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![]() This adventure is set on the Island nation of Pruolus, upon which are three large cities.
Each of the cities are built near key points on the island, near beaches or at a bay, preventing near all invaders from properly establishing footholds. But the biggest beach to hold, lies with Yonford. There have been attempts throughout history, as each of the city is a trove of opportunity. The flip side though, lies in that the seas around the island is controlled by the vast Crimson Armada, a massive naval trading company, led by the High Magister Decemvirate. No vessel has ever sailed out of the island's bay, save for the occassional cautious smugglers, for the Crimson Armada sinks any competition's ships. Let us look through the looking glass, towards an aspect shared by the three cities, and even on the territory held by the High Magister Decemvirate.
Adventurers, bounty hunters, heroes, fixers. Various names for members of the Adventurers Guilds.
We start our story in the city of Yonford, in the Warden's Respite inn, headquarters of Yonford's Adventurer Guild. Started by an individual current day only known as 'The Warden', this traveling adventurer started up the guild, and multiple guilds in other lands. They had a calling to travel and protect those who could not themselves. As they could not keep all safe on their own, Guilds were started to continue this endeavor in their stead. This was some 300 years ago. The Warden's Respite inn is run by Margaret Winfield, current Guild master of Yonford, and retired adventurer herself, on account of an injury improperly healed. Along with Master at arms Roland Greyhawk, a veteran fixer still in active duty, despite being of nearing middle age himself.
Character creation details:
Starting Level - 1st Starting Wealth - Average for your class Attributes - 20 point buy. No scores below 8 after racial modifiers, no scores above 18 after racial modifiers. Hit Points - Max at 1st level, average onwards. Traits 2, 3 if a drawback is taken. Alignments Non-evil Party size: I'm looking for 5 PCs. It's the size i've most often had in previous games. House rules:
I'd be using google slides for this game.
Unavailable classes & other Gunslingers/bolt ace (no gunpowder exists), occult classes, & summoners
I'll leave this open for 3 weeks. ![]()
![]() Good day all. For a non Golarion setting, i'm making a cleric, as header suggests.
1) Core races, Aasimar & Tiefling
The character's parents dabbled in the occult, which led to their child growing a third unnatural eye on its forehead. Cue the parents being tried for doing dark rituals, they got adopted by a traveling Idyllkin monk that took pity on the infant. This 3rd eye influences (flavor) the character into following a deity of madness and subterfuge. Build:
N Aasimar cleric 1 Alternate racial traits: - Scion of humanity - SLA replacement table: racial +2 to sense motive Darkvision 60ft Init +1 Speed 30ft Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven Ability scores (post-racial): Str 14 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 18 Cha 10
Drawback - Bitter (When you receive healing from an ally’s class feature, spell, or spell-like ability, reduce the amount of that healing by 1 hit point.) Feats
Skills: 5 a/lvl (2 class +2 Int +1 Feat)
Domain powers:
Inquisition abilities:
Now one would usually take an inquisitor for a stealthy divine agent of a deity, but with the limitations such as they are, this is the base approach. I am merely guessing this will go to lvl 9, not low but not too high. The GM had not specified the level cap. The party is 3 or 4 PCs. We have a sorcerer, this PC, and an unknown surprise 3rd. ![]()
![]() Hello. For an adventure path (Hell's Vengeance), the spot for main frontliner is to be filled. Yet for the sake of it, i can't decide on one of three options. 1) light/unarmored swashbuckler multiclass.
At the higher levels, what has most chances of success, in your experiences? ![]()
![]() Hello. In this game we go gestalt eventually. My current 1st non-gestalt side is a CG Desnite shaman 8, going into spherewalker, then resuming shaman. Spirit: heavens (main), Lore (second) The other half i have trouble deciding on.
