Aradesh Gorewolf's page
130 posts. Alias of Trevor86.
Organized Play Characters
'Sir' Lesmond Davenport
M HP 52/52, AC 21/FF20/T11. S: +6 F, +3 ref, +8 will +2 vs charm. Init +1. Att: +7, reach, 1d10+5 (18-20). Perc +15. Imm. Sleep. Low-Light vision.
Aaron Sarris
M Male Human bard 10, oracle (seeker) 1. Hp 80/80. AC 24/FF19/T11,. S: F+8, R +16, W+11, +1 vs charm/comp. Init +8, Perc. +15. Att: Starknife +16 vs AC, 1d4+8.
Adol Cristin
Human Inactive, campaign ended.
Adol the Heretic
M Paladin 6/Sw.b. 1. 65/66 hp. AC: 22/ FF21/ T11. Saves: F+12, R+10, W+9, +2 vs curses. Imm. Disease/fear. Att (PA) +10 vs AC, 1d8+13, 19-20/x3. CMB+11, CMD 23 (23 vs grapple). Init+1, Perc. +16. Darkvision. Conditions: None.
Adol Transformed
Ammon Al-Mukhalas
M Human, Garundi Conditions: Permanently dead/retired.
M Unbuffed stats: Hp 60/60, AC 23/FF22/T12. Saves: F+11 Ref +8, W+7 (+2 vs charm/comp. Att +11, 1d10+8(18-20/x2). SA +3d6. Reach 10 ft, AoO 3/turn. CMB +11, CMD 23 Perc. +20, heal +22, Init +4. Sanity: 38, Thresh. 16, edge 19. Cond.: non Current extra buffs: Mutagen (str), Barkskin (+5ac and FF AC, +4 str > +2 att, +3 dmg, 3 CMB and +2 CMD).
Aradesh Gorewolf
F Half-Orc Unsworn Shaman 10. HP 73/73. AC 20/ FF 18/T 12. Saves: F+10, R+10, W+19. Att + 13 vs AC, 1d3+9, Reach 10 (unarmed/provokes). CMB +13, CMD 25. Init + 6. Perc. + 23. Conditions: Flight Hex/Hair hex (10 min), Acid resist 20(20 min), mirror images (6)
Arakar, Gorewolf Reborn
M Half-Orc Warlord 1 I Urban Skald 1. HP 13/14, AC 20, FF18, T12. Saves: F+5, R +4, W +3. Att: 1d10+1d6+3 S, 19-20/x2. Reach, 3 AoO/turn. Init +2, Perc. +3, Sm -1. Darkvision. Conditions: None.
Atlas Jaxx
M Human Muscle Wizard 1 (transmuter). 10/10 HP. AC 17 / T 13 / FF 14 (under mage armor). Att +4 vs AC, 1d12+6 B or P, Reach, 4 AoO/turn. CMB +4, CMD 17. S: F +5, R +3, W +4. +2 vs mind-affecting. Conditions: None.
Blaze Ashpyre
M Ifrit (lavasoul) Foresight Diviner Wizard 13 (Pact Wizard archetype)
Blaze Carbide
M Lavasoul ifrit Foresight Diviner Wizard 2. AC 15/FF15/T11. HP 16/17. CMB: +0, CMD 11. Init +10, perc. +2. Darkvision 60 ft. Conditions: Mage armor 1 hour.
Bo Barrendale
M Human Battlenaster Fighter I Immortal Mystic 7 (Gestalt)
Brujah, the life spirit
Captain Rosalind Sunstone
F F Human Inquisitor 8 (Sanctified Slayer, Ravener Hunter (life mystery)). HP 71/71. AC 28/FF27/T13. Saves: F+9, R+4, W+10 (+2 vs fear). Init +4. Perc. +13. Att +11, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 21 Spellcasting: L1 6/6, L2 5/5. L3 3/3. Bane 8/8. Healer's Hands/IH 8/8. Studied Target +2 (move/swift), SA +2d6. Conditions: None.
Davelon Snowmane
M Half-Elf Oracle 1 (Life mystery, Ancient lorekeeper archetype)
Elena Neidhardt
F Cleric 9 (HC)/Bard 1. HP 92/92, AC 24 T 15 FF 20. Saves: F+13, R +13, W +19, +2 vs charm/illus. +1 branced spear +11, 1d8+10 P (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 23 init +8, Perc. +23. Wand: CLW 25/25, Bless 16/25, HA 43/50. Daily resources: BoL 10/10. IH 10/10. Channel 5d6 5/5, Inspire courage 24/24, Luck domain Reroll 1/1, horseshoe +3 save 1/1. Conditions: none.
