Pruolus, The Adventurers Guild story

Game Master Chyrone

Building a career in the Yonford Adventurers Guild

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Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

dippity dot


Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

(Island overview cinematic with passing clouds)

It is late spring with pleasant temperatures on the island nation of Pruolus. Isolated but unconquered on their island, its inhabitants are nonetheless diverse and resourceful, living in three large cities and its surroundings small communities.

It is a land rich in resources, for which it is coveted by the Crimson Armada, a massive mercantile naval power with no regard to other lives, to keep their monopoly on the open seas.

(Zooming in on Yonford)

This story originates in the city of Yonford, a city with a booming textile and fabric industry and bountiful soils.

(Focusing towards a building with a large sign of an open road with a sword and shield crest above it.)

Adventurers Guild emblem

A group of aspirant adventurers have recently concluded their trail runs, coupled with an active fixer to review their performance, both social and practical. They have passed the trials, and now gather in The Warden's Respite Inn, the headquarters of Yonford's Adventurers Guild. And the first place the mysterious 'Warden' founded the first guild centuries ago to protect the people, both outside and inside the cities.

(Camera enters the door to open up widescreen to the scene itself)

As you all enjoy chatting, drinks and food, Mary looks over her shoulder at the figure relieving her of bar tending duty. She leaves the inn.

A group of seasoned looking fixers sits at a table at the other end of the room, other people chat and either sit down for drinks themselves, some take a look at the job board. Another group of 3 takes off a notice, reads it, and speaks with the woman who relieved Mary. A duo of loud patrons get a quick scolding, and they almost shut up completely.

The 3 leave, and the woman looks at the newcomers, and then comes over towards your table.
A woman nearing middle age, with wavey straw blonde hair. She walks with a cane, as one of her legs has a limp. Otherwise she still looks in shape. She carries herself with confidence.

"Good morning. You must be the most recent members of the guild.
Your partner fixers have told me you've carried out your respective trials thoroughly. Good to hear it."

"I am Margaret Winfield, the Guild master of Yonford.
I'm sure you wonder, like many new agents, what you can expect and what is expected of you.
We value the lives of our own. Leave none of yours behind in the field unless this becomes impossible. If something becomes overwhelming, get yourselves to safety, we can send a more experienced team if needed."

"As you may know, the Guild stays out of conflicts, it is guild policy everywhere. Should you wish to partake in one on a side, you'll be giving up membership, permanently. Lodging here is not free, i have to keep things running both as an inn and headquarters, but it is by default cheaper for guild members. If you have any problems or obstacles in relation to a job you've taken on, come to me, and we'll see if something can be done."

"However, don't make personal circumstances a problem for the Guild. There have been a couple of cases over the years in the past, where misconduct drew attention of unsavory elements, even the city guard, to our doorstep."

During her explanation, she is ever social, but serious at the same time. Her air is somewhat reminiscent of an older and wise sister, perhaps a caring aunt. But one you'd do well to be respectful with. Such has been her reputation with those who've had dealings with Margaret Winfield.

"That said, would you have any questions for me, before you take a job?"

Kn. Local 10:

Guildmaster Winfield used to be a capable fixer when she was still in active duty, forming a team with current master at arms Roland Greyhawk and the two other senior instructors in the guild.

Kn. Local 15:

Margaret Winfield is said to have been capable at both magic and martial disciplines. Her limp is said to be the price she paid for keeping the others safe, or rescuing, from something very dangerous. Clerics were unable to fix it with magic. Speculations have gone by on what it was, but it was not disclosed.

Leona replies after putting down her Dragon's Ale on the rocks.

"I personally prefer not fighting, but one needs to also be wary they aren't subtly made pawns in a conflict, like through a few proxies.
So how would the guild deal with one indirectly working in a conflict?
Like a Job coming from a proxy of a proxy of one involved in conflict with the job hindering their rival?
In that case where would the fault lay?"

Know(Local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna wrote:

Leona replies after putting down her Dragon's Ale on the rocks.

