Kobold Scalecaster

Kip Whitetongue's page

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Male Human

Dang, those tables filled up fast!

Male Human

Day Job Sagart- Personal Security: 1d20 ⇒ 13

Male Human

So we will apply this credit to any Lv1 standard character we have, right? (I mean IF we survive, of course!)

If so I would like to apply to:

Player: Mike Garlington
Character: Sagart Laoch
PFS Number: 174784 -4
Faction: Grand Lodge

Just thinking ahead...

Male Human

My brother doesn't have any core characters that level (4-6), but could play an appropriate level pregen (if there are core pregens?). I just have to let him know.

Male Human

Welcome Back Bluedove!
I have already played a standard mode of 01-33 Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible hosted by DM Dr Evil, but I am definitely amped to see you back on the boards!

Male Human

I will knock it out tomorrow!

DM Amazing Red wrote:
I was looking to run an evergreen trilogy starting with Master of the Fallen Fortress, followed by First Steps, ending with Consortium Compact. Anyone interested in doing all three with new PCs? I am planning on a fairly quick pace so I need players to post 1+ a day.

Can do... have a few 'one adventure' characters available, but I see you are full... maybe next time!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human
GM Bauers wrote:

Consolation Prize: Mike Garlington (lowest number)--next game I run you're automatically in!

Hell Yes! WINNING! ;)

Male Human

I feel ya brother! Train those minds!

Male Human

Sounds Awesome!~

Male Human

I assume from the color code its Tier 5-9... don't have any characters that high. But if necessary would play up!

Male Human

Happy Birthday little one!

Male Human

So Zinou is one of the PbP Gameday IV $5 Paizo Gift Card Winners! Congrats! I got the below e-mail yesterday:

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2t7d3?PbP-Gameday-IV-Siege-of-Serpents-Rise-The -End#1

PbP Gameday IV: Siege of Serpents Rise - The End

Time flies when you’re having fun - and, as of now, PbP Gameday IV has come to an official end.

It went out with a bang with a hard fought Overwhelming Victory in the Special, Siege of Serpents. So congratulations to all those who took part in the special - it was a lot of fun to watch it all unfold.

We would like to thank all the GMs who worked super hard to make the entire gameday run remarkably well and markedly smoothly - you all did a terrific job, and we are very appreciative of all your amazing work. So huge round of applause for you all. (And an extra special thanks to those of you who covered extra tables when GMs had to drop - that was above and beyond and we thank you for that.)

We tried some new things this time, like the two slot schedule with the Serpents Rise Exclusive and Siege of Serpents Special, along with the usual “open gaming”. I think that went extremely well, but would love to hear back from you all to see what your thoughts are on that format.

And the open gaming had an amazing turnout this time - we’ve had a total of 227 tables for the gameday, with a few more waiting to be reported - so that is a great turnout. (Plus an overseas Viagra salesman who REALLY wanted to run The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch for some reason - 18 times, in fact.) Some truly hilarious stories came out of the open tables, and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing those tales.

But enough of me babbling on about how terrific you all are - let’s get to prizes. :)

The $5 USD Paizo Gift Card Winners are:

1 Sior
2 CursedFrogurt
3 Nefreet
4 MikeTuholski
5 ErwinOthello
6 DeirDGuerra
7 Rathor
8 SidneyMoncrief
9 Caoilte
10 Grahl
11 AodTheWitchchild
12 UressKrest
13 Zinou
14 Yitza
15 EldonGarcA
16 Xull
17 Grigorii

The last $10 USD Paizo Gift Card Winner is:

GM Lari

And the Grand Prize Winners of the $50 USD Amazon Gift Cards are:

Chris Marsh

Congratulations to all of you. (We will be contacting winners via Paizo IM if we do not have your email address and by email if we already have your address.)

The last of the boons are going out tonight/tomorrow and we are 90% done reporting games to Paizo and will finish those up today. (We will then loop back around for some of the reporting corrections that have been sent to us.)

Lastly, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. It will help us grow and make things even better next time. You can leave a response here on this post. You can email us HERE. Or you can can fill out the anonymous, three question survey HERE.

Thank all of you again. It’s been a lot of fun.

Have a terrific Holiday Season and I look forward to seeing you all back in the new year.

