Pruolus, The Adventurers Guild story

Game Master Chyrone

Building a career in the Yonford Adventurers Guild

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You find an empty table in the back, with patrons and fellow fixers coming and going.
The perfect place to take a break from your recent activities.

Gameplay opening will follow tomorrow. Still got some other things that need doing for now.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

A young quite attractive lady walks in, swearing quietly in some unusual languages.

linguisitcs DC10:

Its Abyssal

Квиппоты под ними - черт бы побрал мою несуществующую любовную жизнь, почему они должны быть именно стаями? Я что, выгляжу так, будто сделан из гребаных алхимических костров?


Qlippoths beneath bugger my non existent lovelife, why did it have to be effing swarms? Do I look like I am made of f&&$ing alchemist fires?

She methodically removes her chain shirt and squishes some spiders that are scuttling out from it.


She pauses

I do need a drink. And a bath.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

"Welcome, miss. Miss Margaret will be back shortly.
In the meantime, what drink can i get you?"


(whispered message)

"And pulling Qlippoths into frustration? Those little furballs are too cute for that."

I hereby make Qlippoths a mix between a hamster and a dormouse. Native rodent species to Pruolus, and beloved pets to youths.

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

A rather average looking man steps in, pausing to look around. He brushes a random strand of his blond hair back in place and it falls back where it was almost immediately. He brushes a slight bit of dust from his clothing and approaches what he assumes is the innkeeper.

"A bit of water would be nice to rinse the dust from my throat. I wouldn't want to be concerning anyone with a dry cough."

He glances at the young attractive lady and frowns. "What language was that? Seemed a bit harsh but I didn't recognize a single word of it."

Qlippoths as harmless rodents? Cute!

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Oh, some beer would be great, as long as it cool, crisp, and does not contain any spiders. I dont even hate spiders, but walking through a door and getting about a thousand or so dropped on you was not fun.

The "lady" answers

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Vasaam Cathan wrote:

A rather average looking man steps in, pausing to look around. He brushes a random strand of his blond hair back in place and it falls back where it was almost immediately. He brushes a slight bit of dust from his clothing and approaches what he assumes is the innkeeper.

"A bit of water would be nice to rinse the dust from my throat. I wouldn't want to be concerning anyone with a dry cough."

He glances at the young attractive lady and frowns. "What language was that? Seemed a bit harsh but I didn't recognize a single word of it."

Qlippoths as harmless rodents? Cute!

Here's a Pruolusian Qlippoth

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

LOL! If I hadn't already chosen a focus rather than a familiar, that's quite cute!

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Vasaam Cathan wrote:
LOL! If I hadn't already chosen a focus rather than a familiar, that's quite cute!

You're welcome to still switch, if you'd like.

It would use the stats of a lemming.

In walks a tall attractive woman.
She's taller then most human women in Yonford, but it's easy to see why, she's taller.
She has some elven blood in her veins given her elf like ears.
I can make character renders for everyone, but I'd need info, like height to get scaling right when I do a height reference render.

the is muttering
" این یک آشفتگی عجیب بود. یکی از دلایلی که من از معاملات نزدیک منطقه چراغ قرمز متنفرم "


"That was a freaking Mess. A reason I hate deals near the red light district."

once she takes a seat at the bar she asks
"One dragon's Ale, on the rocks please."

Oh nice two characters with a secret language....this could be fun

Human Jack of All trades
Mary Dawnrose wrote:
Vasaam Cathan wrote:

A rather average looking man steps in, pausing to look around. He brushes a random strand of his blond hair back in place and it falls back where it was almost immediately. He brushes a slight bit of dust from his clothing and approaches what he assumes is the innkeeper.

"A bit of water would be nice to rinse the dust from my throat. I wouldn't want to be concerning anyone with a dry cough."

He glances at the young attractive lady and frowns. "What language was that? Seemed a bit harsh but I didn't recognize a single word of it."

Qlippoths as harmless rodents? Cute!

