Chyrone |

This adventure is set on the Island nation of Pruolus, upon which are three large cities.
- Arquette, the Grand Academy of mages of all sorts stands here, for the ground upon which it is built, is a hotspot for magical energies. Certainly not the only University of Magic among the three cities, but for sure the place to find near all choices of magical needs.
- Gervaix, a city next to Mount Terra, known for its rich veins of ore, crystals, and minerals. The most learned engineers can be found in Gervaix, having built contraptions to unearth these valuable deposits.
- Yonford, the city with a booming textile and fabric industry. Encircled by the vast Gloom Woods on one side, and The Thickets on another, its soils are bountyful for growing near all plants.
Each of the cities are built near key points on the island, near beaches or at a bay, preventing near all invaders from properly establishing footholds. But the biggest beach to hold, lies with Yonford. There have been attempts throughout history, as each of the city is a trove of opportunity. The flip side though, lies in that the seas around the island is controlled by the vast Crimson Armada, a massive naval trading company, led by the High Magister Decemvirate. No vessel has ever sailed out of the island's bay, save for the occassional cautious smugglers, for the Crimson Armada sinks any competition's ships.
Let us look through the looking glass, towards an aspect shared by the three cities, and even on the territory held by the High Magister Decemvirate.
A neutral independant organization, in a sense.
Adventurers, bounty hunters, heroes, fixers. Various names for members of the Adventurers Guilds.
Where law enforcement have not the chance or time to intervene, the citizens and councils of the cities call upon the Adventurers Guilds.
Calls for help, or 'jobs', end up on the Guild's notice boards, free for teams of companions to pick up at their convenience, for it is their livelihood.
Their creed: To help the people, to rid the lands of the dangers that show their ugly heads, and maintain neutrality.
The latter is strictly upheld. The guilds never participated in wars between islands, and through it they maintain sort of an immunity through times of wars. Though smuggling people away from danger has happened in the past. The one exception, though it has been a very rare occurrence, is when it comes to self defence.
We start our story in the city of Yonford, in the Warden's Respite inn, headquarters of Yonford's Adventurer Guild. Started by an individual current day only known as 'The Warden', this traveling adventurer started up the guild, and multiple guilds in other lands. They had a calling to travel and protect those who could not themselves. As they could not keep all safe on their own, Guilds were started to continue this endeavor in their stead. This was some 300 years ago. The Warden's Respite inn is run by Margaret Winfield, current Guild master of Yonford, and retired adventurer herself, on account of an injury improperly healed. Along with Master at arms Roland Greyhawk, a veteran fixer still in active duty, despite being of nearing middle age himself.
A team of newly initiated fixers find themselves gathered for their first day of professional work....
As newly starting fixers, you take on missions to keep the lands around Yonford safe, it is your means to make a living. At each gathering at the Guild HQ, 2 missions will be on the board, and it's up to the party to choose what they want to take on. This homebrew will borrow some parts from modules, for mission purposes. Of course, the missions are not the only sources of danger, for some force will work its wicked way behind the scenes, some force that will hopefully find its match some day.
Character creation details:
Races - Core Races, Aasimar, Changeling, Ifrit, Kitsune, Oread, Sylph, Tiefling, Undine.
Starting Level - 1st
Starting Wealth - Average for your class
Attributes - 20 point buy. No scores below 8 after racial modifiers, no scores above 18 after racial modifiers.
Hit Points - Max at 1st level, average onwards.
Traits 2, 3 if a drawback is taken.
Alignments Non-evil
Party size: I'm looking for 5 PCs. It's the size i've most often had in previous games.
House rules:
Automatic bonus progression
Background skills
Elephant in the room
Fractional Base Bonuses
I'd be using google slides for this game.
Gods: This is not Golarion, but for the divine casters: Give your chosen Golarian deity another name, and it'll be taken up into the pantheon of major deities. Since Pruolus has a fair amount of spiritual energy, minor local 'patron spirits' have come into being. Such spirits provide support to small communities, such as good harvest, minor fortunes, in exchange for getting some worship of their own.
Unavailable classes & other Gunslingers/bolt ace (no gunpowder exists), occult classes, & summoners
Tech items are unavailable.
I'll leave this open for 3 weeks.

Chyrone |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Refuge from the Abyssal cating show!
Different question, how do Demons/Devils work? Aletha would have some "Copilots" while Bloodraging later.
They exist. Typically they reside in their own realms, unless foolish or ambitious casters call them forth for 'deals'. Said deals can sometimes go wrong and the summoned demon remains on the material plane. As such, their number isn't too large on the material plane. Thus encountering a demon or devil is a big deal. Though their worship lies more in the islands held by the Crimson Armada, they are less picky about the moral virtues of their gods and patrons.
I see that copilot is backstory related.
On that account, would you like that copilot to act solely on your own writing, or can the GM take liberty to have them speak at some points in time?
You can replace Thassilonian with a different language.
Oh, of note:
Pruolos has no monarchy or nobility. The cities are each ruled by a council of normally near 2 dozen members.