Best Wishes,

-Jesse [IronHelixx]
PFS VC, Online Play

Jesse R. Davis [IronHelixx]
PFS Venture-Captain, Online Play

Male Human

An email I received:

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2t7d3?PbP-Gameday-IV-Siege-of-Serpents-Rise-The -End#1

PbP Gameday IV: Siege of Serpents Rise - The End

Time flies when you’re having fun - and, as of now, PbP Gameday IV has come to an official end.

It went out with a bang with a hard fought Overwhelming Victory in the Special, Siege of Serpents. So congratulations to all those who took part in the special - it was a lot of fun to watch it all unfold.

We would like to thank all the GMs who worked super hard to make the entire gameday run remarkably well and markedly smoothly - you all did a terrific job, and we are very appreciative of all your amazing work. So huge round of applause for you all. (And an extra special thanks to those of you who covered extra tables when GMs had to drop - that was above and beyond and we thank you for that.)

We tried some new things this time, like the two slot schedule with the Serpents Rise Exclusive and Siege of Serpents Special, along with the usual “open gaming”. I think that went extremely well, but would love to hear back from you all to see what your thoughts are on that format.

And the open gaming had an amazing turnout this time - we’ve had a total of 227 tables for the gameday, with a few more waiting to be reported - so that is a great turnout. (Plus an overseas Viagra salesman who REALLY wanted to run The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch for some reason - 18 times, in fact.) Some truly hilarious stories came out of the open tables, and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing those tales.

But enough of me babbling on about how terrific you all are - let’s get to prizes. :)

The $5 USD Paizo Gift Card Winners are:

1 Sior
2 CursedFrogurt
3 Nefreet
4 MikeTuholski
5 ErwinOthello
6 DeirDGuerra
7 Rathor
8 SidneyMoncrief
9 Caoilte
10 Grahl
11 AodTheWitchchild
12 UressKrest
13 Zinou
14 Yitza
15 EldonGarcA
16 Xull
17 Grigorii

The last $10 USD Paizo Gift Card Winner is:

GM Lari

And the Grand Prize Winners of the $50 USD Amazon Gift Cards are:

Chris Marsh

Congratulations to all of you. (We will be contacting winners via Paizo IM if we do not have your email address and by email if we already have your address.)

The last of the boons are going out tonight/tomorrow and we are 90% done reporting games to Paizo and will finish those up today. (We will then loop back around for some of the reporting corrections that have been sent to us.)

Lastly, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. It will help us grow and make things even better next time. You can leave a response here on this post. You can email us HERE. Or you can can fill out the anonymous, three question survey HERE.

Thank all of you again. It’s been a lot of fun.

Have a terrific Holiday Season and I look forward to seeing you all back in the new year.

Best Wishes,

-Jesse [IronHelixx]
PFS VC, Online Play

Male Human

Congrats on winning the "Grand Prize!"

Male Human

Thanks for the run Crash!

Male Human

Quinn's data is all correct! Muchos garcias!

Male Human

So I introduced Tanna on the gameplay tab, but she was developed and registered as core, so I believe that it would be better if I play my standard registered halfling cavalier Beau instead. Any issue with that Crash?

Male Human

I'm good with any/all as I have a Core Cleric that can be played as well... but Hun is good for all of those listed.

Male Human

Sleeping in the van until you next leg.... Those things are crazy, hope you draw flat, scenic routes in the daylight!

Male Human

No issues, thanks for the update! Hope all are having a good weekend!

Male Human

Thumbs up!

Male Human
Fillia Bloodstone wrote:

Base perception +10, that works?

That works perfectly well! ;)

Male Human

Your group decides to return to where you first meet Venture Captain Dreng. Although the rain has passed, apparently so has the Venture Captain. Dreng has abandoned his street corner and returned to the Grand Lodge. after you inquire and locate his chambers, the venture-captain is happy to see you, especially Enith and Wolfie. As you explain what you have found, Dreng is eager to urge the Pathfinders to follow up on Selmius’s leads—as he says, “It is important that Pathfinders respect the finds and claims of their colleagues, and this exciting mystery is yours to pursue.” The venture-captain does request that you give him any documents not related to Eylysia so that he can begin assigning other agents to decrypt and collate the contents for proper study and comparison to exploits published in the Pathfinder Chronicles.
By now the hour is late, but this may just be an advantage you need to pursue this mystery; or it could be a hindrance... who kows. You will have to decide what your party wants to do next. As you prepare to leave his chambers, Dreng mutters, "And, um, what of the package?" he asks, almost lustfully. "Any luck on that front?"

