
Krynn's Sphere Abilities's page

1 post. Alias of Trevor86.

Full Name

Krynn of the Wyred







Strength 12
Dexterity 30
Constitution 18
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 14
Charisma 31

About Krynn's Sphere Abilities

Spheres of Power abilities:

-Base sphere.

You may grant a motif that protects against the whims of luck. When the target rolls a natural 1 on a saving throw or attack roll, they may reroll it. If the new roll is also a natural 1, this effect does not allow them to reroll again, though the motif ’s discharge effect may allow them to.

The target may discharge this effect to reroll a single saving throw they have just made but before the results of that roll are revealed. They must take the result of the reroll, even if it is worse than the original roll.

Protection sphere
As a standard action, you may touch a creature and spend a spell point, granting them an aegis for 1 hour per caster level. You can have multiple aegises.

So long as you are on the same plane and are aware of it happening, whenever a creature under one of your aegises takes damage, you may spend a spell point as a free action (usable outside your turn) to transfer up to half of that damage to any other creature under one of your aegises. Damage transferred by this talent may not be resisted or redirected further.

You always know the direction and distance to all creatures benefiting from your aegises and are aware of any conditions affecting them (confused, disabled, diseased, dying, nauseated, panicked, poisoned, staggered, stunned, unconscious, unharmed, wounded, etc.). If the target dies or moves to another plane of existence, this effect ceases to function.

Deathless (aegis)
You may create an aegis that blocks direct attacks on one’s life. This grants the subject a +4 morale bonus to saving throws against all death spells, Death sphere abilities, channeled negative energy, and other magical death effects, as well as harmful effects originating from healing spells, Life sphere abilities, channeled positive energy, and other magical healing effects. The subject is granted a Will save to negate these effects even if one is not normally allowed.

Mettle (aegis)
A creature with this aegis receives an untyped bonus to their AC equal to 5 + your caster level against critical hit confirmation rolls.

Preserve Integrity (aegis) [Alienist HB]
Prerequisites: Protection sphere, caster level 10th.
You may grant the target an aegis that makes them immune to ability damage and ability drain. This aegis does not remove ability damage or drain that the subject has already gained, but it does remove the penalties from ability damage or drain for the duration of this aegis. This aegis does not protect against self-inflicted ability damage or drain.

Undying (aegis)
Prerequisites: Protection sphere (Deathless (aegis)), caster level 7th.
When you create a Deathless aegis, you may spend an additional spell point to create an Undying aegis instead. In addition to the effects of the Deathless aegis, the subject is immune to energy drain and any negative energy effects, including channeled negative energy.
This aegis does not remove negative levels that the subject has already gained, but it does remove the penalties from negative levels for the duration of its effect.
8 Protection spheres.

Drawback: Limited protection: cannot make wards > reduces to 7 spheres.
Drawback: Alternate Aegis'

You do not gain the Deflection aegis. You must use the talent gained with this drawback to acquire an (aegis) talent. > Pick any other above aegis, reduces sphere cost to 6.
Sphere cost: 6.

War sphere

Talents marked (mandate) grant you ways of creating mandates. Mandates are effects that exist between a pair of allies, each of whom benefits from the actions of the other. As a standard action, you can create a mandate between two allies within medium range, one of whom may be yourself. You may concentrate to maintain a mandate, or can spend a spell point to make it last 1 minute per level without concentration. A mandate only works while the two sharing the mandate are within medium range of each other, and both are conscious and able to act.

Talents marked (momentum) grant you a momentum pool, as well as a method of using it. If you have at least one (momentum) talent, you can spend a spell point as a standard action to gain a momentum pool. This pool lasts 1 hour per caster level, and holds a number of points of momentum equal to the War caster’s caster level plus their casting ability modifier. Using this ability again refills your momentum pool; it does not create additional pools.

Allies within 30 feet of you can spend points of momentum from this pool to activate any ability from any of your (momentum) talents (using a (momentum) talent spends momentum points, not spell points). All of your (momentum) talents draw from the same pool, and using momentum is not considered a sphere ability and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Call To Arms *****
You may create a totem or mandate as a move action, or spend an additional spell point to create one as a swift action. You may not use this talent to both create a totem or mandate as a move action and a swift action in the same round.

Perseverance (mandate)
When a member of this mandate regains hit points, the other member gains an equal number of temporary hit points, up to a maximum equal to their maximum hit point total. The temporary hit points gained do not stack with each other, and last until the mandate ends.

