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Hello all shadowrunners, or even those willing to remember this old game, I have recently felt a need to go back to older games and try them out ^-^ so mind you, if this takes off it will be an experimental thing with me, and may or may not end prematurely. But if I get some help from you guys it will last a great while ^-^
So, my Idea was that your characters are criminals, part of one of those gangs or under ground scindicates that control almost everything. Your job will be those mobbsters that take care of posers and Rob banks. I was inspired by payday, for this... well just the bank robbing part. ^-^
For now, this is an intrest check, but let me know how many of you are willing to work with me, I'm planning on doing a small group of 3-4 players.

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Yes, the build points will be 400, and this is allowing spellcaster and such. Although alot of supplies will be given to you early on, I recommend buying any weapons and such early on, because mostly it's the ammo that will be given to you not the guns. Although I am providing a free vehicle as a form of transportation.(it's my choice not yours so get ready for a scrapper)
I am also allowing changlings and Drakes.(PM me for specifics if interested)

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Ah great, enough to play ^-^ if you four work together to create the shadowrunner group, I'll leave it to you and just skip recruitment. Now I do have some things I need to announce:
1) this will be my first Shadowrun Champaign, so hold with me if I make mistakes.
2) I will be placing you in New York, the biggest and most densely populated area of the US in game. This will provide me plenty of area to work with as well as a pretty diverse palate.
3) the year will be 2073, so elves are only about 50-60 at the oldest. And this is post SURGE which may come into effect during the game. So you are warned.
4) don't buy anything forbidden as starting equipment.
And as always, Watch your back, shoot straight, conserve ammo, and never, ever, cut a deal with a dragon

Loup Blanc |

Question: any particular reason for rule 4, and any leeway on it? Some of the forbidden stuff is really strong, and it'd be easily confiscated from a street gang or get us into trouble, but it also applies to things like bone lacing, which is pretty much invisible without scanning or some such, and it's a staple pickup for a street sam type. I can work without if need be, but I figured I'd ask.

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Well, forbidden cybertec is allowed simply because its easy to hide. I mostly have that rule because forbidden equipment is rather hard to get. And I don't want any rocket launchers around. You will eventually get these weapons (the black market is a wonderful place) but overall I'm trying to keep it realistic. If you can convince me how your. Not already arested as soon as a cop sees you then I may allow it.
Also, for those who wish, you will all get a normal lifestyle for free the first month. You may of course choose a lesser lifestyle for flavor or backstory.

Loup Blanc |

That's fair enough. However, I will say...
If you can convince me how your. Not already arested as soon as a cop sees you then I may allow it.
...that bone lacing usually isn't very obvious. In theory it might increase weight by some amount, but I'm looking at building a big punchy troll, so it'd be hard to pinpoint it as being due to bone lacing rather than anything else. Likewise, metal bone lacing could be detected by MADS or other sensors, but I'm looking at probably plastic or ceramic.
Like I said, I'd be okay with getting something else, I think I'll have the BP to spend on less restricted bioware. It might even be good to save on some Essence. Just food for thought, though!
Cool...ok, I will have to think of what to make...what is everyone else looking to play?? Just curious is all, and will save me from duplicating skills we already have!!
As I said, I'm looking at a big punchy troll, filling the typical street sam role of providing muscle backup. He'll be good at hitting hard and taking hard hits.

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Hi there!
I am interested as well.
It looks like you've got the 4 you want, and a good 4 they are! Hence, I'll sing up as 1st alternate (probs a hyper-chrome build I love so much, or a rigger, because riggers are awesome), and just let me know if you have need to fill an opening at some point that.
Later chummers. ;-)