In any case, it would include 1 level of Unbreakable fighter, as it would provide Endurance as a feat, which works as a prerequisite for the Spherewalker, and martial proficiency in the starknife. Other than that, it could go any direction. Armored or unarmored, either is an option. Particular gimmick: they have access to metamagic (Dazing & persistent) that benefit DoT spells, such as acid arrow. It is not the focus of the build, but as a support character, i see its uses in situations where a round or 2 can prevent something scary to not act briefly. The above considered, what kind of builds would my fellow players recommend/suggest? Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() Hello. For a future homebrew i'd like to test a new home system. To that end, i'm looking for 3 people who would be interested in testing said homebrew system, and could provide feedback upon the test scenario's conclusion. Details: Setting: The game works on d100 and character stats.
The PCs can be either residents of the city, who are working to keep the convention going, external
It will all take place within a single building. Classes/occupations & proficiencies: Security.
Combat medic.
Expert. (Mechanic or Technician)
Investigative reporter.
Combat - Melee attacks automatically hit. - Ranged attacks hit on a result of 1-X, with X being your accuracy %.
When you make a ranged attack, roll 2d100. The 1st to hit, the 2nd is for the luck %. On a result of 1-X, where X is your luck %, you deal additional damage, based on your equipped weapon. When you are attacked, roll a d100. On a result of 1-X, where X is your counter %, you can 'return the favor', by making a retaliation attack, if your equipped weapon allows it. (ranged vs ranged, but not melee vs ranged) If a PC is hit in combat, an amount of times equal to their calmness, they spend a turn 'enraged'. During that turn, they focus solely on the target that caused the trigger, caution and tactics be damned. Reloading your weapon:
Unless immune, a status debuff is applied when a combatant (you or an opponent) is the recipent of an effect that causes it. Debuffs last 3 rounds, with damage debuffs dealing 15, 10, 5, over three rounds. Debuffs: Bleeding, Burning, Enraged (-15% ranged accuracy, +5 on damage), Poisoned, Stunned.
- Health: speaks for itself.
Level increase
![]() Good day. For a build, i would like to dip into sorcerer later on.
Since traits cannot be retrained. Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() I love the song of the villain and his assistant, crafting a highly poisonous recipe for cake.
Separate DCs against the individual components? (easily passable saves, mostly)
Ingredients & DCs: x2 petroleum. Fort 12? Once every round for 6 rounds. 1 con damage and nauseated. Described as bad for respiratory, and causing headaches and nausea. 1 save is cured. Hemlock. Fort 18.
Parrafin (rat poison component). Fort 12? 1d2 con. Frequency 1 round for 6 rounds. 1 save is cured? Opium. DC 20. 1d4 int and 1d4 wis damage, fatigue. Lasts 1 hour. Arsenic. Fort 13. 1 minute for 4 minutes.
Black adder venom. Fort 11. 1 round for 6 rounds. 1 save is cured.
Another rat poison. Moldy fruit. Fort 11? 1 round for 4 rounds. Sickened condition. 1 save is cured. Vitriol. (acidic?) Fort 20? 1 round for 6 rounds. 1d6 acidic damage.
![]() Hello. Assuming a shaman already has picked the shaman hex: (witch hex) Choose any one witch hex for which you qualify. If at a later level the shaman would take the Ritual hex feat:
Benefit(s): You learn to perform a special occult ritual known as Beseeching the Patron, which temporarily grants you a hex you don’t already know how to use. You always believe that your ritual is a success, so the GM should roll the required skill checks in secret, revealing the result only when you try to use your newly acquired hex. Could the ritual hex still pick up another witch hex for which they qualify? ![]()
![]() For a new game, i've made my first shaman, with the life spirit as its main bond. Aside from some adventuring gear, a wand, a few scrolls, i'm still left with a budget of roughly 27k. I was considering a phylactery of positive channeling, and that takes a chunk out of the budget. (11k) Or a headband of mental prowess. (+2 Wis and Cha) What do my fellow shamans buy for an adventure?