Male Human
Fillia Bloodstone wrote:
Fillia smiles in appreciation at both Heryn and Hinkle. Wow both stat with 'H' Her wounds heal up swiftly with no mark on them to indicate her wounds in the first place as both berries and Wand do their work. "We should report to Dreng as it was he who sent us in."

If you wish, you can pocket the 4 Goodberries as the CLW from Hinkel should have fully healed you

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human
Fillia Bloodstone wrote:
Fillia grumbles as she attempts to bind her wounds.

Heryn, seeing the bleeding Fillia emerge from the wine cellar, gasps in shock. "Did the bottles fall on you? Oh dear... that looks pretty bad. One moment, let me fetch you something."

The Bar-matron returns downstairs in minuites and offers the ranger 1d4 ⇒ 4 goodberry(ies)(link) and whispers, "Take these dearie, they should help a little. Now how many bottles of mine did you break?" as she reaches for a mop and a bucket.

Please decide among yourselves what and where you want to go next, and what you what to do here and at your next location

Male Human

It is fitting that the archer that drew first blood in this melee also deals the final blow. With Geoclunicus's arrow burrowing deep inside the inner workings of the cave dweller, the red scorpion looses grip on its existence.

Combat Over!

This chamber was once the private sanctuary of famed Pathfinder Selmius Foster in the month before he departed on his fatal voyage to distant Bhopan. Only his assistant Adolphus visited this place afterward, and only then to add further insights to his master’s work before leaving to found a lodge in the Nexian capitol of Quantium. The desk contains various notes and leads penned by Selmius with Adolphus’s later annotations.

With the creatures defeated, the Pathfinders can properly examine the files on the desk. The papers chronicle the personal exploits of Selmius Foster, the famous Pathfinder whose name your group recognize from their training as Pathfinder agents. Most of Foster’s more infamous adventures appear here in varying amounts of detail, but it is evident there is another investigation he had been pursuing before he died: the lost records of a Society agent named Eylysia. (see the notes here (link))

Based on the commotion and the mighty Ulfin battle-cry, Heryn quickly comes downstairs to investigate what has happened. She awaits on the far side of the rickety plank.

Male Human

Your newest member, Enith the Halfling druid, swings the vintage bottle of wine at red but misses... yet her canine animal companion launches itself up on the desk and mauls the desperately injured blue hued cave scorpion, ending its existence.

Bold party members are up!
--------------------Round 1--------------------
Fillia (-8)- Arrow, miss
Geoclunicus- Arrow, hit red...hard
Hinkle- Total Defense

Red Scorpion (-15)- Claws and Stings Fillia
Blue Scorpion (-14)- climbs + tries to sting Hinkle

Enith & Wolfie- Bottle smash red, miss; Bite blue, Hit and Kill
Eoswulf- slash, hit blue...hard
Ezren- throw staff, hit red
--------------------Round 2--------------------
Fillia (-8)-

Red Scorpion (-15)-
Blue Scorpion (-21)-

Enith & Wolfie-

Male Human

With a deafening roar, the Ulfin Barbarian strikes a mighty blow. His sword slices through the think carapace that encase the arthropod's vital bits and pieces, severely damaging the blue hued scorpion.

Bold party members are up!
--------------------Round 1--------------------
Fillia (-8)- Arrow, miss
Geoclunicus- Arrow, hit red...hard
Hinkle- Total Defense

Red Scorpion (-15)- Claws and Stings Fillia
Blue Scorpion (-14)- climbs + tries to sting Hinkle

Enith & Wolfie-
Eoswulf- slash, hit blue...hard
Ezren- throw staff, hit red

Time to get busy, Enith & Wolfie, and end this!

Male Human

The half-elf did suffer from the creatures rage, but her own fortitude is strong enough to fight off the effects of the scorpion's poison.

Enith/Wolfie & Esowulf's turn!

