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Korvosa... A City on the verge of anarchy.
In the last 20 years the city has changed more than it has ever in the course of it's history. On the east shore huge smokestacks fuel the furnaces of factories at work, on the West shore Meat and fisheries work constantly to supply food to the hungry masses. And much more has changed... Yet alot remains the same.
For one, a king still stands above his subjects. King Eodred Arabasti II rules the city with an iron fist, and although the city grows, it grows in squallor, the king draining the city of it's wealth for himself... But as if recent he has fallen ill, leaving his much kinder and far more beloved wife Ileosa to make decisions in his stead, but her kindness is the only barrier to the raging tide yet to come...
However such things are not your concern, for there is a much bigger problem in your lives. A man, Gaedren Lamm has taken over crime. His meathods are cruel and he has left many a broken family in his wake.
You five are the only thing that could stop him... But you don't know how.
One day, each if you receives a strange card, for each if you it bears a different symbol.
Veronica, your card is the Vision- an open eye glimpsing the truth
Urthal, your card is The big sky- the freedom of change.
Tasche, yours is the Juggler- symbol of the players of fate, holding others in your hands.
Dr. Evens, your card is the Palidan- standing resolute in the face of disparity.
And Sebastian, Yours is the cricket- symbol of swift travel and just rewards
On the back of each of your cards is this note:
I know what Gaedren has done
to you. He has wronged me as
well. I know where he dwells,
yet cannot strike at him. Come
to my home at 3 Lancet Street
at sunset. Others like you will
be there. Gaedren must face his
fate, and justice must be done.
The time has come for reckoning... Will you awnser the call?

Sebastian Crenshaw |

Once the boy is gone, Crenshaw reads the card again. "Gaedren..."
Years ago, Gaedren ruined Crenshaw's childhood. He managed to escape and found shelter in the cult of Nethys. Crenshaw isn't sure if Nethys approves of taking revenge. Hismelf, on the other hand...
"Can it be a trap? Yeah... but only one way to know, right?" He checks that his revolver is loaded and works fine. "I almost wish it's a trap." And if it isn't, Crenshaw will gain an ally and info about Gaedren. "But it will have a price..."
Still weighing all the possibilities, Crenshaw wears his duster and walks slowly to the meeting place.
"A cricket. How fitting, an insect on an invitation to kill another insect."

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It has been a month of exhaustion. Doctor by day... something else by night.
Arratu was the one searching for Gaedren. I have done nothing but maintain my practice. How does this person know? Who else knows? More important than finding Gaedren, I must know how they know. I will go and do what I must so that my secret can never be revealed. Gaedren... will hopefully be a promising side quest.
Evans pours ether from a glass vial onto a cloth, and covers his nose and mouth. But first, some well deserved sleep...

Urhal ton-Thuyek |

The Big Sky. Guess freedom is important to me. I've never put much faith in superstition. Mom did trust the Harrow though, so I'll do this for her. Anything to get back at that bastard Gaedren.
Urhal rises late. He fixes himself a meagre breakfast, a bit of bread fried in fat from last night's bacon. After eating, he attaches his arm to the locking mechanism at his shoulder. After a brief bit of maintenance on it, he heads outside to run a few errands. After selling the mechanical trinkets he had been working on and buying some food for the next day, he heads home. Waiting until just before sundown, he heads towards the address. On the way, he buys a skewer of unidentifiable meat and a bottle of weak beer. He finally arrives at the address and sees another man waiting there. He walks over to Crenshaw, he nods and says in a deep voice, "Here about the cards too?"

Sebastian Crenshaw |

Crenshaw is surprised by a voice. He turns around to find a huge half-orc with a... is that an arm made of metal?
"Uh... yeah... you too? Do you know who sent'em?"
After a few seconds, he realises he's being rude, and offers his hand... hoping it doesn't get crunched.
"Sorry about my manners. I am Sebastian Crenshaw, pleased to meet you." Surprised to get his hand back unharmed, he adds "Should I assume you have something pending with Gaedren?"