Here's a Pruolusian Qlippoth

spit take and a LMAO

Female Undine Cleric 1 HP 10/10 Init +2 Darkvision Perception +8 Fort +3 Ref +0 Will +5 Longspear +2 1d8+3

"Why is it that every mission has rats?!? I hate rats at this point. Always biting and nibbling. I swear if I"

A long and lanky, but pretty female with gills walks in, an air of wetness about her. And the floor, as she was dropping water everywhere as she moved, and given how far they were from the water, she must have came straight in. A holy symbol of some water deity about her neck, and a simple armor and arms marked her as someone from under the sea, as did her slightly dark blue skin and green hair.

Leona looks at the newcomer and then around the room

Leona ponders
Hmm ... Looks like a team could form those in this room at the moment.
Graceful muscle, Divine and Arcane support, and a face that can scout, though I guess some more muscle would not be bad, especially if one can scout so scouting could be done in a pair for a high risk scouting situation.

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Vasaam glances around at the lovely ladies, wonders what the two were speaking in the strange, harsh language, and chuckles. "Rats? Spiders? At least they're stupid and easy to kill. Get a drink and relax. You survived and will be ready for the next time."

He finishes his glass of water and goes back to the bar. "Feeling better now. How about a tall stout ale? And a hard roll with some meat and cheese?"

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Nausica wrote:
Oh nice two characters with a secret language....this could be fun

Circumstancial, of course. A scholar or wizard might well understand abyssal or infernal. Dennis the peasant more likely is not.

And the guild has members of various peoples.

As each of you has done a trial assignment, paired with an already active fixer, time for drinks is in order. The young woman behind the bar serves you all your choice of drinks.

Having a more leisure look at the interior, the number of tables would easily provide for 50 people sitting. It is hard to say for newcomers how many guildmembers there are, but this would be a fair indication of a minimum, if there would be a full guild meeting.

Female Undine Cleric 1 HP 10/10 Init +2 Darkvision Perception +8 Fort +3 Ref +0 Will +5 Longspear +2 1d8+3

Coraline eyes the man, clearly not impressed. She takes off her hat and steps next to the man, coming a full 5 ft and 1 inches, not the 5'3 originally thought as her massive curls of hair tumble out and the hat gave way a few inches of height. She points and says " I understand you do not have the issue of rats, but do you see this? Tangles like seaweed if you do not care for it, and guess who doesn't care for it? RATS! I swear, the underwater drown me the next time I have to clear a rats nest." Given her more nautical look, one would surmise the gills on her neck meant her drowning was not something short of divine intervention would achieve.

She then places an order for fish, not cooked please and thank you just spiced, and a nice hot dark bean juice, the one that makes you stay up, and takes a seat with whoever spot was open, probably meaning they all got their food and found they had to sit together.

If they did all end up at the same table, she does get a bit less rowdy and says, " I am Coraline Sealen, Cleric to Asherah, Goddess of the Sea. She favors the bow, but I find that this trusty spear works well on land as it did in the sea. Tell me about yourselves, I feel we are all new here."

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Hi, I am Aletha, I mostly slash things with a large sword and am fairly multilingual. She answers in general

That was Abyssal, I have for some weird reason been able to speak Infernal, Abyssal and Celestial since birth. Abyssal is great for swearing, although Abyssal has a bunch of different dialects and different ways to write it, either phonetic, phonetic with indications for pronounciation, symbolic, or altered symbolic...

She pauses before she gives a Vasam a linguistics lecture by accident.

I tried flirting in Celestial, but nobody I flirted with understood it.

She shrugs.

One can totally flirt in Abyssal, wait, let me turn on "totally not a Succubus"-mode

Her posture changes, where it radiated a generally state of pissed off ness about the multiverse in general and having a spider swarm in your hair in particular, it now showcases her long flowing silky black hair, a bit more silky because some enterprising spiders are still inside it who are currently making a web, she is almost a picutre of allure and she speaks, in what is the same language but in a drastically different intonation.

