Tinkerblade |

It was a hot afternoon, and she was hanging out on a roof, watching the street below. She watched as fresh meat came walking down. Tizo and Barbecue stepped out to meet him. Vandal and Torque hanging in the back. She cocked her head. There was something odd. The meat noticed this, but seemed a bit too confident for the situation. She blinked and rolled her eyes to the other side.
"Tizo, STOP!" His body froze before his mind reacted. "This one's no meat. We've got history. Blood history." She flew down, fading into visibility. "Hey there, Kittycat."
On to you Jose

José "Yaotl" Ichtaca |

Jose picked up the trap almost as soon as he entered it. A cruel smile flitted across his lips as he thought of the meal he would soon enjoy. As the prey confidently setup their "trap", Jose prepared to reveal to them who was the true hunter in this scenario, but before he could transform a familiar voice was heard from above.
"Tinkerblade? Is that you? Come out and save your friends the embarrassment of being my dinner."
He stands in the centre of the street, arms crossed waiting for the Pixie to show herself.

Tinkerblade |

She flitters down onto his shoulders. "That's why people stick together here. These guys couldn't take you down, but they'd slow you down long enough to get someone that could."
There's a grumbling from the others, which she immediately shuts down. "Tizo, he's walking down the street with no gun, no knife, no drone, no bodyguard. He doesn't need them. I've seen him rip somebody's lungs out while under fire from a couple of other guys." The guys listen with a respect that says that this pixie is not the same scared little girl that Jose saved years ago. She must have picked up something worthy or respect.
She turns back to Jose, "But that's enough talk about death. We should get a drink and catch up. I'll introduce you to Legion." She'll tap out a quick message on her arm.

*Legion* |

Just tell me where, Tink. Need any overwatch, or you trust this guy?
Not waiting for an answer, Legion sends a signal to the Fly-Spy watching events unfold in the alley below. Keep an eye on the new guy, let me know if he tries to do anything to Tinkerblade.
Likewise, he signals the Roto-drone stationed on a nearby rooftop. Time to move out; stay with Tinkerblade, but keep out of sight unless I tell you otherwise.

Tinkerblade |

She'll tap out coordinates on her arm.
I mostly trust him.
Legion. If I paid you 350¥, could you put squatter amenities and an endoscope in your rotodrone? It wouldn't take a slot. (If you have a slot free that you're willing to spend, it's the same price for middle amenities.) After all, I'm small and it would be useful If I ever need evac. I'd also use my spells through the endoscope to protect it. I would be strictly a passenger.
*Legion* |

So ka, Tink. Your chariot's nearby if you need it; I'll meet you there.
Between the armor and the weapon mount, I'm out of space; I could certainly add the squatter amenities and endoscope, but wouldn't be able to add any personal armor. That said, I'm not sure if that would be needed if there aren't any windows and such, but it's probably worth asking before making the change.

Tinkerblade |

Attacks must specifically target either the passengers (in which case,
the vehicle is unaffected) or the vehicle itself (in which case, the pas-
sengers are not affected). The exceptions to this rule are ramming,
full-automatic bursts and area-effect weapon attacks like grenades and
rockets—these attacks affect both passengers and vehicles.
If an attack is made against passengers, make a normal Attack
Test, but the passengers are always considered to be under Good Cover
(though the Blind Fire modifier may apply to the attacker as the situation dictates.) Passengers attempting to defend an attack inside a
vehicle suffer a –2 dice pool modifier to their dodge, since they are
somewhat limited in movement. Additionally, the passengers gain
protection from the vehicle’s chassis, adding the Armor of the vehicle
to any personal armor the characters are wearing. Called shots may be
used to circumvent one armor or the other but not both.
In the case of ramming, full-auto and area-effect attacks, both passengers and vehicles resist the damage equally.

*Legion* |

Heh - fair enough. Consider it done, as far as I'm concerned.
BTW, GM - I'm a little fuzzy on some of the particulars of the system, so if I get something wrong, please feel free to correct me. I'll catch on quickly, I hope... :-P

*Legion* |

Yeah...as much as I want to follow through on being able to play Shadowrun again, I'm getting the impression that this isn't really working for anyone. If this isn't going to happen, then let's call it now, so we don't get any more attached to the characters and/or story. If it is, then it would seem appropriate to have some guidelines around posting frequency so we don't feel like we're never going to make any real progress.