Loup Blanc |

Noticed that just after I posted, actually--my bad. That said, here's my build for the big punchy troll. Backstory to come, mostly involving being raised on the streets and getting chromed up nice through favors from his street doc contact. Let me know what you think!
Body: 10
Agility: 4 [8]
Reaction: 3 [6]
Strength: 9 [13]
Charisma: 1
Intuition: 3
Logic: 2
Willpower: 2
Initiative: 6 [9, 2 IP]
Edge: 2
Essence: 0.87
Biocompatibility (10): 10% less Essence loss from cyberware
Dependent (-5): Lives with drug-dealer girlfriend
Illiterate (-10): Cannot read or write, -4 DP to computer tests and cannot have Computer above 1
Restricted Gear (5): Buy one piece of gear up to 20 Availability
Uneducated (-20): Unaware for Technical, Academic Knowledge, and Professional Knowledge skills without ranks, cannot default on these skills; cannot learn skill groups in these categories, and costs for learning or improving are doubled
Athletics Group: 2
Automotive Mechanic: 1
Firearms Group: 4
Intimidation: 3
--Specialization: Physical threats
Perception: 2
Pilot Ground Craft: 4
Unarmed Combat: 5
--Specialization: Martial arts
New York Street Gangs (Street): 4
Organized Crime Bars (Street): 3
Street Drugs (Street): 4
Street Racing (Street): 4
GEAR/WEAPONS (10,450Y, 3 BP)
Armor Jacket (8/6, Avail 2, 900Y)
Colt Manhunter (5P, AP -1, SA, 16c, Avail 4R, 300 Y)
HK MP-5 TX (5P, SA/BF/FA, RC 2/3, 20c, Avail 4R, 550Y)
PJSS Elephant Rifle (9P, AP -1, SS, RC 1, 2b, Avail 12R, 6000 Y)
--Imaging scope (Avail 9, 500Y)
----Low-light vision
----Vision magnification
SecureTech PPP (full but helmet, obvious; +2/+4, Avail 6, 900Y)
Sony Emperor commlink (Response 2, Signal 3, 700Y)
--Renraku Ichi OS (Firewall 2, System 2, 600Y)
Alphaware ceramic bone lacing (.84 Essence, Avail 12F, 45000Y)
Alphaware muscle replacement 4 (2.8 Essence, Avail 20R, 40000Y)
Alphaware wired reflexes 1 (.7 Essence, Avail 8R, 22000Y)
Orthoskin 2 (.25 Essence, Avail 8R, 60000Y)
Reaction enhancers 2 (.54 Essence, Avail 10R, 20000Y)
Fake SIN, Rating 2
Normal lifestyle, 1 month
The Greek, Street Doctor Contact (Connections 3, Loyalty 4)
Jingles, Reverse CI (Connections 2, Loyalty 2)

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All looks good for you loup, although a backstory would also be nice. After all, how did you become a shadowrunner?
For anyone who creates a good backstory I will give a free Karma point
If it tied in with the rest of you, I will give another.
As for you, Atlas, go ahead and make a character. After all intrest seems to be down and we need all the diversity we can get. Having one more player won't be a problem so long as you fit in the car.