Veronica Belle |

Veronica looks at the card and scoffs.
"An eye. How appropriate" she thought, she herself having two different coloured eyes.
She didn't second guess it though. She had been searching for years for Gaedren with no results. While this was almost too good to be true, she had hit a dead end and this was offering a way out. A way forward.
She hadn't had much luck interacting with people. She was more of an observer, but if working with a group of strangers got her closer to her little girl, then she would.
"Strange card though... It's too late for second guessing. Any chance to get at Gaedren, even if it's a shared chance, is good enough."
Veronica made her way through the streets, as she had done so many times before. It seemed like she had scoured every inch of the district dozens of times, knew every back alley and street vendor.
The city was lit in the dull orange of a setting sun glowing through the smoke. Much of the closer areas to the smokestacks were stained brown, and that seemed to have set the colour scheme for everyone else.
She adjusted her hat and gloves, a nervous habit. Veronica considered herself an intelligent woman and intelligence in this situation was something she lacked. Other than where to go.
As she reaches her location, two figures are standing in front of the house. Upon hearing the mention of Gaedren, she decides to approach. These were clearly the others mentioned in the note.
She stands by waiting for them to finish before introducing herself.
"Veronica Belle. Private Investigator. Pleasure to meet you gentlemen."
She extends a hand shake to them both, putting on her profession guise to combat how anxious she would've felt otherwise.

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Those of you who arrive and greet each other notice a note on the door... It wasn't there a moment before, or at least you didn't think so... On it is another message.
"Thank you for coming, I had to step out for a second, please don't be afraid to step inside. Underneath the table is some bread, help yourself and I shall return shortly"
Other than that only a few beggars can be seen on the street. A lamplighter comes around the corner, and lights the Street-lamp on the corner.

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An aged man, dressed in a suit and carrying a doctor's bag, limps and hobbles up to the house, eyeing the three standing outside it. He stands about five and a half feet, and is hunched over, as if in constant pain.
"A odd gathering in an odd place. The name is Charles Evans. Is one of you three responsible for this?" Evans pulls out his card and scratches his nose with it.
He then takes notice of the note on the door. "Bread, eh? I could do with a nibble. Come along then, you three. Let us break bread together, since apparently we are all guests here."
Evans pushes open the door and walks in.

Tasche Madden |

Tasche knows nothing of tarot cards, and assumes the image of the juggler is standard and perhaps indicative of who is contacting him. Locking his workshop carefully, he leaves in the early evening and casually strolls through the back streets to navigate to his mysterious destination.
A tall man in a long leather coat, adorned with fancy goggles and a long scarf observes from across the street. He casually jogs over and joins the party, inserting himself as if he was there the whole time. "So uh, I couldn't help but notice that you guys are are gathered at this door. The very same door a very mysterious jester told me to visit. May I assume you're here for the same reason I am?" Tasche observes the good doctor's entrance, and motions to follow. "Mayhaps we shall introduce ourselves over the aforementioned bread, and you never know, if it is a trap then I won't be dying alone". Tasche grins impishly, and raises his hands in a shrug, before following Evans. Despite his joking attitude, he places one hand in his coat, on the handle of his gun.

Tasche Madden |

"Urhal huh? Pleased to meet you. I never had the time to learn, but Orcish is such a fascinating language. The grammar is completely different. Does Urhal have a specific meaning?" Tasche turns to offer a hand to the orc, before following Evans with his eyes alert.

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The inside of the house appears like a stereotypical fortune teller's shop. Tapestries cover the walls.
The inside of the house appears like a stereotypical fortune teller's shop. Tapestries cover the walls.
The cozy chamber within this small home is filled with a fragrant haze of flowers and strong spice. The haze comes from several sticks of incense smouldering in wall-mounted burners that look like butterfly-winged elves. The smoke itself seems to soften edges and gives the room a dream-like feel. The walls are draped with brocaded tapestries, one showing a black-skulled beast juggling men’s hearts, another showing a pair of angels dancing atop a snow-blasted mountain. A third tapestry on the far wall depicts a tall hooded figure shrouded in mist, a flaming sword held in a skeletal hand. Several brightly-colored rugs cover the floor, but the room’s only furnishings are a wooden table covered by a bright red throwcloth and several elegant tall-backed chairs. A basket covered by blue cloth sits under the table.
The whole room calls back to a time before the machines and factories where built... A time when magic was the Pinnacle of society.
This next part is mentioned for you all to introduce yourselves and mingle, so I'm gonna let you RP a little before I proceed, help yourself to establish what you need ^-^

Sebastian Crenshaw |

At the door:
"A pleasure to meet you all. If you don't mind, I'm itching to find how someone knew about all of us, and how is this all connected to Gaedren."
In the room:
Crenshaw picks his r evolver in hand, ready for whatever. He looks carefully around the room. "All this screams of occult."
Turning his head to the rest, he warns them of the possibilities. "I feel urged to remind you all that this might as well be a trap set up for us. Be very wary... and if I were you I wouldn't eat any bread."
Whispering a small prayer, he tries to discern anything that would strike him at odd... among all those oddities.
Perception+Guidance: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 7 + 1 = 26