Приветствую тебя, незнакомец, если твой такт и культурность окажутся уместными, мы отлично поладим.


I greet thee stranger, if your tact and culturedness are deemed appropriate we will get along great.

She holds this pose before chuckling a bit

And no, I am not a Succubus, if I was one I wouldnt be interfacing with f+#@ing spider swarms.

Female Undine Cleric 1 HP 10/10 Init +2 Darkvision Perception +8 Fort +3 Ref +0 Will +5 Longspear +2 1d8+3

I do have a question though. Looking at it, are we going to be more gold focused or random generated? I ask because planning ahead on characters is a thing I like doing, and with that means looking at say pearls of power for spells we as a group can use from the clerics list.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

we have a cleric, a wizard, a bard and a swashbuckler, with 2 full casters and a 6th caster, I can probably focus on frontlining duties and be a swashbuckler 1 Urban Bloodrager rest build.

overview on capabilities:

Aletha will likely go down being an urban bloodrager.

She will:
--Hit like a truck
--Have ok AC backed up by parry and riposte
--Be able to bluff and thus feint while bloodraging
--Pick up greater feint at level 7
--Be more focused on one very big attack an AoOs rather then full attacking
--Get a pounce like trick at level 12, by using adaptive magic to cast bladed dash on herself as a free action by entering a bloodrage

Notable power spikes:

--Level 2 I get the basic Bloodrager kit, which includes medium armor proficiency

--Level 5 I get bloodrager spellcasting and a feat and the second bloodline ability

--Level 7 I get greater feint

--Level 8 I get mirror image, although I can cast it from a wand earlier

--Level 12 I get a quasi pounce limited times per day

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Coraline Sealen wrote:
I do have a question though. Looking at it, are we going to be more gold focused or random generated? I ask because planning ahead on characters is a thing I like doing, and with that means looking at say pearls of power for spells we as a group can use from the clerics list.

The reward is generally in gold.

Though there may be a few occassions a mission yields something different as payment. Plus, you naturally loot stuff you find out in the field on missions.

Aletha Verkossian wrote:

we have a cleric, a wizard, a bard and a swashbuckler, with 2 full casters and a 6th caster, I can probably focus on frontlining duties and be a swashbuckler 1 Urban Bloodrager rest build.

** spoiler omitted **

we should have a ranger coming in, and funny enough when the roll call happened, they did not reply.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Hi guys, sorry I'm late. My sheet needs a bit of formatting, but let's prioritize. Good to see your Falcata will get to see some action Aletha!

At this moment, a half-elf stumbles in. He clearly has been trying wrong doors for a while. His hair is a bit tangled and he clearly does not focus on his looks. He has a longbow across his back and a longsword hanging by his hip. He says "Am I in the right place? Is this where we get our assignment? Oh hi!", he finishes once he notices a forming group of potential adventurers.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

Since everyone has gathered, there is a particular mystery question for all if you.

Each of you, give me a first and last name for a person.
1) This person is a former fixer, now deceased since before you decided to apply becoming one yourselves.
2) They could have been a rolemodel, a family acquaintance/friend, someone you bumped into and helped you in the moment.
3) This is not a backstory altering person. I'm looking for someone who somewhere along the years may have lit the spark for any interest in the Guild.
4) What class were they?
5) They weren't too shady themselves. ^^

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Mine will be Jubibee, the troublemaker sorcerer in my backstory that died protecting me.

That info in already in my profile, Nili Locknor.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Vasaan casts his prestidigitation spell to cool the ale and takes a sip. The earthy taste is good at this point even though his previous experience might have put him off the taste.

Glancing at Coraline as she speaks he nods. He sits his 5 ft 10 inch frame onto a stool, possibly so he isn't looking down on anyone. "I've had to deal with rats in the past, nasty creatures. But I admit I've never cleared a nest of any significant size."

"I am Vasaam Cathan, mage and occasion scholar. I am pretty new to Yonford having recently moved from Arquette."

