Sheriff Belor Hemolock

Ammon Al-Mukhalas's page

273 posts. Alias of Trevor86.

Full Name

Ammon Al-Mukhalas


Human, Garundi


Conditions: Permanently dead/retired.










Osiris, and Ancient Osiriani pantheon as a whole.




Common, Osiriani, Ancient Osiriani


Former Pirate/Slaver, Preacher, Muscle for hire.

Strength 19
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 8

About Ammon Al-Mukhalas

Born in the derelict bargetown district of Wati to a very poor family, there weren’t many ways to get by other than illicit ones. From childhood he was a lookout and, as he grew taller and stronger, hired muscle for a smuggling guild. From what he earned, he supported himself and both his parents (a simple fisherman and weaver) and siblings.

Later on, he expanded his services to working for Osirion pirates praying on merchant vessels in the inner sea region, who both stole from and enslaved the crew to sell later. While he wasn’t a sadist or someone who did this for the fun, like some of his colleagues, he’d always felt it was the only real road to wealth open to him, and didn’t feel bad at all about turning the tables on those delivered to much more favorable positions than himself.

Slaving proved to be a dangerous business, however, and there came a time during a boarding that should have been the end for him. A crossbow bolt had pierced his armor, and to this very day he swore that it pierced his heart only moments before he fell into the cold sea and lost consciousness. By all accounts, he should be dead, if not from the wound itself then by drowning in the open sea.

But somewhere in the next few days, he washed up on the Coast of Osirion, near Totra. His chest wound had only left a vague scar over his heart, and he found that he could move and think normally. Something had saved him and carried him all the way from dozens of miles up the inner sea back to his homeland. His only clue was the crook and flail neckless that was in the sand next to him. As the corresponding god of rebirth, he saw the work of Osiris in these events and figured that the god had given him a second chance at life. He now tries to live this according his ideals and seeks to redeem himself for his past life of crime, along with seeking to rekindle worships for the old Osiriani gods as a whole.

In the last year, the longer his worship occurred, the more he was visited by visions of glory, of joining the exploration of the necropolis of his hometown and reclaiming the treasures of the ancient Osiriani and the nearly forgotten gods both. If he closed his eyes, he could hear and see the spirit animals of the Ancient Gods crying out for someone worthy to wield them, and reming the world that the elemental clans of the deserts were not the only mighty Osirion creatures to conjure!

Ammon is a heavily-muscled, bald Garundi man in his early to mid twenties. Some facial scars around the cheek and forehead indicate he’s no stranger to violence. He wears Kohl around the eyes, often alongside crushed malachite eyeliner if the price is affordable. From his neck hangs a simple silver necklace containing the crook and flail of Osiris. His visage is completed by an extended goatee beard.

For equipment, he wears a set of leather armor reinforced with metal plates which covers his Shendyt (the typical Egyptian kilt-like wear). His outfit includes corresponding plated wrist-, shin- and sandalguards. Despite his armor, it is obvious that some gaps were allowed in the design to compromise between protection and ventilation for the local high temperate. His displayed weapons are a dagger, a pilum with a set of javelins and a Long spear that ends in a piked hammerhead rather than a normal spear point ( A lucerne hammer - his only piece of more uncommon weaponry). He also wears a backpack that contains two attached water skins and a rope with grappling hook.

During downtime, he is often seen either drinking in a pub or out on the street, preaching about the faith of the old goads to varying amounts of success.


At first, Ammon appears as a friendly giant of sorts who attempts to enthusiase onlookers for the local, Ancient Osiriani gods; those whose influence has waned since equally ancient times. Those who approach him with a job offer that involves some kind of moral high ground would find him quickly willing to accept. However, the longer a person is around him, the longer they get the feeling that something isn’t quite right; that he accepts the risks too quickly for jobs, that he has some confidence issues fighting ‘the good fight’ and that his preaching is ultimately flawed – whether by genuine doubt in his message or by some other inner personal conflict.

It doesn’t help either that he often appears to talk to invisible figures, or as he calls them, ‘spirits’, around him. If they do exist, only he is privy to their presence and communication as of yet.

In truth, he does struggle with questions of who saved him and why, what he did to make him deserve a second chance, and how he could best make up for his earlier deeds. He doesn't struggle with the raised eyebrows over his coversations with the spirits, however. He just knows those are real, and who is he to question them? Surely they were agents of Osiris himself, sent to guide and advise him for the betterment of all?

Note: Regarding personality, I should mention that I am somewhat of an improvisational writer and that I form a large part of his personality and mannerisms as I go along.