Male Human

Despite Ezren's well placed aim, the red scorpion still barely survives!

Male Human

Sorry, no chance while at work to follow or post!

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

"August, ol' buddy... I was just remembering back to when I saved yer hide during our campaign against the silent tide... Howzabout a tap of that there wand? I'll make good on the favor!"

Round 1
Hun will advance 15' whilst drawing his Rapier and assist Bullwhip in his crunch...
Mstrwk Rapier atk vs ??: 1d20 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 17
Damage ?: 1d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 1 = 10

Male Human

Boting Hinkle
The Gnome Cleric assumes a Total Defensive posture (+4 Dodge Bonus)

The red hued scorpion, shreeks in pain as the arrow drives into its face, and strikes wildly at Fillia, hitting the ranger with its right claw and stinger.

Red Rt Claw: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Damage?: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Red Lft Claw: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Damage?: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Red Sting: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Damage?: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Fort DC12 Check vs poison please Fillia...

The blue tinged scorpion clinbs up the wall and over the desk and attempts to sting the Gnome, but his chain shirt denies the barb any penetration into flesh.

Blue Sting: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Damage?: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Bold party members are up!
--------------------Round 1--------------------
Fillia (-8)- Arrow, miss
Geoclunicus- Arrow, hit red...hard
Hinkle- Total Defense

Red Scorpion (-13)- Claws and Stings Fillia
Blue Scorpion- climbs + tries to sting Hinkle

Enith & Wolfie

Male Human

DM Dice:
Baddies: 1d8 ⇒ 2


Hinkle: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Geoclunicus: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Ol’ Ezren: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Ēoswulf Gērmwynson: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Enith: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Fillia Bloodstone: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Baddies: 1d20 ⇒ 11

As the group explores the chamber, and before you are able to make any discoveries, Fillia notices out of the corner of her eye movement from the southeastern tunnel. She barely has time to raise an alarm of warning before 2 man-sized cave scorpions rush into the chamber.

Bold party members are up!
--------------------Round 1--------------------


Enith & Wolfie

Male Human

As your party crosses the rickety plank, Heryn stays on the far side and says, "So Drandel Dreng's requested vintage is a CHÂTEAU LAFITE, 1487." as she reads off a small slip of paper which she slips into her apron when done. "To be honest, I am not sure we even have that bottle, it is, after all, very rare. We really don't have a system for our wine storage... even though we have a lot of bottles. It seems it has become tradition for Pathfinders to bring us a bottle from their adventures, so we have wine from all over the world! I'll allow you some time to search, but no samplin' my wares! I'll be up in the kitchen if you need me, Haggis night is ALWAYS our busiest." With that she heads back upstairs.

Time to start searching!
Hinkle: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Geoclunicus: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Ol’ Ezren: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Ēoswulf Gērmwynson: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Enith: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
Fillia Bloodstone: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

After about 10 minutes of searching, your newest member, (and also the shortest) Enith the Halfling, finds the bottle in question. It was on the lowest shelf where few would ever look. As she pulls it off the shelf, the wine rack slides back into a short stone tunnel that leads into a hidden room.

A sturdy silver chain jutting from the ceiling ends in a glowing orb that radiates yellow light across the rectangular room. A simple desk of polished wood, stacked with documents and scattered notes, shelters a pair of wooden chests against the south wall. A series of cracks along the eastern and western walls form makeshift entrances into exposed caverns.

Male Human

Heryn gathers the new Pathfinders and escorts them to the cellars below, where she leads them to where Drandle Dreng’s requested vintage is stored. The basement of the Wounded Wisp is a stonework affair, having had its foundation strengthened following a significant donation by a Society member only to suffer damage during the quake of 4698. A set of wooden stairs descends from the main floor into this tightly packed storeroom. Barrels, boxes, and crates of assorted foodstuffs and drink garnishes are pushed against the walls or under the stairs.
Map Updated
She takes great care in warning them about the treacherous footing in chamber at the bottom of the stairs which was formerly a meeting room where the staff of the Wounded Wisp could converse or take time off between shifts. Several fissures split the floor, leading down to an equally damaged section of the city’s sewer system. Heryn notes that she plans on having the wooden board replaced — an inexpensive strategy the Wisp’s staff have favored over committing to more extensive, and hence expensive, repairs.

