Legacy of Fire- A tale of love, and some meddling adventurers (Inactive)

Game Master william Nightmoon

Monastery Map

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Sovereign Court

game master

Let's get to know annother!

HP 22/22; AC 17/t16/ff12; f 1, r 9, w -1; bab 1, melee +7/8, ranged +7/+8; cmb 1, cmd 17; init +6; ki 2/2 | goblin ninja/2
acro 11, bluff 6, disguise 5, disable 11, escape 11, fly 6, handle animal 5, intim 6, know local 6, ling 5, perc 4, ride 10, slt of hand 11, stealth 17, umd 6

Howdy! I dotted (and deleted) in gameplay so this would show up in my campaign page, but the gameplay thread still looks all shiny and new.

Really looking forward to getting started!

What would you like to know about me (as player) or Gurrr (as character)?

Dotting in. I will have an alt up this evening.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

Hey DM waz up? I dotted and deleted also, and will post after the intro set up.

Get to know each other: I'm a Gnoll about 6'4" 285 lbs. my eyes are red, my likes are: walks in the desert, eating carrion with... eerrr did you mean the players?

Ok, a little serious, if you want to know Gnasher feel free to read his info on the stat sheet, I'm changing it slightly to match the rolled stats. But his backstory, personality and such will remain true. He played briefly in a failed Legacy of Fire game. I will try and keep the same shining disposition.

As for me, I've been on the boards for three years. That's when I started playing Pathfinder, played AD&D in college, and yeah, I spelled it right, AD&D, Took a bit of a hiatus. I post mostly at night in the EST zone. Normally at least once a day, sometimes more depending on what's happening on the home front.

Looking forward to playing with everyone!

M Kobold Oracle (Seeker) | HP 15/15 | AC26 T15 F22 | CMB 0 CMD 14 | F0 R4 W4 | Init +4 Perc. +9 | Spells 1st 3/4

We've got a goblin and a kobold? sweeeeeeeeeet.

Yrdex strikes a delicate balance between zealousness and timidity. On one hand, he has been chosen by Aspu to bring light and order to the Katapesh. On the other, he's a tiny little kobold. He's not a huge fan of the sun (light sensitivity) and he is deaf, though he can read lips and can speak. He wears a large, wide-brimmed hat to keep out of the scorching sunlight as much as possible.

Mechanically, Yrdex is built like a tank with 26 AC. He can frontline, but isn't built to do damage. His main role is to buff and heal. Out of combat role is traps. I know we've got a ninja, but I've got trapfinding, too.

I'm a college student and I've been playing Pathfinder for a few years. Just got into PbP recently and love it cause it works really well with my busy school schedule. I just hop on when I wake up and before bed for about fifteen minutes.

HP 22/22; AC 17/t16/ff12; f 1, r 9, w -1; bab 1, melee +7/8, ranged +7/+8; cmb 1, cmd 17; init +6; ki 2/2 | goblin ninja/2
acro 11, bluff 6, disguise 5, disable 11, escape 11, fly 6, handle animal 5, intim 6, know local 6, ling 5, perc 4, ride 10, slt of hand 11, stealth 17, umd 6

Well, if we are getting to know each other ooc, then... here goes:

I am a full time textile artist (ie: quilter), not employed, not even free-lance, though I do work on commission from time to time. Mostly I just work because it pleases me and I make what I like. I am married (for almost 35 years now - to the same person no less!)... I have 2 cats, 2 st. bernards, and live sorta near the beach in southern california.

I started gaming in 1974 with those little D&D books in the brown box. Played my first game with Dave Arneson as my DM at an Equicon (Star Trek convention) in 1974, and it all took off from that. I bought the boxed set on the spot and never looked back... I have played AD&D 1st edition, 2nd edition, glossed over 3rd for a few games and then 3.5, and finally Pathfinder, though I was a little late to Pathfinder... I don't think I started PF til about 2012 or so. Played 4th ed D&D once at a con, never bought the books... hated it.. and refuse to buy 5th edition, so never tried it at all. I think I'm done with D&D even though I've heard 5th ed. is pretty good.

