take what I have, even if it's unbalanced.

Also, to clarify, anywhere I say "bonus points" at in the character creation, it simply means those are more common and are more likely to be picked for this game than they would other games, as Ratfolk, Skinwalker, Dhampir, and Changeling fit the setting VERY well.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.


I'm pondering the idea of playing a Gothic/Victorian game, with themes of Steampunk and Intrigue. Although, since most of my Hombrew games tend to move slower than a snail on depressants and my published games do alot better, I've decided I wanna do a game that I have yet to DM yet(and really would love to DM) and that's CotCT.

My idea was to do a game using the Guns everywhere rules as well as a few others
And to make it feel a bit more like Victorian England I'll be ramping up the Intrige and such.

But I want to get this game going quickly so I'll lay down the rules here!

Character Creation:

Important Changes: Guns everywhere- Characters with martial proficiency are proficient with all guns except those I will label as "Exotic Firearms" which are none of the standard Paizo guns.
Character with simple weapon proficiency (except wizards and Sorcerer) are proficient with pistols and revolvers, or otherwise "one handed firearms"

Wizards, Sorcerer, Monks and any class that has proficiency with only a few select simple weapons are not proficient with any fire arms

Classes: Any Paizo, however Summoner are Unchained only, otherwise it's up to you if you want to play rogue Unchained or not... Bonus points to Investigator and Vigilante.

Races:Any Paizo, however Core races are obviously more common, a Bonus to Ratfolk, Skinwalker, Changeling, and Dhampir, as they will be more common in the setting I have in mind.

Stats:25 point buy- Guns mean you need more power or your gonna get shot.

Traits: You can use any trait from the CotCT players manual, however if you give me a good reason/reflavor of any other Champaign trait I may allow it.
Also, two traits(one Champaign), +1 one for a Drawbac

Starting wealth: any ×10 in basic money is now ×100, in wealth. For example, a wizard who has 2d6×10 in wealth will instead have 2d6x100. This helps you pay for those pesky bullets.

Special feats: Everyone will be using the Feat Taxes Rules, meaning no more having to take power attack or weapon Finnese! However this also means Melee combat won't go out the window

rules:• Advanced firearms will only hit touch AC at 2×Range increment, rather than 10× an increment.

•Use Background Skills ans All skill unlocks

•we will be using piecemail rules, however any suits of armor will only be purchased as wholes.

•Special materials: metals have become easier to produce, Mythral and Adamantine items now const half their normal price, as well as several other materials, such as Cold Iron and such.

Background: Now! This is where I want to get some reading.

The ears will be rough mid industrial revolution, with steampunk themes

We will be based in gallorian (Just in a very late future where none of the campaigns happen until now) so no need to worry about strange God's or an unfamiliar setting.

We will be using all the same names and such, just updated to a Victorian era when it comes to the Character themselves.

When you create your Character I would like an explanation for why your Character hates Geadren Lamm and his gang, please note these characters are more akin to a mafia or an old style gang.

In addition, I'd like some motivations, A secret you have from the party, a secret you have from your Character, and where you want the Character to develop.

I believe thats all for now, if you have any questions, or I missed something, go ahead and ask!

I will run recruitment until midnight on Christmas (meaning December 26)

Sovereign Court

Hello all!

It has been boiling in my mind to play a game where our players are plainwalkers( as from magic the gathering), and base the game around the presuit of an envil force attempting to destroy all plains.

Right now I'm in the middle of the concept phase, but this idea really intrigues me! I would most likely have my characters be around lvl 5 to start(having to have ignited their spark previously) and I will also be making a few custom races for certain world's due to them having unique races, Such as the Aetherborn.

I'll most likely use spheres of power instead of the standard magic system, as it fits more fluidly into how magic and Mana works. And for the system that makes you a plainwalker I'll most likely use a modified Mythic system. Add new traits and a special thing called "Plainswalking"

And as for a time period in the official cannon, this will be before the gate watch is created to help battle the Elderazi in Zendikar.(it is possible that I will have YOU become the gatewatch instead :P)

Sovereign Court

game master

It is dark... You hear nothing. Not wind, not water... Not even the sound of your own breath. The air is stale, thick with the taste of dust. Years have passed... Decades lost... Millennium flown by.