Hearing Aletha's beginning of an explanation of the Abyssal language it is obvious that he is interested. "That's interesting. I speak Aquan, Auran, and Draconic, but none of the higher or lower planes languages. If I have time I must study what I can to learn them." He pauses a moment in consideration then grins. "Flirting in Celestial? That's funny, but the flip side would be cursing in Abyssal if an actual demon were listening. It'd probably laugh, before it tried to kill you." Chuckling quietly he adds, "I may be wrong though. I don't know any demons, only what little I've read about them.... Hope I'm not insulting anyone."

My fixer in my background would be my father Bartholemeu Cathan. Sorcerer. I haven't seen him in 4 years and assume that he is dead. All about him is in the history on my CS, but I'd be happy to make any changes needed. ?? There could also be any of the instructors that I knew from the University. I didn't give any names for them though.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

Nausica, Nili is alive, by your list of acquaintances.
Something offscreen can happen, if you want. Otherwise you can come up with another honorable deceased.

ah, I missed the "now deceased" part in the question.....

I'll think on it

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

My former fixer, Cyndane "Juggernaught B!+$&" cusswell kind of got disappeared because she was swearing in Abyssal while losing at cards.
Like, she said a very creative slur about a type of demon whom one should not call "Nipplehands" to their faces, and one was in hearing range disguised as a human. One very angry... I am good with IDing Demons normally, I like, innately get what they are sometimes, but I had no idea which type has 2 claws and 2 hands... Cyndane shouted Glabrezu and ran away, which I took as an occasion to run away in another direction, and yeah, I never saw her again.

Like, she could double in size when she was angry, and grow claws and fangs, and moved way to quick for someone wearing plate armor. Pretty impressive, but seriously, when she f*!@ing runs so do I.

She raises her glass

To old friends!

Cyndane I am the juggernaught b#%@&! cusswell:

Human Steelblood Bloodrager 6 Bullette style enthusiast.
Now in a better world, maybe, being a stuntwoman for the juggernaught in Xmen movies.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Aletha Verkossian wrote:

My former fixer, Cyndane "Juggernaught B!*#$" cusswell kind of got disappeared because she was swearing in Abyssal while losing at cards.

Like, she said a very creative slur about a type of demon whom one should not call "Nipplehands" to their faces, and one was in hearing range disguised as a human. One very angry... I am good with IDing Demons normally, I like, innately get what they are sometimes, but I had no idea which type has 2 claws and 2 hands... Cyndane shouted Glabrezu and ran away, which I took as an occasion to run away in another direction, and yeah, I never saw her again.

Like, she could double in size when she was angry, and grow claws and fangs, and moved way to quick for someone wearing plate armor. Pretty impressive, but seriously, when she f%#$ing runs so do I.

She raises her glass

To old friends!

** spoiler omitted **

There's a few points i'd like to respond to on the text.

- ID'ing a shape-changed demon merely by sight, requires active high level magic. As a lvl 1 PC, that is out of their reach.

- I'd replace an actual demon with an abyssal heritage bloodrager, or tiefling bloodrager. Comparing said bloodrager to a filthy demon in a heat of the moment situation, could invoke the same effect.
- Demons and Devils are a pretty big deal to encounter in the setting. It wouldn't be a secret that effort would be put into removing them from the material plane asap, by physical or magical means. The ones on the island still hidden from the people and the guilds, will make sure chances of detection are as slim as possible.

- What indicated for Aletha, that Cyndane was a member of the Guild? Did she brag about it, was she regular enough for people to have gotten wind of her job, or some other plausible way to give away her affiliation?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mary Dawnrose wrote:

Since everyone has gathered, there is a particular mystery question for all if you.