Elisys Lyre
Female Half-elf Operative 1, mystic 1
Elisys, Drow Disguise
F Half-Elf Operative 1, mystic 1
Elliot Stormbane
M Aasimar (human) Bard (ardent voice) 3. HP 27/27, AC 19, T 13, FF 16. CMB + 3, CMD 14. Saves: F+4, R+7, W+6. Init +3, Perc. +7. Att (longsword) +6, 1d8+5 P, 19-20/x2. Darkvision 60 ft. Conditions: None.
Elliot Worthane
M Aasimar (emberkin) Arcanist 2. HP 14/16. AC 16/FF 14/T12. Perc. +1. Init +2. Saves: F +2, R+2, W +4. CMB +0 , CMD 12. Spells: level 1 0/4. Reservoir: 0/5. Conditions: None.
Elliot, the Red Heron
M M Aasimar Magus 8 (Bb, Hex) I Archmage 2. Init +10, Per +13. HP 77/77. AC 30/FF24/T19 +1 all vs evil. S: F+12, R+15, W+11 (+2 vs conf/insan) Att. +18, 1d4+12/15-20/x2. CMB +18, CMD 25. Conc (/w SC).: +16. VS SR: +10 /+14 (evil outsider). Darkvision. Current buffs/conditions: Shared training (100 min), Keen Edge 100 min, Alter Self (19 min), Blur (8 min), Blade tutor's spirit (8 min), Longarm (8 min), Shield, haste, heroism.
Elrys Valrassedin
F Human Evangelist Cleric 15. hp 131/131 AC 29 /FF24 /T21. CMD: 28. Init + 10 (roll twice). Perc.+ 30. Saves (/w buffs): f +21, R +20, w +25. Att (Current buffs) +21, 1d6+13. Conditions: Always see invis/Ethereal, Alter self (dex), Good Hope +3 (4 on self), Untold Wonder, Greater magic weapon +3 , Freedom of Movement, Resist energy fire + electricity, Shield of faith +4, lucky horseshoe.
Eric Gennady
M Half-Elf Un. Shaman 3. HP 14/23. AC 19, FF16, T 13. Perc. +10, Init +3. S: F+6, R+5, W+6 (+2 vs enchants). Reach 10ft. Att (W/PA): +5 vs AC (+2 vs movement AoO), 1d8+4. CMB+5, CMD 16. Low Light vision. Imm: Sleep.
Estelle of Hamel
F Human Fighter 1/Cleric 1 (herald caller). Hp 21/21. AC 18 FF 17 T 11. Saves: F +5, R+1, W+4. Att: +4 vs AC, 1d10+7 (PA)/19-20x2, Reach 10 ft, 2 AoO/turn. Perc. +7. Channel (1d6) 4/4 left, BoL 5/5 left. Conditions: None.
Estelle the Stray
Female Human Fighter 1. Hp 14/14. AC 18 FF 17 T 11. Saves: F +3, R+1, W+2. Att: +4 vs AC, 1d12+4, Reach, 2 AoO/turn. Perc. +7. Conditions: None.
Fayre Lucille
F Human Court Bard 1
Felix the Hare
Fiora Zantus
F Aasimar (scion of humanity) Bard 1/shaman 1. Init +5. HP 10/10. Ac 15, ff 14, T 11. CMB -2, CMD 9. Saves: F +2, R + 3, W +5. Perc. +11, SM +9. Conditions: None.
Gronne of Mesring
F Human 'Warlord' 3 (Urban Id bloodrager 1, either cleric or warpriest 2)
Harran, former son of Nogwier
M Half-Elf Shaman 1 (Life Spirit) HP 9/9**. AC 18, FF 16, T 12. Init +2. Saves: F +4, R+2, W+5, +2 vs ench. Att: +2 (+4 on movement AoO) vs ac, 1d8+3 P. Perc. +9. Immune: Sleep. **Conditions: 2 con damage.