Then there was sound... Deep inside your chest came a beat like drums, it was your heart... Your alive... But why? And how?

It doesn't matter... You hear something else... Whispers. Your inside something... A box? It's hard to tell... You, can't move... Why? Suddenly you hear a grinding, the box is opening... But you can't see. They are waking... said someone just outside of reach.

Then all went silent, and your body is released. You open your eyes and see the room before you, just as a light from above fades away. All that is left to see is the others... And the paper on their chest... Then you feel yours... And look down to see it...

Sovereign Court

game master

A thread where you may inform the group of any news or problems.

Sovereign Court

Hello, I have had a very interesting Idea.

I want to do a game where your players are lost deep in ancient ruins. How they got here, no-one knows. They awoke, with no memory of who they are or how they got here. They have nothing, only the rusty blades of the long dead. But that isn't even the worst part. Something is here with them... Something... Dark.

I wanna do a game where the characters wake up basically naked. And it's their job to navigate these ancient ruins and learn who they are, how they got here, and why they are here. All the while being chased by enemies too powerful for them to fight on their own.

This game is based in a world between, where Anything could be true and nothing is impossible.

I'll be looking for 4 players, particularly a diverse group of characters. I will not focus on balancing the group. Infact I expect you to adapt as we go. And learn ways to take out Enemies efficiently and with minimal resources.

Players will start lvl 1, no Equipment, save for one item essential to your class. This can be a Spellbook, Holy symbol, Spellcasting focus if some kind, a simple Weapon (less than 20gp value), or a light wooden shield.

I recremend classes that don't rely on mounts, guns, or pets. However you have the chance to find pets in game. Equipment will be limited. Also, I am banning Monk/Brawler because they take the challenge out of unarmed combat.

Character Creation:

Stats:20 point build or 3d6. One or the other, if you don't like your rolls you can try the build.

RACE: Any Paizo- No Race bulder- Except Lizardfolk. You may ask about my custom races.


Traits:Any two, and a Drawback.

Background: None- you are all strangers, yet I'd like at least a summary of Personality.

Alignment: NO EVIL! Although I do like the idea, I have no intention of doing this.

Also when you wake up, you will have a note pinned to your chest, with a pin. It will be important to your story, and will be based on your Personality.

This note will grant each of you something unique. And it will be useful in the future.

A Unique Twist:
As your Character advances you will all gain strange abilities or powers that have no explanation. Several of these things will seem useless or strange... Some may also just be bad. I'm limiting it to one unique ability for now, but this ability has drastic changes to your Character

Sovereign Court

With the release of the new System, I got my hands on this fine book.

So, I am gonna run a test of this game taking players from lvl 1 to lvl 4. Perhaps beyond depending on how the game goes.

I'm looking for a group of 3-6, trying to keep it small to keep it nice and easy.

I'm gonna keep the rules close to just the core. However I'm open for suggestions from you as players. Since most of the game is backwards compatible with Pathfinder I'm gonna be mix and mashing monsters and aliens. Magic and technology will work hand in hand :P

But to keep it simple I'm restricting players to the Starfinder classes only.

The idea is that your group is a bad of mercenaries hired by a corporation to find and stop some black market smuggling. Story will be very liniar, and I will throw a few encounters out there to test combat.

I expect this game to stall occasionally, but mostly during the points where rules become foggy ;)

Character Creation:

Race: to be Fair, you can use any of the races in Starfinder, and if you can convince me I may allow others from Paizo.

Class:Starfinder only

Theme:well Starfinder only ;P there aren't any anywhere else anyways!

Starting money: Average

Ability: 4d6 drop lowest or 25pt buy. Those who wish to go below 10 I will allow down to 8 to give extra, otherwise standard rules apply.

