Might and magic, Lords of the Contested Lands

Game Master Chyrone

Set in the Might & Magic ancients universe.

A group of strangers will grow into the lords of Harmondale, and get involved with more than they would have imagined.
Will their land stand the test of the years to come?
Date: February 20th

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1167 AS, December 20th, nearly 2 months after the Restoration Wars came to an end. A war which started three years ago, with the invasion of the human kingdom of Erathia, invaded by the necromancers from Deyja, the infernal armies of Eofol, and the hordes from the Dungeon Overlords from Nighon. Incursions happened into the neighboring nations as well.

Only through combined effort of Erathia, the elven Kingdom of Avlee, and the wizards from Bracada, were the invaders struck back.
A conflict which left no nation on Antagarich unharmed. And none of your lives were the same since the start. You have lost so much in just three years.

In the end, you are left with but a small amount of gold, basic gear, and your own wits.

Word has reached your ears, that an Erathian noble of reknown, Lord Markham, is organizing a team competition on Emerald Isle. A competition of which the reward is, according to rumors, to be property and wealth. All things considered, this might well be a way to turn around your currently ill fortune.

Hello to the interested.

I am going to run a homebrew campaign, set on the world of Enroth, setting of many of the Might & Magic franchise's games. The game will take place on one of its three continents, the continent of Antagarich, close after the end of the Restoration Wars of Erathia.
It will, lateron, have some light land management.

Character creation:

15 point buy. Preferably no scores above 18 or below 8 after racial modifiers.
2 traits,no drawbacks.

Classes: Core, minus barbarian. Barbarians are not particularly liked outside of the barbarian nation of Krewlod.

Archetypes subject to approval.

There is no orient continent, thereby excluding eastern armor and weapons, as well as eastern themed archetypes.

Races: Dwarf *, Elf, Goblin *, Half-elf *, Human

When you choose a race, you have an origin or ties in a nation of your choosing, that has them as a population. The nations and their inhabitants, along with pantheons, are described in the Players Guide linked under the header.

* Dwarves are devided into 2 categories. Avlee born dwarves, and born in Stone City, the semi-city state of the dwarves of the Barrow Downs.

While the Stone City dwarves are your average dwarf, their AvLee cousins have slightly less hardy bodies, from the less burdensome life in the forests and hills.
However, from being around elves and other forest dwelling creatures, their social mannerism are considered better, but are somewhat less driven than their Stonecity brethren. AvLee dwarves get a +2 to Wisdom and Charisma, and take a -2 to Dexterity, instead of the usual dwarf modifiers.

* Goblins are medium sized humanoids, with green skin in a variety of shades. They are native to Deyja and Krewlod. Outside of Deyja and Krewlod, some end up as bodyguards or mercenaries.
The males especially, often have more rough looks, like humans, while females can sometimes look like slightly more muscular green elves with sharp features.
Lupine affinity: Goblins have a +2 bonus to checks when interacting with wolves.
Versatile: Like humans, they are a flexible race, and get a +2 bonus to a single ability score.

* Half-elves, aka half-bloods. Half-elves are a very rare sight. I'd take only one half-elf. Their ties would lie with Avlee or the Contested Lands.

Funds: 75 gold. The conflict ate much of your wealth just trying to stay alive.

Gods & domains
Each nation has its figures of worship, but that does not exclude clerics undevoted to a particular deity.

A feature i will adapt from the game franchise, is specialization points.
They are similar to background skills, in that you receive 2 per level, but will spend them on your choice of proficient weapon/armor/type of magic. More is detailed in the players guide.
I have planned to make a chart describing bonuses gained from such, that one will get uploaded somewhere Friday.

1) What did you do during the conflict?
2) Name one specific person from your past, you have lost contact with during the conflict.
3) Quirks to be aware of?
4) What unsettles your PC?
5) Particular goals in life?

I am looking for a party of 5.
I will leave recruitment open for 3 weeks.
Contested Lands players guide

I'm not seeing the link for the player's guide.

