Gnoll Ravager

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54 posts. Alias of Moskau.


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Horizon Hunters **

I'm not quite sure about starting up in significant org play again, but I really like how some of these plot points sound. Hope to see some high level scenarios to let me keep playing some of my old favorites.

Horizon Hunters

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pixierose wrote:
One thing to Consider... Lasmashtu might not be mentioned because perhaps she *Penned* these false prophecies... I feel like it could be significant that she was left out completely but it doesn't have to be that shes the one that dies.

I always was a little suspicious of that beast from Erastil's prophecy and the references to nightmares. I agree with this stance...

I'll take it one step further. These were all abandoned plans. Lamashtu is the killer. This wouldn't be the first god she killed, and honestly, it'd be nice to have her have some proper villain behavior.

Horizon Hunters

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Troodos wrote:
Tridus wrote:
Still worried about Shelyn, here.
I’d be pretty pissed if they killed off Shelyn. She’s been used as a poster child of PF’s queer rep, and it’d be obnoxiously edgy to kill her off given her role in the pantheon.

I don't like this take, as I feel like it diminishes Shelyn as a character. Yes, it's easy to show her artwork with Sarenrae and Desna to a queer person and say "Poly Lesbians=Pathfinder Good" but if you presented me with the same characters with the same dynamic and told me nothing bad and permanent would ever happen to them under threat of being edgy or "burying the gays" I'd roll my eyes. If there are no stakes, there isn't really much of a conflict. No conflict means there isn't a story. I've played Pathfinder long enough to know is representation everywhere. I've stat at multiple Pathfinder Society tables with brand new players and explained to them about Kyra and Merisiel when they're picking their first characters. If you read adventures, a lot of NPCs are highlighted for their different sexualities, romantic attractions, or gender status, even if it's not relevant to the adventure. I don't think anyone should be off the table just because they're queer rep.

The LGBT experience can be a messy one. Sometimes tragic things happen, and we don't get to keep the happiness we find. For me, Lamashtu represents my queer experience more than anyone in The Prismatic Ray, to the point where I have her holy symbol tattooed on me. While I don't want anything to happen to her, that's the way the story plays out sometimes. It won't diminish my fondness for her (if anything, it might strengthen it), and I won't call out Paizo for having an agenda, good or bad, behind the selection besides trying to tell a compelling story.

It's been confirmed the Prismatic Ray is going to be shaken up. I know many people are calling for more members to be added, but I foresee a character leaving or being replaced. My current main theory is that Zon-Kuthon dies and Shelyn becomes more distant overall in grief or in pursuit of answers.

Horizon Hunters

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I feel like Numeria is an undersold aspect of the Inner Sea region. Expedition to the Barrier Peaks is one of the most iconic heroic fantasy adventures of all time, and instead of one dungeon, we have an entire nation. There's so much you can do: robots, aliens, androids, and it works within the setting rather than just being an isolated one off. Even Casandalee is right there. It's my second favorite area of the Inner Sea, and I'd love to see it more, even if it's just Org Play bounties/scenarios and one off adventures as a litmus test.

Horizon Hunters

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I...I think this might be everything I've ever wanted from a scenario. The only thing I could think to make it better would be a legacy tag.

Horizon Hunters **

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Maybe you're supposed to combat the Organization via a prolonged campaign of consistent Disorganization.

Horizon Hunters **

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David knott 242 wrote:

Is Nixret supposed to be an iconic? If so, what class and ancestry?

I believe Nixret was created just for this story, but she may have made a cameo earlier that I can't recall. She's a kobold from the Sewer Dragon tribe.

If you're unaware, the Sewer Dragons reside under Absalom. You meet them in a few scenarios from PFS1 and again 2-05 from PFS2. They're extremely close with the Pathfinder Society, and it's not uncommon for members to become Pathfinders.

Horizon Hunters **

I have just the Ustalavic Academic Investigator to look into this matter...

Horizon Hunters

I was just thinking about replacing my copy of Revolution! Seems like serendipitous timing.

Horizon Hunters

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ograx wrote:

Does Wizards of the Coast not go to Gencon?