Background: keep it simple. I don't need a biography

Sovereign Court

Hello one hello all! After the disappointing falure that was trying to get my Greek game back up and running, I Feel like I should give people the opportunity to try something. So, Recently I began exploring old campaigns, and I felt like playing this one!

Now, with it being a 3.5 game there will be extensive changes to the campaign, mostly in monsters and such. But that's beyond the point. I want to allow almost anything for this game (Paizo that is), so I'm very open to rules, races, and other such things. Of course they have to be logical. No Driders or Centaur in the middle of a populated City! However given the Diversity of Varisia and it's Cities I will allow most other races.

Here's the rules:

Character Creation:

Starting level:1(obviously)

Races: Most Paizo(No green martians or other four armed aliens) as long as you make sense(also, Kobold get a change to make them suck less)

Classes: Any Paizo, Unchained if available,

Archetypes: any Paizo(3pp up for review)

Starting Gold: Average,

Traits: 1 Champaign, 1 other, take a Drawback for a third

Rules in use: Background skills, Skill unlocks(Occult and Unchained), VMC(Can't multi class in another way if using this), Other rules up to approval

Changes to races:

Kobold: new stats!(+2 dex +2 Cha, -2 con, -2 Str,)

Gripli: gains Sticky tongue (As the race builder trait)

Other races with >or= 6Rp get a change depending on race, ask if needed.

Will not change humans °-°

Now, A short taste!

The king is sick... A form of leprosy has kept him in bed. And his dear wife has been desperately trying to keep him alive... It won't be too long before he is gone...
But this is just a minor problem for you, for the criminal Gaedren Lamm has been the irk of all your problems this last few years... I'd only someone where to find him and stop him

Okay! Let's do this!

Recruitment will be open to the 30th.

Note, some things will be quite thematic, such as a harrower or a Vigilante,

Sovereign Court

So, I was wondering, my friend gave me the wonderful idea to do a conversion of the setting in Adventure Time to Pathfinder, or at least something similar.

The world on the surface looks like a mix of modern and fantasy, with magic and such being prominent. However, under it all is the history that the world itself used to be much different, and far more like our own, until the lich king came and destroyed it all, shortly before billy(a powerful hero) stoped the lich from destroying all life.

Now, oviously this can't convert exactly to Pathfinder, so I was thinking more along the lines of a similar world.
Any ideas?

Other notes:

Now, I wanna note there are alot if things in the world of oo that are just hinted at, such as "The Great Mushroom War" which from context is the nuclear apocalypse

As well as before the rise of the Ice King, Marceline's Father and her history, and many more things.

There where the dog wars with the rainicorn, the fact that alot of the monsters eat humans, and that there is alot more dark and adult themes in the show than an adult would think.

It's a good show, and for more than just one reason.

Sovereign Court

Okay, my current game has lost half if it's party, we are now down to three players who so far have sailed to the isle of Minos and have entered the labrynth.

Now, I need roughly 2-3 new players following these rules

Character Creation:

players begin at lvl 2, each of you have traied to be hero's and will only become stronger. Your first lvl will end with you becoming mythic. We are using a custom advancement(I will keep track).
Races:core, featured, Warforged(with bronze instead of steel), and others subject to scrutiny, including: Half-minutar, Centaurs, and a custom race of mine called Fawn. Now, the Half-minutar and Fawn are custom races of mine. I will have those posted up soon for you to look at.
Class:Any Paizo, with some 3pp class traits(such as Oracle curses/mysteries, sorcerer bloodlines,etc...), no guns so no gunslinger except for the bolt ace archetype since it doesn't use guns.
Starting gold is 1000gp, steel items base cost is 1.5× normal, but masterwork items retain their original price(no 1.5×500 gp)
Stats:a choice of 3d6(drop the lowest)+6 or a 25pt buy.
Extra rules:Background skills, unchained crafting, ask for more
Traits:2 from different categories, plus a drawback. Every hero has a flaw. You may ask for a custom drawback of none of the traits appeal to you.
Plz ask about anything I missed. I will be making a balanced party, so be aware of other submissions.
The two things I look for most in a character is the passion of it's creator, and the potential for the future.