Aletha Verkossian |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Absolutely, I am picturing her copilot as a mix between a high school bully, a very evil HR supervisor, the worst aunt ever but occassionally she gives good life advice as in "STAB THIS THING RIGHT NOW". Or "I dated 43 different Incubi, but that creep awkwardly pretending to be human? No, dont take his invitation for dinner or you become dinner!"
Absolutely use her to plot dump things.

Grumbaki |

Build idea for a rogue substitute
Name: Sendi
Race: Changeling
* Ability Modifier: +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, –2 Constitution.
* Natural Armor: +1
* Claws: 1d4
* Darkvision: 60ft
* Annis Hag: +1 melee damage
* Cruel Child (Racial): +1 hit with claws when making full attack
* Vagabond Child (Regional): +1 Disable Device and class skill
* Fate's Favored (Faith): +1 all luck bonuses
* Drawback: Umbral Unmasking or Occult Bargain
Str: 14
Dex: 16
Con: 10
Int: 10
Wis: 16
Cha: 10
HP: 9
AC: 17/13/14
Saves: +2/+2/+5
CMD: 15
Class: Cult Leader Warpriest (VMC Rogue if allowed)
* Masterwork Thief Tools (100 gold)
* Lamellar Leather (60 gold)
* Fighter's Kit (9 gold)
* Iron Holy Symbol (5 gold)
* 1 gold left over!)
* Disable Device
* Stealth
* Perception
* Knowledge Religion
Background Skills:
* Sleight of Hand
* Profession (something)
Lvl 1: Mother's Gift - Hag's Claws (+1 hit and damage with claws)
Lvl 3: VMC Rogue: Trapfinding
Lvl 5: Weapon Focus
Lvl 7: VMC Rogue: Sneak attack
Lvl 9: Shield Focus
Lvl 11: VMC Rogue: Evasion
Lvl 13: Unhindering Shield
Lvl 15: VMC Rogue - Uncanny Dodge
Lvl 17: Mother's Gift - +1 natural armor
Lvl 18 Bonus Feat: Dodge
Lvl 19 VMC: Improved Uncanny Dodge
+1d6 sneak attack at lvls: 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15x2, 18, 19 (10d6 at lvl 19, just like a vanilla rogue). Only ever uses the 2x attacks. But they will hit hard, especially when sneak attack is useable.
The request would be for Nivi to not have been a gnome, fleeing her creditors, but a Changeling, fleeing her Hag mother. The rest stays the same, with Nivi fleeing into the underdark, and exchanging the gem to Torag in exchange for becoming a demigoddess. This would make Nevi into the patron Goddess for changelings seeking to escape their Hags through luck, trickery and guile
If the above sounds good, I can get a backstory written

Dorian 'Grey' |

Hello All!
@ Chyrone would you be amenable to this Prestige Class for concept buildin?
I have wanted to take it out for a spin for a bit....lol.
Thank you for running!

Grumbaki |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

My submission, if it is allowed Saving other build for when VMC is allowed.
Left alone in the home that they had built, Caldariel became a recluse. By day he worked and retained a polite attitude towards all he met. But he no longer even attempted to make friends, let alone real connections. Instead, he worked by day, and sat alone at night, surrounded by memories. And that was when the problems began. It started with the bells at the local church. He could hear them clearly from his home. The thought began to nag at him. They seemed to ring at random times. Was there a pattern to them? He latched onto the idea, scribbling furious notes but never seeming to get anywhere. His home became filled with equations and theories that never seemed to go anywhere. And then...his bloodline began to manifest.
For Caldariel, there was a reason why he was abandoned as a child. There was a reason why he was raised by humans, who never knew what was wrong with him. He was a tiefling. And while it was not apparent on the outside, it was clear within him. As the sound of the bells filled his head and the loss of all he cared about filled his heart, the oni taint within him began to manifest. It started with his eyes, with them becoming clearer and sharper in the dark. And with a shock, he found that he could see the state of the soul of his patients and could tell just by looking at them whether someone was alive or dead. Even worse, he found that he cared less and less for the pain and suffering of others. Rather, their complaints just felt academic. He was disgusted with himself when a mother came carrying a dying infant, and all he could think about was how he was going to miss lunch for someone who couldn't even pay. And then came the dreams. Always it was the same. It was a face. A red skinned, horned and tusked. In the dreams the face just stared at him, staring into his soul the same way that he did to others. Before long he stopped taking any new patients and stopped seeing old ones. His bills piled up and he had no source of income to pay them. But none of that seemed to matter to him.
In desperation, Caldariel went and bought woodworking tools. Every night, his head filled with the tolling of bells, he worked on making the face. He came to realize that all of the darkness was within him. The part of him that didn't care for others. That was cruel, and vile and wallowed in despair...he realized that it had a face. The face in his dreams. In a fever pitch he worked, and he worked until one night he came to the conclusion that he was done. He stared at the face, and for the first time in many a year, he felt at peace. He knew that the face was still part of him. He couldn't throw it away, for then it would no longer contain the part of him that he had exorcised. There was acceptance in that moment. Acceptance in that he was alive when those he loved were dead. That he was not a perfect person, but it didn't make him evil. That he would never be able to go back to the life that he once had...but that it was alright. Because he wasn't living a life of any kind at all. He would continue to mourn, but he would no longer be so self-destructive about it. He held the mask close to him and knew that he would never be able to let it go.
Deciding that he needed a new start, and to get away from the pain of his past, Caldariel closed shop. Given how little he had worked and how his debts had risen given his reclusive nature, selling his shop and possessions covered what he owed. Leaving his home behind, he spent what little he had left making his way to the Yonford's Adventurer Guild. He felt certain that they would take him, for what adventurer would turn away a trained doktor? He hoped that the excitement of the new profession would help keep away the demons of his past.
The Build:
Race: Oni Spawn Tiefling
Taking 'pass for elf'
"Non-Human Tieflings
In addition to humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes all have tales of tieflings in their histories, and those who appear among them now often suffer even greater stigma than those born to humans...In game terms, the difference between non-human tieflings and human tieflings is purely a matter of size. Unless they have specific tiefling-related size modifiers, the tieflings of each of these races are the same size as their non-fiendish ancestors. They gain any of the bonuses or penalties related to that size, but gain no racial bonuses except those of the tiefling; beyond size, their humanoid ancestry is purely cosmetic."
Class: Oni Enforcer Vigilante
Focusing on the unarmed options. While his fists will only do 1d3 damage, he can get +1/2 lvl (up to +5) from Steel Dictate, Fist of the Avenger, and Lethal Grace. Throw in Signature Weapon, and at lvl 10 it would be +17 damage from the combinations. A 'one punch man' type build.
Besides for that? He also can act as a party healer. Lvl 1 taking Healer's Hands Conduit. Lvl 5 taking Incredible Healer.