![]() Hello. Someone theorized the traveler's any tool is the cheap alternative for a magical weapon. They want to use it for fighting vs enemies with DR Magic. So, i am wondering if this checks out. Their theory:
![]() Hello. As a party of 3 gestalt PCs, we are going to run Hell's vengeance. I am the ranged attacker, with one half to go inquisitor, maybe a few levels zen archer even. I am undecided on whether to take fighter, ranger, slayer, or maybe even an urban bloodrager, for the other half. Stas atm: Str 12 Dex 18 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 16 Cha 7 We are playing with elephant in the room, so deadly aim is a free option, and PBS is gone as req for precise shot, freeing up 2 feat slots. If we're looking at the first 10/12 levels, what would offer a decently survivable and fighting combination?
Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() Greetings. One of the encounters, at sea, is against a sea monster.
Statblock & questions: Sea serpent N Huge magical beast (aquatic) (young template) (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 244)
As a huge creature, should its space not be 15ft with 15ft reach?
![]() Good day. I have a situation, in which the paladin uses bluff to pose as a legitimate person from the Chelish authority, to get a rebel/freedom fighter out of jail. Shortly afterwards, there will be a part where the group will have to obtain a docked ship. Be it from an evil aligned captain, but it is the only vessel docked, they can get to their objective with. Naturally, said captain does not voluntarily hand over their ship. I have not before run into this, so i don't know if this causes problems with their paladin powers. Thanks in advance, and happy new year. ![]()
![]() Good day. I'm about to run a 1st Edition mission, which will have the PCs travel the seas.
I have just found out, that one of the PCs owns 2 ships, including a warship.
If they are, have any of my fellow GMs encountered such a situation before?
Regards, ![]()
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
![]() A sudden flash illuminates the dark sky, revealing an imposing stone bastion that cracks the smooth horizon. Arcs of lightning dance across the rain-soaked heavens in concert with the booming drums of thunder.
Venture-Captain Adril Hestram’s familiar voice booms once more in your ears from several
"Friends!" exclaimed Hestram. "May I introduce Bartavious Vlade, a generous patron and collector of obscure artifacts." As Bartavious stood, his girth squeezed out from his chair. His jowls quivered as he spoke.
Bartavious’s face darkened, "Translating these disks revealed their gruesome nature. Dedicated to Urgathoa, these tableaus depicted obscene rituals. Knowing these disks represented evil, I intended to ask the society to secure them within their many vaults for safe keeping." Whispering, Bartavious continued, "Urgathoa herself must have sensed the disks, for as our ship sailed back to Absalom, that bastard Chelish pirate, Caradoc Alazario, stole the cargo!" Bartavious squished once more into his chair; through gasps he offered, "I have spent a fortune and finally located the pirate, who now rots inside a bastion within the Sodden Lands. His own cousin, the Mayor of Egorian, placed a bounty on his head too rich to pass up. Now, our disks rest
Adril Hestram smiled. "We have work to do, make your way to this bastion and break out the pirate Caradoc Alazario. Our ship can’t approach the bastion, so you’ll need to acquire another one in order to flee with the pirate. In exchange for his freedom, ask him to take you to the
A crash of lightning banishes the memory, bringing chill winds and unrelenting rain. Up ahead, at the end of the stone causeway, the Chelish bastion stands resolute, hinting at calmer conditions within. Should you have a few more questions for them before departure, ask away. Kn. Religion 15 or Bardic knowledge 15:
Tethered together by entrails from an unrecognizable beast, these four bronze, pitted disks, each the size of a human fist, hold esteem within the cults of Urgathoa. Kn. Religion 20 or Bardic Knowledge 20:
The disks were given as a gift to Dason for penning the text Serving Your Hunger. Rumors suggest his magical skills swelled once he received this award. Kn. Religion 25 or Bardic Knowledge 25:
They are said to hold a necromantic aura. Kn. Religion 30 or Bardic Knowledge 30: When viewed during a moonless, starless night, occult lore suggests the defiled disks of Urgathoa meld into one large bronze plate, and if the wielder eats a meal from this plate, she is favored by Urgathoa herself.. ![]()
![]() Good day. This is meant for an NPC in a homebrew i'm working on. Say we have a character that, via some strong magical means, has their soul split. Each half is its own physical form.