Just to be clear -- only the 11 core classes, minus barbarian, and maybe an archetype? Also, no traits?

Ah, yes. 2 traits, but no drawbacks.
Yes to the core classes only.

Player's guide is at the bottom of the post. It would not display under the header for some reason.

Silver Crusade

awww no barbarian?? I'm sad :( I may submit a fighter or ranger then.

Or... How do you see Druids fitting? Same old same old?

Also, would you be willing to consider the viking or mutation warrior archetypes for fighters?

Any suggestions for a rangers favored enemy? Also, do goblins get any other racial benefits? (for example, darkvision)

Regardless, I’ll try to submit something awesome. Thinking goblin ranger or rogue.

EDIT Would you allow the Trapper (Ranger archetype)?

Trapper link


Depends on your definition of same old same old. Only regions you're unlikely to find them, are Eofol.

Mutagens have not been invented, and after reading the viking page, i'd have to say no.

The barbarian nation of Krewlod has a history of bloody conflict with its neighbors. Viking is by description and mechanics, a variant barbarian.
The other nations are wary of the raging savages, in particular Erathia and Tatalia, its neighbors.

@ Smiles-a-lot,
Goblins have low light vision added, and minor bonus to saves vs poison.
Trapper's fine.
As for favored enemy, humans and undead are safe bets, to name a few.

Goblin Wizard possibly with the Sword Binder Archetype pending approval.

Interesting archetype. Go ahead. :)

Sounds good, thank you.


Silver Crusade

fair, I asked about mutation warrior since you described alchemists being around.

I meant more of the flavor of the druids as the "same old".

I'm still leaning towards fighter or ranger atm. Not quite sure what type.


For those looking for some history of the nations, the link to the continent, here.

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Hi; I'm interested in that game too!

Will think of something

Would you be open to a Zen Archer? It's a core class, it just focuses on archery.

The Character:
A dwarf from the Stone City. Her order patrols the Barrow Downs for the undead, in the name of The King of the Deeps. As the Restoration Wars raged, she (among others) was sent to watch and observe for any danger that might threaten their people. Especially given the ascendency of the Deyjan necromancers. With the wars drawing to a close, she has found herself far from home. With the cause of identifying and eliminating the enemies of The King of the Deeps, she is not without purpose, even if she is away from her people. What is needed now, though, is some coin...


Str (14) Dex (14) Con (14) Int (8) Wis (16) Cha (8) HP (11) AC (14, +1 vs undead) Saves (+4/+4/+5, +2 vs Spells/SLAs) CMD (16)

Shooting Hit: -1 (Flurry) + 2 (Dex) + 1 (MW) + 1 (Trait) = +3/+3
Shooting Damage: 1d8 + 1 (Trait) = 1d8+1

Unarmed Hit: +0 (BaB) + 2 (Str) = +2
Damage: 1d6 + 2 (Str) = 1d6+2

+1 hit vs undead

Race: Stone City Dwarf
* Slow and Steady: 20ft movement, never lowered by encumbrance
* Darkvision: 60ft
* Hardy: +2 saves vs spells, SLAs and poison
* Stonecunning: Dwarves gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.
* Barrow Warden: Dwarves with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to their AC against undead. This racial trait replaces defensive training and hatred
* Iron Citizen: Dwarves with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks, and Diplomacy is a class skill for such dwarves. This replaces stability.

* Deadeye Bowman (Religion): When you are using a longbow, if only a single creature is providing soft cover to your target, your target does not receive the +4 bonus to AC.
* Child of the Temple (Faith): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) and Knowledge (religion) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
* Adopted-Weapon Training (Social and Race): +1 damage longbows
* Ancestral Weapon (Region): Free bow and +1 hit with silver

Lvl 1: Perfect Strike, Precise Shot, Extra Traits

* Masterwork Silver Longbow
* 20 blunt arrows
* 20 cold iron arrows
* 20 arrows
* Fighter's Kit with masterwork backpack
* 13 gold

* Knowledge Religion: +4
* Stealth: +6
* Perception: +7 (+9 stone)

Background Skills
* Knowledge History: +0 (+2 dwarves and their enemies)
* Craft Fletcher: +3

Pretty standard zen archer. Will need to save up for an adaptive bow asap. Certainly not very good in close combat, and probably won't ever be. But that's not where she should be.