Azure_Zero |

many ideas stewing, and the Bazaar has me looking at builds that use each use one item of old 3.5 content
thinking Order of the Bow PrC (from Complete Warrior), or Martial Stalker feat (from Complete Scoundrel) and will to work with GM to update them to PF standard, which I'm guessing are a no go, but better to ask and check then remove an idea to hastily.

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I'd like to throw my hat in the ring too. Homebrew settings give me an opportunity to flex some character concepts that don't really fit into the APs or Golarion in general!

Chyrone |

With questions about PrC,
I wouldn't focus too much on taking them just yet. I haven't figured the estimated level for the game yet, so level dependent features may not get reached. PrC individuals would be uncommon to rare, -however-, surely such individuals have done something special to have been trained that way. (hinting at access being job related)
The setting would be more western of people.
I am not familiar with the alternate rule systems and their classes, so i'd rather not do them. That PrC That martial stalker feat looks like a stronger variant on Monastic Legacy's benefits.
I'd be good with a variant on Monastic Legacy, but for a rogue's Sneak attack progression.
Prerequisites: Rogue 3, Sneak attack class feature (combat feat)
Benefit: Add half the levels you have in classes other than rogue to your rogue level to determine your effective rogue level for your sneak attack dice. This feat does not make levels in classes other than rogue count toward any other rogue class features.
An option for a fighter bonus feat.
I dread the image of a monk who catapults people with a monster feat.
With a different setting, Golarion specific PrC would be sort of out of place.
I have interacted with you previously on another recruitment, and so I have faith in this. I am interested in a unchained rogue, or regular rogue. How much crunch do you want now, when and how long for recruitment, and if rogue doesn't work I can always go with a Hunter or a Cleric.
Rogues are fine.
I don't need an entire inventory or plans of progression, the usual general setup would be fine, if you want. But a general concept, race and class would be ok for now. Recruitment lasts 3 weeks, after all.
I'd like to throw my hat in the ring too. Homebrew settings give me an opportunity to flex some character concepts that don't really fit into the APs or Golarion in general!
What were you thinking of?
I haven't found yet a generator that doesn't need signup, and produces the shapes i want for the island. I'll get something eventually, though.
House rules i'd forgotten about. XD
- Level ups.
The guild trains its members as they advance in levels. At reaching the next level, you'd spend 1 full day training your new class level. A trio of instructors cover most of what classes need to know. The Master at Arms trains the martial and misc skills aspect, Veteran Mage Orston covers arcane lessons and lingual teachings, and High cleric Hudson covers divine magics.
- Linguistics. Orston wouldn't be able to teach everything + a dictionary's worth in 1 day. If remaining in town to further learn from her, 3 evenings steam course will get the new language. Or borrowing a dictionary to learn it in 5 while on the road.
Of interest, not all monsters use the Golarion statblock. (flexes eyebrows)

fatmanspencer |

Well then I would say an Sylven rogue, but as an airhead who specializes in traps.
The Hunter or cleric would be an Undine, with a focus on the healing power of the ocean or something.
I can totally brainstorm a backstory, but as you know I also enjoy planning stuff with other characters, since it does help connect the world more. So with that, how many say Undine or Sylvan are there, like is it a common race or more rare?

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:I'd like to throw my hat in the ring too. Homebrew settings give me an opportunity to flex some character concepts that don't really fit into theWhat were you thinking of?
I'm leaning towards something of the gish persuasion, like a Paladin/Sorcerer combo. What kind of Sorcerer? That depends more on the vibe you're going for with this setting and campaign: Undead for a gothic prettyboy who uses their dark powers for good and to quell the unquiet dead? Unicorn for a guardian of nature and life who tries their hardest to bring peace but is fierce in battle to protect the innocent? Arcane for a potent mage-knight looking to ensure magic is used responsibly? So many possibilities!
Come to think of it, what KIND of island is Pruolus like anyway? Sicily? Indonesia? The British Isles? Japan? Greenland?

