About Atlas Jaxxbackground:
Atlas forced his way out of his peasant mother some rough twenty-something years ago in the slums of New Stetven, capital city of Brevoy. Growing stronger, he never truly lacked anything as his father was a high figure in the criminal underworld, someone only known as the enigmatic ‘Kane’. They didn't have much, but his dad's stipend was enough to feed and roof them, so long as it wasn't stolen by others. It never was, since he had always been the biggest, baddest kid on the block, and his bulging biceps and short temper needed exactly zero encouragement to remind the rabble of it. However, it took more than that to truly impress his dad and rise from just another offspring of his harem of easy lays. Fortunately, he had the brains to back the brawn, and his magical talent manifested early when he snapped a dickhead wizard-wannebe’s magical staff in half with his bare hands. The resulting explosion killed most people nearby and should have killed him too, but the arcane magic was just too chicken and bounced off his abs. Or, as later testing revealed, he simply had a natural affinity for the arcane, which drastically lessened the damage. Either way, from then, his father pitted him against his other children in an intrigue game of death to see who would have the stones to be his true successor and inherited his criminal empire. There, he learned the single most important thing of life and death fighting. Always go bare-chested for the important fights. Fast forward a few years and with most of the competition dead, traumatized from manliness overdose or persuaded to leave the country, Kane decided it was time for Atlas to undergo the next step of his training. He was apprenticed to an undead master (whose name and visage he never seemed to remember), because, or so the reasoning went, no one could be a better magic teacher than an immortal being with supposedly centuries more experience than all others. Unfortunately, this plan didn’t work out so well. Atlas was tasked with bringing a small child to his master as a price for tutelage, which seemed like a chicken-shit cowardly thing to do. However, he had to succeed his dad and take care of his mom. He was in too deep. So he sacrificed a Jonas, a beggar boy who looked up to him, to the undead entity. After realizing this cost him a good part of his honor and metaphorical balls, he backed out and simply left the city in shame and regret, living his life as a backwater adventurer until he’d atoned and reclaimed it. His attempt was cut short as two messages reached him: one, only he and his half-brother, Kieran the Cruel, were left to inherit Kane’s position in the underworld. And second, an expedition was set up to literally claim the Stolen Lands as one’s own kingdom. If there ever was a final chance to impress his old man, and possibly redeem himself by ridding the world of some scum warlord and the collected monstrosities that tended to crawl out of Golarion’s ass, this was surely it… Appearance:
A bald-shaved human man with a goatee and mustache, usually wearing bright red, sometimes pink, wizard robes over a pair of tight leather pants. Not easily deterred, his bulging muscles are still well visible even through the loose clothing. He wears sunglasses and has a long, black polearm strapped to his back. Normally, he simply enjoys swatting lesser mortals with his beatstick left and right, revelling when they move to rush ‘the frail wizard’ and often not having to cast even a single spell. In moderately serious fights, his first action is usually disrobing, exposing his chiseled chest and abs for all the world to see, often fainting his enemies on the spot (colour spray). In *really* serious fights, he can truly unleash his muscles, growing to *eight times* their normal mass and swinging a gigantic wrecking ball of a polearm at people from well across the street or alley this unfortunate one-sided beatdown is taking place in! Statblock:
Atlas Jaxx
Spellbook Spells known: Level 0/Cantrips: all.
Spells prepared:
Scrolls present, self-crafted: Mage armor x 2 (25 gp), shield x 1 (12.5 gp), enlarge person (12.5 gp) = 50 gp. Feats Combat Reflexes, Martial Weapon Proficiency (lucerne hammer), Scribe Scroll, alertness (from familiar, if within reach). Traits Deathtouched (+2 saves vs mind-affecting), reactionary (+2 initiative). Skills Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (geography) +7, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +7, Spellcraft +7; perception* +2, sense motive* +2. *Perception and sense motive get +2 from the alertness feat if his familiar is within reach. Language Common, Sylvan, Skald, Elven, Dwarf, Giant.
Remaining 21 gp is mostly spent on wilderness traveling kit and essentials kit. Full Essentials Kit + torches, oil and rope.
Total Cost: 7.68 gp Basic Wilderness Kit
=19.78 g. >1.72 g left. --------------------
Familiar=Rat, +2 fortitude. Combat Reflexes (4 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed. Divination You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Divination school.
Physical Enhancement +1 (-Choose-) (Su) When preparing spells, chosen physical attribute gains enhancement bonus. (chose constitution) Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch. Telekinetic Fist (1d4 bludgeoning, 6/day) (Sp) As a standard action, ranged touch deals bludgeon dam vs. foe in 30 ft.
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