Perception 15:
The board can support the weight of a typical Medium creature moving carefully at one-quarter its speed. If a Medium creature tries to move more quickly, there is a 50% chance that the board snaps under the strain. A Small creature or anyone weighing less than 80 pounds can move across the plank without difficulty, and a creature weighing more than 250 pounds... well you can probably guess! There are plenty of materials about to improve the 'bridge' if you have the skills to do it!

Male Human

A medium sized brass ship's bell clangs from behind the bar and all attention is given to Heryn Gale, who is working the clapper. "Oi! Tonight's dinner special has arrived, fresh from Bierwise's Butchers, savory haggis pudding containing sheep's pluck minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, encased in the animal's stomach. Served with neeps and tatties, boiled and mashed separately, and a dram of whisky. Only five gold per plate, and it is enough to serve two normal appetites; only three gold for members of the society. Just ask yer servers!"
Heryn then turns to Ēoswulf and Enith and says, "You two, gather yer friends, my relief is here and we can be off to fetch the parcel for Dreng. Meet me back by the kitchen, (A7) in five minuites."

Male Human
Ol' Ezren wrote:
"Swarms! Ha ... how much a problem could those be?! I add strength through arcane magics!", Ezren says with a flourish. "I am sure you are aware of how quickly the well placed spell can finish many a fight."

"I AM aware of the advantages of the arcane arts, however your dismissal of the lethality of swarms is concerning. A single member of a swarm alone presents little threat but together they become almost impossible to target and can be deadly."

It is not until this initial tirade is passed before Aram gives Ezrin a sly smile, sensing his sarcasm. "If you or your friends find yourself stuck with no direction, find my shop in the Coins District and I will aid as I can. Now if you don't mind... I believe I smell haggis!"

Male Human

Enith, have you decided on a icon picture yet? I wanted to represent you on the map so I just picked a random pic of a halfling druid and a wolf.

Male Human
Ol' Ezren wrote:
Talking to the Keleshite merchant Ezren says, "Yes, a balanced approach is best! I look forward to providing my talents to many future Pathfinder missions. What other advice ... or maybe rumors might you know my good man. I have not much to offer yet in my career, but I am eager to learn!"

"I am Aram bin Kaleel and I own Kaleel’s Curiosities, the finest esoteric shop in the 'Coins' district. I see many neophytic Pathfinders here and encourage them to remember those who have come before them. My favorite of all is Durvin Gest, perhaps the most famous of all Pathfinders. He is best known for his exploration of Old Azlant, the destruction of the treacherous Lens of Galundari, and his commandeering of 'The Silken Purse' and piloting it around the southern tip of Garund. Nothing like the direction the Society has taken of late, what with its unabashed expansion and greed. You would do well to emulate Durvin and be supremely prepared for the challenges that adventuring may bring, such as various magical effects, swarms, traps, and other vexing obstacles. How you prepare and react to these are the difference between life and death in this business."

The proud Keleshite ends with a question, "Ezren, was it? How do you add to the strength of your party?" as he glances around the bar pointing out all you entered with.

Standing by for anymore tier 1-2 games you feel like offering!

Male Human
Fillia Bloodstone wrote:

Fillia Smiles shyly at the two half orcs.

"I haven't being in the society for long. I'm still green as compared to you both. I heard you talk about Sir Reinhart of Kenabres and the test of the starstone and I wanted to know more. All of your stories are also interesting. I have only just completed one task involving running around the city so it seems drab compared to all of your exploits." her hands at the side giving all the impression of a skittish colt ready to bolt.

Garl and Shrade both shake their heads from side to side in unison (twinsies!) and smile at Fillia. "You and us, we are the same, only seperated by a few years and a few missions." says Shrade, followed by Gnarl with "But it is the cam... comrad... commierud... friendships we treasure the most! If only we could be seen as more than simply head bashers!"

