Thorn's End Guard

Jieran Cordant's page

10 posts. Alias of Trevor86.

Full Name

Jieran Cordant




Oracle 1 (Ancient Lore Keeper archetype, battle mystery)







Special Abilities

AC 17, FF 14, T 13. Perc + 8 (Vision capped at 30 ft). Init +3, roll twice. Saves: F +1, R +3, W +3. Darkvision.




Iomedae, though being taught the ways of Desna.




Common, Elven, Braille


Novice Fortune Teller, disabled former soldier. Apprentice to Koya or Shalelu.

Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 15

About Jieran Cordant

Backstory, short version:

Jieran is currently a refugee from Taldan, staying in Sandpoint. It is not a coincidence that he chose this place to hide, halfway across the world; a few years ago, he received a fortune telling of Nishki Mvasthi, Koya's mother, during one of her final outings from the village. This fortune telling told him that one day, he'd lose everything dear to him, and that in order to avoid death himself, he'd have to do two things. First, he'd have to travel to Sandpoint to seek training for his latent own ability as a fortune teller. Second, he would need to win the affection of the one who would save him, and stand by her during the coming trials.

As a soldier youth, he took this poorly and insulted both her and the art of fortune telling to her face - right in front of Sandru, her guard captain for this expedition. Offering a hastey payment and wishing a swift retreat from the imposing man, Madam Nvashti - who herself was only amused by his defiance of fate - gave him two Tarot cards as a parting gift: The Eye and the Fool.

Time passed until a few months ago, when a dispute between his father and the despot general Pythareus led to an ambush that killed the entire unit he served with, except for him. Blinded by his wounds, itwas only when his body somehow absorbed the Eye card that he was able to see anything again; a kind of spectral sight that only went a dozen or so paces in each direction.

Since then, he has been on the run, hoping to fulfill this 'prophecy' before fate would allegedly kill him. At present, that would mean somehow gaining training from the mother of the man present when he insulted the very craft he now seeks that training on, and somehow endearing himself to the most socially distant and mysterious person in the entire village.

While partly blind.

Backstory, long version:

“Poor child. Someday, you will lose everything.”

Well, that sure was ominous. Probably the most sweeping mysterious statement anyone had ever made to him – right next to his mother disappearing during his youth, leaving only a vague message that she had to take care of ‘something important’. That still made him angry, her just walking out of their lives, as if his dad and him didn’t mean anything to her.

Well, at least this fortune teller had made Katie wait outside. He’d have been royally pissed if his girl had been here and had decided to break off their thing over some b&~~~!%! prophecy of doom. ”Great. Let me guess: I lose everything *unless* I buy some trinket from you at an outrageous price, right?”

He noticed the guard’s facial muscles tense in a surprisingly common pattern between all races. It was his elven heritage making him slightly more perceptive to tiny subtleties. Of course, that was right before the man’s hand went for his scimitar. ”You dare mock our mother Drabarni!?”*

(*OOC note: Drabarni is Romani for female fortune teller. Spoilers inside of spoilers do not seem to work.)

”Mock? No, but I admit I expected more. Such a bland statement is true for anyone. Everyone dies eventually and nothing passes with you to lady Pharasma.”

The old woman merely raised her hand, a tiny grin appearing among her weathered features. Like a well-trained dog, the guard immediately sat back down. ”True. I won’t deny that such fearmongering is employed by some of my colleagues. But know that what Nishka Mvashti says is true. In fact, the only reason I made the grueling journey from my mansion in Sandpoint to this little… cesspit of vanity and poverty was because these same cards said it was important.”

He blinked. There were a lot of implications there. Was this old Varisian woman a noble of some sort, somewhere? Had she just grossly insulted his beautiful home city? And what was that important thing she spoke of?

Where to even begin responding?

She saved him the trouble by speaking first.

”As an… assurance, take this.”

”A receipt?”

”Not quite. Rather, a Tarot card.”

”'The Fool'. So… it symbolizes me, for coming here?”

”Dear child - you'd wish. The card is reversed, symbolizing recklessness and inconsideration - a card truly fitting the brazen Taldan youth of Oppara standing before me. Not just now, but in general.”