Each of you, give me a first and last name for a person.
1) This person is a former fixer, now deceased since before you decided to apply becoming one yourselves.
2) They could have been a rolemodel, a family acquaintance/friend, someone you bumped into and helped you in the moment.
3) This is not a backstory altering person. I'm looking for someone who somewhere along the years may have lit the spark for any interest in the Guild.
4) What class were they?
5) They weren't too shady themselves. ^^

1) Helba Slum

2+3) they were part of the party the picked up Leona and the other surviving children.
4) hmm.. a spell sword of some type
5) They might of been, or might of not been shady

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Undine Cleric 1 HP 10/10 Init +2 Darkvision Perception +8 Fort +3 Ref +0 Will +5 Longspear +2 1d8+3

Coraline followed her mother's footsteps in the fight for her people, but her talent was more magical, which did not always translate to being able to fight on the sea. That however meant she had to go to a temple for training, and through it she bumped into all sorts of adventurers from the guild, as issues with the sea were not always common, but enough that quest came in. While she doesn't know the person exactly, she overheard enough as an acolyte that the guild was a place of adventure and excitement, and to a young woman any excitement outside of her temple walls was to be looked forward to.

So she probably encountered various different classes, and groups. And surely some of them are dead now, given she did work at a temple to a Goddess who controls the sea, not every adventurer makes it back

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Coraline Sealen wrote:

Coraline followed her mother's footsteps in the fight for her people, but her talent was more magical, which did not always translate to being able to fight on the sea. That however meant she had to go to a temple for training, and through it she bumped into all sorts of adventurers from the guild, as issues with the sea were not always common, but enough that quest came in. While she doesn't know the person exactly, she overheard enough as an acolyte that the guild was a place of adventure and excitement, and to a young woman any excitement outside of her temple walls was to be looked forward to.

So she probably encountered various different classes, and groups. And surely some of them are dead now, given she did work at a temple to a Goddess who controls the sea, not every adventurer makes it back

If you have none particular in mind, i'll have the person to have been a member of the clergy, one who was popular with those who met her. Say, Alice Fairhaven, senior aasimar cleric.

Female Undine Cleric 1 HP 10/10 Init +2 Darkvision Perception +8 Fort +3 Ref +0 Will +5 Longspear +2 1d8+3

That works quiet okay with me, given it could be anyone. I can't see just one person, but rather several positive interactions with adventurers driving her. I mean how else can you get rid of the sahuagin-like creatures if you do not get a buncha gold to pay to remove them? That can't be cheap.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Coraline Sealen wrote:
That works quiet okay with me, given it could be anyone. I can't see just one person, but rather several positive interactions with adventurers driving her. I mean how else can you get rid of the sahuagin-like creatures if you do not get a buncha gold to pay to remove them? That can't be cheap.

Hmhm. Thankfully those things do not hang out around the waterfront so much, too many people to sound alarm.

The shores near the outlying villages though, that's where money is earned for fending off fish folk problems.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1
awesome GM wrote:

There's a few points i'd like to respond to on the text.

- ID'ing a shape-changed demon merely by sight, requires active high level magic. As a lvl 1 PC, that is out of their reach.

- I'd replace an actual demon with an abyssal heritage bloodrager, or tiefling bloodrager. Comparing said bloodrager to a filthy demon in a heat of the moment situation, could invoke the same effect.
- Demons and Devils are a pretty big deal to encounter in the setting. It wouldn't be a secret that effort would be put into removing them from the material plane asap, by physical or magical means. The ones on the island still hidden from the people and the guilds, will make sure chances of detection are as slim as possible.

- What indicated for Aletha, that Cyndane was a member of the Guild? Did she brag about it, was she regular enough for people to have gotten wind of her job, or some other plausible way to give away her affiliation?

I was picturing this as the demon losing it, assuming his real shape, no way she ID him shapechanged.

Technically, Aletha has 25% odds of Iding an actual Glabrezu (DC23, 15+ for her), but yeah, it could have well been another Abyssal Bloodrager with a Glabrezu heritage, who would have found "Nipplehands" pretty offensive.

In my opinion/idea, Succubus related tieflings are probably least discriminated against because they are more likely to pass for human, and more likely to be attractive, resulting in plenty of resentment towards them from tieflings/bloodragers with less attractive ancestry, which would have added some fuel to the fire.

