Under the Shadows of Olympus

Game Master GM_Solspiral

Hellenistic Alternate history campaign with High Fantasy Elements.

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Sovereign Court

game master

Ask questions, let me know if sheduals, etc.


Greeting! And yes she is a human, she has to be for her bloodline.

Male Fawn| HP: 33/33 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM: +8 Cleric/3rd MR/1st| Speed 40ft (40ft) | Active conditions: None.

Perform (windinstruments): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
Perform (dance): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 Ohh! Double 12s!
Cantion dances while playing his pan flute. The excitement to be picked for this campaign radiated from the fawn.

33/33 HP AC 14, T 14, FF 11, CMD 22, Fort+7, Ref +7, Will +2, Per +7

Will get my profile populated up shortly.

AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18; Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3 hp 39/39; Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5;

Hello! I havent updated the alias yet but i will within the hour.

Also, im the only one using this alias photo! Exciting!

Male Tiefling Paladin (Soul Sentinel) 1 | HP 5/12 | AC 20 TO 12 FF 18 | F +4 (+5 Cold Weather) R +2 W +2; +1 Sp SLA Su from Evil Arcane; +2 Death | CMD 16 | Init +2 | Perc +2 DV | Cold 7 Elec 7 Fire 7 | Smite 1/1 | Corruption Resist 1/1 | Hero 1/3

Dotting! Thanks for the selection :)

33/33 HP AC 14, T 14, FF 11, CMD 22, Fort+7, Ref +7, Will +2, Per +7

OK, profile set up.

Sovereign Court

game master

Thanks all for comeing, I'm a little busy so this might be slow.

33/33 HP AC 14, T 14, FF 11, CMD 22, Fort+7, Ref +7, Will +2, Per +7

Honestly, most games slow down this time of year, so it is rather expected.

Sovereign Court

game master

So, if there are any questions ask them, I wanna get this game started soon, but with how hectic the last few days have been I may have to delay the start. I will get this game started within the week however.


No questions. Pretty good to go!

33/33 HP AC 14, T 14, FF 11, CMD 22, Fort+7, Ref +7, Will +2, Per +7

Good to go.

Male Fawn| HP: 33/33 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM: +8 Cleric/3rd MR/1st| Speed 40ft (40ft) | Active conditions: None.


AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18; Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3 hp 39/39; Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5;

Oh, small adjustment, I used some of my starting cash to buy a shield. Some reason I didn't get one?


Also because I neglected to do so in Recruitment!

Hi TheWaskally! Good to see you again... playing a horned goat man once again... I'm seeing a theme here! XD

Male Human (advanced) Godling

Intrigued, TheWaskally search through Titaia's aliases to find...
"Ahh! Hello! What a surprise! Great to see you again! As for the horned man comment, what? Can't a man have a preference? Beside, this "horned man" does live in badass mode like Jerax did. He's more "sex, drugs, and flute piping, and not necessarily in that order."
"Besides", TheWaskally continues, "I live in hope the DM will return so can continue our journey as evil f~!*s."


Oh that's just fine. I mean I'm playing a very proud and powerful woman once again so... Themes! Yay themes! XD

AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18; Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3 hp 39/39; Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5;

My most recent character builds are:
A centaur (durr)
A wayang shadow kineticist
A Nagaji scaled fist monk/mindwyrm mesmerist
A human Sin-Eater inquisitor of Sarenrae

I think my theme is "well *that* was odd..."

Sovereign Court

game master

Sorry for the wait, Christmas and all... plus all the horrid weather and my work.

Male Fawn| HP: 33/33 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM: +8 Cleric/3rd MR/1st| Speed 40ft (40ft) | Active conditions: None.

No problem. We've been having a rp party!

33/33 HP AC 14, T 14, FF 11, CMD 22, Fort+7, Ref +7, Will +2, Per +7

I gather this means we just got a mythic tier?


Happy Holidays everyone!

AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18; Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3 hp 39/39; Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5;

I would believe so. The Mythic book says when you ascend to mythic, you pick a mythic path and gain 1 tier in it.

Nessius is taking the Champion Path. For my Champion ability, I took Fleet Charge (totally a surprise, right?). For my Mythic path ability, I took Juggernaut! And for my Mythic Feat I took Mythic Mounted Combat.

Happy Holidays!

Male Fawn| HP: 33/33 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM: +8 Cleric/3rd MR/1st| Speed 40ft (40ft) | Active conditions: None.

Cantion's profile has been updated to include new mythic abilities.


Titaia's has also been updated.