He laughed despite his national pride. Maybe he liked this ancient Varisian woman after all. If anything, she’d gone through her own fair share of s%&@ tests, like he did in the army every day. Perhaps that alone was worth the price of admission in this faire.

”However, since I am a gracious hostess, I will allow you to draw a second card. ”

A fan of Tarots spread before him. He picked a new one on a whim. ”An… eye? What does that mean?”

Madam Mvashti's eyebrows rose in faint surprise. ”Interesting. A very rare draw, shown only to a select few. The Eye is a major Arcana that is not supposed to exist. The deck reveals it only for one specific reason and one type of person – you have a latent talent for my line of work.”

”Swindling people? Me?”

Now, she was fully smiling. ”I believe I said a similar thing to my grandmother once, though I believe I worded it in a slightly more polite manner. Of course, that was before I was convinced of the fine workings of fate, even in the Age of Lost Omens.”

The cards were laid down on the table, face-down. “Kiss this man instead of that woman, study that trade, read the first book over the second, befriend one person, hate the next… all meaningless choices faced with the Truth of The Deck. Just as latent and talent are anagrams, how you arrange it doesn’t change its fundamental components.”

She turned them all in a well-practiced flourish, revealing twenty straight copies of The Eye, glowing in an eerie blue light.

”Right. Of course,” he said, admittedly somewhat lamely. Something about the combined stare of her piercing eyes and the dozens more on the cards was unnerving, and he felt… odd, somehow less in control of himself than before. ”Still, if it's all the same to you, I'd rather not believe any of this crap. Could you kindly stop the parlor tricks and tell your Deck to get off my back, Mother… um… Dribarna?”

”Drabarni,” a second Varisian guard suddenly breathed down his neck from behind, and he almost jumped. It was very hard to sneak up on him. Normally.

”Ah. Meet my adopted grandson, Sandru,” Madam Nishki said, turning one card twice, revealing a Wheel of some sort. She was still grinning despite the insult, as if privy to some amusing inside secret she couldn't be arsed to share. ”You would do well to show him good manners, child. This will be our only meeting, but he will lead an organization that you will have to depend on, one day. If he lets you, that is.”

‘Which one; The Scarni? Am I allegedly going to join a crime syndicate now?’

He thought it, but swallowed the words. Unlike the other guard, Sandru was broad enough to throw down with the largest of Rondelero and carried enough weapons to make an arms locker blush. Between his frown and the weird deck, he didn’t like where this was going.

”Drabarni Mvashti” He quickly corrected, hoping that was polite enough. ”Here is your money. I’ll… be going then, so see you later?”

”Like I said, we won’t ever see each other again. Yet take the cards. And when you do lose everything, remember them. They might show you a way out; an opportunity to leave. A start of a new path.”

”And If I don’t?”

She flipped all the cards twice. Seventeen upright copies of Death. One upright copy of the Hierophant. One upright copy of the Lovers. One reversed copy of Strength.

His blood grew cold.

”Then you die. Your other path is extremely narrow. You must seek my instruction for our gift. You must stand by and attain the affection of the one who will save you, and not fail to improve yourself through your combined trials. Otherwise…”

One final spread of cards. Twenty straight Hanged Men, the bodies somehow moving from side to side on the card surfaces, as if gently cradled by the wind. ”Farewell, Jieran Cordant. Enjoy the remainder of your first life.”

He ran, not even asking how she knew his name.

In retrospect, he wasn’t sure why he’d kept them.

He was anything but a fortune teller. In fact, he was among the best shots in the unit and a good scout they could count on. His dad was proud of him. Sure, they were all refuse, disliked among the Taldan nobility for being non-pureblooded races, but they were successful, and so was he. They were brothers and sisters fighting for their country and, more importantly, the innocent.

Taldor never had a shortage of enemies to fight, and the more Strategos Pythareus dispatched the unit, the more loot there was to salvage for them. And with that loot, he’d got himself a house, better gear, some books on Elven lore he’d wanted to study as some lingering attachment to his mother. He was also, finally, getting engaged to Katie. It was all going well…

Thus, he always kept the cards on him. You never knew. Every soldier had some trinket for good luck, and this was his. Fate could bugger off while he carved out his own path, but this was an insurance. Right?