Pretty sure they left around the 2015-16 time frame. Baldman Game's runs their AL content For Gen Con, Past Time Events runs their Magic stuff. Other than their in-house conventions, I think they only show for like the Paxes and Gary Con anymore.

Horizon Hunters

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Say what you want, my edition signed by Tonya and destroyed by the USPS in the 30 mile journey from Redmond to my home is the true special edition.

Horizon Hunters **

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Hmmm. A bit more restrictive than I was expecting. I wasn't expecting any of the undead archetypes and skeleton I was expecting 160+ ACP, but I feel like Hallowed Necromancer really fills in a playstyle gap that the campaign is missing. And I may have wanted to turn my lost pet into a ghost familiar.

Such is un-life.

Horizon Hunters **

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I'm excited for a special that doesn't directly tie into the metaplot, but still touches upon past scenarios. I'm also happy to have one the character that played those scenarios be the most irl convention friendly and not risk of leveling out.

Horizon Hunters

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A little disappointed we're not seeing the Hookclaw Tribe for Pathfinder, but c'est la vie.

Horizon Hunters **

My Time Domain Cleric of Casandalee is here for this.

Horizon Hunters **

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Looks like we're going to have a bumper crop of leshy.

Horizon Hunters

I'm going to be building a gnoll investigator who studied in Ustalav. It's something of a self-insert character, but I can't not with that stat array.

Horizon Hunters

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Anyone want to have a meetup where we play the specials together akin to the lan parties of yore? Maybe even try to get in the same table(s) to simulate the in person experience with a virtual GM?

Horizon Hunters **

The Seattle area lodges tend to congregate on the Emerald Lodge discord server found here: As of right now, it's purely online as I don't believe any store in the area is having in-person play.

Under normal conditions, you'd probably want to hit up Phoenix Comics and Games on Broadway. It's a great comic shop with decent event space. Mox Bellevue is also worth a trip at least once.

Horizon Hunters

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I'm a bit miffed over this as the special was going to be a highlight for me, but c'est la vie. Still going, still going to have a good time.

Horizon Hunters

Please combine. Thank you.

Horizon Hunters

Please cancel the listed orders below. I intend to reorder as one shipment.




Horizon Hunters

I know it's extremely unlikely, but I'd really like a write-up of the Beast of Bloodcove. It's one of my super niche trivia obsessions.

Horizon Hunters **

Going back to the original question, I don't think so. My first lodge formed at the start of season 6. It was in the middle of nowhere with 8 active to semi-active players. Any con with GM support was 2.5+ hours away and often required an overnight trip. A lot of players felt it was unfair to have to pay out of pocket to attend a con, and then also have to GM for race boons, so they didn't. We also had players who refused outright to GM even at a local level. For those players, with their perspective, non-common races are more available than ever before.

Yes, other races opened up as time went on back in 1e, and I believe this will continue until 2e.In the moment, however, as long as you're participating in org play, you're still progressing toward unlocking something, even if you don't have the time to prep, can't play regularly, or otherwise feel uncomfortable GM'ing. You can have a kobold and play 20 games, 10 con or RSP games, or 7 premium support games for your first locked uncommon.

Horizon Hunters **

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Otagian wrote:

Or when Paizo recognizes my petition to make Pnolls canon.

You have the support of the Gnoll Contingent.

Horizon Hunters **

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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Wait. There are other ancestries beyond gnome?

None worth mentioning until Gnoll drops this summer.

Horizon Hunters

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After playing 2e for about a year, an associate on a discord server asked me to GM an AP as a favor. I said sure, but after about 2 weeks, I regretted it. I completed the first chapter, then work got in the way and I was somewhat thankful for it. It was the final nail in the coffin for 1e.

I think 2e has a much better gauge on the power-threat level. Play feels more powerful across levels, but also the threats feel in accordance with that power. I (almost) never feel anything anything is unfair or a cakewalk on either side of the screen.

