
Chyrone's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 3,903 posts (47,502 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 17 Organized Play characters. 36 aliases.

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Awesome special, defending a city is grand.


I've played this at a con last weekend, and it was terrific.

At first you are gathered in the city, then the abbyss spews forth the invasion, and action commences.

While we were rescuing people, fighting off demonic invaders, and avoiding traps, the repeated improvement or worsening of the situation in the several districts (and just outside of the walls) has you eager to finish your encounter and defend the city elsewhere.

There is chance to have your skills tested, not limited to social and knowledge rolls, though those of course come in handy.

Defending the battlements with a freaking large ballista is awesome, all the while defending against enemies coming from outside and within.

Though this will work in PBP, like previous specials, this one will truly shine in a F2F Multi tables game.

All in all, this is a must play, imo.
There is something to be said, about defending a city against demonic onslaught. Awesome comes into the direction...

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Feast your eyes on this.


I've recently GM'ed this and loved it.

The fights aren't too the start, but once the PCs get into the final area, they can expect some decent resistance.

The atmosphere in it is fun to RP out too, from both PC and GM perspective.

A hint for the GMs to be running this:
If the PCs are particularly skilled in Sense Motive, and with asking the right questions of the one in charge, choose your words carefully or they might do something unexpected. It gives a more 'surprise!', when they discover the proper person is the BBEG.

The final fight can be potentially deadly for lvl 3. I ran it with 3 lvl 3 and 1 lvl 4. The tactics as written can work, but don't hesitate to have the BBEG play dirty within his options.

All in all, a great module i definitely want to run again in the future.