Until that day that he actually lost everything.

His father and the unit were becoming too popular. The Strategos had been stripping priviledges and wages more and more, made the missions more ridiculous and dangerous, and that had eventually led to an argument during some high-noble event. His dad, a commoner had openly slighted the mighty general among the Taldan social elite. It was no more of a proverbial punch in the gut than the bastard deserved. Still, everyone knew there would be some inevitable repercussion.

He just didn’t expect it to be a perfect ambush. And by orcs, no less, in the World’s Edge mountains to the east. He barely had time to draw his bow before the fireball of an orc mage sucked the very air from his lungs, and he collapsed as the world burned around him.

When he woke up in immense pain, everyone else from the unit was either dead or missing, their bodies stripped of anything worthwhile. Not that he could see that, since his eyes no longer worked. That fire had scorched them beyond repair and no matter how much he rubbed or cried his tears, they wouldn’t function.

He was blind.

He would never fire a bow again. He would never even fight again, or do pretty much anything but beg.

He was now useless, if he even somehow survived the way back, which seemed impossible. He was stranded in ice-cold mountains without supplies and unable to use his weapons. If any orc, troll or whatever else was here saw him, he was dead!

But that’s when he saw it, impossibly, still in his pockets.
The Eye Tarot was shining brightly, spinning before him on its own. It was the only thing he could actually still see, and how it was still on him after the orc looting was anyone’s guess.

Then, it disappeared, melting into his own hand in a flash of blue light.

And it showed him the way out.

From then, he saw things in a different way. He lived in a perpetual bubble of black and white, ten paces in each direction. It moved with him, and beyond that the world dissolved into mists. Only sounds and prticularly strong smells could reach him from outside.

Within were spectral images of people, animals and plants. Where they had been only just before, where they would be soon, and more solidly where they were now. Getting used to discerning between 'illusions' and the real thing had been an awkward and humbling experience. Eventualy, he figured that he was seeing different possibilities unfold, as if the Eye card had imprented some actual insight into fate and future. The irony stung.

He also found a strange new ability to suddenly use minor healing magic without prayers. Combined, it was enough to stumble out of the mountains, through the woods and into the closest village, starving. But he couldn't rest; he had to get back to the city and warn everyone.

If only.

Back to the capital, his house had been burned. Coincidentally on the same day the unit had been ambushed, and very coincidentally with his fiancée still inside, who’d somehow failed to escape the building.

The same coincidence had happened to the families of numerous others he’d served with.

Everyone knew who was behind it. His former friends now avoided him. No one wanted to risk the wrath of the Strategos. It was sickening. What did it really say about his country if this sort of thing could happen unopposed? Had he been too blind to see it, despite the descrimination issues in the army?

He would have sought revenge, but in that moment he was truly broken. He was just one young man. He was in mourning, and he’d never be able to achieve it.

He mourned for a week, staying hidden in a sea of uncaring people. Drinking away what money he had left in the Temple of Abadar.

Then two weeks.

And then he knew he had to move.

The other Tarot card, the Fool, had begun to spin from upright to reversed. Instinctively, he knew it was warning him. If Madam Mvashti had been right, this card symbolized him, and he could only take one path forward. So if it suddenly started spinning... it meant, what? Was his existence in imminent danger? Was Pythareus aware of his survival? And hadn't the Eye card saved him from certain death, just as she said?

He decided to believe her and left the same day. After all, if he didn’t seek her instruction for this ‘gift’, he would die. And she lived in… Sandpoint, was it?

Just his luck, with Varisia being on the other side of the damned world and all. He would have taken the boat, but the cursed Fool card had started spinning more rapidly. Maybe they WERE looking for him, and had the harbor watched. Or maybe it was just some Karmic debt he owed madam Mvashti for making this same journey herself once.

Either way, at this point he was too paranoid to take chances. On foot it was...

