During Year 3: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries, the Pathfinder Society finds itself under attack as dangerous threats loom over lodges across the Inner Sea. Fortunately, the Society’s recruitment efforts over the past two years have been successful. To represent these changes as well as other developments in Pathfinder lore, we’ll be updating several of the Pathfinder Society Achievement Point boons to make it easier to create characters of several different ancestries. These adjustments will go into effect when Year 3 launches on August 19th.
Art by Alex Stone
Catfolk: The majority of catfolk (also known as amurruns) live in southern Garund, in regions of the setting that had not yet seen much attention in Pathfinder Second Edition when the ancestry first came out. With the release of Pathfinder Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse, we now have plenty of support for people to craft stories related to catfolk characters.
Change: The catfolk boon is currently restricted to allow each player to purchase it only once. We’re removing this limit, so everyone can create multiple catfolk characters.
artist by Klaher Baklaher
Hobgoblins: At the outset of Pathfinder Second Edition, hobgoblins had just begun to establish a diplomatic force through the founding of the nation of Oprak. As word spread of the successful collaboration between Pathfinders and a hobgoblin army unit in Pathfinder Scenario #1-19: Iolite Squad Alpha, some citizens of Oprak were inspired to join the Pathfinder Society via a program that allowed them to leverage their existing expertise to undergo a shortened training program at the Grand Lodge.
Change: The hobgoblin boon is currently restricted to allow each player to purchase it only once. We’re removing this limit, so everyone can create multiple hobgoblin characters.
artist by Ksenia Kozhevnikova.
Leshy: The founding of the Verdant Wheel faction served as a recruitment catalyst for the growing number of leshys who have decided to join the Society. As members of the Verdant Wheel unlocked the secret of allowing anyone to establish enough of a connection to primal magic to call upon a leshy familiar (as seen in the Achievement Points store), word of the faction’s deeds spread among the more powerful nature spirits who are embodied in independent leshys. The player characters in #1-15: The Blooming Catastrophe fought against and ultimately freed a group of Abyss-scarred leshys from the influence of the demonic realm, some of whom took the opportunity to join the Pathfinder Society. New leshy agents include Jackpot from #2-18: The Fanciful March of Urwal and a fungus leshy agent from Intro #1: The Second Confirmation.
Change: Leshys will join the Pathfinder Core Rulebook ancestries and become freely available to all players who have the Lost Omens Character Guide without a boon (just like kobolds are freely accessible to players who have the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide). While we figured that the early access provided by boons was a fair benefit for a reduction from 80 AcP to 40 AcP that lizardfolk have, we wanted to grant something special for the other half of leshy’s price reduction. If you already have a leshy boon at the time that this change goes live, you’ll be able to redownload your existing leshy boon with an upgrade, granting the character the benefits of a successful resurrect ritual the first time they die, just like the Second Chance boon in the Achievement Points store!
artist by Mary Jane Pajaron.
Lizardfolk: In southern Garund, the Pathfinder Society recently reestablished a long-lapsed trading arrangement with the trading city of Ekkeshekar, whose people are predominantly lizardfolk (also known as iruxis). Thanks to the successes of the player characters in #1-09: Star-Crossed Voyages and #1-23: Star-Crossed Court, iruxis from in and around Ekkeshekar have taken interest in the Pathfinder Society’s mission. The release of Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse provides plenty of new material for people to craft stories for lizardfolk characters from this general region of the world. Additionally, the events of the new scenarios Intro #1: The Second Confirmation and Intro #2: United in Purpose give the Pathfinder Society a chance to make new inroads with an iruxi settlement in the Blackwood Swamp.
Change: The lizardfolk boon’s price will reduce from 80 AcP to 40 AcP.
Linda Zayas-Palmer
Digital Adventures Development Manager
The Growing Pathfinder Society
Thursday, July 15, 2021