First Edition

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Pathfinder Player Companion
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Product Discussion, Advice and Rules Questions
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What Feats can an Animal Companion take?

HELP with Sanctuary

[Super Genius] How Much Do You Want A Pathfinder Modern Game?

In the Books!!!

Headband of Vast Intelligence

Let's Talk about 1 hp Minions WFRP3 / D&D4e style

Sell me on Pathfinder?

Nighttime riding

3.5 Experience System in Pathfinder

Mithral reduce Armor Check Penalty by 3 or 4?

House building....

Giant Scorpion - Summon List Error?

Elemental Rooms

IF there is ever a Pathfinder Magic Item Compendium

Shield slam with reach vs charge

What polymorph forms allow you to retain spellcasting?

Vargouille and Remove Disease

Alchemically God-like

Tunnel Vision?

HP at level 1

I have the how. How about the why!?

Where is Burrow?

Stats for a Fox? ...And other Witch's Familiars...

Character creation software?


Sorcerer vs Wizard vs Druid vs Summoner advice

Feat suggestion: Reckless Strike

Does acid deal more damage against metal?

Corrupting a Paladin, as another Player, looking for advice.

Eberron - Artificer Class Conversion

Monster Natural Attack Calculation

Summoning outside your alignment

Nonlethal damage with a lethal weapon, Damage type

Say "No" to magic being commonplace!

Is it possible to upgrade specific items?

Mnemonic enhancer and familiars

Giving Flavorful Treasure (Mmmm...delicious loot)

Can the Open Playtest be improved?

Where can I find a list of the new errata?

Obscuring mist clarifiation

Nature Oracle's Undo Artifice Revelation: what's it for?

Obscuring Mist and Range

R'leyh Convertible Adventure

Creating Magic Items, Questions and help?

Homebrew orc race, what CR?

Suppose I wanted to play a Half Dragon

Natural Attacks Damage type?

Ideas for an Aerial / Naval Battle of Huge Proportions

Working hours per day. Wizard crafting items / copying spells

Questions about Familars and Animal Companions?

GMing ain't easy

Multiple contingencies with wish?

Dorkistan Review - Alternative Favoured Enemy.

The Return of Circe

Celestial Beast

Where in the book is this rule...

Adventure Path updates

Question about SLAM in the Bestiary

Druid Wild Shape Forms Download Level 4-5

Product Suggestion: PC Folio

Does the Giant Template Stack With Itself?

Adding Mana Crystals to your setting

Mithral / Adamantine Two-Bladed Longsword

Surprise rounds

Paladin+Cleric levels... Do they stack?

Changing eldritch knight prereqs

Non-animal companions

Summon Swarm and spell range

Pathfinder Reviewed in Poland

[Rite Publishing]101 1st level Spells on sale 06 / 01

Rogue Guide

Homebrew Mord Sith base class (from Sword of Truth series)

Hey! The Inquisitor was redrawn!

I've literally been straining my brain for the past few days on this homebrew.

Help with eldritch knight build

How can I protect my spellbook

Paladins and merciful lies

Best uses for Obscuring Mist

Human Paladin

Restoration and permanent negative levels

Being Lawful and following the 'law of the land'


To everyones favorite Treantmonk!! - Please HELP!! lol

Large Creature with Huge Reach Weapon?

[Raging Swan Press]: Map Pack I: Deep Caves & Wooded Chasms

I need ideas for an epic game.

What feat should I take for 5th level.

Bastard Sword Feat

True Necromancer (Not based of PrC)

Question on vital strike

Magic item caster level requirements

Pathfinder Player Companion?

Hellknights as PCs

BBEG Challenge

Spes Magna Games Goes Pathfinder

The Great Debate Re: Alignment

Favorite Silent Image tricks

So this is the new Treantmonk forum?

Advanced Player's Guide Request Thread

Stat Block generator for NPCs or monsters with class levels??

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