Philo Pharynx |

Okay, here with the most dangerous pixie.
Not many people can say that they exist primarily due to changing entertainment tastes.
The owner of Club le Fey, Allistair Archon, was looking for something new. He recruited pixies as dancers and singers. It was a risky move for the performers as it meant going to a place where they literally had no rights. But they were cared for and protected. Life was good for many years.
But trends change and pixie entertainment soon became declasse. The whole neighborhood was less attractive. In order to survive, Club le Fey changed. Now their show was a pixie sex show. All of the performers were now locked in at night, and things were less good. A few escaped, but the rest thought forced sex was less of a threat than wandering a strange city alone.
And once again, the audience grew bored. The show changed to a pixie pain show. At this point, all pretenses of the pixies being guests vanished. Iron chains were the order of the day. Magical healing was provided to keep them healthy enough to continually torture. But once in a while, there were "accidents". Just often enough for the crowd to wonder if they would see death tonight.
Naturally, having pixies involved in a sex show leads to the usual repercussions. For Allistair, this was an advantage. A self-replicating group. Perhaps a bit slow, but with a little new blood brought in, it would work.
But having to worry about children gives people strength. There was a revolt that led to the death of Allistair and from then freedom. The group split up to avoid being captured. But they were in a strange city and unaccustomed to it's ways. This meant squatting in places too smal for people. It also meant killing and eating lots of rat.
Travelling with a child on the run is not an easy task. So Bellsong, Swiftwing, and Neil settled down for a while. Wisp was their child and raised to hide and scurry like vermin. As she grew, they began travelling, working their way out of the city towards the wilds where they could be free.
Arriving there was a nightmare. It was always cold and wet and ... just wrong. The sounds at night were both too quiet and too creepy. Wisp couldn't take it. By then she was finding her way with the spirits. She was a teenager with magic. Obviously she could make her way back to the city and survive. So she did.
She was much happier in the city, but she knew she couldn't make it on her own. She stole prolifically, using her powers and set herself up. She found <Insert gang leader of PC's group> and she watched around him. He started getting mysterious texts of thing he should know about. Threats and problems in his turf. He didn't trust them, but they told him what he needed to know. Still he didn't always heed the warnings.
When he got jumped by a couple guys trying to take over, he was not alone. The voice from the shadows kept messing with the rebels. Making them do stuff, blasting them with magical bolts. <gang Leader> survived because of this. And the next day, she was one of them. Tinkerblade.
Tinkerblade (Pixie Mystic Adept)
B 2/7, A 3, R 6, S 1, C 7, I 5, L 2, W 7, E 2, Ess 6, M 6, M 3, M 3, Init 11, IP 1
Condition Monitor boxes (Physical/Stun): 12/12
Novatech Airwave Commlink Condition Monitor: 10
Sony Emperor Commlink Condition Monitor: 9
Armor (Ballistic/Impact): 5/4
Skills: Assensing 1, Counterspelling 2, Infiltration 1 (Urban +2), Influence Group 1, Intimidation 1, Perception 1, Shadowing 1, Spellcasting 5
Knowledge Skills: Chinese 1, Dance Music 2, English N, Gaelic 1, Japanese 1, Local Gangs 4, Or'Zet 2, Security Companies 2, Slamball 1, Spanish 1, Sperethiel 2, Street Gossip 4
Critter Powers: Concealment (-6dicepool) (Self Only), Enhanced Senses: Astral Perception, Sapience, Vanish
Qualities: Addiction (Mild): Betel, Astral Chameleon, Changeling (Class II SURGE), Exravagant Eyes, Glamour, Mania/Phobia, Uncommon (Mild): Forests, Mystic Adept, Ogre Stomach, Poor Self Control - Thrill Seeker, Sensitive Neural Structure, Sensitive System, The Speaker's Way: Mind Over Matter (Wil -> Bod), Unusual Hair
Spells: Agony, Control Emotions, Heal, Improved Invisibility, Increase Reflexes, Magic Fingers, Manabolt, Mind Probe, Orgy, Powerbolt
Adept Powers: Commanding Voice (13dicepool vs. Willpower + Leadership), Kinesics (2), Mind Over Matter (Wil -> Bod): Willpower, Voice Control
. . Betel (CorpCandy, Jaw) x25
. . Bunker Helmet with Flare Compensation, Low Light Vision, Skinlink, Thermographic Vision, Ultrawideband Radar (4), Vision Magnification, Optical
. . Contact Lenses (2) with Image Link, Skinlink, Vision Enhancement (2)
. . Earbuds (3) with Audio Enhancement (2), Skinlink, Spatial Recognizer
. . Endoscope
. . Form-Fitting Half-Body Suit
. . Industrious Jumpsuit with Chemical Protection, Fire Resistance, Glowand Option, Nonconductivity (4), YNT Softweave Armor
. . Novatech Airwave Commlink with Analyze (2), Analyze (Viral Resistance) (3), Basic User Suite, Browse (2), Command (1), Edit (2), Iris Antivirus, Iris Orb Operating System, Purge (Viral Resistance) (3), Skinlink, Virtual Pet: Draco Adorablis, Virtual Surround Music: Club mix
. . Power Focus (2)
. . Safe house with Low Lifestyle
. . Sony Emperor Commlink with Analyze (Viral Resistance) (2), Iris Antivirus, Purge (Viral Resistance) (2), Renraku Ichi Operating System, Skinlink
. . Stimulant Patch (6) x3
. . Subvocal Microphone with Skinlink
. . Sustaining Focus: Health Spells (2)
. . Sustaining Focus: Illusion Spells (2)
. . Tinkerblade with Middle Lifestyle
. . Attack of Will (vs. Spirits) [DV 7P vs. I]
. . Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, DV 1S vs. I]