I’m changing directions a bit. Looking back some of my favorite memories of H3 was playing Ryland the ranger and his army of woodland creatures. However, it looks like there is plenty of interest in martial (Might) PCs so I think I will pivot to a Druid from AvLee either human or half elf.

It’s been about 16 years since I’ve played the game but I don’t remember if there was a Druid as a playable character (I know there were Druid units). I also don’t remember if they had a wildshape type ability (or if it really matters for this game).

Looking for approval on a Druid archetypes Nature Fang

The nature fang archetype makes him more ranger like and removes wildshape.

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Smiles-a-lot wrote:
I’m changing directions a bit. Looking back some of my favorite memories of H3 was playing Ryland the ranger and his army of woodland creatures.

Druids were a playable class back then, indeed.

They didn't have wildshape, but that's not important.
Sure, go for it.

Welcome Brunhild!
Interesting intro. Got a question about it.
Stone City would be fairly traditional, many still use crossbows. A group/novice order focusing on the longbow would be a small one for now. What was the philosophy that started your particular order?

There's a few things about the build.
- Adopted trait requires your adopted parents to be of a different race. Stone City is populated by dwarves.
- I will have to say no to the ancestral weapon. That puts you way above the starting budget.

Silver Crusade

Since we have someone stating their desire for a druid, that makes my decision an easier one. Though I've yet to quite settle on specifics. I'm trying to decide between a SnB fighter or ranger, and a dex based fighter.

The Fighter in either case will likely have 1-2 levels of ranger eventually, simply for skills.

Thinking an half elf paladin of Ruthoriel, with that base build

Str 13 Dex 12 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 14 (+2 racial)

Know Religion

Know nobility

Elven reflexes +2 to Initiative
(second trait pending)

(racial) Skill focus Diplomacy
Weapon focus-Longsword ??

A few questions:
What about Craft, mundane or magical? Will it be allowed by spending feats? Will there be some downtime between adventures?

What about Leadership feat? (I think about Natural born leader second trait) Would it help (on the long term) with land management?

As Rorek's mentioning multiclassing,

The class promotion feature, as a reminder, will benefit only one class.
Multiclassing would not open path to receiving class promotion bonuses for your secondary class.

Honestly? I wish that there were options to make crossbows viable in pathfinder. They just, in no way, can compare to longbows. The only way that I know of how to make crossbows in any way viable is a Bolt Ace

Would you be willing to allow that? It would mean dropping the monastic flavor of the character. If that is allowed, I'd build one of those. Otherwise, I'll put some thought onto the philosophy of the order.

Silver Crusade

you could always just make crossbows with strength ratings like a longbow.

With the difference being that for each str mod you have below the required, you up the reload time by a step. So like, the opposite of the rapid reload feat.

Or simply give it the same mechanical negatives.

@ Brunhild.
It's the military that mostly employ the crossbows. Down below, they enjoy the benefit of barricades, or defenders to hide behind, where they have no need to fire as quickly as possible at targets.

Longbows are not widely used by the Stone City Dwarves is what i am getting at. But you are not the military, hence i am interested in that novice order's philosophy regarding 'innovation'. :)

@ DM Lil Eschie,
Crafting, ok. Though prices will instead be 75%, instead of 50%, and you'd need the appropriate facilities to do so.

Leadership, i'll allow it, though the cohorts you recruit stay at the base to keep an eye on affairs while you are adventuring.
There will be events, where they will surely be able to take spotlight.

