Aron Kir

Elliot Stormbane's page

38 posts. Alias of Trevor86.

Full Name

Elliot Stormbane


Aasimar (human) Bard (ardent voice) 3. HP 27/27, AC 19, T 13, FF 16. CMB + 3, CMD 14. Saves: F+4, R+7, W+6. Init +3, Perc. +7. Att (longsword) +6, 1d8+5 P, 19-20/x2. Darkvision 60 ft. Conditions: None.










Worships Iomedae and Desna




Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal


Eagle Watch agent, spymaster in training

Strength 8
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Elliot Stormbane

Actual appearance:

Heavily based on Adol from the Ys series: ristin.png


Born as the son of Sir Harran Stormbane, famous captain of the Fourth Crusade, mortal enemy of Khorramzadeh the Storm
King and former bodyguard of Queen Galfrey (he fell in love and was advancing in age), expectations for the young Elliot were very high straight from his birth. Especially when a subtle but unmistakable Aasimar heritage became more pronounced as he aged, which was taken as a sign from Iomedae herself, like he was a reward for his father and a destined successor to his exploits.

A pity then, that the boy seemed to completely lack his father’s martial talents and that he was more interested in music than anything else, set to follow his mother’s path. He was meek, physically weak, an average spellcaster at best and not living up to either his father or heritage in any way. Which, to Elliot, caused self-esteem issues all throughout his youth. However, he might have gotten away with it still if his mother hadn’t been assassinated by Deskari cultists two years ago, in what was rumored to be a sacrifice ritual his Father still refused to speak of.

At that point, knowing he himself might not be around much longer, Harran enlisted the help of the… ‘less overt’ faction of the Eagle Watch under Anevia Tirabade, at first to keep his son out of sight for his safety. However, Anevia did, in fact, see some promise in Elliot, and decided to start training him in arts of espionage, subterfuge and dexterous combat. Mixed with the other thing that did come naturally to him, the borderline magical ability of his voice to soothe and inspire others, Elliot had finally found something he was good at, and a way he could help defend his country. Whether or not he would ever live up to his father or avenge his mother aside, he was, for now, content to stay here an simply do his best, same as anyone else from the Watch did…

Physical description and personality:

Elliot has an impossibly vibrant hue of red for a mane of hair, which combined with his crystal sapphire-like blue eyes makes it very hard to mistake him for someone else. He appears as a youthful and lithe human boy just coming into adulthood, and still radiates some innocence along with vestiges of confidence issues. He is an inquisitive and friendly person who tends to fanboy over the skills and achievements of those around him, rather than play up his own exploits (when he does something well, he tends to think others could have done the exact same thing, too).

I intend to have him get gradually more confident and more of a leader as the story goes along, though some events might spike him into being more assertive. For instance, if something were to happen to his retired father, or his younger sister, who should currently residing at the court of the capital city of Nerosyan as a guest…

Stat sheet:

Level 3 Male Aasimar Bard (Ardent voice)
-Racial heritage: Azata-blooded (+2 dex/cha, glitterdust SLA 1x/day, +2 perform, +2 diplomacy), scion of humanity (counts as human instead of outsider, faint heritage with subtle visual sings)

Base stats: 8 str, 16 dex, 14 con, 14 int, 12 wis, 16 cha. Init +3, Perc +7, SM +11, Darkvision 60 ft.

Defense (no buffs):
HP: 27/27. AC 19, FF 16, T 13. Initiave +3. CMB +3, CMD 14.
Saves: F + 4, R + 7, W +5.

Resist cold, acid and electricity 5.

Offense (no buffs):
MW Coldiron Longsword, with PA : +6 vs AC, 1d8+5 Piercing, 19-20/x2.
Dagger, PA: +4 vs ac, 1d4+1 S or P.
Light Crossbow +5 vs AC, 1d8 Coldiron P damage.
Bardic performance (most notably, inspire courage) 11 rounds/day.

Level 0: Prestidigitation, Mending, Message, Daze, Detect magic, Mage hand.
Level 1 (4x/day) : Heightened Awareness, Saving Inspiration, Cure light wounds, Grease (DC 14).
Racial: Glitterdust 1x/day, DC 15.

Feats: Weapon focus: Longsword, Slashing grace. Relevant Elephant in the room ‘bonus feats’: Power attack, weapon finesse.

Traits: Child of the crusades, Magical Lineage (Good hope)

Stealth +9, DD +11*, Perc. +7, Perform: Sing +11, SM + 11, Bluff + 11, Diplomacy +11, spellcraft +8, UMD +7, knowledge: History +9, Religion +7, planes +8, arcana +8, geography +7, nature +7, local +7, nobility +7, dungeoneering +7, engineering +7.
Background skills: Perform (sing), knowledge: History.
*Includes +2 circumstances bonus from masterwork thieves tools.

Skills breakdown:

Skillpoints: 8 + 2 (background)/level = 30. FCB: Bard x 3 > 33 total.
Focused on Stealth, disable device, perception, perform: sing, (can substitute for sense motive and bluff, +2 racial), Diplomacy (+2 racial), spellcraft, combination of all knowledge skills.
>Stealth 3 ranks, DD 3 ranks, Perc. 3 ranks, Sing 3 ranks, Diplo 3 ranks, spellcraft 3 ranks, history 3 ranks, UMD 1 rank > 11 SP left.

Knowledge skills:
-Religion, planes, arcana, nature, local, nobility, geography, dungeoneering, engineering. > With 12 leftover points, can take 1 of all and have 3 left > 1 extra arcana, 1 extra planes. Does not take engineering.

Equipment (3 k):
Masterwork coldiron longsword (330 gold), buckler (5gp), CI Dagger (4g), cloak of protection +1 (1000), +1 chain shirt armor (1100), light crossbow (35) with 40 x durable coldiron bolt (4), spring loaded wrist sheet x 2 (10 gold), potion of reduce person x 2 (100 g), scroll of cure light wounds x 2 (50 g), potion of protection from evil x 2 (100 g), scroll of make whole (125 g), smoked goggles (10 gp), masterwork thieves rools (100 g), Travel rations, rope, wilderness survival kit.
= 2993 gold.

Build goal and party role:

Class information: Elliot is currently built as an ardent voice bard, which is an archetype near a normal Bard. It trades away some utility performances for anti-evil outsider ones. It retains inspire courage and most core bard class features like the knowledge bonusses and ‘free’ skill points from versatile performances, but gains stuff like a song which automatically takes evil outsiders out of invisibility. The azata blooded Aasimar type was chosen because they tend to be bards and it was a perfect fit regardless.

He is very versatile, having decent arcane casting, defenses and melee offense due to having having feats for dex to damage on a longsword + Elephant rules, though he won’t outshine dedicated casters or melee. He does shine in the skills and party-wide buffs department as most bards tend to do, bringing tons of social and knowledge skills, spellcraft, rogue skills, inspire courage, and later good hope (imo, the best buff in the game – I love it) and haste.

He aims to be everyone’s best friend/support and provide flanking and a meatshield on the side. On levelling up further, he will take lingering inspiration and either Deific obedience: Irori or the encouraging spell metamagic feat to keep focusing on party buffs and skills. His alternate arrowsong minstrel build trades away melee capacity, some knowledge skills and 1 spellslot per level to get good ranged DPR, and with teamwork feats like Target Of Opportunity he could pair up even better with other ranged characters.