First Edition

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Product Discussion, Beginner Box
Pathfinder Player Companion
Third-Party Pathfinder RPG Products
Product Discussion, Advice and Rules Questions
Homebrew and House Rules

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[Ragng Swan] Facebook Page

Help making the Bane of Undeath

Help creating a Psychopathic Assassin

The Zombies are here! The World of Aruneus - Contagion Infected Human Zombies

Ttotal hit points of adamantine + magic weapon / armor

Ready, Reach, Brace Tactic

New spells for Iomedae paladins?

Scout update

One more try! (Healing after death.)

Can you Blind Plants?

Apology, and Homebrew Collection - P.E.A.C.H.

Shadow conjuration / evocation for sorcerers

Non-consecutive diagonal movement?

Shadow and Darkness Help needed.

Abjuration specialist protective ward question

Golarion Origins of New Weapons

Combat Form feats and the Pathfinder Fighter

Cleric spells clarification

Intelligent Item w / Alter Self

So what does everyone think of the Dorkistan Fighter Alternative?

Deathless Nemesis (a Restless Soul PrC)

(Gnome of Golarion) Map of Gnome settlements...

Converting The Tri-Venom to Pathfinder

Sorcerer / Oracle Mystic Theurge...

How do you handle the SLEEP spell?

[Spes Magna] Gazae et Monstri On Sale

I have been stingy with magic items

Fillable, Saveable, Calculating Sheet

Mobius world setting for Pathfinder

Unarmed and Upfront

Non-lethal damage for a Coup de'Grace?

Sooo... Kind of a weird topic for Pathfinder: rolling the Summoner back to 3.5

Divine Power and Divine Favor

Best bloodline for a Low Azlanti (Gillman) sorcerer?

The Slumbering Tsar Saga is Live!

Rage combat options

Suggestion for a good dungeon crawl

Poison Question

CoT AP advice for a 1st time GM please

Kobold Stats Error

Thoughts on the Adventure Paths

What are the rules to put out a fire using 'Create Water'?

If you are ajacent or above a prone enemy do they still get +4AC?

Celestial Armor vs. Armor Proficiency

Making Bardic Perfomance less poncey and more realistic.

Monks using non-monk weapons in flurry

Small Cat Companion, Leopard vs Cheetah

[LPJ Design] Obsidian Twilight - Page Count & Release Date

Advice for running a campaign with one player

Anyone want a Peanut?

Does a Wizard's Item familar need to make an 'Arcane Spell Failure' check?

Maleficent-Evil Sorceress

[Devil’s Workshop] Undefeatable 19 for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Released

Help with Advanced Megaraptor Skeleton conversion

Fighters vs. Other Warrior-Base Classes

Tripping with a whip (just need clarification on what i've read in other threads)

Whip + 1h weapon combo

Dazzling Display Phantom Text

PFRPG Core Rulebook Errata. When?

Wizard School Abilities by Proxy

Sculpt Sound Overpowered???

Home Bases for PCs. Let's cobble together some ideas!

Single Use Metamagic Items: would you buy this?

+1 vorpal flaming keen sword of speed? Possible?

[4WFG] Strategists & Tacticians PDF now available!

Filling the Gap: Druid vs. Wizard

Timing on Third Printing of Core Rulebook

New Blunt Weapon Feat

Companion Figurine and Rangers

Spell or Magic Item to neutralize a ghost?

Non-magical Overland Flight

Sundering monster bady parts

Barbarian rage and negative hp equals guaranteed PC death- have I got this right?

Glove of Storing -- Is there a flaw in this idea?

Temple Sword Clarification

GameMastery Guide Preview: Things Get Weird!

[Spes Magna] Magic Items & Monsters of Greek & Roman Myth

Celestial / Fiendish Summons (& Familiars) and Smite

Can you 5' step During Cleave?

Clothes and armor

Magic Weapons with high damage rate at a higher price

Whirlwind Attack vs Mirror Image

What does it take to publish...

A versatile Save or die / blaster sorcerer

Action Sequence Question

Having trouble pricing a custom magic item. Advice, please?

Rebuilding a castle.

Restless Soul "Revenant" PrC ideas.

XP Math Question

Skills and multiclassing

Home Brewed Feats!!! Discuss, Critique, or Post your own!

Musings on a fighter build

Why can't the Alchemist synergize with the Rogue more?

What are the best weapons for a Two-Weapon Fighter?

Graceful Swashbuckler Re-Vamped

The Open Review

Luck Domain and Touching Yourself

Summon Monster / Ally .pdf's -- *New Links*

Prestige class for a sorcerer / bard / druid?

Steam Proxy, an alternative to Regenerate

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