As for organized play, I started with the RPGA in 1972, playing through Living City, Living Greyhawk (from inception date, til closing, sigh), and PFS since 2012.

I've played most other systems: GURPS, WoD, Runequest, MERP, S&S, EPT, Amber Diceless, and SO many others... I have also played most non-war board games. I kinda stay away from actual war and battle-recreation games, though I do love BattleTech and Mechwarrior. I LOVE rail games (anything having to do with trains, like the 'crayon rail' games by Mayfair and games like Ticket to Ride.

I ran a VtM channel on IRC for 15 years as well, with over 150 players, so it was quite active in its day. Was lots of fun, but I kinda lost interest in it... it was too much pressure and too much drama for too long, so I do have experience running games online.

I also both played and ran 3.5 online (also IRC) for a campaign called ITOH (In the Time of Heroes), which is still around, though now we use the PF system and there's only a few of us left still playing it.

I've painted miniatures as well, and used to do it both as a hobby and a profession, though these days my eyes are not as good and my hands not as steady, so I have passed the torch to my son, who is also a gamer, though he concentrates mostly on Warhammer 40k. He does paint great fantasy minis as well as WH figs and wins many awards at local store contests and cons.

My husband is a gamer too, and we play PF together both homebrew and PFS. Though he JUST got into PFS last year, we've been playing PF together since about 2010 or 11... can't recall when we actually segued from 3.5 to PF, it's been a long while.

Oh my, that got a bit longer than I intended, sorry for the wall of text and the TMI... hope you got some insight into who I am as a person and a gamer.

I look forward to gaming with you all!

HP 22/22; AC 17/t16/ff12; f 1, r 9, w -1; bab 1, melee +7/8, ranged +7/+8; cmb 1, cmd 17; init +6; ki 2/2 | goblin ninja/2
acro 11, bluff 6, disguise 5, disable 11, escape 11, fly 6, handle animal 5, intim 6, know local 6, ling 5, perc 4, ride 10, slt of hand 11, stealth 17, umd 6

We have quite the mix of races here I see... a goblin, a kobold, a gnoll, a samsaran, a taninim, and a human?... what an eclectic gathering! Should be very interesting to see how we all get along.

Gurrr's full background tells his whole story as an adult goblin (didn't go into the whole whelping cage history, lol)... from his early years raiding human settlements, to his capture and training by a human and his emplyed ninja... and his eventual freedom from them. He was caught and released by aliens, giving him an intense fear and hatred of humanoids in general. Since that time, he's been searching for a new tribe to join since his original tribe rejected his strangeness after his return to them.

He has learned the value of 'work for pay' and has worked his way across Golarion to find himself in the strange, dry lands of Katapesh, where there are few if any goblins. He is miserable, hot and tired, and takes whatever work he can find here while he searches for someplace to call home.

he brings a lot of skills to the table, most of them rather roguish, with a little animal handling, which he's learned out of self defense, because animals often alert owners to the presence of someone unknown. He's also learned some about the lands he has visited, and he's picked up the ability to quickly gain local information wherever he goes.

As for having backup with disable and trapspotting, that's great, and he'll never turn down help or backup!

Max HP: 23 | AC: 16; T: 14; FF: 13 | Fort:+5; Ref: +6; Will: +4 | Initiative: +3 | CMB: +3; CMD: 16 Draconic Exemplar 2

Kona is a bit weak to start with, but he will quickly grow into his role as one of if not the tank of the group. Currently, he has a some talent with sneaking (I'm pretty good, but not goblin ninja good), good senses, knows how to survive in the wild, and will eventually be scary, but right now he's just disconcerting at best.

Kona is also a neophyte Pathfinder, so he potentially has some resources to draw on, including his Venture Captain's wayfinder (which he has to pay back, but is still awesome for a fledgliing dragon).