"I personally prefer not fighting, but one needs to also be wary they aren't subtly made pawns in a conflict, like through a few proxies.
So how would the guild deal with one indirectly working in a conflict?
Like a Job coming from a proxy of a proxy of one involved in conflict with the job hindering their rival?
In that case where would the fault lay?"


"We look into the source of the jobs before it becomes available on the notice board, provided we have not yet done a job for them in the past."

"So to answer the question, if the findings comes up as bad news, the job will not make it to the notice board. Should the source somehow manage to cover all their bases despite our efforts, the gravity of the outcome will determine what actions are taken."

"It is a specific question, young lady. Are you suggesting something here?"

"No, I'm not suggesting anything, as the world is a mix of black, white and grey.
But the rule sounded a black and white with a nasty grey zone that could be exploited by others if not clear.
So I want to make clear up that grey zone in the wording. Since if it is not clear it could lead to problems.
One has to be wary of anything to vague or not covered, as they say the devil is in the details, or even the lack of details."

Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna wrote:

"No, I'm not suggesting anything, as the world is a mix of black, white and grey.

But the rule sounded a black and white with a nasty grey zone that could be exploited by others if not clear.
So I want to make clear up that grey zone in the wording. Since if it is not clear it could lead to problems.
One has to be wary of anything to vague or not covered, as they say the devil is in the details, or even the lack of details."

"A good attitude. In our work, do not take everything immediately at face value. Indeed, one might even find out details that would turn around the views on a situation. Should something like that even happen, it is important to notify me, so i can prepare to deal with any ensuing details. Be they material in nature, or even socially."

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Male Human Evoker | HP 6/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Know-Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 Gotta stop rolling 1's!

Vasaam listens and waits his turn, then sets his empty mug down. "Thanks for the information. I think the rules are clear. I'm sure we'll do our best to stay clear of political issues, social conflicts or whatever the like. And if we do encounter any, we'll report as soon as we can extricate ourselves."

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 8/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Knowledge local (max 10): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Lariel gulps as guild master Winfield approaches. A little stiff, he awkwardly bows from his chair and sees if any of the others got up to respond to her, leading to a scene where he is half bowing, half standing up. He finally sits down and says "I'm honored, m'la... lady Winfield. I... I do wonder what is the guild's policy on acquired... uhm... findings... during jobs." He was too awkward to say loot.

Leona hear that adds
"That is a good question what are our salvage rights during any jobs we do?"

Male Human Evoker | HP 6/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

"My father was a fixer. I remember him saying something like, 'Theft is not part of the mission and not allowed. But spoils that were not part of the mission could usually be retained, in addition to whatever the pay was for successful completion of the mission.'"

Female Undine Cleric 1

Coraline looks a bit nervous, as if meeting a hero for the first time. She gaps her mouth very much like a fish before coughing on her coffee, and then sputtering out "Y...Y..Yes Ma'am! We will do our best!" Coughs and hacks a bit more, clearly having taken a bad drink. " What, what IS our first job Ma'am? Are we rescuing a village? Fighting a dragon? Running the blockade to gather ingredients to save a princess?" Her voice held a note of excitement, because with a team they might could finally stop fighting rats. She hated rats she decided.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

If I remember correctly, unless the thing is specifically what you are supposed to acquire, you can keep what lawfully gotten gains you make otherwise. Emphasis on lawfully, making problems for the guild by breaking and entering is... not a good idea. Aletha offers politely

Example A: Bandits attack a caravan you are supposed to guard, the stuff of bandits you legally defeat is yours. The guild may assist you in selling it, as they have people who are very good at appraisal.
Example b: You are to provide escort services for a noble that believes himself under threat. Under no circumstances will you take things from his other retainers, let alone himself, unless they are gifts made. And maybedont take these either, I had a noble who interpreted escort service a bit differently and it got a bit weird.