Azure_Zero |

Thanks for the feed back, now I know won't be using updating Martial Stalker or more Eastern based ideas.
requirements: Ki Power, prof in all weapons and armour
Benefit: Fighter and Ninja levels stack for the following
Fighter levels stack for Ki Pool, and level effects for Ninja Tricks
Ninja Levels stack with Fighter for meeting fighter level requirement for fighter feats and for Armour training.
A more balanced design where one class does not hog all the benefit of the other's existence.
For Order of the Bow is found on pg 68 of Complete Warrior is a archery PrC that requires major feat investment to get into....
and since you now mention that PrC might be rare, I have to ask will it require a training to gain level in them, though it would be somewhat hard to explain that to PrCs like Dragon Disciple and Master Chymist from my POV.
Also if this game is starting higher then level 1, what is the stance on templates?
As I'm eyeing some LA +1 templates.
For Cartography: As GM I've made maps for with Illwinter's Floorplan Generator and that includes making a large Island.
You buy it once and it is yours.

fatmanspencer |

Yeah looking for my Sinful Sister of rhe Cloth be nominated to be connected to the more Red Light style areas. And a good bit of what culture ans era will get me to better shape her.
I like that idea. If I went hunter or cleric I was going to do like a healing waves idea, with a bit of youngish youthful hope, so having a world experience older cleric seems like a great play idea to interact with. I might end up with Hunter or cleric really, I'm feeling them a bit more

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Critzible wrote:I like that idea. If I went hunter or cleric I was going to do like a healing waves idea, with a bit of youngish youthful hope, so having a world experience older cleric seems like a great play idea to interact with. I might end up with Hunter or cleric really, I'm feeling them a bit moreYeah looking for my Sinful Sister of rhe Cloth be nominated to be connected to the more Red Light style areas. And a good bit of what culture ans era will get me to better shape her.
Yeah that would be fun. My Elven Sister who follows They Carnal Queen, Woman of Whisphers and The Seductive Trickster. Would be interesting. Especially with her Weapon a Holy Text, and a Woman who seeks to convert the masses to her Ladies Welcoming Busom

Chyrone |

... 1) and since you now mention that PrC might be rare, I have to ask will it require a training to gain level in them, though it would be somewhat hard to explain that to PrCs like Dragon Disciple and Master Chymist from my POV.
2) Also if this game is starting higher then level 1, what is the stance on templates?
As I'm eyeing some LA +1 templates.3) For Cartography: As GM I've made maps for with Illwinter's Floorplan Generator and that includes making a large Island.
You buy it once and it is yours.
1. True, that would be odd. For simplicity's sake, PrC will not be used. Considered that some PrC are Golarion tied, it would be odd to exclude some and include others. That also means that no NPCs will be PrC to bite the PCs with unique class abilities.
2. We start at 1st lvl.3. I'll have a look at that, thank you for the tip.
Yeah looking for my Sinful Sister of rhe Cloth be nominated to be connected to the more Red Light style areas. And a good bit of what culture ans era will get me to better shape her.
Culture is ye familiar general feudal setting, on an independant island nation. With the monopoly the Crimson Armada holds, other countries' cultures haven't had chance to mingle in. Minor patron spirits exist alongside major deities, so people could well be polytheistic. Noteworthy, is that the spirits are very popular, some might say (in hushed tone) moreso than the gods themselves, on account of that they take action for their worshipers' prayers. Maybe not on all prayers, but they actually do help. And on the rare occassion, manifest in a set humanoid form to directly speak. But contrary to the gods, their divine power is usually limited, and worship is local.
Govern culture: 2 dozen councilmembers in a city. If they do their job well, one could be in office as a career. If not, a new council member can be presented, and votes are held. It's often a selection for merits and professional attitude, as it concerns the wellfare of a large city.

fatmanspencer |

Yeah that would be fun. My Elven Sister who follows They Carnal Queen, Woman of Whisphers and The Seductive Trickster. Would be interesting. Especially with her Weapon a Holy Text, and a Woman who seeks to convert the masses to her Ladies Welcoming Busom
Are you going to go more like a healing cleric or more inquisitor style? If you do inquisitor style I'll pick up for a healing cleric, but if you are healing I'll move to a hunter. The background for me doesn't overly change for it, but some.

Azure_Zero |

Azure_Zero wrote:@Chyrone
... 1) and since you now mention that PrC might be rare, I have to ask will it require a training to gain level in them, though it would be somewhat hard to explain that to PrCs like Dragon Disciple and Master Chymist from my POV.
2) Also if this game is starting higher then level 1, what is the stance on templates?
As I'm eyeing some LA +1 templates.3) For Cartography: As GM I've made maps for with Illwinter's Floorplan Generator and that includes making a large Island.
You buy it once and it is yours.1. True, that would be odd. For simplicity's sake, PrC will not be used. Considered that some PrC are Golarion tied, it would be odd to exclude some and include others. That also means that no NPCs will be PrC to bite the PCs with unique class abilities.
2. We start at 1st lvl.
3. I'll have a look at that, thank you for the tip.
1) That is fair, though you could of restricted PrCs to CRB and APG as they are setting neutral, as I was planning on;
Dragon Disciple, Master Chymist or Shadow Dancer ideas.So I'll remove all PrC based ideas now.
2) Roger, level 1, any chance we could sub level 2 for adding the full benefits of a template like in Races of the Dragon, Pg 70-71.
I can quickly whip up some samples a bit later.
3) I hope it fits your Cartography needs, as I had to find one that was mutliplatform since I use multiple Operating Systems,
and the items in the workshop were a very big help in making my maps.

