The Growing Pathfinder Society

Thursday, July 15, 2021

During Year 3: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries, the Pathfinder Society finds itself under attack as dangerous threats loom over lodges across the Inner Sea. Fortunately, the Society’s recruitment efforts over the past two years have been successful. To represent these changes as well as other developments in Pathfinder lore, we’ll be updating several of the Pathfinder Society Achievement Point boons to make it easier to create characters of several different ancestries. These adjustments will go into effect when Year 3 launches on August 19th.

: A bipedal cat dressed in colorful robes holding a large book

Art by Alex Stone

Catfolk: The majority of catfolk (also known as amurruns) live in southern Garund, in regions of the setting that had not yet seen much attention in Pathfinder Second Edition when the ancestry first came out. With the release of Pathfinder Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse, we now have plenty of support for people to craft stories related to catfolk characters.

Change: The catfolk boon is currently restricted to allow each player to purchase it only once. We’re removing this limit, so everyone can create multiple catfolk characters.

A lightly armored hobgoblin carrying a dagger and an unlit bomb.]

artist by Klaher Baklaher

Hobgoblins: At the outset of Pathfinder Second Edition, hobgoblins had just begun to establish a diplomatic force through the founding of the nation of Oprak. As word spread of the successful collaboration between Pathfinders and a hobgoblin army unit in Pathfinder Scenario #1-19: Iolite Squad Alpha, some citizens of Oprak were inspired to join the Pathfinder Society via a program that allowed them to leverage their existing expertise to undergo a shortened training program at the Grand Lodge.

Change: The hobgoblin boon is currently restricted to allow each player to purchase it only once. We’re removing this limit, so everyone can create multiple hobgoblin characters.

A gourd-headed, vine-bodied leshy wearing a large collar made of leaves and flowers.

artist by Ksenia Kozhevnikova.

Leshy: The founding of the Verdant Wheel faction served as a recruitment catalyst for the growing number of leshys who have decided to join the Society. As members of the Verdant Wheel unlocked the secret of allowing anyone to establish enough of a connection to primal magic to call upon a leshy familiar (as seen in the Achievement Points store), word of the faction’s deeds spread among the more powerful nature spirits who are embodied in independent leshys. The player characters in #1-15: The Blooming Catastrophe fought against and ultimately freed a group of Abyss-scarred leshys from the influence of the demonic realm, some of whom took the opportunity to join the Pathfinder Society. New leshy agents include Jackpot from #2-18: The Fanciful March of Urwal and a fungus leshy agent from Intro #1: The Second Confirmation.

Change: Leshys will join the Pathfinder Core Rulebook ancestries and become freely available to all players who have the Lost Omens Character Guide without a boon (just like kobolds are freely accessible to players who have the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide). While we figured that the early access provided by boons was a fair benefit for a reduction from 80 AcP to 40 AcP that lizardfolk have, we wanted to grant something special for the other half of leshy’s price reduction. If you already have a leshy boon at the time that this change goes live, you’ll be able to redownload your existing leshy boon with an upgrade, granting the character the benefits of a successful resurrect ritual the first time they die, just like the Second Chance boon in the Achievement Points store!

A lizardfolk wearing a rib bone breatplate and holding a magical bone fossil

artist by Mary Jane Pajaron.

Lizardfolk: In southern Garund, the Pathfinder Society recently reestablished a long-lapsed trading arrangement with the trading city of Ekkeshekar, whose people are predominantly lizardfolk (also known as iruxis). Thanks to the successes of the player characters in #1-09: Star-Crossed Voyages and #1-23: Star-Crossed Court, iruxis from in and around Ekkeshekar have taken interest in the Pathfinder Society’s mission. The release of Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse provides plenty of new material for people to craft stories for lizardfolk characters from this general region of the world. Additionally, the events of the new scenarios Intro #1: The Second Confirmation and Intro #2: United in Purpose give the Pathfinder Society a chance to make new inroads with an iruxi settlement in the Blackwood Swamp.

Change: The lizardfolk boon’s price will reduce from 80 AcP to 40 AcP.

Linda Zayas-Palmer
Digital Adventures Development Manager

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Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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Paizo Employee Designer

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Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Oooooh! Nice!
Free Leshy!! :O
And nice that all these milestones have been succeeded by many of the PFS players! WOOT TO ALL OF US!