If it was a Glabrezu, one could even spin an intrigue, Glabrezu arent known for "losing it" randomly, and are among the more sophisticated and long term planning demons. It may have well been one interested in sabotaging some things his "near peer competitors" had going on, by very publically directing attention from serious Prolan authorities towards a certain locale with this outburst.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Aletha Verkossian wrote:
awesome GM wrote:

There's a few points i'd like to respond to on the text.

- ID'ing a shape-changed demon merely by sight, requires active high level magic. As a lvl 1 PC, that is out of their reach.

- I'd replace an actual demon with an abyssal heritage bloodrager, or tiefling bloodrager. Comparing said bloodrager to a filthy demon in a heat of the moment situation, could invoke the same effect.
- Demons and Devils are a pretty big deal to encounter in the setting. It wouldn't be a secret that effort would be put into removing them from the material plane asap, by physical or magical means. The ones on the island still hidden from the people and the guilds, will make sure chances of detection are as slim as possible.

- What indicated for Aletha, that Cyndane was a member of the Guild? Did she brag about it, was she regular enough for people to have gotten wind of her job, or some other plausible way to give away her affiliation?

I was picturing this as the demon losing it, assuming his real shape, no way she ID him shapechanged.

Technically, Aletha has 25% odds of Iding an actual Glabrezu (DC23, 15+ for her), but yeah, it could have well been another Abyssal Bloodrager with a Glabrezu heritage, who would have found "Nipplehands" pretty offensive.

In my opinion/idea, Succubus related tieflings are probably least discriminated against because they are more likely to pass for human, and more likely to be attractive, resulting in plenty of resentment towards them from tieflings/bloodragers with less attractive ancestry, which would have added some fuel to the fire.

If it was a Glabrezu, one could even spin an intrigue, Glabrezu arent known for "losing it" randomly, and are among the more sophisticated and long term planning demons. It may have well been one interested in sabotaging some things his "near peer competitors" had going on, by very publically directing attention from serious Prolan authorities towards a certain locale with this outburst.

Whether any of these specific demons are actually in the city, or on the island, only time will tell. ^^

^^ Goes wide eyed, oh boy, anyone got a few barrels holy water?

Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna wrote:
Mary Dawnrose wrote:

Since everyone has gathered, there is a particular mystery question for all if you.

Each of you, give me a first and last name for a person.
1) This person is a former fixer, now deceased since before you decided to apply becoming one yourselves.
2) They could have been a rolemodel, a family acquaintance/friend, someone you bumped into and helped you in the moment.
3) This is not a backstory altering person. I'm looking for someone who somewhere along the years may have lit the spark for any interest in the Guild.
4) What class were they?
5) They weren't too shady themselves. ^^

1) Helba Slum yeah, name was influenced by the dot hack videos I watched recently, the Queen of the Netslum.

2+3) they were part of the party the picked up Leona and the other surviving children.
4) hmm.. a spell sword of some type
5) They might of been, or might of not been shady

Guess I'll add more to it since I can at the moment.

Helba was the party leader for the party named "4 the spell sword."
it was a small party of four, but everyone could had some skill with blades and magic. Helba and her party made an impression on Leona, enough she wanted to become an adventurer herself.

It was also due to a recommendation from Helba that Leona get in a bit earlier then others for training as an adventurer.

I think Helba would be a Bard + Fighter (say 2:1 ratio)

Aletha Verkossian wrote:

In my opinion/idea, Succubus related tieflings are probably least discriminated against because they are more likely to pass for human, and more likely to be attractive, resulting in plenty of resentment towards them from tieflings/bloodragers with less attractive ancestry, which would have added some fuel to the fire.


I can agree that would be realistic, as would tieflings related to Erinyes, and maybe mariliths as well.

But I can imagine it would be more then just resentment.
Like; evny, jealously, and possibly admiration and respect.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna wrote:
^^ Goes wide eyed, oh boy, anyone got a few barrels holy water?