The Order of the Stone Heart:

Innovation. It is a word that many dwarves see as a facet of being fickle, and by extension being human, or even worse, elven. It should come as little surprise, then, that much of the teachings of The Order of the Stone Heart come from AvLee. The founder of the Order of the Stone Heart was a dwarf by the name of Ulric Stoneheart. The dwarf left the Stone City and travelled to AvLee, intent on bringing with him the teachings of The King of the Deeps, in the hope that it would remind their 'wayward' kin of what it meant to be a dwarf and to whom their loyalties should lie. For decades Ulric was gone, with many believing that he would never return. But return he did, and he did not return alone. In his travels he had brought back with him a number of disciples, a handful of dwarves who decided to leave the leadership of the haughty and chaotic elves and seek a more organized life. However, just as Ulric had changed them, so too did they him. It was they who were the first members of The Order of the Stone Heart. An order that is young and innovative, two things which puts it in low regard in the highly traditional Stone City.

The Order teaches two lessons. The first, is that all Dwarves are children of The King of the Deeps and thus owe their existence to the God. For this reason, it is the duty of all dwarves to show filial piety to their creator. And secondly, they teach practicality over all else. They teach that the greatest prayer that one may make to The King of the Deeps comes not from words, but from actions. And when actions are taken, results are what counts. It is for this reason that the monastic order has adopted much of the fighting styles from the AvLee immigrants, as well as the traditional brawling of Stone City. Ulric learned, in his travels, that his trust crossbow was far too slow for use in the open fields of the surface and that a bow was perfectly suited to the rapid fire needed to make up for the lack of choke points and massed rank fire.

As it is actions with which the Order prays, it is expected that all disciples should spend their lives doing so. This means that travel is a given, and unlike most from Stone City, the monks of the Order will be found on the surface. With the first task being to ensure that there are no gathering dangers which would bring destruction to the children of the The King of the Deeps, and the second is to spread the word to dwarven communities.

Within the Order, there are two general schools of training. The first is the way of the arrow, and the second is the way of the blade. Brunhild is a disciple of the first and has adopted the archery of the rangers of AvLee. A style of combat brought back to Stone City when the Order was founded. This school of thought prizes quickness of action to bring death upon the enemies of dwarven-kind from afar.

Way of the Arrow: Zen Archers. Way of the Blade: Weapon Adept. Both ways commonly make use of fighting styles from AvLee, which are better suited to the surface than more traditional dwarven methods of combat. Hence why the trait "Weapon Training" is common among the Order

However, all within the Order are first, and foremost, dwarves. And tradition is not completely dead. Before a disciple can earn the title of 'monk', they must first prove that they are worthy of it. There is an ancient dwarven belief that all dwarves were born from stone. Amongst those who walk the way of the monk it is believed that it is possible to 'go back' to whence they came through intense training and meditation. It is for this reason that these monks are reputed to have fists of iron and skin of stone. The Order of the Stone Heart is no different.

Explains Wis to AC and scaling unarmed damage.

How is that? I think that a dwarf from such an Order would be easy to explain on why she would be so far from home, would interact with other races, and would care about the Restoration Wars.


That's a nice summary. A minor detail, though, the dwarves do not have the belief of being born from the stone, and returning to the stone upon death. (Have you played Dragon Age? Their dwarves hold this belief.)

Their origin has been lost to time.
Other than that, looks good.

Silver Crusade

I think I will have a character from Harmondale, CN, with CG tendencies. Dislikes "authorities" due to the constant conflicts that ravage the area because of authorities.

I'm thinking... He lost his wife and two children because of the constant fighting. He laughs at anyone from either side that claim to be "good" or have their well being at heart.

I'll think on it some more, I'll find a fit for him class and archetype wise as I flesh him out.

Is there anything more specific you could tell me about the conflict over harmondale?


