Movah looks at the lizardfolk with a reserved frown. Then he answers slowly, as if carefully selecting his words. "I've told you most of what I know. I don't remember the Creation of the world any more clearly than most mortals. Even for me, that was very long ago, and I was very young. I simply... found myself existing, along with my kin." He surveys the land with spectral golden eyes. "Kuraderi claimed her earliest memory was climbing out of an active volcano. It doesn't surprise me she would take such a hot and sparsely grown land as her next nesting ground. She could hunt and breed easily... if she had a partner."
"I cannot discount it," Movah adds, uncharacteristically serious. "Kuredani is a fickle one. She'd suddenly burn parts of the rainforest so that new wild could better grow on the ashes - or so she claimed. No one believed her, but none dared stop her. Yet, with no one taking her side, she eventually distanced herself from us and flew north - which could be here. I'm not sure any of us ever really knew her... nor do I know what she'd do to intruders." Perhaps for the first time, Movah moves cautiously, constantly on high alert.
Sorogar and Movah move up the rear, and throughout the chaos of the fight, you suddenly feel the wolf spirit reach out and link your minds, filling you with images of how to corner and take down prey as a pack! The next moment, you have a vague sensation of where your teammates are without looking at them, and instinctively know how to supplement their movements to get around the battlefield easily. Sorogar uses her Tribe spirit's power as a standard action and grants everyone the 'escape route' teamwork feat for five rounds. This feat allows you to move through squares adjacent to allies without provoking attacks of opportunity. Use it to easily move ahead of targets and setting up flanks, or to attack and fall back to Sorogar for healing, for instance. Creative positioning of familiars might also help!
At that moment, Sorogar's translucent wolf companion stands up from besides her sleeping form and walks forward. He then grins, displaying an impressive array of razor-sharp teeth. Well, probably - he was a ghost after all, and not quite as solidly formed as Brujah. "Allow me to interfere for a moment, because I couldn't handle any more blatant ignorance in front of me. You see, there seems to be a large misconcenption you are all under," he says, striding over to the bound Rakshasha. "You should be honored. After all, I have no reason to help you unless my bound shaman asks me to do something, but I grant that this entire plot was amusing and that your teamwork resembled that of a pack. For a moment, anyway. But it was a start." The wolf sits down in front of the Rakshasha Krokkin was just holding and calmly holds his glare. "See, there are no slaves among Rakshasha. There never have been, and there never will be. They operate by infiltrating a 'lesser tribe of creatures' and enslaving them to their will. Usually unknowingly. They can't all have a kitty's nose, after all. But I digress. A Rakshasha is always out to dominate all those not of their kind. It is in their nature. They are too proud to allow themselves to be submissive. It is true that there exist different forms of Rakshasha as you see before you, but they don't enslave eachother. That they are here means each has come of their own free will, seeking a chance to bind you to their bidding." Having 'lectured' the group, he nods, probably to himself, and lazily walks back to his initial spot. "So now you know that there is no reason to grant any of them the benefit of doubt over 'being a slave'. Want my advice? Kill them. All of them. It's the only way to protect your pack. Taking all of them prisoner to trade them is too dangerous. They are insidious and inherently evil beings. If you set up a sign signal to keep them out, the more powerful ones will use magic to drain this knowledge from their victims or their corpses. Or torture it out of them. This only has to happen once for all of them to be sprung from their prison. Think anything would be left of your camp? Most of you together could barely beat one . How about thirteen at the same time?" He lets the question hang in the air for a moment. "Unless you can plant your entire camp full of these Trollovs, you have no option. If you don't kill them, you will never be safe." Above knowledge on 'Rakshasha slaves' was confirmed by Hark in the OOC thread. They don't exist and there seems to be a misconception about this topic. All these guys are pure Rakshasha and supposedly here of their own will. Figured I'd have some entity with this knowledge step in for a moment. |