You know, it's interesting how many small sized creatures we currently have in our party. Usually there's just a token short race, but here it's half our party...until level 4.

male samsaran psychic 2 | HP 14/16, phrenic pool 3/4, physical push 1/3 | AC 14, T 14, FF 13 | F +2, R +1, W +6 (+2 vs death/neg energy/neg levels) | CMB +2, CMD 16 | Spd 30' | Perc +8 | Init +5

Hey all! I've got my shiny new alias made up. Dotted and deleted in gameplay.

I don't think I ever got an answer to my question from the recruitment thread:

With the Mystic Past Life racial ability, do I need to choose the 5 extra spells on my class list right now or can I choose them as we go?

For reference:

Mystic Past Life (Su) You can add spells from another spellcasting class to the spell list of your current spellcasting class. You add a number of spells equal to 1 + your spellcasting class’s key ability score bonus (Wisdom for clerics, and so on). The spells must be the same type (arcane or divine) as the spellcasting class you’re adding them to. For example, you could add divine power to your druid class spell list, but not to your wizard class spell list because divine power is a divine spell. These spells do not have to be spells you can cast as a 1st-level character. The number of spells granted by this ability is set at 1st level. Changes to your ability score do not change the number of spells gained. This racial trait replaces shards of the past.

Does anyone know?

Also I see we have Draconic and Gnoll covered; are there other languages we might need instead?

my character:

My backstory makes him sound like a broody loner. Don't worry- I like my characters to play well with others. I really have no idea about fluff for samsarans so I made something up. :D I prefer to let my character's personality emerge from gameplay anyway.

As far as me:

I've only been playing Pathfinder for under a year. Been playing various versions of D&D face to face for a few years; I have only ever played Pathfinder via Pbp. I struggle with rules questions and slow combat rounds in real life but pbp is perfect!

edit- This is going to be an awesome group! I'm one of the more normal races lol.

Poresh, I think you pick all 5 spells now, even if they are higher level then the current level of spells you can cast. They are just added to your spell list, meaning that you can active spell trigger items (like a 1st level paladin and wands, for example).

Sovereign Court

game master

Well, I ment to build up your characters as a group, but that works too ^-^

male samsaran psychic 2 | HP 14/16, phrenic pool 3/4, physical push 1/3 | AC 14, T 14, FF 13 | F +2, R +1, W +6 (+2 vs death/neg energy/neg levels) | CMB +2, CMD 16 | Spd 30' | Perc +8 | Init +5

That's what I was thinking too. Unfortunately I am going to struggle with selecting those spells as I don't have much play experience beyond the first few levels. If anyone has recommendations of spells you think might be useful to add, I would love to hear them.

Otherwise, I will probably switch that racial trait out. The task of going through spell lists trying to narrow it down is a little daunting.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10
DM waz up? wrote:
Well, I ment to build up your characters as a group, but that works too ^-^

I have Gnasher updated, what did you have in mind for building the characters as a group?

M Kobold Oracle (Seeker) | HP 15/15 | AC26 T15 F22 | CMB 0 CMD 14 | F0 R4 W4 | Init +4 Perc. +9 | Spells 1st 3/4

I Just noticed that mine and the DM's avatars looked really similar so I changed mine so it wouldn't be confusing.

As an example of Yrdex's personality, here is a formal introduction.

"I, Yrdex, have been chosen by Aspu to bring order to the lesser races and to eradicate evil across Golarion!"

He can be a teeny bit full of himself.

Max HP: 23 | AC: 16; T: 14; FF: 13 | Fort:+5; Ref: +6; Will: +4 | Initiative: +3 | CMB: +3; CMD: 16 Draconic Exemplar 2

"My name is Kona, and I am a Lung Dragon. I am also a member of the prestigious Pathfinder Society."

Like all Dragons, Kona is very much about formality.