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Random roll that means absolutely nothing: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Sabastian finds the typical fortune teller stuff around, sticks of incense, candles, a few books about time and fate... Alot of it nonsense.
Otherwise everything in the room seems relatively normal. You do note that the bread is a little stale, although as is most food when your poor...
The bread could have been left here for a few days, but it could have likely just as been left out on a shelf.
The building is a one story house, and beyond the main room where all the fortune-telling goes on, there is a few back rooms, including a washroom (who's plumbing isn't working) a food storeroom( which you may notice all the food shows a similar age to the bread), and a bedroom with neatly made bed.

Tasche Madden |

perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Tasche searches the room, carefully lifting each tapestry to check behind them. He skims the fortune books, and gives an amused and derisive snort. Concluding there's nothing of interest there, he takes a seat. He avoids the head of the table, making sure to sit to the side. Reaching under the table, he takes the bread basket up and places it upon the table. "It may be poisoned, you are quite correct, uh... Hm. I don't know your name." Tasche trails off and looks at Crenshaw appraisingly.

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Evans plops himself down at the head of the table at gives a long sigh.
"Ahhhhh, by Iomedae, you all are a suspicious lot. Let me tell you, young 'uns, that by the time you get to my age you learn two things. Well, more than two, but two that are relevant in this situation. First, not everything is a trap. Second, never pass up a free meal."
With that, he opens up the basket and digs into to whatever is inside. After swallowing several times, he gestures to Urhal. "Sit down, my boy. You look like someone who could use a few extra bites of food."

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A couple of minutes pass silently as the group hovers about the small room, waiting. Evans continues to chomp on stale bread. Eventually, he points at it.
"See, it's fine. I'm still alive. Now all of you relax a bit. You all have the appearance of people who know how to take care of yourselves. Actually,surrounded by the four of you, I am feeling quite safe indeed."
"Should we address what brought us here? A strange note, referencing Gaedren. I'm rather open on this subject; I'm too old to be afraid. The man is responsible for the death of my daughter. Indirectly at least, with the drugs that he peddles. I would love to know his location. I would set the Korvosa Guard on him posthaste."

Urhal ton-Thuyek |

Urhal nods grudgingly and rips a chunk of bread off of the loaf. He takes a bite, "Hm, not bad. Definitely better than being poisoned." He sits down heavily at a chair before fidgeting slightly with his mechanical arm. The hand rotates one hundred and eighty degrees at the wrist and the fingers flex backwards, almost reaching the back of the hand. He says, "Apologies for the hand. It's liable to get stuck if it stays still for too long."
Once Gaedren is brought up, Urhal gets visibly angry. "Right. Gaedren. The bastard killed my mother. I figured if it was a trap, I'd try to take him out or at least just spit in his face before I died. I guess it isn't though, so we might have a real chance at some justice."

Tasche Madden |

Tasche gives a hollow laugh. "The guard? Don't make me laugh." He grabs his own piece of bread and chews on it absentmindedly. "They can't or won't stop him. He kidnapped my niece 3 weeks ago. 3 weeks ago." He glares at Evans to get his point across. "The guard have done nothing. So I'm going to get her back myself. And if I get to end a dangerous criminal in the process, then so be it." Madden shrugs. "You want justice, Urhal? I'll help."

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"I am not a warrior, sir. What other recourse does an old man have then to turn to the proper authorities to arrest a criminal? The Korvosa Guard will do its job. Have faith in the rule of law!"

Veronica Belle |

Veronica goes to take a set, but stumbles when Dr. Evans mentions the death of his daughter.
Then Urhal's mother, and the disappearance of another's niece. She had solved countless murders and kidnappings in her career, but she'd never felt more connected to anyone than those in this room.
They weren't just in pain, they were fighting against it. Just like she was.
"It's been 3 years, 2 months, and 17 days since I sent Megan, my little girl, into town to get school supplies. She... She was going to sit the entrance exam for the Acadamae, but I was finishing off case work so I had to stay home.
She would've wanted to do it herself anyway. 12 year olds can be so pig headed."
She gasped a little. If she continued, she'd break down. She wasn't going to be the weak link in this group.