In the coming months, he’d had to beg and pretend to be a capable healer for money multiple times, waving curative magics as if he understood what they really did. Sometimes he managed to summon a fog cloud to cover his escape if things went south. If not... well, he usually managed to heal himself afterwards.

It had hurt his pride, but he had no choice. And it was nothing compared to when he, finally, arrived near Sandpoint. His eyesight had gotten no better, and he’d gotten himself ambushed by goblins out in the open.

He’d had to be saved from certain death by a girl. Admittedly, a beautiful (from what he could still make out) Elven woman who was a better shot than he’d ever been and quite possibly had decades more of combat experience, but still. It was wrong. He’d never been this weak, and especially not in front of a pretty girl.

It was probably a rediculous thought, partly because part of him was still mourning Katie, but there it was. He was cutting a pretty pitiful first impression, somewhere around a minus twelve on the manliness scale, probably.

Still, he'd needed the assist. If it hadn’t been for Shalelu’s bow, or Koya’s healing afterwards…

…well, he’d live with it. He’d find a way to repay his life-debt to Shalelu, and hopefully gain her affection, just as his Drabarni had instructed him. He just prayed 'fate', if it was truly set, would give him enough time to succeed.

And while he was here, maybe he could even learn more about his nature as a fortune teller and divine magician, or ‘Oracle’ as some Varisians now called him, from lady Koya on the way...

Appearance and daily life in Sandpoint:

Jieran normally appears as a young and decently handsome Taldan half-elf, though his features are a bit marred by his milky-white eyes and remnants of burn marks here and there. Blonde hair broken by a few white tufts (from where he’d been seriously burned) surrounds a still youthful and proud visage.

From his demeanor, a casual observer could easily guess that he has trouble seeing, especially at a distance. He tends to dress ready for a fight, perhaps a remnant of trauma compelling him to, and usually wears lamellar leather armor with an Elven branched spear as his main weapon of choice. Despite his visual impairment, he is still a decent fighter who tends to focus on exploiting mistakes of others and leveraging his reach.

Out of combat, his spear is used as a walking stick and a probing instrument for when his sight is wonky and he needs to feel out the environment. With a decently athletic physique, he can otherwise pass for the soldier he used to be.

In his downtime, he can be found trying to read some borrowed books from Ameiko's Rusty Dragon inn (with great difficulty if visual – more easily in Braille) or attempting to (clumsily) shuffle and arrange his own cheap set of Tarot cards.

One particular card, The Fool, seems to be of far higher quality than the other ones and refuses to go back into his deck. It keeps spinning from upright into reversed position when placed in his hand, the meaning of which he often contemplates in silence.

He spends his productive days mostly practicing curative magics in assistance of the local church or alongside Koya. Alternatively, (if hired despite his visual problems) he can be a backup guard whenever supplies need to be gathered somewhere in the area. When asked to, he performs Tarot readings for those interested, but doesn't pendle this skill unless his finances demand it - that also doesn't always go well.

If she lets him, he prioritises assisting Shalelu on her increasingly rare patrols around the city, in whatever minor capacity he can.

Personality and relationship with the Major NPC's:

He’s a brash youth still in the middle of digesting his humble pie, partly still mourning the death of his friends in the army, his father and his former fiancée. As a result, he will probably start a bit sober and introspective/introverted until the mood of the caravan/party/adventure starts picking up. He will however do his best to assist the townsfolk and make himself useful while he’s there to the best of his (dis)ability. Normally, he has a mouth to rival the worst Sailors and can throw down the insults just as well as he takes them.

His... 'situation' regarding Shalelu is a bit complex. On one hand, his Tarot reading said that he was doomed unless he gained the affection of the one that saved him. Jieran believes that is her (though there is some ambuguity since Koya healed his wounds afterwards), meaning he finds himself forced to find some way to achieve this. His exact interpretation of the requirement (perhaps fueled by wishful thinking) is that he is supposed to capture her romantic interest.

