Elisys orginially came from a merchant class family from Nightarch on Apostae, as the result of a mixed breeding between a human expedition organiser and an Elven space trafic controller. Like all non-drow, this landed her a place as a second-rate citizen. With their parents often gone from home, care for her and her 2 year older sister Elinor was left to their drow caretaker, a woman named Lephre, who was expensive and ruthless but effective at her job. Though often remarking on how Elisys lacked the raw talent to be a good fighter, she was appreaciative of her keen mind and taught in both fields. Evenmtually, they did form a close bond of a surrogate mother and daughter.
Lephre oversaw their full education and taught them the other 'basic necessary skills to survive'. Among others, this meant skills in subterfuge, perception, social stealth and basic combat training with a wide varierty of weaponry and armor.
At some point, her sister became tired of the situation on Apostae and wished to learn more about the outside expense. Against the wishes of her parents, who wanted Elinor to take over her aging father's expedition company, Elinor instead joined the Starfinder society. She would contact Elisys about her grand adventures through space, which she listenend to eagerly, though making sure her parents never overheard it. However, at some point, these messages suddenly stopped. Contact with the Starfinder society taught her the ship her sister was on had suddenly vanished without a trace. Shortly afterwards, Lephre also suddenly announced her retirement and left the mansion, breaking all contact with Elisys.
After having both her sister and mother figure suddenly disappear on her, this pushed the natively more shy and less action-prone Elisys to leave her mansion and seek to join an organisation that could help her track down her missing family members. Not knowing where to better turn, she decided to apply for the starfinder society itself, where she was eventually accepted, much to the anger of her real parents.
Somewhere during her training her novice training/internship, she was shown a tour of some pre-gap magic items the society had managed to scrounge together. Among those was an enchantingly beautiful white staff in a display case, which seemed to call out to her. While she used all her willpower to ignore the call, something changed in her that day. Ever since, she had some grasp of matters beyond the physical plane. Of energy that could be used to heal wounds but also control the minds of people around her. She has since practised this in secret, unsure of if she unintentionally broke or stole something she shouldn't have. Meanwhile, she continued serving the society to get more experienced, and hopefully have an opportunity to follow up on her personal goals at one point.
build goal:
The idea was to make a balanced character that can serve as a party face and a healer. I was orgininally going for a healer in powered armor but that turned out to be not possible until higher levels, so this will have to do for now. I intend to put every level from now in mystic so she is basically a mystic with some added versatility in the skill department at the cost of one level of spellcasting.