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The door opens and a woman steps into the room. Ah your all here... she says, taking off her hat. The woman was Varisian, likely a gypsy who had decided to settle down, or at least she comes from such a family.
She is an attractive middle-aged woman, with brown hair that falls to her Shoulders. She smiles widely, clearly happy all of you listened to her plea. Thank you for coming, I know several of you have your own business to attend to, or would rather do other things. I am glad your all willing to put up with my unconventional way of bringing you all here, but I'm afraid that if the wrong people heard this information I'd be dead.. she moves to sit at the table with the test of you, pulling out a deck of cards, flipping and shuffling them with upmost tact and skill.
I brought you here because we all share a common enemy: Geadren Lamm. This man tears families apart every day, not caring who he has to hurt to get what he wants. One year ago I had something stolen from me: This deck, my whole livelihood. she spreads the card over the table. This deck has been passed down my family for dozens of generations, it is the most valuable Heirloom my family owns, and it is my sole means of support.
She pauses, her next words filled with sorrow. Pickpockets managed to take this from me, and when my son, Eran, managed to track them down, he found they where under the employ of Gaedren. And as a reward, Gaedren had my son killed.
She sighs, The gaurd did nothing when I sought their help, so I went looking for myself. I consulted my harrow deck for advice... And recent I found hope. Gaedren has been working from an old fishery just north of here!
She looks up from her cards at you now, her eyes filled with determination. This is where you come in... If I go to the gaurd they will do nothing, and even if they did they move so slow by the time they would get there Gaedren would have learned if this and moved on to another place. You all must know if these frustrations as well, For word on the street is that Geadren has wronged all of you too... Now has come the time that Justice be done, Gaedren must pay for his crimes! she finishes strong, standing and leaning towards the group, almost begging you all toke up arms and join her.

Sebastian Crenshaw |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Crenshaw has been silent, listening to the stories of these poor beings, their lives shattered by the very same man. When adressed, he looks calmly at the Doctor and answers with an almost neutral voice.
"He took myself."
He produces a small flask from one of the inner pockets of his duster and takes a short sip. While still putting it back to where it came from, he goes on. "Did you know that Gaedren had a whole network of orphan children working for him? We... They... were forced to perform all kinds of villainies, risking their lifes and freedom in order to fill Gaedren's pockets for his own profit. And all of it for a loaf of hard bread. Kids that grew too old or were incapable of fulfulling their quota were sold away or used as scapegoats... and those were the most fortunate."
He sits in one of the chairs and crosses his legs. "This chance is not to be spoiled - Gaedren must be stopped. Ideally, I would follow your advice and send him to jail. I suspect, however, that this won't be enough."
Having a look around in the hopes of finding any means to measure time, he adds: "I hope our host doesn't take too long."

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"Well, regardless of how you learned about us, I cannot support this endeavor. I am a respected man, a doctor with a medical practice that serves the nobles of this city as well as many other wealthy clients. I cannot be seen galvanting around town with a pack of hooligans taking the law into their own hands like a bunch of heroes from the ancient days. And besides, like I said earlier, I am no warrior. I would be more apt to get shot and die than to provide any assistance. I will do all of you the courtesy of not reporting any of this to the city guard, but I take my leave."
Evans stands up and starts heading to the door, but does not leave. He lingers a little longer, waiting to hear what is said next.

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"This is what I was afraid of. He greatly values his privacy.... He depends on me to keep his secret no matter the cost, no matter my own morals. So now I am afraid I must demand that you tell me who told you. Was it the cards, or was it someone breathing? Because if it was someone breathing, they won't be doing it for much longer. "
Evans draws his revolver to accentuate his point. He doesn't hold it on the gypsy, but his arms are tight and clenched.

Veronica Belle |

Veronica pulls her own revolver in response to the Doctors objections and threats.
"I don't know who your associate is, nor do I care. I'd sell all your secrets in a heart beat if it meant getting my daughter back and I thought that since you were also here, dear Doctor, you would do the same.
The rest of us are willing to risk everything to get what we want. If your associate values privacy more than revenge, more than justice, more than your daughter, and the sons and daughters, mothers and fathers who each day lose or are lost, then we have no need for either of you."

Tasche Madden |

Tasche nods at Urhal. "I'm with you. Seems like the most likely place to find Augusta. And if we get a chance at Gaedren, I'll take it."
He observes the unfolding drama with a small frown. So the good respectable doctor has friends in low places. How interesting. Weighing the odds, Tasche decides his odds of actually helping convince the doctor to aid them are low. He doesn't feel that he can restrain his sarcasm, and is aware that it would probably drive the good doctor against them. And this mysterious friend does sound quite interesting.
Tasche grabs another piece of bread and begins picking it apart absentmindedly. He addresses the table softly to avoid disturbing the other conversation. "Mayhaps while they sort that out, we could consider developing some sort of plan. It seems our wonderful host is providing us with a location. Where do we go from there?"