Aletha offers

The nervousness of Lariel and Coraline is eased by a friendly smile.
"No need to be nervous around me. I've started as anyone in the Guild. Just do your jobs to the best of your ability."

Nodding at Aletha and Vasaam's comments.

"That is indeed the gist of it. Indeed, the example of bandits' captured equipment, they are spoils that can be turned into additional profits. People who want to abuse the guild's good reputation to their advantage, have no place within it. The previous guild master had discovered one of the newer members to have ties to the nastier underbelly of Yonford, attempting to use their membership to further their own seedy agenda. Immediate expulsion and handing over to the city guard was the next thing."

"If you discover items in the field of value, for example old forgotten or abandoned jewelry or equipment, merchants or expertise shops would gladly purchase from you."

Aletha wrote:
You are to provide escort services for a noble that believes himself under threat. Under no circumstances will you take things from his other retainers, let alone himself, unless they are gifts made. And maybedont take these either, I had a noble who interpreted escort service a bit differently and it got a bit weird.

"I heard about that, hence the change of the trial assignment."

"As for your first job, a village a few hours from the city, has asked for looking into the disappearance of some of their fishermen. They do their fishing inside of a system of cliff side caverns. Three men have disappeared and their nets have been found torn up. The villagers are clueless as to what has happened, and put together money for us to look into the situation."

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 8/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

I KNEW I had to invest in Swim. We're on an island ffs. But I got Climb instead.

Lariel recomposes himself and says "I'm on it. I mean we... We're on it." He is still too embarrassed to ask if said money was entirely for them or the guild kept some.

At least you have swim as a class skill, I don't.

Leona hears a the phrase "nastier underbelly" and immediately things
Oh the craftsmen, Yeah I bet they would want to leverage the guild reputation to their own ends.

"So a sea-side village has what is could be a monster problem.
or something disguised as a monster problem."

Male Human Evoker | HP 6/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

"Yep! Could be Sahuagin. But it could be something or somebody trying to make it look like them. We'll investigate and fix the problem." He briefly considers asking about the money, but decides that can wait. With any luck they might finish this quickly and be ready for the next task.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

I need to buy a rapier for possible underwater combat, although I hope it wont happen given my lack of swimming skills. Aletha says to herself as she checks her amount of funds

Is there by chance a possibility for a slight advance payment of say 10 gold per person? Could be used to procure some wooden armor, or alternatively piercing weaponry suited to the likely anticipated combat.


Chain shirt=100
Falcata 18
Bardiche 13
3 pila 15
Swashbucklers kit 9
lol just enough to buy a rapier, I would very much welcome a slight advance payment though haha :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Leona adds hearing about Sahuagin.
"Oh you mean those Fish men, Well I just hope it is not some guys in frog outfits pretending to be monsters to scare off the local to loot some old ruins."

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Oh, I am Aletha, I mostly hit people with some type of slashing, stabbing or punching implement, am reasonably hard to hit in combat and can dance pretty well. I can shape change, once per day, for a minute, and only into a different species, not into a specific individual, it also doesnt enable me to speak their languages etc. but if I turn into a boggard I get to swim.

She pauses

And yes, while my Falcata is indeed named "People skills" I am normally reasonable with non violent people skills as well.

She gives a fairly winning smile.

Also, if it goes under water... Bleh, Boggard form time it is I guess. Dont ask my why I can turn into a boggard but not into a Sahuaguin, someone said its about sahuaguain being more monstrous or something.

Since Aletha introduced herself Leona goes next

"Aletha, is right we haven't introduced ourselves.
Well, my name is Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna , though most just call me Leona.
I'm not much of a fighter, in fact I act as a bit of a intermediary for some folks.
So words are my main weapons, and not my daggers or sling."

"I can provide only a bit healing if push comes to shove, and I can do scouting"

"Now I've also have a bit of a friendly relationship with a few merchants, like Mr Big who runs Mr Big's General Store in Yonford.
Now I was introduced to him by my mentor, Nili Locknor.
So if we find any loot, we already have someone we can sell to, though I warn to be careful of certain words when near him...."