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Azure_Zero wrote:@Chyrone
... 1) and since you now mention that PrC might be rare, I have to ask will it require a training to gain level in them, though it would be somewhat hard to explain that to PrCs like Dragon Disciple and Master Chymist from my POV.
2) Also if this game is starting higher then level 1, what is the stance on templates?
As I'm eyeing some LA +1 templates.3) For Cartography: As GM I've made maps for with Illwinter's Floorplan Generator and that includes making a large Island.
You buy it once and it is yours.1. True, that would be odd. For simplicity's sake, PrC will not be used. Considered that some PrC are Golarion tied, it would be odd to exclude some and include others. That also means that no NPCs will be PrC to bite the PCs with unique class abilities.
2. We start at 1st lvl.
3. I'll have a look at that, thank you for the tip.Critzible wrote:Yeah looking for my Sinful Sister of rhe Cloth be nominated to be connected to the more Red Light style areas. And a good bit of what culture ans era will get me to better shape her.Culture is ye familiar general feudal setting, on an independant island nation. With the monopoly the Crimson Armada holds, other countries' cultures haven't had chance to mingle in. Minor patron spirits exist alongside major deities, so people could well be polytheistic. Noteworthy, is that the spirits are very popular, some might say (in hushed tone) moreso than the gods themselves, on account of that they take action for their worshipers' prayers. Maybe not on all prayers, but they actually do help. And on the rare occassion, manifest in a set humanoid form to directly speak. But contrary to the gods, their divine power is usually limited, and worship is local.
Govern culture: 2 dozen councilmembers in a city. If they do their job well, one could be in office as a career. If not, a new council member can be presented, and votes...
Hmmm might not be the idea I want to go with.
I think ill do another Idea.

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Critzible wrote:Are you going to go more like a healing cleric or more inquisitor style? If you do inquisitor style I'll pick up for a healing cleric, but if you are healing I'll move to a hunter. The background for me doesn't overly change for it, but some.Yeah that would be fun. My Elven Sister who follows They Carnal Queen, Woman of Whisphers and The Seductive Trickster. Would be interesting. Especially with her Weapon a Holy Text, and a Woman who seeks to convert the masses to her Ladies Welcoming Busom
I was gonna go Inquisitor but now going with a different idea. Probably my shifter

Azure_Zero |

I’m interested, but I’m not sure what I want to play yet. But I don’t get many chances to try out ABP, gotta make the most when I get the chance.
Waiting for a chance at an "All Bard Party", or a "All Barbarian Party"?
Actually that would be interesting......
Barbarians, Bards and Skalds, oh my....

Chyrone |

2) Roger, level 1, any chance we could sub level 2 for adding the full benefits of a template like in Races of the Dragon, Pg 70-71.
I can quickly whip up some samples a bit later.
I'm staying with pathfinder material. Though i will say i aim to homebrew more than just the setting and changes on some creatures' statblock and abilities. * 1 Jobs might yield findings not commonly seen on Golarion.
Sorry to repeat myself but what kind of island is Pruolus? Temperate? Tropical? Oceanic? Subtropical? Arctic?
Should we be expecting pine trees or palm trees? :P
That varies. Mount Terra's summit rises high enough to reach into fog, so temperatures there are chilly at best, sub zero on worse days.
Inland the trees are mostly hardwood, such as oak. More towards the coastal waters, you'd fine more conifers (which pines are part of, i believe). Not quite subtropical, but pleasant a temperature. Are the kind of trees part of a master plan??
* 1: Outsiders, both celestial and evil, are mostly what most of the standard fantasy settings have. For example, imps and hell hounds are found in various games, serpent azatas from Elysium, or hound archons, i've seen so far only on Golarion. This does not mean, however, that the kinds of celestials/demons/devils are few in kinds. Just that there will be homebrewed or reflavored creatures in their stead.
I'll get to a basic pantheon and realms somewhere this weekend.

fatmanspencer |

It's no secret I am going cleric for the healing, but I'm looking at some guides that say a paladin may heal better. So all that may change is the class, but I am for sure gonna heal for the party. And if that idea of the like barbarian or rage party and stuff with a bunch of front line fighters is what gets picked, I can totally see the my character being trying to talk the group from charging into battle, and not working.
Like guys, we can talk to the enemy.. oh... Oh you killed them. Well cmere I'll heal you.