Shrade adds, "Yea! we are never sent on missions where our intel... untull... smarts is needed. We can be more that just brute force."
Gnarl adds, "...and that Sir Reinhart, pffft... doubt that he has the intellegence" (glaring over at his sister mockingly) "to cross the bottomless pit surrounding the Starstone Cathedral, but who knows... many have tried, very few have made it."
Shrade ends with "If you ever attempt the test, Ranger, you know you can call on us, the Boartusk Twins, to assist you. Or if you ever need any help, just find us and ask! We are in it for the camaraderie after all!" returning the stink-eye to her brother!

Male Human
Geoclunicus wrote:

Geoclunicus sees the others approaching patrons, and thinks Why not? Might find someone interesting to know...

He walks around a bit, picking up tidbits of conversations, and then sidles up to a man reading a tome.

"Mind if I sit here, dearie?" he asks, motioning to the seat nearby?

"Can you believe this Sir Reinhart? Seems a bit far-fetched, if you ask me..."

"Greetings Pathfinder! I am Yargos Gill, military historian and friend of the society; at least I hope so. See I often offer my extensive knowledge of military operations and strategies and the Society sometimes allows me looks at the relics of history their agents bring here from around the world. As for Sir Reinhart, although the pageantry of of such folly has this establishment all abuzz with conjecture, odds favor his name winding up at the Shrine of the Failed, a place I am most familiar with, instead of his ascension unto the heavens. But as I am sure you know, In 4433 AR, Aroden defeated a cult dedicated to the demon lord Deskari, driving the survivors into the Lake of Mists and Veils and making the north of Avistan safe from demonic influence. However, this protection ended with Aroden's death in 4606 AR. Golarion moved into alignment with the Abyss, and the Worldwound was opened by the witch Areelu Vorlesh working in conjunction with her demonic patron, Deskari. Demons poured out, and overran the barbarian nation of Sarkoris. As the Worldwound grew ever larger, it came to be seen as a threat to the entire world..." The scholar goes on and on talking as if you yourself have firsthand knowledge of everything he says. You believe that you could leave and he would never notice, talking to no one and drinking his giant mug of ale...

Male Human
Hinkle Mikrinkleberry wrote:
"Not really much to tell, I'm still fairly new with the Pathfinders myself. Just been running errands around the city so far." The gnome states as he takes a seat. "Today we are here to pick up a parcel for Drendle Dreng. I hear he's rather unusual and you should expect anything when he sends you out in the field." Hinkle points at Janira's wayfinder. "Looking forward to the day I can earn one of those."

Janira smiles warmly at Hinkle saying, "Ah Master Dreng, a bit odd yet a master Pathfinder in his own right. He is, after all, a venture captain and one does not simply become a venture captain. And as for this," motioning to her wayfinder, "I recently received this from my confirmation on the Isle of Kortos, making me a full agent of the society. You may too have an opportunity to acquire one of your own one day, but if you are ever in need of its service, just find me and I will assist you with mine!" The Bard informs you that she is normally either at the Wisp talking with new recruits or on the grounds of the Grand Lodge, honing her magical, martial and oration skills.

Male Human

As the Ulfin barbarian tries to make small talk with the Halfling, she looks untrustingly at the large man. It is then that Ēoswulf sees the head of a large wolf, teeth on full display and a low grumble sounding like the opening of the pits of hell itself, peeking its head around from the end of the bar.
With a simple hand gesture from the halfling, the wolf stops growling and sheathes its fangs, but its eyes remain unshakably on the man.
"I am known as Enith." says the Druid, and she attends to her untouched glass of sherry, yet still does not take a sip.

Male Human

As the Ranger takes her drink and approaches the table where the Half-Orc Twins are, she finally notices that they are not twin brothers after all! As the realization that one is a female sets in, they notice the half-elf and bid welcome... "Oi! Howzit goin'? I'm Garl," says the male, "and I'm Shrade!" says the other. The two barbarians finish their tale of how they became members of the Society 3 years ago by earning field commissions after saving the lives of a Pathfinder group deployed in Lastwall. They both agree that neither one really knew exactly what they were getting into when they accepted. They then turn to Filla and say, "What brings you to the Society? What do you lust for from your adventures, fame, wealth, knowledge, power? Tell us what motivates you and how you came to find yourself in service of the Society?"

Male Human
Enith wrote:

Okay, character creation always takes longer than I think it will. (This is Neit's brother btw).

Hopefully I'm not too late to join.