The only difference is that you are now lvl 3 and start with 1500gp

Also, I'll add a link to the original page in just one second.

A link to the original recruitment and all those rules

Our current party consisted of a Fawn Cleric, a Human monk, and a Human Sorcerer. So I'm looking for a skilled and a Melee

You will be lost adventures in the labrynth. Who's quest was given to you by the oracle, but you have no idea how long you've been down here in the labrynth.

Sovereign Court

game master

Welcome one welcome all! No need to know each other you will all know each other soon!! As you all wake up and realize that rum last night was spiked.

Sovereign Court

game master

Dot here, first post is coming soon!

Sovereign Court

So, after an abounding interest in my desire to run an evil game I have decided to make a Skull and Shackles campaign with evil/neutral characters. After all who doesn't want to pillage, plunder, sacrifice your victims and raise them as an undead crew?

Character Creation:

Race:Any- the more monsterous and evil, the better(although try to keep it Paizo)

Class:Any- so long as you make sure to flavor it pirate... And Unchain it.

Stats:either 2d6+6 or 25 point buy.-you may reroll once.

Other rules: background skills, VMC, skill unlocks(Occult and Unchained), and more subject to change/suggestion.

3pp allowed:Oracle curses, In the company of dragons, and more subject to suggestion/approval.

Alignment:Any Non-Good. I'm not letting neutrals feel left out, but make sure you understand that your party is a bunch of murderers and thieves.

Traits:Two-day one campaign and one other, with a drawback available for a third.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So, I have always loved playing Evil characters more than good (after all what fun is it being good and helping everyone when you can be doing it just because you love to kill?)

So I have had an idea. I want to run an AP where instead of they standard good character thing that most games expect, your all evil. You help people and such, but most if the time it is an accident or you really just wanted to have fun and never intended to help.

Alternatively it could be a game where your the evil that the hero's have to deal with. In a Dungeon keeper kind of game. Players would be mid level and it would work as a sort of kingdom maker campaign.

I'm just throwing ideas out there right now and am looking for your ideas more than my own.

As a last option I could also just play way of the wicked... Or hell's vengeance

Sovereign Court

game master

Discussion, because stuff.

Sovereign Court

game master

It's been weeks... Storms and Giants alike have made this trip all the more unbearable. The captain gave orders to start taking from the supplies a week ago, and you thankfully still have enough dried food and water for at least a month.

Everyone is sick of watching the endless wastes of Silt when someone shouts: An Island? No! That's coastline!

The captain moves to have a look and cries out in joy. Land! Oh, lords know I never thought there'd be a day I was relived to see Desert... he orders the crew to pull the ship over to the waiting sands...

Sovereign Court

Well, due to the efforts for one Nostalgic DM I am in the mood for some Dark Sun. Now he's doing it in a Mummy's mask format, and I thought... What's the easiest game to convert into a different world?

WELL! my solution is Kingmaker, a game I'm running IRL at the moment and having some fun with. Of course converting it to Dark sun means doing some work(and research into where this might take place). And because Dark sun is about struggle and Endurance, Kingmaker makes a great setting. Now it won't be a perfect convert (I am a majority unfamiliar with the world details) and the setting will be far more dessert. The Greenbelt being turned into a massive monster-infested Oasis. And of course a rich source of metals (like iron instead of the gold that's normally there) And of course Obsidian,(in place if the iron)

Now, for Creation rules I am using A conversation Guide by This guy and a link can be found onThis thread but for those who don't like digging though threads
Here is a Link to the guide directly

and here are the basics:

Starting level:1
Starting money: Average for class, but make sure to reffer to the material restrictions in the guide.
Stats:4d6 drop the lowest, and a 25 pnt buy if you don't want your rolls(Subject to approval I may let you reroll)
Races:those detailed in the guide plus official Paizo Races subject to approval.
Class:Any official non-tec/gun based class

Traits:2- third can be taken with drawback. Also, traits may be altered to fit the game. They do not have to be Campaign due to the fact that this is Dark Sun.