Sebastian Crenshaw |

Seems I took so long for my previous post that I got ninja'ed like s+#&. That one was meant to be before the gypsy appeared.
"Come on, dear Doctor. If you were just going to throw the guard at him, you wouldn't have come to begin with, right?"
He turns his eyes to the gypsy.
"Plus, I'm totally convinced, like I said before, that he's more dangerous than we think. At least, dangerous enough to not worry about the guard, or he would have been caught years ago. Am I right, Ma'am?"

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Glancing at Veronica, fingers tapping the sides of his revolver, Evans responds, " My daughter is already dead, and while I would like Gaedren to get what is coming to him, protecting the life of my friend is a higher call yet. Though, it is true that this whole... scenario..." He gestures around the room... "would appeal to him greatly. He doesn't care for or respect the law, and he has his own reasons to hate Gaedren. In fact, he has been searching for a month to find him. And I am sure you would benefit from his presence. All that being said, I am still waiting for an answer to my question."

Tasche Madden |

Tasche takes in the resolute faces of those around him. He glances at the drawn firearms, pauses for a moment, and then starts speaking. "I'm afraid to say dear doctor, that I'm with Veronica. In fact, she put it so tactly I cannot possibly say anything better, except to put it bluntly to really make the sentiment clear." He smiles grimly and locks eyes with Evans. "This man is far more dangerous than we think, to ourselves and other innocents." Without looking, he waves a hand at Sebastian. "We're willing to stop him and we don't have time for this buffoonery. Either help directly, call your friend, or walk off into the night like a spineless coward."

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Zellara sighs. how I know is none of your concern, if it be a person, I'd protect their life with all I had, and be it my cards, I'm more than sure anyone here would stop you if you tried to kill me. she walks back around the doctor. Go ahead, leave, but all I ask of you is to tell him the same I told you, where Geadren is. And if he feels like doing justice then he should join the others as soon as he can... Before any of you leave however, I wish to do a harrowing.
She sits back at the table picking up her cards and slipping nine from the top.
It may provide an insight in the events to come...

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"It is absolutely my concern, woman. But I can see you shall not tell me. And I have no desire to kill you; if you are the only one who knows, I believe that one can keep a secret. "
Evans puts away his revolver and tries to relax. He hunches over again and limps to his seat.
"I am not one for dramatics, normally. You simply have picked a very sore spot in my life to highlight. Arratu-- my friend-- saved my life several weeks ago. I was walking down the street when I was beset by two rogues with pistols and blackjacks. I was quite sure my life was at an end, when from the darkness Arratu appeared. He knocked the two down, ending their lives, but unfortunately not before receiving a pistol ball in the chest. I pulled out my doctor's kit and did my best. He saved me that night, and I saved him. He has come to me in the night several times now, needing medical attention. He has been stalking the shadows, looking for Gaedren, roughing up Gaedren's boys. You see, he is nothing like me, but we have become friends. I don't approve of his methods, but he needs me. Perhaps... all of you will need me too, before this messy business is ended."
"I am willing to hear your harrow, woman."

Sebastian Crenshaw |

"You probably know me more than I know you, Ma'am. You come from a family which gave use the Harrow, and I respect that." Crenshaw's face turns colder now. "But know that if I find you using this Harrow for anything not proper, I'll see that you use it no more." He turns hugs cold gaze around. "That goes for everyone. Now let's do this, please."

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First, we are to determine your roles in the time to come... she spreads the 9 cards in her hand and motions for each of you to take one.
Evens: 1d9 ⇒ 7- The avalanche(LE)
Sebastian: 1d9 ⇒ 7
Tasche: 1d9 ⇒ 4- The Locksmith(LN)
Urthal: 1d9 ⇒ 2- The Cricket(NE)
Veronica: 1d9 ⇒ 2
Sebastian redraw: 1d6 ⇒ 6- The Demon's Lantern(CE)
Veronica Redraw: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Veronica again: 1d5 ⇒ 3- The Juggler(CN)
She has you flip your cards and nods Keep track of these, they grant bonuses later in the campaign
Good, these are your roles in the events to come, they will help us determine the future... she takes the cards back. If we see any of these again, please take great care, for they are very important.