Secrets and Goals:

Ammon has three main goals:
-Redeem his past life of crime in some shape or form.
-Rekindle worship of the ancient Osiriani pantheon.
-Find and recover lost relics of the time of the ancient Osirion empire and its pantheon.

-Known to him and to me as a player: he used to be pirate and slaver, and only stopped doing this when he was killed.
-Known to only me, not the character: his visions regarding reclaiming ancient Osiriani treasure and spirit animals of the ancient gods, along with the conversations with unseen entities, might not come from Osiris but a different entity entirely.
-Secret unknown to both me and the character: ? (up to the GM!)

About me as a player, from profile:

I'm a thirty-ish (vague because it makes me feel younger!) physician from the Netherlands. I grew up on the Baldur's Gate games along with the Super Nintendo RPG classics (Chrono trigger, Lufia, etc) and have been hooked on RPG's ever since. I started playing tabletop RPG's with 3.5 but it was a bit too complicated for a group of 14-15 year olds like us to really grip beyond a base level. I moved to D&D 4e from there and then to pathfinder when it became more popular around here and 4e died. Since I was working then and had the income to support it, I frequently travelled between Germany, England and the Netherlands for the weekend-long pathfinder conventions. I would have done this more often but had to skip last year due to becoming a dad and this year due to Covid-19.

Having played most of the later seasons of PFS and through one AP (Wrath of the Righteous), I consider myself decently experienced in pathfinder first edition but not overly so. I still occasionally make a mistake here and there and keep learning from them. I'm not into rule-lawyering and try to avoid arguments about the rules at all costs. They tend to sour the experience for at least 1 person at the table.

On PBP, I'm fairly new and have only started doing this last year. My first experience there was a bit rough since I had to try and get a grasp of things in the middle of a level 15/mythic tier 6 campaign that went pretty wild pretty fast! When the GM stopped there, I paused for six months and came back afterwards. Now, I am in 4 active campaigns and 1 mostly inactive one (see below!)

On posting, I post at least once per day and try to make reactive and engaging (and hopefully amusing at times!) posts, following the stickied PBP guides and commendments on the forum as best as I can. If you want to check those out to get an idea of my posting style, the aliases are Sorogar,. Raesilia, Aradesh, Swaggy and Elrys. Generally, I try to avoid one-liner posts and try to include at least one or two things someone after me could react to.

Quick overview of current characters and campaigns:

-Raesilia Talbot, human avenger vigilante 1, war for the crown.
-Aradesh Gorewolf, half-orc Shaman 1, Giantslayer.
-Elrys Valrassedin, human evangelist cleric 11, Iron Gods.
-Swaggy Sockslayer Mcfly, Goblin Rapper 1, Rise of the runelords
-Sorogar Twintusk, half-orc shaman 5, Homebrew.

Timezone and Posting habits:

CET. I post at least once but usually twice per day, so long as there is something to react to in other posts. My time of posting tends to be around 09:00-10:00 CET, before going to work, and between 21:30 and 01:00, after returning from work and the kids are asleep.

Mechanical Build overview and party controbution in and out of fights:

I wanted to make a melee combatant who fights alongside summons themed after the various Egyptian/ancient Osirion gods, who also had good utility outside of fights.

For his combat effectiveness, at level 1 he starts off as a basic reach fighter (no archetype) with combat reflexes. He has slightly weird feats as he intends to multiclass into inquisitor at level 2 (and will take all his remaining levels in ravener Hunter/monster tactician inquisitor), which grants him a limited number of summon spells each day. If you are against allowing a summoner type character, I’d also be fine with just Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer inquisitor. In that case, the Osirion spirits don’t fight themselves but with him as their vessel. I would retrain his summon-based feats to more generally useful ones then, of course, such as toughness and power attack.

Flavorwise, he is on the verge of becoming a summoner/inquisitor for one of the ancient Egyptian gods but not quite there yet. He probably still has to prove his worth first – perhaps his criminal past plays into this.

Out of combat, he will spread his skill points among knowledges (prioritizing religion when he gets it at level 2), perception, intimidate, sense motive, survival and climb. His background skills are knowledge: history and knowledge: engineering (the latter from his time among thieves/smugglers and along ships. He has basic ideas of how traps and mechanics works, but is not an expert).