He finds her attractive, which partly makes this easier but also makes him feel guilty since it hasn't been that long (months?) since his fiancee was murdered. Is he really ready to go into something like a new relationship, if he was succesful? Would it be real affection isf something is essentially forcing him to do it? Should he warn Shalelu that he might be endangering her due to Strategos Pythareus from Taldor quite possibly wanting him dead? Privately, he might even wonder if he can make anyone happy in the partly-disabled state he is in now.

Of course, that is all getting way, waaaay ahead of things since they do not currently have much of a bond other than a shared martial background and that she saved him. That she seems a bit socially distant and not is not often in the village complicates matters further. He currently cannot join her on her outings as an equal and his pride feels injured at having to be saved by her and being in weaker form than he used to be. Thus, he is still working out how to best approach this. He tried asking Ameiko, allegedly her good friend, about her in the Rusty Dragon one day but only received some good-natured merciless teasing. He obviously wasn't her first admirer, nor the first to try that.

His current plan is to slowly bond with her over, for instance, admiration for her martial skills and wilderness knowledge. He has asked if she would be willing to teach him, to which she hasn't decided yet one way or the other. He also tried asking her for some return task he could do for saving his life, which was brushed off "Since someone’s got to keep an eye on you all, anyway.”

Currently awaiting some king of opening, he has not informed her of the Tarot reading he's received. He'd rather gain her actual trust than guilt trip her into letting him stay near and making things weird.

He hasn't told anyone except Koya and Shalelu his surname, out of fear for potential recognition by any Taldan Loyalist who may or may not be around. He realizes that the safest option would be to completely lie about his identity, but a sense of honor prevents him from doing so to people who could be in danger for harboring him. When asked what brought him to Sandpoint by his rescuers, he answered semi-truthfully that he was a refugee on the run from the Taldan Regime, and that he wanted to stay anonimous.

On Koya, Jieran will try to get lessons or instructions on divine magic and fortune telling from her, in the absence of her deceased mother. Koya might have accepted him out of a motherly sense and a perceived genuine interest to learn and change his disposition to fortune telling, even if warned by Sandru. She might see their Rivalry or potential beef between them as childish in the grand scope of things.

If Shalelu is ‘taken’ by another PC, he could instead focus more on this mentor bond with her. Being an oracle with no experience whatsoever in a country where fortune telling is so ingrained in the culture is something he finds daunting, and he tends to think of himself here as a conartist. Maybe that's even true: he currently doesn't have the skill, but is sometimes forced to make something up to make end's meet. Finding stable high-wage work as a near-blind guy isn't that easy. When that happens, he does a very cringy reading on his very cheap tarot deck, casts bless and hopes the customers will be fooled by/are satisfied with the result.

Regarding Sandru: The man problably doesn’t have the best of opinion of Jieran based on how they met at the Tarot reading and might view him as a rebellious upstart who needs to be taught some manners/discipline. He might openly question what worth a blind soldier could bring to a caravan, leading to a series of tests to prove himself. Also, he may or may not like such a guy being an apprentice fortune teller to his mother, after he openly mocked the art a number of years ago, or with a somewhat unclear and potentially shady past.

Next to this, Sandru is the only other one who knows of the Tarot reading his Grandmother did for Jieran (unless he informed the others) and might have some additional doubts on his loyalty towards the town/caravan or Shalelu: he is only here because he's forced to, right? As such, he has a social nuke he could launch at Jieran at any moment and this makes him uneasy.

Jieran doesn't have much interaction or background with Ameiko other than that he stays in the Inn when his daily chores allow him the funding to do so. Otherwise, he simply camps near the village in his tent at a location Shalelu deemed safe. He respects Ameiko, her establishment and her demeanor, and tries to keep himself in her good graces for that and her friendship bond with Shalelu. But after the way she teased him when asking about her, he was too embarassed to speak to her much. While she has offered to let him stay for reduced rates based on his disability, he has politely refused this since his remaining pride does not allow him to take such deals.