Jeryn of the Leopard Ekujae
F Half-elf Bard 5
Jieran Cordant
M Half-Elf Oracle 1 (Ancient Lore Keeper archetype, battle mystery)
Kieran the Outsider
M Half-Elf Oracle 1. HP 10/10. AC 17/f14/t13. Reach 10 ft. Att (DF active)+5 vs ac (+7 vs AoO), 1d8+3. Perc. +7. Init +3. CMB +1, CMD 14. Channel 1d6 0/3. Conditions: None.
Krynn of the Wyred
Male Stoneblessed Tromek Elf PaladinIOracle (Sphere archetypes, Knight Disciple, Lore Keeper) 15, Guadian/hierophant 5. HP 280/280. AC 38/FF30/T24. S: F+28, R+30, W+26. Att: PA+MVS, no crit: +28 vs AC, 114 damage. Init +23/x3. Perc. +32. Blindsight 15 ft, blindsense 30 ft.
Krynn's Sphere Abilities
Kyle Cristin
M Human Paladin 1. HP 19/19. AC 18 (20 with shield raised); Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6. Perc. +4, init +6. Focus Points 1 Hero Points 1
Lyria Erellion
F Half-Elf Skald (Twillight Speaker)
Malgar the Mad
M Dwarf Inquisitor (Infiltrator, Sanctified Slayer) 1 HP 11/11. AC 19/ FF 17/ T12. CMB +2, CMD 14. Saves*: F +5, R+2, W+5 (*+2 vs spell(like), poison, fear, +1 vs truth.) Att (Rapier): +2 vs ac, 1d6+2. Init +2. Perc. +7. Darkvision.
Mia Vespertine
F Half-Elf. Appearance. Cleric 1 (herald caller). HP 10/10. AC 17/FF 14/T13. Perception +8, init +5. Saves: F +3, R+3, W+4. Att: +3 vs AC, 1d8+1 (20/x3). CMB: +5. CMD: 14. Conditions: Reach weapon, +2 hit/CMB on AoO's.
Movah, the Wolf Spirit
M M Elf. Alchemist (grenadier) 1. HP 10/10. Init +4. Ac 18/FF14/T14 (+2 all vs chaotic). Att: Br. Spear /w PA: +3 vs ac, 1d8+3. Reach 10 ft, +2 vs AoO. Bomb: +4 vs touch, 1d6+4 fire. CMB: +4, CMD: 14 Saves: +3 fort, +6 ref, +1 will (+2 vs charms/comp). Perc. +7. Darkvision, imm. sleep. Cond.: None.
Olivert Pythareus - Renheim
M I Human Spirit talker Oracle 6 I HP 47/47, AC 19/FF18/T11. S: F+4, R+4, W+7. CMB +3, CMD 14. Init +6. Perc. +10. Cond: Lifelinks
Phoebe Selene
F Appearance Nymph (Naiad) Bard 1 (Human ancestry). Hp 16/16, AC 17 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5. Att +6, 1d4 S, trip: +6 vs refl. Perc. +6.
Raesilia Talbot
Female Human Vigilante 8. Hp 45/51, AC 22 / T 16 / FF17 (no shield). Init +5. CMD 23, CMB +13. At: +13, Rapier 1d6+5/Dignity 1d8+1/Bow 1d8+6. SA: 4d4/4d8. Bomb: 4d6+2. Saves F +5, R +13, W +9. Perc. + 17. Conditions: none.
Raevis Rogarvia
Male Human Swashbuckler 1, later inquisitor X.
Ravis Rogarvia
M Aasimar (scion of humanity) Falcata Swashbuckler 1/Court Bard 4
Sgt. Harran Gilras
Sorogar Twintusk
F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.
Swaggy Sockslayer McFly III
Male Goblin Ch. Bard 3 I HW 3. HP 24+2/24, AC 19, T18, FF 15. init +6. Saves: F +3, r +8, w +5. Perc. +6, SM + 5. Darkvision. SP 7/18. Conditions: sick 1 rnd. II Troop: HP 24/24. AC 18. FF 15. T13. S: F+4, R+6, W+1.
Valery Arlandt / Velvet
Female Human Vigilante 6. Hp 30/39, AC 20 / T 15 / FF 15 (no shield). Init +5. CMD 20, CMB +10. Att: +8 (/w PA/DA), Rapier 1d6+8/Dignity 1d8+5. SA: 3d4/3d8. Bomb: 3d6+1. Saves F +4, R +11, W +7. Perc. + 10. Inspiration 4/6. Bomb arrow 3/4. Conditions: None.
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