Tacitical Momentum (momentum)
When an ally attempts a combat maneuver, they may spend a point of momentum to receive an insight bonus equal to 1/2 your casting ability modifier (minimum 1). If they do, the combat maneuver does not provoke any attacks of opportunity. Only one point of momentum may be spent per combat maneuver.

Favorable Momentum (momentum)
Allies may spend two points of momentum to add a 1d6 circumstance bonus to any skill or ability check. The decision to add this bonus must be made before the skill or ability check is rolled. Each ally may do this only once per turn.

Totem Of Tactical Prowess (totem)
Whenever you or your allies would gain a bonus to attack rolls or to AC due to battlefield positioning, such as flanking, higher ground, or cover, that bonus is increased by 1, +1 per 5 caster levels.

Prerequisites: War sphere, lay on hands class feature.
Benefit: You may spend a spell point to rally an ally, and use your lay on hands class feature on them. This costs the normal number of uses of your lay on hands class feature in addition to the spell point cost of the rally, but does not require the ally to be within the normal range of your lay on hands ability.

Lightning Tactics (Squadron)
Prerequisites: War sphere, Squadron Commander; or Warleader sphere, Troop Commander; character level 10th.
Benefit: After you roll initiative, you may spend a spell point or expend your martial focus. If you do, squadron members may use your natural d20 roll in place of their own roll. They keep their own modifiers.
Pincer Formation (Squadron)
Prerequisites: War sphere, Squadron Commander; or Warleader sphere, Troop Commander.

Benefit: When two or more members of your squadron flank an enemy, their flanking bonus applies to damage rolls as well as attack rolls.

Empower (rally)
You may spend a spell point to rally a target, giving them a +4 morale bonus to either attack rolls and CMB, AC and CMD, saving throws, or concentration checks and spell penetration checks. The bonus from this rally lasts 1 round. The decision to use this rally in response to an attack must be made prior to the attack roll, and the decision to use this rally in response to a saving throw must be made before the save is rolled.

Squadron Commander (Squadron)
Prerequisite: War sphere.
Benefit: You have a squadron of allies who experience greater benefits from your totems. Your squadron can include yourself and up to 3 additional allies, plus an additional ally for every 5 caster levels you possess or for every 5 ranks in Diplomacy you possess, whichever is higher. You can change the membership any time you rest and regain spell points, but you must touch a creature to add it to your squadron. You must spend 1 minute every day renewing the links between you and your squad members. You must have access to each member you wish to include. Your caster level at the time you renew this connection is used for this ability through the day, even if your caster level changes.
Squadron members must be specific individuals. Squadrons can include summoned companions that are effectively the same creature being summoned each time (such as the companion summoned with the Conjuration sphere), but not spontaneously created creatures.

Alternatively, instead of allies, your squadron may consist of yourself and one crew or troop.

Members of your squadron gain increased bonuses from your totems. If a totem grants a bonus to any d20 roll or any number that is the target of a d20 roll (such as AC, attack rolls, saving throws, CMB, CMD, ability checks, skill checks, concentration checks, or spell penetration checks), that bonus increases by +1, and an additional +1 for every 10 War caster levels you possess.

War drawbacks:
Alternate Rally
You cannot use the Commanding Aid rally. You must choose a (rally) talent with the bonus talent gained from this drawback. > Takes replenish.

Alternate Totem
You cannot use Totem Of War. You must choose a (totem) talent with the bonus talent gained from this drawback. > takes tactical totem.

Squadron Elite
Your War magic only works for those in your squadron. Creatures outside your squadron cannot be affected by your totems, be rallied, use momentum, or be in mandates. When you take this drawback, you do not gain a bonus talent. Instead, you gain the Squadron Commander feat.
Potential: Personal conflict x 2 > Totemic aura + call to arms.

(Sphere cost: 7).

Mind Sphere :
-Only Courage. (via other charm)
+ mass and ranged charm.
-Drawback: Lost in translation: Targets must share a language with you.
-Blatant side effects reduces by 1 more.

If everything is taken, we have 12 spheres out of 26 used.

Deeper Healing
Your invigorate grants 2 temporary hit points per caster level instead of 1. Your cure heals an additional 1d8 hit points, +1d8 per 5 caster levels.

Esoteric Healing
When you use your Life sphere abilities, you may choose for them to not be positive energy effects. Used this way, your Life sphere abilities can affect non-living creatures such as constructs or undead, though they do not work on inanimate objects. This does not allow you to harm creatures you could not harm before with positive energy.