As for wild Talents go ahead and Roll twice, taking whatever fits your character better- however use the Occult versions, not the ultimate psionics

Other Rules:
Background skills
Skill unlocks(Occult and Unchained)
Piece mail armor(As suggested in the conversion)
And Automatic Bonus Progression(I can't seem to remember where the rules are at the moment...)
3rd party subject to approval

Also:A note about Thri-Kreen and age: if you die of old age don't worry, I will allow you to either find ways to extend your age cap or transfer your mind into younger bodies.

Sovereign Court

game master

Let's get to know annother!

Sovereign Court

game master

Dot for notices.

Sovereign Court

Hello everyone and welcome to my legacy of Fire game ^-^
I would like to start by saying yes... I'm going to allow some 3pp. Just run it by me and I'll deside.
Other than that here are the rules:

Character Creation:

Race: Any Paizo, so long as they don't have 4 arms or are drow noble.
Class:Any Paizo, even Vigilante(although out there in the desert it'll be difficult to do)
Archetypes: Any Paizo
Stats:2d6+6 or 20 point but

Other Rules: Background skills, Unchained crafting, peicemail, Called shots, and... Ah give me ideas, I might accept them.

Currently allowed 3pp
In the Company of Dragons
Spheres of power
... To be debated

Traits:2 with one being a Champaign trait, and a third can be taken for a drawback. None can be the same group.

Starting gold: Average or Roll

Background: Give me some meat
... and free NPC Ideas.

Now, recruitment will last...to the 13th.

Sovereign Court

FIRST:Curse of the Crimson Throne
SECOND: Legacy of Fire
Or Third:Kingmaker.

Now, I am fairly new to these campaigns and have never gotten all the way through them. I do however have decent enough knowledge to begin games.

For those of you that know me you know I usually allow some pretty strange things. But go now i want to do something normal(ish) and start on one of the classic adventure paths. Of course I will still not have many limitations.

First thing's first, the game. I will keep this thread up until Friday, letting you guys let me know what game intrest you most of the three.

Most likely I will make some changes to them, although I may also take interesting ideas. First and formost:no mythic or gestault for now, don't want to muddle the rule too much, although I may do a higher power game if you have some input.

And out of these three kingmaker gives me the most freedom to do as I please with you, but ibreally want to play legacy of fire.^-^ so let's start working!

Sovereign Court

game master

dot here

Sovereign Court

game master

here yall go, have some conversations, build some backstory!

Sovereign Court

Hello all shadowrunners, or even those willing to remember this old game, I have recently felt a need to go back to older games and try them out ^-^ so mind you, if this takes off it will be an experimental thing with me, and may or may not end prematurely. But if I get some help from you guys it will last a great while ^-^

So, my Idea was that your characters are criminals, part of one of those gangs or under ground scindicates that control almost everything. Your job will be those mobbsters that take care of posers and Rob banks. I was inspired by payday, for this... well just the bank robbing part. ^-^

For now, this is an intrest check, but let me know how many of you are willing to work with me, I'm planning on doing a small group of 3-4 players.

Sovereign Court

game master

Hello one hello all! Just want to give you all time to make your characters connections so go ahead and continue some banter in gameplay of you want ^-^

Sovereign Court

game master

You all are spending the night at the white deer, a very well kept tavern and inn, despite the low price for rooms. The town is filled with talk of tomarrow's festival!

Roumors have it that all of the greatest preformers and cooks have come into town with wagons of valuble goods and collectibles. Infact, you may have come into town in one such caravan...

For now you drink and make merry, for the night is still young!

Sovereign Court

Hello one, hello all! I have recently come apon this fine Champaign and have desided to DM(on this site) the first officaly published Champaign! So this recruitment will be for newcomers and old faces alike, I just want to see how I do with a pre-made adventure.