3/5 5/55/55/55/5 *** Contributor

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Liberty's Edge 1/5 **

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber



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Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

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Now to just get iruxi background ;3

I know all ancestries won't get backgrounds, but out of our first three ancestries 2 out of 3 got special society backgrounds, so I can hope~<3

(I'm still extremely happy about leshy alliance btw x3)

Paizo Employee 4/5 **

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I love the idea of scenario successes unlocking ancestry access and I hope we get more reduced AcP/free ancestries as PFS grows!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

I am glad to see that these things are not static.

While I am happy for SOOT that he's now going to have an extra boon, it woudln't have really bothered me if it just became free. That's happened in the past... and may go away eventually. Either way, all good.

Thank you.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Agent, Ohio—Dayton

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I'm so excited! I was holding off on making a catfolk because I only got 1 chance. Now I'm psyched to get one and not feel like I'll regret it later!


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My leshy army grows into 2e...mwahaha!

1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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Don't fear the diversity of ancestries in Pathfinder.

Embrace it!

Unleash the ancestries!

Horizon Hunters **

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Looks like we're going to have a bumper crop of leshy.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

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And the society dumbs down as it allows more idiots to join (Leshys and Lizardfolk both having flaws to intelligence) :-(.

Seriously though, that is good news. The lower costs make sense from a story perspective and all make for potentially interesting PCs.

live in southern Garund, in regions of the setting that had not yet seen much attention in Pathfinder Second Edition when the ancestry first came out.

This is very much true and hopefully Paizo Publishing will rectify this as soon as can be possibly done. There are at least eight settlements in Southern Garund (including the NATION of Holomog)! It is home to Ganzi, Aasimar, Lizardfolk, Catfolk, Bekyar Humans, and Elves and more (including countless ancient ruins of which many have yet to be explored)! We really need more of this region expanded!

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

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Yay! Moar lizards!

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 5/55/55/55/5

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Yay! Excited to see these changes!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Nice! I'm always in favor of more accessible character options!


More leshies can only be a good thing.

Dark Archive


This makes me super happy because I was planning to save up for a Leshy boon. Now I don't have to!

Huh, wonder what I should spend the AcP on instead?

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

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I'm liking all of these changes. I just wish we would see a similar AcP pricing change for Tengu. According to canon, they are found pretty much throughout Golarion. To me, that justifies (at the very least) a reduction.

With the success of the Mwangi Expanse book, my hopes are raised that we will finally see a comprehensive Tian-Xi campaign setting... and the return of the Wayang and Nagaji, since Kitsune have already been covered in The Lost Omens Ancestry Guide!

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Huzzah leshy swarm!

3/5 ***

I like this, I wish kitsune were cheaper :)

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Fur and scales will fly!

Now I need to get on the play scene somehow >.>

Silver Crusade

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We have PBP here on Paizo :3

1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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Michael VonHasseln wrote:

I'm liking all of these changes. I just wish we would see a similar AcP pricing change for Tengu. According to canon, they are found pretty much throughout Golarion. To me, that justifies (at the very least) a reduction.

With the success of the Mwangi Expanse book, my hopes are raised that we will finally see a comprehensive Tian-Xi campaign setting... and the return of the Wayang and Nagaji, since Kitsune have already been covered in The Lost Omens Ancestry Guide!

I agree. It seems weird for previously common ancestries to require up to 80 hours of gameplay before you can play them.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5

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Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Huzzah leshy swarm!


Shadow Lodge 4/5

Cyrad wrote:
I agree. It seems weird for previously common ancestries to require up to 80 hours of gameplay before you can play them.

Well, they were never previously common to 2E. Just because they are commonly seen agents does not mean they are common PCs.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Columbia

I'm pretty sure you forgot to mention that uses the Force the Ring of Wizardry will be available as a boon purchase as wellstops using the Force.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

Awesome news and somewhat of a fun birthday present! Looking forward to creating my Leshy and Lizardfolk.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

This is great news! I just wish something was done like this for the legacy ancestries and heritages from 1st edition society when those used be be more accessible. Having Tengu and a couple of the others grandfathered in would just make sense, too, given the logic behind the even newer ancestries in this blog post being made more accessible now. Now, since the advent of 2nd edition, they are all suddenly not around nearly as much anymore for some unknown reason.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Tengu weren't "always available" until Season 4 of PFS1. Maybe they'll make a similar return for next Season?

