Laclale♪'s page

1,024 posts. Alias of Laclale.


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Captain collateral damage wrote:
Even just removing OGL content from the options available to PF2e creators is a huge loss.

I remembered PFOA included undead character under undead PC rule, which is in BotD.

Laclale♪ wrote:

Burt from PFOA told me that I need to ask if reworded version of rules are also allowed.

Link to PFOA.

Asking in thread.

Link to novel.

Quote what's not allowed to be in said novel.

Burt from PFOA told me that I need to ask if reworded version of rules are also allowed.

Link to PFOA.

ornathopter wrote:
Also, are there any classes or ancestries which are specifically discouraged?

Given that Achaekek couldn't choose holy in remaster compatible, holy content likely discouraged but idk

Wow, divine interventions.

Is pregen download available when free playtest rule pdf available?

Raelysk wrote:
Will we get any official guidance on what traditions previously released dragons corresponds to? It's kinda obvious for some dragons, and a bit more difficult for other ones.

Obvious: Primal dragons like Cloud

Difficult: OGL related dragons

ornathopter wrote:
It sounds like the Dragonblooded get full flight at Level 9 - faster than any of the other versatile heritages.

Pointing that errata'd Strix and Sprite also gets full flight faster than before (except number of feats)

Sylph might be level 5 or level 13 full flight instead

Monster core wrote about greater herexen from long time span but what if that herexen was ex of dead god?

There's still no explanation of Dirty Trick (Player Core 2 229)

What it does?

Some skill feats confirmed to be in Player core 2

Crafter’s Appraisal (Player Core 2 229, Crafting can be used to identify magical items! Better if identification skill feats can be applied, too.)

Dirty Trick (Player Core 2 229, not in AoN. Maybe rename of OGL skill feat?)

Acrobatic Performer (Player Core
2 226, Acrobatics in place of performance! Better if it can charge swash's panacea things.)

Now detect/sense alignment is only for flavor...

I saw preview from paizo. I reminded there was preview from non-paizo.

But I didn't see non-paizo preview thread dedicated for Player Core 2, so.

Who drew these

Free AMA spot?

What is difference between two

James Jacobs wrote:

We try not to do in-game explanations for standard errata or full edition changes (with the Remaster living between those two extremes, but being far closer to errata than an edition change), because the number of times that a game goes through those changes is so frequent that if we had to explain them in-setting every time, it would make the setting feel ridiculously impermanent and chaotic. Instead, our goal is to make sure that whatever we do to change the rules, that they work to keep the stories we want to tell the same, thematically, going forward.

Otherwise we might as well just start over from scratch and build an entire new campaign setting each time, and that's not feasible.

Except the word "remaster moment" for my pathfinder fanfic

Spoiler mainly for Prey For Death:

Imagine your opera was to hide assassination of Gorum, or non-core gods

Elfteiroh wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

That creature was used in Season of Ghosts...

LOAG errata wrote:
Aasimar and tiefling feats from this book(LOAG) and any other book are available to nephilims, subject to rarity and GM ruling as normal. As with any legacy material, players may need to work with their GM to determine appropriate rulings, such as swapping references to good or evil damage with spirit damage with holy or unholy sanctification.
Player core sanctioning wrote:
The nephilim trait is interchangeable with either the aasimar or tiefling trait and vice versa, but aasimar characters may not treat that trait as interchangeable with the tiefling trait (or vice versa).

This should be applied to AoN too, as post-Aasimar as holy lineage and post-tiefling as unholy lineage

Pathbuilder is not remastering shakleborn right now
LOAG errata
Player core sanctioning

Saw creature-version of ancestry or ancestries, especially Halfling, described as new.

Conjure Ammo (5e Spell)
Check it

Self note

Barbarian and Wizard were in alignment of Tanks

Radiant chrome confirmed?

Remastered poppet data within "The Great Toy Heist"?

Gaulin wrote:
Ezekieru wrote:
Only thing said was that Wrestler was being added to the archetypes in PC2, and some archetypes would not be coming back due to the OGL stuff (Dragon Disciple being confirmed on Discord as one of the said archetypes).
Aww man no dragon disciple?

We had broodsalt in AP; Dragonbroodsalt?

Anyone hyped for it?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Balor issue thematically solved already

James Jacobs wrote:
Yeah. While we can't use a vrock anymore, we CAN use a "wrath demon". So expect us to over time have thematic replacements for things like vrocks and nalfeshnees and nabasus and hezrous and glabrezus. Sorta like how the Monster Core replaces the balor with the vrolikai.