Creation Rules!:

Race: ANY! Officially published races, including groll and lizardfolk. Also I may allow one of my custom races upon inquiry, some are unfinished so keep that in mind. this is galorian, and it's diversity after all, however I'm gonna say no to any of the "noble" versions of any race, including drow, Dugaur, and deep gnomes. Note! any commonly monstrous races will be treated as such, or at best with suspicion. Goblins will have the brunt of the hate.

Class:ANY! Officially published classes and archetypes. You are limited one per class.

Traits: one Champaign from the anniversary handbook, and any other one non-Champaign. You may have annother of you take a drawback, but it will be used to exploit you and you have to remember what it is or face penalties.

Stats:2d6+6, or a 20 point build, whichever is higher.

3pp: NO!

Starting level and gold: lvl 1, and roll or average, whichever is higher.

Keep track of any animal companions, for they will be a thing and you will need to keep an eye on them.

If there are any questions just let me know ^-^

I will be looking for a balanced group of at least 4, at most 6 (which means i will pick 6 unless no-one wants to play). So I will look for two casters (one arcane, one divine), a melee/tank, a skill/stealth, and a support. The extra will be someone who impresses me.

Sovereign Court

game master


Sovereign Court

game master

Ask questions, let me know if sheduals, etc.

Sovereign Court

So. IRL, I have a group playing this game. But because they are super....chaotic... yeah the Champaign has taken a dive into the deep end, so I thought Iigjt try this out here, on Paizo where PbP can slow the game down to where the players are making logical choices.

So, the Idea of the campaign is that you are the heros of a myth. You will be charged by the oracle to set out on a quest to vanquish evil monsters and such.
the game will be highly Greek/Roman inspired. Bronze weapons, highly trained NPC's, dangerous monster...
And of course the gods. Now I understand that almost all the Greek gods where utter and complete @$#holes and the Roman counterparts where a bit nicer... so this is my predicament. i will be using mostly the Roman versions of the gods, except for Athena, Hadies, Hermies, and several minor deities.

So here is the slice;

Character Creation!:

players begin at lvl 2, each of you have traied to be hero's and will only become stronger. Your first lvl will end with you becoming mythic. We are using a custom advancement(I will keep track).

Races:core, featured, Warforged(with bronze instead of steel), and others subject to scrutiny, including: Half-minutar, Centaurs, and a custom race of mine called Fawn. Now, the Half-minutar and Fawn are custom races of mine. I will have those posted up soon for you to look at.

Class:Any Paizo, with some 3pp class traits(such as Oracle curses/mysteries, sorcerer bloodlines,etc...), no guns so no gunslinger except for the bolt ace archetype since it doesn't use guns.

Starting gold is 1000gp, steel items base cost is 1.5× normal, but masterwork items retain their original price(no 1.5×500 gp)

Stats:a choice of 3d6(drop the lowest)+6 or a 25pt buy.

Extra rules:Background skills, unchained crafting, ask for more

Traits:2 from different categories, plus a drawback. Every hero has a flaw. You may ask for a custom drawback of none of the traits appeal to you.

Plz ask about anything I missed. I will be making a balanced party, so be aware of other submissions.

The two things I look for most in a character is the passion of it's creator, and the potential for the future.

unlike their wild cousins, who drink and revel in lust and destruction, Fawn are much more civilized, if less magical. These fey are defendants of satyr and nymphs who moved away from the wild revelry. They eventually diverged, resulting in a much more docile race with both male and female members. Their top half appears humanoid, with goat horns and pointed ears. Males often have larger horns than females. Their lower half is goat-like. With cloven hooves and thick wool, they are found mostly in temperate climates. They often are found in positions within Druid circles or as scholars in large cities. They rarely have large communities, and are most commonly found in elven communities.
Some belive Fawn are the children of Humans and Satyr. Although this is somewhat true, such children aren't considered true Fawn, instead being called Half-Satyr.

Type; fey
Size: medium
Speed: 40ft
Stat bonus: +2 Dex, +2 Wis
Language: start with sylvan and common. Can learn: elvish, gnome, terran, Aklo, dwarvish, auran, ignan, aquan, tengu, orc, and goblin.

