Base statstics
Level 7 inquisitor (Ravener Hunter – Life Domain, Sanctified slayer)
HP: 11 + 7 x 8 + 3 = 71/71.
Bab +6, Base Fort/Ref/Will +6/2/6. Total saves (ability scores, +1 cloak of resistance): +9/+4/+10 (+2 vs fear).
AC: 10 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 nat, 2 ROP = 28. FF 27, T 13.
Init: +4 (1 dex, 3 wis)
Perception: +13 (7 ranks, class skill +3, wisdom +3)
+1 Nodachi +11 vs ac, 1d10+7 (18-20/x2)
Masterwork Alcemical silvered heavy mace: +11 vs ac, 1d8+4 (20/x3)
Coldiron Longspear +10 vs ac, 1d8+6 (20/x3)
Coldiron Spiked Gauntlet +10 vs ac, 1d4+4 (20/x2)
Coldiron Dagger (x2) 10 vs ac, 1d4+4 (20/x2)
Coldiron Javelins (x8) +7 vs AC, 1d6+4 (20/x2).
+1 Fullplate (10 AC, -5 ACP)
+1 Mithral Light Shield (3 AC, 0 ACP). +1 from shield focus feat.
+1 Dex mod
+1 Amulet of natural armor
+2 ring of protection
-Shield of Faith or protection from evil usually adds at least +2 deflection mod to all AC's.
Saves: +1 cloak of resistance (+1 resistance bonus to all).
Heavy Armor proficiency, Shield focus, Shield Brace, Healer's Hands, Incredible healer, outflank (bonus feat, inquisitor level 6), toughness (bonus slayer talent/combat feat (level 8)).
Lawbringer (+2 willsaves vs fear, when falling unconscious, other allies within 30 ft gain Temp Hp equal to level + cha mod), Fate's favored.
Total skills:
Knowledge: Planes +12, History +12, Geography + 5, Religion +10, Arcana +10, Nature +5, Dungeoneering +11, Heal +22, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +12, Sense motive +14, Perception +12, Climb +3, Swim +3, Survival +6 (+3 to find/follow tracks), Linguistics +5, Profession: Soldier +11, Profession: Herbalist +6.
-Note: Skills above include -5 ACP.
-Note: Monster Lore adds +3 (wismod) to all identify checks, studied target adds further +2 to studied targets.
Ranks by skill:
Total skill ranks: 80.
Non-background: Planes 8, Heal 8, Religion 6, Diplomacy 7, Intimidate 5, Sense Motive 5, Perception 7, Arcana 6, Nature 1, Dungeoneering 7, Climb 1, Swim 1, survival 1, geography 1, Linguistics 1.
Background: History 8 ranks, geography 1 rank, Profession Herbalist: 1 ranks, Profession Soldier: 6 ranks.
Base spells/day: 1st-3rd level : 4/4/2. Adding wismod: 5x/5x/3x/day.
Spells known 1st-3rd level: 5/4/3
-Human FCB: can add 3 first level spells and two second level.
So actual spells known 1st-3rd level: 8/6/3.
Spells known
Level 0: Detect Magic, Guidance, Create Water, Light, Spark, Mending.
Level 1: Bless, Divine Favor, Protection From Evil, Shield of Faith, Expeditious retreat, Cure Light Wounds, Heightened Awareness, remove fear.
Level 2: See invisibility, Silence, Mortal Terror, Lesser restoration, Shared Training, resist energy.
Level 3: Channel Vigor, Heroism, Dispel Magic.
Main Equipment
Magical: +1 nodachi, MW alchemical silvered Mace, +1 Mithral Light Shield, +1 fullplate, Headband of wisdom +2, Belt of Giant strength +2, +1 cloak of resistance, +1 amulet of natural armor, gloves of the healer, Pearl of power level 1 (cost: 21530 g)
+ Found gear: +2 ROP (Quietus).
Non-magical: Coldiron Spiked Gauntlet, 2 x spring-loaded wrist sheathe (one loaded with scroll of remove paralysis, one with scroll of divine favor), 1 x smoked goggles, Ioun Torch (automatically dispels darkness effects of third level or lower).
(+ regular backup weapons: Coldiron Longspear, javelins, 2 x coldiron dagger).
-Scroll of remove paralysis x1 (in wrist sheath), Scroll of Divine favor (in wrist sheath), Scroll of comprehend language x 1 (25 g), Antivenom x 1, Antiplague x 1, alchemist’s fire x4, Extra Scroll of lesser restoration (125 g, =2 total), Extra scroll of divine favor x 1 (25 g, =2 total), Oil of Bless weapon x 2 (100), Alchemical sponge with touch of the sea (55 g), 2 x scroll of heightened awareness (50 g).
+ 16 g of travelling supplies/basic travel stuff including extra torches.
> 14 g spare change.
2000 gold spare from book 2 loot.