I occasionally miss my dips and multiple archetypes, but I don't think I'll be going back, and I know 5e isn't for me. Maybe Starfinder org play because I feel like they've had some good stories, I'm still interested in other non-D&D/PF games since they scratch a different itch.

Horizon Hunters

Submitted interest since I'll probably be up to speed as a player. We'll see how it goes. I've already booked my hotel and travel.

Horizon Hunters

Alright, I might need to run my leshy though this one now...

Horizon Hunters **

Blake's Tiger wrote:
Ferious Thune wrote:
Wait, second chance still require you to pay the gold? What are you getting from the boon, then?
Also, yeah, what's the boon do?

You pay for anything above 1000gp, so your character would need to be level 14 before you pay out of pocket.

It's like actual insurance but in reserve.

Horizon Hunters

Since I'm planning my post-covid vaccine con schedule, is there an intention to debut a multi-table special at PaizoCon Europe Online?

Horizon Hunters **

Eric Nielsen wrote:
Those are the bugs/workarounds I'm aware of. If none of those apply, report the issue to include the event code, session number, your paizo id, character number and details of what you were trying to buy, but getting rejected.

Thanks. None of those worked, unfortunately. I suspect it is because it's 2-00 and the multiple tiers. Sending an email now.

Horizon Hunters **

I'm getting an error when I try to apply a boon to a character who played through the required scenario. How should I report this?

Horizon Hunters

We had an interesting discussion over on my local PFS lodge's discord and thought I would bring it up to a wider audience.

A number of spells and effects target a living creature. The basic question is do the rules make an unseen servant be a living creature?

We had an incident where a GM ruled that a haunt did not trigger for a US but did for someone's familiar, and it it ended up killing said familiar; the basis for this was the idea of the haunt triggering on a living creature. While we're generally fine with the ruling in the moment, there has been much discussion on the subject, and we're in 3 camps.

1. Because it is classified as a creature and does not have any trait that says otherwise, it is living.

2. Because it is classified as a creature but otherwise does not have a trait that indicates it is living, that it is not a living creature.

3. The fringe that says it has a creature stat block just because it is a conjuration spell and can be damaged, but otherwise it should probably not be considered a creature and instead just a targetable mobile blob of force energy.

Thoughts and perspectives are welcome.

Horizon Hunters

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Gnoll ancestries?!?!?! SOLD!

Horizon Hunters **

So, my characters tend to be inspired random bits that get rattled together in my head and see what falls out. I'm going to use -2001-2004 as some examples.

My -2001 is inspired by the former aspis agent background. One has to ask themselves, who would pivot from starting as Aspis to being Pathfinder. Someone repentent? Maybe, but why not join something like the Knights of Lastwall. Someone irreverant? I'd argue this as being more likely. So, we pick the ranger, and what can a ranger be irreverant to without actively harming the party or being a jerk to a potential novice gm? Their animal companion. So I tend to tell people not to heal it, offer to sacrifice it for minimal advantage, boot it during introductions, etc. I half joke about picking up trick magic device just for a wand of final sacrifice, and explode the damn thing just to save on travel expenses every couple of scenarios.

My -2002 is loosely inspired by the idea of we're living in a simulation. He argues that since Casandalee's ascension, the likelihood of all these major upheavals across the inner sea happening in such rapid succession is almost zero, and as such, it must be a simulation. He frees people from this simulation with negative energy to offset the energy in the simulation.

My -2003 is inspired by my one of my favorite songs from a musical and a very solid pun.

My -2004, should a certain something should be sanctioned, will be about as close to a literal cartoon character you can get.

Horizon Hunters **

Nice decisions all around. It should also help newer players join pre-existing lodges and not be able to play any of the backlog.

Horizon Hunters

Still pending. Luckily I live close enough that if it ships tomorrow, I'll probably still get it in time for Gen Con. Hells, I'd road trip up to the warehouse if it helped expedite things.

Horizon Hunters

Will these adventures be sanctioned for PFS/SFS play? I'd kind of like to organize something via the local lodge's discord if they are.

Horizon Hunters

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I am screaming inside my heart.