Vasaam Cathan |

More questions about the islands, cities, history, etc. ?? I was trying to think about my character history, but would like some more information.
- Arquette, the Grand Academy of mages of all sorts stands here, for the ground upon which it is built, is a hotspot for magical energies. Certainly not the only University of Magic among the three cities, but for sure the place to find near all choices of magical needs.
- Gervaix, a city next to Mount Terra, known for its rich veins of ore, crystals, and minerals. The most learned engineers can be found in Gervaix, having built contraptions to unearth these valuable deposits.
- Yonford, the city with a booming textile and fabric industry. Encircled by the vast Gloom Woods on one side, and The Thickets on another, its soils are bountyful for growing near all plants.
How big are these cities? Is there trade between them? Roads? How far are they from each other?
It says that we are starting in Yonford. Does that limit us to have grown up there?
"No vessel has ever sailed out of the island's bay, save for the occasional cautious smugglers, for the Crimson Armada sinks any competition's ships." - Does this include fishing boats? I mean obviously non-military craft, small, open boats with just a few crew with nets and simple fishing equipment. ??
What is known about the rest of the world? Other islands? Intelligent aquatic races?

Ouachitonian |

Could I take Breadth of Experience as a planetouched, as long as I'm 100+ years old? They can easily meet that requirement, but they're not one of the races specifically listed by the feat. It's a fun starting feat that adds a lot of flavor, just the kind that is easier to take when Elephant in the Room is in play and you don't have to spend your first levels taking Weapon Finesse or Power Attack or whatever.

Azure_Zero |

Azure_Zero wrote:2) Roger, level 1, any chance we could sub level 2 for adding the full benefits of a template like in Races of the Dragon, Pg 70-71.
I can quickly whip up some samples a bit later.I'm staying with pathfinder material. Though i will say i aim to homebrew more than just the setting and changes on some creatures' statblock and abilities. * 1 Jobs might yield findings not commonly seen on Golarion.
* 1: Outsiders, both celestial and evil, are mostly what most of the standard fantasy settings have. For example, imps and hell hounds are found in various games, serpent azatas from Elysium, or hound archons, i've seen so far only on Golarion. This does not mean, however, that the kinds of celestials/demons/devils are few in kinds. Just that there will be homebrewed or reflavored creatures in their stead.
So staying with Pathfinder (which is Golarion setting), yet home brewing.
Given no clear wording I could take say the Fey-touched or Celestial Templates as that is in the Pathfinder content library and a level or CR adjustment of +0.I'll put up the templates I was looking at using as I said I would, as you might also find them useful.
These templates include a class levelling method to for starting at level 1 without level adjustment with their first level in a class, They gain the rest of the template's features on their 2nd level without gaining a class level.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Half-frost folk Template
*Note Can only be applied to Humanoids (referred as base creature)
Size And Type: Type remains same, size remains same.
Speed: Same
AC: +1 Natural Armour
Special Qualities: FrostFolk Heritance
Bonus feats: Light Armour Proficency, Simple weapons and Battle Axe,
Cold Endurance (FrostBurn pg 48)
Abilities: +2STR +2DEX +2CON.
Environment: Same as base or any cold.
Organization: Same as Base or solitary.
Challange rating: same as base +1.
Alignment: Any.
Level Adjustment: same as base +1.
FrostFolk Heritance: During Character creation select one trait you inherited from your frost folk parent listed below.
FrostFolk Sight: Gain Darkvision 60ft and constantly under the effect of SnowSight as a extra-ordinary ability.
FrostFolk Resistance: You gain +5 cold resistance until 10HD where it becomes +10 cold resistance.
(When Taking Improved Cold Endurance (ICE) This resistance is not added before taking it, so Max taking of ICE is 3 max)
FrostFolk Subtype: You gain the cold subtype, gaining immunity to cold and vunerability to fire.
FrostFolk Skill: You gain a +2 to Perception, stealth and survival checks, these double when in a cold or frostfell environment.
Effective Ability
Class Score
Level Increases Benefits
*1st - Light Armour Proficency, Cold Endurance
2nd - +2STR+2DEX,+2CON +1NatAC, FrostFolk Heritance
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Draconic Template
Size And Type: Type remains same, size remains same, gains Dragon-blood subtype
Speed: Same
AC: +1 Natural Armour
Skilled: +2 Perception, +2 Intimidate
Claws: 1d3 for medium
Special: +4 racial bonus on saves against sleep and paralysis
Abilities: +2STR +2DEX +2CON.
Environment: Same as base or any cold.
Organization: Same as Base or solitary.
Challange rating: same as base +1.
Alignment: Any.
Level Adjustment: same as base +1.
Effective Ability
Class Score
Level Increases Benefits
*1st - +2 Perception, +2 Intimidate
2nd - +2STR +2CON,+2CHA Claws 1 , darkvision 60 ft.,
dragonblood subtype,
low-light vision, natural
armor (+1), +4 racial bonus
on saves against sleep and
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Succubus-Touched Template
*Note Can only be applied to Humanoids (referred as base creature)
Size And Type: Type remain same add Demon blood subtype, size remains same.
Speed: same
Special Qualities: Dark vision 60ft, Minor Shape Change (2 forms of the same gender and base race only)
Bonus Feat: Otherworldly Countenance (Beauty) ( Fiendish Codex:I, pg 87 )
Abilities: Dex +2, Int +2, and Cha +4
Environment: Same as base
Organization: Same as Base or solitary.
Challenge rating: same as base +1.
Alignment: Usually evil or chaotic.
Level Adjustment: same as base +1.
Effective Ability
Class Score
Level Increases Benefits
*1st - Otherworldly Countenance (Beauty) ( FC:1 pg 87 )
2nd - Dex +2, Int +2, Cha +4 Darkvision,
Minor Shape Change (2 forms of the same gender and base race only)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Nymph-Touched Template
Size And Type: Type remains same, but gain Fey blood subtype, size remains same.
Hit Dice: base hit dice become fey hit dice
Special Qualities: Lowlight Vision, Lesser Unearthly Grace.
Bonus feat : Fey Heritage (Complete Mage, Pg 43)
skills: +1 Bluff, Diplomacy, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth and Swim
Abilities: +2 DEX, +2 WIS, +2 CHA.
Environment: Same as base or temperate forest.
Organization: Same as Base or solitary.
Challange rating: same as base +1.
Alignment: Usually good or chaotic.
Level Adjustment: same as base +1.
Lesser Unearthly Grace: Same as nymph's Unearthly grace but you use 0.5xcha mod instead of 1.0xcha mod.
Effective Ability
Class Score
Level Increases Benefits
*1st - +1 Bluff, Diplomacy, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth and Swim
2nd - +2 DEX, +2 WIS, +2 CHA. Lowlight Vision, Lesser Unearthly Grace. Fey Heritage