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Here is my submission..hope you like him. Hey, Philo I think Jose and Tinkerblade would get along well together...want to write them into each others backstory?
Yaotl (Jaguar Shapeshifter Adept)
B 4, A 6, R 4/6, S 4, C 2, I 4, L 3, W 3, E 2, Ess 6, M 6, Init 8/10, IP 1/3
Condition Monitor boxes (Physical/Stun): 10/10
Armor (Ballistic/Impact): 0/0
Skills: Climbing 3, Dodge 3, Gymnastics 3, Infiltration 4, Perception 4, Shadowing 3, Survival 3, Tracking 3, Unarmed Combat 7 (Martial Arts +2)
Knowledge Skills: Azlan communities 3, Aztlaner Sign Language 3, English 6, Local Butcher Shops 3, Local Safe Houses 3, New York Gangs 3, Spanish N
Critter Powers: Allergy, Severe: Silver, Dual Natured, Enhanced Senses: Hearing, Enhanced Senses: Low-Light Vision, Enhanced Senses: Smell, Enhanced Senses: Taste, Regeneration (10dicepool), Sapience, Shift (Human), Vulnerability: Silver
Qualities: Adept, Catlike, Enemy, Lost Loved One (6dicepool (2)), Mania/Phobia, Common (Mild): Fire, Wanted: Aztechnology, Wildcat (2)
Adept Powers: Combat Sense (2), Critical Strike (4), Improved Ability (2): Unarmed Combat, Improved Reflexes (2), Killing Hands
. . Jose Ocelotl with Fake SIN (4), Street Lifestyle
. . Attack of Will (vs. Spirits) [DV 6P vs. I]
. . Claws/Bite [Unarmed, DV 8P vs. I]
Yaotl was born just a few years ago in the jungles of the Yucatan. When just a few weeks old, he and his twin sister were captured after their mother was killed by poachers. Taken to a underground dealer in exotic animals the two almost were sold off to a wealthy collector in the far east, unfortunately their "special" nature was noticed by a member of Aztechnology's procurement department. They were both taken to a hidden lab where they were studied and taught how to use their powers for the mega corp.
After a few years of learning how to be human and picking up certain skills, Aztechnology decided to try out their newest acquisitions. In February 2062 the twins joined the Azlant forces fighting in the Yucatan. It was thought that they would be perfect infiltration/assassins, and their handler's were right, upto a point. After a few successful missions, the twins started displaying rogue behavior. Threat and torture could only go so far, and finally, early one morning, a troop of special forces captured Yaotl's sister in an attempt to force him to comply. Yaotl hunted down the team and slew them, but his sister was nowhere to be found. A single trail glyph left on the side of a tree simply stated "Escape".
Now a fugitive, Yaotl made his way to the coast where he was able to barter his high-tech equipment for a space on a fishing trawler heading for the Carib League. From there he stowed away on a freighter going to New Orleans, but pirates forced the ship north and chased them until they took refuge in the Port of New York. Yaotl quickly jumped ship and setup in a squalid neighborhood. He purchased a fake ID with what little money he had left. To survive he hunts the streets late a night, killing those who he feels are preying on the weak.

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Okay, sorry you had to go- also for the rest of you. If any of you wish to have the Latent Awakening/ other abilities then I am willing to work with you on that.
I won't be too harsh, (like making you pay and never giving it to you) and I will even present plenty of chances to let them emerge. (For those who have extra BP with no idea what to do, this may be fun ^-^)
Also, I understand that it will cost Karma later on, but it will create more story which creates more karma, ect.