Now, after X amount of time, and equally powerful magical means, the two halves re-merge.
Would LG + CN/CE put them on TN? ![]()
![]() Hello. For something i am considering, a PC would ride a wasp into battle. But, in order to do so, it needs to be trained for it, which requires 6 tricks. Our level will be 5. Bumping the int of the bug to 1 at 4th level, and the 2 bonus tricks, i am left 1 short, until level 6. Is there another way to increase its intelligence? ![]()
![]() Good day. The situation:
Party activates anti evil buffs and the paladin declares smite evil, when they are about to confront them. Do the buffs and smite evil have any effect, with the amnesiac persona being completely different in alignment in views and behavior? Or does their original personality count for the measures to have effect? ![]()
![]() Good day. First, this is for PFS. My PC, a kitsune, is by order of the sorceress of the family he works for, always in fox form.
Levels: 1 mouser swashbuckler, 5 Ninja, 2 Shadow Dancer. Feats:
Ability scores (in fox form): Str 10, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16 All feats of 9, and 3 final class levels onwards are open, with maybe a consideration for the conduit feat: Flickering Step at 9th level. Which might warrant a ring o Eloquence to be purchased. I am uncertain on what the best way is, to improve a hit and run build, other than upgrading my Amulet of Agile Mighty fists, and some added effect to sneak attack, at lvl 9, with 6th (maybe final) level of ninja. What would be some viable suggestions for final progression and improvement? Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() Good day all. I'm to build a Dragonrider PC. Our build rules:
15 point buy.
Spoiler: and they have spellcasting progress like a ranger/paladin.
Claude from Fire Emblem 3 Houses I'm inclined to use human, since feats for the minimum of viability. Str 11 Dex 17 (14 +2 racial +1 lvl 4) Con 12 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 14
Feats, as we're lvl 6 to start:
Future feats:
I might be willing to dip something, it would delay class feats slightly, but i don't want to lose too much of my dragon mount's progression. Is this viable/workable for support? ![]()
![]() Hello. For a home game, i'm attempting to convert a monster from a video game, Heroes of Might & Magic. It's supposed to be a CR 2 monster, loosely based on the Skeletal Champion stat block. Stat block:
Creature statblock: Might & Magic wraith CR 2 NE Medium undead (skeletal humanoid) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60ft; Perception +6 Defense:
Str 14, Dex 18, Con -, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 14
Aura of syphoning (SU) DC 13:
A successfull will save negates this effect. Description:
Would this be about right for the CR, or would a tweak here or there be better? Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() Greetings. For a bard, i am considering going Sphere Singer, eventually.
Aside from mentioned qualities, does this mean one would also apply fey qualities as per fey template? Such as SR, ability score adjustments, innate spell casting? ![]()
![]() Hello. For a game of Wrath of the Righteous, i'll have a tiefling bard. (demon blooded for Cha bonus, worships Desna) Mainly a buffing support, with but a few offensive mind spells, as i expect higher enemies to have towering will saves. Ability scores:
There are three things i am considering. Build 1, Bard 5/Evangelist 10/Bard 5:
The bard will enter Evangelist at level 6, and after all 10 levels of the PrC, will continue bard. Effective CL at level 20: 19. Level 1 : Spellfocus (enchantment), +1 bonus to DC of enchantment spells.
Why dimensional feats?
Con : minor hit to BaB progression.