HP 22/22; AC 17/t16/ff12; f 1, r 9, w -1; bab 1, melee +7/8, ranged +7/+8; cmb 1, cmd 17; init +6; ki 2/2 | goblin ninja/2
acro 11, bluff 6, disguise 5, disable 11, escape 11, fly 6, handle animal 5, intim 6, know local 6, ling 5, perc 4, ride 10, slt of hand 11, stealth 17, umd 6

Gurrr looks sidewise at Kona, narrowing his eyes as he regards the little dragonling and the draconic Yrdex... "Kona... and Yrdex. Me am Gurrr of the Bonecru... no.. not of any tribe." He looks saddened at this admission. "Me Gurr... um... Blaktalon! Make new tribe." He holds up his his left hand and indeed he does have one long black talon on his middle finger. If you look, his right hand doesn't seem to sport a black nail or claw. "You be Blaktalons, too? and What is an Aspu? Can me eat it?"

M Human Bard (Dervish of Dawn) 2 | HP 17/17 | AC17 T14 F13 | CMB +3 CMD 17 | F2 R7 W4 | Init +4 Perc. +6

Hey all. Let's see... been a gamer and GM for 30 years now. Played and ran Call of Cthulhu, D&D (1st through 4th editions), Pathfinder, GURPS, Star Wars (d6 and d20), L5R, Numenera, etc.

Married with two kids and a dog. I'm in the US central timezone, and can always post in the evenings, and sometimes during the day. I work full-time during the week as a network/security admin.

As for Abdalrahman...
"I am honored to have been called by the most Holy and Merciful Sarenrae to help people in Her name using the ancient talents of the Dervish."

M Kobold Oracle (Seeker) | HP 15/15 | AC26 T15 F22 | CMB 0 CMD 14 | F0 R4 W4 | Init +4 Perc. +9 | Spells 1st 3/4

Poresh, I think as a psychic spellcaster, the best class to take spells from would be Occultist. A couple suggestions would be Gravity Bow(1), Barbed Chains(1), Fireball(3), Etheric Shards(4), and Heal(6). I just gave the spell lists a quick overview, so don't think that this is your best option :)

I would look at the 6th and 4th level spell classes, like bard, paladin, and ranger. Occultist IS a good recommendation, however.

M Kobold Oracle (Seeker) | HP 15/15 | AC26 T15 F22 | CMB 0 CMD 14 | F0 R4 W4 | Init +4 Perc. +9 | Spells 1st 3/4

I think that Poresh isn't able to pick spells from those classes because "The spells must be the same type (arcane or divine) as the spellcasting class you’re adding them to." So I think he can only pick from other psychic spellcasting classes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP 22/22; AC 17/t16/ff12; f 1, r 9, w -1; bab 1, melee +7/8, ranged +7/+8; cmb 1, cmd 17; init +6; ki 2/2 | goblin ninja/2
acro 11, bluff 6, disguise 5, disable 11, escape 11, fly 6, handle animal 5, intim 6, know local 6, ling 5, perc 4, ride 10, slt of hand 11, stealth 17, umd 6

So when are we getting started?

male samsaran psychic 2 | HP 14/16, phrenic pool 3/4, physical push 1/3 | AC 14, T 14, FF 13 | F +2, R +1, W +6 (+2 vs death/neg energy/neg levels) | CMB +2, CMD 16 | Spd 30' | Perc +8 | Init +5

Thanks Yrdex, that is a big help. :D

Sovereign Court

game master

I apologize for the delay, work has picked up with the end of Winter (I work at DQ) and I haven't had much time first post will be soon, keep an eye out ^-^

HP 22/22; AC 17/t16/ff12; f 1, r 9, w -1; bab 1, melee +7/8, ranged +7/+8; cmb 1, cmd 17; init +6; ki 2/2 | goblin ninja/2
acro 11, bluff 6, disguise 5, disable 11, escape 11, fly 6, handle animal 5, intim 6, know local 6, ling 5, perc 4, ride 10, slt of hand 11, stealth 17, umd 6

ok.. no problem... lots of work is a good thing! :)

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

The end of winter, don't make promises you can't keep, ours is still very much here ;)

Thanks for the heads up, looking forward to the game.

