
Preston Hudson's page

******** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane 1,441 posts (1,461 including aliases). 2 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 159 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Full Name

Preston Hudson




Male (He/Him)






Spokane Valley, WA




Information Technology

Strength 10
Dexterity 10
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 16
Charisma 12

About Preston Hudson


Past: I got into Pathfinder, after a 20+ year hiatus from tabletop games, in mid 2012 as a result of a combination of the desire to get a creative spark back and my son stepping up to the table. In August 2012, I helped to establish the Haven Pathfinder Lodge which is now in its eighth year of operation. February of 2013, after seeing the need for GMs, I volunteered for my first convention (RadCon 5A in Pasco, WA) and had a great time helping to bring PFS even further into the area. After my first PaizoCon in 2013, I had an increased desire to give back to the Pathfinder Society Community and saw the need for local Pathfinder Society representation and started the process to become a Venture-Lieutenant. SpoCon 2013 was my "trial by fire" as I had successfully organized the Pathfinder Society offerings for my first convention. September 2013, I was appointed Venture-Lieutenant for Spokane and Spokane Valley. Later, after the addition of a second Venture-Lieutenant, my coverage was brought to Spokane. During this time we have been involved with SpoCon as well as having created some of our own area events (Summerfest and Extra Life Weekend).

Present Day: After a changing of the guard and the success of Extra Life Weekend 2015, I was appointed Venture-Captain covering Northeastern Washington and Northern Idaho in November and I am looking forward to what can be done to make Pathfinder Society successful outside of the Spokane Valley area (biggest concentration). Planning for the...

Future: The Paizo Organized Play of the Inland Northwest was established (still needs to shorten that name). Second, I have been working with others who are interested in area events to establish a regular event schedule in our area. As of right now, Summerfest and Extra Life Weekend (names will be changing) have made the list of quarterly events being held in the Spokane Area. Expansion into Northern Idaho is on my radar as we are looking to establish lodges in Coeur d'Alene and beyond by providing Pathfinder Society support to any and all events in that area. Continued expansion of the Spokane Area Pathfinder Society offerings is something that is being worked on as not all players are able to make it game days in the Spokane Valley.

Where Can I Play Pathfinder Society? - Schedule is in flux due to the current pandemic.


Uncle's Games - Spokane Valley Mall - 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Games Available
Organizer: Preston Hudson (Interim)


The Gamer's Haven - Spokane Valley - 2:00 to 6:00 PM and 7:00 to 11:00 PM

Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Games Available
Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Games Available
Organizer: Shelly Hudson
Signup for games here. Advance sign up is requested as it will insure that there are enough tables and GMs as well as guarantee a seat at what table you wish to play at during the game day.

If Pathfinder Society is not available in your area, please contact me by E-Mail at and we will help get something established.

IF you have any questions, problems, or concerns about Pathfinder Society in the Northeastern Washington/Northern Idaho area; please contact me by either PM or E-Mail (ideal) at