Pedwiddle |
Sorry, to get back to the conversation around forbidden equipment. Could I get a ruling on:
- Fake Licenses (if we don't have these, then any Restricted equipment would also get you arrested, no?)
- Fake SINs
- Hot SIM module
Also, I'm assuming that we can only go up to availability of 12, and that the following would probably not work too well?
- Jammers (area or directional)
- Sound suppresssor

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Sorry, to get back to the conversation around forbidden equipment. Could I get a ruling on:
- Fake Licenses (if we don't have these, then any Restricted equipment would also get you arrested, no?)
- Fake SINs
- Hot SIM moduleAlso, I'm assuming that we can only go up to availability of 12, and that the following would probably not work too well?
- Jammers (area or directional)
- Sound suppresssor
That is true, you are allowed those, fake SIN and Licences, however with the jobs your taking most of the time your gonna need to avoid being tracked, and SINs tend to do that. Your gang connections will be the primary supplier of these.
As for jammers, these will be suplied to you, and weapons suppressors are fine.

Pedwiddle |
Sorry it took so long, but here's my hacker/rigger.
Male Ork (Low-Light Vision)
- Codeslinger (Hack on the Fly)
- Natural Hardening
- In Debt (30,000¥)
- Weak Immune System
BOD: 5
AGI: 5(7)
REA: 5(9)
STR: 3(5)
CHA: 1
INT: 5
LOG: 4(6)
WIL: 5
INI: 10(14)
Automatics (AGI): 1
Blades (AGI): 1
Dodge (REA): 1
Etiquette (CHA): 1
First Aid (LOG): 1
Gunnery (AGI): 1
Heavy Weapons (AGI): 1
Infiltration (AGI): 1
Navigation (INT): 1
Perception (INT): 1
Pilot Aircraft (REA): 1
Pilot Ground Craft (REA): 1
Pilot Watercraft (REA): 1
Skill Groups:
Athletics: 1 (Includes: Climbing (STR), Flight (STR), Gymnastics (AGI), Running (STR), Swimming (STR))
Cracking: 4 (Includes: Cybercombat (LOG), Electronic Warfare (LOG), Hacking (LOG))
Electronics: 3 (Includes: Computer (LOG), Data Search (LOG), Hardware (LOG), Software (LOG))
Mechanic: 1 (Includes: Aeronautics Mechanic (LOG), Automotive Mechanic (LOG), Industrial Mechanic (LOG), Nautical Mechanic (LOG))
Knowledge Skills:
Area Knowledge (New York, INT): 3
Bars and Clubs (INT): 2
Combat Tactics (LOG): 3
Security Companies (LOG): 1
Security Tactics (LOG): 3
Shadow Community (INT): 2
Underworld (INT): 3
Language Skills:
English: N
Japanese (INT): 3
Mandarin (INT): 3
Or'zet (INT): 1
Russian (INT): 3
Fixer: Smiley (Con 2/Loy 1)
Mechanic: Bobby (Con 1/Loy 1)
GEAR (-48BP)
STARTING: 240,000¥ + 30,000¥ (In Debt) = 270,000¥
SINs/Licenses: (Total Cost: 10,000¥)
Equipment: (Total Cost: 4,735¥)
Weapons: (Total Cost: 2,600¥)
Armor: (Total Cost: 13,600¥)
Cyberware: (Total Cost: 109,000¥)
Bioware: (Total Cost: 50,000¥)
Software: (Total Cost: 14,880¥)
Commlinks: (Total Cost: 18,500¥)
Drones: (Total Cost: 42,450¥)
Lifestyle: Low (2 months) (Total Cost: 4,000¥)
TOTAL COST: 269,765¥
Fake SINs:
- Arthur Dent (Rating 4, 12F, 4,000¥)
Fake Licenses:
- Ceska Black Scorpion (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
- Combat Axe (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
- Gas Vent 3 (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
- Glasses (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
- Muscle Augmentation (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
- Muscle Toner (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
- Nonstandard Wireless Link (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
- Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
- Reaction Enhancers (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
- Riot Control Armor (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
- Ruthenium Polymer Coating (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
- Shock Frills (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