How about this quote?

"We have such sights to show you."

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Mary Dawnrose wrote:
Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna wrote:
^^ Goes wide eyed, oh boy, anyone got a few barrels holy water?

How about this quote?

"We have such sights to show you."

Edit: Is this truly? Or just poking for fun?

Who knows.... ;)

Oh right I have that trait Magical Lineage, that I have to finishing setting in just picking a spell

I think I know which one....

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Saving finale is always great on bards, but maybe we don't have to worry about saves that badly on lvl 1.

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Do you have to apply Magical Lineage to a spell that you can currently cast? Or can it be future planning?

there is no text mentioning of only "from currently castable" in either of my more magical traits

Text states I can put it on any spell with Magical Lineage.

Though a similar trait, Spell Prodigy (a re-flavouring of Wayang Spell hunter) caps out at level 3 spells. and I set that one to Cure light Wounds.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

My shortlist for bards at low level is:

1: Grease. So much utility from one spell slot.
2: Unnatural lust. Very useful, is an interesting take on save or suck, can be better then command as it can take 2 targets out of the fight for a turn.
3: Ear piercing scream: Rarely resisted damage and save or suck
4: Hideous laughter: Targets will saves, I like being able to target all 3 possible saving throws, so it is typically this one or unnatural lust.

Another Spell a possible Bard or skald Aletha woul have picked (Bloodrager Aletha may still pick it) is coin shot.
While it does cost money, it scales amazingly well with strength, lasts a fair bit, and oh boy you can hit pretty hard with it.
I had a bloodrager cohort in wrath of the righteous with it, while being just a non mythic cohort, he nearly shot an mythic umbral superdragons head off with coins from her own effing hoard.

Aletha Verkossian wrote:


Another Spell a possible Bard or skald Aletha woul have picked (Bloodrager Aletha may still pick it) is coin shot.
While it does cost money, it scales amazingly well with strength, lasts a fair bit, and oh boy you can hit pretty hard with it.
I had a bloodrager cohort in wrath of the righteous with it, while being just a non mythic cohort, he nearly shot an mythic umbral superdragons head off with coins from her own effing hoard.


LMAO... the dragon's own horde used against the dragon.


Also I think I'll stack those two traits I have,
so I'll have infinite "Still Spell Cure Light Wounds."
only down side is I'll be spending the whole round or two casting it.

This should free up some space on Coraline Sealen's healing role as I could cover the after battle healing.

Aletha Verkossian wrote:

My shortlist for bards at low level is:

1: Grease. So much utility from one spell slot.

Oh grease, it can be used in interesting ways, as I found out when reading an old D&D pranks and jokes file.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna wrote:
Aletha Verkossian wrote:


Another Spell a possible Bard or skald Aletha woul have picked (Bloodrager Aletha may still pick it) is coin shot.
While it does cost money, it scales amazingly well with strength, lasts a fair bit, and oh boy you can hit pretty hard with it.
I had a bloodrager cohort in wrath of the righteous with it, while being just a non mythic cohort, he nearly shot an mythic umbral superdragons head off with coins from her own effing hoard.


LMAO... the dragon's own horde used against the dragon.


Also I think I'll stack those two traits I have,
so I'll have infinite "Still Spell Cure Light Wounds."
only down side is I'll be spending the whole round or two casting it.

This should free up some space on Coraline Sealen's healing role as I could cover the after battle healing.

They do the same thing.

From what i can see, you benefit most from this on metamagic feats that add at least +2, negating 2 of the increased cost. It won't turn a lvl 1 spell into a lvl 0 by using those two traits, however. I'd invoke rule 0 against such cheese if it did. XD

Still a neat combo, i agree.

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6
Leona wrote:
"so I'll have infinite "Still Spell Cure Light Wounds.""

Sadly that doesn't work. Per the FAQ, you can't reduce the spell below its original level. You could have a Still CLW that is still a 1st level spell, but not a cantrip.

Sorry. Didn't see that you already answered.

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