
Elena Neidhardt's page

971 posts. Alias of Trevor86.

Full Name

Elena Neidthardt, Female Half-Elf, Appearance (when not in armor)


Cleric 9 (HC)/Bard 1. HP 92/92, AC 24 T 15 FF 20. Saves: F+13, R +13, W +19, +2 vs charm/illus. +1 branced spear +11, 1d8+10 P (18-20/x2). CMB +11, CMD 23 init +8, Perc. +23. Wand: CLW 25/25, Bless 16/25, HA 43/50.


Daily resources: BoL 10/10. IH 10/10. Channel 5d6 5/5, Inspire courage 24/24, Luck domain Reroll 1/1, horseshoe +3 save 1/1. Conditions: none.







Special Abilities

low light vision








Common, Elven, Celestial, Thassilonean, Infernal, Draconic, Boggard.


Cleric of Shelyn, pathfinder

Strength 12
Dexterity 18
Constitution 14
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 20
Charisma 15

About Elena Neidhardt

Appearance, inspired by linked image with an altered weapon and some additional accessories:

A young woman with slender figure wearing a pendant of the songbird and its many-coloured tail, giving her away as a worshipper or perhaps cleric of Shelyn. However, rather than the traditional glaive, she carries a highly unusual spear with many side ‘branches’ on her back, one that seems much too cumbersome to be of use in actual combat. Her deep violet eyelids, and more exotically, cyan hair suggest strong elven heritage while her overall build leans more towards human.

She wears a stylish, if mostly modest Varisian outfit, complete with a half cape covering her left shoulder and a complementary additional ‘half-skirt’ for the right hip attached to her belt. Set against choice local accessories and a soft smile, her overall appearance is probably one most would find at least decently striking.

Stat Sheet:

Elena Neidhardt
Half-elf cleric of Shelyn 10, Bard 1.
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +8; Senses low-light vision; Perception +23

*Alternate racial traits: Ancestral arms (Elven branched spear proficiency, replaces skill focus bonus feat), Fey thoughts (Perception and acrobatics are class skills, replaces multitalented).

AC 24, touch 15, flat-footed 20 (10 base, +7 armor, +4 Dex, +1 defl, +2 natural, +2 shield,)
hp 85/85 (8+8+7+5+8+5+5+5+5+5+5 + 22 (con) + 2xFCB)
Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +19; +2 vs. enchantments and illusions (due to pride shard).

Save breakdown: 7/3/7 (cleric) + 0/2/2 (bard) + 2/4/5 (ability score) + 2 all (resistance) + 2 all (Lucky horseshoe + fate's favored) +1 will (resonant bonus, charisma ioun stone in wayfinder).

Immune sleep

Armor: 7 breastplate, 4 dex, 1 ROP, 2 amulet of natural armor = 24.

Offense while Using Power attack (BAB +6), +4 dex.
Speed 30 ft. (Note: has -1 att due to non-proficiency with med armor)
Melee +1 adamantine dagger +11 (1d4+6/19-20) or
+1 training Elven Brached spear +11* (1d8+10/×3)
Silver Light Mace +10 (1d8+5/20x2)

or Ranged light crossbow +11 (1d8+4/19-20)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with elven branched spear)
*Elven branched spear adds +2 to opportunity attacks against targets provoking by movement, also allows weapon finesse to be used with it despite being a two-handed weapon. Also, the flagbearer feat usually adds +2 hit and damage to all allies attacks within 30 ft.

Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 11, 3d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
10/day—bit of luck (3 base, 5 wisdom, 4 x 0.5/day FCB cleric domain use).

Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 9; concentration + 14. Can spontaneously convert any to either a Cure Wounds or a Summon monster spell of equivalent level).

Total spells per day/level (level 10, 20 wis, +2 level 1, +1 rest): 7/6/5/5/4

1st—divine favor x2, Liberating command x1, barbed chains x 1, obscuring mist x 1, shield of faith x 2.
2nd-Communal protection from evil x1, recentering drone x1, Aid[D] x1, burst of radiance x 1, grace x 1, Ashen Path x 1.
3rd-Protection from energy x1 [D], Stoneshape x 1, Daylight x 1, Invisibility Purge x 1, Communal Resist Energy x 1.
4th-Blessing of Fervor x 2, Freedom of movement x 1 (d), Good Hope x 2.
5th: Break Enchantment x1, Wall of Stone x1, Breath of Life x 1, left open x1.

0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, read magic, mending
D Domain spell; Domain Luck

Bard level 1 (DC 12) (2/day:)
-Saving finale, deja vu.

-Level 1: CLW 25/25, Bless 16/25.

Str 12, Dex 16+2, Con 12+2, Int 14+2, Wis 16+4, Cha 13+2
Base Atk +7/+2; CMB +10; CMD 22

Skills: Acrobatics +15 (16, -1 ACP), Diplomacy +16**, Perception + 24, Sense motive +11, Heal +27, perform: dance* +15; Perform: sing + 17, knowledge: history* +19, knowledge: arcana +19, knowledge: religion +14, knowledge: planes: +19, Knowledge: nature +11, Knowledge: Local +11, knowledge: dungeoneering +11, Knowledge: Geography +11, Spellcraft +16, appraise +8, profession: painter +18****, linguistics +10, Swim +7 (-1 acp), survival + 11 (Racial Modifiers: +2 Perception).

Skill ranks: Acrobatics: 3, perception: 8, diplomacy: 9, Perform: dance: 6*, Perform: sing +10*, Knowledge: History*: 9, Heal: 10, Sense motive: 2, Knowledge: religion: 4, knowledge: planes: 10, arcana: 9, nature: 1, local: 1, dungeoneering: 1 spellcraft: 9, appraise :1, profession: painter: 8, geography :1, linguistics: 3.