Ammon Almukhalas
Human (Garundi) fighter 1/Inquisitor 4 (Ravener Hunter, Sanctified Slayer)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +10
AC 25, touch 13, flat-footed 23 (+9 armor, +1 Dex, +3 shield, +1 defl, +1 natural)
hp 40. Saves: Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +7; +1 trait bonus vs. divine magic.
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +8 (1d4+4/19-20) or
Masterwork Falcata: +10 vs ac, (1d8+4/19-20, x3)
lucerne hammer +8 (1d12+6) or
spiked gauntlet +8 (1d4+4)
Ranged javelin +6 (1d6+4)
MW Longbow +7, 1d8.
+1 magic Dagger: +9 vs AC, 1d4+5.

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with lucerne hammer)
Masterwork Longbow with 10 arrows and 10 CI arrows

**Power attack reduces to hit by 1 and improves damage by 2 as normal (3 for 2h wepaon such as lucerne hammer).
Str 19, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +6; CMD 18
Feats: Shield focus, Power Attack, Exotic Weapon proficiency (falcata), Weapon focus (Falcata), Vision Mastery, Demon Hunter, Accomplished Sneak attacker.
Traits: devotee of the old gods, fate's favored.

Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Climb +5, Knowledge (engineering) +8, Knowledge (history) +9, Survival +7 (+2 vs tracks/tracking), Swim +3. Knowledge religion +8, planes/nature/Local/arcana/dungeoneering +4, perception + 10, Sense motive +12, intimidate +9, UMD +1.

Level 0: Create water, detect magic, read magic, mending.
Level 1 (4x/day): Divine favor, cure light wounds, keep watch, remove fear.
Level 2 (2x/day): Ghost Whip, litany of duty.

Languages Ancient Osiriani, Common, Osiriani

Other Gear masterwork falcata, dagger, javelin (5), lucerne hammer[APG], spiked gauntlet, 0.5 gp. +1 light steel shield (Akhentepi's shield), Fullplate. 2 x spring loaded wrist sheet, 1 x potion of cure light, 1 x warhammer, 1 x coldiron Falcata, 350 gp, truecolour dye, ring of protection +1, MW longbow with 10 arrows, 10 CI arrows. Amulet of natural armor +1, cloak of resistance +1.

Mundane gear:
Basic dungeoneering kit, basic essentials kit (includes bedroll, 3 rations, backpack, waterskin), some extra mundane items as listed below.

Dungeoneering kit: "This bundle of essential supplies for exploring ruins and abandoned cities includes two candles, chalk, a hammer and four pitons, 50 feet of hemp rope, a hooded lantern with 5 flasks of oil, two sacks, two torches, and four tindertwigs."

Extra bought: +1 waterskin, +1 travel ration, +1 grappling hook, +1 crowbar, +1 sunrod.

Weightless cheap mundane utility items:
Candle (1cp)
Chalk (1cp)
Charcoal (5sp)
Fishhook (1sp)
Flint and Steel (1gp)
Parchment (5 sheets) (1 gp)
Sewing Needle (5sp)
Signal Whistle (8sp)

Special Abilities
Power Attack -2/+4 (1h) You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.

Studied Target (Ex)
A slayer can study an opponent he can see as a move action. The slayer then gains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against that opponent, and a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against it. The DCs of slayer class abilities against that opponent increase by 1. A slayer can only maintain these bonuses against one opponent at a time; these bonuses remain in effect until either the opponent is dead or the slayer studies a new target.

If a slayer deals sneak attack damage to a target, he can study that target as an immediate action, allowing him to apply his studied target bonuses against that target (including to the normal weapon damage roll).

At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the bonuses on weapon attack rolls, damage rolls, and skill checks and to slayer DCs against a studied target increase by 1. In addition, at each such interval, the slayer is able to maintain these bonuses against an additional studied target at the same time. The slayer may discard this connection to a studied target as a free action, allowing him to study another target in its place.

At 7th level, a slayer can study an opponent as a move or swift action.

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Why I'd like to join this campaign:

Well, first off, I realised a bit late in making this application that your name sounded familiar and I was pleasantly surprised to find we are already in a campaign together! (I am Raesilia from Kittenmancer's War for the Crown) And I've enjoyed reading Adriel's anctics :)

That aside, few things in history are as interesting as the ancient Egyptian empire. It is with some sadness that I haven’t been able to play in the region much, despite having been fairly active in PFS play. The prospect of exploring pyramids and ancient tombs very much appeals to the adventurer in me, I must say!

I am also curious about the three already confirmed players. The Archlich, Nikolaus de Shade and Brainiac seem to be a trio of famous play-by-posters and I’m excited for the chance to see the three of them at work up close.