- Smartgun System (Int.) (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
- Smartlink (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
- Wired Reflexes (Rating 4, 12F, 400¥)
Concealable Holster (2, 75¥)
Datachips (5) (-, 5¥)
Earbuds (Rating 2) (10, 920¥)
- Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
- Select Sound Filter (Rating 3)
Electronics Kit (-, 500¥)
Glasses (Rating 4) (10R, 975¥)
- Flare Compensation
- Image Link
- Smartlink
- Vision Enhancement (Rating 3)
Medkit (Rating 6) (-, 600¥)
- Supplies (-, 50¥)
Stimulant Patches (3, Rating 6) (12, 150¥ ea.)
Tranq Patches (3, Rating 6) (12, 120¥ ea.)
Trauma Patch (1) (1, 500¥ ea.)
White Noise Generator (Rating 6) (7, 300¥)
Ceska Black Scorpion (8R, 550¥)
Mode: SA/BF RC: 4(5) (or 1(2) w/Sound Suppressor) Ammo: 35(c)
- Gas Vent III (6R, 400¥)
- Internal Smartgun (6R, 550¥)
- Personalized Grip (2, 100¥)
- Sound Suppressor (12F, 300¥)
Combat Axe (8R, 600¥)
Reach: 2 Damage: 7P AP: -1
- Personalized Grip (2, 100¥)
Shock Frills (6R)
Reach: - Damage: 6S(e) AP: -half
Reach: - Damage: 3S AP: -
Form-Fitting Full Body Suit (8, 1,600¥)
B/I: 6/2
Riot Control Armor (10R, 3,000¥)
B/I: 6/9
- Chemical Protection 6 (8, [2], 1,500¥)
- Fire Resistance 2 (4, Included)
- Ruthenium Polymer Coating (12R, 7,500¥)
- Shock Frills (6R, Included)
Control Rig (-0.5 ESS, 8, 10,000¥)
Cyberlimb: Lower Arm (Left, Obvious) (-0.45 ESS, 12, 22,000¥)
- BOD 5, AGI 7, STR 5
- Nanohive (Rating 1) (5, [2], 10,000¥)
- - Neural Amplifiers, Neocortical (Rating 3) (10, 15,000¥)
Reaction Enhancers (Rating 2) (-0.6 ESS, 10R, 20,000¥)
Wired Reflexes (Rating 2) (-3 ESS, 12R, 32,000¥)
Cerebral Booster (Rating 2) (-0.2 ESS, 12, 20,000¥)
Muscle Augmentation (Rating 2) (-0.2 ESS, 10R, 14,000¥)
Muscle Toner (Rating 2) (-0.2 ESS, 10R, 16,000¥)
Agent (Rating 4, Pirated) (12, 1,000¥)
Analyze (Rating 6, Pirated) (-, 60¥)
Armor (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Attack (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Biofeedback Filter (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Black Hammer (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Blackout (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Browse (Rating 6, Pirated) (-, 60¥)
Command (Rating 6, Pirated) (-, 60¥)
Corrupt (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Data Bomb (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Decrypt (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Defuse (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Disarm (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
ECCM (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Edit (Rating 6, Pirated) (-, 60¥)
Encrypt (Rating 6, Pirated) (-, 60¥)
Exploit (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Firewall (Rating 6, Pirated) (-, 300¥)
IC (Rating 4, Pirated) (12, 1,000¥)
Maneuver Autosoft (Aircraft) (Rating 4, Pirated) (8, 400¥)
Medic (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Nuke (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Purge (Rating 6, Pirated) (-, 60¥)
Reality Filter (Rating 6, Pirated) (-, 60¥)
Scan (Rating 6, Pirated) (-, 60¥)
Sniffer (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Spoof (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Stealth (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
System (Rating 6, Pirated) (-, 300¥)
Tacsoft (Rating 2, Pirated) (10, 600¥)
Track (Rating 6, Pirated) (12R, 600¥)
Novatech Airware (1,250¥)
OS: Novatech Navi (1,500¥)
Firewall: 6 Response: 5 Signal: 5 System: 6
Current Mode: Hidden
Running Software (Default):
- Agent (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Analyze (Rating 6, Pirated)
- IC (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Scan (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Stealth (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Tacsoft (Rating 2, Pirated)