Bard 5/Evangelist 10/Spherewalker 5 (GM approved):
Effective CL at level 20: 19 (without feats) Like above, but filling level 16 through 20 with Spherewalker. Feats:
Con : More moderate hit to BaB & bard features.
Bard 5/Spheresinger 10/Bard 5: Effective CL at level 20: 18 (without feats) Somewhat more aimed at spells. Feats:
Cons: Limited bardic skills.
![]() Greetings. For a coming game, i'm planning ahead. The evangelist prestige class has, aside from deific obedience, following requirements: Any one of the following: base attack bonus +5, 5 ranks in any skill other than Knowledge (religion), or ability to cast 3rd-level spells. As far as i know, from first glance, i can enter it at level 5.
Are there other ways to obtain a lvl 3 SLA/level 3 spell, to enter at level 4 as well? ![]()
![]() Greetings. For the AP Wrath of the Righteous, i have a tiefling bard, who i'd like to be able to effectively intimidate the demons.
I aim to stay bard, except for 1 level of thug rogue at lvl 7. Feats planned:
Lvl 1-6 is bard. Martial performance grants weapon focus for my rapier, for the purpose of dazzling display.
Looking at level 10, it'd be +22
What could be done to further this, aside from items. Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() Good day. A game is coming up featuring evil outsiders aplenty.
The build towards level 10:
Post lvl 10: Evangelist PrC(bard)? / Argent Dramaturge PrC 5? 25pt buy
Post race modifiers
Planned Feats:
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
![]() You see a dusty octagonal oaken table, with 8 cushioned chairs. The few tapestries are in need of replacing or repairs. Still, with a little work, you could turn this into something decent. ![]()
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
![]() Lord Markham's contest, An event attracting quite a number of people.
The cast off to Emerald Isle was to be from Southport, a smaller region in southernmost Erathia. A couple of days sailing, at most. -----------------------------------
Following a vaguely sloped paved road downwards, you walk towards the trade square, and into a great hall, used for large meetings. A fair number of tables and chairs stand placed, devided across the 40 by 50 feet hall.
There are but a few tables without attendees at them.
A nearby table has a young goblin man in metal armor, a rogue'ish looking tanned human man, a dwarf woman and elf woman. The dwarf is wearing but leather and a small wooden shield, while the elf just speaks 'refined and gifted' by her graceful clothing alone. While another table has a trio of more....unsociable, looking men at them. They observe the rest of the people present, making some arrogant comments among themselves. Time for the introductions. I'll proceed when we're all here. ![]()
![]() 1167 AS, December 20th, nearly 2 months after the Restoration Wars came to an end. A war which started three years ago, with the invasion of the human kingdom of Erathia, invaded by the necromancers from Deyja, the infernal armies of Eofol, and the hordes from the Dungeon Overlords from Nighon. Incursions happened into the neighboring nations as well. Only through combined effort of Erathia, the elven Kingdom of Avlee, and the wizards from Bracada, were the invaders struck back.
In the end, you are left with but a small amount of gold, basic gear, and your own wits. Word has reached your ears, that an Erathian noble of reknown, Lord Markham, is organizing a team competition on Emerald Isle. A competition of which the reward is, according to rumors, to be property and wealth. All things considered, this might well be a way to turn around your currently ill fortune.
Hello to the interested. I am going to run a homebrew campaign, set on the world of Enroth, setting of many of the Might & Magic franchise's games. The game will take place on one of its three continents, the continent of Antagarich, close after the end of the Restoration Wars of Erathia.
Character creation:
15 point buy. Preferably no scores above 18 or below 8 after racial modifiers. 2 traits,no drawbacks. Classes: Core, minus barbarian. Barbarians are not particularly liked outside of the barbarian nation of Krewlod. Archetypes subject to approval. There is no orient continent, thereby excluding eastern armor and weapons, as well as eastern themed archetypes. Races: Dwarf *, Elf, Goblin *, Half-elf *, Human When you choose a race, you have an origin or ties in a nation of your choosing, that has them as a population. The nations and their inhabitants, along with pantheons, are described in the Players Guide linked under the header. * Dwarves are devided into 2 categories. Avlee born dwarves, and born in Stone City, the semi-city state of the dwarves of the Barrow Downs. While the Stone City dwarves are your average dwarf, their AvLee cousins have slightly less hardy bodies, from the less burdensome life in the forests and hills.