*=Free Background skills, not included in skill point total.
** Fashionable accessories: unincluded extra +2 bonus when making requests of citizens of Magnimar and on checks to convince citizens that you hail from the same city/region.
*** All skills receive a +2 insight bonus from the Sihedron Shard. Above list includes this bonus. Unmentioned/untrained skills would also receive it.
****Uses Masterwork tool for painting, dance +2.

Feats: Exotic weapon proficiency: Elven Branched Spear (alternate racial trait - replaces adaptability), Weapon Finesse (Elephant in the room), Power attack (Can’t use until level 2, Elephant in the room),

sacred summons (cast neutral good summons as a standard action) (level 1), healer's hands (level 3), Augment Summons (Summons have +4 str and +4 con) (bonus feat, level 4), incredible healer (level 5), craft woundrous item (level 7), superior summons (bonus feat, level 8), Divine expression (level 9). Flagbearer (bonus feat from training weapon enchant). Level 11 feat: Intended to be discordant voice.

Traits: Channeler of the Society (+1 channel energy/day), Fate’s favored.

Languages Common, Elven, Varisian, Ancient Thassilonean.
SQ elf blood

Cloak of resistance +2, +1 Training Branched spear (flagbearer feat), +1 adamantine dagger, banner of the ancient kings (on branched spear), +1 mithral breastplate, +2 charisma Ioun stone slotted in wayfinder, dervish Sikhe, Lucky horseshoe, headband of wisdom +4, belt of physical might (dex/con +2), lens of detection, Gloves of the healer, ring of swimming, boots of striding and jumping, +1 Ring of protection, +2 amulet of natural armor, handy haversack, 20 x coldiron crossbow bolts (20 g), normal bolt x 20 (2 g) CI dagger, light crossbow (35g), alchemical silver mace, smoked goggles, pring loaded wrist sheet x 2 (10 g) (one with breath of life scroll, one with blessing of fervor scroll), healer's kit x1, MW tool: heal (+2 when using healer's hands).

Campaign: Sihedron shard of Pride with +2 int Ioun stone socketed into it.

Scrolls and consumables:

2x scroll of divine favor, 1x remove fear, 1 x prot vs evil, 1 x shield of faith, 1 x prot vs chaos, 2 x obscuring mist (1x loaded into wrist sheathe), 1x scroll of magic weapon, 1 x comprehend languages, 1 x remove paralysis, 1 x suppress charms/compulsions, 1 x breath of life (loaded into wrist sheath), 1 x death ward, 1 x life bubble, 3 x crafter's fortune, 1 x recentering drone, 1 x ant haul. Fashionable accessories 20 GP, 3 x alchemist's fire, 3 x acid flask, 1 x smoked goggles, 2 x blessing of fervor, 1 x scroll of heal, snapleaf x 1, wand of protection vs evil 40 charges, wand of bless 16 charges, wand of cure light 25/25, wand of heightened awareness 50/50, jar of wondrous pigments, antiplague x 1, antitoxin x1, MW Tool: Dance (shoes/ballet outfit).

Sihedron shard of pride: +2 insight bonus to all skill checks.

Travelling gear, basics: backpack, bedroll, 1-pint flask, 1, 7 days’ trail rations, chalk x 5, flint and steel, tindertwig, waterskin, spare explorer’s clothing. Wilderness kit: whetstone, shovel, hammer, 2 square yards canvas, fishing line and hook, iron pot, tent.

Sihedron shard of Pride:

+2 on spell saves vs illusion.
+2 insight bonus on all skill checks, including untrained.
+ Can cast Major image once per day.

Major Image (wizard 3)

Duration: Concentration +3 rounds


This spell functions like silent image, except that sound, smell, and thermal illusions are included in the spell effect. While concentrating, you can move the image within the range.

The image disappears when struck by an opponent unless you cause the illusion to react appropriately.

Silent image:

Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Effect visual figment that cannot extend beyond four 10-ft. cubes + one 10-ft. cube/level (S)
Duration concentration
Saving Throw Will disbelief (if interacted with); Spell Resistance no


This spell creates the visual illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by you. The illusion does not create sound, smell, texture, or temperature. You can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect.

Campaign to do list:

-Check loot since arriving in book 2.

-Repair and draw one of the statues in the entrance to the catacombs.


Elena was born and initially raised in Galt, where parents were low nobles who eventually fell victim to the revolution. Her older brother, Adol, who was and is a pathfinder, somehow managed to get her out of that situation though her memories of that trauma are fuzzy. It's possible he had some help from someone significantly more powerful, that he succeeded at some great cost, or they were, for some reason, let go. Adol refuses to speak of that time when asked but is also unable to let it go.

They fled to Andoran. In the often absense of her brother on his Pathfinder missions she spent her remaining childhood in the care of the church of Shelyn in the capital city Almas, as that was one of the institutions open to caring for the refugees from Galt. When she was old enough, she applied to pathfinder training in the local lodge and was eventually shipped to Absalom's grand lodge to complete her training. Her brother is significantly more experienced/accomplished than her and treats his job in the Society as a means to get more wealth, power and connections. His end goal is taking revenge against those he holds responsible for what happened and put a forceful and likely bloody end to the revolution if he can accomplish it.

Elena is undecided on what to do as yet - it might be to convince her brother to stop entirely and leave the past and her home country behind, it might be to help him, or it might be to instead try and have a more peaceful influence on her home country. But she knows that whatever she wants in the end, she'll have to prove herself to the world first and gather means of her own to make any sort of difference.