Forest-bond: +2 AC in woodland.

Fearless: +2 vs. Fear/moral effects

Performer: +2 to any one preform skill, or +1 to two separate preform skills

Object of desire: +1 CL on charm and compulsion spells.

Low-light vision.

Goat affinity: you gain a +4 to handle animal when interacting with goats, cows, sheep, and similar animals.


Creations of the tryst between a Minotaur and a human, these half-breeds tower over their human family, but are only runts compared to their Full blooded parent.

Type:Humanoid (Human,Giant)
Speed:40ft (1Rp)
Stats:Paragon(1Rp):+4Str, -2 Cha and Int
Language:Standard:start:common, Giant, Bonus: Goblin, Orc, Gnoll, Undercommon, Dwarven, Aklo

Resistant (2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and poison.

Sprinter (1 RP): Prerequisite: Normal speed; Benefit: Members of this race gain a +10 foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.

Gatecrasher (2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on Strength checks to break objects and a +2 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks to sunder.

Relentless (1 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to bull rush or overrun an opponent. This bonus only applies while both the member of this race and its opponent are standing on the ground.

Gore:(1Rp) has a Gore attack for 1d4 DMG, this is a secondary attack

Powerful Charge (2 RP): (Gore)Prerequisite: Natural attack trait; Benefit: Select one of the race's natural attacks. Whenever a member of this race charges, it deals twice the number of damage dice with the selected natural attack plus 1-1/2 times its Strength bonus.

Scent (4 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain the scent ability .

Any questions, feel free to ask. Magic is high in this campaign, so spellcasters need not worry.

The deities are the Greek/Roman gods. Plz ask about them specifically if you wish to be a divine spellcaster of one of them.

Alignments of the gods:

Hades/Pluto:LN(Hadies was never evil, he just got the short end of the stick and was a little bitter about it.)
Mars:CG (if you wonder why Aries is evil and mars good, look at the gods IRL. Mars was a very important figure in Rome, Aries was a jerk and sort of forced war on people, and mars was about the honor and glory of war.)

Plz ask for others of interested. Go ahead and look some up ;)

But I warn you, the Greek gods where all huge egomaniacs who killed anyone who dared say they where better. The Roman gods where a bit nicer, but just as brutal.

Sovereign Court

game master


Sovereign Court

game master

For the king! Let's disscus the future.

Sovereign Court

So, I'm sure alot of you have seen at least the first two seasons of game of thrones... if you haven't that doesn't matter that's all I've seen so far. While I was watching the show, I was inspired by the rangers (the wall) and wanted to create a game where the party is part of a similar organization...

While I've been contemplating this consept, it came to me to create a game where it evolves as tthe characters advance. So here's the full gyst of my plan: every so-and-so levels your characters will reset. As in they will reincarnate into one of the future members of the group, or rather that it would transition into them. The "new" group would be influenced by the old ones. Decisions can unlock new classes and races.

So here are the basics for character creation:


Races: humans, half-elves, Half-orcs, gnomes, Halflings

Those of you wondering why there are only these right now: elves are reclusive and tend to avoid other races, same as dwarves. However orcs still are around and still have a tryst every now and then.

Class: fighter, ranger, rouge, paladian, barbarian, brawler, Please ask about any others,

Lvl:1 for

Stats:3d6 or 15 point build, minimum of 6 after racial bonuses.

Traits:2 and/or an additional with a drawback.

If there are any questions or concerns please ask.

Sovereign Court

game master

Dot here if you what to...

to be continued...

Sovereign Court

game master

So, here you can dot, i will post a "common Knowledge of the Islands" in the Champaign Info later. Right now I'm a little busy, but I can Answer your Questions.

Sovereign Court

So, Ideas in my head. I was thinking of playing a high powered game with 1-3 players. They can be any race, but powerful races are favored. I'm putting together some custom races that would fit well into my power level, including a winged elf, a half-minitar, half-ogre (inspired by the D&D version), Dragonborn(again D&D), and a few others...