I hope folks enjoy the hieght reference I made

Male Human Evoker | HP 6/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

"Introductions? Good idea. I figured we could do that during the trip, but.... I'm Vasaam Cathan. Wizard. I'm not any good at fighting and try to stay away from it. but I'll do what I can to help out if we do face enemies. I'm hoping that we don't need to do any swimming or underwater work."

Female Undine Cleric 1

Staying quiet for a moment, her face clearly showing a deep hatred for those dreaded sea creatures, she breathes out " We will ensure they all die. I am Coraline Sealen, and that is my mission, to remove those filth from the sea and have the balance back in natural order. They shall fall as all evil should."

She clearly has an issue with the idea of fighting those creatures given her clear wish of violence on them.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 8/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

The tall half-elf says "Uhm, nice to meet all of you. I'm Lariel. As you can probably tell, I favor the bow, but I know how to keep us safe in, errr, say, non-urban environments. I also like to dismantle devices in my free time, but I'm not sure how this can be helpful."

He seems more confident as time passes.

Leona takes in information.

"So it seems like we might have a good team forming here.
But the introductions are a bit incomplete.

Aletha looks like she'll be one of our from liners in fights, and can assist me with the more wordy aspects when words are the weapons of choice.

I provide a face for the team along with scouting, and a bit of other types of support. And I guess the urban settings are where I'll shine most, which compliments, Lariel.

And Lariel will likely be running as our support or sniper in fights.
The fact they mentioned they dismantle devices will be good if we need to enter ruins or encounter certain groups that like to booby-trap things.

Now this is a guess on my part, but your also good at scouting I take it?

If so we can figure out who scouts ahead given the perceived types of threats in the area.

The big hole though is I don't have a clear idea of what Vasaam and Coraline bring to the table.
As I don't want to judge a book by its cover."

Male Human Evoker | HP 6/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Vasaam looks a little confused at Leona's question. "What I bring to the table? Hmm.... My magic is mostly evocation focused, but I do have a few other spells as long as we don't need necromancy or enchantments. As for non-magical skills.... I was college trained so anything related to athletics is out. I know a bit about arcana and spellcrafting of course. And like any wizard I can craft scrolls given the time and money to do it. But if I'm here in the city I can create scrolls to cure wounds too. I just don't have the coin to have any created yet. Oh, and I know this won't matter with this group, but I can see in low light as well as most elves."

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Can you... make me... big? Aletha burst out

Like, Cyndane, my previous fixer, could double in size when she needed to and oh f+#%ing boy she did a number, and I think I would hit really really hard if enlarged! Aletha says very enthusasiatically

the big question if native outsiders can be affected by enlarge person.

Male Human Evoker | HP 6/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

"I know of that spell, enlarge person. But, I don't have it in my spell book. Maybe when we get back I can buy it from the University. Right now I just don't have the gold needed to pay for it. I'm sorry...."

Female Undine Cleric 1

"Forgive me, that was rather rude of me wasn't it? I just hate those creatures so much, they attack you land dwellers as much as my people, and neither of us have much of a way to escape really. I am a cleric, I heal people. I also could be able to strengthen people, but that spell I would have to pray for, and I may not be strong enough yet to cast it. But we do have a good group. I think if everyone is ready, we could go on today? Or at least set out?"

Leona hearing the answers then adds
"No it is fine, Coraline. It is a common story.

But it looks like we have a well rounded team here, and everyone here I'm guessing will have knowledge others lack.
So we'll need to rely on each other's wisdom and experience.
We even have some overlap in skills, so one is not completely burdened with a team role.

Though I admit enlarge could be a good spell, it seems not everyone can be effected by it.
Now I can be effected by that spell, but my mentor, Nili Locknor seemed immune to it...along with a few other spells."