Greater Invigorate
When placing an invigorate on a target, add your casting ability modifier to the amount of temporary hit points granted, and increase the duration to 1 hour per caster level. You may spend a spell point when using invigorate to allow your invigorate to increase a target’s effective hit point total to reach beyond their usual hit point total, as is normal with temporary hit points. This means you may use this talent to grant an invigorate to a creature already at its maximum hit points.

Endless Possibilities (Dual Sphere)
Prerequisites: Fate sphere, Life sphere.
Benefit: Whenever you use a Life sphere ability on an ally, they receive a +1 luck bonus to all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks and ability checks until the end of their next turn. This bonus increases by +1 for every 5 Life caster levels you possess.

Fortified Healing
Prerequisites: Life sphere, Combat Stamina.
Benefit: Whenever you use a Life sphere ability on an ally that restores hit points or grants temporary hit points, they regain 1 point of stamina for every 5 points regained or granted, respectively. This occurs even if they do not benefit from all points granted (such as an uninjured person being healed).

Restorative Cure
When using your cure or invigorate abilities on a target or targets, you may spend an additional spell point to restore them as well.
Greater Restore [Warden]
When using your restore ability, you may spend an additional spell point to select two options when using restore instead of one (such as restoring both mind and soul). If you possess a talent that grants special applications of restore, you may also select from the granted special applications too.

Restore Capacity (cure)
Your cure ability heals an additional 1 hit point per caster level. As a special application of restore, you may restore a creature’s movement and physical capacity instead of restoring mind, body, or soul. This allows a target to make an immediate Escape Artist check with a circumstance bonus equal to your caster level against any applicable condition (for example, if it is entangled or grappled), and the target is cured of the stunned condition. This also removes the lessening of a target’s movement speed or removal of a movement type, or any other similar detriment such as the loss of the power of speech. If the target is under a spell or effect that causes paralysis, you may attempt a magic skill check against the spell or effect, removing the condition if you succeed.

Restore Health (cure)
Your cure ability heals an additional 1 hit point per caster level. When restoring a target’s body, the exhausted and nauseated conditions are completely removed rather than lessened, and you may attempt a magic skill check against the DC of any poison or disease the target is suffering from. On a success, this removes that poison or disease from the target. This does not reverse damage the target may have suffered from the poison or disease (such as ability damage), but it does stop the poison or disease from causing any more.

Restore Senses (cure)
Your cure ability heals an additional 1 hit point per caster level. When restoring a target’s mind, the target is also cured of the confused and dazed conditions, and the frightened and panicked conditions are completely removed rather than lessened; as well as all temporary or magical removal of their senses. This includes blindness, deafness, loss of tremorsense, blindsense, etc. If playing with sanity rules, this also cures 1d4 points of sanity damage.

Restore Spirit (cure)
Your cure ability heals an additional 1 hit point per caster level. When restoring a target’s soul, the target is cured of all ability damage, as well as all ability drain to one ability score of your choice. The target is also cured of 1 temporary negative level, +1 per 5 caster levels. This may also suppress a permanent negative level for 1 minute per caster level instead of curing a temporary negative level.

Mass Healing [mass]
When using a cure, invigorate, or restore, you may spend an additional spell point to affect an additional 1 creature per 2 caster levels (minimum 1) at the same time. Each target must be within range and must be affected by the same cure, invigorate, or restore.
Ranged Healing [range]
Your cure, invigorate, and restore abilities have a range of close rather than touch.

Your cure and invigorate abilities function on creatures who have died within no more than 1 round. If the target’s new hit point total is at a negative amount greater than its Constitution score, then it comes back to life and stabilizes at its new hit point total. Otherwise the target remains dead. Creatures brought back to life in this manner gain a temporary negative level.

Benevolence (Dual Sphere)
Prerequisites: Life sphere (Fount Of Life), Protection sphere.
Benefit: Whenever an ally within range of your cure ability that is under the effects of an aegis is damaged, you may spend a spell point as an immediate action to heal them with hit points from your fount of life. This may keep the target from dying.

Fount Of Life
You may store a cure within yourself, allowing you to access that healing as needed throughout the day. You spend a spell point and roll the damage healed as normal, except rather than healing by the given amount, that amount of healing is stored. You may store multiple cures in this manner to increase the amount of stored healing, but you cannot store more healing within you than 10 x your caster level. Stored healing is lost when you rest to recover spell points.

You may draw on this stored healing to heal targets exactly as if using your cure ability, except you do not need to spend a spell point; you may choose the amount of healing granted (to a maximum amount equal to your stored healing), and any healing granted to a target is subtracted from your stored healing.