Now I would like to know what the interest for this is before I create a game... Ideas I have for the Champaign involve a monsterous setting, where creatures and monsters have just as many rights and Sway as humanoids...

Probably based in my homebrew world of Astril. There is infact a monsterous country in my world, but is a secluded Island known as the Walking Isle.

Please give your suggestions and Ideas. The more you feel like it, the more I feel like it. ;)

Sovereign Court

game master

Dot here

Sovereign Court

game master


Sovereign Court

so, this is an idea i have for a campaign... it's based in a world i have created and am using in my games, It is a sort of... flexible world...

Astril, the land of the greats. it is the year 364 in the second era. the gods have just finished the ten-thousands war, a conflict that shook the prime material plane and caused the destruction of several lesser planes.
you are a farmer, a mercenary, a student, or perhaps just an unfortunate slave. things turn to your favor, or out of it, and you are sent on a journey to discover your fate!

creation rules:

LVL=1- you are fresh adventurers after all

race= any, but i have some things to say about this... core races are by far commonly accepted. the world you are based in is very... low on magic. the featured races are rare and uncommon races are all but unheard of... so you better have a good story to back up any non-core races

Class= any, but once more, magic is rare. below i will have a list telling you what the most common classes there are and the rarity of the magic user classes.

traits=any 2, and a drawback if you want 3

background skills: what where you before? plus i will give plenty of time to craft and such :)

starting gp: average or roll, can only take back the roll if i feel like it is a pitiful role.

feel free to ask questions if i left anything out.

the world:

I normally use my own gods and such, but since i don't want to familiarize you with them, just use the paizo gods and such for religon.

MAGIC: magic is in the process of being discovered... so wizards and alchemists are rare. clerics and other divine casters are not as rare, but still are uncommon...and any pysionics are little known.

Class Raritycommon:fighter, rouge, ranger, barbarian, bard

uncommon:cleric, cavelier, witch, hunter, brawler, warpriest, monk

rare:wizards, sorcerers, druids, shaman, skalds, ninja

very rare/nonexistent: pysionics(all of them), gunslingers, sommoners,

I know I missed some, please ask and i will let you know what any that are missing are in rarity.

What to expect from me as a DM:
1)first and foremost, i am a realistic person. you may be lvl one, but if you happen to walk up to a dragon then that's because a dragon lives in the area!

i'm not level-scaling anything. so expect to find a troll or such early on. but anyways...

2)the game won't have a definite path to follow. I want you to choose what your party does, i will trow an occasional hook at the group to start a quest or such, but it is a very, "sandbox" like game. i want you to explore and discover yourself what there is out in the world, not for me to just show you...

3) i like to create things, so you may encounter one or two new custom monsters, or perhaps even a magic item or two that has a strange effect, or is intelligent but is a complete and utter @$$.

ask more questions if you would like to know more :)

Dark Archive

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i want to do a campaign where you can use your own custom race. now the details are't down tightly, but what I'm thinking is that your characters are stranded on an island(as normal people... ish.) and on the island they find a powerful artifact that changes them into completely different things. now, it's going to be less than 20RP races only.

here's how it'll go: you wake up changed, a whole new race. what you where before is gone, save for some select memories that seem odd to you, but for some reason you cant remember any details of your past.

now, I want to see some suggestions before i decide to open this as a real recruitment.

I have a few race that are above 20RP that i will allow others to play if they wish, but they are powerful in a sense that their exessive RP comes from things like more than 2 arms of the ability to fly.

But here are some rules for race generation: no more than 2 spell-like abilities(not including ones from special traits), you may rename or alter traits all you wish, but make sure you state what it is altered from. altering includes changing the traits's effect/result. such as changeing the effect of lightbringer from creating the light spell to creating the dancing lights spell. just make sure you keep the spell on the same level.

other than that, lets get cranking!

Hallet has not participated in any online campaigns.