Leona is tiefling, but with pass for human or quarter-elf

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

In wrath of the righteous, we used potions of enlarge potion to find out demonic infiltrators, because it wouldnt work on them. The smarter demons countered by pretending to be halflings and gnomes, and then used alter self while drinking the potion to become medium sized halflings or gnomes, but not all of the enemies got the idea and we liberally sprinkled in potions of reduce person labeled enlarge person.

If me make a quick stop at the weapons market along the way because I would like a back up Rapier, sure!

Vasaam wrote:
Vasaam listens and waits his turn, then sets his empty mug down. "Thanks for the information. I think the rules are clear. I'm sure we'll do our best to stay clear of political issues, social conflicts or whatever the like. And if we do encounter any, we'll report as soon as we can extricate ourselves."

"Oh, drawing a weapon to defend an innocent, in the absence of guardsmen, is totally fine. It's the greater conflicts such as territorial disputes or war, that the Guild stays out of."

Kn. History 15:

The last time the Crimson Armada attempted to take a city on Pruolus 200 years ago, Yonford actually, the Adventurers Guild did not partake in the battle, keeping to its founding code of neutrality in not fighting other peoples' fights. The city held, with great effort, and fortified afterwards. The Guild did help by evacuating non combatants away from the fighting, which follows their code of protecting the people.

But multiple sources say the Crimson Armada holds more forces and territory to draw from now, than they did then.

Aletha wrote:
Is there by chance a possibility for a slight advance payment of say 10 gold per person? Could be used to procure some wooden armor, or alternatively piercing weaponry suited to the likely anticipated combat.

"As this is your first official job, that request can be granted." Come to the bar when you head out.

Leona wrote:

Now I've also have a bit of a friendly relationship with a few merchants, like Mr Big who runs Mr Big's General Store in Yonford.

Now I was introduced to him by my mentor, Nili Locknor.
So if we find any loot, we already have someone we can sell to, though I warn to be careful of certain words when near him...."

"Him? Your private friends are your own, but i would advise not using him as the only place to sell goods at. Specialists tend to be more profitable and knowledgeable than say, bulk buyers or fences."


Sense motive 20, a hunch?

She might be in the know of what sort of person 'Mr. Big' is, by the way her gaze briefly ended up on your mention of relationship with Pipsqueek. She might well not have high an opinion of him and what he does, but given she said to keep private separated from the Guild, she may not much care.

Kn. Local 10:

"Mr. Big" is an ambitious halfling merchant.
Real name "Hiccup Pipsqueek". A complex with being called by his real name.

Kn. Local 15:

While running a decent business, not all of his profits may be gained from above the table, so a few tavern rumors go. But if so, he's careful to not draw attention to himself from law enforcement.

Sense_Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

"Well your right on that, as my mentor did warn me, he some times puts a lower buying price on jewelery,
and then turns around and sells it for a much higher price.

Though for some jewelery pieces, he'll buy it at a higher price then what other merchants would pay for.

And I kind of suck at appraising the worth of things at the moment."

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 8/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Lariel listens closely, trying to figure out this intense back and forth and maybe learn something. He thinks If I am to make it in this guild, I should learn all these types of negotiations.

Knowledge local: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Leona seeing some puzzled looks

"Oh, Mr Big is the Halfling merchant that runs the place.
Just don't use his real name as let's just say it touches on a sore spot for him,
and he has a bit of a complex about it along with his height, which is around 2 feet and 6 inches tall.
So please never say the word short or any compound word with short in it near him."

Roll that Know(Local) DC 10 posted above for his real name.

Female Undine Cleric 1

" Well with that settled, I believe we need to head out? How long is the journey? We might be able to make it by nightfall today if it is not too far, but with this group we should be safe enough to sleep in the woods." Coraline stands up, brushing her armored clothing down and making sure her skirts are gathered properly, before going to head out. She was a firm believer in early to start, early to get paid for a job well done it seems.

" Though if we do stop at the shops, if... if anyone has any new books I would enjoy knowing. Just let me know if you see any."