fatmanspencer |

More questions about the islands, cities, history, etc. ?? I was trying to think about my character history, but would like some more information.
- Arquette, the Grand Academy of mages of all sorts stands here, for the ground upon which it is built, is a hotspot for magical energies. Certainly not the only University of Magic among the three cities, but for sure the place to find near all choices of magical needs.
- Gervaix, a city next to Mount Terra, known for its rich veins of ore, crystals, and minerals. The most learned engineers can be found in Gervaix, having built contraptions to unearth these valuable deposits.
- Yonford, the city with a booming textile and fabric industry. Encircled by the vast Gloom Woods on one side, and The Thickets on another, its soils are bountyful for growing near all plants.
How big are these cities? Is there trade between them? Roads? How far are they from each other?
It says that we are starting in Yonford. Does that limit us to have grown up there?"No vessel has ever sailed out of the island's bay, save for the occasional cautious smugglers, for the Crimson Armada sinks any competition's ships." - Does this include fishing boats? I mean obviously non-military craft, small, open boats with just a few crew with nets and simple fishing equipment. ??
What is known about the rest of the world? Other islands? Intelligent aquatic races?
Not a direct answer to anything you posted, but more a question on what backstory are you looking at for your character? I'm thinking of Undine cleric or paladin (healing focused) or a hunter. Either way, tying some stuff together for our characters does make the game more fun to me. What kind of ideas are you having?

Vasaam Cathan |

Vasaam is a wizard/evoker-admixture specialist. I'm just looking for more information on where we are all starting from to get an idea of how Vasaam grew up, things that might have happened that caused his interest (obsession?) with magic, and what his personality will be like now that he is an adult and a member of this Adventurer Guild. The guild is a group of 'fixers', protectors and problem solvers. I'm just wrapping my head around how Vasaam came to choose that life. For his interest in magic, maybe when he was young (~10?) one of his parents might have taken him to the Academy of Magic in Arquette and he was impressed by what he saw? Maybe that parent had some magical ability? And maybe he chose to join the guild later when that parent died, either defending someone or randomly attacked, the former being a noble death and the latter a meaningless one.
Just thinking....

Chyrone |

So staying with Pathfinder (which is Golarion setting), yet home brewing.
Given no clear wording I could take say the Fey-touched or Celestial Templates as that is in the Pathfinder content library and a level or CR adjustment of +0.
To be fair, if templates for the PCs were an option, i would have mentioned them in the creation specifics. Some could be existent in the world as a whole, but haven't appeared on this particular island, where the races available for creation, are the ones that live here. Frost folk from the spoiler, are a forgotten realms people, for example.
Pathfinder content is pretty much the classes and the mentioned races, the rest is homebrew setting.
I think a better question would be, what are you looking for? I'm getting an impression you are looking for a forgotten realms race, or a variant on one.
If it's a PC with mixed heritage and some degree of human blood in their veins, planar or racial heritage in combination with the other available ones are an option. Another path comes with sorcerers, bloodragers, and eldritch heritage, as they too provide celestial/dragon/fey like qualities as well.
Could I take Breadth of Experience as a planetouched, as long as I'm 100+ years old? They can easily meet that requirement, but they're not one of the races specifically listed by the feat. It's a fun starting feat that adds a lot of flavor, just the kind that is easier to take when Elephant in the Room is in play and you don't have to spend your first levels taking Weapon Finesse or Power Attack or whatever.
That's fine.
1) How big are these cities?
2) Is there trade between them?
3) Roads? How far are they from each other?
4) It says that we are starting in Yonford. Does that limit us to have grown up there?"No vessel has ever sailed out of the island's bay, save for the occasional cautious smugglers, for the Crimson Armada sinks any competition's ships." - 5) Does this include fishing boats? I mean obviously non-military craft, small, open boats with just a few crew with nets and simple fishing equipment. ??
6) What is known about the rest of the world? Other islands?
7) Intelligent aquatic races?
1) The cities would be small cities.
2) Yes they do trade.3) Roads certainly. By horse or coach, it's 3 days from Yonford to either of the other two. Arquette directly to Gervaix would take about 5 days.
4) No. It just requires you to be a citizen of Yonford at the time you start your fixer career.
5) As long as those vessels stay within certain range of their respective port, wherein long range spells do not hit the Crimson Armada's own ships, they do not open fire.
6) News from the other islands comes slowly, typically through the smugglers. There would be a tavern or two where smugglers would relax after a trip. The closest port city they can reach, is Rustwall, a fortified coast city held by the Crimson Armada, on an island to the east. Used to be another independent island before they lost.
7) Sahuagin-like creatures reside in the seas around the islands.