I'm new to the whole PbP thing and CORE in general so don't hesitate to let me know if there's anything I need to (or stop doing).

BTW, love your character and her backstory... I am introducing her in the Wisp, you take over whenever you feel ready!

Male Human

As Hinkle pulls up a stool, the bard pauses and says "Welcome, traveler, I am Janira Gavix. We are just talking about our collective adventures, would you mind telling us about you and yours?"

You perceive that Janira has an extraordinary memory, and spends her time here learning about the exploits of other adventurers and relating her own tales with oratorical flourishes. You also notice a wayfinder on her belt, confirming the fact that she is truly a Pathfinder.

Male Human

Tables fill the main floor of the Wounded Wisp where patrons sit with colleagues and share stories over drinks. Three sets of stairs lead up to a raised dining area. This part of the establishment is four feet above the main floor of the Wounded Wisp, this section is sectioned off by elegant metal railings. On this level, patrons can enjoy a more private meal without the noise of the area below.

As your group of Pathfinders receive their complementary drinks from Heryn Gale, they take in the hustle and bustle of the legendary bar.


The Dwarf spies a female halfling bard surrounded by several new recruits to the Society. She is animated and bright as she appears to be recounting the history of the Pathfinders and their originator, Durvin Gest. If you were not in a pub, you would swear this was a scene from a schoolhouse; the 'children' agape with wonder while the teacher weaves her tale. There are still several seats available and the mood appears to be very cordial.
Intermixed with this Hinkle is able to pick up on the current talk of the bar, which is that Sir Reinhart of Kenabres, a Mendevian crusader who recently arrived from the north, plans on attempting the Test of the Starstone, the legendary trial by which one might ascend to godhood.


Ezren spies an obvious Keleshite merchant- as is evident by his rich embroidered clothing, black hair and almond eyes- giving advice to younger Pathfinders. “A Pathfinder should stand on his own two feet, but be able to lean on a fellow agent when needed...” says the inquisitor of Sarenrae, as he espouses on the need for a balanced approach in adventuring.
Intermixed with this Ezren is able to pick up on the current talk of the bar, which is that Sir Reinhart of Kenabres, a Mendevian crusader who recently arrived from the north, plans on attempting the Test of the Starstone, the legendary trial by which one might ascend to godhood.


The Ranger notices a pair of half-orcs, obviously twins, that are currently on the other side of sober but having a great time recounting stories of recent combat. At one point they stop in mid conversation, look at each other, and shout “There’s nothing an axe can’t fix!” They laugh, slap each other's shoulder and take a swig of ale in unison. Several other more martial oriented members surround these two and share tales of battle and conquest.
Intermixed with this Filla is able to pick up on the current talk of the bar, which is that Sir Reinhart of Kenabres, a Mendevian crusader who recently arrived from the north, plans on attempting the Test of the Starstone, the legendary trial by which one might ascend to godhood.


The Rogue looks to the end of the bar to see an older man sipping from an over-sized flagon of ale while reading through a large and ominous looking tome. Although this man is doubtfully a Pathfinder, as he has no immediate companions surrounding him, he is treated respectfully by the staff and other patrons. His age and mannerisms, coupled with the fact that he is reading a history book in a bar whilst imbibing, mark him a man with a "thirst" of knowledge and learning.
Intermixed with this Geo is able to pick up on the current talk of the bar, which is that Sir Reinhart of Kenabres, a Mendevian crusader who recently arrived from the north, plans on attempting the Test of the Starstone, the legendary trial by which one might ascend to godhood.


Eoswulf is able to pick up on the current talk of the bar, which is that Sir Reinhart plans on attempting the Test of the Starstone, whatever that is.

Strolling in after you receive your drinks is a female halfling druid. Looking a little lost and a lot wet, she seems determined to find her adventure in this, the genesis location of the society. The halfling crawls up onto a bar stool closest to the door and orders a sherry.

As it is going to be at least 15 minutes before Heryn's relief returns, she encourages you to mingle.

Male Human

Welcome! GM Bluedove turned me onto a free program called 'PC Gen' that will do all of your calculations etc for you and then produce a character sheet (several different actually) than can be copied and pasted into the Pazio sheet. Remember to make your character with the Core option when originally generating. Look forward to the gameplay!

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