Privately, while Jieran would definitely like to go back to Taldor one day to take revenge against the corrupt government, he realizes that he is currently too weak to do anything, both in his own strength and lacking any sort of meaningful allies to support him in such a huge undertaking. Given enough time and a compelling reason or new cause to, he might grow past his need for it entirely. For now, if the Tarot prediction given him by Koya’s deceased mother is correct, his only way to stay alive is to stay close to Shalelu and/or Koya. If they decided to go on a grand adventure somewhere to the ends of the earth, well, then he’d have to go with them!

Some other potential plot hooks and suggestions for other associated NPC's:

Jieran believes his moment of losing everything has already happened, but perhaps it still has to come. His second Tarot card, the Fool, is supposedly involved with a second (or third?) chance. Maybe he will come to value the PC's/NPC's and their cause even more than the ones he formerly held dear. One interpretation of adhering to this prediction is his Death, as he himself said in the backstory. Would he kill himself if he believes his friends' lives are at stake due to prophecy?

He also thinks that the cause of the death of his fellow soldiers and father is on the hands of Pythareus, a corrupt Taldan general. But that might not be the (entire) truth. Perhaps there was a mole leading them into the trap, or a second faction working alongside him to accomplish this, since they employed orcs to do it? Does Pythareus know Jieran is alive and will he take measures to remove loose ends?

His mother, an Elven lore Keeper, disappeared during his youth with nothing but a vague message that she had to, in order to do something truly important. She can be inserted anywhere convenient as a potential rescue target, ally or even antagonist. Jieran will probably try to save or convert her. While part of him hates her for leaving, she’s still his mother. She also taught him the basics of arcane magic and Elven lore.

Party role and Build:

Jieran is a clouded vision-curse Oracle with the battle Mystery and the ancient Lorekeeper archetype, which is elven or half-elven exclusive. He fights in light armor with an Elven Branched spear as his main weapon. Ranged weapons would be difficult to use early on since his curse severely limits his sight range at lower levels. His stat array is balanced across the board with all ability scores in positive modifiers, favoring dexterity and charisma.

What the above means in practice is that he is a decent reach melee combatant who will eventually learn cool tricks such as trip combat maneuvers as an Oracle. He will never be a melee powerhouse, but he can be a good secondary comatant. The battle mystery represents his background as a soldier and has a number of awesome and flavorful revelations, such as war-sight (which I will flavor as him seeing visions of where people were or will be a few moments from now, growing more reliable as he gains more experience).

He can serve as a main healer based on his oracle class and spontaneous cure spells, but has enough alternate options to simply shore up his spear skills and party buffs/utility spells. His Oracle archetype grants him very limited access to some Wizard/Sorcerer spells instead of the normal mystery bonus spells which he can use to fill up any void of necessary ones in the party. I'm currently not planning any dips and will probably go full Oracle.

Essentially, he is a good generalist who can specialize in a number of directions. He should pair up really well with just about anyone, though in particular any full Martial for maneuver teamwork or other full caster to spread out the buffing and healing between them. His main weaknesses are that his saving throws, especially fortitude, will be fairly low and that he is very limited in ranged capacity due to his sight range limitation and low spellsave DC on his spells.

Out of combat, he will spread his points around acrobatics (since Shalelu teaches him this), a few knowledge skills, spellcraft, heal, perception, diplomacy and sense motive. He has a decent number of skills per level and should be a valuable asset to the party out of combat too. At later levels, especially when his Clouded vision becomes more reliable and his sight range increases, perhaps he will become truly good at scouting again. For the caravan stages, he should be able to fill a number of possible posts such as caster, fortune teller (later, after receiving training and getting divination spells), merchant, etc.

Of course, part of his build can always be changed to fit the party better. He could change his mystery to Life, for instance, to become an even better healer at the cost of his own melee abilities. He could also take the Seeker archetype instead of the Elven lore Keeper Oracle archetype to gain some rogue/scout abilities, such as trapfinding, if the party lacks a rogue. It would combine nicely with his high dexterity.

Statistics and inventory:

Half-Elf (Taldan) Oracle (Ancient Lore Keeper, battle mystery) 1.
NG Medium humanoid (human, elf racial types)
Init +3 (roll twice), Senses Perception +8 (darkvision, sight capped at 30 ft max).