Yeah...I've played dragonage, warhammer, pathfinder, LOTR online, might and magic (waaaaay back in the day, don't remember all that much tbh...), Everquest, Warcraft, etc etc. Please excuse me if I get some of the details mixed up. Glad that the rest of it looks good. :)

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The Contested Lands is a border region between Erathia and Avlee. Both claim ownership of the region.
The initial conflict dates back some 500 years ago, in 646 AS, ending in 789 AS, with a peace treaty, as neither side managed to gain the upper hand. It has changed hands between the two a couple of times.

As inhabitants, this aught really make you sick of it all.

But current day, with the war behind them, albeit too barely, both see fresh opportunity to reclaim what both think belongs to them.

It's like two kids having just 1 console controller, bickering who gets to play. But with armies behind them.
Allies in normal times, but rivals when it comes to ownership of the Contested Lands. And still no side has the upper hand.


All three Dragonage games are mine. (awaiting the release of #4)
I too played Lotr online, briefly Everquest, Warcraft 1, 2, 3. ^^

I will be using an older alias. I'm planning for Varian to have lost his family due to the bickering and skirmishes between Avlee and Erathia over the contested lands. A conflict having lead to the burning of his home. (If this would be unlikely, I had another idea to tie it in with the recent war against the necros. If that would fit better, please let me know. Either way, he ends up blaming the two nations/governments haha) Whether it was actual forces, or deserters he doesn't care. He blames the two nations all the same. After that, he took to living mostly on his own. He stays in a small cabin(more of a shack really) and when not drinking or smoking himself to bliss is normally either farming a small plot of land, or out hunting. Rumors abound about him possibly working with shady individuals.

GM, before I continue wit this further, other than the recent war, is there any recent conflict or potential conflict over the contested lands/harmondale? Just want to make sure I'm writing something that fits. I also had an Idea that he would have been part of the recent war as a scout. (conscripted)

Personality wise- Varian has an abrassive, sarcastic attitude, and rarely seems to enjoy much anything. His loses have made him rather cynical and He has no qualms about complaining, or telling someone to bugger off if they ask him for something. But he has a surprising tendency to actually do what he was asked to. If of course, they actually asked. Under the sarcastic and harsh attitude, he still cares for most folks, and while he wouldn't blink an eye if a noble up and died. If he saw it happening, he would likely attempt to intervene. Until they pissed him off. Usually because they started talking. He finds those from Avlee far more agreeable. At least they understand person freedoms. Erathians far too often try to control, dictate or impose themselves, and he can't stand their often self righteous attitude. His biggest weak spot however is hopeful and wholesome things, as such he often shows a softer side to children. He will watch a family happily going about their business and smile.

Class wise- I'm thinking Ranger, and I had a few different archetypes in mind I wanted to run by you.

1- Urban Ranger
2- Spirit Ranger
3- Woodland Skirmisher

Erathia isn't as grim as you make it out to be, thankfully.
Oppressors wouldn't make for good protagonists, nor allies.

Countries leaders' alignments were described in the guide. (LG)

There are bad apples everywhere, but they're not as bad as your description would have them be.

1st 2 archetypes are fine. 3rd seems incomplete, and it not being mentioned on aon, can't see if there is extra info on it.

Silver Crusade

I realize they are not. Thats half the point of the character haha, because of all the squabbling/fighting over the area that is merely his perception, steeped in minor truth, and the doc seemed to hint that another war/fight over control of the settlement was brewing again. If thats not the case, and they haven't fought over the lands since 789 I can change things around.

Another name for the woodland skirmisher is the "Nirmathi Irregular".

Oh that is most certainly the case. It's been off and on periodically. Neither side would benefit from arson, but perhaps your experience was with one of those bad apples.

What would your tie in with the undead incursion be?