M Human Bard (Dervish of Dawn) 2 | HP 17/17 | AC17 T14 F13 | CMB +3 CMD 17 | F2 R7 W4 | Init +4 Perc. +6

Gotta pay those bills. Appreciate the heads up. Looking forward to the game!

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

Hey GM, in game thread you said:

DM waz up? wrote:
you have been traveling for weeks on a camel caravan. the blowing winds have been kind, and you have suffered little trouble as you traveled. The man who hired you shouldn't be much farther, after all your approaching the place you arranged to meet, although it should still take a few days to get there.

Is there any other information we know in game?

players guide wrote:
The following traits are geared toward your character’s joining of a ragtag group of adventurers, mercenaries, freed slaves, guards, and rapscallions under the watchful eye of a man named Garavel. Garavel has traveled throughout Katapesh to gather you and the other PCs to aid in the reclaiming of Kelmarane, a remote village in northwest Katapesh. This village once held the southern end of a trade route between Katapesh and Osirion, but it fell upon hard times and has lain abandoned for years. Said now to be the home of a tribe of gnolls in service to someone called the “Carrion King,” ruined Kelmarane represents a great possibility to the Pactmasters of Katapesh. If the village can be reclaimed and rebuilt, the trade resulting would strengthen Katapesh’s western and northern reaches, a region long plagued by gnolls, monsters, and worse.

It seems we havn't met Garavel yet, what have we been told? How much info do we have?

Looking for a hook, or motive for an intro.


Max HP: 23 | AC: 16; T: 14; FF: 13 | Fort:+5; Ref: +6; Will: +4 | Initiative: +3 | CMB: +3; CMD: 16 Draconic Exemplar 2

I know that he's a Pathfinder, since I have been sent to meet up with him.

Sovereign Court

game master

All information you need is in the player's handbook, anyways, sorry for the delay, update comming

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10
DM waz up? wrote:
All information you need is in the player's handbook, anyways, sorry for the delay, update comming

So we do know everything in the hand book. Ok, thank you.

HP 22/22; AC 17/t16/ff12; f 1, r 9, w -1; bab 1, melee +7/8, ranged +7/+8; cmb 1, cmd 17; init +6; ki 2/2 | goblin ninja/2
acro 11, bluff 6, disguise 5, disable 11, escape 11, fly 6, handle animal 5, intim 6, know local 6, ling 5, perc 4, ride 10, slt of hand 11, stealth 17, umd 6

Just a heads up. I will be leaving Thursday morning for a 4-day retreat at the beach that lasts til Sunday afternoon, then I have a Sunday night concert to attend. I will take my computer with me, but I may not be able to post much til after I get home. Please feel free to bot me if I delay the game at all.

On Monday, my dog goes into surgery and when he returns home on Tuesday, I will be on a full-time home care regimen with him. He needs to be walked with a belly band whenever he needs to relieve himself or get up to get a drink or eat, so it will be a busy time. (He's an almost 100 lb st. bernard puppy, so he can't be carried for these things).

I'll be able to post regularly again starting Monday, but perhaps not as frequently as usual for a while.... Anyway, sorry in advance for any lack of posting on my part. I will do the best I can.

M Kobold Oracle (Seeker) | HP 15/15 | AC26 T15 F22 | CMB 0 CMD 14 | F0 R4 W4 | Init +4 Perc. +9 | Spells 1st 3/4

Have fun at the beach and I hope your puppy does alright.