Ability scores: 12 str, 17 dex (15+2), 12 con, 12 int, 12 wis, 14 cha.

HP: 10. Speed 30 ft.
Ac 17 (Armor: +4, dex Bonus: +3), ff 14, touch 13. CMD: 14.
Saves*: Fort +1, reflex + 3, will +3.

Half-Elves gain a + 2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects. They are also immune to magical sleep.

Speed 30 ft.

Elven Branched Spear: Reach 10 ft, brace. +3 vs Ac, 1d8+1 damage. Special: +2 to hit on AoO provoked by moving.

Dagger: +3 vs ac, 1d4+1 damage.

*Divine favor adds +2 hit/damage to both if active.

CMB: +1

Prepared Spells (Oracle)

Level/list of spells:

0 (4/day): Guidance, mending, create water, detect magic.
1 (4/day): Divine favor, Cure light wounds, Bless.

Special Abilities

Oracle Curse

Clouded vision:

You cannot see anything beyond 30 feet, but you can see as if you had darkvision.

At 5th level, this distance increases to 60 feet.
At 10th level, you gain blindsense out to a range of 30 feet.
At 15th level, you gain blindsight out to a range of 15 feet.

Oracle Revelations :

War Sight (Su): Whenever you roll for initiative, you can roll twice and take either result. At 7th level, you can always act in the surprise round, but if you fail to notice the ambush, you act last, regardless of your initiative result (you act in the normal order in following rounds). At 11th level, you can roll for initiative three times and take any one of the results.


Background skills: Knowledge : Local (soldier experience fighting local threats, commoner background), Knowledge: Arcana (hobby, trained in his youth by his missing mother).

Current other skills with a rank (5/level): sense motive, heal, acrobatics, perception, diplomacy.

Bonusses: Knowledge: Local +5, knowledge: arcana +5, perception +8 (sight capped at 30 ft max), diplomacy +6, heal +5, sense motive +5, acrobatics +8. Other skills equal ability modifier.

1. Weapon finesse.
1. Weapon proficiency: Elven Branched Spear.

Rescued (by Shalelu), Fate's favored, Seeker.


Elven brached spear: 20 gp, lamellar leather (60 gp), Tarot card: the fool (backstory trinket), cheap tarot/harrow deck (1gp?), backpack, full wilderness kit and 7 days travel rations (21.8 gp) = 104.8 gp (2 silver gold left).

Adventuring gear in backpack:

* backpack 2 gp.
• hunting knife 2 gp 1 lb
• whetstone 2 cp 1 lb
• shovel 2 gp 8 lb
• hammer 5 sp 2 lbs
• 2 square yards canvas 2 sp 2 lbs
• fishing line and hook 1 sp
• flint and steel 1 gp
• iron pot 5 sp 10 lbs
• tent 10 gp 20 lbs*
• waterskin 1 gp 4 lbs*
• 5 days travel rations 5 Lbs (2.5 gp)
• 30 ft hemp rope with grapple hook (10 lbs) 2 gp.

Something about me as a player:

Well, I'm a simple guy from the Netherlands who really enjoys RPG's and reading/hobby writing. As such, I got into play by post roughly one year ago but went into a break after a few months; the main campaign I was involved in died when the GM quit and my life became a bit more busy.

Now, I have a decent amount of free time again and should be able to make at least 1 post per day, even in weekends. I don't have any experience with either Rise of the Runelords or Jade Regent and thus I'm going into things almost unspoiled (I gathered from reading a few other submissions that Ameiko is probaly a princess-in-exile, though. Oh well :) ). It seems like a fresh and cool adventure very different from the normal ones; I don't think I've ever played an adventure path or campaign centering around a Caravan travelling halfway across the world. Sounds like a really good setup for developing character bonds and good roleplaying!

Hm, not sure what else to say... I guess my weakness is that I'm still slightly getting used to the format and what to do/not to do. My core idea behind posts is to give others something interesting to react to and to try to push the narritive forward a tiny bit without assuming reactions from others or taking away for their ability to react. I'll see what style the others have and adept to theirs, I suppose.

Feel free to ask more questions, if desired!