Azure_Zero |

To be fair, if templates for the PCs were an option, i would have mentioned them in the creation specifics. Some could be existent in the world as a whole, but haven't appeared on this particular island, where the races available for creation, are the ones that live here. Frost folk from the spoiler, are a forgotten realms people, for example.Pathfinder content is pretty much the classes and the mentioned races, the rest is homebrew setting.
I think a better question would be, what are you looking for? I'm getting an impression you are looking for a forgotten realms race, or a variant on one.
If it's a PC with mixed heritage and some degree of human blood in their veins, planar or racial heritage in combination with the other available ones are an option. Another path comes with sorcerers, bloodragers, and eldritch heritage, as they too provide celestial/dragon/fey like qualities as well.
Since no one mentions them they tend to be forgotten, and since there was clear no mention templates. it is fair game to ask and confirm, as ideas can get denied on an assumption.
As a content creator for D&D 3.5 and PF 1e, it is sad when content you make never gets a chance to be used. And Templates tend to be the least used.
Even interesting 3.5 Feats aren't looked at anymore.
Further more PF templates have a lower LA for their power compared to D&D 3.5.
I mean half-fiend in 3.5 is a straight +4 LA, where in PF the average is about +2 LA for the same template.
As for Frostfolk, they aren't TSR Forgotten realms only, Tome of Horrors has them as a monster entry, as did FrostBurn.
What I'm looking for is a way to use forgotten content from the 3.5 Era, which is PF compatible, since PF is based on the D&D 3.X rules and part of the deal in using the D&D 3.X rules.
I'm probing to see and define the limits as if something is not clearly define, opportunities for character ideas could be missed.
Now do I have my heart set on any one template no, I don't. I'm fine with Randomizing Race, Class and template to generate an interesting character.
this could be an offer to all the players in that they get some forgotten content, at the expense of control of the character.
Now for D&D 3.X, I was more a Greyhawk player and GM, though my first game was in Forgotten Realms, and I have have pilfered feats from it for my games.
As for the world to explain some mixed blood on the Island, you could say a few refugees shipwrecked on the island say 25-100 years ago and each went to different parts of the Island, and the refugees were either full or mixed blood themselves.
This keeps the blood mixing small on the Island, but allows for the templates
As for using sorcerers, blood-ragers, and eldritch heritage, it is over used at this point. And none of the bloodlines offer what I would be interested in for the cost of being forced into a class, or eating a lot of precious feats to get maybe a fraction of what I'd like that is on offer.
and again, I'd like to use what is forgotten and hasn't been used in a long time.

fatmanspencer |

Alright, with the new information given, I have a slight idea for my backstory, though things can change to help out and connect with other characters, please feel free to ask/connect. I am looking at a paladin with a healing focus, with an oath of charity. I think she will be a more defender style, but like all paladins can bring the holy pain if needed.
Coraline Sealen grew up on the coastline near Yonford, within the safety of her coastal village that helped supplied the city. Part of her heritage is from her mother's side, people from the sea who fought the sahuagin threat for many years in service of the sea deity who they called Asherah. She felt the pull of the goddess at a young age, and grew up in the temple helping the effort against them. She had always heard of the adventure guild that promised exactly that, adventure and the chance to remove the threat from her people's waters. Taking her pledge of faith in her goddess of the sea, Coraline left to join in the effort to improve not only her home, but that of others by using her gift of healing to help the wounded and turn the tide of battle. Her ability to breath water and air means she was able to learn to fight both on land and in the water, but she felt more at home in heavy armor and reaching weapons, preferring to keep opponents away from her and any she protects.
It does work for a cleric as well, but for now paladin makes sense. Anyone who wants to work on something together, let me know, this is just a rough draft dueto being able to work with others some how.

![]() |

I am looking at modifying my Bat Weretouched Shifter. Making her a daugther of one of the Bigfest Shipwrights on the idland who works with rhe Crimson Armada.
Shewas sickly as the oldest child, oddly enough a local spirit, one of the bat came to her and cured her illness but altered her with fraction of her power.
The power bestowed not only the Bats power but altered her. She has Red eyes, slightly batlike ears and slightly longer canines. This made her an oddity and her parents had ro sens her away.
When she left she found herself under the tutelage of a local Druid and tapped further into her Bestial gifts.