HP 22/22; AC 17/t16/ff12; f 1, r 9, w -1; bab 1, melee +7/8, ranged +7/+8; cmb 1, cmd 17; init +6; ki 2/2 | goblin ninja/2
acro 11, bluff 6, disguise 5, disable 11, escape 11, fly 6, handle animal 5, intim 6, know local 6, ling 5, perc 4, ride 10, slt of hand 11, stealth 17, umd 6


Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

have fun at the beach and good luck with your 100 lb. puppy puppy??? :-)

HP 22/22; AC 17/t16/ff12; f 1, r 9, w -1; bab 1, melee +7/8, ranged +7/+8; cmb 1, cmd 17; init +6; ki 2/2 | goblin ninja/2
acro 11, bluff 6, disguise 5, disable 11, escape 11, fly 6, handle animal 5, intim 6, know local 6, ling 5, perc 4, ride 10, slt of hand 11, stealth 17, umd 6

thanks and lol yes, puppy... he's only 11 mos old! he'll most likely be about 150 full grown.

M Human Bard (Dervish of Dawn) 2 | HP 17/17 | AC17 T14 F13 | CMB +3 CMD 17 | F2 R7 W4 | Init +4 Perc. +6

Good luck, Gurr. As the owner of three dogs, I sympathize.

M Kobold Oracle (Seeker) | HP 15/15 | AC26 T15 F22 | CMB 0 CMD 14 | F0 R4 W4 | Init +4 Perc. +9 | Spells 1st 3/4

I've got a couple pugs so they're easy to pick up.

M Human Bard (Dervish of Dawn) 2 | HP 17/17 | AC17 T14 F13 | CMB +3 CMD 17 | F2 R7 W4 | Init +4 Perc. +6

I have a 160 lb. Rhodesian Ridgeback, an 80 lb. German Shepherd, and a 70 lb. Black Lab. None of them are fun to lift.

Sovereign Court

game master

As the owner of an obese Black lab, and a couple of pit bull/boxers...

Good luck ^-^

male samsaran psychic 2 | HP 14/16, phrenic pool 3/4, physical push 1/3 | AC 14, T 14, FF 13 | F +2, R +1, W +6 (+2 vs death/neg energy/neg levels) | CMB +2, CMD 16 | Spd 30' | Perc +8 | Init +5

Heh I just have a little 10 pound toy Australian shepherd. He's pretty easy to carry around. :D

Sovereign Court

game master

And so the mystry begins! Time to Scooby doo this! You even have your very own talking dog: Gnasher!

And I dought our goblin will delay us, this next section is a bunch of intrige and lets you learnmore about those your with...

Note: my diplomacy checks are only to improve attitude or father info. Mooost of the time you'll have to ask questions and be specific of you want real awnsers...

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10
DM waz up? wrote:
And so the mystry begins! Time to Scooby doo this! You even have your very own talking dog: Gnasher!

Yeah, I'm afraid he may weigh more than the puppy, hopefully you guys won't have to carry him to go to the bathroom....

So it's a mystery and we need to ask good questions, check

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
game master

You know, I always imagined Gnoll as Turkish, but Gorgian works as well ^-^

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

hey DM waz up? just checking in, since I said that Gnasher will take 20 searching for stuff, I'm assuming you'll let him keep digging around in the dirt while a few others play nice with the caravan folks.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

uummmm, I've been keeping an eye out...

DM waz up? uuummmm Waz Up? are you waiting on more character input? Or is there something else going on? Or am I just typing on another dead thread?

Man, and I even 'favorited' his last comment...

Sovereign Court

game master

Sorry, just been a little busy

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

Hey RL comes first, just glad to see your still with us :-)

Sovereign Court

game master

Glad to be with you. This is definitely gonna be one of my favorite games.

Sovereign Court

game master

Hint: Dashki will go with you... After all it's part of the Champaign, and I'm sure knowing some of the Pugwampi's powers is always good

M Kobold Oracle (Seeker) | HP 15/15 | AC26 T15 F22 | CMB 0 CMD 14 | F0 R4 W4 | Init +4 Perc. +9 | Spells 1st 3/4

Sure, but I don't have to like him ;)

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