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1) What did you do during the conflict?
Brunhild was just one among the Stone Heart delegation, sent under the command of Deacon Thori Oretongue. A total of six dwarves in all were sent to the north to observe the conflict and to report back should it prove to be spreading towards the borders of the Stone City. The group made it to Steadwick, the capital of Erathia. From there it was planned to keep going north into AvLee. Unfortunately for the group, the city came under attack by Nighon. Thori joined the defense under General Kendal with his disciples. This proved disastrous, as the city was overrun. Brunhild survived, joining refugees in fleeing from the city after a warlock's attack not only wounded her, but ruined her bow. She spent most of the rest of the war in a refugee camp, recovering from her wounds. Upon recovering, she attempted to seek out the ranger Ufretin, having heard of him from her fellow refugees. In this she failed, and by the time she gave up finding him the war had ended.

2) Name one specific person from your past, you have lost contact with during the conflict.
Thori Oretongue The leader of her delegation. Last seen in the fall of Steadwick. She saw her four other disciples fall in defense of the city, and last saw Thori cut off and alone, surrounded by kreegan demons. Presumed dead.

3) Quirks to be aware of?
Brunhild makes her own arrows, and has a tendency to inscribe prayers on the arrow shafts.

4) What unsettles your PC?
Kreegans. She had only heard of them before the fall of Steadwick. Having seen what they can do, and are capable of, the mere thought of them sends shivers down her spine.

5) Particular goals in life?
She joined the Order of the Stone Heart out of the feeling of there being something 'missing' in her life. Born and raised in Stone City, she hadn't seen the surface until she joined the Order, and did not travel abroad until being sent on her current mission. She wants to prove herself, so that when she returns home it can be with her head held high and with a report that comes across more or less like success. She feels guilty for having survived where all others fell, especially as she fled under her own volition and without being ordered to do so. What this success might look like remains to be seen, but she is sure that she will know it when she sees it.

Order of the Stone Heart:

Innovation. It is a word that many dwarves see as a facet of being fickle, and by extension being human, or even worse, elven. It should come as little surprise, then, that much of the teachings of The Order of the Stone Heart come from AvLee. The founder of the Order of the Stone Heart was a dwarf by the name of Ulric Stoneheart. The dwarf left the Stone City and travelled to AvLee, intent on bringing with him the teachings of The King of the Deeps, in the hope that it would remind their 'wayward' kin of what it meant to be a dwarf and to whom their loyalties should lie. For decades Ulric was gone, with many believing that he would never return. But return he did, and he did not return alone. In his travels he had brought back with him a number of disciples, a handful of dwarves who decided to leave the leadership of the haughty and chaotic elves and seek a more organized life. However, just as Ulric had changed them, so too did they him. It was they who were the first members of The Order of the Stone Heart. An order that is young and innovative, two things which puts it in low regard in the highly traditional Stone City.

The Order teaches two lessons. The first, is that all Dwarves are children of The King of the Deeps and thus owe their existence to the God. For this reason, it is the duty of all dwarves to show filial piety to their creator. And secondly, they teach practicality over all else. They teach that the greatest prayer that one may make to The King of the Deeps comes not from words, but from actions. And when actions are taken, results are what counts. It is for this reason that the monastic order has adopted much of the fighting styles from the AvLee immigrants, as well as the traditional brawling of Stone City. Ulric learned, in his travels, that his trust crossbow was far too slow for use in the open fields of the surface and that a bow was perfectly suited to the rapid fire needed to make up for the lack of choke points and massed rank fire.

As it is actions with which the Order prays, it is expected that all disciples should spend their lives doing so. This means that travel is a given, and unlike most from Stone City, the monks of the Order will be found on the surface. With the first task being to ensure that there are no gathering dangers which would bring destruction to the children of the The King of the Deeps, and the second is to spread the word to dwarven communities.

Within the Order, there are two general schools of training. The first is the way of the arrow, and the second is the way of the blade. Brunhild is a disciple of the first and has adopted the archery of the rangers of AvLee. A style of combat brought back to Stone City when the Order was founded. This school of thought prizes quickness of action to bring death upon the enemies of dwarven-kind from afar.

