
Davelon Snowmane's page

1 post. Alias of Trevor86.

Full Name

Davelon Snowmane




Oracle 1 (Life mystery, Ancient lorekeeper archetype)







Special Abilities

Darkvision 60 FT, cold resist 2, elven immunities.






The small village of Heldren


Common, Elven, Skald


Physician, Town Watch member

Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 15

About Davelon Snowmane


Davelon is a young half-elf native to the town of Heldren, though his appearance would beg to differ! With snowy white hair and unusual grey eyes, he contrasted quite readily with most of the town’s youths. And that was still ignoring the strange mark on his right shoulder, which always burned warm during times of winter.

How he even got to the village had been a favorite topic of gossip for years. Some say he’d been experimented on by an evil wizard of sorts and had made a deal with the town’s spokesperson for refuge, others claimed he was an illegitimate child of a Courtesan in the Opparan capital, while others assumed he was anything from a runaway Qadiran slave to a walking transmutation accident.

In truth, Dave himself doesn’t exactly know either. Whenever he thought of the distant past, what came to him were images of a snow-clad village on an icy peaks, where everyone had been happy until the strange woman had come to talk with his real father. And then… he couldn’t remember exactly, only that the village was suddenly empty, like the other people had been replaced by flocks upon flocks of crows. So he’d ran. The memory was laced with fear, of walking by himself through an endless white void and eventually collapsing in the cold.

If it were true, he knew enough to know that he should be dead. But… someone, or something, had brought him here afterwards, and he’d never dared to leave. He’d apprenticed himself to the elf who’d taken pity on him - the town’s physician - and had trained with some of the town watch in self-defense, just in case he ever had to fight. Because deep down, he always knew there was some kind of trouble coming for him again…


-Secret that he knows: He is an Irrisen native, which he could gather from the mark on his hand. He and his foster father know barely enough to identify it as a Mark relating to the Irrisen winter witches, though its purpose or exact function is unknown. Just as the source of his divine magic is unknown, though they play it as it coming from prayers to Iomedae.

-Secret that he and I don’t know: (Up to the GM! :) )

Appearance and personality:

Lithely muscled, snow-featured and armed with a traditional Elven Branched spear, Davelon, or Dave to his friends, makes for an exotic visage. His witchmark is usually hidden beneath the leather glove on his right hand. That said, despite the mystery surrounding his past and the apparent loss of his earlier family, he is usually optimistic and energetic, and does his very best to enjoy the time he has here in his village. Usually, he accompanies his foster father on consultation visits to the sick from nearby farms and houses, or with reading whatever history books he could get his hands on!

Party role and Build going forward:

Davelon, or Dave for his friends, is a half-elf Life oracle with the ancient Lorekeeper archetype. He fights in medium armor (starts in light) with an Elven Branched spear as his main weapon. He has a strong focus on healing abilities from his life mystery; he starts off with channel positive energy along with spontaneous cure spell conversion and will go for the healer’s hands and incredible healer feats at level 3 and 5. Next to the plethora of special healing abilities his mystery and the cleric spell list offer, of course!

His second focus is party buffs. His archetype allows for very limited access to arcane spells (one for each level of divine spells he can access) of which he will take whatever important arcane ones the party is missing (I.E. Haste, Dimension door), though these spells require a spellslot 1 level higher than normal.

Lastly, with his balanced spread of ability scores and the elephant in the room feat taxes removed, I expect him to be a decent reach melee character, though he’ll never invest in his personal damage capacity any further than however his divine spells could buff him/the party. He aims to be a reliable and durable main healer who can be everyone’s best friend over seeking personal glory. He should go well with everyone but would really appreciate a bard to help split the buffing and cover his relative lack of knowledge skills.

Out of combat, he has moderate skillpoints to spend on desired skills, and I’m considering going into the Evangelist prestige class later for additional skill points and proficiencies. I’m currently aiming for becoming decent in survival, perception, sense motive, heal, diplomacy and some knowledge skills, optionally acrobatics and/or stealth too, though I’m aware this wide spread would definitely require the prestige class to work.

Statistics and inventory:

Half-Elf (Taldan) Oracle (Ancient Lore Keeper, life mystery) 1.
NG Medium humanoid (human, elf racial types)
Init +3, Senses Perception +8 (darkvision).

Ability scores: 12 str, 16 dex (14+2), 12 con, 12 int, 12 wis, 15 cha (all further increases will go in cha).

HP: 10. Speed 30 ft.
Ac 17 (Armor: +4, dex Bonus: +3), ff 14, touch 13. CMD: 14.
Saves*: Fort +2, reflex + 3, will +3.

Resistances: cold resistance 2.
*+1 campaign trait bonus to fort. Half-Elves also gain a + 2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects. They are immune to magical sleep.

Speed 30 ft.

Elven Branched Spear: Reach 10 ft, brace. +3 vs Ac, 1d8+1 damage. Special: +2 to hit on AoO provoked by moving.

Dagger: +3 vs ac, 1d4+1 damage.

*Divine favor adds +2 hit/damage to both if active.

CMB: +1

Prepared Spells (Oracle)

Level/list of spells:

0 (4/day): Guidance, mending, create water, detect magic.
1 (4/day): Divine favor, Cure light wounds, Bless.