Elfteiroh wrote:
If you're talking about the Half-Demons sidebar, that was in the Bestiary 2, and most of the sidebars in Monster Core are from the first bestiary.

...Oh. Bet there will be demon-themed book again

Monster Core wrote:
Demons are living incarnations of sin—be they classic sins like wrath or gluttony, or more “specialized” depravities like an obsession with torture or the act of treason or treachery.

But why succubus uncommon?

Remaster monster core is missing half-demon related section. Was that removed in flavor of Nephilim or smth?

And. will treachery demons...

OceanshieldwolPF 2.5 wrote:
I feel bad. I read the thread title and thought it was about Inventor getting Remastered. Got very excited, thinking Inventors might be...playable now. Saddened.

Burt pfft-ed due to him being Investigator/Inventor.

PaizoCon 2024 Pathfinder Project Remaster panel wrote:
later that round.

"Round" can end before investigator's next turn comes if there is anyone faster than investigator.

If Empiricist can extend stratagem die until next turn, so stratagem will be useful with "Ready" action more.

Ready wrote:
If the trigger you designated occurs before the start of your next turn, you can use the chosen action as a reaction (provided you still meet the requirements to use it).

Note: "Ready" can be used to stratagem itself.

Thou, is this adventure has some lore about war of Immortals, especially the one around Gorum?

HotW especially allows both Rider and Mount to be PCs.

What's the changes from these lines?

Altered from LOAG wrote:
If a rider PC rides along with mount PC or similar non-minion intelligent creature, roll both their initiatives and use the lower of the two results. The two PCs act in either order on the same initiative count. While traveling in this way, the PCs each gain two actions at the start of their turns, instead of three, since the mount PC spends one action keeping the smaller one balanced on their back, and the rider PC spends one action maintaining their grip.
Player Core wrote:
Your mount acts on your initiative. You must use the Command an Animal action (page 242) to get your mount to spend its actions.
Player Core wrote:
You and your mount fight as a unit. Consequently, you share a multiple attack penalty.
Player Core wrote:
You are in an attacker's reach or range if any square of your mount is within reach or range. Because your mount is larger than you and you share its space, you have lesser cover against attacks targeting you when you're mounted if the mount would be in the way (as determined by the GM).
Player Core wrote:
Because you can't move your body as freely while you're riding a mount, you take a –2 circumstance penalty to Reflex saves while mounted. Additionally, the only move action you can use is the Mount action to dismount.

Ezekieru wrote:

For those who weren't around for the latest Tian Xia livestream, we got a LOT of juicy details for the content in this book. Including all 3 of the remaining new ancestries!

** spoiler omitted **...

So... NO chaokineticist?

Gnomatsu wrote:
Will this playtest rulebook be available through other retailers like stores and amazon etc or is it just through paizo?

Note: Exclude resellers and forwardsellers, please.

While I know there will be Free PDF, but how about offline playtesters?

No pine leshy?

Sliver of the Amalgam Mind... in a style of phone!

Minkai related item?

Legendary Tactics has Frequency. If swapped by Adaptive Stratagem, what will happen to frequency track of used Legendary Tactics?

Computers has skill feat!

Field test wrote:

Leadership Skill (1st) Computers

Leadership Perk (1st) You gain Digital Diversion as a bonus feat.
Acts of Leadership (6th) Create a Diversion using Computers, Recall Knowledge

Skymetal dragon!?

So... how about djezet dragon? Will they manifold their body?

Andostre wrote:
PFW1-K1 wrote:

PathfinderWiki has a one-page index of all Adventure Path articles from volumes 1-144 (all the 1E issues), broken into broad categories like "geography and locations", "deities and religions", "races and ethnicities", etc.

We're working on converting the table-of-contents work on each wiki product article into queryable data. This would let us reuse the work we've already put into the product pages for purposes like this.

Thanks for pointing that out!

I was looking specifically for a PFwiki page like this, but I didn't find it. Is there an obvious way to navigate to that page that I missed?

You meant this 2e indexes?

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Tom wrote:
So will the remastered monsters get a bit of a power bump?
We have not heard the designers discuss "power creep" or bumping up the power of monsters, no.

How about balancing?

belgrath9344 wrote:
no no high tech stuff till after starfinder 2e release

There's before starfinder 2e release :) Tech * Occult staff maybe?

Thurston Hillman wrote:
Give us some time; we have some pretty out-there plans :)

What Phreaker does?

Convention means possible Discord AMA

Phreaker: Computer skill feat.

CRPG-fied Pathfinder card game

Railway related AP (not in Darklands)

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