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

I would guess the various costs and availability have little to do with in-game rationale and more to do with balancing the "fair to all" versus "attracting GMs to cons" equation, like it always has.

I mean, if no one complains about a worldwide currency devaluation of 90%, I don't think requests based on what was previously common will be very persuasive...

The Exchange

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Given the price in ACP of a Cat Folk or of a Hobgblin I would have liked to see their cost reduced, because being authorized to make many is fine but being able to create one, without spending too much, is better.

Horizon Hunters 2/5 ***** Venture-Agent, California—Silicon Valley

Armenfrast wrote:
Given the price in ACP of a Cat Folk or of a Hobgblin I would have liked to see their cost reduced, because being authorized to make many is fine but being able to create one, without spending too much, is better.

They are already cheaper than the other rare ancestries. Why reduce it further?


Tarn the Thrice-Cursed wrote:
I would guess the various costs and availability have little to do with in-game rationale and more to do with balancing the "fair to all" versus "attracting GMs to cons" equation, like it always has.

I don't think conventions have much to do with it now with the AcP system, but I think it is good marketing for things to slowly be opened up as new options get added.

Leshys becoming free and lizardfolk going to half price seems scaled well with 3-4 Rare and 5-7 Uncommon options from LOAG and LOME getting released. Maybe with the release of the next batch of ancestries, lizardfolk go to free and tengu go to half price.

It's good to have a steady stream of things for people to talk about.


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Cordell Kintner wrote:
Armenfrast wrote:
Given the price in ACP of a Cat Folk or of a Hobgblin I would have liked to see their cost reduced, because being authorized to make many is fine but being able to create one, without spending too much, is better.
They are already cheaper than the other rare ancestries. Why reduce it further?

Catfolk and Hobgoblin are Uncommon.

Grand Lodge

With the dropping of the limit on the quantity of Catfolk will there be a price drop to go along with it?

Kobold: Free RPG day
Leshy: Society how to thing
Tengu: Iconic
Maybe Strix: One-shot playable

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

The Blog wrote:
Change: The catfolk boon is currently restricted to allow each player to purchase it only once. We’re removing this limit, so everyone can create multiple catfolk characters.

*Finally purchases his Catfolk Boon*

*Sees that his next one literally costs 119,999,880 AcP*

Well, I suppose I can technically purchase another one now...

4/5 ****

Nefreet wrote:
The Blog wrote:
Change: The catfolk boon is currently restricted to allow each player to purchase it only once. We’re removing this limit, so everyone can create multiple catfolk characters.

*Finally purchases his Catfolk Boon*

*Sees that his next one literally costs 119,999,880 AcP*

Well, I suppose I can technically purchase another one now...

"These adjustments will go into effect when Year 3 launches on August 19th"

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Nice to see them ahead of schedule!!

Lantern Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nefreet wrote:

*Finally purchases his Catfolk Boon*

*Sees that his next one literally costs 119,999,880 AcP*

Just GM at some conventions.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Nefreet wrote:
Nice to see them ahead of schedule!!

They don't have a way to ACTUALLY make it "one only", so that price hike is how they "hacked" the system to have that kind of boon.

Horizon Hunters 2/5 ***** Venture-Agent, California—Silicon Valley

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Watery Soup wrote:
Cordell Kintner wrote:
Armenfrast wrote:
Given the price in ACP of a Cat Folk or of a Hobgblin I would have liked to see their cost reduced, because being authorized to make many is fine but being able to create one, without spending too much, is better.
They are already cheaper than the other rare ancestries. Why reduce it further?
Catfolk and Hobgoblin are Uncommon.

Oh. I could have sworn they were rare... Then yea, it makes no sense for them to be so expensive.

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Associate

These changes have been put into effect! Please let me know if you see any issues, either here or via email to organizedplay[at]paizo[dot]com. Thanks!

2/5 5/5 *****

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thank you Alex!

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