Special Abilities

Multitalented: Has two favored classes, Oracle and Evangelist (prestige class).

Ancestral arms: Gain proficiency with the Elven banched spear (replaces skilled).

Oracle Curse options, depending on GM approval
Note: the first two options are marked as 3rd party content and would need GM approval. I’d like Branded as my first choice for the of having a Mark on his arm linked to the Irissen Winter Witches, which may or may not get him into serious trouble at inopportune times (also taken as a drawback trait). The second option of merciful is probably the most powerful one for a dedicated healer, though (if the GM further recommends that), while the third one is the one I like the most from the official Paizo curses.

Branded [3PP]
You have a visible scar on your forehead or arm that depicts a mystical symbol of some significance. You had no choice in the matter; the brand appeared with fire and searing pain.

Your brand cannot be disguised or altered, even with magic, although you can still benefit from cover or concealment, and you can cover it by wearing a hood or robe (as appropriate). Some NPCs may recognize the brand and become hostile, per the GM’s choice. As a supernatural ability, you can touch an enemy for 1d6 +(1/2 your curse level) fire damage; any opponent who takes damage bears your symbol until an equal amount of damage is healed. Any branded opponent takes -2 to save versus your spells and spell-like abilities. You can perform this branding touch a number of times per day equal to 1 +your Charisma bonus (minimum 1).

At 5th level, you may add your Charisma bonus to your Fortitude saving throw bonus.
At 10th level, you gain fire resistance 5.
At 15th level, your fire resistance increases 10. The penalty branded opponents take increases to -4, and you may roll twice to overcome the SR of branded opponents.

Merciful [3PP]
You are bound to offer tender aid to those who are most wounded.

If a non-enemy character who is adjacent asks you to heal them, or asks you for help and you can tell they have taken damage or drain or suffer from a disease or poison, you must help them on your next tum. If they have a condition or suffer from a poison or disease that you can neutralize or cure with any ability you possess or any spell you can cast, you must do so as your next action. Otherwise, if they have taken any damage, you must cast a spell or use an ability that heals hit points. Also, you cannot perform a coup de grace.

You gain the ability to lay on hands, as the paladin ability, using your curse level as your paladin level.

At 5th level, you gain a mercy, as the paladin ability.
At 10th level, you gain a second mercy, and can exchange your first mercy for a different one.
At 15th level, you gain a third mercy, and can exchange one of your existing mercies for a different one.

Normal paizo curse, would make the character semi-blind:

Clouded Vision

Your eyes are obscured, making it difficult for you to see.
You cannot see anything beyond 30 feet, but you can see as if you had darkvision.
At 5th level, this distance increases to 60 feet.
At 10th level, you gain blindsense out to a range of 30 feet.
At 15th level, you gain blindsight out to a range of 15 feet.

Oracle Revelations :
Channel (Su): You can channel positive energy like a cleric, using your oracle level as your effective cleric level when determining the amount of damage healed (or caused to undead) and the DC. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier.

Background skills: Profession (Physician), Knowledge: History.

Current other skills with a rank (5 SP/level): sense motive, heal, perception, spellcraft, diplomacy.

Total bonusses: Profession (physician) +5, Knowledge: History +5, perception +8 (sight capped at 30 ft max), diplomacy +6, heal +5, sense motive +5, spellcraft +5. Other skills equal ability modifier.

1. Selective channel. Relevant elephant in the room free feats: power attack, weapon finesse.

Fate's favored, Seeker, Northern ancestry.
Drawback: Marked.


Elven brached spear: 20 gp, lamellar leather (60 gp), dagger, backpack, full wilderness kit and 7 days travel rations (21.8 gp) = 104.8 gp (2 silver left).

Adventuring gear in backpack:

* backpack 2 gp.
• hunting knife 2 gp 1 lb
• whetstone 2 cp 1 lb
• shovel 2 gp 8 lb
• hammer 5 sp 2 lbs
• 2 square yards canvas 2 sp 2 lbs
• fishing line and hook 1 sp
• flint and steel 1 gp
• iron pot 5 sp 10 lbs
• tent 10 gp 20 lbs*
• waterskin 1 gp 4 lbs*
• 5 days travel rations 5 Lbs (2.5 gp)
• 30 ft hemp rope with grapple hook (10 lbs) 2 gp.

Something about me as a player:

Well, I'm a simple guy from the Netherlands who really enjoys RPG's and reading/hobby writing. As such, I got into play by post roughly one year ago but went into a break after a few months; the main campaign I was involved in died when the GM quit and my life became a bit more busy.
Now, I have a decent amount of free time again and should be able to make at least 1 post per day, even in weekends. I’m applying for reign of winter since I’ve heard the AP mentioned a lot, and have seen it ran in the recruitment threads very often. If anything, that looks like an indicator of a good adventure to me, so sign me up! '

My strength is, I believe, my consistent quality in posts and number of posts. I don’t settle for one liners and uphold at least once/day posting unless the rest of the group is lagging behind and needs more time. My core idea behind posts is to give others something interesting to react to and to try to push the narritive forward a tiny bit without assuming reactions from others or taking away for their ability to react. I guess my weakness is that I'm still slightly getting used to the format, especially how to add the most flavor to posts and actions without taking any control away from either the GM or the ability of other players to react.

Feel free to ask more questions, if desired!