Running Software (Hacking):
- Analyze (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Biofeedback Filter (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Browse (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Data Search (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Exploit (Rating 6, Pirated)
- Stealth (Rating 6, Pirated)
Tacnet Sensor Channels:
- Glasses (1), with Smartlink (2) and Vision Enhancement (3)
- Earbuds (4), with Audio Enhancement (5) and Select Sound Filter (6)
- Ceska Black Scorpion (Slave)
- Drone (MCT Fly-Spy)
- Drone (MCT-Nissan Roto-drone)
- Earbuds (Slave)
- Glasses (Slave)
Additional Features:
- AR Gloves (-, 250¥)
- Armor Case (Rating 10) (8, 500¥)
- Customized Interface (6, 250¥)
- Hardware Upgrade (Response 5) (12, 4,000¥)
- Hardware Upgrade (Signal 5) (12, 1,000¥)
- Nonstandard Wireless Link (Rating 6) (6R, 3,000¥)
- Response Enhancer (Rating 3) (12, 6,000¥)
- Sim Module (Hot) (4F, 350¥)
- Subvocal Microphone (6, 50¥)
- Trodes (-, 50¥)
Meta Link (100¥)
OS: Vector Xim (200¥)
Firewall: 1 Response: 1 Signal: 2 System: 1
Current Mode: Passive
Currently Running Software: None
Additional Features: None
MCT Fly-Spy (Minidrone) (6, 2,000¥)
Firewall: 6 Response: 5 Signal: 5 System: 6
Handling: +1 Accel: 3/15 Speed: 15 Pilot: 4 Body: 1 Armor: 0 Sensor: 6
Currently Running Software:
- Pilot (Rating 4, Pirated) (12, 1,000¥)
- Clearsight Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Covert Ops Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Defense Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Electronic Warfare Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Maneuver Autosoft (Aircraft) (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Camera (Rating 6) (12, 900¥)
- - Low Light
- - Thermographic
- - Vision Magnification
- Microphone (Rating 6) (10, 1,200¥)
- - Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
- - Select Sound Filter (Rating 3)
- Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 6) (4R, 150¥)
Additional Features:
- Hardware Upgrade (Response 5) (12, 4,000¥)
- Hardware Upgrade (Signal 5) (12, 1,000¥)
- Improved Takeoff and Landing (Level 2)
MCT-Nissan Roto-drone (Medium) (6, 2,000¥)
Firewall: 6 Response: 5 Signal: 5 System: 6
Handling: 0 Accel: 10/25 Speed: 100 Pilot: 4 Body: 3 Armor: 9 Sensor: 6
Currently Running Software:
- Pilot (Rating 4, Pirated) (12, 1,000¥)
- Clearsight Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Covert Ops Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Defense Autosoft (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Maneuver Autosoft (Aircraft) (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Targeting Autosoft (Automatics) (Rating 4, Pirated)
- Camera (Rating 6) (12R, 1,250¥)
- - Flare Compensation
- - Smartlink
- - Thermographic
- Directional Microphone (4, 50¥)
- Laser Range Finder (8, 100¥)
- Microphone (Rating 6) (8, 700¥)
- - Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
- - Spatial Recognizer
- Motion Sensor (4, 50¥)
- Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 6) (4R, 150¥)
Additional Features:
- Concealed Armor (Rating 9) (9,000¥)
- Hardware Upgrade (Response 5) (12, 4,000¥)
- Hardware Upgrade (Signal 5) (12, 1,000¥)
- Improved Takeoff and Landing (Level 2)
- Weapon Mount (Normal, Internal, Fixed, Remote) (12F, 3,000¥):
- - Colt M22A3 (Damage: 6P AP: -1 Mode: SA/BF/FA RC: 3 (Gas Vent III) + 1 (Electronic Firing) + 3 (Drone BOD) = 7 Ammo: 100(b) (9R, 1,600¥)
- - - Electronic Firing (10R, 1,000¥)
- - - Extended Clip (100 Drum) (6R, 1,000¥)
- - - Gas-Vent 3 System (6R, 400¥)
- - - High Velocity (8R, 3,200¥)
- - - Smartgun System, internal (6R, 1,600¥)
- - - Sound Suppressor (12F, 600¥)
- - Grenade Launcher
- - - Airburst Link (6R, 500¥)