Way of the Arrow: Zen Archers. Way of the Blade: Weapon Adept. Both ways commonly make use of fighting styles from AvLee, which are better suited to the surface than more traditional dwarven methods of combat. Hence why the trait "Weapon Training" is common among the Order

However, all within the Order are first, and foremost, dwarves. And tradition is not completely dead. Before a disciple can earn the title of 'monk', they must first prove that they are worthy of it. There is an ancient dwarven belief that all dwarves were born from stone. Amongst those who walk the way of the monk it is believed that it is possible to 'go back' to whence they came through intense training and meditation. It is for this reason that these monks are reputed to have fists of iron and skin of stone. The Order of the Stone Heart is no different.

Just finishing up the submission. Adding this to profile, and I think that the crunch should be done.

Silver Crusade

They may not benefit, but if you are fighting wars, or even just smaller battles, peoples will eventually get caught up in it whether desired or not. Either as you say, from bad apples, or just sheer chance. War/battles are very chaotic things, and even those with the best intentions can't control all collateral damage.

Varian undead tie in:

For this one, Varian would have been recruited as a scout, conscripted likely. While he didn't ever have to fight much, and he went to lengths to avoid fighting, he was with them for about two years. When he returned home, his house had been burned and his family missing or killed. He of course would blame Erathia for taking him away from it to begin with. Either way, I see him being very cynical, sarcastic, and down right rude to most Erathian officials. He understands the "people" are not responsible. I also see him potentially "coming around" to at least be more understanding towards Erathia and Avlee. Sort of like, going from "you're all just greedy bastards that don't care" to "Well, I supposed you care, and aren't that bad, but you still are bastards because you won't just leave us alone" lol. Of course, if I need to use this background, he would start off a little more understanding. I'd prefer the orginal, but if it would work out is up to you.

I would like to use the Woodland Skirmisher archetype Alongside the Spirit Ranger archetype.

Brunhild, i'm looking over the crunch.

We don't use background skills for this game.
Specialization skills are into chosen weapons, magics, and armors. I aim to post a chart of the resulting bonuses later tonight.

Everyone, the start of the campaign assumes the budget of 75gp is all you had left to outfit yourselves for now. There would not be time to craft to maximize its potential.

Ah, I've gotten so used to background skills that it's a force of habit. I dropped stealth, replacing it with craft fletcher so she can be sure to make her own arrows when in the field. Also replaced the longbow with a shortbow.

75 gold to spend:

Shortbow (30 gold)
Fighter's Kit (9 gold)
* 20 cold iron arrows (2 gold)
* 20 blunt arrows (2 gold)
* 20 regular arrows (1 gold)
* Monk's outfit (free)
* 31 gold left

Current overview of interested & submissions.

DM Lil" Eschie - (unnamed 1/2 elf paladin) [base info]
Elbowtotheface - (unnamed goblin wizard)
Grumbaki - Brunhild Blackarrow (Dwarf bow monk) [About completed info]
Rorek 55 - Varian Seldlon (race? ranger)
Sebecloki - no concept yet
Smiles-a-lot - (race? bow wielding druid)

Re: crafting,
Mundane items and the base +1 items can be made by yourselves.
Magic items will have to be bought.
Though i am considering an option of a special building, something like a custom commission shop, level of services depending on the level of its occupant. (not definitive yet)

My PC will be a human. I should have the crunch and fluff done in the next 24 hours.

Also, I’m taking suggestions for animals companion ideas.
Right now I’m leaning toward a giant elk if allowed EditMegaloceros link

Silver Crusade

I think my PC will be a 2nd generation half-elf.

Silver Crusade

GM Chyro wrote:

Magic items will have to be bought.

Not to try and sound... presumptuous. But what if one specialized in Item making? In place of weapons or magic. It doesn't effect me much, but figured I would ask.

I'm thinking about an Elven Bard, with the Arrowsong minstrel archetype if it is approved... she wouldn't be able to really use it yet, because our characters can't afford to buy longbows, but maybe I'll give her some good woodworker skills so she can make a bow at some point (with a good background story about how hers was destroyed).