Horizon Hunters **

Not to necro, but can I get an interpretation of the hazard in Encounter B's crit fail result. It says the PC loses 1d4 actions worth of air, but suffocation seems to be a round by round action, and the actions you take on your turn determine how many rounds you lose

Would I shave it off the end (lose 3 actions=lose 1 round, but nothing before that) or would I deny them actions on their next turn?

Horizon Hunters **

Definite middle of action.

Mid-combat? No, none that I can think of.

No story, middle of dungeon. If you're playing 2e, check out 1-17.

Horizon Hunters **

One of my GM characters is now destined to be a kobold.

Horizon Hunters **

Lau Bannenberg wrote:

I trawled through the PFS2 Guide and I couldn't find a similar statement. But I think it would be good to add it, since GMs do get Downtime and boons like Curse Breaker and Crafter's Workshop are mandatory to slot until you finish the crafting process.

The only thing relevant I could find it the example text for applying multiple chronicle sheets. Emphasis mine.

Pathfinder Society Guide to Play (second edition) wrote:
Example: Aubrey is a GM. Over the course of a convention, she runs four scenarios, and she assigns all four of them to the same character, Kyralos. Before any of these Chronicle sheets, Kyralos had just reached level 3. Aubrey applies Chronicle sheets to Kyralos one at a time. She wants to spend all of her Downtime to Earn Income, using her Scribing Lore. For the first three Chronicle sheets, Kyralos is level 3, and her bonus on Scribing Lore is +5. She doesn’t have any special boons or rewards that help her find better tasks, but she can always find tasks of up to her level -2, as described in the Downtime section of this guide. So Kyra finds three level 1 tasks and rolls three Scribing Lore checks against DC 15, the standard DC for a level 1 task on page 503 of the Core Rulebook. For her next Chronicle sheet, Kyralos is level 4. Aubrey levels up Kyralos to 4, which increases Kyralos’s bonus on Scribing Lore to +6, and allows her to always find level 2 tasks. Now Aubrey rolls one check at +6 against a DC of 16. While her chances of success are the same in this particular example, this level 2 task lets Kyra earn more money.

I assume the intent is there, but it's such a piece of minutiae

Horizon Hunters **

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So, here's a bit of an oddball question I haven't been able to find a direct answer on, or any discussion really. Are GM's able to slot boons for their GM credit characters?

Obviously, it wouldn't affect play, but it may affect downtime as a GM. A lot of boons can offer different downtime activities, such as off-hours study or practiced medicine. I think getting some clarification on this topic would really help.

Horizon Hunters **

Thod wrote:

I ran it now a second time. The group was very happy until - well - they failed on the last part after managing everything else. Only got 2 out of 5. So overall - zero fame. One player felt pretty personal about it and at least one other regular of mine chalked it up as 'experience' but you heard between the lines a certain disappointment.

Group 2 player here. We definitely had a below par composition for this adventure. None of us were social characters, only one intelligent character, and none of us had the lores.

The biggest impact for me, and likely the rest of the players, was the fact that there's such a disconnect between the first 80% of the adventure where you earn your treasure and the last 20% where you earn your fame and prestige. We did extremely well during the combat encounters and diplomacy checks but hit a bad patch of randomization during the critical part making a lot of it feel pointless. I think it would have gone over between if the first set fame and prestige was either 3/5 -or- both diplomats and second was 5/5 or 3/5 and both diplomats.

When I do get around to running this, I might add a bit of dialogue letting the pc's know just how important the meeting is compared to anything that might happen before it to prevent any feelsbad.

Horizon Hunters **

Instead of changing tier cutoffs, has it been consider giving every player in the lower tier a level bump if it's within a certain range?

Player's numbers would be higher, but they wouldn't be as effective if they were truly in tier due to not having the same number of class feats, spells, etc.

Horizon Hunters **

Point of clarification: Since the AP's are strictly campaign mode this edition, do we have to play the entirety of the campaign to earn any of the sheets, or can you play piecemeal?

Horizon Hunters

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Love the pride apparel. I might need to pick up a few pieces.

Horizon Hunters

Received and consumed on Saturday. I owe you.