* Goblins are medium sized humanoids, with green skin in a variety of shades. They are native to Deyja and Krewlod. Outside of Deyja and Krewlod, some end up as bodyguards or mercenaries.
* Half-elves, aka half-bloods. Half-elves are a very rare sight. I'd take only one half-elf. Their ties would lie with Avlee or the Contested Lands. Funds: 75 gold. The conflict ate much of your wealth just trying to stay alive. Gods & domains
A feature i will adapt from the game franchise, is specialization points.
I am looking for a party of 5.
![]() Good day all. The now defunct New World Computing made some amazing RPG and strategy games back in its day. Many of its games featured on the world of Enroth. I am interested in making a homebrew game on its continent of Antagarich.
Now i feel the question rising: Is this Kingmaker on Antagarich?
The game will have a couple of custom features, for example specialization skills, comparable to background skills, but different. It will also borrow some features from the Might and Magic RPG games themselves. A more complete recruitment and players guide would come if there would be enough interest. ![]()
![]() Unchained barbarian She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A barbarian with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against her. Vanilla barbarian At 2nd level, a barbarian gains the ability to react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. "She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible". She still loses her Dexterity bonus to armor class if immobilized. A barbarian with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to armor class if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against her. Is the mention of protection against invisible opponents a thing forgotten, in the unchained version, or was it a deliberate change? ![]()
![]() Greetings. In the party's dire moment, the BBEG has managed to knock the majority of the party unconscious. One of the players has a boon which says that [specific PFS NPC] owes you a debt and has granted you a fraction of her power. You may use one of the next spell-like abilities using your character level as caster level and cross the boon afterwards: aid, detect thoughts, lesser restoration, see invisibility, continual flame, dispel magic, lesser globe of invulnerability, restoration. Could the PC indeed benefit from an AID spell, even though he is unconscious? Or is it, as i myself suspect, required the PC is awake? ![]()
![]() Greetings. The layout:
The party was convinced from the start the contact is male, despite neither side had ever been suggested in any form, and thus never inquired into it. Plotwise, there will come an assassination attempt on the baron's daughter in the near future. She herself is unaware. The party will soon learn though. I need the party to figure out their contact is her, before this happens. Hints i had given, but no response in return:
I'm running out of inspiration for small hints. Anyone got more ideas? ![]()
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
![]() Among the living, a season 0 mission tier 1-2 / 6-7, for outpost 4 event.
![]() Hello. Due some bad rolls, our party's tank, a cavalier, is dominated, and attacked us at a crucial moment. (as if a Yangethe alone wasn't enough) Now, if the caster of the Dominate spell, Yangethe in this case, uses a strong harmful ability that also hurts the cavalier, does that cause them to snap back to their senses? We just might survive if so. ![]()
![]() Yesterday i played a homegame. In it, we were fighting an epic encounter on the high levels. My witch ended up turning the boss (a night hag) into a neutral kitten. Both saves failed, so mental scores matching accordingly. (great improvement from NE) Then it occurred to me that, since baleful polymorph mentions the animal retains its class levels and some benefits thereof, we now have a kitten with 5 levels of fighter. What would happen if we cast awaken animal on it, regarding memory?
![]() Hello. So a game lets us play monsters too.
Now with ABP, PCs get, with levels, bonuses to NA and deflection, even if they hadn't before. This sounds like an omen of things to come.
Ghost touch armor is too expensive for a good while.
Dex 18, Int 16, Wis 8 (4d6 roll), Cha 16 |