Anyway... just thoughts so far, working on it. Working profile name "Asteran" but that might not be final, depending on how it sounds to be as I develop the character further.

Silver Crusade

Oh, my childhood of playing the heroes of might and magic games is suddenly rushing back to me. Must resist...!

...Okay, you've convinced me. The nostalgia is just too much! One more application it is.

Very basic first draft: I'll probably make a human or half-elf shaman from the contested lands, a former Erathian cleric apprentice who was a refugee from the restoration wars. After wandering and trying his/her best to avoid conflicts, mostly by travelling with roaming refugee camps, he was taken in by a witch in the wilderness. During his/her stay (in the straw hut up the ladder, which we know are standard issue and widespread in Erathia!), the witch (unconsensually, as they tended) taught him/her the basics of hexes and druidic magic. Having lost his family and not feeling any particular loyalty to any nation, either because they were invaders or not strong and organized enough to prevent the death of his family, he sets out for the challenge of Lord Markham when he believes he'd ready.

Of course, he is nowhere near ready. But the witch lets him go anyway, as she is impatient, and the price for saving him was his servitude in retrieving a certain artefact for her, lost during the last war...

(obviously will be expanded upon, basic HOMM 3 references aside)

Mechanically, He'd be an unsworn shaman heavily focused on healing, support magic and debuffing hexes. I'm really curious to see how you'd further build on the specialization point system from the games! Are things like selective channel and extra hex in the pool of things that these options would allow?

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@ Rorek,
I wouldn't focus on item crafting too much. Adventurers always come back with loot, and Barry the elderly enchanter needs to make a living as well. :)

@ Zanbabe,
No objections. I am mentally preparing for a firing squad that is forming right now. XD

@ Trevor,
Greetings to a fellow fan of the franchise. (i still have homm3 on my laptop. Me and my brother spent a great many hours playing homm and M&M games)

I'm going with Core classes only, and then staying away from archetypes mixing in features from advanced classes. Druid shaman archetypes are fine, the Shaman class itself i'm staying away from. The link to the players guide is at the bottom of the opening post.

Extra channel is fine.

Speaking of specialization, here is the link to the chart.

I am fairly certain this will make the game silly in a good way.

Ironically, the chart is almost unusable by Brunhild. As she gets weapon focus at lvl2 and many shot can’t be used with flurry. :p

I suppose the specialization could be used for her unarmed attacks though. It would certainly make her a better switch hitter

Silver Crusade

The expansions and fanmade expansions are quite nice too, and there's even a new one in development, or so I heard! :)

I missed the core-only line when reading the initial post, sorry for that. I don't really like the shamanistic druid archetypes as they don't support the pure caster type of character I was going for. Feyspeaker druid seems to kind of fit but since there's already a druid application I'll withdraw from that class in favor of an alternate concept I had for a cleric; a 'huntmaster' of sorts, fighting with a bow from behind an eventual animal companion and potentially summons. While still retaining the cleric's ability to heal well and support the party with their great defensive magic. (I usually gravitate towards healers and support-type characters so that puts cleric a bit ahead of druid if I'd had to pick between the two).

That would make it a human or elf archer herald caller cleric of Sula from AvLee. Rangerish in flavor but mechanically a versatile healer with good combat potential.

I'll think a bit on his story tomorrow.

Silver Crusade

No shield specialization?

Leading into- Varian will be (combat wise) focusing on TWF, likely with a sword and shield at least at first. I plan to have him function as a melee character in other words.

are Wizard arcane discoveries allowed?

Hey Chyro, how do you do hit points? Roll, or average, or full for first level, and then average... or something else?

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@ ElbowtotheFace,
I am staying away from arcane discoveries.

@ Rorek,
Shield is added.

@ Zanbabe,
The usual full at 1st, average from there.

Do we get 2 specialization points at first level?


Smiles-a-lot, how does your medium cat AC get Dex 21 at 1st level?
Or is it a typo, and it is to be a small cat?

@ Trevor,
A new expansion? Any idea what it's called?

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