I began a 12-week leave of absence at the beginning of February, during which life at Paizo, the games industry, and pretty much everywhere else changed due to the advent of COVID-19 and the resulting lockdowns. When I returned from leave at the end of April, I, like everyone else, was working from home and the to-do list I had left for myself in January suddenly needed to be rewritten.
Art by Nikolai Ostertag
One of the first new priorities on the post-COVID list was to help support the thousands of players who were now restricted to playing Pathfinder and Starfinder exclusively on virtual tabletop programs like Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, D20Pro, Astral, and others. While our partners running these programs have done a great job of getting as much Pathfinder and Starfinder content as they could up on their respective marketplaces, I was tasked with figuring out how we at Paizo could provide more to our customers directly.
Today, I’m happy to announce that we’re taking the first step in doing so, by updating the file format of our digital map products. Beginning with the September new releases, all digital versions of new Pathfinder Flip-Mats, Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics, Pathfinder Flip-Tiles, Starfinder Flip-Mats, and Starfinder Flip-Tiles products will contain the PDFs our customers are used to as well as VTT-friendly JPGs ready for upload and use on the virtual tabletop platform of your choice.
With over 200 existing Pathfinder and Starfinder map dating back nearly two decades, it is going to take us some time to add these JPG assets to our back catalogue, but we’re going to start that process this week as well. We plan to update a handful of Flip-Mat, Flip-Tiles, and Map Pack products each week with VTT-ready JPGs, working backwards from the August 2020 releases. Customers who own digital map products will receive an email alerting them to the changes to their downloadable assets when they are updated.
We’re still working with our partners to make these maps (as well as many other Pathfinder and Starfinder products) available for purchase natively in each platform’s content store, but in the meantime, enjoy your Pathfinder and Starfinder map products in whatever campaign you’re running on the VTT platform you like best.
Let us know how else we can support you and your fellow players in this new digital gaming landscape, and we’ll see how long my to-do list becomes
Mark Moreland
Director of Brand Strategy
Changes to Digital Map Assets
Tuesday, September 1, 2020