Male Human Evoker | HP 6/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Vasaam glances up when Coraline mentions books. "Books? Yes! But I'll need money to buy what I want.... Maybe when we get back!"

We should be able to make it. "a village a few hours from the city"

GM, Would the guild have anything like the Pathfinder Chronicles listed in the Inner Sea Campaign book, page 293?, or the AON site?

Leona smiles a bit adding
"Looks like we might have some bibliophiles in the group."

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

I tried writing, I have this weird book idea in my head that refuses to get out but... Maybe later. Lets save some villgers

Aletha announces with enthusiasm.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 8/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Lariel, who has never been one of books, preferring cheap short stories of heroism from a nameless gazette, doesn't join in on the conversation. He does think of something and says "Master, Winfield, are we to be given access to horses for our trip by any chance?"

After, he says "I just realized I need to buy two things, do we have time?", noting what Leona said about booby traps.

"I believe I'm fine with what I have, so I'm pretty much ready to go."

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Aletha strikes a rather odd pose. Her newly bought rapier is suspended, as rapiers generally are, from her swordbelt with a series of straps for easier drawing. Her Falcata is placed a bit higher.
An extra strap attaches her buckler to her left shoulder.
On her back is a javelin quiver holding several throwing spears.

I envy you magic users, you dont have to carry that much stuff around. At least the chain shirt is quite comfortable.

Just had some HEMA sparring, and jokingly referred to what Aletha is carrying around. It would actually be doable, but quite annoying in practice. Realistically I would dispense with the Javelins, these wouldnt work well with a bagpack. I am also laughing at Paizo saying you can use a buckler wielding hand for something else with relative ease :). Still, i have a guy in another game who runs around with 3 orc butchering axes, a hornbow, a greatsword and a morning star.

What HEMA i know of.

Lariel wrote:

Master, Winfield, are we to be given access to horses for our trip by any chance?"

After, he says "I just realized I need to buy two things, do we have time?", noting what Leona said about booby traps.

1d2 ⇒ 1

"The horses owned by the Guild are out with another group.
If you wish to utilize horses in such future cases, we have an agreement with one of the nearby stable masters, Nathan Crowe. Present him the Guildmember pin, which i will hand you when you leave, and he will provide you a small discount on horses rented."

Vasaam wrote:
GM, Would the guild have anything like the Pathfinder Chronicles listed in the Inner Sea Campaign book, page 293?, or the AON site?

Not as such. They keep record of members, active and previous, along with mention of jobs they had completed. For some reading for knowledge, you'd want to visit the city's archives/library.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Historical European Martial Arts, dress up in a lot of protective gear and boink each other, trying to recreate historical sword fighting techniqes. My funniest take away is that Rapier and buckler is way harder on my arm muscles then longsword.

Male Human Evoker | HP 6/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Read the listing for a Weapon Rack Backpack. Holds four weapons that you or your allies can retrieve as a move action without provoking an AoO. ??

"Sounds like we're taking the shoe leather express this time...."

He chuckles at Aletha's question and draws the single dagger that he has on his belt. "This is mainly for eating. If I have to use it in a fight it means that I got too close to the enemy! I'm much better with my magic!"

Female Undine Cleric 1

Coraline nods at the words spoken about shopping and seems encouraged that some of the party read.

On the way to the shops, she would babble about the different books she read, though without much trouble it was clear she read everything, but mostly fantasy romances that were completely not realistic, but she found them fun. "In this one series, they could watch plays on windows in theirs houses! Can you image something so wild? Who wouldn't want to see a play in person? Maybe we can make it back in time after removing the monsters from the seas we can see a play?"

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 8/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Lariel bites his lip, knowing he can't afford to even rent a horse. He says "Maybe I don't need a horse for this one."

On the shop, he buys himself a dagger and a set of thieves' tools.

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Leona adds to Vasaam's comment on walking

"The shoe leather express is not all that bad, it is a good work out especially since it makes the food and drinks taste better when you arrive."

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