33/33 HP AC 14, T 14, FF 11, CMD 22, Fort+7, Ref +7, Will +2, Per +7


Male Tiefling Paladin (Soul Sentinel) 1 | HP 5/12 | AC 20 TO 12 FF 18 | F +4 (+5 Cold Weather) R +2 W +2; +1 Sp SLA Su from Evil Arcane; +2 Death | CMD 16 | Init +2 | Perc +2 DV | Cold 7 Elec 7 Fire 7 | Smite 1/1 | Corruption Resist 1/1 | Hero 1/3

Wow guys! I'm sorry! I didn't see it have started! I'll catch up. I apologize. :$


Don't worry, you weren't the only one late to the party. Our paladin was too! XD

Male Fawn| HP: 33/33 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM: +8 Cleric/3rd MR/1st| Speed 40ft (40ft) | Active conditions: None.
Titaia wrote:
Don't worry, you weren't the only one late to the party. Our paladin was too! XD

There's late, and then there's late. How Dm Watz Up will shoehorn this narrative into the story that at the docks already, I do not know!


True true! I'll give you that Cantion. We shall wait as see hmm?

Male Tiefling Paladin (Soul Sentinel) 1 | HP 5/12 | AC 20 TO 12 FF 18 | F +4 (+5 Cold Weather) R +2 W +2; +1 Sp SLA Su from Evil Arcane; +2 Death | CMD 16 | Init +2 | Perc +2 DV | Cold 7 Elec 7 Fire 7 | Smite 1/1 | Corruption Resist 1/1 | Hero 1/3

Holidays period and guess what? I'm going to be absent again this weekend, for some days. I'll be back Tuesday. I hope you all have a fantastic New Year's eve.

For the games I'm playing in: please feel free to bot me as needed, GM. I apologize for the inconvenience!

For the games I'm hosting: don't worry, I'll be back! Feel free to use the period to get your posts current.

I may be able to log in spottily during the weekend.


Sovereign Court

game master

I actually apologize as well, for my slow speed in getting this going...


I didn't see myself in Initiative... so, I haven't posted yet... kinda unsure what to do.

AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18; Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3 hp 39/39; Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5;

Im currently dealing with a family crisis. I should be back online soon.

-Posted with Wayfinder

AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18; Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3 hp 39/39; Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5;

Crisis isn't necessarily diverted, but I'm starting to cope with it. I'll be back soon, just... might take me a while to get the energy up to post rapidly again.

Sovereign Court

game master

Woops! Sorry there, go whenever you please, it's the whole party's turn right now.

33/33 HP AC 14, T 14, FF 11, CMD 22, Fort+7, Ref +7, Will +2, Per +7

I'm still here, but waiting for morning. Patroclus would sleep before something he sees as a 'meet'. Though it does appear he is missing out on a lot.

Male Fawn| HP: 33/33 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM: +8 Cleric/3rd MR/1st| Speed 40ft (40ft) | Active conditions: None.

You were just playing your character as your character would act. I think I speak for everyone that we will do our best to get in some good RP with Patroclus.

Male Fawn| HP: 33/33 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM: +8 Cleric/3rd MR/1st| Speed 40ft (40ft) | Active conditions: None.
Titaia wrote:
"Besides even if you where correct is, my company so poor?" She asked as she straightened up quickly, flicking her hair back.

Hehehe! That poor centaur, like he caught in the headlights, if cars ever get invented on his world.


Never underestimate an Amazon! After all the stories of them say they where not only fierce warriors but rather beautiful. Pretty much all of you are out matched! XD

Male Fawn| HP: 33/33 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM: +8 Cleric/3rd MR/1st| Speed 40ft (40ft) | Active conditions: None.

Cantion LOVES a challenge.


Ha, we'll see if he's up to the task! XD

Male Fawn| HP: 33/33 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM: +8 Cleric/3rd MR/1st| Speed 40ft (40ft) | Active conditions: None.

Being "up" to the task has never been an issue for the fawn.

AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18; Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3 hp 39/39; Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5;

As if I ever had a chance.

Male Fawn| HP: 33/33 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM: +8 Cleric/3rd MR/1st| Speed 40ft (40ft) | Active conditions: None.

Amazons can be freaky. They are Greek.


Okay one, twas poor choice of wording on my part! XD

Now now, it isn't like she jumped him. She's being very polite! XD

Also Cantion I believe the terms is just "She's Greek, they're freaky." Tis less an individual thing and more a cultural thing.

AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18; Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3 hp 39/39; Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5;

I'm enjoying this. Just saying. It's been an amusing tightrope walk of if/when this becomes a beautiful mess.


That's kinda what many will walk around Titaia. Like her mother, she doesn't really look for love or romance in a breeder. If she likes them she's more likely to over look some flaws. But if they're a good warrior and have traits she wishes to see in her children, she will gladly share their bed. The chance of a strong offspring is enough for her, after all she doesn't have to let them help her raise the child nor even tell them she has their child.

Sovereign Court

game master
Titaia wrote:
That's kinda what many will walk around Titaia. Like her mother, she doesn't really look for love or romance in a breeder. If she likes them she's more likely to over look some flaws. But if they're a good warrior and have traits she wishes to see in her children, she will gladly share their bed. The chance of a strong offspring is enough for her, after all she doesn't have to let them help her raise the child nor even tell them she has their child.

except if its male then you go to them and say Here, I belive this is yours hand it to them and leave.


Well, some of the time! XD
Amazons aren't stupid. They know you need men around, but yeah that's about right! LOL!

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